Golf Players

The Trick To Leading With Your Hips In The Golf Swing

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  1. I have one for you. At driving range with grandson, using my new TM SIM Max 2, hitting so-so drives…he hands his TM R7 driver that is pretty old and I start striping drives down the middle like 220, 230 ….crazy, I think the new tech is B.S.!!!!

  2. I understand that there are all kinds of golfers with every problem possible.
    What if the problem is the opposite: the sequence is out of whack with the hopes in front of the arms?
    Arms stuck behind.

  3. This is so awesome Guys! I´ve just started to get rid of too much tension in my swing. And voilá – less early release and much better strikes! Thank you for your help!

  4. I'm 51 yrs old and I carry 60lbs more than when I was in high school, I can hit 250 still, I recently started back after 25yrs , I had almost forgot everything I learned as a youth golfer. These tips have helped tremendously, I'm still not getting pure hits, I think I can still reach 300yrs. Tempo, timing,feel, and no tension have been the keys in my relearning.

  5. Yesterday i watched a video of Paddy Harrington who said the total opposite. Hammer down the arms and the body will follow.

  6. I see a ton of content on the sequence of the downswing and emphasizing,as you did, the lower body moving earlier than the upper body. My question is, on the takeaway do you also want the right leg/pelvis to go earlier than the arms to trigger the takeaway? Seems to make sense in order to properly sequence the backswing but I’d love to hear your take on that. Great video. Thank you.

  7. This video was a game changer for me! Thank you so much! I was able to GROOVE my full swing in the living room using a putter and the line on the putter would effortlessly go directly through my line established at address! ….Almost like a perfect putting stroke…

    I was thinking that step 3 should almost become step 2 (swap them) because the stretch that he describes in step 3 transition will help increase speed when you go after the ball close to impact as described in step 2.

    Thanks Again!!

  8. I love that lax swing. It's just a great feeling to tell me ,to stop being a bull. Tension destroys my game.

  9. I watched this a day ago and went to the range to try this. I didn’t realize how tense I was. I started to relax and all I say is WOW! This also helped my son that is just getting into golf! Another awesome video!

  10. Its really timing issue. The slingshot or the coil is what creates that natural speed and lag. You gotta stop the lower body moving and then arms at the point where your own mobility lets you and transition into downswing. It feels effortless when done correctly.

  11. The body is electrical. Thought leading to action occurs instantaneously. We can summon the strength we need instantaneously. At the top of the backswing we need to feel for the hips completing the backswing and beginning the downswing. Ben Hogan said that the hips were passive at the beginning of the backswing. I think what he meant was that the hips were the last movement in the backswing.

  12. Ok. Each of you have great videos on your respective channels. I learn a lot from both of you. But together you guys are awesome! Props to both of you for sharing this space in tandem. This one is going with me to the range tomorrow. Thank you both.

  13. We all think about greater control in the golf swing. But the excitement of the game quickly gets us away from being more conservative in the swing. But thinking about an action that reflects upon our sense of self respect can keep us controlled in the swing. At 9:26 the remarks about how we move our hands to our face was a very memorable thought. I think it can be part of the cornerstone of a consistent controlled swing.

  14. I really like Trevor's approach to swing changes, he stresses the most important keys with a simple drill and explanation. Thanks for a great job. At 79 I need Simple!

  15. Thank you for this excellent video. I’m going to practice this and will report back on how it goes. This is very helpful. 😊

  16. This video is awesome! I'm amazed at how much tension I'm creating in my own swing! THANK YOU!!!

  17. One of Tiger Woods coach used to have him start ahead of the ball by a foot or so, rather than start the swing from a static position

  18. This is the same way that it works in something like Tae Kwon Do. You polish your technique in slower speeds until your form is polished and sound, and then once you've built up that muscle memory only then do you add speed.

  19. Hey Eric, great video!! Something is resonating with me about what you all said so this is great! Is this the same for Hybrids and Fairway Woods?? Driver?? am I using the same feels??

  20. I feel like I improve iron play at the detriment of driving and vice versa. I watch videos like this, see them using an iron and think it’s only applicable to iron play. Is this something that would also apply to a drive? Is the actual swing the same is it just the moving of weight that differs?

  21. Cracking advice. I've known for a loong time that tension is the enemy of ALL sporting movements: from my golf to my motorcycle road racing. But as a bloke moving towards sixty my hips are a little dicky & I've become way too armsy in my swing. I really like tips two & in particular three, Thanks guys, something to work on.

  22. Yep…judging from the comments below I am in good company. Took a number of these ideas to the range today and hit into a very stiff wind…relaxing. Freaking great lesson. This idea of delay of the arms is crucial. By totally relaxing it is possible. Add my name to this great string of comments in saying that this was a very valuable source of information. Reading "The Inner Game of Golf" by Timothy Gallwey. I have to admit that I was really sceptical at first but I will say it is worth the read and I am only a third of the way through it. It goes hand and hand with the ideas in this video. Also "Mike Maggs" golf online has some super videos along the line of "Golf for Idiots" that I have found to be very enlightening. Handicap dropped from 6.7 to 3.3 virtually overnight. Headed lower! Look out below! Thanks Eric.

  23. This video has helped me so much. I’m still dialing it in, but this has unlocked something so important for me. Fantastic video

  24. I thought I couldn't turn hips through coz if a hip replacement. However I recently learned to turn it all early and now don't pull my driver anymore

  25. Brilliant video my coach says stay loosey goosey! Soft arms and hands works wonders. I struggle with getting stuck on my trail side and the club crashing behind the ball so demoralising when you’ve smashed a drive. @eric Any videos on how to move better and earlier?

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