See you in 2025

See you in 2025

by WilhelmSchmitt


  1. Fatal_Blow_Me

    Won’t be leaving much weight on your back foot now

    Also that sucks man hope it heals

  2. MrBuffaluffagus

    Hope you heal and get back at it quickly. Don’t do too much too soon and set yourself back.

  3. Just_somebody_onhere

    Wish you a speedy and full recovery 🍻

  4. FranticGolf

    Time to get a practice putting mat and work on your putting until then.

  5. Stang1776

    You aren’t bowling. Go out and swing the sticks!

  6. jordaniswhite

    Duuuuude I have ACL surgery in 2 weeks. I feel that.

  7. dmmegoosepics

    I played with a boot, tho I’m right handed and it was a left boot. Gotta pick your battles

  8. Evening_Border3076

    Seen a man play with one leg. No excuses

  9. Bogeys4life

    Bummer. Get out there and putt when you can. Read a few golf books.

  10. DrShortGame

    I see an opportunity to become solid in your short game

  11. mikeisaphreek

    You can still golf with that. Won’t be good, but you can still golf if you wanted to. I was in a boot like that and I did. As well as mowed the grass, drove, etc…

  12. __kebert__xela__

    Sweet foot wedge. Will easily take 10 strokes off and will always improve your lie

  13. CicadaHead3317

    I’ve played with a cast on my foot from a shattered heel and with a cast on my arm from a broken wrist.
    No excuses.

  14. tattierjag80

    I played a couple rounds with a boot. In October of last year. It sucked, don’t do it lol.

  15. AngryTurtleGaming

    Oh, I didn’t know we had quitters in the sub smh

    /s get well soon!

  16. Horn_Flyer

    Right there with you. Just had shoulder surgery last Thursday. Rotator cuff tear (100%), torn bicep tendon that was cut and reattached to humerus, torn labrum and removal of a lot of other inflamed tissue. Can’t pick up a stick until probably February. 😢 gives me enough time to buy a new set of Qi’s though 😁

  17. theBigDog131313

    Dig that heel on the boot in and send!!
    You’ll be fine 😊

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