Golf Babe

The Trump rally gunman’s final hours

New information and video analysis give a detailed timeline of the gunman’s movements, and how counter-snipers and police responded in the moments leading up to the attempted assassination of former President Trump. CNN’s Kyung Lah reports. #CNN #News


  1. "He meets with his FBI handlers, who tell him which gate to go to and that he will be given the rifle once he is through security. He presents himself to the officers at the gate, and is waved through by FBI agents who take him into a tent, give him the rifle, and direct him to where a ladder will give him roof access. Concealing the rifle under his clothing and screened by FBI agents, he is escorted to the ladder and makes his way onto the roof and selects a firing position. Secret Service snipers locate him, and prepare to take their shots, while waiting for him to begin shooting. He begins ti fire, and the Secret Service snipers wait for him to fire multiple times before killing him."

  2. If the democrats didn't conspire to assassinate trump then who wanted to kill him? The shooter was a registered republican. Why would a republican want to kill the leader of their own party? Did trump plan a failed assassination attempt so he could blame the democrats for the attempt but instead the assassin was killed before he could retreat and get away?

  3. In contrast, the FBI proactively neutralized assassination attempt on a terrorist (who openly threats Indian govt that he will bomb our planes) and he sees another day while the conspirator gets arrested without shots fired. And, look at this $*** an armed dangerous person sitting like a duck on a roof, enjoyed his time while taking potshots and aiming, not to forget he had stash of ammunitions and bombs stowed in his car. Nobody does nothing until shots were fired.
    *Moral of the story you got to be an asset of American intelligence or take their instructions to see another day*.

  4. Old NOOZE… already hardly of interest. Haven't You Guys heard at CNN, that it was a trumper?
    The boy probably AIMED at his ear….
    Though Trump Trump was a little reminiscent of Princess Leia…with that oversized piece of gauze….

  5. Considering SECURITY resources for CAMPAIGN events– Isn’t it true that it is a CHALLENGE & financial BURDEN (on especially taxpayers small cities with short notice), all these huge rallies and areas that have to be protected, screenings, shut downs of streets, hiring additional staff, etc. and when TAXPAYERS have to pay these costs and don’t have the funds – there are some reporting that Trump’s CAMPAIGN has not paid these $$$$$ as farback as 2016 for debts owed? is it true that these cities are now having to file lawsuit on behalf of the taxpayers that foot foot these bills, but don’t get paid?

  6. If fhe SS knew this roof was a potential threat but decided not to put a person on there..WHY didnt they put something up to block the direcr view to the podium?

  7. They noticed him 20 minutes before he first took a shot, he even walked up there casually and everyone saw him, and all they did was just sit there and do nothing. Smart fellas. Probably would have fired 30 minutes earlier if he were black lol

  8. So have they finally discovered that it was Alex Jones's prompting about assassinating the president that drove this Republican shooter to attempt to take out a Confederate dictator?

  9. With all this known already what is the FBI and Secret Service doing???? Covering up for this administration

  10. So the sniper didnt shoot until after crooks did, by all accounts he was very oro trump. A very intelligent and talented young man, so why?

  11. It’s your fault cnn, cbs , nbc all you liberal news shows and channels including the democrat party ,that this man tried to murder a presidential candidate. You have spit
    ,and spued your hateful fear mongering to your audience with hateful hitler comparisons and comments for years. You pushed your hate filled rhetoric at people till this shooter believed this was what he needed to do. Stick your voter card where the sun doesn’t shine. He repeated your hate mongering then acted on it. 1 person murdered ,your fault, 3 people injured ,Your fault.

  12. if a person is acting suspicious detain him/her and question them right away common since right ?. but heres the thing – SADLY – this day in age if you do detain a person for being suspicious and they really weren’t up to no good your a racist or profiling and could probably get a lawyer and sue due to embarrassment or some shit..

  13. 00:33 – Notice that he is not swinging his left arm. I surmise that he has his rifle under his shirt with the butt up under his left armpit and the barrel down into his pants on the outside of his hip. [I tested this theory with my AR-15 with optic mounted and it's pretty easy to do that.] I would also guess he is on his way to stash the rifle where he can grab it when he is about to climb up on the roof.

  14. Now People are Claiming The Student Who Called The Shooter a "Loner" Was Also IN ON The Conspiracy to Shoot Trump….Him Calling The Shooter a "Loner" Was to Try and Make People Believe Shooter Acted Alone…This is The New "Theory"…You People Really Believe This Crap??…Unreal

  15. El sniper que lo terminó abatiendo lo tuvo en la mira todo el tiempo pero dejó que le disparara a TRUMP. Fue un complot , Trump no está seguro con esa gente que lo cuida.

  16. If he had no access to guns, this would never have happened. Trump has experienced the reality many families do because of his gun legislation. So, don't complain Trump and republicans. Ya''ll create this mess you live in.

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