Golf Players

🔴 The Open BUILD UP LIVE | The 152nd Open at Royal Troon | Tuesday Afternoon

Live at The Range is back for The 152 Open at Royal Troon!

For the third year in succession, our Live at The Range show in partnership with HSBC will provide a unique insight into players’ preparations, with coverage, statistics and insight from the practice range as the world’s best fine tune their games. Live at The Range will be available to view every day from Monday to Friday.


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[Music] hello and welcome to live at the range it is Tuesday afternoon 2 days before the start of the 152nd open Championship the anticipation builds and the preparation intensifies the question is which player will be crying Champion golfer of the year on Sunday [Music] night Lynx land the canvas on which our game was first drawn PES older than us all steeped in Heritage it is timeless golfer against nature a gust a bounce a downpour can dictate the challenges that await one must not fight the elements but instead show the character to embrace [Music] them those you can just may take the greatest walk [Applause] go y forged by [Music] Nature oh it’s getting exciting good afternoon from the range I’m pleased to say David how has come along to join us one of the busiest men in Gulf David great to see you how is the week going for you so far great arrived last night got the train up that was fine had a little look at the course this morning um it’s looking Splendid out there isn’t it and a a nice British summer’s day isn’t it uh it’s cold bit blustery and uh it’s the open it’s great isn’t it pleased to be here there is no better week in sport give us your thoughts on the golf course Royal trun how do you like it uh well I do it’s a great Golf Course um you know traditional lyns course nine holes out nine holes back and it really is a game of two hearts when you get this North Wind as well the front nine it’s about as easy as a front nine as you will ever get the Open Championship and the back nine is the complete opposite um I remember my first round of golf here in the open I was off at 6:30 in the morning and I’m pretty sure my opening round was something like out in 31 leading back in 41 72 all the way back to about 80th Place um and that sums up TR really it’s easy going out it’s tough coming back and if we get this win that that will be the same test this year some 30 years later yeah well more from David later on but in the meantime let’s get out and find George yes yes good afternoon everyone and welcome back after what was a tremendous lunch break not sure about you but I had a little pork chop some ravioli and a nice cup of tea so I’m feeling fueled up ready to go for the afternoon where am I well I’m on the thir 10 I didn’t realize how close to the ocean you can get and the positive news to come is since lunchtime the rain has disappeared and the Energy’s lifted it’s almost quite warm out here at the moment and there’s that natural sea breeze coming down these first few holes so players are back out and enjoying it and this is perfect lengths conditions just enough wind to keep everyone on their toes and if you look over here there’s a little crowd Gathering all the locals now who are they gathering for well we better set the scene if you come to the right it’s none other than Scottish open Champion Bob McIntyre he is on course for what I believe is the first time since his amazing victory at the Renaissance in the weekend what moment what a fist pump what great energy it was there he is giving back to the fans a true truly special few weeks for Bob after winning on the PJ tour with his dad on the bag and now he’s done it at home he’s a man of the people there he is there’s a lot of energy around him he’s got a press conference tomorrow which I’m sure will be interesting there he is go on Bob what a week to win can he get the job done here in a major championship he’s this is arguably the best chance he’ll ever have home crowd everyone’s excited to see him he’s played the first two holes beautifully and just absolutely Cruising Into His week the Lefty Scotland’s number one golfer wouldn’t it be a great story if he could get the job done this week there’s no reason why he can’t unless maybe he celebrated a bit too hard on Sunday night after Victory that’s something I might have to question him about at some stage but once again the first three holes all irons off the tea quite similar little path fours so relatively cruy start you want to be making a birdie on one of these first three holes to get into the red early at the open quite peaceful out here all of a sudden just perfect weather a lot better than when I last saw you guys this morning but here we go aiming at at the right greenside bunker getting his Target line Looks like another five on and it looks like another Fairway great way to start the afternoon we’re going to be out here for hours on end we’re going to go try and find Tiger Woods for you at some point tiger watch always a fun part of the day Sami valaki Beauty now there’s a little creek on this third hle right at a niggly distance so it’s interesting to see what Bob’s going to do here to clear that it’s around 290 wind helping he should be able to bomb it over that and run it up to the front of the green that is a bey there’s a plane in the sky and on the faway that is Miles down there great job Bob all right as these guys head off we’re going to love you and leave you as I mentioned we’re going to be hovering around all day the conditions are great the crowd is growing as well always the best days to come and watch the open these practice rounds get so close so much more space to see your favorite golfers and today and right now it’s all about Bob McIntyre after a great Victory go on Bob go get it [Applause] D thank you George and David and I are still down here on the Range and David there really is nothing quite like the atmosphere on the range at the Open Championship it’s electric there’s people everywhere each player out there in their little Bay has got their own team it’s like it’s it’s a little bit like Formula 1 everyone’s got their own team around them and they are dialing things in for the week ahead yeah absolutely yeah all the coaches are here of course equipment manufacturers wandering around making sure they’ve got the maybe a new long iron in the bag something you know to keep the ball low and into the wind whatever is going to be needed around here at trun uh but yeah I mean ultim it’s downwind slightly off the left the the wind direction as well more down which is helpful players never like a left or right wind on the Range there nothing worse than a down wind left to right wind um but it’s not too bad at the moment it’s not too strong so beautiful Turf to click the ball off nice Lynx Turf here at trun um all is well you can hear that thud isn’t it it’s just a gorgeous sound you hear on Lynx Turf and of course we have had a very soft spring and there’s been some rain obviously early in this week as well so things under foot do feel a little bit softer but it’s still got that firmness because of the sand base yeah indeed it’s it’s it’s just beautiful uh ground to play off I mean it’s not going to be uh you know a crispy you burnt out golf course this week no there’s a little bit of juice to the rough as well um but it’s a green golf course as we as we see it’s a bit like Wimbledon though isn’t it as you know with the green courts on Monday and finally by the end of the week I’m sure there will be a little bit more bounce in it um but it’s going to be uh it’s going to be a very fair Golf Course to play on and um it should be a super test for the 4 days we’ve got Tony F now in our right corner here every player uses their own kind of device don’t they David in front to GA gather as much information it it has fast become a science professional golf yeah indeed data and science within golf is great they go together don’t they and it’s strange because it’s you know it’s a game of feel traditionally but now we’ve got all the data to be able to prove um what’s going uh what’s going on with things as well and uh I’m not quite sure what the drill is here with the with the with with the tow well it’s it’s hallow Turf isn’t it so he’s just protecting ground that’s how precious the the grass is here at Royal TR it looks like a slide it looks like it’s allowing a slide yeah a little sliding right foot indeed interesting drill first one for me I’m sure we could find out yeah sorry Dr just a word on what the towel drill is here uh this is uh for Jasper just to help him move from his core first so he’s using that core slider there rather than tightening his arms up and then getting stuck behind the ball I see there’s actually something under his right foot yeah he’s got a little uh he’s got a little cor slider there like you get in the gym right he’ll show in a minute wow show us your mouse pad mate there it is a little pad and it’s allowing him to to move from the core David how’s your core mine’s terrible I’m sure yours is better I yeah that’s it it looks a little bit I mean it looks a little bit Sheffer like doesn’t it when you’re doing that we’re not trying to world’s best player not a bad way to copy J’s nickname is magic so we the magic love it love that yes bro thank you Tim and uh we will we’ll let you leave you in peace with that thank you let’s carry along and we’ll find just next door Tony F now with as we say uh an alignment stick out there which is probably David you can tell us the details but it’s got to be about start line yeah it will be I’m sure indeed Tony just looking through there and when you get the when you get the stick on your on your start line because you’re this way of the ball you know you’re some 2 or 3 ft inside play the ball to Target line he just gives you a slightly different visual but uh um Tony going about his business there I I always find it so interesting watching the players move along you Tony lot of lot of knee Bend low hands um and just an absolute Gem of a striker or a golf ball is is is Big Tony AB makes the game look very natural and uh and fun hi Tony I’ve just waxed lyrical about your your your striking here Tony obviously so so it looks like he’s starting it left of the alignment cane here and he’s looking to try and work it back a little bit although the wind’s kind of helping off the left starting it left all the alignment cane oh that was close but it was left of it Tony can I just can I sorry to interrupt you but can I just confirm you’re trying to start it left of that cane is that what’s going on here yeah I’m trying to tell us a bit more about that yeah did it it did it I it’s hard to tell cuz some of the the turf hit the cane but looked pretty good that’s two from two that we’ve seen tell us a little bit more about the drill yeah I think it’s just an easy way not to get too technical just uh start it where I’m looking and try and curve it I like seeing the ball move I’ve always been that way I don’t really like hitting it straight so even on a little wet shot I want to see just a little you know I want the ball on the ground cutting a little or drawing a little so yeah it’s an easy way to just work on that and and and give us your first impressions on the golf course this week so far it’s great it’s in great condition um today was the first day there’s a little bit of wind it looks like Thursday and Friday the wind Can the wind can blow so um but overall the golf course is in great shape and look forward to a good week awesome that’s great stuff Tony thank you so much we’ll leave you in peace appreciate the time good luck this week oh that’s great isn’t it David I mean it’s just it’s just wonderful to be down here and seeing everyone going about their business and there are Smiles on the faces because you get the sense of players and we heard Justin Rose speaking about it this morning having had to go through the qualify qualifying they know and they feel lucky to be part of this field oldest championship in the world and the best and if you got a chance to play in it then uh then why not you want to be here if you like playing golf competitively this is the place to be this week isn’t it and uh yeah really nice as we say nice practice I like the way Tony he just keeps it so simple doesn’t like to get too technical absolutely just plays by field I mean he learned to play the game in in a garage hitting a ball against mattress can you believe and here he is in the greatest championship of the world someone that doesn’t like to keep things simple of course he’s Alex who’s just about the last man into the field I would say Well done for qualifying yeah absolutely he was part of the field at the Genesis Scottish open last week and contending managed to book himself a ticket to Royal TR and he’s a wonderful player to watch so we’re pleased he’s part of of everything this week but I I was very lucky David to follow him on course last week and tell me your thoughts on the number of times he does his you know his practice move he must do it one million times a day this kind of idea of keeping the club in front of the body and it’s it’s a lot of repetition to drill that in yeah just working diligently for many years now with one of the world’s great golf courses Matt belam go golf course go coaches I should say and yeah always trying to see a little fade is Alex did everything he can to just see the ball moving from left to right taking the the draw out of things and and uh yeah many different ways to sort of cure the the same problem for Alex over the years but it’s always a variation on a theme but he’s a busy mind and likes to um do the opposite of Tony likes to have some very distinct swing thoughts in there that he can that he can go to right let’s take a look at this one shall we and see what’s happening Alex oh man we are how are you thanks for letting us comeing in we won’t keep you for more than a few seconds but how are you well done on getting yourself here to Royal Train how you enjoying the week so far uh it’s probably my favorite event of all year since growing up in Europe playing here a lot playing Lynx golf since we were young you know Swedish team came over and I like lyns it’s like you don’t you don’t have to hit every shot perfect you can recover we got to hit enough of them good and it’s it’s beautiful here obviously you had a had a great week last week at the Renaissance Club how much do you feel that will help you that kind of links prep over there coming from east coast to West Coast into this week yeah I mean obviously it’s nice to be in the same place you got two-hour drive over here and the best thing about playing the week before even if you play Bad is that you know what works and what doesn’t so uh that’s what we’re focusing on now like well that was tough so let’s fine tuned out a little bit we can leave maybe that part of the game a little bit so sometimes when you come in fresh from like a two weeks off or something it’s it’s more like maybe overwork a little bit when you come to a tournament and just finally a word on because we’re obsessed with watching you practice your game and your dedication to Drilling in this move just give us a line on what what’s the number one feel for you in the golf swing right now well just well I’ve always been it’s too easy for me to get under the plane um so but I usually take the club too much out and then I actually get under so and I aim to far left so this drill kind of helps me set up square and kind of understanding where where I am in space cuz otherwise I aim 20 yards left and I think I aim at the hole and then especially out there on the cor when the wind blows and you get under pressure so this kind of like a it’s kind of like somebody when you do the plank in the gym somebody pushing you and oh that’s Square you know so that’s what I’m trying to do here cuz I’m I know from experience kind of how to get around a course now but I just got to have a little bit better fundamentals okay fundamentals very underrated part of the game thank you so much for your time we wish you well this week thank you Alex have a great week mate fundamentals David something for everyone to learn at home you think these guys out here when they get to the top of the game are working on something complex but so often it comes back to the basics than non-negotiables yeah well Alex say with a with a hitting station I would call that a practice station just to feel like well that is what I’m trying to I get he you know he feels like the club can go away from him too much so that is to remind him what does that feel like where is square for him where does he want the club and then of course it’s not so easy when you’re out there with a 20 mph wind coming off your left shoulder but at least you can go back to you know that’s correct and re it’s like a resetting station and that’s way he’s going about it I like that very much a resetting station let’s take a little wand further down and a man that gets us all awfully excited about being at the open is Jordan be he is so entertaining to watch and we know how much this tournament means to him yeah former champion of course and uh you know um over there at burkdale a good few years ago with that famous finish of his absolutely fantastic and um you know like Alex was saying the game it’s not been so easy for Jordan of late in the last few years let’s say not quite the Brilliance of a may maybe five or six years ago and that’s what go does to you doesn’t it as you go along it’s always it’s a constant reminder that it is just about the most difficult game in the world to master you can’t master it you have periods of time where it comes easily to you and then it can just e away in a heartbeat as well and uh Jordan forever working diligently trying to get things back on track they all work so hard at this level of the game don’t they David but you can see again he’s got his team around him here it’s like this little pit Lane it’s like it’s like going up the grid isn’t it a little pit Lane that we’ve got here for Jordan spe Lane and what do you think he’s working on here oh well it’s all there caddy Mike earlier holding a a shaft out um funny enough something similar to to Alex in a way would you believe I believe he was trying to get his left arm more across his chest in the back swing which is actually a little bit what Alex was saying that he’s uh’s he’s always trying to do as well um so they were going out about it in a different way Alex has got the hitting station and Jordan was doing it with a drill with with with caddy Mike holding a club forcing him to get his left arm across his chest a little bit more and now he’s going into a more um free hitting session here you know randomized practice a little bit they’ve done the drills got the fields now just go and hit some shots and uh and get a feel for things um not so technical at this point in time just want to see some good golf shots coming out we’ll just watch one more here Jordan be it’s looking very very good for our former Champion but don’t go anywhere because we will be back here on the Range after the break [Music] on the te she was staring this one down and for good reason look at this just delightfully done she’s on top of the world going directly at the H what go oh get in there there’s something about the AIG Women’s Open oh my [Music] [Applause] goodness there’s no way I should be here I should be dead or in prison I mean how else would you gauge this a guy comes off of a cotton form you know to become one of go greates are you kidding me he hit the flag and the crowd he just stormed onto the scene he put it in he’s a magician I never had any dreams about going on tour I didn’t know anything about it his story’s amazing his journey is amazing what a great shot we were poor we needed money to buy foodo a 28-year-old BR didn’t belong I knew I didn’t belong he was unbelievable and he put up with a lot that past is so painful to him I would like to forget it to tell you the truth our culture has a short memory I think it’s time for us to be reintroduced to the jino I’m playing for my life out here you know it is the American dream he hustled the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Tuesday afternoon we are live on the Range and we are ticking ever closer to the very early morning start I’m with Josh Antman that’s going to be on Thursday you went out on the Range I’ve seen you out in the course as well Josh your impressions first time here at Royal trune I love this place I think this is a real Beauty and that back nine on Sunday if the wind blows we are in I’m going to call it entertainment from what me watching the screens I think we’re going to have great entertainment the viewers at home are going to have great entertainment because those holes apart from maybe 16 I think is every single hole is well if you go around a level path you’re doing well yeah I think that’s probably right it’s going to be really interesting and you can see you know when we’ve been talking to the players everyone’s kind of looking up there thinking oh I hope it’s a bit windier than it is now which is interesting to hear isn’t it they want the challenge exactly they it’s a challenge they don’t get all year any of events apart from Over the Scottish last week where this man Alex norren I was quite surprised that until Sunday he wasn’t in this field for the open and what a performance at the Renaissance to qualify for the open and this is a man I I when I go to the range and Alex noren’s there I will stand there probably for half an hour to watch him go through his drills take up half the range with the amount of divots he takes up uh he’s got Matt belam there as coach who’s worked with him for forever Alex is such a talented Golf and I think has got a good chance this week yeah this is almost like his office isn’t it he’s he’s like a part of the furniture there’s there’s Bays there’s all sorts of other stuff and then there’s always Alex nor and part of the range Furniture so diligent practicer famous I would say for the work ethic absolutely let’s have a look and see what he’s doing so what he’s trying to do is feel the delivery line I would say there right so trying to really make sure that he’s opening and holding that heel ahead of the toe let’s see how he does here I think it’s just how extraordinary the practice swings are that’s what drags that’s what catches your ey so Matt is in there just looking at the front and Simon as a coach obviously you have to exaggerate those movement those won’t happen in the real swing but you have to exaggerate them to grind them into your into your proper swing yeah it’s almost like a medicine you just keep taking the medicine to stop the illness from from occurring or reoccurring so just catching some feedback there always interesting to watch the chat between player and Coach player and caddy player and manufacturer Alex Checker cruising through win of the senior open last year why is why is in this field Alex uh but Matt Bam’s coach is a proper student of the game isn’t he Matt he is oh yeah is a it’s like a ma Grady a disciple he’s a scientist guy he’s a Charming guy great to have a lesson from him hear his thoughts get him to analyze your swing so you can just see that that’s exactly what they’re planning the baby Fades so they are looking at the same data we are looking at here we go so sets in front and then really trying to rotate it make sure he doesn’t kind of like pitch lose his body shape and pitch and then let that right arm kind of like take the face through so hips have got to really beat the hands look how open he is there trying to get that left path all the time so we can see on the right side of your screen this just a 3-wood just a drill going to be nice to 249 carry just doing a drill with a small fade little baby fade so here we go Alex grinding start line is left that’s what he wants to see ball falls to the right and that low that low cuty three with five that he plays it works so well on Links Golf as well yeah I mean you you this is not a this is not you’re not going to overpower this I mean just you can just tell who was last year’s winner the most underpowered guy who was a genius in his strategy and puted well the week of his life he did absolutely yeah Brian Harmon we’re going to I don’t think we quite get those brutal conditions from last year we are due some rain and a bit of wind this week from Thursday look at that keep that right arm really soft so we can bring the course to the range the start of your problems on this golf course I would say are probably the 11th this is the t-shot it is blind to the right out of bounds the railway to the left a forest of G so there the shot of Alex noren there is a fairway there there is a tiny little Fairway just to the left of that so you can see the the angle there and then when you’ve got you combine that with the pumping left to right wind taking any of the shots the difficulty is it tells you to aim to the left and try to bring it back but you you aim to the left and and and get the and get the run out and you’re into the forest of gor and that’s that’s also no good so Under Pressure it’s going to be really interesting to see so so from Alex on the Range to George on the 11th let’s head that way good afternoon and welcome to the railway hole the hardest hole in 2016 at the open the wind is quite mild today but it’s still extremely intimidating you cannot see any faway such a long hole 498 yds into the teeth we’re here to watch two-time Champion P Drake Harrington take it on and I’ve got a job of my own slight dog leg right so hard to see green flags up wind is straight into his face this is as daunting as it gets that is beautiful absolutely beautiful makes my job easy nice P Drake it makes his job a lot easier too you cool it certainly would Victor Perez to the tea teen it very low there’s two massive TV towers way in the distance which is their target line and if you can peel a fade with the shape of the fway it doesn’t get any easier after this either oh oh that’s creeping left that’s not bad technique though what’s wrong with it wait for the player to get over the ball to lift you you lift it up before he gets over the ball lift it up before he gets over the ball you were the only person moving when he was over the ball oh no so as he’s over the ball you’re doing this yeah that’s whereas when he when he goes in takes his practicing keep it up there you’re still arm straight you can’t fail if you’re early you can only fail if you’re get out of here get out of here uh take your two cleric J jugs and Jog on all right get out of here right while we’re here got an opinion on everything while we’re here look how close this is that is right in the back pocket so I don’t know about you but this is one of the scariest t-shots on the golf course not for me let’s take you through the 11th hole so you can see the the t-shot just angles you need to angle it across to that left side um Josh and it’s quite narrow there the run out on the left you know that right is really really difficult How brave will you be if you do play an iron and it’s 500 and something yards into the wind just that one big bunker you can see that’s probably the landing area about there there and then drivers about here as we run out of the picture at the bottom leaving you that shot the left bunker is probably the aim line you Tred to get it to work across you into the middle of the green it starts truns back nine it’s famous it’s horrific you have to hang on 97 and 2016 when the opens were here it was the hardest hole on the ho of the PGA Tour on the hole of the tour the whole year that was the hardest hole Yeah you which you can easily see because it’s first of all it’s blind you you hit in you you your visual is blocked by a forest of gor so the course has its challenges the players on the Range trying to solve that challenge and golf is a game as we know science love is a straight line but you play linkx golf like like you know American tour is more straight lines links the artists the curves the shapes using the wind you know understanding that you can play it on the ground it’s a it’s a Charming skill isn’t it and I think that’s why the a lot of players you heard Alex say there it’s his favorite Tournament of the year because they don’t play in conditions like this at all during the and they have to think as you said they have to play Shots they have to be artists they have to be creative and I think they get more enjoyment from doing that yeah it’s a challenge it’s great to see everyone is here T Hatton is here number world number 23 great iron player let’s take a closer look at his action playing alongside Rory and matxa in that first round 10:9 that’s a fantastic uh three ball Simon ah yeah there’s some I mean you know there’s some Stella he’s like you want to you want to just run round and watch everything go watch tiger that’s going to be amazing Pete Cowen P just walk out of screen trying to get his players ready he’s got he’s has so many winners so let’s have a look at TR that left arm really compacted to his left side there trying to keep it rotated and in front [Music] so Turell just working through his clubs I think this is post round practice a swing as well tur that has not really changed much over the last few years I would say Simon no I see him as one of the Premier iron ball Strikers I think he’s really really good sort of in that kind of critical 456 IR very very accurate creates hits a lot of good shots you know probably at this level your average shots are not the things that get you up the top of the leaderboard but it’s how many really good shots you lead and you just have to look at Scotty Sheffer Scotty sheffer’s just got the most unbelievable iron game this is the 152nd open please scan the QR code there to enter yourself into the ballot for the 153rd that’s in Port Rush a blend of the Open Championship combined with a Sprinkle of Irish Hospitality absolutely amazing this event here is totally sold out I think that’s 270,000 tickets get yourself in the list scan that code we’ll see you there in Port Rush that’s going to be fantastic Terell had a couple of top 10 in the open Simon you know it’s best result was a fifth you know when that was fifth some some very very very close to this venue we are today 2016 was here was it here 2016 he got fifth teral yeah it’s a young young man then yeah okay first cut he made at the open and it was fifth here yeah so strong ball Striker fanciest chances [Music] so till hadn’t just I would say a third of his way through his post round game what a player Simon in a post round range session what are there what are they trying to achieve do you think there’s probably a few shots that they’re thinking of they probably can see you know maybe the par threes how they’re going to play like what kind of iron shots they think they’re going to hit into there if you play the par 3es well that’s that’s massive especially around this golf course you’ve got the poster St but the other three par 3es are beast 17 2 42 I know five um you know you’ve got a little bit of you’ve got some different angles th those could be it just maybe predicting that the wind is going to come up and just you know like okay I’m going to spend a little bit more time getting my three-wood in safe or maybe like a fairway finder with my t-shot so I think it becomes a little bit more specific and then it’s so much Basics you know there’s no real pixie dust you know if you watch Scotty Sheffer I mean he he’s working so hard on getting his hands on the club the same he’s working so hard on just getting the ball position position and his aim exactly orientated so I mean just to make sure that you’re swinging from the same spot every time and then posture is so interesting you know address is so interesting you practice on a completely flat driving range absolutely fat you could put a level across that it’s all level you go on to the golf course and not one level lie never so then you add the wind the left to right wind and you start to combine these things and your fundamentals start to drift and then you start to catch the wrong shots and you need to to diagnose those so quickly Josh so you need to be able to know okay come on that’s ball too far back there get your aim organized Alex noren told us exactly what he was doing I tend to aim too much left and when they go on the course I aim even more left it’s fascinating to hear the thoughts of the players down on the Range I mean Terell I would say would be an extremely popular winner if he was to win this week oh yeah absolutely he’s he’s one of the guys who has a real character um and a quality you know I think that you know we look we look to him as one of our kind of like lead European guys just chatting through their a few numbers I would say Nick Taylor there in the foreground we know uh Canad open memorably last season beating Tommy in the playoff Tom Kim ter H was talking to a moment ago as well just a few stretches it’s quite chilly out there today a lot chillier than yesterday yesterday was a I mean yesterday was a perfect golfing day an amazing golfing day the golfing day like there’s no place more beautiful than Scotland on a beautiful day you just have to be a bit lucky with the with the with the uh with the rolling of the dice as to what kind of weather you get but um tomorrow looks good as well it’s just Thursday to Sunday uh it’s which which I I guess Simon is on all these practice days they get they’re getting this quite Serene weather and then Thursday hits and it’s something different how hard is that to adjust to you know what I think if you’re a rookie you know you’re you’re so overall by this if you’re an experienced player and probably really in the competition you’re anticipating all of these different kind of elements and I mean the open is played you know very differently than the rest of the whole golfing World in that you it is forged by Nature that’s a tagline it is about being able to create the curves use the Contours and creating your own way of playing the hole that’s what such a lovely thing you know it’s quite one-dimensional Us Golf cuz you’re just hitting carry numbers right here you might hit four different clubs the same yardage because of the wind conditions and the fact that you can use the ground so it’s a fascinating content test I mean come Thursday it’s just absolutely amazing and we have some great sort of links Specialists including the Irishman Shane Larry great to have Shane Larry the open champion of Royal Port Rush alongside Us in the open Zone we’re going to jump straight into it into your moment how many times would you say you’ve watched it back Shane at this stage now in at this stage uh quite a few it’s been a while so uh yeah probably not much in the last few years but yeah the first couple of years I certainly watched it a few times watched the highlights and a moment that um yeah I’ll always have great B Martin there as well um great times I mean yeah something we’re obviously going back there next year yeah so that’s going to be very special but yeah it’s a very special moment testing with how much of a success it was that we’re going back so quickly um does it feel different now when you turn up to the open having had your moment with the claric jug um yes I suppose it does uh you look at the clar JY walk past it in the Players Lounge and you know you know your name’s on it it’s pretty cool um but it kind of it makes you want it more even I think you know some people might say oh well you’ve got one now what you know but you always want to you know because you’ve tasted that success it kind of makes you want it even more so um but yeah look I know the one thing I do know is I know if I put myself there that I can get it done so yeah um it’s all about just trying to put myself there for for Saturday and Sunday what is the quality that an open Champion has in terms of what it takes to win this Championship um I mean obviously it takes a lot of good golf uh takes a lot of resilience takes you know takes everything I think your whole game needs to be pretty good especially in a course like this you know Royal TR is probably one of the best layouts of a golf course you can get with um you know it’s just the most well bunker golf course I’ve ever played and um you know to to win around a venue like this you need to be very very sharp and you need to do everything pretty well the talk here is that the front line gives you some chances some choices as well down those first few holes do you think it’s I know it might depend on situation but do you think it’s something you can push a bit on those first few holes or do you respect the challenge I actually think it it’s it’s a lot of is depended on the wind direction you know today the wind is down on the front line but we’re you know the forecast is we’re going to play the into the wind on the front line which doesn’t allow you to be aggressive it kind of you know if it’s playing downwind you can drive a couple of greens but it doesn’t allow if it’s the win but obviously things can change and Lynx Turf and Lynx Golf and yes my plan is if it plays downwind to be aggressive on the front line and try and make as many birdies as I can there because when you turn around on 10 uh this is when the golf course starts to get tough out here and you know you know all about it I was here a couple of weeks ago and it was really windy and and quite tough and uh yeah it was very difficult is it as big a shift from nines as you’ve ever seen anywhere you’ve played with you st ter the challenge but it like I said it all depends on the win direction if you you get the back nine a little bit down out the left it’s actually not bad okay um so yeah like everything like every Open Championship we play like you know every time you come here it’s all very weather dependent yeah all right since we’ve got here we’re going to take you through our postage St one two three challenge um you know the drill here Shane so it’s um one of your wedges any a club from a six to a 99 and a club from a five9 down to your driver so 123 uh spit down wind probably hit a want to hit a hard 54 hard 54 okay what else are we taking what we doing from the 69 for 6 to9 um a seven AR give me a seven you guys are great I’d just obviously go for the nine because it seems closer to but you only go for this okay and then and then that’s what we want to see I’m going to try and hit the stamp I’m not even going to worry about the yeah no that’s just hit the stamp so so for you is this pretty much just a full so I’m thinking it’s downwind um I hit this club like 12 or 112 114 okay so it’s a good 10 yard is a good one yeah but this way if this is the win and the post sound this probably the club be H okay oh I didn’t get that at all short 108 yeah that’s way short that is not good is it I know it might have bounced up there let’s go seven up yeah um all right so how are you going so idea you got to take some distance out there so how are you going to you just going to slow the pace down you’re going to short swing I mean what you do I’m just going to not even think about it I’m just going to think about the number I’m going to open the face up going to open a little left okay oh I quite like that man that’s a lovely strike it’s on it oh that was better was better that was better okay I mean I have no idea what I do with this you could always like a little bit of a stinger in there for us J me to hit like I’ll try and hit the actual stamp that’s out there hit the yeah I mean that was sort of the idea of the game from the start though wasn’t that yeah I was trying to hit the number oh go on here we go that’s a long way over the green but there we go it’s it’s the like I think if we average them all that about two three probably not far off Jan so was great to hang out you have a great week cheers thank [Applause] [Music] you on the te she was staring this one down and for good reason look at this just delightfully done she’s on top of the world going directly at the hle what good oh get did there there’s something about the AIG Women’s Open oh my [Music] goodness there’s no way I should be here I should be dead or in prison I mean how else would you gauge this a guy comes off of a cotton form you know to become one of go greates are you kidding me he hit the flag and the crowd erup he just stormed onto the scene he put it in he’s a magician got I never had any dreams about going on tour I didn’t know anything about it his story’s amazing his journey is amazing what a great shot we were poor we needed money to buy foodo a 28y old bro didn’t belong I knew I didn’t believe he was unbelievable and he put up with a lot that past is so painful to him I would like to forget it to tell you the truth our culture has a short memory I think it’s time for us to be reintroduced to leino I’m playing for my life out here you know it is the American dream he hustled the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I pleased to say that we have been joined on the Range by the 2022 open Champion cam Smith cam it’s great to see you welcome to Royal TR how’s the week going for you so far yeah good uh got up on Sunday night uh took it pretty cruy yesterday nice sleep in and uh did some practice in the afternoon of course it’s looking good and are the memories of 2022 of course just down the road at St Andrews on the other side the other Coastline flooding back to you absolutely every time I get back here I think um I don’t know it’s something in the air that I love and um just a I’m looking forward to a different challenge this week we’ve played a lot of kind of similar uh golf uh for the for the start of the year and it’s nice to be back here and um hit some different shots and um I’m sure all come back to me on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you love lyx golf I’ve learned to love it over the years I think um I probably wasn’t the biggest fan to be honest when I first come over here as an Amer and um I actually played a British am here um yeah so I think over time I’ve learned to love it and I’ve learned to play it um I think I wasn’t a fan mostly because of the weather coming from tropical Australia it’s um it’s a little bit different but um no I love it here now what do you remember about the golf course going back to the British am you know I remember the start of that back nine being pretty brutal so um I’m actually playing the back n this afternoon so I’m sure um all of those memories will come crashing back and um yeah I think it was a really big challenge um especially as a young amateur and I’m sure it’s going to be uh the same this week so yeah I’m looking forward to a challenge it is a tough closing stretch here at Royal Tri but it was also a tough closing stretch in 2022 St Andrew 17 and 18 Infamous what did you learn from that week about getting across the line at the oldest major of them all um I’m not sure really I think uh just kind of keep digging and keep trying hard I think uh you know there there was probably a time in that day where I thought I was out of the golf tournament and um before I knew it I was back in it and um I had the lead so um yeah probably just digging deep and and um yeah just letting it come to you okay well I’m sure you’ve watched this back plenty of times but here’s a little look back to the week itself in 2022 yeah I felt really good going into the week it was the first time I’d seen my coach in about 2 and 1/2 years everything just felt really comfortable it felt like something good was going to happen it’s the home of golf it’s the home of the open the stuff you feel around there is is unlike any other place the golf course was set up in a way where I was able to play a very smart kind of logical approach to [Music] it I was so amped up and so nervous at the same time i’ I’d never felt anything like that I’d been seeing the ball go in I’d been putting so well that day I knew if I could get it somewhere on the putting surface it it’d have a really good chance of going in I think that will be the biggest tournament I’ll ever be a part of it’s real and uh something definitely I’ll I’ll never ever forget cam amazing I’ve got my question to you is that the psychologists would say you’ve got to dream it to you know got to see it to be able to do it did you have a dream of winning the Open Championship I mean you’re an Aussie you grew up down there you know playing playing in Australia was that dream ever there part of your world yeah absolutely I think um I think many Australian kids dream of winning the open and probably every major to be fair but um there’s something about this tournament that is different and it’s probably got to do with the the history and the and the style of golf that we play but um yeah it was so cool especially to do it at St Andrews as well well a lot of kids will dream about doing you actually did it I followed you the first morning at s Andrews on course commentating and you were brilliant I remember thinking you just hit it in the correct spot on every single hole that first five six holes nine holes you’re an amazing putter we know that you’re an amazing golfer always putting from the great place and I thought you’re going to have a chance here this week because you know you can hit a lot of greens say Andrews did you get that feeling right from the word go back in 2022 cuz that’s I was thinking you’ve got a chance right from the word go when I was watching yeah I I think so I think um I started to play really good golf actually the weekend before um at the Scottish open and um it was the first time I’d seen my coach in a long time because of Co and all that stuff but um there was just a lot of things kind of ticking along and and Ticking the boxes and then um yeah before I knew it it was it was Sunday and in there with a chance and um probably didn’t get off to the dream start but definitely the dream Finish Well cam listen we know you’re going out there on the golf course this evening so thank you for stopping by and we wish you all the best this week thank you thank you cheers guys take care and don’t go anywhere because we’ll be back here on the Range after the break [Music] [Music] [Music] w control it’s often out of your reach your opponent a line cor even the bounce of a ball every game is full of unexpected twists and TS you have the lows the injuries being away from home the [Music] pressure and the incredible highs the winds exploring the world every day a new opportunity life is rarely a straight line we can help wherever it takes you [Music] [Music] fascinating to hear from cam Smith it was some performance wasn’t it home of golf I mean if you’re going to win the open and you win it on the on the in St Andrews it’s the double Brucey bonus that isn’t it with Rory maroy breathing down your neck that up and down on 17 I think I think is one of the great up and downs in open history I really do yeah he said he got the wrong yardage which is why he laid up so far back he got the wrong number off the off the disc anyway so fascinating um you know just the way he he was like a chess player wasn’t he with the most perfect putting stroke so oh there a talented player got to love a bit of Hideki matama 2021 Master’s champ was working has been working really hard to S of teams on balance oh I don’t know if that’s very good for your elbows is it now I was going to ask if this is some kind of drill he’s doing so that’s interesting kind of like pulled up with the left side drop the right side if you drop the right side the low Point falls back you hit the ball then you hit the ground lose a lot of ball speed that’s the way to do it so what’s this what’s the idea here Simon well you know what I I’m not a big fan of one-handed drills if you’re going to do one-handed drills drew them off a tea a dear friend of mine Nick price remember Nick price right so youed do tons of drills and really damaged his elbow so matama I think there is just working on a sort of a a leveling out drill trying to keep that right side up through the ball so you don’t pull up with that left side get that right side to drop behind let’s see what he is doing he looks as though jacket is on Cy’s going to have a go how difficult is it let’s have a look so he’s done that before just clipped he’s showing hii how it’s done that’s the coach I think that’s not the caddy oh yeah C’s B of course okay shter all right cool SOI Simon he’s got a brilliant record in major championships he has 10 top 10 and the win at Augusta but his record at the Open Championship is arguably the worst why do you think that is I I just think there’s one fundamental reason I think probably you know in the top three highest bull hitters um in the world of professional men’s professional golf and so the adjustment that he has to make you know is is is so intense well from one Master’s Champion to a man who has already won the open at Royal St George’s Colin Mor cow this is his second session on the driving range was working very hard with this manufacturer on the bag how to set the bag very precise we were talking about F sort of like the different grips that you see nowadays that left hand is such an interesting grip isn’t it almost like pre- bowed down right like almost Knuckles down ad address and then certainly with the with the dramatic shallowing that left wrist bows and that right elbow pulls down in transition very unique yeah and I mean it’s it’s interesting you know just how he exploded into our scenes it was Harding Park it was the yeah uspga and you just went well I was not expecting that right I you’d argue I wasn’t expecting him to win on his debut no two years ago at the open as well some of the up Downs that he had so there there is the bag he some of Cara is my number one choice for this week he is really coming into form F he was in the final group at the Masters and the PGA he was in the mix at the US Open yeah very much five top four since the Masters he is banging form his name’s on The clar Jug I think the two miscuts last time I think he was going through a few changes in his game I think he’s back to where he was before an interesting shout so you know a low fader of the ball like a spe very similar when speed first came out it’s a very similar shot pattern looking fairly chilled very chilled and again here at Royal trune there is a long list of American winners here before before Stenson yeah what do you put that down to it’s amazing isn’t it you had weof covia Leonard Todd Hamilton it was incredible and for guys who don’t really play a lot of lyx golf that those guys don’t they got an amazing record here I’d love to know that for the Maes this year yeah I know fantastic Mar was amazing he’s a big time player Kar oh he is he rises his game is suited he very very much onedimensional very very focused so and just a big smiley face up obviously enjoying his time over here if he did have a weakness Simon Mora what would it be his putting possi he says his putting yeah he does say his putting I mean he he was for a time period more accurate with his six iron in proximity to the hole than the PGA Tour average with their nine iron so if you just imagine what that means so let’s suppose his six iron is a 205 yard carry something like that that’s pretty amazing so let’s have a look so we can take the range to the golf course this is the postage stance the eighth hole let’s just see if the numbers match up Colin doesn’t know we’re doing this but it’s always just a bit of fun oh he’s going to love it that’s pretty good you take that you would take that at the postage do you think have you you’ve been out there I’ve been I think the bunkers are a little deeper do you can you see absolutely think that do you yeah raise surfaces I think you’re in trouble if you’re hit in one of those bunkers on eight I really the left one which used to be the bailout does not look very easy at all at all what I think is you’ve got a short iron and it’s a raised T sunk Sun green and what have you got to aim at five yards five yards of right and left is yeah 15 ft so anyway here we go morawa watch the change of Direction so there’s no no real speed in the takeaway loads and then it comes through hips really pulling the ball through that looks pretty good oh dead oh no got a double bounce here we go yeah it’s magical out there all of the technology let’s head out to the eighth and see what George Harper Jr has for us yes hello Simon hello hello everyone I’ve made my way out to the 17th the course is starting to pack out what is it Tuesday and the galleries are getting HED huge look at this the locals absolutely loving none other than Tommy Fleetwood he is here looking good in his white yes this is this is golf this is golf not Cricket oh hold on Brook is heading hold on here we go all right let’s go see how tough this hole is so the 17th a ridiculously long par three and you come way back here when Henrik played it in 16 the T block was back here and now it’s way back here Tommy fle with everybody 242 yds if we just nistle in here this is so tough the wind is right into the face a lot of long on we’ve got kipka playing alongside Fleetwood a lovely peering what what club did he just hit there three iron three on 250 Club 250 Club okay 242 a little baby drawer until wind off the left so hard to hold the screen and that has found the front left bunker such a challenging hole way they go you’re going to see some big moments right here on the 17th for me one of the hardest t- shots here I know there’s plenty of them but I’m starting to fall in love with this place you can see the grand stands of the 18th in the background you remember Henrik and 16 just hit the most amazing four on into the screen so I believe obviously there’s a lot of good holes but I reckon the 17th is going to provide the most drama it’s a very good shout George it’s just a brutal finish isn’t it I mean can you imagine having to go 34 to finish and win the win the open that’s some test isn’t it that’s like one and a half shots under par I reckon if it’s in off the left well that 242 if you get the the usual wind here what’s that going to play Simon 270 275 yeah 100% genuinely that could be driver for some players it could be driver so we would like to have all of your thoughts any questions that you’ve got please come and join us at the Open Range any of your questions we’ll try to get through as many as we can it’s a fascinating time we’ve got these three days Monday Tuesday Wednesday of really when we’re live on the Range and time to really interact with all of you guys there will be some rain which means there will be some beautiful yellow umbrellas I have got mine if you are not with us you can take this QR code go to our online shop you need a Yellow Umbrella if you’re a part of the gang speaking of the gang one of the main men certainly for GB and I the main man Rory maroy is in the house let’s hear what he had to say about his thoughts yeah I feel like preparations have have been going well I feel like prep ation probably started last week at uh uh the Renaissance and just getting myself um familiar again with you know linkx conditions links Turf uh green speeds um you know obviously you know we play our majority of our golf in the states and green surfaces that are quite different to to here so um just trying to get I guess Rea acclimated to to that um not that you know obviously grew up play playing a lot of lyns golf but you know when you only come back to play you know once or twice a year it just takes you a little time to to adapt um but yeah it’s been going well got my first look at the golf course this morning early um and yeah it’s a you know it’s it’s basically a a a teal of two n on this course you feel like you have to make your score on the way out and then you you have to sort of hang on coming in so um but yeah look looking forward to the week um you know courses in in great shape and obviously we’ve got a um amazing field as as these major championships produce now it’s the only time you know four times a year that we get everyone back together so um yeah looking forward to the week great stuff Roy well we’ll take questions from the floor if you raise your hand we’ll start with Mark hey Rory um we had tiger in a little while ago and he was mentioning after kind of the Dust settled for you after the US Open that he shot your text just kind of wanted what that meant to you uh to hear that from him and so um full disclosure I changed my number two days after the US Open so I didn’t get it until he told me about it today so I was like oh thanks very much um so I I blanked Tiger Woods which was probably not a great thing but um Tiger’s been nothing but incredible to me over the course of my career um in the good moments and in the bad you know he sent me an incredible message after St Andrews in 2022 um um and he’s you know I I met tiger when I was 15 years old and um you know I’ve I’ve built up a great relationship with him um his whole family you know he you know he really enjoys spending time with my mom and dad as well so um yeah it means a lot means a lot that that he reached out and it actually you know it means a lot that he waited a few days to reach out um wish he had hadn’t waited that long as I probably would have got it but um you know I caught up with him earlier and um you know it’s always nice when you know your hero and the guy that you had on your bedroom wall um is reaching out and and um offering words of encouragement if I could just on a quick follow um obviously you had last week under your belt to play but you know where is your head space at you know a month or so removed from pineur where you sit now yeah it’s good um game’s in really good shape um you know had a nice reset after Pinehurst that that was needed uh and felt like I you know shook off a little bit of the rust last week and played played okay felt like I probably could have given myself more of a chance to win the tournament but um thought it was a solid week and and um you know again it’s like one eye on preparing for this week but another eye on trying to you know get into contention as well but um overall I’ve been in the UK now for a couple of weeks and it’s it’s felt nice to get back over here and and get back into the swing of things okay Don is that do you have to change your phone number a lot is that something you do a lot um I actually haven’t done it in a while um so I I thought it was time yeah yeah that was the totally separate thought um tiger also was saying that you know that you said you felt uncomfortable on 16 and 18 He said you feel that basically every time you’re trying to win a tournament were you surprised at that feeling and and how will you deal with it I guess differently moving forward than you did a couple weeks ago yeah um no not surprised I think you know last few hols of a major championship with a with a great chance to win you know if you’re not feeling it then it probably doesn’t mean as much to you as it should um so no it wasn’t it wasn’t a surprise it was just more a disappointment that I didn’t handle those uneasy feelings as as good as I could have um and I’ve alluded to this you know I was I was probably more aware than I should have been of what was happening behind me um and and sort of got out of my got out of my own little head space a little too much and um you that was you know a big part of the reason why I didn’t you know I didn’t close it out coming down the stretch okay next question microphone number three I just a quick one may ask why you change your number from time to time are we safe to assume you weren’t cut off for not paying your bill uh no no I can I can pay the bills um there’s a lot of money floating around in golf at the minute um I honestly um I from the time I left Pinehurst to the time I walked through my front door on Sunday night I probably got about 10 or 15 text messages from media members um and I was like it’s probably time to to to get a new number okay so create a bit of space that’s fair enough do you ever get as well overwhelmed by when you you have lots of Goodwill messages but sometimes it gets a bit too much if you’re feeling particularly down after a tournament everybody’s expressing this sympathy sometimes it can get a bit almost make you feel a bit worse no I mean I I um I’d much rather people Reach Out In fairness and and I think that’s um it’s a lovely thing and and hopefully a nice reflection on on how people feel about me or or what they think about me so um no I’ll never I’ll never shun uh messages of support or encouragement you know it’s it’s a lovely thing really fascinating to hear the thoughts of Rory maroy and I suppose that is one of the things of being sort of the at the top of the most competitive sport is you have to be fairly bulletproof and I think he’s I think he’s sort of found a really good headspace there Josh absolutely I mean the the pressure that is on his shoulders I think when it comes around to every major must be huge I think for Rory and the fact that he can soak in all that pressure and I I think that part all the US Open would have taken a while to get over but I think Rory’s ready this week you know I think this course suits him great he played brilliant Rance last week he was fifth here in 2016 Rory I think there’s a lot of positive vibes for Rory this week yeah I I’d like to think it’s sort of you know it can be a learning experience can’t it losing is a learning experience life is a lot of losing especially in professional sports you would argue this man had a losing experience to uh to Ernie oh I found it still hurt doesn’t it it still a couple like I still could not ever forgive Stuart’s sink and I’m actually quite good friends with him but Adam Scott what do you know how many consecutive major championships it is now for Adam Scott s oh is it 46 no not even close more 75 no 93 is it really that is is it’s astonishing astonishing yeah it is and how well did he play last week by the way 44 years old now Adam Scott and he’s swinging it like he’s 24 years old yeah he’s a very impressive Flo I think he’s one of the great ambassadors he’s been a great he’s been a really Global sensible guy you know needs some of those so from Adam Scott to cam Smith to great Aussie Sportsman they play so lovely [Music] overhead view of the driving range huge stands all over the golf course absolutely fantastic to see this is really the working area this is the action Place Josh first few days then it all starts to get a bit more serious Sunday it’s going to be much more tense so let’s head down there see who we can find oh s Burns flusher been out with Scotty Sheffer he’d be looking to find a bit of form he came out hot and just like struggled the last 12 months yeah and just just behind him there it’s the PGA champ who I mean he doesn’t have ever doesn’t play in a bad major he doesn’t play a bad major does he s to show you know what I think he’s like we could learn a lot from his preparation have you seen him putt his his putting setup on the driving range has got like six or seven moving pieces and so really a very a guy adding a lot of routine and process to what he’s doing so really interesting he’s added some distance as well CHL recently added some distance the gym s Burns long elastic powerful and a flusher and a winner the other thing with Zander chaule he’s hasn’t missed a cut in 40 events the consistency he brings every event is incredible yeah well just he’s so well prepared isn’t he and and one the and the gold medalist in the in the Olympics that’s that’s coming up this year [Music] Maron with a wedge in hand look like that’s going to go heading down one star after the next shle goes to get a sandwich that is the Players tent Hospitality amazing the RNA knows how to throw a party I can tell you that there is no better place if you’re a player and I there’s no better place to watch competitive golf than Royal trun and the open conditions definitely improved since this morning as well so yeah so let’s go back down there and find Iona Steven thank you Simon we are still down here on the Range and well there’s a we nip in the air and the wind’s picking up we can see the flags fluttering up there and we’ve been watching Xander show F clip a few recent major Champion but I think he might have nipped off to grab a snack or a drink but we’ve been talking a little bit about the draw for tomorrow David and Xander is out with the one and only Tiger Woods yeah that’s nice isn’t it Open championship at Raw True Tiger Woods and your best mate your golfing mate that that being said Patrick Cay as well so a really comfortable partnership for for Xander and uh new uh world that he lives in as a major Champion that amazing Victory down there at the PGA Championship um he’ll be loving life this week coming in as a major winner yeah and of course he was part of the Genesis Scottish open last week finished tied 15th and a former champion of that event so just generally Good Vibes we know he loves link golf well he’s so consistent actually funny enough I saw I walked the course this morning I only saw him hit one drive and it went 330 yards straight down in the middle of the Fairway so he certainly hasn’t completely lost it yet anyway um yeah one of the most consistent players and best players in the world um I’m sure he’s going to have a really strong week let’s take a look at the Tea Times some selected groups here for you John Ram 936 a.m. out with Tommy Fleetwood and our recent Scott Genesis Scottish open Champion Robert McIntyre who is now in trune and apparently he was looking very sharp this morning he’s had the celebrations and he’s got to park that now David how hard to park such a big win and move into the final major of the Year oh well you don’t want to park it you want to take every ounce of confidence that you possibly can um he beat many of these players last week at the Genesis on a Links Golf Course sure there’s some good additions this week as well the Live players are in town um so this is as strong as it gets you got to beat everybody in the world of golf to win the Open Championship of course but he came a long way came very close to doing that last week Bob and uh he’ll be he’ll be as confident as anyone that he can get his way around this wonderful golf course in a low number and ludvig obar he was out with Bob in the final pairing on Sunday he’s someone that many are keeping their eye on this week yeah I I quite fancy ludvig actually uh you know as much as anything strange way Henrik Stenson you know he was the master here last time beating Phil mson 20 underp um something about their Styles their stature you know they’re both Swedish um the way they swing the golf club the way they strike the golf ball ludvig reminds me of the new Henrik so he might be my well he is my tip for this week because I can see him going forward debut at the Open Championship of course but Ben Curtis managed to do that down there at rson georgees all those years ago if anyone can do it then Ludi can um on debut so I quite fancy the big suet we saw Rory uh they just at the bottom of that first page as well we were hearing from Rory just a few moment ago what what are your expectations from maroy coming into the week well he had a good week last week you know it was in good form there at Renaissance didn’t quite manage to defend his his championship which he won in such fine style last year um but you know Ro’s got you know he still I’m sure somewhat of a hangover from from that US Open well it wasn’t a failure was it that’s the wrong wrong terminology he would have learned a lot though he had the chance first time in a long time that Roy had a real chance to win a major championship he would have taken all the positives from that and of course there was a couple of lessons to learn um uh which he will have learned um which will stand him a good step for the next time he gets a a chance you know a ta a major championship again remember when Rory didn’t win at Augusta with a four shot lead all those years ago the next major championship was the US Open he learned all the lessons he needed and went on to win a congressional so you never know Rory I’m sure could do it this week we have some more selected te times to take a look at just now winam Clark another major Champion playing alongside Hideki Matsuyama and Brooks CAP Car big hitter loves to turn up in the majors David yeah absolutely the major man uh no doubt about that um so he’ll be looking for a big week saw him swinging on the Range earlier looks strong he always looks strong doesn’t he Brooks uh just a wonderful Striker for the golf forall which you need around Ro trun coming into the back nine into the wind it’s such a big back nine of golf um you really need to be able to strike it into these uh into these Northern winds um or northwesterly I should say if you’re going to win this Championship yeah we were having a little chat with Kieran Stevenson the head pro here at Royal just a few moments ago about the wind and we’re seeing players really paying attention to the wind direction and learning as much as they can because we don’t know what’s going to happen let’s take a little bit a little look further down we see Shane Lowry 2019 Champion cam Smith 22 champion and that’s they’re playing alongside Matt Fitzpatrick and that might just spur him on say hang on a minute I want a piece of this yeah indeed I was watching Matt practice earlier actually and he was inting four different drives he was inting the bomb the stock shot the stinger and the second serve he calls it it was a great display of driving um and uh he this piercing low Drive they can hit it goes knee high to a grasshopper into these winds on the back nine is going to be fantastic if he can drive it as well on the golf course as he was on the Range earlier today you never know Matthew could be a a factor this week yeah and of course he’s got uh one of the most experienced caddies in the game Billy Foster on the bag and if just I just sense that it’s going to be a bit of a team effort this week uh yeah well listen you can’t win the open on your own un know that the cadis got a big role to play and as we’ve seen on the Range everyone has got their own Entourage no doubt about that that is the Modern Way on on tour nowadays and the Cades of course play a huge pivotal role especially it’s not so much as a seven iron or a six iron it is what’s going on in your mind over those last few holes when you’re trying to win that claric jug we can see tyl Hatton in his own Bay here doing some work with his Club fitter Adrien melt who is one of the most respected Club fitters in the game and and so many of are doing these tweaks the fine tuning what do you think tr’s working on right now David uh I’ve got no idea but we could ask him why why don’t you go see we ask you what you working she she asked me what uh I asked me what you’re working on I said I’ve got no idea why don’t we ask the man himself what’s your best guest uh I working on your your four irons um piercing four irons down wind that doesn’t even make any sense what are you working on uh I’m just trying some different options um with the three iron normally I use the seven wood so see this week’s not not ideal for a seven wood not seven wood weather no doubt about that you in Spain last week how did you go yeah we had a decent week uh finished third missed the playoff by one um but that was my first time to valder arm you’re you’re kidding no there was uh yeah really now you’re you’re fed for a little bit of frustration at times um vder armor most frustration frustrating golf course in the world I mean you obviously cop beautifully yeah um it was I didn’t feel like it was as bad as everyone made out to be said I get frustrated at even the easiest golf courses so it kind of they all kind of blend into one in terms of frustration levels but uh I enjoyed it it was um it was nice to just go there to be honest obviously got such a historic European venue so um yeah it was a fun week yeah well well played and I say different challenge this week so what has changed in the bag you going to with two iron in what what’s the what’s the difference in the in the setup this week yeah it would just be the the three iron going in instead of um instead of the seven wood so that would be the only change um so yeah as I said just trying a few different options at the moment and seeing which one works best and we’ll we’ll go with that I’m not a great statistician what’s your best finish in an open it was actually here in 2016 and I finished tied fifth very good so you like this place Alle well listen let’s go a little bit better than tide fifth wish you the best of luck this week I’m sure do great thank you very much thanks for talking to us no worries thank you Terell thank you David and in the meantime we’re going to get down and hear from the world number one Scotty Sheffer I’m excited to be back over here this year um excited for the week I think the golf course is great uh should get some good good win this week um looks like looks like it should be pretty consistent you know some good Breeze which is you know I think increases the challenge of this golf course and it should be a fun week okay first question Dan Rory was in here talking about how important you felt it was to play the Scottish open to get used to the conditions and the greens you obviously didn’t play what what went into that decision um I’ve done it the last couple years and I felt like it was more important for me to get over here to this golf course and prepare um getting used to the conditions of the grass the bunkers over here um okay and next question in front Scotty what do you feel like the process for learning lyx golf has been like for it’s different for every player I’m curious like you played in four or five now these what what do you think it’s been like this is my fourth um and as far as the learning curve goes I mean I just feel like you have to be more creative here and you know I love that part of it I feel like when I do come over here this is really kind of how golf was intended to be played um I feel like there’s a lot more opportunity for shop making and being creative around the greens um and I can just see how you know somebody who is either a bit old maybe not as talented as some of us out here like you take a 10 handicap you know that only carries it 200 yards and they can run it up and have fun and not really lose many balls but the golf course out here are still going to challenge players like myself and um so it really is fun to come over here and play and I feel like just getting more creative and I think the biggest adjustment was how much the ball spins off of the turf here it spins a bit more than it does at home and so when you’re playing shots into the wind it it it’ll typically have much more of an effect on what the golf ball does than what we’re used to so getting used to a little bit of the heavy ear and just a little bit spinni your Turf okay next question microphone number four uh Scotty obviously you’ve had huge success back home do you come here with different plans based on what you have learned from the the two or three times you’ve been over here for the open do you have come here with different tactics of how you’re going to try and break down the course and attack compared to when you’re you’re back home in more American style conditions yeah well I mean it’ll definitely be different tactics out here but like you said um you know that’s why my preparation was a little bit different this year you know focusing more on this golf course than the than last week um getting over here feeling a bit more arrested um and yeah as far as getting used to this place you know lyns golf is obviously a lot different than what we play at home and so getting used to the firmness of the fairways um you know getting used to the different bunkering and the speed of the greens is obviously a bit different as well and how how big a factor is the driver going to be this week do you think you you won’t be taking as many drivers off the te would it be two ions and stuff instead I mean it all depends on the Wind so like today we got downwind on a lot of the holes in the front nine and um you could hit some drivers if you wanted to and you could definitely hit some irons if you want to as well and it was a lot of it’s going to be a little bit of a game time decision just based on the wind but most of the back n I’m going to be hitting driver just because the holes are significantly longer and um are supposed to be playing like slightly into the wind um and so being able to hit driver into the Fairway I think will be a big Advantage this week if if you’re getting the ball in play and driving it well um it’s been a wet year so far this year so the rough is thicker than it has been in years past so um it’s a bit more of a penalty okay next question back right h Scotty the consensus is that the front nine is the easier nine but obviously you’ve got this postage stamp hole which I think you’re familiar with now like 120 yards and you’ve got this longest hole you got the shortest and longest holes in the open could you just talk us through those holes I know you haven’t played it in competition but how do you see them yeah um well you know you got number six the long par five and I think it’s a really good hole because especially when you get it slightly downwind you can get to the Green in two um still just without firm the grasses you know if you carry the ball let’s say 300 yards in the air and it’s a little bit downwind it’s going to roll out on this Turf you know at least 30 yards unless it lands into do an UPS slope and so you’ll be able to get there in two um and so I like that it has opportunity um on that hole and then I think number Eight’s great you know the postage stamp I I get frustrated sometimes when the solution to distance is just making holes further and further and then it only just encourages guys to try to hit the ball further and further and not worry as much about controlling your ball and number eight is a good little way to kind of almost step back in time and you know control your ball a bit more and you don’t have to make a part three 230 yards to make it a great hole it can be 12 yards you know I think it holds like 12 at Augusta and 17 at Saw Grass I mean the best part 3es in the world are short part 3es they’re not overly long par threes and um because it leaves opportunity for you to hit a great shot and if I don’t hit the green on number eight it’s most likely going to be a bogy unless you’re in the front of the green I mean if you miss in the right bunker or the left bunker I mean if you hit in the left bunker you’re going to be glad to be making a bogey because it’s probably going to plug and you’re going to be getting up and down for your bogey so I I think great little short holes like that are fun it’s I think it’s an underrated skill for guys nowadays to be able to control your ball and I think it’s something that we need to continue to encourage in our game not just building golf courses longer and longer I mean you can make a short hole with a small green and it’s pretty dang [Music] tough there’s no way I should be here I should should be dead or in prison I mean how else would you gauge this when a guy comes off of a cotton form you know to become one of go great are you kidding me he hit the flag and the crowd he he just stormed onto the scene he put it in he’s a magician I never had any dreams about going on tour I didn’t know anything about it his story’s amazing his journey is amazing what a great shot poor we needed money to buy foodo a 28-year-old bro didn’t belong I knew I didn’t belong he was unbelievable and he put up with a lot that past is so painful to him I would like to forget it to tell you the truth our culture has a short memory I think it’s time for us to be reintroduced to me I’m playing for my life out here you know it is the American dream he hustled the world where do you see yourself in 10 years in 10 years I see myself making partner at this F has been sold what to who some multinational out in Dubai where at 7: a.m. and the temperature is a very warm welcome Viv this is Ben anything you need to know he’s your lawfully wedded husband in good times and in total chaos B what time are we expecting twins life is rarely a straight line wherever it takes you HSBC can help [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I know we just did a piece from the 17th T but I just can’t get enough of this hole look at the size of this bunker you and Ferguson’s gone missing no one yeah relax there take a seat he has absolutely gone missing this is such a tough hole over 240 yards and then the green is an upside down sauce pan so you’ve got absolutely no chance of hitting this you have to hit a great shot and then once you’re in one of these bunkers having to lift the flag even higher yeah and how how good is this place mate unbelievable it’s a amazing place um so C we playing an open here OB I’ve played it a few times when I was when I was a junior uh but it’s I think they’ve made it harder for us few new te’s further back um growing the rough and it’s amazing condition so it’s Brant we’ve just done a lot on this hole can you tell us how tough of is from on I know there’s no such thing as a tough hole and you want positive golf thoughts but it is a brute isn’t it yeah no it’s a it’s a really tough hole um I think we’ uh take four threes here and a heartbeat and move on but you know like any hole as well you can have a good shot and make one make gain some some ground in the field as well with a good shot and in a good partt too so yeah there’s always some I I like it being tough though I think it it suits the open that’s what we know um you know if you think of an open you think of heavy rough wind cold weather and and uh long hard H so yeah I’m looking forward to the challenge and how nice is it to be here off the back of a great win in Germany as well it must feel really nice to be back in that Winner Circle man yeah it feels amazing to be back in the winner circle um just winning in general it’s doesn’t happen often in golf so to get over the line feels extra special and uh you know it’s a nice a nice little um prize this getting to play in the open not far from home yeah well not far from home everyone’s supporting you it must be an even cooler feeling to be playing the open in Scotland with your fans everywhere too yeah definitely um you know it’s nice hearing a few come on y chants and just you know it’s nice playing in front of your your own people the accent feels familiar and you just feel like it’s yeah it’s just nice to be at home and you you want to do well in front of your own people as well so it’s always cool nice well you got a bit more prep to do so get back to it we don’t want to interrupt you too much please thank you let’s go see as playing Partners here as well couple of chirpy couple of very chirpy South Africans feel like there’s a bit of a match going on here almost Dean burm how’s it going welcome back to the open how are you mate yeah very good how are you guys fantastic how you how you finding the challenge out here at um I’m glad the rain stopped because I wouldn’t want to be playing this back n in the rain I can tell you that um what I’m not glad about is my captain keeps making putts which is costing me a little bit of money so uh nice to nice to play with Lou stays in an open Champion though yeah he’s um I mean you know unfortunate enough to play quite a lot of golf with him now and he’s um he’s an absolute Superstar I love I love playing gol for him and watch that swing all day can only improve your Rhythm con it nice how tough is this last run coming into the wind it’s a it’s a big challenge isn’t it yeah everything you know 10 11 and then you get a little bit of reprieve on 12 and then it’s just yeah it’s just hang on for dear life it’s very easy to make Bogies and and more out here um they’ve set the course up fantastically it’s an amazing Nick as as you’d expect when you come to the open so yeah like you say glad to be back and um let’s just you know hold on hopefully the wind the wind and the rain stays away for us South Africans all right we’ll be holding on for you as well mate thank you very much for your time so there we are ladies and gents here on the 17th green it’s not often we get to sit right here in the middle a great grand stand the penultimate hole this is where the drama will unfold I can’t wait for it to Heaven it really is a very challenging back n I am join joined by Dame Laura Davies you’ve been out on the golf course I know it’s a very sort of such a total difference between the first let’s say eight and then the and then probably the rest yeah well in theory you should play that front line slightly downwind that’s the idea behind the way it always is sometimes the wind comes the other way and it messes things up but just the stats on it it’s a par 36 going out at 3,539 y you make the turn you stand on that 10th T and it’s one shot less a par 35 and an extra 300 well just under three 293 yards longer and you’re into the wind so as Dean berm was saying there you know hold on to your hatch you have to be playing well coming in or else you you’re just going to drip drop down the field yeah it’s going to be an amazing spectacle we are on we are live on the Range it is Tuesday afternoon it’s got a lot of players who have been out there already ready who are now going through a post round warm-up when you came in off the golf course and you were sort of working on something specific you know did you did did you ever go back to the range and just hit a few extra ones clip away just maybe solve a problem kind of find a feel the only time I’d go to the range after around the golf bit practice round or normal round tournament round is if uh I’d driven it badly and then I’d always want to go and hit a few drivers so that that was always my thing if it have been awful on the course with the driver head to the only hit 20 15 20 that’s enough just to so you don’t go home with that awful feeling of a block or a pull just depending on what You’ done that day just to erase a bad thought and what about green reading I mean in walking around the courses here you know we’re used to seeing beautiful like let’s say Master’s green grass that’s kind of like the image that most people have in their minds of what a golf course at a tournament looks like and you come out here did you find the different colors and everything difficult to gauge was it were you good at reading these of greens I think I think the thing with um the linkx greens is there’s never as much break in them as as normal courses cuz they are flatter by Nature the fact they have a lot of them you know just were formed by Nature you do get some ridges in a lot of them and sometimes you will get a big break but on the whole I found if you under R all your puts on link screens that was for me that kind of worked and the pace of them is normally slower because obvious reasons if the wind gets up you can you the course can come unplayable so it’s that kind of combination these guys have got to get used to it because they’ve come off slick lightning greens all the American or PGA Tour players but Aaron Ry is coming off excuse me a hot streak fantastic round two gloves always got two gloves hot or cold and they look like those all weather type gloves as well they’re not leather are they they don’t they look like that the ones you can dip in bucket of water and still grip the club that’s what they look like they might be a slightly different sort impressed by his game gone to America he’s like really you know a lot of Europeans go to America it hasn’t really worked out for them he’s just taken off I’ve just feel like he’s embraced the challenge been amazing out there yeah it feels like he’s been up there I’m sure stats would say he hasn’t but it just feels like he’s been up there at some point in every tournament this year and uh very impressive game knew he had to go out Sunday and shoot a decent round to get in the open he did that so he can clearly do it under pressure um and you can see him winning very soon on the on the PGA tour and who’s to say you know give give it a good run at the open this week at trune got a long hold of the Finish always like really really holds and poses that finish probably a good key for amateur players who never get to the Finish yeah exactly we used to do that years ago because the in in the junior days I’m Going Back 40 Years cuz the old selectors would be in the bar having a gin and tonic with the binoculars so hold your swing and they think oh she said another good one there and they’ll have another drink and then they’ll think about who they’re putting in the team yeah that’s a great tip for all the young Juniors out there there you have it from Great Dame herself so interesting how much work is being done at the top end of the bag the driver obviously Nob brainer but like we’ve got a lot of variations in three Woods five Woods seven irons driving irons were you were you a big driving iron play did you get into that yeah pretty much I’ve I’ve never really played I’ve always played with a driver and then the next Club was my two iron I never had three Woods five Woods anything like that um for 90% of my career I would say um because I like hitting the ball a bit lower and a three-wood five Woods I’d hit them too high so you I’ve never been a fan I know the the the player the modern day player absolutely absolutely love these clubs the launch is everything now isn’t it so here we go Aaron Ry that long hold that right side look how he’s pushed that whole right side Way Way Forward there lots of time in the gym a real sort of range junkie you know the range junkies have been sort of like VJ Singh always on the driv Range Alex noren always on the driv Range Aaron Ry always on the driving range Dame Laura Davis never on the driving range that’s a myth that’s an urban myth I was out there when I needed to be I was out there that I I will tell you that much but I think most of these guys these youngsters especially probably think if I’m not putting the time in I’m not trying hard enough now whether if they cut back a bit it would help them but I think they don’t feel I think they feel like they’re not giving it 100% if they’re not matching these other fellas for um for for practice time you not think Tiger Woods heavily influenced that I mean I think a lot of guys now who are very fit strong have almost hit their bodies to death by pounding drivers yeah I I I think um less of the long game you you can never practice enough short game I will say that much putting chipping bunker shots that’s the that’s the real feel stuff the long game if you’re a good top um touring professional that should be ground into your swing already I think that’s why you get so many injuries because you know is a really repetitive thing let’s face it you’re trying to do the same thing every time the long pause from Aaron R pounded down the middle [Music] interesting to see manufacturers there Dominic Griffith in the light shirt their arms folded working with the players we’ve really had a lot of interaction this week in particular with the manufacturers please send us all your thoughts that’s to at the Open Range if you’ve got a question about something you’ve seen or you want us to sort of ask a player something we will try to answer that question for you you so it’s very much your show the RNA host it for all of us and there’s no experience like being here so you won’t be able to be here this year cuz it’s sold out but next year take a scan of that QR code enter yourself into the ballot and make a plan to join us in Royal Port rush for the 153rd edition of the Open Championship just fascinating to see how deliberate everything is with Aaron R it’s like it’s almost like a a metronomic sameness to everything well that’s golf isn’t it you’re you’re trying to reproduce repeat the really good swing over and over and over again so I love even on the Range to see he’s taking his time did you visualize sort of different holes out on the golf course and try to kind of work your board get the pictures right in your head yeah if it was early in the week we I I would actually mcad and I would work out the whole and we play the we play the 18 holes and whichever shot I hit off the tea with the driver we’ then go to the club we thought would be about right for the second off the shape we’d hit and on you go and I think it’s a really nice way of slowing yourself down number one but uh getting some decent practice in [Music] now it’s fascinating all sorts of Champions have assembled here to try to add their name to The claric Jug Xander shalle who has won a major this year was giving some thoughts in his press conference let’s hear from him now I really enjoy playing Links Golf and the all the challenges that come with it so it’s always it’s always fun for me to come here and play golf your seventh open appearance TI second 2018 at carti what Le lessons do you think you’ve learned over the years coming into this week yeah I mean I think Links Golf there’s a certain attitude that you need to have to to play at a high level excuse you Doug you’re right um that that comes with uh with playing L Golf and that’s sort of the first thing I learned when I was here you know uh back at home in the States you know when it starts raining people always feel like oh you know one wave gets the rain and when you’re out here you know everyone you can it can rain the entire day and it’s just part of it so it’s something that we’re really not used to uh playing in the states and with that rain comes a lot of wind as well so I just I really enjoy the challenge challenge of it I’ve played you know you said my seventh start now and um I don’t feel like quite a veteran on lyx golf yet but again I I really do enjoy it and uh I think that helps me learn quicker get first Mike the right here thanks Yeah you mentioned learning the lesson of having the right attitude was there a day conditions wise or a shot or anything that really taught you I need to have this attitude out here I think it was when you play Parkland golf a lot you feel like you need to be perfect and on not that you don’t need to be perfect or on but on a typical lyns golf course there’s always a way to play or several ways to play a hole and if the weather gets really bad um you just have to as always take the bunkers out of play um and and really try and plot your way way around the property it doesn’t have to be super pretty you don’t have to hit the center of the face you know all the time uh when it’s 50° and raining uh you know Center contact doesn’t even feel that good anyway so just kind of place the ball around the property and and really just try to get get in the hole and as few shot as possible D what have you learned about this place in the few days you’ve been here I’ve played nine holes uh or I’ve played 18 holes now I played Nine and Nine and you know the front nine and It’s A Tail of Two n a little bit the front n’s much more straightforward the back n’s a bit trickier um overall I feel like it’s a pretty straight straightforward open uh Championship venue it’s pretty fair and and pretty straightforward so I’m going to have to you know I’m playing the back nine again uh there’s a few t- shots there that are a little that are a little uncomfortable so wanted to see that site again but overall I mean I think it’s a really fair fair test to golf and if if it’s really windy it’ll be really fun and if the wind lays down then I think that’s how you saw some low scores back then in 16 and then if you I mean I’m trying to get a sense of what do you think the mood is like of of players now when we get to the last major of the year compared with late March April when the major championship season is in front of you in terms of optimism or or whatever and and how much difference does it make when you’ve already got one makes me feel a lot better than I have one now um everyone’s everyone’s just trying to put themselves in a position to win and you try and get yourself in the in the right head space and everyone you know everyone’s pushing you know for for us on the on the PJ tour it’s you know our playoffs are right around the corner you know on the European tour there’s still a lot more golf to be played until their their playoffs and finals so for us it’s you know nearing the home stretch here so there’s a lot of people that are super focused and and trying to tune their game in uh to the best of their ability just go to Daniel next uh Rory’s Cy Harry Diamond gets a lot of uh flak uh you’re another guy who has uh someone that you grew up with or a friend on the bag is it is that ever tough being being a friend and a boss uh can be uh I think I think most guys who are have their friends as caddies you know they at some point have to take one of the hats off you know it’s got to be a working relationship as well and I’m lucky to have Austin uh he’s he’s he’s done a great job you know I believe he’s one of the hardest working CES out here and um you know I love when we don’t have much information in a book because I know he’s going to go out there and walk 25,000 steps to get all that info for me so in terms of the mistakes and things of that nature it can be tricky but open communication is is the best way to to solve those problems and I feel like most of the guys out here do a pretty good job of that what is it you’re looking for in a caddy obviously you’re saying Austin does a good job of it but what are the criteria that for you makes a good caddy just a soundboard I mean I need someone to to talk to every once in a while um uh you know all that all that stuff that he has to do on the golf course I you know I expect him to do those things and he does them um and then besides that you know be a distraction when when I need it and and since he’s my friend he he can provide that more than you know a a stranger could [Music] on the te she was staring this one down and for good reason look at this just delightfully done she’s on top of the world going directly at the hole what oh get in there there’s something about the AIG Women’s Open oh my goodness [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to live at the range if you don’t know what this is then I think you’re not a golfer this is the claric J and what they’re all playing for the field of over 150 players here with Andrew CTO for the first time today Andrew we can almost we’re not allowed to touch it are we you got close sort of closer than anyone else this fourth last group on on a Sunday but that was about as close as I got slightly tumbled down the leaderboard after that but but seriously the names on here incredible steep in history is there a name that pings out to you obviously you know we could wax lyrical about Henri senson eight years ago here you know yeah mean I mean that wi against um you know Mickelson was just incredible how how the the pair of them really just sort of took this golf course to Pieces uh of course TR that can happen to trun if if conditions are benign but you know from my point of view and just just the age and Stage that I was growing up the great Sano bios yeah got his name on there I think it’s on there three times um I’m just trying to spot trun for our Kev our cameraman you can see here uh Bobby lock 1950 at trro and Kev if you follow me round we can go a little bit further down Tom Watson in 1982 at trun and can we go all the way around here Kev he’s very athletic he can get quite low and Andrew you have found ston there Henrik Stenson you see 2016 finishing at 20 under par it’s not an easy score to get goodness me no I mean that that’s uh that is incredible almost uh unbelievable around around a place like this um you know if the wind blows um you know two completely different nine holes and one you know you know almost 10 times harder for instance if it’s helping in the way out David hell has been talking about that it’s like turning into hell on the way back it’s just so long and so brutal and uh you know you just have uh you have such a such a long long final nine nine holes just trying to trying to finish your day well that’s what all the players are saying if they you know the nine that they’re going to practice over and over again if they can to get as much game time on on the back nine it’s pretty it’s it’s absolutely R such a test of gol yeah that’s where that’s where anybody’s going to lose it is it’s not so much on what they make in the front nine but the the trouble they avoid or that’s the winnner going to going to make that with the trouble they avoid on the back nine but anybody at fall fou of that they’ll they’ll they’ll lose their open now between us I think if we’re framed up correctly which I’m sure we are is mato manisero who W earlier in the season it’s a great story isn’t it Mato coming back to fruition yeah it’s an incredible story you know I mean he was Boy Wonder he was 16 years old when he won the amateur Championship he was 16 years old when he made the cut in the Masters he also won the silver medal at I think it was tumy just down just down the coast way back then uh as well um eventually eventually won the BMW PJ Championship 20 13 I mean an absolute Superstar and still is a great kid but then of course the game just disappeared it’s it’s horrible you hear it so many times again and again just trying to search for something trying to find something but brilliant when he comes back and wins on tour I mean that is a that’s a huge story in itself yeah and not everybody can it’s it’s it’s an incredible Mountain to be able to climb back up again having Lost It All Before uh so he did that as you said down in South Africa I think it was at Glen da almost in the dark and uh and since then you know since then he’s just he’s just continued some uh you know just some tremendous quality golf great looking very Dapper we’re looking at outf just he’s working a pretty good coach though quick chat oh yeah he’s working with a pretty good coach can’t remember he’s I can’t remember his name if if you know he was on tour sort of bit you know come on should we bring him in I’m going to go this side of you Matteo how are you I’m good very good yeah it’s great to be here oh wonderful I mean this is your sort of second open in a 7year period wonderful to have you back we were talking about your win in South Africa early on in the year and recent results have been super impressive so we’re all we’re all smiles here on the range at TR I can’t remember if you played here before at TR you played 2016 I I thought this was my last open but then maybe I lost track of time I don’t know we’re going to check it we’re going to check what you make it have you been out for the last couple of days I’ve been out today h obviously I played last week so yesterday I kind of took it easy uh but I played today and just as I remember remember it uh brutal Back N we were just talking about that weren’t we Andrew oh it sure it sure is I mean there’s no other golf course I think on the open road to like that so dramatic uh H9 I I got to ask you a question it is great as D said seeing you back playing well again you’re absolutely striping it it was a really really difficult time what is the biggest lesson you’ve learned during that period it’s a psychological question it’s a deep one you can get into philosophy no um I mean I I’ve I’ve improved my perspective towards the game massively uh I would say the easiest thing I can tell you is that i’ I’ve gone far away from focusing on results and much more into things I can control I would say that’s the main thing I I learned and and what I’m kind of on a daily basis try to keep uh the focus on just process and all the things we can control uh because result is not really something we can control not everybody can come back mat you managed to come back that should give you tremendous amount of confidence absolutely brilliant I’m looking at your results in previous opens so the last one was Royal TR here unfortunately you missed the cut you’re not going to do it this week but uh we’ll talk about some of the key holes the postage stamp I mean just one of the most iconic holes in golf how do you feel as a golf when you step on these holes um the poster stamp is is fascinating it’s it really is I think uh it’s beautiful uh it’s tough H one of those SES and there’s not many in the world that would say that because of all the talking and because of of of everything that um is said about that hole you get there and you feel something extra about it like you you actually you make it tougher than what it actually is sometimes because I mean the middle of the green can be uh I don’t know a 50° wedge or or or a wedge and you’re always getting to the middle of the green obviously or anyway like 12 on or something like this not more than that and if it’s not as windy as today then it should actually yeah we just have a quick look at the flyover of the hole yeah it should be an affordable Target but then you get there and it’s the postage stamp there’s a lot of talking and you feel that extra little pressure and and that’s I think it’s something that only places like this or maybe the 12 of austa can give you that sort of vibe I think I think interesting thing there with the stand all around about it is you going to be so aware of what the wind is doing before you step on that te CU you’re going to be sheltered in a way sure the flag will tell you but you won’t necessarily feel how strong it is and probably it’s going to blow from the stand if I you know the wind is changing so uh today we played it in from the right and it was about at least 20 yards of wind so it was a solid wedge to the front of the green uh but yeah you kind of those middle bunkers you want to you want to pitch just short of them and possibly you know if you miss the shot Just Bounce and get in the bunkers because I tried some shots from the left bunker and very rarely you can hit it to the green so it’s that tough It’s take take three and run what do you do you have you adapted anything coming here to the links from what you’ve done earlier on in the season with the you know the higher ball flight and things that you need to do anything different here I personally try to find the ground a little bit more um what does that mean I mean I I want to be centered I want to have the delivery of the club that feels very direct so there’s nothing staying behind so the starting point Links Golf is massive because especially on the back nine this in in this golf course you have a little bit of Crosswinds with with really long shots and sometimes blind shots so you kind of take a Target in front of you and and try to go aggressive committed at that and and my feeling is my comfort zone is going into the ground uh but I need to be centered to do that and get there with a square face you know it was really helpful to play last week uh you can sort of you can try to get into the the habit of playing a links but there’s nothing like playing in it you know that already instinctively makes me find the ground lower ball flight maybe not hit it as hard you know try to keep the spin down yeah so all those things that see we heard about but then you need to put them in play in very difficult circumstances so yeah it just needs golf play yeah we we’ve spoken so much over the last few days about creativity imagination adaptability and really you don’t know what you’re going to get until until you get out there we’re having lots of questions in on social media actually hash theopen range let us know any questions one here for you Mato from Deborah who wants to know when did the trust come back with your swing so with my swing it it came back uh in different times I would say I I had a like a a full stop and and change and and restart and that was really helpful like I would say three years ago now so I had a much better understanding of what I where I wanted to get to but then then the trust comes from comes from playing uh it comes from playing well uh and then the first step is playing well in a nice environment easy environment and then the step after is playing well when you’re trying to make the cut or next step is is trying you know play well when you’re in a Sunday contending and that takes time uh I guess I’m I’m actually surprised sometimes of how quick I’ve done it in the last year and a half but when things turn around you need to believe in yourself also times it’s not always you cannot always see proof because golf doesn’t always give you the chance to see proof you have to you have to believe it you have to believe that that you’re good that you’re playing well you’re doing the right things so and then and then kind of the then golf gives you the the option to uh grow that uh confidence and start playing well yeah it’s staying on your path isn’t it and not letting anyone interfere you’ve got a great team with you remind us who your coach is yeah saurin Anson is my coach yes you you alluded to you wanted him in the interview didn’t you Andrew could we go over and say hello to him oh he’s not happy why I don’t know you can try oh listen watch this will yes it will make him more miserable here we go just going to say hi should we bring you over as well good good to see you again you’re very busy man you’re in popular demand I’m not busy but I just like coaching now that’s good you you always are an incredibly fluid swing yourself were a wonderful ball strier how much of that do you bring into your coaching um well obviously Rhythm is a big part of a golf swing um I had good Rhythm I could probably hide a little bit behind that because I had a few faults as as well but everybody we all have we all have faults we all have faults but I hided really well behind my rhythm and Tempo and obviously it’s something I look at as well um I think you got to have a few key positions to be in but I think the Rhythm and the tempo of the Swing if that’s good and you’re a strong player like physically and I mean you can match up anything really a great question we always have when we come to like a major championship what really can a coach do that week of a major with the person that they’re working with well I think once you’re here you shouldn’t really work on too much I think it’s about seeing the course and that’s it really is he is he not doing much is he just hanging out no no he’s doing he’s doing stuff he’s doing stuff he’s understating what he’s doing I I I actually I agree with what he saying I mean the job is has been done before and there’s only as much as you can do here there’s a lot of preparing there’s a lot going on in Majors a lot of energy is lost you know uh in many different things so great so thank you Mato and thank you Sor getting loads of tweets saying great to see you on the screen so we’re glad that you made the interview we have thank you good luck this week back to our coms great to see you back playing well again take what a great moment that was that’s that is the whole thing of live on the Range I love those kind of little interventions there you catch Mato manoser was like a a Baby Genius wasn’t he and then he kind of lost his way kind of maybe chased a bit of speed now he’s come back again with the help of a sain Hansen that’s a great story yes it is indeed it’s uh it’s it’s hard once you reach the lows in this game so difficult to get it back and as he said he’s surprised how quickly he’s felt comfortable in contention because you can go so low that you just don’t ever believe you’ll be able to play Under Pressure again and he’s he’s mastered it with the help of his lovely coach yeah no great great partnership Saron Hansen is an absolutely top dog he I always thought he just played a little bit I don’t think he believed how good he was he was amazing like we all looked at it and thought you know what this a major Champions game here so there they are great couple the fact he didn’t want to get on camera did he really he shied away initially and then he was hijacked by Andrew it’s nice yeah absolutely yeah yeah no he’s a he’s a really lovely guy coaches both of the Hoy guards and nice we saw Peter Hansen he was a great player in kind of the similar area maybe a tiny bit younger than saon Hansen and Peter Hansen uh coaching ludig orberg so yeah I’ve seen a lot of golf shots it’s amazing is it I used to coach saon Hansen that’s so a bit of you is being passed on well no probably will be though because that’s how you learn don’t you you learn from your coaches or you know your parents sometimes some of these players start like Justin Thomas his father was his longtime coach wasn’t he and it’s it gets passed through and then I’m sure some of the stuff you taught him is now going into it’s lovely yeah it’s I love it anyway here we go Ryan Fox what a victory he had an unlikely a victory of just only because Wentworth West is so fiddly right he was amazing well I think the West CO that went with you have to hit it flat out and one because it’s such a long course again that we talk about the back nine here the back nine there is I know there’s some Far fives on that back n three of them in facts but he just gets after it and he Never back down and that’s why he won and it was great fun to watch wasn’t it oh yeah the contests around those golf course I think that’s probably Wentworth West is another like really amazing stadium and because it’s there so much with the spectators know it so well it comes with its own history probably one of the most spectacular places you know the three fantastic golf courses and facilities at Wentworth you know you say you just have to say Wentworth it’s like it’s like a like you know it’s like Coke it’s you know you get it it’s immediately yeah it is it is someplace love it it’s got its own um really amazing uh quality standards it’s It’s Always setting and pushing a new standard so I like that here we go look at that that’s a great part of being at the open look at that Dame Laura Davis is your name on there definitely not I’ve not been ask for anything I thought they at this age they wouldn’t have a clue but anyway um she looks like a champion she looks like a miniature Charlie hon she might have a future in the game I like that now i’ I can tell you I walked around with Dame Laura Davis it took us half an hour to do 100 yards she was inundated with the requests Ryan Fox kind of like a it’s kind of like a a like a punch swing is it it’s not a rhythmical swing it’s not like a it’s not like an oo Haze and it’s like soft in there this is like a like a 1-in punch he’s like a street fighter isn’t he yeah he’s out he’s ready for the battle oh he’s eyeing that one up and down and maybe got away to him to the from him to the right so just having a look at the vid really kind of like Fold It folds it in that right arm and then just extends it pushing is down into the ground with that right arm keeps the Sha low keeps the face Square been in America a little bit and has some pretty good results over there you would have thought that’s a game the place that really matches him absolutely they play I mean not all the courses but most of the courses are wide open you can launch it and the rough can be awkward out there but pretty much if you’re a long hitter and you’re an aggressive player you’ll do well on the PGA tour yeah Power has become such a huge part but the open you know you’re not going to overpower Dame Laura Davis Royal trune no if you and if well I going to say if you try it you’re probably going to come well on St but on the other hand once you stand on the 10th seat you almost have to give those drives the ABS the shortest path four on the back nine is the 10th at 450 and they only get longer from there and it’s just one of those things if if there is a slight breeze into you can’t afford one bad strike cuz you leave yourself in a position where you can’t get the green even as long as these fellas are no absolutely so let’s have a look on the right side of your screen there we’re using top Tracer technology there is ball tracking technology the golf range is now live so Ryan Fox let’s see 195 carry I’m thinking that’s a 79 hold that’s a little longer so we will leave Ryan for a few [Music] minutes on the te she was staring this one down and for good reason look at this just delightfully done she’s on top of the world going directly at the hle what God oh get in there there’s something about the AIG Women’s Open my [Music] goodness where do you see yourself in 10 years in 10 years I see myself making partner at this th has been sold what to who some multinational out Dubai where it’s 7:00 a.m. and the temperature is a very warm welcome Viv this is Ben anything you need to know he’s your lawfully wetted husband in good times and in total chaos B what time are we expecting twins life is rarely a straight line wherever it takes you HSBC can help there’s no way I should be here I should be dead or in prison I mean how else would you gauge this a guy comes off of a cotton form you know to become one of go greates are you kidding me he hit the flag and the crow erup he just stormed onto the scene he put it in again he’s a magician got I never had any dreams about going on tour I didn’t know anything about it his story is amazing his journey is amazing what a great we were poor we needed money to buy foodo a 28-year-old bro didn’t belong I knew I didn’t belong it was unbelievable and he put up with a lot that past is so painful to him I would like to forget it to tell you the truth our culture has a short memory I think it’s time for us to be reintroduced to leino I’m playing for my life out here you know it is the American dream he hustled the [Music] world hello and welcome back we are behind the scenes and we’ve snuck our way back to the old Clubhouse this is actually a little hidden gy which a lot of the players don’t know about another putting green on the way to the first T and what I’ve just found and realize is that there is three claric jugs on this pting green we’ve got Franchesco Molinari here defending Champion Brian Haron and then we’ve got Justin Leonard Over The Far Side as well so this is quite a tranquil a very relaxed part of the course and I actually believe this is the best putting surface compared to the other one by the range so the players are really missing a beat here but as we go around I sort of just realized I’ve seen a few fans here and they have done a serious job and I’m trying to work out how on Earth they’ve got back here I’m going to I’m going to doop them excuse me boys uh do you have a do you have a pass or anything how are you getting back here don’t know don’t know honestly it’s a charm it’s a good looks in a charm that’s what wearm that’s what they say looks like you boys have got a fair amount of signatures can you run us through how you’ve managed to get away again just to good lucks and the charm we just uh we just um sharting over to the players and asking if we can uh get some signatures and they they were dead Keen for it so the is it the accent that maybe gets you over the line the Scottish accent does it yep mate who’s your favorite what’s your what’s your top of the picks here I’d probably say we’ve got Rory there and then Rambo and red nice and then got the Shambo up there so they’re probably my top three fantastic and anything else that we need to know about what else have you managed to F uh well we were out with uh Shane Larry’s dad and uh at the pub at the pub yeah Brandon no surprises there eh no surprises Mr Larry um yeah he was lovely lovely man and I just got chatting and he like took a taken to Kai didn’t he and just got his 20 24 Masters cards what do you mean for getting into the well I’ll get what do you mean is Master’s card Master’s card for getting into the clubhouse you you’re Jing me hold on hold on what have we got here I was going to get him to sign it but he’ll probably take it back off me so how shine if you’re wondering where that is I’ve got your card mate there you go that is absolutely that is absolutely brilliant oh well done boys and when you look right behind you you’ve got Brian har and our defending champ right here and it’s all working out Brian how are you mate just wanted to say hi to the defending champ how’s your week been mate welcome back yeah appreciate it nice to be back how’s the year as well a big old year as champ I golf for over the year yeah I’ve played some pretty good golf had a good chance of the players game’s in good shape just ready to get started yeah and how does it feel to be back on the links obviously You’ played amazingly well at Royal Liverpool it must feel feel good to be back and get those vibes again yeah I love this golf over here it’s a it’s a pleasure to come over here I feel like it’s the probably the hardest fairest golf that we get to play so I’m excited to get going and course is in fantastic shape it’s just looking over watching your putter uh that seemed to be running hot last year and that’s what really got your clar jug locked away wasn’t it how’s it looking this week yeah it’s it’s been kind of the u a little bit of a struggle this year I’ve been striking it so well and haven’t been making the same putts but sometimes when you put more pressure on your putter like that it seems like you’re not putting well but just waiting for the week to you know the right week to to putt well hopefully it’s this one Thursday can’t come soon enough Ken right thanks man all right good to see you again well done on the year appreciate that have you got an have you done yeah you might as well sign that mate you you guys are in that good of form you’re the last person we need oh the last person we need well look at that good looks and charm they’ve got it all and now we’ve helped them with a signature so we’ll pass back to you guys cheers ah George gets everywhere doesn’t he how about water can’t get oh that’s right but you know what look at that champion golfer of the Year taking the time to make two fans very happy guys they’ve done well those two boys haven’t they they got all over the place they’ve got you know what it’s all eff isn’t it what they need needs a 2025 Master’s Clubhouse pass then they’re cooking they can go wandering in that’s going to be hard but you know what Shane Larry like what a thing to do right like that’s you know that’s the the Love of the Game and I think the the pros you know he doesn’t have to do that he’s going to he’ll take every single one of those guys BR and he he respects the game the game that’s the game’s bigger than everybody yeah absolutely no question about it and I’m sure he’s had an absolute time of his life traveling the world with that Trophy this year all his sponsors everyone would want have a look at it have a drink out of it maybe even forged by Nature won by Champions powerful statement y now here we go US Open Champion if you’re going to win the US Open you want to win it at Pebble Beach if you’re going to win the Open Championship you want to win it at St Andrews but if you can’t win it at St Andrews win royal tree we win it at Royal what mind you having said that what about Royal there they’re all so great but I must admit Royal trun would be quite the treat if you could if you could win it around here yeah he has had some major health issues so it is a great pleasure to see him back with the golf club in his hands he’s had some good weeks this year hasn’t he he’s been up there a few times not the consistency yet that he’ll be hoping for yeah it’s interesting swing isn’t it you just feel like that kind of really like rubbery wrist movement that he’s got kind of like little bit of ram wrists just maybe throws in a timing element so we’ll leave him for a few minutes just see that sort of speed so it’s quite slow and it’s almost like that it’s almost transition speed isn’t it it’s like a lag and and then just accelerates and explodes at the ball so very much a power player great Sportsman he can dunk a basketball so with a three-wood just clipping away a few 173 just to let you know is kind of PJ tour average ball speed death with a driver so Gary Woodland puts himself into that top Echelon very stable good footwork footwork so important Laura Davis not coached enough not focused enough enough balance yeah I got a Sheffer about that though yes Sheffer certainly spe Sheffer very very extreme in it sort of like really gets to the left side and the lateral movement so Woodland brilliant ball Striker not an amazing wedge player interestingly enough I would say so there certainly any reason for that I just think maybe the the sort of where the speed is and where it’s so risky you know get you’re creating a lot of angle and then with a wedge you need you don’t have much time to get kind of rid of that angle so you often see a lot of Power Players not amazing wedge players like if you think of Stricker amazing wedge player nearly no wrists um Tiger’s gone through all sorts of different types of movements but he’s a great wedge player Dustin Johnson learned to be a great wedge player but for me Woodland it’s very very steep very very late too long and that lends itself to sort of maybe a little bit inconsistent strike little bit inconsistent launch and spin and therefore carry but this looks amazing look at that handson see a lot of funny looking grips nowadays you never used to see that you’ve got an amazing grip were you were you was that natural to you you coached that no I I just grabbed hold of the club and never had a coach so I just grabbed all of the club and started swinging it Talent that’s that is what you call Talent like Woodland very instinctive looks like he was born with that club on his hands just boom so we’ll leave Gary Woodland for a few seconds and we’ll go and see what George Harper Jr is up to yeah hello guys look at that I said there was a few claric DRS floating around and now we’ve got Justin Leonard 1997 yes how does it feel to be back as a champion it’s fun to be back I I haven’t been back over here in played in the open since uh it was last year in 2016 so a little bit surreal yesterday um being back I’ve I’ve been over doing you know American television um which is is fun just to be involved at the open but to be back playing um uh it’s a lot of fun so I’m going to enjoy the week how do you like the looks of TR everyone’s really enjoying it so far what are your initial Impressions yeah it’s in great shape um it’s grown a little bit since I was last here and um yeah I played the front nine yesterday and you know kind of build my confidence up a little bit and hit a lot of two and three irons off of te’s and wedges and then played the the back nine today okay um a little different story but um no it’s it’s it’s good fun it’s it’s just great to be back and uh you know this is certainly a great test as you go on in your career there are challenges with distance I imagine what are some of these brutal holes you talk about the 11th for example how tough are some of these open holes yeah I mean there’s um I I couldn’t reach 11 I couldn’t uh no I couldn’t get to 13 or 15 so um you know but I’ve got my little spots where where I can get things done and then those holes you know just try and play smart give myself a you know the right pitch and hopefully just a pitch and one Putt and and move on nice and finally what is so special about the open I guess as a champion it must feel amazing every time you step inside the ropes what is it what’s so unique and amazing about this Championship well just being a having a little small piece of the history um at this championship and and um you know getting to play Links Golf um you know it’s the way golf is meant to be played and so um you know where you know guys of different skill sets and ages um you know can can compete against one another so um it’s just fun to be back and kind of re-engage some of the creativity that I think at times can get lost you know on on on a lot of golf courses that we play very nice well we thank you very much for your time it’s great to have a champion golfer back in the link so enjoy the week thank you I will cheers manate back to you do thanks George really great to hear from Justin lard the winner of 1997 of the Open Championship Andrew we we’ve made our way we’ we’ve actually got some of our steps in I reckon it was about 45 steps I’m aiming for 10,000 and I’m not really there yet today but we’re here on the putting green and I’m seeing lots of marks on on the pting green and different different types of exercises that go on here what is we’re going to go and chat to Adrien morang in just a moment but what what is he doing from your perspective right now well it’s all about the pace putting um you know pretty much you can you can uh get the right line but if you don’t match it up with the pce B uh it’s not going to go in the Hole uh and this is important what we doing here just a little little drill taking it from looks like what about 5 ft 8 ft 10 something like that and he’s trying to hit the pot and you see the little um alignment stick behind it he’s just trying to make sure he doesn’t go go past that yeah if Kev Kev our cameraman can get in the alignment stick behind the hole whereas caddy Stewart is standing giving it go I want to I want to make my way over but I don’t want to stand on anyone’s line or mess anyone’s okay we’ll go straight down very loud airplanes going overhead which we hear quite often we’ve had some military planes going over incredibly impressive Adrian can we interrupt good to see you don’t I don’t want to disrupt anything uh we were just talking about what what you’re what exactly you’re doing can you talk us through it yes I’m doing this pig drill uh which encourages me to to haul pots as well so the idea is of eight pts uh um from 5 ft to I know like 10 m and if I hit if I haul it it’s minus one if I leave it short or or hit the stick behind it it’s plus one or if I if I leave it after like behind the hole and short of the stick that’s level par and the goal the goal is minus two or better to pass to pass the drill so yeah that’s kind of the drill I’m and if you don’t if you don’t pass it you have to keep doing it till you get to minus two exactly yeah so that’s my uh drill to you know get used to the pace and you do that every week every week yeah cuz the the greens changes every week especially this week the the greens a little bit slower than usual uh we expect some high winds so you know the greens can be too fast uh so we just trying to get used to it so you had a fantastic amateur career did you play up here at told jior amateur career I yeah I did play here 12 years ago British amateur uh I don’t remember much about the course to be honest it was so such a long time ago but yeah it’s good good to be back and what have what what have you noticed have have you played it since you over the last couple yeah I played here today 18 18 Halls uh in the morning it was nice and calm and then the wind wind picked up uh towards afternoon so the back n was quite interesting yeah yeah you’re playing in your your third Open Championship you had a couple of pretty decent results what is it like coming here to a major with your fabulous caddy Stu can we bring Stuart over is he is he doing all right minus two he needs to get to on this drill is he is he doing okay he’s doing fine today yeah he normally passes it pretty easy but coming a little bit closer there we go get get us all in shot he’s a little bit shy aren’t you I’m not shy at all no so he know but he’s he’s doing right so he has to get to Min suit otherwise you’re here for a long time two or it’s a long night yeah especially it’s not the best in this weather as well so as soon as we get off here and get to the get to the pub the best great so are you get to the P are you going to the pub after this no he is I’m going to the gym perfect preparation and not perfect preparation from you but you you’re from these parts whereabouts egg bed I over in midan on the East Coast yeah and I’ve just read that you gave up a a big Financial career to become a full-time caddy I wouldn’t say that but I did I did working you’re you’re a big deal well no no no comment list what’s it like what’s it like cying for this guy oh it’s great fun we’ve been on a good run in the last few years so it’s been a great journey so yeah long Mak I remember playing with you both at the BMW PJ Championship was it a couple of years ago we started on the 12s I’m sure a lot of our viewers know the 12 oh it’s not easy and and the the pro could play one shot don’t tell me It took yours no no I could give a shot to Adrien so the second on the 12th and you hit a low stinging to iron but I didn’t you know it was quite brutal to give you that early doors but you did but my goodness what play Andrew I know you’ve seen it over the years amazing absolutely I mean not just not just winning in Europe going on all the way down to Australia winning down there and inarguably one of the best tournaments in the world I mean that’s right up there it’s not one of the four majors but there’s no doubt it’s almost major material down there so that was that was an incredible achievement also oh great so how are you feeling about this week in general and your game I’m feeling great you know obviously a lot of changes this this year for me but it’s great to see all the guys this week and I’m excited to to play again the the open great well we’ll let you get to minus two quite quickly otherwise ABS st’s going to be late into the pub okay great so thanks for chatting to us thank you good luck this week great thank you [Music] there’s no way I should be here I should be dead or in prison I mean how else would you gauge this a guy comes off of a cotton form you know to become one of go greates are you kidding me he hit the flag and the crowd erup he just stormed onto the scene he put it in he’s a magician he’s got I never had any dreams about going on tour I didn’t know anything about it his story is amazing his journey is amazing what a great we were poor we needed money to buy foodo a 28-year-old BR didn’t belong I knew I didn’t belong it was unbelievable and he put up with a lot that past is so painful to him I would like to forget it to tell you the truth our culture has a short memory I think it’s time for us to be reintroduced to leino I’m playing for my life out here you know it is the American dream he hustled the world where do you see yourself in 10 years in 10 years I see myself making partner at this thumb has been sold what to who some multinational out in Dubai where it’s 7: a.m. and the temperature is a very warm welcome Viv this is Ben anything you need to know he’s your lawfully wedded husband in good times and in total chaos B what time are we expecting twins life is rarely a straight line wherever it takes you HSBC can help [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we go rejoin Gary Woodland he’s worked through the game you always know it’s good when other people are filming you look at this this sa a look so 187 ball speed 300 uh carry little baby fade that’s a little that’s that’s the low one too that’s only 71 ft let’s see what he gives this one if he launches one this is 330 that’s still teed down so that’s the low squeezer when people stop to watch you hit it’s a compliment isn’t it oh without a doubt yeah it’s uh you get to certain people on the Range and you have to stop and have a look because it’s just different he’s one of them look at the difference in the flight so you can see that’s his standard one then then those are his two links squeezers yeah they’ll be handy won’t they on 10 11 do you think 300 300 yards on a low stinging flight that’s going to run about 50s a handy shot around here I think it’s going to help I’m no expert but I reckon that’ll get the job done it was interesting wasn’t it listening to Justin Leonard saying that he can’t reach a few of the par fours on the back line if it’s into the wind but he’s found an area he wants to lay it up to leave himself an easy chip now that is discipline yeah no absolutely so from the driver to the wedge Gary Woodland just chipping a few look at those rubber wrists So Soft creates so much lag angle kind of like a just a witting motion if we come back out have a closer look at the top of the back screen just have a look at this transition so it’s almost like there’s it never stops there you see they kind of like that like like nice and soft well we’ve got some fantastic players all assembled here with one thing on their minds and the last man to pick up one of these famous Majors was Bryson Des Shambo and he joined Nick do in the sky open Zone well pretty special guest for us here in the open Zone the US Open champion and Bryson des shamber and Dana go doist is coach as well um let’s get straight into it we’re going to go to the US Open and we’re going to talk about the shot that you said in your bio is probably your least favorite shot the hardest shot in all of golf was also the one amongst the others that one year the championship on reflection take us through it oh it was just a nice little 35 yard bunker shot and ran out to 50 yards that’s all I was thinking uh everybody said it was 55 it was but um I was just trying to land it really 5 to seven yards on that front part of the green and let it scoot out right next to the hole ke left myself a four-footer right up the hill and struck it right on line what is it like in the moment to how it feels when you you’ve done this before youve won the wing F in the US Open but the meaning of this one when you’ve got that pressure in a shot that is as challenging as that bunker shot like how did you compose yourself Ry it’s compart departmentalizing the best you it’s the best thing I could say is you literally stand up there and you go okay it’s just another bunker shot okay it’s just another Putt and I know it’s tough to do but over the course of your career as you hit so many shots you practice so often and you’re and you’re just showing off sometimes I don’t know if you’ve ever gone up to someone like I watch this right kind of getting that sort of kid-like feeling again and and making sure that you’re just comfortable in the situation I got up there and I’m like okay I just got to blast this out 35 40 yards and let it run out uh that’s really all I thought about and I just said to myself okay execute it just smack the in about 2 three Ines behind it and let’s see how it plays out now one of the things that I think we all greatly enjoy in particular about you is that we’re always learning and actually your fellow professionals including myself who’ve been around this game for a long time you say and do things that I haven’t heard before and then you go and look into it and learn more and every day is a learning day for us with you Bryson and you really are moving the the needle in that regard I’m trying to learn every single day as well I mean there’s not one day that I’m not thinking with Dana about like what ground reaction forces how I can feel like I’m more consistent uh less deviation controlling uh club path face angle all that sort of stuff more consistently how do I make it easier to hit the golf ball so I can just get up there have a number swing it and have it go right down the middle of the Fairway that’s my goal I know I make things complicated but I literally try to just make it as simple as possible at the end of the day but it has to start complex at some some point well Dana that’s what’s really quite interesting here as well because Bryson’s talking about the first part some people who maybe a little bit newer to the sport might think you’ve lost me you’ve lost me but the end result is so that you can just freay it up and send it um let’s have a little look because sportsbox AI is something you guys Ed together in particular to help you with your game we’ve actually got something that we can bring you here Dane I’m going to get your take on this as the coach as well how do you use this technology well as you can see we have uh three numbers that we pulled up we’re simplifying the whole system for Bryson so he can do the same thing every time so right here we’re looking at his rotation going into his back swing chest turn right y there chest turn send it back for you stop it Club parallel to the ground if I can yes that’d be perfect perfect keep going right there so you can also see his pelvis Sway and for I think people at home you have to have a little bit of sway in your golf swing and minus is going to the right to the right to the right yeah for right hand golfer going back to your right foot so he’s going to push away from there so I go away but then quite quickly I’m already doing what reentering reentering so I went from 0 n already back to5 which is very minimal but you can already start to see that there’s a shift more towards the left hand side so what it really feels like is it’s like this uh rocking the boat sort of thing I know if you’ve ever seen Kyle B here hit H some shots he kind of does that obviously it’s the the back and forth and then he he goes but for me it’s a sequencing of I actually am going up off the ground and I actually just fall to the left I go fall to the left and let everything come from the inside well okay let’s send you on down into impact I have questions obviously AB I have many questions coming into my mind as we do this there you go oh did it nailed it impr was pretty good impressive so when we see these numbers and you’re talking about amounts they sound tiny um but for you is this more about is this give you a blueprint do you use this for a blueprint for when you’re happy with your swing exactly so we look at it when I’m hitting it really good see the numbers save those in a data file base and then we go when I’m hitting it bad I have those we average well don’t average them out but we take those uh bad swings we essentially correlate when I’m hitting it good to when I’m hitting it bad what numbers are deviating most what numbers are changing the most and these are the things that we see the most there’s a high correlation to pelvis sway uh um what was the other one it was lift there’s some lift but there’s also um sway Gap yeah sway Gap is the other one that we look at seeing how much difference there is between my hips and my chest essentially I know this kind of weird but I can like do that so that’s not side Bend that’s actually sway Gap that’s the difference between my pelvis and my and my shoulders essentially if you drew a straight line from the midline all the way up that’s like 2 three in so over to the right and you can do the same thing on the left side so it’s just getting that vertebrae to like literally shift the side I’m not recommending anybody do that but we’re just measuring that to see the difference between side Bend and sway Gap uh and my golf swing and usually when I’m hitting it really good I’ve got a bit of sway Gap but it doesn’t it’s not like forced I’m not forcing any of these numbers it’s literally trying to be as athletic as possible and that’s the thing that confuses a lot of people is that yes I talk a lot yes I say these big big words but at the end of the day I’m trying to be athletic when I get that conceptually in my head from a theory perspective and how we’re all talking and go ah it’s just fall more left that’s all it is that’s a simple thing that’s how it gets it gets to that but it has to go through the macro version of how does this work holistically how from a theory perspective does it all fit uh to make it make sense and how does it relate to my feel and once I get to a certain point where I can feel it then boom It lines up and hit it good and I’m good to go your passion for the game when you play it is obvious to see it’s also there to see when you’re talking about the GOL swing how much of a challenge is it keeping this curious brain from wanting to go down Avenues it’s not hard when it’s organized that’s the whole point like if if if we’re organized the team’s organized he’s organized he he’s an athlete and he can play like that and I just go and that’s the funny thing about it sometimes my brain gets disorganized I’m like what is it is it this is it that is it this is it that right uh and then eventually we go through the process of figuring out and that’s really the the cool part about it that the fun part about it the process is awesome but once you figure out what it actually is what numbers or what thing what feel is making me hit it good that’s where I get the greatest satisfaction out of the game of golf for me personally winnings fantastic that’s in its League of its own but for me personally when I’m striking the ball well there’s no greater satisfaction of going I feel this and it does exactly what it should do okay well we’ve seen the numbers Le should we go on to the Matt and hit one yeah should we do that um you know obviously we want to see a hit driver OB but before we do can I actually can I just get us to talk me through because again we’re all well aware of the the what we’ve been talking about with the irons that what you’ve been doing can you just give me an idea about what is different about these heads then than what you’ve done so um like on a driver face there’s curve right yeah see the curve heels pointed left toes pointed right for the fans at home they could see this the heels pointed left and the toes pointed right if you put just a straight line off of the toe it go right heel go left Center is going to be straight so there’s what we call a curvature on the face yeah and so I took that same sort of theory and thought process because I swing it decently fast um I applied it to the the irons as well so you it’s it’s fractional you can’t really see it as well but that’s because it’s Progressive based on thei of the club based on the way we how we built it and what ball speed’s coming off there’s a certain curvature for that face that works for my ball speed now this will not work for amers this is not something that that I would use for lower swing speed players right if you’re an Amer and you have fast swing speed then then yes it does work but I’m not saying all ameters are slow by the way yeah but if you look at that you can see the toe exactly so I won with the curved face iron yeah yeah so that’s the CRA I just think it’s the craziest thing ever but um no this is what’s really cool about is that when I hit it on the toe it starts farther right um and the heel starts farther left now there’s a reason why we have curve on the face you hit it on the toe what normally happens when you hit it on the toe yes ball flight draws right the heel when you hit on the heel it starts left and cuts to the right right so for my speed when I started getting a lot of speed when I hit it 10 mm on the toe when I hit it on the toe it started to overhook for me and the heel started to overcut and so we’ve created geometry on the face all all the irons we’ve created geometry geometry on the on the iron faces to where when I hit on the toe and hit on the heel they start farther off line but they fall on my target line back to Center they don’t over curve and so that’s that’s why we built it is essentially to give my Miss hits to go straighter uh help my Miss hits go straighter that’s the biggest key for everything that we’re looking at from what you’re explaining from the fact that I’m holding on to this cricket bat of a grap here um you must have across your entire life had people constantly going scoffing at what you’re saying like you you he what he’s trying now how did you manage to separate yourself and stay true to your path and what your beliefs were Bren because it is one of your great strengths it’s what separated you yeah I appreciate that I think a lot of the a lot of that was growing up in a environment where people kept telling me no this isn’t going to work and I said okay okay okay but then when I’d go try it I’d experience something different from what other people said was going to happen so it was based on my own personal experience that I started to question the normal processes of of golf and whatnot and it doesn’t mean that everything’s wrong I’m not saying that one bit if anything what technolog has done for the game is unbelievable and it’s fascinating I just go to the next level of it and I try to get to the nitty-gritty and really find out what works especially well for me yeah um so I’ve had a lot of lot of blockades over the course of my career But as time has gone on I’ve truly gotten to a place where I’m comfortable with questioning it knowing when it doesn’t work and going okay yeah that’s that’s wrong uh and then knowing when there’s something special uh that we figured out and I think that’s a cool thing that I’ll continue to display over the course of my career is just trying to figure out how to make it easier for the average golfer to play better um this this is something that will down the road the curve face stuff will uh help golfers all around the world depending on their speed and it’s got to be it’s got to be it’s got to be fit the face well if you don’t mind uh all those people all those amateur golfers and myself we’d like to come along for a ride with you on the on the open Zone M I’ll go straight to driver I’m 30 now I’m not 21 so once was but Dana we’re coming into your world here as well um look it’s really easy for me to just want to talk about like just send it as far as you possibly can for us here Bryson but it feels like in in recent times there’s been a case of he has this wonderful skill set that you’ve earned Bryson but you use it with respons ability though CU that was certainly it feels like you’ve got way more in the tank than you allow out generally most weeks when you’re playing yeah absolutely I try not to go after it one uh one because I can’t get this freaking there we go uh one because it’s uh not really worth it once you get to a certain point distance really doesn’t help as much on certain golf courses cuz it gets too tight and there’s hazards around the green and actually becomes more difficult to spin it sometimes when you get to like 4 40 50 yards out it’s tough to spin it on these screens and so I’ve realized that you can use it in certain situations and it it’s a question of do I hit it 40 yards farther do I try to get 40 more yards or do I you know stay where I’m at and I think staying where I’m at is just fine but um let me see what I got here this uh platform is moving is that all right I think I think we’ll be all right hopefully it’ll stay up I move a lot though see I did mov I’m not gonna I’m not going to hit that let me uh find a different place is that a bit more stable I don’t I don’t it’s it’s moving whenever I move it’s should we should we get his hit and iron off there for us well there’s too much in the um that’s probably a good idea let’s do that because the last we want to do is damage anything well I I tried to barely I didn’t even want to hit it um what should we do should we should we play a bit can I go right here can I yeah do it can we do that can we head down there come on we’ll go down on the grass we won’t get a top Tracer but we’ll at least we’ll get to see you with it yeah you’re the caution let’s get down there all right sorry about that beautiful I literally as I saw I was like oh don’t hit it almost I get that I get that here we go this is better all right here we go as pure as the driven that yeah what can we what can we learn from Bryson’s way that he generates this power this inordinate power that we can apply to our game yeah so he applies a really good good vertical and lowering piece so when we were looking at that tell them what it means by vertical so vertical force is basically up and down so when you look at a vertical could be going down could be going up right so he’s producing an up and he’s producing a down and the Down’s happening before he gets to the top right so sequencing is really good yeah so let me let me talk about that so the times where I get in trouble is when I get up but I stay back on the right hand side so I’ll there we go so I’ll get up and stay too far on the right hand side and I won’t get to the left side I won’t move my weight over it’s like I’m falling yeah right if I don’t get to the left side quick enough I’ll stay on the right side and I’ll start to spin I’ll start to turn yeah and I’ll literally start swinging over the top and that’s when I get the cut the high right shot and everything like that but if I fall I can then let the club come from the inside and push up and around and is that that classic sort of loaded into that ground so then that feel like full stoper away from it that’s what we hear all the time with you guys when you shift it right yep so it’s more of I go so I’ll swinging out to the right here up down and around that’s the way I feel it I mean there’s one thing to admire far he’s hitting that these are all going through the same window as well 100% yeah 100% what’s what’s what’s the just before we let you go uh Bryson what’s the time for you when you’re with your driver for how you work and certain courses with the accuracy because when the ball’s traveling that far to actually find Fairways is tough that that’s a long way away from us where this is finishing oh yeah it’s uh 330 yards and a lot of the times it’s not even imagining what’s out there it’s just trying to stay in my own little bubble and repeat my motion right I’m only trying to feel and sense what makes this thing come out of the same window and have the same draw every single time so I’m not trying to hit a cut I’m not trying to hit a bigger draw I’m not trying to do anything other than make the same motion every time if I can master or get close to mastering one one swing I’d rather just use that for the rest of my life uh make it easy is there something that you would apply in lyx conditions where in the wind or maybe downwind if you’re really trying to stretch one out there say that sixth hole at 623 this week yeah like I’ll give you I’ll give you a fast swing here for fun um even 17 if it’s if there’s no wind or no 16 five yeah 16 uh I’ll try to blast it over that little no over love it it’s only 3:15 not that B it’s only 315 here I’ll give you the hard swing that’s pumped do you not get worried the fact that it disappears from sight at sort of 300 yards do you not worry about where it might have gone squin squinting I can’t see it out there it just disappears some sight finish one more there I’ll give you a good one here so I’m going to throw so another thing that I do is I try to hit massive draws when I’m hit hitting it not my best so I’ll try to swing inside out a lot more there we go and see it has a bigger draw there so that’s what I’m trying to accomplish when I’m when I’m my most comfortable I can do that every single time right when I get uncomfortable out there I just go okay swing more inside out and the club just flows through turns around the corner draws and it’s not like I’m forcing anything I’m never forcing I’m letting passive torque gosh dang it that’s such a difficult thing to say to the public because they don’t I don’t think they they’re going to understand what passive torque is uh but what I mean is just be athletic feel like the clubs just naturally turning over without you manually doing anything let the club just flow en close that’s what I mean by passive T the alienation with the language perhaps absolutely doesn’t reflect what you’ve done in a real sense with the public we saw that the US Open I don’t think we’ve ever seen anyone engage outside the ropes as much in major championship pressure as you did right there what do you get from that though Bryson uh well I feel a lot of uh love and support I mean it just allows me to be comfortable out there when I feel like everybody’s out there rooting and cheering you on you just kind of sit back and go this is really cool and you get more comfortable and um what’s funny is I feel like man if you use the crowd in a in a positive way and you engage with them they’re just G to love you more and and that’s what I like doing because it only makes me feel good um inspiration is one of my biggest things that I love doing and especially as I’ve gotten older and matured a little bit uh it’s it’s amazing to see the response from people and the little kids light up when you sign an autograph and stuff like that I mean that’s what it’s about I’m not going to be here forever so might as well make a good impact H that’s not just a us thing either they’re going to love watching you perform this week Dana Bryson thank you so much for all the time you given us appreciate it [Applause] [Music] thanks fantastic bit of filming there Nick doy handled that so well didn’t he Bryson damber catch an Insight with with him how he’s used technology to kind of get his game and Dana darquest there kind of reading the technology to feed it into a system that was a great piece of TV that is what we get with live on the Range and our partnership with Sky Sports golf absolutely brilliant Insight Bryson is a great educator and also I think a great Entertainer was Charming Laura it was box office wasn’t it I mean it was really interesting I I don’t understand some of the stuff he said but overall he he’s making it seems like the coaching team are making it simple for him and he was then able to tell us how he simplified it it was absolutely fascinating stuff and the power well he couldn’t even keep a te a ball teed up could he because it was he’s got so much downforce even with his Waggles yeah no fantastic you you had a lot of those moves and you were the most powerful driver of a golf ball on your tour for 25 years is yeah it’s a definite advantage and I think we’re seeing that this year he what has he had first second and sixth in the three majors and who’s to say he’s not going to have another no but you were the same you were the same as he was uh way more powerful now talking of way more powerful that is a familiar looking figure I should suggest of John Ram with Todd Hamilton in the background look at that Todd Hamilton there with the titless visor on open champion in the shorts amazing hey what a trip came to the came here there he is on the right side of your screen absolutely Charming Man yep and he’ll always be an open Champion as well it’s not a bad thing to have is it tucked away no I mean [Music] John Ram he has been out on the golf course he is here with his coach Dave Phillips from the titless performance Institute working really hard on his mechanics very close and low hands but have a look at the that sort of the there’s a lot of body turn there Laura but not a lot of arm swing in that back swing no not at all it’s it looks very it looks short to compared to some of the other players but the power he generates is uh is just he’s having a decent year on live He’s not been out the top 10 once think he missed one tournament when he had that injury when he had to withdraw earlier in the year from one of the majors but um he’s he’s solid without winning anything this year on Liv but it’s uh it’s you know who knows why he hasn’t done that yet but you’d have to think if he’s come here with his aame he’ll really be another chance yeah you see him as an open Champion great sort of shot maker you know what I like about him there is Dave Phillips with the with the Wooly hat on might have to have a word with him about that is not that cold but that’s what happens if you spend most of your time in California he is an Englishman anyway so Rah you know what I love about his game is like if it’s a if it’s a draw off the bunker he draws it off the bunker if it’s a fade off the off the next bunker he Fades off he such a shot maker so like non one dimensional which is a little bit the way the tour is going and it’s a very Spanish thing as well they are artists aren’t they Sergio sevie when you think about the great Spanish players over the years and they’re not scared to hit the right shot at the right time that’s exactly right Laura the right shot at the right time that is what you have to do if you are going to be the open Champion now there is sort of John’s stock yardage um so the lob wedge I’d say just to let you know is probably 60° the sand w W probably 56 52 48 and then coming in with 4° of difference so um yeah you can see you know 7 irons 185 six on so probably not on sort of super strong lofs that are strong l so um you know it’s just a really powerful game isn’t it without a doubt yeah not I mean not it’s not as long as some of these super long hitters but it’s it’s plenty enough with the control he also has and is driving the start of last year was some of the best driving I’ve ever seen in a on a consistent basis so he’s got it all really John oh yeah he’s absolutely amazing got to love watching John Ram out on the golf course what I love is just how fiery he is with it as well I love the I love that instant reaction you know what I and I think that shows you that he had an absolutely totally clear picture of what it was that he was trying to do and he was either happy with what he did or not happy with what he did which for me is is how a champion golfer plays the game yeah you should never be satisfied should you you always want you always want you know if you’ve had a good round it could always been that little bit better and he’s not scared to show his feelings if he wasn’t happy with it but as you said when he when he was going well didn’t he enjoy it and um I’ve got a got a feeling this week if he’s fully fit which he seems to be there he could be a real chance yep so we’ve developed a new or we we’re going to show you this week on live on the Range this new technology this is from our partner top Tracer who are bringing all of the statistics to the game here the range is live so we are able to have a look at John Rams ball follow have a look at this very close Hands really explosive legs like look how much movement there is in his feet there and there it is there’s the Apex um standard Apex probably for someone like John Ram is right around 120 ft I should imagine 90 ft is kind of the the average so he is definitely someone who launches it let’s see if we’ve got it there okay so oh no right on 90 ft so that was kind of the normal there he’s trying to you know perfect a little lower ball for for some of the into the wind holes coming on back nine that we we’re expecting it might not or it doesn’t always happen like that sometimes the wind does turn on us yeah 169 so that’ll be his eight iron amazing isn’t it so powerful it’s a proper looking golf bag there I have some of that hey Laura Davis loves the golf bag there’s your favorite golf bag there’s the Callaway posted stamp Sam Burns has got that I was very cheeky I did get a hold of Callaway yesterday and asked if there was any spares but of course there weren’t so my my I should imagine really none none left which is I’m not surprised beautiful bag you got to put your name in early dld y here we go so John Ram let’s have a closer look so for me it’s like so much arm speed so much wrist speed that is how I is able to create so much power from sort of such a a punch like it’s not a long and flowing movement it’s like a one-in punch it’s all Parish like a Mike Tyson boom and you can see you know it’s interesting you watch some of these players especially the guys who’ve got spikes on and they’ve got tiny little divot marks like if you watch tiger hardly any divots at all but where they’ been standing absolutely ripped to pieces as they’re using so much footwork there see JN pushing into that left heel there amazing power from from such a short distance like a phale just very explosive y yep you see that don’t you some especially with some of the bigger men that don’t really need to unwind into every single Club see a slightly shorter more powerful compact swing just catching just catching a little bit of feedback I think from the data capture that he has around his shots just making sure what he thinks is the balls speed is the ball speed confirmation let’s have a look here so that left arm how far does that get back just a little bit P parallel to the ground tiny bit more than parallel to the ground and then it’s just a whipping motion as the arm speed and the wrists um accelerate through the ball to the finish so I mean built like a rugby player more than like a golfer yeah yeah you wouldn’t want him running toward your with a rugby ball tucked under his arm would you I would show him the way if he was going this way he’d be most welcome to have it that’s not the spirit you’re supposed to try and Tackle him come on I would be I would I would be broken so John Ram chilling so everyone would like to have their hands on the open trophy become Champion golfer of the year and the last time we were here it was a shootout the icean against Phil Mickelson let’s have a look at that I always felt like I was going to do it in the back of my mind that’s always been there and I think just felt like it was my time to be able to to put on such a performance on the biggest of stages is something that that you dream of you when you’re a kid you dream about how nice it would be to hear your name being announced as the ch golfer of the year to to hold that title and get your name on that trophy with all the all the greats that have ever walk the thats it’s uh it’s amazing we are very lucky to be joined by 2016 Champion Henrik Stinson Henrik welcome back how good does it feel to walk these few ways again yeah obviously brings back a lot of lot of memories a lot of good memories even though the grand stands are a little bit you know lesser today it’s uh yeah it’s great to be back and uh hopefully we’ll have a good week here at TR we’ve just walked past that bunker which you came so very close to on the 72nd hole can you briefly describe those emotions of that three-wood that bullet three-wood that you hitting so well back then yeah I mean it didn’t go in the right direction did it it was a little bit to the right uh and if you look at the footage you it looks like someone’s pulling a handbrake on that ball so that was good for me um it was H it was a well struck three-wood but a little bit too close to the bunker for Comfort there’s been so many people talk about your Jewel with Phil Mickelson looking back do you realize how significant it was and how amazing you two went that day yeah just playing the back n now in this uh probably a two two and a half Club win uh wind you you’re thinking uh 20 on the par around this place feels pretty pretty distant but no we had a we had a great game obviously over the whole weekend it was match play on the back nine already on Saturday and then that grand grand finale on Sunday so uh both him and I played played amazing Golf and luckily I came out on top I know we’re on the 18th but for me personally your shot into 17 was something special is that right up there for you as well as one of your greatest shots yeah I’d say it’s definitely the uh the best four on on my career uh crucial moment obviously two- shot lead I can’t afford to make any mistakes at that point so U that was an absolute rocket and uh I could have finished it I had a good chance for birdie and Phil made a great pot for Paul so it could have been kind of done ad dusted on on 17 but um yeah the the drama went on to 18 as well well it did now we’re on the 18th why don’t you show me where this pin was because you played a beautiful approach into the center of the green here where’s the sort of rough pin location at the back right here wasn’t it how do you want me to remember it was eight years ago yeah yeah I think I I think the the pin was just kind of over this little little hump here so I’d say up about there and I was probably around here 18 20 ft something like that and and just hit it and it just kind of was hanging on the edge and just toppled in for for the birdie and as it as it turned out the championship record I didn’t know at the time and um yeah that’s that’s another cherry on the cake oh it’s very nice well Henrik we’d just like to say welcome back congratulations and I know it’s been a long time but it just feels like yesterday so good to have you back all right let’s hope we play like yesterday then and then should we finish on the was it the double fist B the double fist B we’ll save that one for Sunday if needed well done mate all right always a pleasure thank you thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] control it’s often out of your reach your opponent a line Cor even the bounce of a ball every game is full of unexpected twists and TS you have the lows the injuries being away from home the [Music] pressure and the incredible hives the winds exploring the world every day a new opportunity life is rarely a straight line we can help wherever it takes you [Music] [Music] [Music] amazing to hear from Henri extenson that was one of the most remarkable contests I am happy to say I’m joined by Mark row mark row welcome you would think back on that as one of the great sort of head-to heads in alltime open history yeah the second best for me Simon um we had the two The Duel in the Sun at tery which I don’t think can ever be beaten of course but I know that was right up there with some of the greatest golf that we’ve seen there Peter Hansen what a player he was in his day alongside ludic oberg and I just say how happy I am to see you I’ve flown in especially from Belgium this morning just to come and sit here with you you are the hard man of commentary bless you mark we’ve been here since 9:00 this morning is if I would no place I’d rather be so here we go ludvig arberg an explosion onto the scene Mark absolute crazy isn’t it where this man came from from virtually nowhere the back end of the other year went to the Omega Masters and one there out of the blue well we knew how great an amate he was but you didn’t think he was going to be that good that quick and then he made the rder Cup team obviously with the invitation and now is he number four in the world now some number five it’s incredible incredible and um he’s going to get better and better isn’t he yeah he just it doesn’t seem to be a weakness in his game at all and uh he’s got such an amazing demeanor and what an attitude Simon you know he’s the calmest person I’ve ever seen yeah he’s a really proper sued isn’t he Henri’s not henrik’s got a little mischievous trick which probably makes him makes him not a proper sweed this is really sort of an authentic really proper swed you know over the years henrik’s a joy he’s a delight Henrik you’ve got to say and uh he’s a he’s he’s mischievous Henry you know Henrik you know mischievous so ludvig under the eyes disappointing a little bit of the weekend at the Scottish wasn’t it I think disappointing final day there not obviously for the Scots and for Robert McIntyre fans but uh I was surprised he didn’t play that a little bit better on the Sunday just a few loose shots there but have a look at his numbers so 173 kind of your standard bull speed on the PJ tour that’s 183 um and he has hit some amazing shots for me the shot where I thought okay this is a different story I’m looking at something very special second shot into 13 on the last day at Augusta 273 I think the carry was he had that’s a four run his longest Club in there is a four r reminded you a little bit of the days when you were coaching coaching me and at the lancom trophy I had similar distances yeah that’s you almost red your speech3 94 yeah 19 1992 1992 yeah that has gone past fast hasn’t it so and now we are here at the 152nd Open championship and we are watching someone who we would think would be Champion goal for the year at some point maybe even at the end of this week oh he’s going to win Mages isn’t he no doubt about it is that a uh that’s the titless GT3 driver is using there I believe that is the new one just a lot of chat oh so here we go we’re going to put a couple of these t-shots up against the 18th hole so we just kind of take the range to the course just to give you an idea of how far down he is hitting that so trying to keep that right shoulder up and forward talking to Peter Hansen today about the swing tips that they work on so I’ve read something this morning Simon that he he just sometimes feels that he gets his hand a little hands a little trapped behind him and he gets a little bit flippy through impact yeah I mean I think in the power game that is a mistake that was the thing that tiger always hated wasn’t he that little stuck under where the right arm G tucks in behind you have a look at that so 183 ball speed the carry 320 the total 344 so he’s got he’s got a sandwich in there he’s got leaving a sandwich in to the 18th hole which is 458 yds there is is your power obviously flat Cal conditions I mean when TR gets really nasty and and it’s into a 70 mph wi then it’s a different story but uh yeah it’s amazing to watch isn’t it but it’s I think over the years Simon as the game’s progressed as as the players have got fit as that ball speed’s gone up Club head speed’s gone up it is incredibly hard to synchronize that and time it every single time isn’t it yeah I think you’re take you’re kind of you are rolling the dice a little bit are you aren’t you you are waiting for the double six you’re you’re taking on a lot of risk and then you’re relying upon your short game to cover up any mistakes it will be interesting to see though the strategy around here Mark you’ve been around this Lynx golf course and you know that those Fairway bunkers are effectively a one shot penalty and the rough is Juicy is exactly right and and the key to to Links Golf in all honesty wherever it is St Andrews here is to stay out of the pot bunkers isn’t it I mean as you say it’s a short penalty each time so if you can stay clear of the bunkers you have a great chance of winning this Championship yeah so ludvig puts the Kevlar head cover back on that that driver is hot do not touch that and now driver to just a cool down it looks like a mid eyon now doesn’t it lent to the shaft and Loft so really see what he’s trying to work on keep the club face maybe a little square and then just the rotation into that left Hillel look at the look at the weight shift forward it’s totally through the ball isn’t it it is amazing that range is busy it’s 20 past 5 in the evening there’s still plenty of activity out there players still just as you said now oberg’s warming down a little bit now but uh they’re all still grafting and grinding and looking for that extra little bit of magic that might well take him to clar jug yeah no I mean there there are still tea times Alex Checker is going to be playing at 6:30 he’s going to be teeing off the F on the on the 10th seah Fitzpatrick and Juan Angel hialgo crazy that is that’s amaz 5:30 go for nine holes at 5:30 prati for a practice round I was looking for the nearest fishing chip shop at that time yeah amazing isn’t it so look at that the best player in the world currently without a major look at who would you say who’s the who’s got the monkey on the back there is that is that Fleetwood fleetwood’s a good shout round here yeah yeah definitely well you could say you could say theala has got an amazing short game you know if the wind gets up his short game is incredible to theala but I think KL is the one for me with his game the way plays that should have yeah Victor hovland’s a good shot maker does he have the wedge game and short game for a well the short game definitely improved massively Ian we saw that at the at the rider cup and over the last season so it has improved but uh he’s just been in a bit of a bit of a funky patch hasn’t he in a way just just went off the boils slightly yeah just I I saw um Joe was back on the back Joe was back coaching him Dean burm there so ludvig feels as though his Tuesday is done with Peter Hansen with the rock sack on his back go and do a little rub down a little rest he’s got to be thinking I’m I’m one of the guys in the chance now how about that in the woly Hat looking very fetching next to Peter Finch who looks like a number eight die steuart does he look like a number eight thank you thank you very much Simon I I don’t even know what that means what that mean yes my brain’s a bit slow what do you mean by number eight Simon are you still there uh no rugby it’s like a I was thinking sort of there was a shadow coming there was a shadow he was saying he looks hunky D you know yeah powerful either that or you just you started getting security well you know what thank you chaps I’ve really enjoyed that chat it’s getting a little bit chilly on the Range and hence I’ve got my woolly hat on uh ludvig has just walked off the range and we could actually try and get a chat with Peter Hansen Peter what a player he was oh day literally one of the best on tour for a long time I’m wondering if he’ll allow us to p could we grab a quick chat with you for 2 minutes so you were like just a couple of questions really good to see you um you avoided me earlier so now I’m grabbing you um how are you here with with ludvig I mean a great partnership you guys together uh in general just what what is it like working with him it’s amazing I mean he’s first of all a great guy so it’s fun being around him and obviously the way he plays golf is is amazing so I met Ludwick two years ago at actually at the amateur at livm so I did a bit of work for the Swedish national team back in the day and met up with him and been working ever since and trying to trying to help him and Coach him and guide him through it and he’s done amazing what did you what did you think when you first saw him was it a wow moment a little bit like that I mean you can see the potential there obviously the way he hits the golf ball and and uh I think his demeanor as well he’s got something special in the way he can carry himself around the golf course and in good times and not so good times and obviously the last 12 months have been amazing and and uh he keeps putting himself in new situations all the time with Ryder C and winning but he you know he handles it so well so I’m very impressed that is the key and it’s his first Open Championship he we’re expecting big things aren’t we well I mean that’s the crazy thing I mean obviously working with him recently to think it is his first openc yeah I mean that’s the thing obviously being was lucky enough to be for his first austa and his first major and doing so well and coming close uh that was that was amazing but like I said even Ryder Cup coming in as a rookie and uh turning pro five months before and and handling that situation that we all know is so stressful and and so he’s done amazing and I I keep saying we we pushed him in the lake from the dock and he came swimming back and rder was drove a boat into Atlantic and he he thre him in and he came up swimming on the other side again so yeah he handles he handles himself well and he even after last week I know he would like to win the Scottish open but uh allow him to be frustrated a little bit for a few hours Sunday night and then he shows up here and ready to go again I was going to say this this is early in the week when you’re kind of working with ludig what is it specifically you’re looking at is it just fine tuning or is there’s something else kind of going on early in the weekend Championship a little bit of both actually this week because some few things last week that he wasn’t too happy with uh over the weekend he wasn’t striking it as good as he would have liked off the the tea especially so uh working on that and it’s mainly setup stuff and small small swing habits that he has uh from a young age so keep an eye on that and it still has his swing coach Hans back in Sweden so I communicate a lot with with Hans when I’m here and and try to use his words and stuff that ludig recognized from he was 15 16 years old so so we tried to keep it simple and um and stuff that we know works for him so it was really good today we had we played nine holes and he he played well he’s back to where he want to be and and then it’s the normal stuff for playing links you you want to get the speed of the greens and maybe try to get a little bit more pace to the hole when you play Links Golf in windy conditions and and um really give yourself good speed to a hole inside 20 25 um fet so great stuff P we need to get you in the commentary box excellent info we love it right we we got to go to a quick break but fabulous is spe hopefully we’ll catch up with you tomorrow at some point much see you tomorrow great stuff okay let’s get back to our our commentary team we’ll take a one Lo down here come on Pete let’s go [Music] yeah so interesting isn’t it saen Hansen a key part of um the Hoy guard success and Mato manisero Peter Hansen big part of sort of taking care putting his big strong arms and experience around the shoulders of ludvig orberg um interesting how it just transfers all down doesn’t it both of them were great ball Strikers both of them had very good golf SPS they understood what they were doing there’s also so I believe that when you have a a top class player that becomes a coach it’s knowing the right things to say at the right moment it’s delivering the information at the right time the psychology of playing the understanding of the psychology of playing I think it’s a big asset yeah here is a big asset Brooks kka world number 52 don’t pay attention to that the man in Black absolutely superb player in the major under the supervision of our dear friend the great Mr Peter Cowan a man of few words that’s a legend that’s a coaching Legend right there yeah he’s a great guy Peter Cowan and he has guided that talent to be one of the most feared competitors when the going gets tough oh was a major yeah when you get get Brooks in ition in a major and you’d never ever back against him getting the job done would you he is rock hard he’s made a steal as is the man behind him Sheffield Sheffield Brooks was so disappointed Masters yeah very disappointed with his Masters performance so he’s looking to make some magic here at the 152nd Open championship [Music] so there he is in the blue Brooks kepka with Peter Cowan just having been out on the golf course today going through his fundamentals fader steep through the ball mark row more steep most than most I would say yeah absolutely I thought you were talking about me then when you said Mark R more steep than I was thinking I I used to take some chunky divits you were right actually yeah anyway here we go how old is Peter Cowan now young 100 100 plus no young there we go seems like he’s been on that range forever nobody spent more time on a golf range than Peter Cowan 6:00 in the morning till 7:30 8:00 at night every single day of the championship part- timer here we go let’s have a look at kka so pretty strong grip pretty strong face positions a fader left path getting left is really important for him so we kind of know his numbers carry 228 there ball speed 145 what it look like a it looked like a four iron maybe Simon was it a four iron he was hitting there can’t think it’s a five iron 228 Brooks numbers just so you’ve got them in your head Sand Wedge 120 52 is 130 the pitching wedge is 150 99 168 8 iron 178 79 195 stop it stop it’s getting stop it five iron is 220 four iron is and the three iron is 245 and that is pretty powerful I should say you can do some damage with that but it’s I just think how he brings his game to Peak when he needs it you know probably not that focused outside of the four big events he’ll tell you that not interested in the frills well the niceties he’s a good guy Brooks cap he’s a he’s a he’s a proper competitor he’s like one of the like if you’re going down a dark alley one of the last guys you want to meet down there is Brooks kepka he’s a fighter yeah he’s he’s he’s Granite isn’t he he’s he’s made a stone under under pressure and the thing is that once you’ve done it repeatedly as he’s done it the belief is always going to be there that you can still finish the job and and fully fit Brooks cap kit is very dangerous indeed yeah the 2023 PGA Championship was his last one that was so impressive on the Great Golf Course just having a look at a little bit of data checking to make sure he’s got the right feel through the ball what’s important to him is really kind of like that left path so he’s really trying to feel let’s have a look from here if he hits a good shot it’s just going to have a little baby sort of up to the top of the Apex and drop to the right there you go spot on S you called it to Perfection there’s that little baby fade yeah little ribbon at the top there just as it changes yeah so absolutely fantastic technology we now have for you kind of really bringing the range which has kind of been a hidden part of these big events as a main part because this is where the action is um and that’s top Tracer technology just with the ball follow there and all of the data there’s an enormous monitor um to the left side of the there it is enormous monitor to the left side you can just see the carry the ball speed the launch the key parts of ball data and Gary Woodland 348 carry did that say Really what amazes me with that trap and Technology Simon and you understand it a lot more than I do I have to say but it’s year on year on year how the software seems to get better and and exactly what you can do with it in terms of of I mean what I like about is the games you can play I really love the way you can set it and you can you can you can test yourself challenge yourself very very good huh yeah no top Tracer are the lead provider and one of our key sponsors here RNA really bringing sort of keeping the thread the steel strand that is the r is the historical history and a and a guardian of the game but there’s a new part of the RNA which is the Innovation which grows the game to the to they’re looking forward to tomorrow what does golf look like tomorrow and that’s where the RNA really are the most excellent sort of handlers custodians of the game of golf they have to be congratulated especially at their figure event this week superb absolutely amazing event management by the RNA you sold it to me Simon you’ve sold it to me not bad play are [Music] you on the tea she was staring this one down and for good reason look at this just delightfully done she’s on top of the world going directly at the hole what go oh get in there there’s something about the AIG Women’s Open oh my [Music] [Applause] goodness there’s no way I should be here I should be dead or in prison I mean how else would you gauge this when a guy comes off of a cotton form you know to become one of go great are you kidding me we hit the flag St and the crowd erup he just stormed onto the scene and he has put it in again he’s a magician he’s got it I never had any dreams about going on tour I didn’t know anything about it his story’s amazing his journey is amazing what a great we were poor we needed money to buy foodo a 28-year-old broken didn’t belong I knew I didn’t belong it was unbelievable and he put up it a lot that past is so painful to him I would like to forget it to tell you the truth our culture has a short short memory I think it’s time for us to be reintroduced to leino I’m playing for my life out here you know it is the American dream he Hustle the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this is television gold Stevie is blowing up a ball Sean Crocker Sean you don’t really know what the ball is for Jamie your coach is here which is slightly disturbing Jamie that he doesn’t know what what are you doing with this and he I just tell him what to do and then he listens and he does it what we’re doing with the ball is he just gets his right El in a better position there’s a tendency to flare his right elbow a little bit so when his right elbow sits down and his arms get in the right position it’s easier for him to make his down swing so it’s a great little piece of Kit you’ll see a lot of guys using it at the moment and uh that’s what this thing does absolutely well at least I know now I was going to say at least you now know it’s it’s working though cuz I just want to mention actually getting into the Open Championship he did pretty well in Italy you happy with that result Jamie great result he played really good golf yeah Stevie was he was he okay to to caddy for yeah yeah what’s his demeanor like on the course part we we only had a couple of little fallouts which is quite good for a week but um no for the most part he was good he’s setting it nice yeah well do you don’t want to ask him up at me don’t he’s on a thin line right now he’s been he’s he’s been bringing some attitude to the golf course recently and it’s like you’re in Scotland you’re 30 minutes from home at the open what’s your problem it’s just you in general goodness this what happens right I’m going to step in here and just we’re going to we’re going to chat about this later on this relationship but firstly congratulations here being here at the open your second Open Championship the last one was conus a few years back what is it like arriving here oh they’re always so special I mean I’ve only got one to kind of have memories on but um it’s just different come no matter how big of an event you play when you come to an open it’s just it’s special the fans the golf course even the weather being tough and miserable sometimes it’s just a it’s an amazing event to be a part of yeah great stuff and a decent finish at the Italian Open uh you weren’t going to qualify but you did because somebody else had already qualified so a brilliant result for you but coming here to Links conditions Jamie knows all about how to play Links Golf so you’ve been chatting to him a lot for some top tips no okay fine he’s giving you absolutely nothing no yeah I mean obviously Jam’s been coaching Out Here For What almost 85 years now I think is incredibly old um anytime you can pick some experience from guys I mean today I got fortunate to join Justin Leonard on the back nine it’s always kind of cool to be with guys that have been to more than just two opens yeah so it’s um the fortunate thing is playing out in the DP World Tour for the last six seven years I’ve played enough links so kind of have an understanding of it but I can also lose the plot with it when you start getting bounces all over the place and you feel like you’re hitting good shots but they don’t turn out okay um but it’s just a case of accepting what you get out here now yeah great stuff Sean for this week is there is there any changes that have been going on the B I’m just like noticing a few interesting club choices at the top end here as well the only thing that I’ve switched this week would be I’ve had a hybrid in the bag for the last couple months now I’m not the biggest fan of driving irons but when it comes out to lyx golf and it gets windy I start manipulating my hybrid a lot more than I would a two arm cuz I’ve got two shots with the two either high in knuckle or low and knuckle so that’s kind of the only switch I’ve had this week the mini came into play a few weeks ago um but my whole bag’s different I had a weird one happened to me a few months ago when my car got stolen with all my golf club so I’ve had to redo my whole entire bag but I think we finally got it under control now oh that’s great so goodness me well it it might be a good thing you have a fresh new start we’re going to wish you the best of luck and we look forward to seeing how you play thanks guys thanks Sean thank and I hope this relationship works out at some point hope so better than me so he he’s stuck he’s stuck with you okay good stuff oh play well thanks Sean thank you now fantastic to hear all of the thoughts they different personalities the relationships between the player and the caddy flow like a marriage I would say Mark row it’s a very good way of putting it I think you do actually probably spend more time with your Cy over the course of the you do your wife yeah just the closing touches beautiful looking driving range lots of targets visually very stimulating so alongside this tournament is the 2024 Junior open it started yesterday at near at uh nearby just up the road at Kil manik barassi Golf Club this field features 120 players from 70 countries as the Championships returns to barassi for the third time it has previously hosted in 2004 and 2016 Carles Champs Patrick Reed 2006 Mora janagan 2008 Conor Graham 2022 amongst the notable winners of a championship open to the world’s best Juniors between the ages of 12 and 16 yesterday the highest ranked player in the field world number seven Hugh Song Lee reced the lowest round of the day a four underpar and went one better today to reach nine under in total six shots clear of her nearest competitor only 15 years old and she’s won the Japanese ladies tour already so remember hon Le and as we can see the weather conditions are just the same as we have here the young golfers really have got to battle the elements it’s a great Championship that we will no doubt seem of the the stars of the future even our very own Henny koak competed in 20 in 2004 alongside a very young Rory maroy also at [Music] barassi on the tea she was staring this one down and for good reason look at this just delightfully done She’s On Top of the World going directly at the hle what go oh get in there there’s something about the AIG Women’s Open oh my [Music] [Applause] goodness where do you see yourself in 10 years in 10 years I see myself making partner at this firm has been sold what to who some multinational out in Dubai where it’s a.m. and the temperature is a very warm welcome Viv this is Ben anything you need to know he’s your lawfully wetted husband in Good Times end in total chaos B what time are we expecting twins life is rarely a straight line wherever it takes you HSBC can help there’s no way I should be here I should be dead or in prison I mean how else would you gauge this a guy comes off of a cotton form you know to become one of golf great are you kidding me he hit the flag and the crowd heup he just stormed onto the scene he put it in again he’s a magician I never had any dreams about going on tour I didn’t know anything about it his story’s amazing his journey is amazing what a great we were poor we needed money to buy foodo a 28y old broken didn’t belong I knew it didn’t belong avable and he put up with a lot that past is so painful to him I would like to forget it to tell you the truth our culture has a short memory I think it’s time for us to be reintroduced to Theo I’m playing for my life out here you know it is the American dream he hustled the [Music] world major championship golf and at the top is the Open Championship we are live at the range I am joined by Mark row it is late in the day 20 to6 and still we have Brooks k out there grinding it working to find the F yes a nice sort of uh quite a gentle late afternoon early evening here at TR so they’re taking advantage of the benign conditions to get a bit more work done as time Woods always says putting in the Reps you know but just fine tuning that’s what it is I mean you’re not going to make major changes are you s at this stage running into a major championship but there’s always little bits of fine tuning isn’t there never ends does it you can and the thing about it is you’re never satisfied that’s part of being a championship golfer Brooks kka he knows there’s better in the tank so he’s looking to see if he can find that what are his small tiny upgrades that he could possibly squeeze out give himself the best chance so yeah good to see him smiling good to see him in good spirits he’s got a nice little team there this is the one isn’t it though the the Open Championship is the one I don’t like it when people call the British Open I don’t like that for some reason I’m a bit oldfashioned Open Championship it’s the oldest greatest championship in the world of golf it’s one everybody wants and to have a clarot jug well that’s the Pinnacle that is your Everest that’s the Everest of your career obviously all the other majors are important as well but there’s something just Indescribable indefinable about The clar Jug you’re right and I’ll tell you what royal TR is some scen we have got a ton of guys still out there let’s find George Harper Jr well we’ve made it to the 15th green and we’ve got a great little feature group here full of Australians got Jasper stubs our Asia Pacific amateur Champion there he is and look at this he’s playing alongside two major Champions Adam Scott and cam Smith seriously good group slowly making their way home things are starting to get a little bit chilly out here but on show are some of the best golfers we have on the planet here now if we just sneak in here there’s no one more I love Annoying than Cameron Smith uh not just because he’s Australian but because he’s Fey as well look at that that Hao flowing in the wind his favorite Club in hand I’m not sure you remember it St Andrews but wow that putter was on absolute fire look at it he’s actually just got himself a nice little coffee here as well to end the day trying to keep him warm I sh it’s a little coffee looking smooth as he likes 15th green here is actually one of the flattest on the course nice little valleys on the outside you just have to get it there thereabouts o things we love to see if he gets his flats that going never count him out Cameron Smith how are you good how are you welcome back great to have a champion golfer back at back at the open how you feeling M it must be always good to come back yeah absolutely um great to be back in the UK it’s been uh been a year so um yeah it’s always nice back here um playing the back KN out here though is pretty brutal so uh especially into this wind so it’ll be a good test yeah well always hard not to flash back to S Andrews the 150th what a week that was uh slightly different conditions than it was on Sunday here yeah um yeah I mean the course is actually pretty receptive uh for an open I’m sure it’ll dry out maybe uh tonight and then tomorrow but it looks like we’re in for some rain so uh we’ll be playing a lot different um probably a little bit longer too nice to play with your Aussie mates as well yeah that’s it just got to try and beat the old boy uh this week he’s um he’s good form isn’t he he’s in some good form he played well last week and he’s striking it nice today as well so good to see and Jasper stubs here a young upand Comer uh trying to mimic your haircut a bit here as well I see yeah um yeah there’s a few of he’s doing it actually in there um you started some sort of trade I don’t know if I started it but I I can’t claim it but yeah he’s he’s a he’s a great kid and um really bright future ahead of him he’s hitting it pretty nice as well so um it’s it’s good that he can play these tournaments because it’s a great experience Isn’t it nice and you mentioned first time in the UK in a year how hard is it to travel the world play all these different courses and then come back and try and win at a tough links course yeah I think that’s why we love it I think because we play a style of golf that’s so different all year and then we get to we get to be creative again almost so it’s um I think the the creative guys really like it um it kind of brings back the the kid and me a little bit out here as well hitting different shots around the green spe uh specifically you know hting you know we rarely puted off the green four ons off the green stuff like that it’s really cool all right cam I’ll let you get back to your research mate but uh thank you very much for your time as per usual thanks man cheers cheers and what coffee you drinking there is it it’s it’s like it’s a decaf a decf yeah I just need something to get me warm a little bit chil War the cockles fair enough all right we’ll leave you to it we might as well go talk to Jesper while we’re here as well we want to hear about this playing group how are you mate very good thank you you how’s this experience I’ll just pop this collar out while you’re on TV get your look and shot how amazing is this mate yeah it’s pretty awesome I spoke to the guys earlier in the week and they said they were Keen to play with me so I was always going to take them up on that opportunity for sure for those that don’t know uh this is our Asia Pacific champion from Asia Pacific amateur Champion that uh winning in Royal Melbourne can you run us through those memories and and now the fact that you’ve won and you get to reap the rewards here at these Majors yeah it’s obviously a pretty awesome experience when the two majors are dangled in front of you and I’m glad I took the chance when I got it um yeah the memories are always going to live with me forever and um yeah got a pretty similar style of golf here with Wy Royal Melbourne and Wy Royal Trin so it’s yeah kind of nice take any advice from your two major Champion playing Partners a just just watching it’s pretty awesome cam was just spinning back 30 yard pit shot so that’s something I I’ll try and replicate but I definitely won’t be able to do right away but um yeah just watching them how they move around this golf course is pretty cool to see so nice all right man enjoy your week best of luck and do us proud than absolutely all right guys well I’ve had some great Chats on the screen in particular today but you know what as cam Smith said it’s absolutely freezing out here I might go get a decaf mocker hold the milk flat white with a bit of oat on the side or just a beer we’ll see you later it is it is lovely and I think always refreshing to see how senior players are so generous with their time and knowledge to Junior players I think that’s one of the things that is a unique part of golf as a sport Mark yeah absolutely and and I I think there was no greater thrill um than to come to a major championship and and be able to play maybe nine holes with one of your hero I I was so lucky to play 18 holes of golf my first round of golf ever Augusta with the great sephi B stos and sephie promised me that many years before and didn’t forget the promise and when I got to auguster came up to me said come on promised you game a golf that’s what we’re going to do that is what Legends are made of that’s amazing what a privilege that would be so Champions include the mighty DJ you put him in the sort of that he hasn’t played amazingly well for a little bit but you’d still put him into the he’s got a wow hasn’t he he’s just a supreme athlete isn’t he um everything about him is uh you know just stunning balance and look at his arms to be honest with his arms are like tree trunks aren’t they look how strong he is and you know over the years he soften his wedge game down and that’s what changed everything for me always had the power always had the length but the softening of the wedges and the just hitting these wedges in a little bit left to right s changed everything yeah well it was Butch Harmon who said okay listen just do this now here we go DJ is out we have simmed him over to the eighth hole the postage stamp let’s have a look and see how he would be doing ball comes in oh he’s got a lot of balls in play so this is the perfect number you can see what is what is the width what is the playing width Mark of the postage stamp is it 15 ft from this is it it got me diving cuz I obviously I have R true at the Open Championship a couple of times is it s right left of the center a seems when you’re on the te it seems like there isn’t a green there that’s a it’s one of the great par 3es and the top five par 3es for me in the world yeah i’ it’s 123 yards or whatever yeah yeah just a it’s just a masterpiece of yeah what nature can create yeah and that is what you see at linkx golf courses so Dustin Johnson does he have the spark to turn sort of not a lot of form can he turn on the magic on a course like this I mean nearly one at Royal St George’s yeah good shout um great players have that ability don’t they they find something and and they ride the wave so to speak and uh you know when they come down the stretch they know the they know the feelings they know the thought processes they know what what they have to do to get the job done so you never say never form is you know you don’t look there you go miscut 43rd miscut nothing to speak of but you know what you you wouldn’t say never would you he wouldn’t be proud of that I I think the Master’s miss the cut is a sign that your game needs to upgrade a little bit so DJ I mean all the talent in the world and a guy who works incredibly hard at it as well so we’re hoping for hoping that a visit to Royal trun gives a spark to DJ and we see some more amazing magic for that Pair of Hands he gave us such a treat for a number of years he definitely was for a while the man to beat and Swagger he’s got a great walk hasn’t he Clint Eastwood yeah Gunslinger Gunslinger I love that yeah absolutely he’s he’s he’d be great in a wild west movie wouldn’t he yeah so he’d be a hero let’s have a look at this just little drop Fades yeah that’s it’s a drop fade that’s what I call it it’s you know that’s that’s where it’s all of that power is is turned into control isn’t it now there are his numbers you can see from the Apex just dropping to the right DJ 17t curves quite a lot Simon over over that sort of distance isn’t it he quite is quite noticeable when you stand behind him and you watch him hitting these wedges and these three quarter shots just how much it is a fade yeah oh yeah very much kind of like a left divot Claude in close attendance there the job he’s done with DJ over the years yeah amazing the great Butch Haron our dear friend for many many years I’d call him the man wouldn’t you butch hman was the man somebody that just makes you smile when you’re with him I I often remember many happy hours with him shared a house with him at K Island at the PGA Championship and I I don’t think I stopped laughing the entire week we were giggling like children most the time wonderful sense of humor lovely man yeah well the Open Championship sends you its best wishes Butch Haron I think you are probably sunning yourself in a pretty warm Las Vegas so come on DJ find the magic arms really working very much left and across that’s the fade isn’t it just making sure there’s no chance for the body to stop and the club to go so it’s been a pretty event Tuesday we’re coming to the end of our coverage of live on the Range we’ve seen absolutely all the superstars either on the Range or out on the cours mark yes is it fascinating to see the you know all the differences in the routines how they go about the practice and uh and there’s a lot more to come in the coming days so we will leave Dustin Johnson and head down to D Stewart oh thank you very much Simon and we are joined Once Again by The claric Jug who will LIF this on Sunday who will be top of those yellow scoreboards it is such an iconic jug it really is we’ve had a brilliant day here in the range Pete you’re here for the first time yes indeed we well we’ve got Dustin Johnson behind us um to our to our left hand side at Liam Nolan who came through qualifying just the road wasn’t it yeah it’s one of the really cool stories about the open the fact that you do get amateurs coming through qualifying so Liam qualified at Don Donald which is about six drivers that way managed to kind of hold the pot in the L it’s a do you know what it’s a beautiful course I’ve just remembered I played it actually last October absolutely fantastic did you know that 11,807 Bulls were hit on this range yesterday and 30 of them went over the back fence into the car park oh there’s a St for you isn’t there and those were the hit can come up with some more I really can but we’ve had some really brilliant nuggets of information the likes of Rory maoy saying that he changed his phone number after the US Open we’ve had uh inside analysis about ludvig oer so much going on and we are back for live at the range tomorrow morning at 9:00 Pete I’m sure you’ll be with me at some point will but day two a quick wrap up of how your day gone uh I mean today there was definitely a ramp up in as far as how busy it was today like all the players have come over from the Scottish everyone’s flown in everyone’s just just excited and the course was rammed everyone just wanted to get out there and actually see what they were facing this week it’s amazing this is the 10th staging of the Open Championship here at Royal trro and from the Sun setting my goodness I really wanted to stay this way uh for the next few days come around here Pete we’re going to wave goodbye to that camera up there from all of us we’ll see you tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. [Music] oh for


  1. I think it's great they hired Iona for the range commentary. So knowledgeable and she plays the game at a high level so she knows a bit about what she is talking about.

  2. Golf commentary needs to move with the times and also use Metric language as well as yards. 95% of the world uses Metric and younger generations have no idea what a yard is. Yes I know how to convert, but that is not the point.

  3. Why is the PGA pushing Rory so hard, every thumbnail has a guy who can’t win under pressure.

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