Golf Courses

Not Traditional Arizona Golf – Riggs Vs Raven Golf Club, 14th Hole

Not Traditional Arizona Golf – Riggs Vs Raven Golf Club, 14th Hole

Before hitting a single ball, Riggs knew he was in for a treat at Raven Golf Club simply based on their elite logo.

Raven not only has a great logo but is also a unique track. It’s not your standard Phoenix, AZ course. Watch as takes on the 14th hole.

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  1. This has become almost unwatchable with the amount of BS this guy spews, literally just watched him hit driver 235 in the four play video, now saying he hit it 265 and now he's saying he's a 3 handicap?!?! Step up and release a full 18 hole video Riggs because right now everybody thinks you're a liar.

  2. These videos are honestly not worth watching. Its just a form of product placements/ads. At least bring another one of the 4 on. do 3-6 hole matches. something worth clicking on.

  3. For years Riggs said he was a 5 Handicap, pure BS, he has improved a lot. Any avid golfer knows what a 3 Handicap look like, no way Rigsey !

  4. Cut the crap riggs, literally any actual 3 handicap would dust you playing it down and no gimmes from the tips. You don't post bad scores and pad your good ones. Your early extension/flip swing isn't fooling anyone. Gankas tried to help you and you threw it back in his face because your ego can't handle the struggle of making swing changes

  5. Cool to see this course I played the Legacy next door and was surprised how different the Raven looked being so close

  6. Is there anyway to block these bullshit 6 minute commercials of riggs lying about his handicap and just see the good content with frankie and trent?

  7. Funny people say this dude is a 10….if Riggs showed up to a tournament those saying that were in and played off a 10 they would be bitching he is sandbagging. Look I'm not saying he's a 3, but give me a break with the 10.

  8. I don’t get why people watch any of theses guys. Riggs saying he’s a three handicap is such a joke! You literally record yourself playing golf and you say you’re a three, everyone knows you’re not. This is why nobody is watching these guys anymore because of shit like this. Go over and watch the Spittinchiclet guys play instead of these absolute clowns! 🤡🤡

  9. I’d actually love to see Riggs play with a 3 handicap against Ryan Whitney, Whitney would absolutely shitpump him.

  10. Can’t dislike these 1 hole videos from Riggs fast enough. Here’s the deal. If you guys are working a full time job outside of YouTube I get it. But, if you guys in foreplay are doing YouTube full time, then these need to stop. Play 18 holes as a group and against other people and youtubers. Everything else, podcasts, 1 hole video advertising etc… needs to stop

  11. On next weeks episode of Unsolved Mysteries: how barstool riggs wound up with a supposed 3.1 handicap index…

  12. I enjoy the vids but def watch how you rotate your feet and close your stance before every shot. Always aligned right

  13. Hits ball from black tees straight into the air 200 yards on a 433 yard par 4, suddenly second shot is 100 yards away… No wonder his handicap is 3 and he's shooting a 71

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