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Robert MacIntyre sinks birdie on 18 to win Genesis Scottish Open | CBS Sports

Kyle Porter joins CBS Sports HQ to recap the final round of the 2024 Genesis Scottish Open.


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this just into CBS Sports HQ Robert McIntyre Bobby Mack on 18 for birdie to win his National open inside 20 ft and he gets it to go jimn said great Scott to finish it off and definitely that Robert McIntyre what a finish to the Scottish open for him remember last year he got pipped at the End by Rory mroy this year he was the one doing the PIP and Adam Scott was at the top but Bobby Mack had an eagle late in the round and then gets the birdie here to seal the victory he finishes 18 under par one shot better than Adam Scott cards a three under 67 and you see the emotion he said he wanted to come back and win this one this year given what happened last year and he completes the job gets it done Redemption for Robert McIntyre he is the 202 for Scottish open Champion love to see those emotions and let’s get reaction from golf analyst and first cut podcast host Kyle Porter uh Kyle what do you think about this certainly what a finish for Robert McIntyre we weren’t sure that he was going to be able to do it when we were looking Midway through the round but manages to come on late and get the job done yeah I’m I’m kind of of two minds here you know you’re right Jeremy it didn’t look like halfway through his round that that he was going to seal the deal it looked like Adam Scott it looked like ludvig it looked like col moral looked like a lot of guys before uh Bob McIntyre but then he gets going with a birdie long Birdie on 14 and then I I think where it got uh kind of interesting or it did get interesting he tied the lead uh with an eagle on 16 and the reason I say I’m of two minds here Jeremy of it’s amazing that Bob McIntyre won his home open but he got a free drop on 16 that uh you’ll see it right here he his ball was not in that place where he hit it from uh prior to getting a free drop from a sprinkler head he was standing on a sprinkler head ddy pepper actually said that the only reason he knew he was on a sprinkler head is because he had metal spikes on and he kind of heard uh the crunch of the spikes which is kind of a hilarious thing but um he obviously Bob McIntyre did everything by the rules by the book everything else but it just felt like it was not a a drive a hole a shot that um that necess necessitated Eagle like it it was not that kind of hole for him and he got an eagle out of it so you can look at that one of two ways he took advantage of a big break or uh man that’s just a kind of a weird way to end the last three holes of a golf tournament like this one I’ve been saying all afternoon that he’s the Florida Panthers of the golf world right now because last year he gets there and then gets pipped at the end this year this was the one he had circled wants to get back here gets into the final group and manages to get the job done a little bit of bit of redemption and have to give credit to your podcast one of your podcast Partners here Patrick McDonald he picked Scott to win in on the first cut podcast on Saturday when him and Rick were recapping the third round but Kyle given where he was in terms of his game in terms of the the mental aspect of his game before the Canadian open to now how big of a turnaround has this been for Bobby Mack oh it’s been massive and and and you look at even the last year um making the writer Cup team um even going back to this tournament like you said he probably honestly like if you just look at these two events in a vacuum 2023 Scottish open 2024 Scottish open he probably should have won the 2023 until Rory got him at the end he probably shouldn’t have won the 2024 uh and that’s just golf right but his turnaround like you said of going from yeah just really mediocre to to below average golf um leading into the Canadian open to now he’s kind of had the year of his career by winning the Canadian open by winning the Scottish open uh that’s just a massive couple months stretch there uh going back to that Canadian open I thought that one was very cool with his dad on the bag and uh this one like you said it’s the one he told uh or he said in his in his press conference on Saturday hey this is the one I want the most like I I’ve not been shy about that and then to go out and do it like he did on Sunday is you know the drop the eagle all that stuff aside is is still an amazing thing and I’m not sure about the history here but I mean winning two national opens uh in one season certainly that’s a good accomplishment and as they mentioned on the broadcast you join s Andy Lyall who in 1988 uh was the only Scott to win two PGA Tour events in a single season he now joins him uh there uh speaking of Scots let’s talk about Adam Scott and Kyle he had a great round he had a great tournament uh what are your thoughts on on Scott and the the disappointment for him here cards a 3 under 67 uh but certainly you know it’s been forever since he won but he really had himself in contention here and came very very close yeah it’s it’s been over four years I went back and looked it’s it was the 2020 uh Genesis Invitational not the Genesis Scottish open different Genesis event there but I thought it was I thought it was an awesome week for Adam Scott I mean look he’s 40 I think he’s 43 44 years old uh and he’s and he’s going out against the the lud Vega oberg’s of the world right who’s who’s 24 25 and and he’s still contending Adam Scott uh has had to me one of the one of the more underrated careers of the last 20 25 30 years you know you look at him you look at somebody like a Sergio Garcia who won uh the live golf event today those guys have only won one major championship a piece but the the the careers that that they’ve put together over such a long period of time is it’s kind of remarkable we talk about this with Phil Nicholson a lot to to win and to be competitive really on the PGA tour across a 30-year span is is ridiculous and Adam Scott he’s not quite the 30 years but he’s getting pretty close and and he’s done uh he’s done that over such a long period of time which I think is is a really impressive Mark of a great golfer I think this was his 43d event or something of his career so a guy who certainly had some longevity uh you mentioned ly oberg he was of course golfing in that final group with uh Bobby Mack and we thought that this was what was going to be the battle uh coming down the the final 18 holes of this tournament as it turns out obber did manage to fall back Kyle in your opinion what happened to him here in this final round well you know it was interesting he he hit a chunky chip on 16 that uh that you and I have hit a few times probably Jeremy um he he he he looked a little rattled and there was some talk of you know maybe that’s because Bob McIntyre was taking a long time there I I I look at it like this um he didn’t play well in the final uh I would say round and a half of the US open at Pinehurst did not play well today I mean look at the part fives here you look at uh the the the third hole the 10th hole and the 16th hole the first three days he plays those holes in in nine under and today he played them in two over so that’s a that’s a huge difference uh for somebody who really uh often takes advantage of the par fivs I I think we have to start looking at kind of late in the tournament final round ludig it’s not you know it’s not a huge deal because he’s still 25 years old here’s that chunky chip that rolls back to his feet that’s that’s tough to watch but also uh very relatable uh as a as a as a weekend warrior but I think we do have to start looking at hey what what’s what’s going what’s going through his head what’s he feeling like in the final round in the final two rounds of these big events that he’s either leading or up near the top and this is a very normal thing right it’s abnormal to be call morawa and come out and close out tournament after tournament when you first get on tour this is more of the path that most most stars take is man got to learn how to close got to learn how to to to to play when I feel uncomfortable when I feel different late in these tournaments so the talent is there the pedigree is there uh I think the mental and emotional state is there he’s just got to figure out what he feels like and improve on that going forward yeah you wonder if we’re getting to that point where he needs to win one just for himself to get over that hump to get that win and then all of a sudden it’ll start going you just wonder if it’s we’re getting to that point where he just needs to get something going in terms of a win uh let’s talk about Rory mroy here too two under 68 for him finishes 14 under T4 what is Rory focusing on this week as he now turns the page to head to Royal trun yeah I think what he’s focusing on is um just getting back into contention you know he’s going to spend the first two or three days at trun just trying to get into that top five for the final round and you know I thought this was a really this was in I wrote this for CBS right before we came on this was a really good connector round for Rory between the US Open which was not great in the final round and the Open Championship next week he needed this week to not not exert himself too much by getting in contention but play good good enough golf to have confidence going in into the Open Championship he’s been awesome at open championships over the last five years it’s really Rory cam young young and Tommy Fleetwood that have been kind of your three or four best golfers uh or three of the four best golfers at open championships over the last five years and so I’m I feel pretty confident that he’s going to play uh really well next week but man Jeremy I don’t know that there’s a bigger storyline than if Rory gets into contention what’s that going to do to his psyche what what’s that going to do to his emotions I think that’s going to be uh the most fascinating of all story lines that we have going in into Royal TR and a story line that we were following this week keeping a very close eye on him in terms of how he reacted to certain missteps throughout the round um before let’s you go Kyle just want to ask you about Colin morawa he also finished his T4 14 under par overall one under 69 today flirted with the lead early three birdies in his first six holes but then struggled on his second nine how disappointing is this for Colin given how his round started today well I I think it’s that but I think it’s also the year he’s had to not get a win out of it yet is so disappointing right he he’s been kind of a 2.0 Strokes gain guy throughout the year which is uh we talk about this a lot on the first cut podcast that’s kind of a top five level player in the world if you’re gaining Two Strokes on the field you’re a top five player in the world and that’s and and and technically it’s been statistically the best year of Mara’s career and yet he doesn’t have a win so I think that has to has to I don’t know if it weighs on him but it has to be frustrating at some point that you’re like man I’m playing as good as I’ve ever played and the wins aren’t coming the wins aren’t coming um I think you have to continue to trust that they will at some point and who knows it could be a second clar jug next week at at Royal TR for Colin Mar how yeah and it just shows you how deep the field is in terms of the golfers participating in these events this year our golf analyist Kyle Porter reacting to Robert McIntyre winning the 2024 Genesis Scottish open as he gets Redemption and wins it this year we’re not done breaking down the big win for Bobby Mack when we come back we’ll head out to North Barrack and join Trevor emman for his thoughts on what we saw Sunday he [Music]


  1. I hate that they (mis)characterize this as “redemption”. There was no error or fault on Bob’s part last year – he played great, hit an incredible shot on 18 and Rory just hit an even better one. So happy for Bob – this probably means more than winning a major would for him.

  2. He's from Oban (Population 8000) the biggest town in Argyll, where I'm from… and THIS IS MASSIVE!!

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