Golf Players

The Downswing Mistake 90% of Golfers Make – Here’s How to Fix It

This downswing mistake is one of the most common that I see as a coach, and very often the fix is easier than many think.

In this video you will see me helping Dom with his swing and correcting the downswing mistake that around 90% of golfers make. Dom was very steep or over the top during his downswing which resulted in him being inconsistent with his shots and ball striking.

However, once I had showed him this key downswing move he completely changed his ball flight as you will see.

#golftips #golfshot #golflesson



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Hack Motion




✏️Feel free to comment in the box below about this video or any other video you would like Chris to do.


00:00 Introduction
00:31 Dom’s Golf Swing
01:24 The Perfect Set Up
02:31 Key Downswing Move
04:30 Arms In The Downswing


  1. These vids are great – we get to see how lessons actually work and we see the results. The trackman is a huge bonus – tx CR – #1 teacher on Ytube, IMO.

  2. Liking the new format with students, and you seem to be having much more fun now seeing them succeed. Great stuff.

  3. Videos with real amateur golfers are something us the amateurs can relate to more than watching pro swings. More of this type of content please

  4. I like a good mix of real-life lessons mixed in with the traditional lesson videos as well. I've worked on the forward hip motion this summer and seem to struggle when increasing the speed. You say to have the feel of the hips move down and forward but what the feel for starting this motion? Do you use the instep of the right foot to start, do you use your core, or are you trying to think about lightening the lead foot and creating the forward motion that way? I feel good on my backswing, it's starting it down where I have too many things in my head.

  5. I have posted before on Chris, for beginner golfers, there is simply none better to get started, there are three guys at work just taking up golf and I have sent them the link for ChrisRyanGolf, to source a 'series' like this. I have golfed 60 years, best handicap was 2, now over 70 and playing off 6, and the refresher teaching I take from Chris is so beneficial as we all slip into lazy habits. One huge advantage in todays phone world, you can video your swing and go home and analyse and compare to this teaching

  6. Teaching by touching/moving the body to assist with “feeling the correct position and move” is so effective!

  7. Coming from the inside, how do you stop the clubface from remaining open? I find the shots start high and drift right.

  8. I think this is one of your really great videos. Loved the pace of this lesson, using a student instead of a pro. I can actually follow this.

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