Pete Cowen: Hip Rotation & How To Swing The Golf Club

►Pete Cowen’s methodology for swinging the golf club is unparalleled because he use the body spiral hip rotation and forces to control the golf club

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Happy golfing ⛳⛳


  1. Andy I listen to what you said and I pulled over in the middle of the median and got my stick out and started working my hip movement I also had a few ladies beat the horn at me I might add

  2. Those that can, do.. Those that can't, teach?
    I've never been 100% convinced by that saying
    I find golf is a bit like dancing Andy
    You can teach all the steps but the final execution is down to personal natural ability
    I do this move naturally but I've seen people trying to do it and they look wooden and robotic
    Usually because they don't have the natural flexibility and athletisism
    Time for a video or two from yourself on fitness and stretching

  3. Good stuff, Andy. Gosh, the movement reminded me of trying to start my dad's balky lawnmower years ago, lol.

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