Golf Players

Senior Golfer’s Quest To Regain Distance | No Secrets

I am sharing with you the process that I am going through to regain the distance I have lost as a senior golfer. I will share my golf drills, practice techniques, and golf exercises. This will be a video series so come along on my journey.


#golf #seniorgolf #golfdistance #golfdrills #golfswing #golfswingtips


  1. Hi Coach Bris. I am really looking forward to your senior golfers quest series. I suffer from the same challenge of slowing swing speeds due to age. Creeps up on a guy huh! I am off to Home Depot this week to pick up some PVC pipe and a decent corn broom and will be following your quest with real interest. Cheers.

  2. 75 in a couple of months and would be happy if I could gain 10 yards on my driver on my good drives ,right now I am just shy of 200 . I finally today started hitting my 5 wood a lot better today . I will be watching for the videos.

  3. Always wondered why PGA players seem to get so much distance without exerting themselves like the amateur golfer? Their swings almost look like slow-motion or casual (like Fred Couples) but yet have significant carry.

  4. Coach, I am suffering many of the same problems so I'm going to follow along to build speed, balance, and flexibility. I'm pretty sure we are all capable of significant improvements.

  5. I'm new to golfing for the most part. I was blessed to be given a most of a set from my father. I can't afford a lot of balls on the range I was wondering if I should be practicing with all my clubs or just a small few? I've been using a 6 or 7 iron for most of my time. I only started using the 5 wood yesterday but it feels completely different to using the clubs with big heads and I can't figure it out any tips for that as well?

  6. I look forward to watching these videos as I am 67. My son Will just took a lesson from you and I (Leonard Cutchen) remember you being at Chace Lake many years ago.

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