Golf Players

World Series of Poker 2024 Event #24 Hybrid Final Table with Scott Seiver, Ben Lamb & Joseph Cheong

Seven players survived a long online battle on, leading to a live final table in Las Vegas! Watch the action live with commentary from Remko Rinkema and Donnie Peters as Alex Theologis, Chris Moore, Daniel Maor, Scott Seiver, Joseph Cheong, Ben Lamb, Wayne Harmon, and Mart Miguel battle for the top prize.

Event #24 Payout
1st $330,262.90
2nd $235,359.70
3rd $182,214.00
4th $129,068.20
5th $83,514.70
6th $68,330.30
7th $53,145.70
8th $41,757.40

e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome back to the 2024 World Series of Poker it is time for a little bit of a different spice event number nine started out as an online tournament with over 400 entries but right now the final players are inside the Horseshoe Casino here on the Las Vegas trip eight players remain my name is REM Kinka Donnie Peters alongside me as we call the action on this online live hybrid final table and there’s $224,000 up top for the winner with 25k G guarantee for the final eight Donnie this is a bit of a different type of flavor but it’s going to be exciting to see how online translates the [Music] live exactly right we have a rail building here inside the Horseshoe if you hear yelling and screaming in the background that would be the main event these players are playing in their own main event as the Greek Crusher Georgio soplos is our chip leader with 2.6 million in the one seat we’ll do a round around the table in just a little bit the woman you see there behind Jonathan shoran is is his wife her mother getting caught up here as we are straight into the action getting to know these players as the broadcast goes on if you’re catching us right now on YouTube or on Twitch please let us know where you’re watching from we appreciate you all for hanging out just that easy this event had 401 entries the buying was $3,200 and like I said two $225,000 up top for the winner Donnie for some this could be a summer saver for someone like Georgia soplos this is a great chance to win a bracelet or were you on the other I was I was Mikey c289 have a squirrel I’m an now I old wise out oh yeah absolutely I was like that that sounds very nitty I’m going to be an old 140,000 now blinds are 20K 40K we have a lot of play left in this thing yes we’re on third hand y’s third hand sure there I’m I’m always sure they’re out there Marta mwell mwel M as it is shown on the screen here finds Ace King offsuit Donnie she made two online final tables both of which we will be showing so she could just rip off two bracelets at once okay I don’t remember b b Moon raising to 85,000 and Shan in the small blind here comes along excuse me he doesn’t come along he makes it 355 to go we got some action here from the small blind it’s shoran with the three bet that’s nice it was nice action back on Nel and she moves All In we have action here immediately and a snap call Ace King versus Ace Queen the Spaniard tour life on the line here she’s in shoran who goes with a nickname London needs to find a queen 1 million 150,000 and whatever is the five I didn’t really count very close you have more I think right now 25,000 [Music] by say 2.4 million in the middle whoever wins this is going to be just shy of the chip lead all right here comes the Flop Jack du six rainbow Shan looking for a queen and a queen only or running clubs as he says himself turn card is seven of clubs now 12 outs any Queen and any club will send Mikel moon to the rail I got a couple Waters from me 28% Shan looking for some help here River card is the queen of hearts and Mikel Moon eliminated here on one of the very first hands of the final table well bed man as her Ace Queen excuse me as her Ace King gets crushed by Ace Queen on the river Shan now up to 2.6 million wow this man came to play ladies and gentlemen that is brutal Shan has his support sitting right behind him and with this big stack he’s almost guaranteed a few more pay jumps final seven out guaranteed $34,500 you’re just tuning in this is event number N9 the final table of the online bracelet event that is played out live here at the Horseshoe thank you all for tuning in my name is REM Kinka Donnie Peters will be joining me shortly if you’re with us in the chat please like the video and subscribe to the channel if you are looking for the main event that is available on poo a water you got one yeah yeah me too okay all right next hand here blind still 20K 40K with a 40K big line anti ICM massive considerations here as Thomas Mets is our short stack copoulos with Ace Queen is going to raise it up to 80k everyone now looking at at Mets Donnie you missed a good one here right off the I made it I’m here now she even said uh well played sir that sounded about as as honest as that could have sounded I mean always feels bad when you get a bad beat thank you seven players remaining here fighting for the big bugs give me a second I’m sorry sopis is going to try to control this Final Table he’s very experienced and will look to take advantage of players who might be looking to Ladder Up Marinelli here Donnie on the button with king queen off his hands are tied with how short Mets is yeah not much you can really cards back in the air here [Applause] rais [Applause] 85,000 hearing lots of banter and cheering in the background that would be day eight of the wsp main event that coverage is currently on exclusively while we bring you event 9 coverage appreciate all those who are watching along here at this final table with also big pay jumps on the line like I mentioned 224,000 up top for the winner Georgia sopis our big name here he has 8.1 million in career tournament earnings no stranger to success for most players this is the biggest spot of their career John shoran like I said goes by the name of London has just shy of half a million dollars in career tournament earnings tons of online cashes this summer he’s been on an absolute tear and Kent here raising it up to 85k and Mets finds what he is looking for pocket Queens in the small blind on the short stack and there it goes the little stub gets pushed to the center of the table and when the action gets back to Kent here he’s going to get an interesting price but not bad not getting at no appetite to get involved with the 97 of diamonds I had a feel a flop there Thomas Mets by the way has never cashed a live poker tournament let that sink in for a second has never cashed a live poker tournament he’s got tons of caches in the online WSOP events but he is not a live player but today that’s going to change as this Final Table plays out here at the Horseshoe bre action folds back around to M here Ace final Parts on the B Star a little energy I know so earlier a lot of the final tables the side there were so many people here they’d have nice big rails and it was I got to sweat a few friends that were playing it was nice and Loud few folds here as met yeah tonight it probably get pretty crazy I guess I have two taes for the how many are left oh in the main two TBL 16 earlier or 16 earlier there’s maybe 15 or 14 there oh yeah they’ll get down there tonight at some point are the pay jumps now every single person they say 16 over the radio just to me I can hear everything you say I already forgot it I said things at the beginning I wouldn’t have normally said I knew I was being recorded for some players this is their first big live final table which is also being live streamed so you better watch what you say it’s all going into the universe easy as it goes gets a walk at the big blind and the Italian finds a way to chip up a little bit Dario Marinelli has 285,000 in career tournament earnings made a few runs this summer at the WSOP but no five figure scores just yet this is his first and this is also closing in of the largest cash of his tournament career Plex glass what’s in the plexiglass right the little screen oh this I’m not sure what that is back in 2019 Marinello finished 132nd in the main event for 59,000 that is his largest cash to date back to the online specialist Thomas Mets plays on by the name tobogan 47 no three more the same level do even look to see what I had all my friends will know you playing that every year the main no uh I played the main last year was my first series thing and then and then I play this I did way better last year yeah I’m hoping to play in next year I figure it out so slow and so tiring oh I’m sure I’d rather do when I’m younger do you see that hand where the aces kings and queens and kings and queens both fold him pretty well yeah oh my God I don’t know how they do that I really don’t I would just go broke if shout out to Jimmy bluffer joining us in the chat same for OGD dog made you guys both moderator we’re going to see a flop appreciate the help here as Shan makes it 8K and cell in the small blind comes along so we’re going to see some action here 1096 rainbow rolls off the deck that is music to the as of shoran who flops top pair top kicker and Kent here with middle pair 90,000 [Music] shoran continues for 90k Kent has reason to continue with his pair of nines and he will do so turn card is the seven of Spades Che action goes check check five of Hearts completes the board Shan gets the check mark and he decides to just check back here nine no good for Kent as shoran chips up and takes the chip lead you’re really slipping trying to elicit a little celebration there from his rail as I mentioned at the top of the show his wife sitting behind him with her mother kind of cool that they make this into a family affair here at the final table Ace 10 versus 9 I don’t know what his other card was on a 109 109 [Music] raise [Music] 85,000 what’s up 655 on the Flop here both players with a little taste of it here flopping top hair mets has the seven to go along with it creating some back door straight potential as colandro bets 100,000 here Mets is going to verify and double check here would not be surprised to see some aggressive action here from our short stack in and he moves all in candello with Ace six has a big lead here but will he pull the trigger only has to call an additional 365,000 got 465,000 toal 465 Mets risking it all from the big blind here defended that big [Music] blind candell here in the tank all his cashes with exception of two 465,000 are online as well all right call and he makes the call and he’s going to like what he sees bring look at this Mets drawing to one out here as two sevens have already been folded Thomas Mets looking for a miracle here to survive Ahad back door straight potential here also back door Club potential maybe the four clubs to make this a real Sweat Turn card is the six of hearts and now all of a sudden we are chopping maybe not both players with the Full House River card is the nine of Spades and Mets survives here wow he flirts with elimination But ultimately finds a way to stay alive chopping this one up if you’re just tuning in this is event number nine the online bracelet event with a live Final Table the buy was $3,000 there were 401 players who entered this event first prize of $224,000 my name is REM Kinka happy to call the action for you poker God said not yet yeah take you we have one more online event final table tonight and and then one more tomorrow as well so we have three Final Table live streams here on the World Series of Poker YouTube channel so if you want to watch some more poker action you came to the right place make sure to like this video And subscribe to the channel we’ve posted the payouts in the description of the video as well for you to keep track of action back on our Italian Marinelli Metson the small blind finds quite a nice hand here for some blind on blind action all in and he moves all in as was to be expected here easy fold for sopis and mats continues to chip up he was down to 400k and right now looking a lot more [Laughter] comfortable he’s holding on to those tonight we are streaming the 10K online event final table excuse me it’s a 5k it’s a 5k High Roller tonight which features Ethan Yao Rampage poker sha deep Marco Johnson John Andress just to name a few $278,000 up top in that event that event will happen after this one completes so we got almost identical the entire time yeah I’ve been getting a lot of for Hines really appreciate that K King n Queen n queen8 this was a brutal beat this was espe If she traveled in she said she’s been here for a month oh so I think she takes what she took home 30s and now we’re up to 48 46 now got 6589 here on board Ace completes it what’s the next one after this 46 and 53 and was it 63 might be 63 sopis with his pair of fives has the best hand here and goes after it from the small blind and fix it up two of the big Stacks there in the blinds going to face each other time and time again here at this final table so raise to8 they don’t expect us to go very long cuz they got the other one right what they don’t expect us to go very long cuz they got the other one right behind oh they don’t 80 3 hours I think they what I said earlier was uh incorrect we are streaming the 10K Championship tonight that features Scott Siver Joseph Chong and ban lamb among others so that’ll be after this event we’ll have the other tournament that I just mentioned on our secondary table and show you some hands from that on the side but that table will not have whole cards so there are three big online final tables happening all today and we’re we’re able to show two of them so pretty fortunate to be able to do so as sopis here goes on the offensive again and gets Marinelli to fold by the way if you’re with us in the chat please let us know where you’re watching from I know that everyone of course is excited about the main event Donnie and I are keeping a eye on that as well [Music] so you guys want me to not be off I’m good to go now or what you need two mics yeah I can hear you guys if you’re just tuning into this Final Table shoran started off this final table with a bang crushing Ace King with Ace Queen by hitting a queen on the river knocking our first player out Marta Miguel from Spain finished in eighth place for 25,000 I haven’t even looked at either of them I think that’s how it should be though you don’t want to be [ __ ] pissed off massive ICM implications here Marinelli and let me see the Flop let me see or something Action Falls around candell in the small blind he’s got pocket fours Kent who is currently in the big blind in a bit of a tough ICM situation himself doesn’t want to go out next with those big pay jumps can’t return the favor over here and colell just comes with the call so we’re going to see a flop here King three rolls off Kent flops a pair of sixes Vincent Kent has a few caches under his belt but this is by far his biggest one already so every pay jump here is going to give him a new personal best as colell lets it go after a Quick Bet didn’t waste anything cuz I lost a pot doesn’t mean it was wasted Thomas Mets still our short stack as shoran has the best rail so far he quiet he on the re they’re not playing either so they don’t got the r ra looks like Shan almost missed a hand here better pay attention feel like I’m the only one talking you want to tell us some jokes while we’re waiting jokes go ones it’s a little boring over here nobody’s talking or anything we’re just like so serious just just threw around the shot just live I actually live in Vegas Oh all the Vegas people call me London 85 that’s the name since when six years how about you I’m just visiting every year where’ you live in Greece Roos it’s Island roads roads yeah I’ve been to Greece many times oh yes used to go to zakintos a lot zos beautiful one right well your football you playing the sevens you love for you I played in that mystery Bounty that had 18,000 people in it supporting West oh no it was live I didn’t play any other oh oh I played one more online it’s kind of funny when you think about it these players have play online against each other but have no idea who the other players were up until they made the final table so any reads gathered will be very fresh as cards have just gone in the air about 30 minutes ago so when you guys were playing online how long how long did it go I think 15 minutes are they 15 or 20 15 I think 15 I remember it was late it was really late when we finished up yeah like I was on I was on the East Coast like 6:30 in the morning 630 oh I’d work in 2 hours it was worth it wow great news from candell played till 6:30 in the morning had to go I had no idea it was the live Final Table honestly oh really no I just was and then it’s like it it just ends I was like it was and it popped up and you’re like oh yeah you got to go back here and play now yeah I have to extend my trip to play good well my trip was kind of open ended cuz I was hoping I was going to be playing over there so Kent not aware of the fact this was a live final table so that must been a nice I think this is new this year I said something about collusion sopis in the small blind but Jack five Spades twist comes with the call as shoran kicks it up a notch on the again I don’t play online very much but we’re doing like like 0.1 blind bets just to see if people were Auto folding mhm 2.1 yeah or even yeah less like one one big or less than a big I don’t I don’t even know lets it Go andman picks up mp I think they had one last year a live final live live as well did they I think they had one or maybe two I think they definitely had one and then they built it up this year there’s like six or seven I know we played on the same table for yeah you and I played on the same table for hours in this event what was your screen name say what yeah I like that Vince Kent came into this Final Table second in chips 1.7 million John shoran who goes by London John put 1.4 million to this final table I made mine when I was like 21 so I think I just made my Instagram username I’ve been using say what since I was like 18 I had the same guy all in like three times when I had the best hand and he won and then I finally got him all in again with the worst hand and knocked him out I had a guy that was doing the same thing and I finally knocked him out I can’t remember his screen name he was two to my right and he kept getting the best of blind level 40 minutes or 30 40 it was supposed to be 30 that’s why and now it Chang no the last one was 30 so the blind the blinds are up right yeah the blinds are up 25 yeah B why don’t we play 40 I like faster tournaments how long is it supposed to be 40 30 I don’t know I think 30 live is slower than 15 online yeah 40 seems about it is kind of wild wild when you think about it 15 minutes levels levels online you see so many hands and now we go to 30 minutes live still with so much play left soplos and strowman both above 50 B I looked that time you had a good getting like this like I said King aing suited every like that’s my hand like it’s tough I know not quite playable [Applause] almost HHO buzzing with excitement we have a rail building for the online event also have plenty of people in the building for the main event if you’re tuning in on our YouTube Channel please let us know where you watching from we appreciate you all for coming in to watch this final table as soplos raises it up with King n of Spades and Kent finds Ace Queen in the big blind and he’s not going it’s always a good sign when that ship comes rolling my way let make it the call dece 68 nothing for either player Kent does find himself with a back door Diamond draw 30 minute clock yeah reduced it to 30 in three more levels if we’re like this it’ll just become a shove Fest Shan anti everybody will have 15 big blinds the blinds raising up over the course of the next 90 minutes sopis is going to keep the ini at like what I started with Ken started this hand with 32 bigs I stand out all day sopis takes it down and is the first player above the best out all day might be noit had the ace of diamonds I had some nefarious thoughts Kent goes against those nefarious thoughts and tosses a screen into the muck oh we got Brian in the chat watching from Ottawa Canada that I believe is the hometown of Christ foxy who is currently taking control of the main event from what I last saw oh we got Matt in the chat thank you for the love appreciate it Donnie will be with us [Music] shortly slopis with the Rays and as I mentioned he is going to keep applying the pressure for Marinelli down to just shy of 11 big blinds is going to wait for a better spot attacking the blinds so valuable right now and I wonder how these players will adjust from the online play as far as their playing Styles so much easier when you’re playing online just to click all in in the live Arena someone staring you down becomes a lot trickier Kent made it 105 soplos defends from the big blind and we’ve got King 58 on the Flop Kent quick with the check back here despite the range Advantage not wanting to stab at this King High flop soropoulos with Queen High not finding anything here on this board 20 and look at this Kent with the delayed C bet takes it down [Applause] oh Jay is asking in the chat when will the main event final table be uh that will be on Tuesday and Wednesday so tonight they will reach the final t of the main event and then there’s one day off for all the players and then on Tuesday and Wednesday they’ll play out a little tear over there that was the best decision I made cell pocket fives lets it go really a lot of tiptoeing going on right now with Mets and Marinelli being severely short compared to the other players if your Mets here playing against against the two biggest Stacks in the blinds think not looking too easy for you let’s It Go sopis just completing the small blind here with the awful looking 94 offsuit but he of course knows his way around when it comes to post flop play King 64 two hearts shman with ace high soropoulos flops a four and shman by the way not wrong about the structure catching up with the players over the course of the next three or four levels no need to get out of line here for these players you just want to get it in good when all the money is on the line and whatever kind of buffer you have when you reach that point is going to be very much a welcome sight as the nine on the river give gives soropoulos two pair very well disguised two pair shoran just with ace high might just take that little bit of Showdown value and check behind so I wonder if sopis is going to lead here looks like we’ve been playing longer than 30 minutes he ising 40 minutes does feel like it I don’t know surprised 190k is the best from soplos going for nearly the size of the pot like these in and out we got a the Greek Pro taking it down as I mentioned he is our most experienced player with 8.1 million in career tournament earnings ,000’s alltime money list green good or you want uh yeah it’s okay soplos has a long list of caches at this year’s WSOP but has not been able to break through with a massive score yeah I think they’re doing the 10,000 they’re doing and then they did like another whole round of all of these too so it’s like soplos has one more money in Live Events than second third and fourth combined on Greece’s alltime money list so gives you a little bit of context as to how much of a Crusher this guy is comes to the wcp every year Kent takes his turn race takes it down by the way if you’re enjoying our coverage please don’t forget to like this video And subscribe to our YouTube channel it’s very much appreciated that’s cool that yeah I live in Arizona so there is no online fker yeah but I can’t really play online they gave they gave me the 500 bucks to fly out which was nice I don’t know if they gave it to everybody they didn’t offer me 500 bucks yeah they G me 500 bucks to fly out so it’s kind of nice Kell flying in from the East Coast specifically for this Final Table what up brother it Marinelli is from New Jersey as someone in the chat just brought up sorry C kendrell not Marinelli excuse me Marinelli who’s all in right now from Italy shoving onto the big blind of Kendell from Harding New Jersey nine big blind decision here with King five of diamonds that is going to be ahead of the range of his opponent quite a bit here but losing would be rather devastating ating as he would then make himself one of the short stacks with these large pay jumps on the line and he gives it up Marinelli picks up the blinds and anties and we continue to wait for our next big Clash shoran again with a very playable hand here pocket Jacks comes in for the ray 125 m Dynamic at this final table so interesting players motivated break break the Matrix if you raise that high everyone else folds and strowman takes it down to Eric who was asking about the difference between this live stream and pokergo uh this is not on poker go we are on wsa’s YouTube Channel streaming this online live hybrid final table right now on we have coverage of the main event so if you want to go and sign up you can do so otherwise we’re more than happy to have you s raising it up with A7 action on Kenton the small blun he among the players who are tied up the most when it comes to ICM it’s fine Joshua Simmons this is not the main event this is event number nine this was played online down to the final table and now these players have gathered here in Las Vegas to play out this final table we are streaming three of these events two today with the 10K event following this one headlined by Scott saver and Ben lamb and then tomorrow we have one more final table for you that also played out online and it’s now down to the final eight that have returned uh Ken’s here on the bu raising it up with A7 of Hearts as Mets finds a tasty looking Ace jack of diamonds and there he goes quick with the Allin and Kent makes the call we have our next Allin Showdown nice Jack all in Mets is tour of life on the line for the second time here and he is the favorite right now the guy who’s at risk Kent looking for heart or a seven but he can afford this one as he still has 1.3 million chips left behind all right here comes the Flop let’s see if Kent can survive wow dece 9 10 would bece and of course it is Mets life that’s on the line he is looking to survive here and with survival I mean fading heart or aeven 50/50 basically here comes the turn is the four of hearts and that will immediately end this hand wow Thomas Mets eliminated in seventh place takes home $ 34,43 luck for his run in event number nine this $3,000 our 8 Max High Roller that started out online and is now down to its final six players just out ran him out Randy at A7 and he had Ace Jack I hit I hit not up to 2 million All Eyes now on Marinelli our new short stack 46,000 guaranteed for the final five Marinelli probably happy with that pay jump will feel a little bit less stress as he knows that he’ll be the next to be all in most [Music] likely Candace continue raising it up Shan in the big blun finds po at eight going to come along and make the call six seven dece two spades on board Shan’s pay still best for 68 Kent’s going to fire out here with the gut shot to the 10 high straight strowman with his over pair he going to make the call turn card brings out the DEA Spades putting three Spades out there also pairing the board check check 10 of Spades coms in on the river and all of a sudden Kent gets the check mark and it does go check check Kent very happy to show down his rivered pair of T pair of eights against 8 10 he rivered a 10 thanks dangerous now you got lot of chips Shan was up to 2.9 Million earlier now back down to 2.3 still very comfortable as Kent continues to rise am I back are you back Don am I back you are back hear you Donnie Peters in the booth with me thank you for joining we’re down to five yeah I miss some action I mean this is uh this is very much a true test of uh ICM maneuvering I feel like all the fin tables we’ve covered on this horseshoe setup have been ICM battlefields right I mean Monster stack millionaire you know like basically everything that’s been up here has been an ICM Battlefield that $800 deep stack that we did you know absolutely soplos continues to try and control his opponents they keep recording us all the way over here huh the keeper I almost check raised the flop aselli in the big blind with only about 11 bigs hasn’t seen much to play with but is Queen s the time to make a stand or in his case make the call I think you can just call try and flop something and go with it Ace King four good not the Flop he’s looking for one for 68 okay you think sopis is in any in any way concerned about the defend here I don’t think with that type of texture because figure that a lot of a highs Marinelli will just put in even even some of the the Kings you know he’s probably just going to put in Pre flop so you can just pretty comfortably come with the bet there and if if you do happen to get hit with any resistance you know you just hold but pretty easy spot for sod Ro to bet he does and takes it down so Marinelli now down below 10 big blinds the key here Donnie is for Kendell who’s currently in the big blind to avoid any clashing right now with the next pay on blooming correct I mean if he ends up clashing at all the only person he would want to clash with is Marin other than that you know he’s just going to opt to stay out of the way for the most part try and get that ladder Kent has been picking up the aggression a little bit here and it’s been we’re going working in his favor he is up to 2.5 million five handed so you got to get aggressive if sopis isn’t being the aggressor with the chip lead that makes things a little bit more comfortable for Ken in there three maybe I actually forgot yeah Kent has chipped up 675,000 since the start of play sopis up 7:30 and London John up 8:35 so we have the halves and the have knots right now shorman takes his takes his turn to race it almost feels like between Kent copoulos and shoran Donnie they’re just going to take turns attack him yeah no I agree I would even start to expect sod ropolos to maybe even apply some pressure to Kent and shoran at times maybe come in with some three bets just kind of you know lay it out there that listen I’m the chip leader I got the experience these guys over here are pretty short I know you don’t want to tangle with me so let’s see what you got nice looking Ace King here for shoran raise 125,000 yeah strowman has been on the receiving end of some nice cards so far he’s going to try to make them work in his favor but as you mentioned you know five- handed is the time to get aggressive these levels only 30 minutes in length so anything you can pick up right now is going to be beneficial once we come down to those big allins you still got what 700 yeah a little more seven almost eight yeah just under eight for those looking for the payouts they are in the description of this video on [Music] YouTube Marinelli on 370 perhaps this the time to shove 39 suited there it is he announces all in Marinelli risking it all here hoping to pick up the blinds and anties oh wow shoran finds nines and he’s going to make the call here NES versus que9 Marinelli in trouble he’s got Queen nine of diamonds we’ve got two black nines two black NES looking for a queen or diamonds as Marinelli Queen London London joh has in a small he’s got 500,000 yeah let’s do it 46 excuse me 63,000 guaranteed for the final five right now all right oh Queen in the window and an Ace and a jack right behind it Marinelli hits the queen to survive unless shoran finds the one remaining nine in the deck it be all sorts of dramatic if he catches the nine seven of heart hit hits on the turn that looked a little bit like a nine I’ll be honest close but no cigar for shoran here as Marinelli is the one outer away from a double up seven of diamonds on the river and Marinelli gets the sit back down nice hand 3 37 no sweat just I know right in the window as I mentioned I don’t have to worry about it final five guaranteed 63,000 top four will get 86,000 370 37 it’s 25k now action folds around to Shan who gives a walk to our newly doubled up player oh he’s looking you are cut up easier be serious so you think I should fold nines I mean come on be serious telling John Shan to 29 what did you say said somebody on the rail was I think suggesting to Shan hold two n taking pictures over there seems insane and yeah we’re not in the business of folding pocket pairs like that we’re not in the business of folding end of sent okay we’re here to play poker we are coming at you live from the Horseshoe in Las Vegas these players playing their main event final table $227,000 of top and a wsp gold bracelet on the line the big big Main Events is happening in the same room right now day eight underway has the live stream we’re just happy to be able to call this action for you as soplos with Queen eight is going to come in for the ray hello next [Applause] jump6 that is the main back fores come on [Applause] even the players in this tournament entertained by The Vibes in the main event you absolutely love to see [Music] it this event by the way Donnie took place quite a while back some players had to travel across the country to make it here some are local here in Las Vegas uh how do how does one prepare for a spot like this when all you play normally is online 125,000 probably just familiar familiarize excuse me familiarize yourself with you know live poker if that’s not your area of expertise I mean if you’re in an area where a casino maybe you just you know go play some onew or something like that you know get a feel for just sitting at a table playing with chips cards Etc maybe do a little bit of that I think there can also be some studying of the different situations at the table based on the chip Stacks coming in all that sort of stuff so kind of like almost a two-part preparation you know somebody like a John shoran or Jo who are very well versed in and have played a lot you know they probably don’t need that whole thing where you’re like getting to a casino and getting familiarized there but if you’re an online only player and you’re nervous about going to have to play Live especially when it’s going to be on stream right then you know go out there on some of the days in between battle a little bit and get a feel for it well Marinelli is going to get a feel for it now he finds pocket kings having just doubled up he’ll be trying to gather a few more here ra 120,000 comes in for the M ra off the short stack D this this has got to look strong under the gun Min raay off the short stack yeah I mean it doesn’t necessarily just mean Aces or Kings you know he can have some other hands in there now he is working with a stack that’s above that dangerous sub 10 big blind territory right Kent is going to come in there with the ace Queen off wow are you surprised that he is not pulling the trigger here a little bit because of what we’ve seen from Kent so far you know has kind of just been willing to get in there and be aggressive so thought you know maybe there’s a chance he does just elect to go with this against the stack of Marinelli Shan’s welcomed in here from the big blind he defends so we’re going to have three-way action to the Flop 1073 rainbow probably a pretty good chance that arinell’s kings are still best with the lead I mean look at the speed with which he’s leading this has to indicate some kind of 10 at at the very minimum yeah I mean it could you know a 10 that he wants to try and protect has some sort of vulnerability to it you know 10 n 108 something like that Marinelli now trying to figure out do I shove now or on the turn and how strong is calling going to look versus shoving in in yeah he moves all in for 695 Kent gets a cheap way out of this one and Marinelli snaps it off all right let’s see him Kings for Marinelli got 10 Jack against his Kings and it is 10 Jack for Shan as London John might be doubling up Marinelli for the second time in only three hands shoran deid of the lead felt confident about his pair of T but now finds himself in a world of trouble with just five outs and two cards to come turn is the nine 10 or a Jack 81 or a Jack he does the job for me an 810 or a Jack and shoran will send Marinelli to the rail River card is the three of diamonds and Marinelli racks up his second double up here at this Final Table shoran who was once sitting on just shy of 3 million chips now down to 1.2 million and he no longer has to work with here yeah Marinelli jumping up ahead of Shan on the counts and I know Shan’s not the shortest stack that is cello but given the way that this is played out so so far shoran might feel like the short stack you know things just haven’t been going his way he’s the pot not only did he lose that one he lost the pocket nines to Queen nine of Marinelli not too long ago so you know just feeling like things can kind of slip away from you it’s not fun when that happens to you at any point in a poker tournament especially at a final table so we’ll see if shoran can write the ship here payouts for this event available in our YouTube description just as a reminder the final five guaranteed $63,000 224,000 up top for the winner so this is definitely a big one Speaking of big ones we just saw Jared bnck winning the 50k High ruler for $2 million feels like Lesnik has found his Groove in Live Events had him on the feature table of the main event earlier the summer that that did not go his way but he did provide some entertainment for us got some action happening here as we just temporarily lost our card Graphics where’ they go a65 2 clubs on board and well just going to have to play the old guessing game 16,000 I need dou but I’m not if you are tuned in to our stream please let us know in the chat where you’re watching from if you’re having a good time we very much like to hear from you Oh cards are back Kent again with Jack 10 excuse me Kent now the one with Jack 10 as ace4 is the best hand for Marinelli bit of a graphics hiccup here but it’s pretty clear that Marinelli is well out in front here with ace4 versus Jack 10 my God AC goes check check river is the nine of clubs I if you guys could are you watching see my cards it’s good I don’t care I hav really got anything good Marinelli opts the check here as Kent fires out a four for Marinelli here he’s got the best hand but facing about of 270,000 with that club coming in on the river not too happy about this spot here also a seven out there would be a straight you know your kicker is pretty bad here doesn’t even play compared to the board so if your opponent is value butting in Ace is likely better than yours does he have a straight does he have a flush a lot of stuff out there that you’re behind yeah no missteps permitted here at this Final Table every chip worth so much here especially when you just got them right you’ve been short for so long you just got a couple of double UPS like you you don’t just want to go back to giving them away you know you want to keep him in your possession all right he is going to make the call and see the good news and Marinelli was down to 375,000 chips is now up to 2.4 million and a strong contender here at this Final Table what a turnaround for him was like six hands ago he had like 400k absurd maybe it was more like 10 hands but still back from the dead is Marinelli absolutely surg you didn’t believe me I had nothing yeah you just want to be that guy oh yeah Marinelli now second in chips with 2.4 million action back to sopis will take any opportunity to raise of course going to attack with the Jack 10 off not a bad hand as well marelli going to contemplate here in the small blind with Ace 10 you got a player rushes Donnie and Marinelli currently is on one he’s going to give this one up though maybe he just wasn’t feeling it probably also not feeling the fact that he would have to go up against the most experienced player at this final table with you know some money to be made here by sitting back a little bit after those double UPS shman probably licking his wounds a little bit here was was up to Just sh 3 million not too long ago now on 1.1 million kendrell has been sitting around waiting for cards which he has not received when you reach that stage of the tournament as we’re now playing 30k 60k do king a type hands start to become enticing I mean they might because you know you haven’t seen anything then when you see anything like even medium strength you’re like oh this looks good right but I think it’s important to stay patient Not freak out he still is above 10 big blindes so can still maneuver I know action is coming around quick with it only being five- handed but wouldn’t wouldn’t freak out just yet you know you’re still in it you’re not out of it just Keep Calm play your ranges as such try and get your money and good and score double who off from marinell right it can happen you can spin it that’s the beauty of the game that we play you’re never out of it until you are what they then if you’re out of it sometimes you can reenter you’re just right back in it or there’s another tournament whatever whatever may be the case especially if you’re like these guys who are came from right you just go back into the lobby find the next tournament you yeah enter that one let’s go Donnie what’s the most tables you used to play at the same time playing online I mean definitely eight maybe 12 were you a big monitor guy or Cascade those those tables I could never ever Cascade never I’ve like tried it maybe like three times in my life and I could just never ever do it um I was always you know try and space them out so I can see everything um preferably to monitors yes but but I mean nowadays it’s probably four Max I I just I can’t really my mind doesn’t work like it wants to yeah back in the day uh let me know in the chat how many players how many tables are you used to playing online and if you are like Donnie and I where our online Heyday is long gone in the past how much did you used to play I remember I used to Cascade tables playing low Stak sit and goes when I first got into tournaments because if I would spread them all out I would just forget about a table and just time out and then just like be sitting out at one of my tables so then I started cascading for sitting go but if I play tournaments I’d play eight max four on each screen and then I would have a good little overview but I had friends back back in the day who made a living playing like 16 to 20 tables and just grinding cash I just cannot believe how people used to do that oh candell finally has found a hand worth playing yeah nice looking Ace ten of clubs here just going to get some respect and picking up the blinds and anties is going to feel like a double up for the man who’s not been able to get much going he’s only played 8% of Hands by far the tightest player at the table he has also yet to win a hand that Showdown Jack n Spades for Kent also very playable raise 125,000 K’s got 65 suited from the big blind surprised we didn’t see him take a flop there probably just preserving his stack for his next chove about it first second only one more big BL price you know you can try and flop something big Equity get your money don’t think 65 is too bad of a hand to do that there would worked that time basically the same hand I just lost ra 120,000 sopis comes in for the raise again is just picking and choosing his spots seemingly increasing his stack every orbit he is our most aggressive player at the table along with last time be H I realize he was all but my hand sucked or not all ra my hand sucked I there fireworks to happen [Music] here we are streaming this Final Table until a winner is known and then we’re going to roll straight into our second online live hybrid final table shoran has taken some chances the first one went very well the rest has has backfired so far he has down 400k since the start of play despite doubling up on the second hand Play Walk huh you get sweaty up here I mean I would to Don because n he plays back at everyone you have a t-shirt out anything I do but it’s not like very and I have the think running through and they told me shirt on too they told me if uh I take it off they have to fix the mic so I was like a screw it break you can do it a break yeah we will happily fix the mic for you sir we not an issue we do not we do not want you to be inconvenienced by the that’s why we got people out there exactly to handle it exactly and it won’t be remcon I but no somebody will do it we are just here to let the people at home know the about all the things going on here at the world Ser a full the Kent on the big blind despite the fact that sopis is on your direct left here Donnie you just got to keep opening those button right I mean yes and no mean sodos could certainly make life difficult for you of course defend here sorry call from the small blind s Club good B for him checks through quickly another club on the turn giving sopis a flush I don’t know I didn’t ask quick check check once again River I’m not worrying about it yeah I’m fine I just need some cards I I like I know I’m trying to find somewhere but so theopolis trying to think of an amount that he might get called on but as we can see Kent left with just a high and any one of these cards could have paired up along the way so he is probably done with the hand 100K judging by judging by the way he was looking out into the distance there and there it is quick release there we are playing 30 minute levels as soplos is now the first player to hit the 4 million chip Mark Donnie is anyone going to be able to stop this guy right now it does not appear so Sodis is on the gas chipping up well every time he enters a pot he seems to be the one pulling in the chips after it’s done would not want to mess with this gent right now action back on Kent as candrell is just patiently waiting for his next spot oh look at this aeropolis finds a real one here and if you raise almost every hand and then find a real playable one you got to be licking your chops to to get involved here feel like this is just a little high it’s easy to shake they were working on it for to 360 sopis comes over the top with the aggression here to 360 I knew we couldn’t go all the way to break without a three bet I just knew it we were going to have to get one at some point Ken knew that it would come at some point probably also knew that like to come from yeah exactly just doing some accounting here very unfavorable spot for him here with the King third hand was a you know Comfort third hand was a for bet yeah you’re right you’re right I forgot about that still got Kella who’s pretty short below 11 big blind so no need to go too crazy if you can for um evice in the chat asking about what hybrid Final Table means uh this event started out as an online tournament on WS .c and when they reach the final eight play paused and now they are here in Las Vegas battling it out for the bracelet there were four events like this we are going to stream another one tonight which will feature Scott Siver and Ben lamb and then tomorrow we have one more of these final tables streaming right here on the WSOP YouTube channel for you little bit of additional side action here for those that just cannot get enough of all the poker that’s been streaming over the course of the last month and a half what day is it D day 47 I have no idea Donnie told me that he has no idea what date it is but he just goes by the days of the WSOP I think it is 47 see my math my math are spot on yeah oops this FL thought we had a call last 4 days I think I really lost track of every I can tell you that it’s today’s day eight of the main event right that’s the mode that I’m main event will have a day off tomorrow Final Table taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday we will not spoil the main event for you here on this broadcast but you can watch it all on coup du yeah can we raise ducks on the button with a short stack player in the small L here I think once Sodis is out of the way you can come in for a race here you can go either way oo now I want to look I’m not going to I think this my first one of the day thank you walk good news for those watching this final table we will not have any breaks in the action we start we started with a bit of a longer delay to cut out some of the breaks on the five St love to hear it yep for everyone watching right now what has been what has been your run that you’ve had this summer any online runs any any any nightly events you’ve been playing any any deep Stacks let us know maybe it’s a you know morning Tyler throughout the neighborhood you never know we don’t discriminate against runs here Kenton the small blind he’s going to raise it up as copoulos showing off that he came here to play he’s going to Def defend with 10 five of diamonds just not letting anyone get away with anything and here flops a flush draw looks like Kent is more than happy to attack pre flop but then doesn’t want to spend any chips unnecessarily here post flop Jack on the turn gives soropoulos a straight draw to go along with this flush draw so of or might want to start betting here I mean just given the situation you know you can just put a lot of pressure on Kent who hasn’t really looked like he’s wanted to commit any more chips to this pot so you know this looks like a lot of Ace highs maybe some pairs that are you know like the nines of the world maybe some sevens are in there as well but again you can just really put pressure on those hands that’s what s roess is going to do comes with bet even if he gets called plenty of activ should he have the second best hand imagine this gets through I mean again it’s if you’re Kent I mean what are you going to do call here and then hope to go check check on the river and that you’re good yeah it’s just just not a favorable spot for him does get out of the way may maybe should have gone with a slightly larger size pre flop to prevent some Flats in position from maybe also wanted to just limp easier it’s not it’s not going to be fun having Sodis with that chip stack now up over 4.5 million on your direct left if you are Kent probably just going to force you to slap on the handcuffs and tighten things up a little bit while we see what happens with most notably cell who’s now down below 500k in chips got just over eight big blinds to work with does fold to him he’s got a couple of fours in the cut off but expected this money is going in there it is 490k into the middle from cell let’s see if it gets through or calls be a risk he not going to get called 150k added to the stack of kendrell really slow not what you want to see if you’re John shoran as that gap between shoran and cello is getting much closer kello Ace 10 must feel like Aces right now all in he moves all in for a little over 10 big blinds everyone quick with the release waiting for a showdown type hand onto Marinelli with pocket fours Donnie for for 10 bigs what hand would you call here in the big [Music] [Applause] blind I think call fives fours probably four just fives I mean he could he could be jamming the a4s ace4 suited as well included in there I know it’s only for 640 which is just about 11 big lines just under not sure I just want to risk that with two fours likely going to be a flip are going to be some times when you’re dominated by some larg pair so yeah I think fours is a good fold there probably call fives call sixes and made it a break yep got Kent’s got a nice looking Ace 10 suited he’s under the gun expect him to raise 12 okay with Ace 10 soplos with Ace 10 as well Donnie if you’re Kent with Ace 10 it is not as strong a hand as it is for soplos who not only has position but also the dominating stack yeah but Kent has position in the form of he’s under the gun so his range is probably a little bit more condensed now of course shoran here wow he’s going to be playing this one timing could not be any better for soropoulos to let go of the ace 10 as shoran here down to 740 likely to move all in here contemplating his next move here on the button I mean if there’s a world where he wants to keep it so that like if if the players behind him go all in you know you raise you leave one chip here right um and then if it goes like shove from Marinelli call All In from kendrell call from Kent and maybe you f the ging yes but well London John does exactly that moves the majority of his chips into the middle leaves himself with about a chip behind and action now back on Kent with East Tennis Spades I believe he left 75k behind if we can’t here we can’t we simply can’t take this risk right I don’t think so um I mean I know your hand looks pretty but I’m not sure I I would justify taking this risk I also don’t think that shoran is really gotten out of line at all at this final table that would tell me okay like you know this guy’s going to be putting in a king queen suited or putting in an ace5 suited you know stuff like that so I think Shan’s going to be pretty tight here overall he’s going to have a lot of like e Queen he’s going to have a lot of hairs that are let’s say sevens plus sixes plus maybe Kent does not seem to want to let this one go you really be hoping for nines eights and sevens which of course could be a possibility but the danger of running into Ace Queen Ace King Ace Jack and bigger pocket pairs simply too large of a factor here I think best case scenario for him is one of those pairs like you mentioned or if there is some king queen suited in the range for Shan I don’t know sure how much I would assign that to’s range so it’s just a very tricky spot so 50/50 on this one not going to move a muscle here the longer that Kent thinks here I think shoran is you know pretty confident about his hand wow Ken still undecided here rolling he is well he’s going to push all in WoW going to make the call and here we go oh my God out of nowhere we have a big all in Showdown got with about a million chips in the middle here and Kent looking for Spades a 10 Some Kind of Broadway got to love the heart Donnie that Ken’s able to go for it here I’m glad he called could be disaster he’s going to be dominated if this doesn’t work out he’s going to be crushed see it on the screen there [Music] 425k Shan’s wife here giving him the lucky back rub Here Comes The Flop 994 some chop outs here for Kent a four would be very welcome one of his outs 994 a spade in a club I thought it was a 10 to I saw the four Sider back door Spades an option here three hearts not going to do it that’s my tournament right there Kent now looking for a four a three for a chop or a 10 to win this one Big River Card coming up he did the Spade on the turn River Card the four and we chop it up wow K get saved here by the river it has not been johnman today oh play will continue with five players as the blinds are about about to go up oh baby it’s been quite a final table already as we look at the Horseshoe here on the Las Vegas trip 25k was the first payout tonight but we are already up to the final five for our guaranteed $63,500 you can see the payouts on your screen 401 entry total in this event 224,000 of top for the eventual winner let us know in the chat where you’re watching from don’t forget to smash that like button if you are having a good time with us will cover this event until we get down to a winner and then we have one more of these online live hybrid final tables for you here on the WSOP YouTube channel all right here we are back with the action blinds up to 40K 80k with a 80k big line ante card’s now back in the air I didn’t think you were Kent probably feeling like he’s the one who just doubled up I’m going to look this time oh oh good fold Kent gets a walk and sees that he had Ace 10 yeah the exact same hand I just had that very it’s always interesting to see how players react from a situation that we just saw before they went on break you know if you’re Kent that four on the river is very much in your favor so it gives you that like new found life you know that second burst you know he was just saying right before that he said that was my tournament that was my tournament before the River card comes River card comes boom like he’s in shock but it’s a happy shot now if you’re John shoran it’s the complete opposite you’re one card away one clean River away from scoring a double up getting very much right back into this thing feeling great and then it goes against you now of course they chopped it so they just return to where they are but yeah that sort of tilt of emotions between the two players I’m always very interested to then you know hone in on them after the fact and see how they respond in the moments that come I’m my friends said they can’t find a stream nowhere it’s on Twitch oh right yeah I finally looked at my phone and I had like 25 packs they found it action here over to sopis in the small blind 43 suited he’s just going to raise to put John shoran all in who finds an ace duu of diamonds so not an easy spot but gives it up I mean he says you know what listen I’m ahead of cendrella over there I’m not even going to think about this one but you know it could be tempting the sopis steam train is not going to be stopped by anyone unless they are able to get their chips in for the double up he started this final table with 2.6 million and he is already up to 4.7 basically without Showdown which is very [Music] impressive cell here with sixes might have to take a stand here candell moves all in indeed and Kent finds AA clubs perhaps not the right position for him to get involved here but it sure looks tempting Kent does Let It Go same goes for copoulos five 630,000 Marinelli in the big line now tempted to invest some chips here it’s not even 10 big lines here that Marinelli has to call it’s only seven but he does decide to let it go and kendrell will be pleased to grab the blinds and anties here thank you Su days i’ been flipping there’s a little baby suited the bigger one I would to call it was the babiest the babiest it’s the youngest baby fresh out of the womb yeah I could have live with that one you had too much 400 maybe no I’ll tell you who doesn’t like to see that Shan oh yeah he wanted to call yeah shoran is now just rooting for someone to clash rais 160,000 and sopis just keeps on doing what he does best and that is Raising before the Flop definitely a bit of a showcase on how to dominate a table action over to on the big blind not going to play that Queen eight understandably so that stack for soda rois just continues to grow it’s it’s so much bigger than everyone else’s if you’re just tuning in this is the final table of event number nine started out as an online event with four 100 players these are the final five they gathered in Las Vegas to play it out on the real felt here Georgio soplos dominating the proceeding so far closing in on 5 million chips as kandell in the small blind with A6 Spades might take a swing for the fences here as he is down to below 10 big blinds does decide to Let It Go doesn’t want any part of an allen confrontation right here Kent on the other hand for the Min Rays is going to defend here from the big blind 610 Deuce falls on the Flop and Kent flops top pair has back for hearts very pleasing sight here for him 110,000 110 is the best from sod and K is going to make the call Donnie can sopis afford to get out of line here with the pressure that is potentially possible given the two shorter Stacks yeah I mean I don’t even think it’s that out of line it’s simply just what you implied there applying pressure as the big stack against people who are in this ICM jail cell right I mean both Marinelli and Kent are not going to want to go broke before Kendell or shoran you know you should want to outlast one of those two players for sure if not both of them depending on how things break so I think soda rois will recognize that apply some calculated pressure you know I don’t I don’t think he’s just going to go out there blasting for the sake of blasting now no incentive here Donnie for Ken to raise it up himself right he just has to stay in this hand his hand is just too strong to let go yeah but he may be weighing the options in terms of you know what sort of pressure am I going to face come the river does make the call does K so he got 565 behind the pot is up over 1.3 million lean on the river I know that sop’s mind probably considers all options but a shove here would be such a terrifying spot for Ken to be in would would his handers be too strong here Donnie kind of becomes a guessing game that and there it goes there it goes soplos applying maximum pressure knowing that shman to Bluff it all off to me Shan and cell are both short too is this the first big misstep or is it a brilliant Bluff a little bit of bold kind of got to walk that fine line of craziness right Spidey senses be on here know you heard it said you’re this off to me huh what can you have asking the right questions the obvious Miss luff your clubs right but sod you know if he’s getting as aggressive as he wants to be he can you know get in there with like some 108s we could have queen that was you know BL draw that is now a pair and he’s just apply MAX Pressure because his opponent kind of is capped here so so yeah I mean sop is playing purely into the the ICM situation at hand right here Kent cannot afford to be wrong it’s it’s it’s costing him like $45,000 to be wrong yeah I I almost feel as though decision was made on the turn I apologize one more minute call what 13 your stack think you kind of got to click call here on the river I know it’s kind of pukey you know kind of throwing up all over yourself when you stick in those chips but I think you you had to have thought that you there’s going to be aggression coming on the river was that a an almost call or is he just I don’t think sobly be tank here for does give it up look at that wow didn’t take another minute give it up sopis goes flop turn and River putting Kent in the blender did exactly what I wanted you to do the whole time like why don’t I call you there wow he was a one he was a four-letter word away from being right back in this thing and right now Donnie soplos holds 60% of the chips with five players remaining putting on an absolute show here at this final table people just scared to bust do understandably so there’s massive pay jums on the line but everyone playing for second as it stands wow it’s kind of funny Don because the other players now who basically all have seven bigs with the exception of Marinelli are now licking their lips thinking well I can get third still if you’re enjoying the coverage please hit that like button on our you YouTube feed right now we’re happy to bring you this hybrid Final Table coverage I’m the short stuck yeah you took the you took the Rin for me I said the jam pref you call the jam preflow no should that’s Jam pre I almost Jam pre lots of almost here at this table I wanted to get chips that was a bad play well it’s almost over popped it until somebody puts a stop to the Run of sod he’s just the guy is on fire and it’s not necessarily the catching cards type of fire it’s the applying the pressure type of couple of eights here just going to put John Shan all inec can’t call this Jack five into the muck it goes so roess showed him Hey listen I had a hand look got pair two eights good pair a change did you change up one of this yes so a robis of course sometimes gets to pick up a hand of his own and this time it’s a king doesn’t make a difference though as he wins it again again without any contest Rebel poker’s asking why does it say event nine what’s the ninth online event and this one did indeed play down to the final table of eight quite a while back uh but there were four events this Summer that were advertised as hybrid meaning an online tournament with a live final table and today three of those final tables are playing out tomorrow is going to be the final one and right now you have fallen into the sopis show as shoran has made the call here with Ace Queen and he will be ahead against soplos for his tournament life has been Ace queen queen stealing his way through this Final Table he’s finally got caught but he still has outs shoran looking to get back into this match sood looking to ruce this field down to four here’s the Flop 65 King sopis with backdoor clubs and back door straight draw seven of clubs maybe to make it into a sweat ice to close it out shman like the way hoping to end it right now with an Ace and is the seven of clubs in the turn I don’t want to say that I called it but I kind of did 18 outs now 18 outs for copoulos to send shoran to the rail no way the ice cream oh my God we want to fight it River card is the 10 of hearts and shoran does fade it wow nice turn London John back in the building here we go absolutely beautiful River card there for the man from England who has both his wife and her mother on The Rail watching right now they’ve pulled up some chairs and they’re hoping that their man continues this comeback run back up over a million for shoran soplos is going to stay on the gas here of course why not why would he back down now that was just a small little Dent to his stack still got over 5.6 million King’s a good enough hand oh Kenton the big BL here very short here it comes hopefully y makes the call immediately Ace Jack vers King 40% for copis he’ll take it he’ll take it e Jack e Jack has got the ace Jack King 10 rooting for the big we’re rooting for the king [Music] 10 everyone is roting for me I’m rooting for you guy with a hat you’re you’re a nice guy guy oh he moved all in the king 10 he called with the AG 10 all right Kent has had a rough go at it some tough decisions some tough showdowns but right now he’s the favorite to get back up longer though but King 96 three Spades Kent now the one looking for help he needs an ace or a spade here to retake the lead as soplos now nearly 60% to win this one turn card the nine of diamonds it doesn’t change the equation here K still looking for a spade or an ace or his tournament will be done in fifth place let’s see the River card is it going to be there it’s the Jack of clubs and that will end the tournament for Vince say what on he collects $63,000 for his fifth place finish and we are now down to the final five you heard soda rolis there tell him what he had tell him he had ace5 that he had a bluff can’t say I knew it I knew it but ultimately couldn’t pull the trigger to make a call goes out there in fifth place kello probably the one celebrating the hardest right now as the final four now guaranteed $86,000 yeah he’s feeling really good as Kendell K five and a half pigs kendell’s biggest live ter in cash Tony $800 he has he has a string of online cashes yeah various different outcomes some final tables in there as well but on the live felt he only has two results one in a 6 $6 daily event in Las Vegas and one in a $100 daily event this by far in away his largest score and you know you can’t fault someone for trying to ladder up a few spots here no no of course not uh Vince Kent by the way with this result also the largest cash of his career four sopa still 66% of the chips in play If you’re looking for the WSB main event that is streaming on right now we are covering the hybrid live online events you’re allowed to give me a walk you know every now and again right I might have something you know you might so up is of course not letting his foot off the gas wow Queen T of diamonds Donnie is this is this playable here can can we just be ahead sometimes against the guy who’s basically all in every hand no I mean I yeah you you might have some good Equity but you still got K over there with five and a half pig not you know I’m just trying to outlast him right I mean if Cella ends up doubling up then you know things change of course but base eight base seven Outlast him get the three-handed play and then you know let the chips fly once you get there both Marinelli and Kendell have a vpip of 9% copoulos 38% Paints the picture of the big Delta in aggression here at this Final Table candrell King eight of diamonds that must feel like a monster hand for him on just five big blinds yeah especially under the gun knowing you’re going to have to pay 160k for sure next hand put it in here decent hand he got through Sodis so two quick to get through wow go oh look at this that picks up look at that face picks up 200k just like that bang bang look at this he can’t believe it well he’s going to have to give most of that back right away Hey listen calls me still you you bought yourself a free round okay 80 right he did buy himself a free round here let’s see if he make something out of it as you can see on the screen blinds 40K 80k with 80k big BL anti Marinelli with a very shable hand here onto the big blind not much left there look at that candrell very short and there comes the shove let’s take a look let’s throw the 98 off and hopes to find something better on the next hand mer V everyone’s still tiptoeing around the fact that kandell is that much shorter and he goes all in here with the queen 10 and soplos finds Jackson the big blind and when it is your day it is your day must queen or has got Queen 10 [Applause] queen queen are lucky sopis telling his rail he has Jackson there’s a million in the middle here could we be down to three after this H Marinelli and shoran would surely welcome the pay jump here all right here comes the Flop let’s see if the Jacks can hold up and a queen in the window kendrell takes the surprising lead here so Rob there still all smiles he’s already had one heck of a run and now it looks as though he’s going to extend it doesn’t want to look doesn’t want to see the turn going be the five of diamonds two outs for soropoulos he doesn’t hit those candrell is going to sit back down biger all right let’s see the River card Jack and the Jack only will reduced this event to three and it’s not there Kendell St aive gets to sit back down St aive 470 V see whenever I hear people speak Greek I just expect someone to go and just throw a plate on the ground if I was S I would just bring a stack of plates and if I knocked someone out it just smash one on the ground I’m here for I’m here we need we need to get this thing alive and buzzing why not cell now on 1 million gets a few more hands to just hope that shoran will now be on the losing end sois eyeing the chips of the other players in in and he moves all in again Queen n for Shan as we can see the dominating hand but he’s not going to call it off with that one 10 bigs y big blind 50,000 small 100,000 big in in sopis continues to drive the action and again he gets a few folds as he extends his chip stack six in in there’s tan and Parker coming in our report en sopis working with more than 6.4 million still feeling really good shman the short stack 630,000 [Music] in so the roa’s going to give up the queen three it’s been aggressive but you know take a c it’s close shman cannot afford many more folds with the blinds up to 50 100K don’t he no he cannot all in here from Sodis seems to be the recipe here as Marinelli does not find a playable hand thanks still forehanded here at this final table if you’re just tuning in thank you for watching it’s been a fun final table so far sop is putting on a clinic in pressuring his opponents we can we can learn quite a bit here from the Greek player Donnie I mean this is I know we took a little bit of a break but this is very much in line with you know kind of what we saw earlier in the summer you had Nick Schulman with a huge chip lead dominating you had teer margin with a big chip lead dominating right wa right on the next one you had David Coleman at his final table came in with the chip lead six-handed was dominating didn’t work out for him was still Domin now we see it here with soda R you get a big chip lead like this you lean on your opponents maximum pressure especially the stacks that are in the middle the short stack you know he can look to get his money but the other players they’re going to look to ladder up because it is so important to them so really can lean on those players it is so funny how Marinelli is in a spot where he technically has to keep folding but it’s also getting to a point where he’s running out of fold Equity himself 65 thank you you got to walk you got to walk I mean I don’t I’m not really surprised because it does benefit sodas like to keep around as long as he just remains sodas can continue to just ch up so that’s fine candell doubled up to a million not too long ago now back down to 560 the the price of Poker is extremely high and folding is not going to keep you alive all all too long here and it’s interesting now because C D is about to go into the big blind so he’s about to pay 200k for the big blind ante 100K for the big blind anti 100K for the big blind so 200k total out of his 560k stack shoran has a couple of free hands after he plays this small blind here should be a shove here I would guess the ace Jack suited there it is that oh Marinelli finds Ace King wow speak about timing this look jeez wow shoran unbelievable shoran finds a monster but there was a bigger monster looming in the dark here now Don if you’re cell you’ve been all in multiple times here have not had many playable hands on the brink of another major pay jump here shman can’t believe it he’s gotten his money and good a bun of times today hasn’t worked out for him here he gets it in dominated and the Flop brings out 793 all clubs as Marinelli the only player holding a club shoran now down to two outs as the Jack clubs is no longer good straight we have a we need a 10 or a Jack on the turn or a seven 10 on the turn keep things a little more exciting here five outs once Jack Arnon cannot be a club shoreman’s tournament life on the rail black it’s the King of Clubs and that will give Marinelli the nut flush and London John shoran is our next player to get eliminated from this event he takes home 86,1 38 and we are down to the final three who are all guaranteed $117,000 sop still with a massive chip lead kendrell limp his way towards three-handed play with only five big blinds he’s going to be more than happy to have reached the stage of the tournament yeah of course you said it guaranteed $177,000 now is Kendell we are about two about five and a half big blinds here three he’s got less cuz he the big blind anti but he’s yeah he’s in a world of trouble he might not even make one more hand yeah but I mean when you get to this point you made it to three-handed play that’s generally where the money is locked up a six figure score and here it goes this money’s going in jams two face cards for cello he’s going to make the call with King Jack and Marinelli with Queen three of diamonds has plenty of outs here get us down to heads up play player we haven’t been able to send home yet off elimination more Michael cell from New Jersey flew all the way out here to play this final table here comes the Flop Queen nine deuce and Marinelli takes the lead cendrella now looking for a king or a 10 to survive King good okay turn card is the six of diamonds kendrell needing a 10 or a king or else his tournament will be done in third place here I didn’t say that no you’re good you’re yeah you’re good don’t worry River card is it going to be there seven outs once it is not there it is the nine of hearts and Marinelli claims his second scalp in two hands that’s fine we’re good with that and as I expected Michael cell very much pleased with this outcome getting third here for $117,000 is a lot of money and worth the trip to Las Vegas for the man from New Jersey as we are now down to our final two players it’s the Greek versus the Italian Dario Marinelli versus Georgio soropoulos both guaranteed $62,000 but of course eyes on the top prize 224k guaranteed for the winner here so we got a very very juicy $60,000 heads up battle on our hands action continuing immediately here on the WSOP YouTube channel thank you all so much for being with us and tuning in the show there you can see on the screen 69 big blinds for our chip leader 23 big blinds for our short stack and a gold bracelet of course also on the line Donnie do you think sopis can continue to apply the pressure here yeah but it’s not going to be as freely applied as it was before right Marinelli does have you know a decent amount of Stack to work with it’s not the deepest of course but 23 bigs you know it’s playable so yeah I don’t think sod roas is just going to be coming into this heads up match firing all in on every hand first hand Li from Marinelli check from sopis King 105 with a couple of Spades nine here on the turn five on the river Dario Marinelli by the way 285,000 in career tournament earnings so no stranger to playing at final tables action here has been checked down to the river not on Sodis it’s going to come up bad anything Marin’s got trip five so timing wrong here Ray coming there it is from the Italian 750k after sopis B 215,000 quick fold and Strikes yeah first Blood here for the Italian who sort of gets a a little bit of a grip on sopis for the first time he’s had to fold sopis lims in 96 suited Ace six off for Marinelli for those asking in the chat our next final table tonight is going to have Scott Siver on it as well as Ben lamb and Joseph Chong those players are literally waiting in the wings to get a chance to play their final table when this final table is over I believe there will be roughly a 45 minute break for our crew to get set up again for the next final table and then we’ll be back live here on the WSOP YouTube channel meanwhile soteropoulos continues with his aggression and with nine High he’s going to take this one down keeping Marinelli in the corner back down I like this chipset I like the colors it it’s beautiful I really like it too for people that are with us in the chat do you think that Marinelli has it in him to mount a comeback here or is copoulos just going to run away with this one and Jerry who’s asking in the chat yes the next Final Table will be on the same channel on the WSOP channel so we have uh we have back toback final tables D I don’t think you and I have ever covered two final tables in a single day that has to be a first not true really remember when helmouth was in the 3K oh you’re right the roast beef sandwich the roast beef sandwich it wasn’t a plan two days true that’s true but it ended up being a two-day stream you you and I were were just yeah we started at midnight right yeah I don’t even know I I remember the roast beef sandwich wow what a memory how long ago is that now two years ago that was two years ago was the first year here yes I believe so see I don’t even recall which event we were actually here for but I do know that it might it actually might have been just you and not me huh um I want to say it was the ladies Championship that day oh could be yes and you did it with uh Caitlyn kesy and I’m blanking on yeah you’re right I’m blanking too I’m a horrible person sorry oh that was a fun Final Table both of those were great actually but yeah we are going to have two final tables tonight the um Rampage Final Table will be on our side table we’re going to have we’re going to have check-ins on that table unfortunately we don’t have the ability to stream multiple tables at once here on our horseshoe table so we’ll check in on that one on occasion probably understandable Donnie that were streaming The Seer table was going for his fourth bracelet of the summer Nikki limo Nikki limo wow I hope she’s not listening because I feel embarrassed for forgetting about that soropoulos continuing to apply the pressure or at least not letting Marinelli make some hands for cheap who’s in the chat here that was watching live when the roast beef sandwich happened I feel I feel like that moment is is one that I’m reminded of at least a couple times every summer and we even had the hot dog this year we did have the hot dog we had the hot dog side bite from helie earlier which was also hilarious we had the the Cantu banana creatures Marinelli Ace three off suit just going to limp in Donnie how do you feel about Marinelli limping here with an ace of course strong hand heads up don’t you want to start building a pot right away I mean I I think you can just limp if you think you’re going to face some aggression from your opponent you know just kind of keep the pots on the smaller side don’t really go too crazy arriving on the river Queen pairing the board here 86 best so was maybe thinking about trying to get some Val Val here yeah what are we targeting here for Value hands like Marinelli has know some ACE highs can also Target you know some Deuces you know if Marin is going to be liming ace3 he probably got some ACE deuces in his game as well stuff like that has that eight of spades in his hand blocking some flushes which makes it feel nice and so Robos takes it down up to 7.3 million continues to hold a firm grasp on this Final Table uh seeing some people in the chat that were there that night two years ago uh Daniel mik who else Derek was there Mike up was there Scott Morris was there and he said I saw the hot dog as well I mean saw it all in a few year’s time we’ll make a fullon helmet food compilation including high stakes duel which of course you know Sour Patch Kids the burger incident there have been so many there’s there’s several already you know helus always tells me when I see him he always says why do you why do you guys always make fun of me eating and I’m like Phil you kind of do this to your yeah I mean all he would have to do is just walk 10t One Direction he’s away from the table he can take all the bites he wants do whatever he wants I haven’t seen him bring the Sour Patch Kids in quite a while I must say uh King 9 here on the Flop Marinelli with the advantage holding Queen high but as we continue to see here soropoulos bringing aggression both pre and post flop Marinelli still hovering around 20 bigs so RIS continuing for 65 for 130,000 chips D how is Marinelli supposed to play back at this because I feel as though he is very much trying to hit hands which doesn’t seem to be the right approach against the Greek aggressor yeah I mean we already know that heads up play I think you’re you’re going to have to open things up a little bit I mean yes with aggression but also with like the hands that you ultimately play you know hand value kind of goes up in strength you know medium hands become a Little Bit Stronger weaker hands become you know probably more towards medium Etc so I I think at times you know against an aggressive player in a heads up format like Sodis you just got to kind of anything that you kind of make you got to be prepared to kind of go with you know whether that’s getting your money in or maybe it’s just calling down keeping those Bluffs in from sodas I mean it’s not going to be easy it’s an uphill battle sodas has a big chip lead he’s a very good player now that you’re trending you know 16 17 big blinds you know it’s getting to that point where probably going to want to try and find hands where you can get your money in maybe doing some some limp jamming from the button if sopus is going to be attacking from the big blind maybe just jamming yourself just trying to pick up the blinds and Ane pre pre- flop and you know kind of chip up that way but listen sopis has been playing very well and he’s been hot here we see the money might go in here but of course both players have the same hand so likely just lead to a chop we get some sort of exciting flush run out oh wow look at this Marinelli moves all in and sopus makes the call we got two of the same hands clashing let us know which which suits you want you want Spades or diamonds Spades or diamonds let me know in the chat I want clubs Romeo something spad SP space the end diamonds for the double [Music] up all right deer give us at least a sweat here merelli a little more nervous than Sodis who can afford a little blow here Here Comes The Flop king queen four a free roll for the Greek player back door Spades alive here for copoulos is he going to pick up that flush draw he is oh baby sopis now one Spade away from end his tournament the whole day so I’m I’m not surprised that disp is a tournament oh my God is he going to go Runner run to end the tournament right here on the spot oh my God all right 20% chance here soop ends it River card is the five of diamonds and chop it up and play will continue ah Green Let’s play some more okay split a Donnie sounds way cooler than chop split Italian for Cho everything sounds better limp on the button here for Marinelli hearing that the cop America final is turning out to be quite a bizarre Affair saw they uh Rush the gates there down at Hard Rock stadium Rush rushing the gates people climbing in through the vents Jesus without tickets what the heck how do they that out I mean this is a free-for-all it looks like a absolute scene out there 7.7 soplos with king queen off here on the button continues to have a large Advantage here is 220,000 220 Tony what is Martin um what is Marinelli supposed to do here to put a stop to this aggression I mean you got to find a hand I it’s just like it’s really has been the Jo rless show yep good Marinelli down to 13 bigs L all in j [Music] Marinelli still just looking for a hand to make something happen oh here comes Marinelli finally taking the stand and copoulos tosses the Jack four into the muck and the Italian is going to need a lot more of this sopis can pick and choose his spots but Marinelli still hovering around 13 big blinds will not have a whole lot to go on another limp checked from sopis here we go to another flop just feels like sop is in full control here taking away most of the smaller pots while Marinelli is left waiting for real hands 100000 marinell takes a stab at that one and takes it down [Music] and look at this Marinelli does what I just proposed to him find some hands sopas here just with the limp so not too much invested wow playing at Koy here hoping to extract some chips post flop with pocket aces yeah I like it I mean if you jam you obviously run the risk of not getting any additional value with your Aces if you raise non all in it just looks so so so strong that it’s like almost too alarming so I I I like to just check you know when when you’re when you’re this short you know 14 big blinds or so to start this hand kind of a little bit more willing to to add some risk to the hand to try and ultimately maximize the out out come and and get a double up so it’s going to come now 210,000 210 Marinelli finally trying to get some chips to build the pot here sadly for him nothing going for soropoulos and he lets it go so is still maintaining that massive chip lead and if you’re just tuning in these guys are playing for nearly a $60,000 pay jump between first and second Marinelli now with Queen six off doesn’t want to just give up hands here but also doesn’t seem to want to invest all too much Johnny do you feel as though he might be better off trying to apply some more aggression yeah I mean he could just try and increase the variance right I mean I’m not so sure he’s ultimately going to be able to top sarolis given this chip disadvantage that he’s at but if the small pot stuff isn’t working what about just you know ramping it up a little bit here the money is probably ultimately going to go in both players flopping two pair they got that Queen sopis currently best with the 10 kicker continues to just be his day he checks Marinelli comes out betting sopis calls Jack on the turn sopis checking once more King on the river sopis comes in with a straight here 600k out there marinelli’s got 1.4 behind soropoulos with the winner here going to be reaching for chips yeah how much is he asking for and can he get paid off 3,000 go 360 roughly half the size the pot Marinelli might be tempted here with the queen he does however know that a single 10 would obviously beat him so with a nine so with a king it’s not rocket science but you got to figure it out in the moment Marinelli looking for his first world CH Boker bracelet facing a a huge chip deficit he has cashes dating back to 2015 Marinelli does get away from it there a good fold by him yes but it also does Chip him down to below 1.4 million that Gap continues to increase sopis now pushing just about 8 million in chips it’s really been the JoJo sopis show all day today all day at this F table I mean he’s just been I mean if he doesn’t if he doesn’t win this he’s going to be so utterly disappointed yeah I mean just with the way everything is going of of course it can change you know poker can be like that but very much does look like it’s his day and only his day still got to close it out though for those waiting for the Scott sier Ben lamb Joseph Chong Final Table it’ll happen on the same exact link after this final table is over of course they also need to build in a little bit of a delay but it is going to be after this one on the same link D the pace of play has just come to a a halt almost these guys are just taking their time now I mean now it’s right there you know the bracelet is right there first place is right there $224,000 is right there you know your head’s up so playing 60,000 120,000 now which makes marinelli’s stack even shallower sub 10 big blinds for him he’s on the button on this hand all right chat do we think that Marinelli has a comeback in him or is soropoulos simply too dominant let us know in the chat and while you’re at it hit that like button subscribe to the channel and there goes Marinelli all in with Ace 9 sopis J with jacku don’t think he’s going to call this but you know it’s going to get a count that way kind of resets where where things are at in the match 1.1 600 700 800 900 1,000 1100 14545 so the Rob just getting those numbers confirmed but of course Donnie there was no intention there of making the call yeah you know now now he just he knows what he had on that hand exactly so now he’s able to you know kind of reset had he forgotten a little bit going forward soteropoulos with ace9 off on the button moves all in feels as though we’re just counting down the hands right now until these two players are all in for the bracelet Marinelli simply too short to play any significant pots post flop right now 145 14 King five off for copos Donnie are we are we even just jamming head like this now there it is yeah I mean I think King high is good enough Marinelli might find a call here oh wow I think he yeah there oh there it is King seven makes the call and Marinelli has exactly what he wants right now he’s got the advantage here now of course lots of chop options with both their kickers so closely related here but still the seven gives the Italian the advantage as sopis remains all smiles as always all right here we go let’s see the Flop Jack 44 and that chop I just mentioned just became a lot more possible any card above the seven now would chop this so is looking for a five to end it turn card the nine of Spades and we are are headed for a chop currently for who Marinelli still got some hope here River Card the four of diamonds and we will chop it up and you or as Marinelli said earlier split Auto so he get 60 and I get the rest all right play continues get he get 60 60 he gets 60 I get that yeah Marinelli back to square one still needing a double up two and nines that’s a very good start in in there he goes moves all in and quick call from copis and we are back to flipping nines versus King Queen for it all can s rois win his second WSOP bracelet or is Marinelli getting back in the race here [Applause] [Music] waiting for the Flop to come out a pure coin flip here that could potentially end this thing here’s the Flop 883 very clean here for [Music] Marinelli yeah six outs here six outs twice marelli awaiting his fate turn card ace of diamonds doesn’t change a thing six outs once here for copos two million in the middle would make this much more of a fight if the Italian can find a way to hold River Card let’s see it it’s the deuce of hearts and the play will continue Marinelli catches a double up while sopis maintains his chip lead the Italian rail getting a little louder here5 1 million 25 1 million say Millions yeah [Music] there there is the Italian contingent on the rail probably planning a fun night out in Las Vegas it is Sunday night after all 12 yeah sopis back to small ball limping in on the button the anti of course too large to just give up on hands top here here for sopas also a gutter but monotone flop he doesn’t have a club does Marinelli who has bottom pair here check call of 120k from Marinelli go to the turn Queen of Spades two pair now for the Italian 315 look at this so Rob is going for 315 here Marinelli the one with top hair Donnie is this check raise all in territory could very well be just going to check call could be plenty of care cards here on the river six on the river so two pair for both players wow four liner to a straight of course there are three clubs out there on the Flop as well this is brutal for copoulos yeah but may maybe it goes check check here let’s see how much he wants to Value hunt wow it goes check check and copoulos gets away with one Marinelli happy to win this but he did not get a chance to see the two pair that sharopolis tossed into the mck yep and you know not sure what happened on the turn had Marinelli check jammed could have seen it going either way if so Rob wanted to be ambitious try and end it maybe he makes the call if not then puts it in the muck and same result marelli on 2.7 million his new high point of the final table and soplos gets dealt a hand to do some battling with here soas raises it up and takes it down and for those waiting for the next Final Table stream it’ll be after this Final Table finishes players are simply waiting to sit down at this very table so they are not able to play just yet just to it’s it’s kind of like going to a regular poke room you know you put your name on the list you got to wait for a seat to open upan they got to wait for the table to open up you know exactly exactly the next event that we are showing is event number 24 Scott Siver going for his fourth bracelet Joseph Chong and Ben lamb also at that final table it is the 10K online Championship with 330k up top for the winner just to let you know that event 14 which is a 5K final table is being played out right now as well but we are not able to stream that one because it’s running concurrently to this one how much we’ll try to give you updates on that one as it goes uh look at this we got Marinelli all in after soplos limped big decision now for the Greek player Donnie Marinelli has not been out of line here but ace5 is so strong ace5 is strong yes I mean if you think your opponent is doing this with enough of the king Queens King Jacks King 10’s you know probably even some like King n suited throw those in there Queen Jack stuff like that then I think you’re going to lean call here 2485 25 million stopus running the numbers here doesn’t want to double up Marinelli and he makes the H massive Showdown here ace8 versus Ace 5 okay now we are playing a real tournament here bar wins this one he’s going to have the chip lead and all of a sudden the tables could turn Italy versus Greece both with a Rowdy rail Marinelli looking for his Ace to hold up here diamond in the window 1063 rainbow flop Marinelli looking very safe here to get the double up so R can still end this thing right here on the spot he’s got back door Hearts back door straight four five turn is the King of Diamonds removing one out for copoulos good turn card there for Marinelli of course yeah Marinelli one card away from having to chip lead see River Card River Card the six of clubs and it’s a chop after all that drama it ends in a chop and soplos maintains his chiple wow that’s our second chop yeah wow pretty brutal there for Marinelli I get you know he would have doubled up to 5 million and taken the chip lead and now I’m the big this event is live right now you can hear the main event cheering in the background this event played online down to a final table of eight and the players gathered today here to play this Final Table the final excuse me there were four final tables that played online down to a final table and then returned for Action today and tomorrow three of those final tables are today one of those is tomorrow and we are streaming two of those tonight so we have one more Final Table after this one tonight as Marinelli flopped a nine versus the pair of Deuces for soropoulos sopis checks and Marinelli comes with the BET of 120,000 it does feel like Marinelli is starting to get back into this match more and more yeah I mean has chipped up a bit you know feels a little bit more confident now of course that last hand ultimately ended in a chop not going his way but I think he still feels pretty good just as this Gap is condensed a little there is 410,000 and look at this sopis coming with the check raise makes it 410k to go Marinelli doesn’t have top hair but his nine pretty strong and heads up play Donnie how do we proceed I think you can call here you know for the chances that sopis is getting out of line keep keep all those Bluffs in six here on the turn after Marinelli does call now of course up to sopis to win whether he can safely continue here or if if it’s time to shut this down sopis realizing how big this spot is right here 1.1 million in the middle very long tank here by soplos have not seen a tank this long by him ultimately he does decide to check and he finds the right decision here as Marinelli has a huge Advantage here check’s behind little bit of pot control river is the Queen of Diamonds now Donnie we’ve seen Sopo swing for the fences versus Kent earlier when a big card popped up on the river could it potentially work here as well versus Marinelli I I don’t think so and I lean that he’s probably going to shut down entirely I mean of course we have seen him go for it but you never know yeah he does shut down check check tables that Deuce but it’s going to be no good against the nine for Marinelli all right so Marinelli does continue the climb here up to 3.2 million roughly two to1 chip lead here for sopis still but things are looking much better for the Italian sois continues to limp on the button [Music] 120,000 sopis betting the queen n here on this 886 six Marinelli caught a pair and he’s going to come along does feel a little bit like the momentum is started to shift on him definitely and if it’s not fully with Marinelli yet you know it’s it’s starting to build with him sopis here does take the lead on the turn he’s got nines and Eights [Music] [Music] action goes check check to the river and a second nine appears on board giving copoulos a full house also rendering Marinelli six completely useless and we’ll see what approach Marinelli takes might just shut it down maybe he opts to try and Bluff at it obviously his hand is not going to win playing the [Music] board and look at this instead Marinelli turning his hand into a bluff well whatever’s left of his hand because of course that nine on the river gave him nothing but the board nines and eights with a six sharopolis the one backing into a full house are we going for the small raise here in hopes that Marinelli calls it off with an eight or you know some kind of high card yeah I mean I think the door is WI open for how big sod wants to go could come small you know really just trying to get paid off or possibly like induce him to do something a bit crazy or he could just ask for it all you know looks like we’re going to choose the former a little bit on the smaller side about 3x quick fold from Marinelli no need to waste any time there blinds are going up according to the dealer here adk 160 with a 160 big blind ante so we’re getting a little shallower here but still plenty of play this yeah I am Marinelli with a limp here on the button sopus thinking it over with 95 off he going to come in with raise here sopis maintains his 7 million chip stack as Marinelli is still backed into a corner on 2.2 million for 14 bigs remaining here for Marinelli as sopis finds a pair of sixes Donnie if you’re soropoulos here are we approaching the time of the tournament where you’re just putting your opponent all in to apply that maximum pressure I mean yes and no I think you still want to be selective with it I don’t think you want to get too too wild and ultimately double up Marinelli I mean Marinelli has been tough right I I don’t think you want to just give him four or five million chips even out the match and then you know it’s a whole another battle on your hands you’ve got him at arms length right it’s you’re you’re in control for the most part so I think just keep doing what you’re doing all right we have sixes versus 65 as Marinelli picks up an open and straight draw but is blocked a little bit by the presence of clubs River brings the deuce of Hearts sopis best here you win check down all the way sixes take it down 109 off on the button for Marinelli comes in with a limp checking the big blind from sodos with the Jack 10 He Flops top pair on the jack three Deuce rainbow board checks over to Marinelli 160k minimum wager from Marinelli so theopolis is going up 430,000 into the Mucky goes for Marinelli and more chips for soteropoulos 7.73 million now for the Greek Pro Ace Jack suited here for sopis Lim in and marinelli’s got a king 10 boy this is probably going to go in yeah we might have some fireworks on our hands here Marinelli there 10s yes he’s going to shove sopis comes with the snap call the entire tournament on the line here Geor soplos closing in on his second closing in on his third career bracelet he also won one online back in 2021 former winner of the mini main event for 432,000 is he going to add another bracelet to his resume or will Marinelli find a way to double up King 10 versus Ace Jack it’s a fair fight Queen 98 three clubs come out there Marinelli looking for a king or a Jack no clubs for either player back door chop still possible as well club club for a chop all right let’s see the turn it is the four clubs we’ve already had two chops between these players why not make it a third you know now Marinelli looking for a king or a Jack is not a club to double up here but a CL club would of course chop it soropoulos wins the tournament and Ace Jack holds up Georgio soplos goes wire to wire to close this thing out and win his third career World Series of Poker bracelet and the first place prize of $224,000 as the Greek Crusher pushes everyone around to take this one down and of course he is all smiles here as he’s about to collect his bracelet and the cash great showing as well by Dario for marelli online who takes home $162,000 for his efforts going pictures yeah s is about to PO for thank you for the you great thank you all for watching this stream and please know that we’ll be taking about a 40-minute break as cards get in the air for our second Final Table of the night here’s a look at our payouts real quick sopis came out on top stay here on this very live stream as the second Final Table of the night will take place right here so keep the screen open you’ll see a countdown on your screen Donnie and I will be back at 8:30 Las Vegas time for coverage of our second Final Table of the night so don’t go anywhere we’ll be back in about 40 [Music] minutes e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome back to the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas night has fallen but we still have more action for you this is the online event final table event number 24 the 10K online championship event this one is absolutely stacked so we we are happy that you’re joining us once again my name is REM Kinka Donnie Peters alongside me in the booth there’s $330,000 of top for the winner and we’ll introduce the players for you in just a second 330k up top for the champ 235 for seconds 182 for third then 129 for fourth we are down to the final eight who are all guaranteed $ 41,7 157 and here we are inside the room as you see Scott Siver in the mix for bracelet number four just waiting for that table audio to kick in thanks everyone for sticking around for this Final Table we’re going to cover this one until a a winner is known and Donnie this one is absolutely stacked we got tons of big names Chris Moore also a legend who’s been around for quite a few years cashing in the 25k this summer earlier we have former November ners at this table this is a real tough one yeah I mean this is great let’s not Overlook Alex theologist Crusher in the online streets pone Diddy believe he goes by in the in the rest of world scene you see him get involved right away with Chris Moore who’s got two Aces you need to like see a car that’s in that corner all right Chad thanks for sticking with us and please don’t hesitate to let us know who you’re rooting for in the chat I might not believe it but it’s pretty hard for my ego to be boosted higher than it is currently right I believe that one you could believe you Chris Moore starting off things the right way betting 80k with Aces there and takes it down the plan work always attempt though yeah I couldn’t tell if that was a Jack or a queen we were trying to guess what do you think is the distance right now between like you and Joe my guess was like literally 12T maybe 10t I’d say n and a half I was going to get 10 you say 12 like it’s crazy well think if your feet were on that ra here’s one fo it’s I think it’s like 10 maybe it’s a serious it’s too much for sure also think about the poor dealers even with a cutout like even a long armed dealer how the hell do they reach on it’s true these tables are massive absolutely huge when people say it’s a huge final table doesn’t always mean that there’s lots of money on the line it also means the actual table is absolutely massive 10t I’m already making nitty folds theologis on 2.3 million he is our table chip leader Marta Miguel she was at our final table earlier is also at this final table and she got very unlucky at the first one I should be opening anyway losing with Ace King versus Ace queen Queen on the river let’s see if she can spin up the small stack here at this 10K final table that I sit here and play like a good boy the whole time thanks e quite a bit interest on the rail here for this final table over the [Music] Donnie Scott Siver going for number four he is going for number four which would I mean I mean some are AER I mean let’s just say it I mean come on the guy’s an absolute Crusher also looking to extend well I believe this will extend on once the result comes in but extend his lead at top the player of the year race Jeremy osmus did make the final table of the $3,000 horse event believe he finished in seventh place yesterday so he he was able to close that Gap a little bit but Siver here going to be pushing ahead for sure of course new rules to the player of the year race this year you count your 10 best point totals or Point earnings from the WSOP and only one of those can be from online this will likely be siver’s online one we’ll see how he finishes here decent chip position with just over a million in chips how much do you think lading matters forer for those poy points because ultimately the banner on the wall is one of the last things that Siver still chases after and of course he’s also trying to get into the poker Hall of Fame yeah when he won his third bracelet this summer um I spoke with him afterwards and he said he very much wants to win play of the year it’s very much you know at the top of his mind and understandably so given the position that he’s in after the success that he has had I will also say that I’m not sure he’s going to be like trying to Lad just for POI points cuz I I think ultimately he wants to just put himself in the best position to win and that can kind of be all things included you know I think he certainly wants to go on to win number four um he was pretty confident that he could go on to do it after winning number three and he’s in a great spot here eight players remaining so what they only this two up I that that should is unacceptable sure happy we had Joseph Chong and FAS jaka at one of our main event feature tables and because tables were switching in and out and we were using a Limited crew they were the only two miked up which is really funny sadly neither player and a few minutes when when it’s on YouTube can you pull up like or try to or see when they show like the like a screen like the BBS and stuff CU well we are on quite a lengthy DeLay So this isn’t online where you can just you know click on your chip count and switch it switches them all to BBs right L by the way kid Scot also having a summer bad shape actually poet Jacks maybe Daniel mayor in seat one not necessarily at the WB but won the B MGM Poker Championship over at Arya So speaking of having a summer h he’s having a summer cash for 63,000 and after that continued to crush also finished third in an online bracelet evance for 880,000 so he’s having quite a nice summer his total earnings up to 1.1 million and what I mentioned earlier about Ben lamb he finished let me get this right he finished fourth in the 10K dealer’s choice and then nth in the 50k PLO pretty good that’s not bad when you’re Ben lamb you’re playing for those victories but ultimately can’t be too unhappy making a few deep runs here as Wayne Harmon moves all in here with A7 suited action on Chris Moore the initial Razer AER with unknown cards in the small blind is also still in his hand for a little over 10 bigs I’m also too blind for this I the board with Oh cards are angled terribly Wayne Haron $787,000 in career tournament earnings 93k is his largest cash to date and Siver calls it off in theine Su Ace queen versus ace7 Harmon at risk here Harmon looking for clubes or you small blind big blind St song here on the rail curious onlooker I need yeah win take cut off open small blind flatted and Haron informing the rail of his predicament huh I was like wow this is thinking all right you the Flop as Harmon needs some help here Scott saver looking to LEAP into second on the rankings currently and 75 Queen rolls off Harmon spikes a seven to take the lead what kind of Final Table going to be those all in Scott not happy turn card the eight of spades an ace or a queen would now be good for Siver as his Queen would play both players with Aces and eights I’m just going to look at you guys Big River Card coming up look at the screen river is the King of Clubs and Haron finds a way to double up Scott Siver now one of the short stacks wow what a way to start this final table for Wayne Harmon OMG it’s variant unfortunate turn of events there for Scott Siver was in the driver’s seat to be able to take that one home send Harmon home yeah get a pretty healthy chip stack but goes the other way for him now he’s going to have to fight one at us Wayne Harmon would get his biggest career cash by finishing fourth or better he’s uh improved his chances that a run like that with this quick double up sorry I know you’re so bad this summer for those just tuning in that’s the thing I actually have really it’s okay it’ll turn around for me I have Fai results yeah you got to just keep plugging away Scott saer talking about his bad luck this summer three bracelets I’m quite confident most people would sign on the dotted line for a summer like that but of course we have no information on how many re-entries it cost him to play those big buying events while we didn’t play for like two days before profit portion of the wp might not be going his way I don’t know the looks a lot more attractive I’ve never seen these like Blue Chip before like ever exactly there’s something where like when you play a tournament you feel like a connection to the chips or at least I do cuz I’m weird can just immediately understand what’s going on yeah yeah yeah all of it is very strange Here Comes The Flop 3 10 Queen two Spades Armen with the limp call got any bracelets yet these summer no just overall I have one online yet any real ones though I mean it feels very the answer is no no you you can’t tell the difference I I can help translate no no you cannot tell the difference I can and I just did but if you see the bracelet oh yeah I tell where it’s from yeah that that is true lamb continuing with some aggression on the Flop here Harmon gets out of the way and lamb gets to pick one up as I was trying to explain here before this hand kicked off this event was an online tournament on they played down to the final eight and then returned here in person to play out this final table so a fun little blend which is why they call it the hybrid and alexandros theis is our ch mik Martin Miguel I’ll ra for you ra for him Joseph Chong comes in for the Raaz with a queen looks like Chong might be able to pick up the blinds and anties here theis however push here you know it’s really hard for the de trying to get your karma right huh I when you’ve been here as many times as I have I know the tough spots for the de 36 two hearts NE hearts for neither player range Advantage for trunk here Donnie I mean yeah but that that flop might look like it you know connects with theologis pretty well coming out of the big blind and he’s thinking about it you know he he may opt to take a lead here he is going to do just that I like it but it was it was low buying not like you know all colors like you guys yeah I want Alexander theologis 1.7 million in career tournament earnings 700k the largest cash in his career at juu tried Poker series in March of this year look at Chong here Donnie coming with the race on the Flop how are we supposed to interpret this one I mean Chong could be getting aggressive with an over pair just kind of looking to get his Stacks in he could also have hearts you know two overs in hearts that has really good Equity again just looking to get it in the baby combination of you know push understanding theologist and and that lead there could possibly be some weakness just taking advantage of a flop that looks like it might connect with the big blind more so Chong pounces I like it I [ __ ] I [ __ ] you Joe H I just [ __ ] you really badly you did I made a Beyond outrageous fold threee I just thought you had something big i f n you were jamming fed NES I was folding though had Sev I don’t think this event was a $10,000 Mike walked by and he busted me in the 50k when I had NES 330 up top for the winner so quite a bit of an ICM battle coming up here the worst part isn’t him busting you he probably just talked onop while busting you D he like always out it’s a funny laid-back atmosphere here Donnie these guys of course all know each other very well it sort of feels more like a little Peak into a game those are all Spades right High takes home game ath King Jack three Spades Spades for nobody on this one Chong with Queen Jack he got the best of Moors eight excuse me Moore does have a spade maybe I should get new glasses Mo with the Spade Chong with the Jack river is the nine of hearts action gets checked all the way down and Chong gets to Showdown his Queen Jack hey Rachel you find a cup of ice I I’m in raised like the hijack Ro jammed nine bigs total he Cole jammed the big blind having both of us covered I had 20 bigs on the dot and I called off with nines and the moment I I call he goes ah [ __ ] I show my hand he goes oh wait and he had Queens no yes that guy yes I didn’t say anything whatever I think he was just scared her I talking too later about that one it was no big deal you know all the action was done I was just excited for a moment and then so he didn’t embarrass himself any further you know well it’s okay cuz he won and I bust 30 minute levels 30 minute levels indeed here at this final table tonight it’s 240 yeah it’s got to be right Miguel All in here for 240 Martin Miguel unfortunate at the earlier final table when she had Ace King all in versus Ace Queen let’s see if she can find a way to double here or perhaps get that Shuff through not the biggest shove but she’s going to get it through here fleeting fights Donnie in the chat says Seer Chong and lamb at the final table takes me back to the early 2010s yeah definitely I mean throw Chris Mo in there right I mean he’s been around for a long time you know you don’t see him as much these days but yeah Chris Moore shows up for the big ones okay some green te uh the blues are 100K greens are 25k and the reds are 5K theologist raising to 60k action on Chris Moore who finds Ace King off in the big blind would have been too easy I no it would have been the right amount of easy Chris Moore Donnie just comes with the call here in the big line tricky tricky nice flop nine three rolls off two Spades say shocking but confusing confusing going on yeah yeah yeah man theologist is going to fire out 40K as Chris Moore has heavily under wed his hand yeah 595 it looks like Chris Mo has almost no chips but keep in mind the blinds are only 15K 30k so he’s got plenty to work with 45 40 more comes along continues with the passive line as the turn gives theologis a pair of T feels like a candidate to check back here one is here like exactly blocking my view of trying to watch the game and I I can still see like 95% of the screen but it’s like a you know when there’s a thing in your periphery that just it’s just like does check back nine of diamonds on the river more is going to be best here would you would you lead here a lot Donnie with with Mo’s hand I think you can probably mix you know some leads some checking doing great appreciate you Eric think there’s probably going to be some some checkback you know from the 10 on the turn that you can hunt for value does Go Value hunting there 175 theologist comes along and makes the call and Chris Moore getting a nice bit of value here from Ace King well done sir well done expect that more up to 1.6 million theologist still with the chip lead on 1.9 this is my dealer good how many blue do you have sorry I can’t I started the hand with 565 okay receiver the one raising it up now with Ace Jack see if it gets a little bit of chips back still reeling a little bit from that seven that kept Harmon in the game still an interesting spot for the majority of these players given where Miguel is at in chips being so short you know we saw it at the last final table few different ICM situations here same sort of thing Chong raising it up now with A6 Martin Miguel still on the short stack decides to let it go and now action on Siver in the big blind who has to pay about a a big blind here to see the Flop Jack n two diamonds receiver out flops Chong here who’s going to continue you all in CER check raises all in snap fold from Chong all right all right Siver rebuilding a little bit here Stacks are starting to even out at this Final Table Mar Miguel app our only real short stack right now you can borrow if you’re just tuning in this is the online championship event but we are also checking in on the High Roller event number 14 Shawn deep AKA Tim Duckworth at our secondary table here and a trophy husband at that as as his shirt says exactly exactly uh sha de at this table with Rampage poker a few more notables at this table as well hopefully we’ll be we’ll be able to catch who wins this thing later on during our broadcast Rampage poker who I believe completed not too long ago being down in the dumps a little bit perhaps this one is the start of a comeback summer saver summer sa it’s pretty much every every person that goes deep in a tournament at this juncture of the wp and it’s not the wcp main event it’s your summer saver like I’ve had many people probably two dozen in the last two days say yeah I’m I’m in the summer saver I got some chips in the summer saver I have no idea what the sumers saer is but it’s all a summer saer to some degree in a way event one is also the summer saver because if you win that one the rest of your summer is saved back to our final table at hand here with the whole [Music] cards we’re talking about we’re talking about how cool comic collected Eric Moxley is when playing tennis he’s banned in three leagues [Laughter] now I am not Ser drive you has to drive to Reno to get a game how do I get this yeah that’s strong you’re you’re on the rail and getting getting Flack what me yeah yeah yeah yeah who’s doing the heckin roasting the rail it’s rough rough spot I have no idea what’s going on right now se’s in his element oh yeah Chris Moore finds Ace King again this time he’s the one first to act or I guess first to be aggressive here as the action folds to him Ben lamb 85 off in the big blind perhaps looking to defend here but he does let it go thank you open blind blind’s up 20 40 40 that door aect 40 20 40 40 Scott saer part time tournament director keeping track of everything going up to 20K 40K I mean when you play as much tournament poker as him he make enough final tables you just you you run the show he doesn’t miss anything he does run the show anything all the same Stacks fairly level here that Miss steal got you yep yeah actually it did I’ll get to walk a Ben would have taken 12 more seconds I’ll get he’s locked in you there was there was no saving you from Ben’s WFT you were paying the biggest B I was going to say I was looking at how locked in Ben was like what’s he looking at I was like going to pay the the love you first question he asked was which one yeah yeah yeah yeah I saw it all 240 yeah no sorry in is that two allins there there goes Siver all right Miguel All In for 240 Siver over the top to isolate here hopefully get a heads up coin flip here with nines versus a 770 but I don’t know okay too much too much too much 760 gets out of the way and we got a fair fight on our hands Ace King versus nines Martin Miguel the short stack nines versus Ace King let’s see how’s chy doing chance feels like one of those tabl screw him just riing let’s go Scott saer wants to get this paint over withag out exactly the main event you know what I mean also that card is marked it’s the nine of Club more more likely what no this is what I’m saying you know wait what wow it’s taking no I’m not serious was really confused I say that car is marked as the Ace of clubs and then if it is be like well I demand a you know I saw a mark card off the deck that’s the way to do it but you know some T Foolery here by Siver as the Flop brings out my mar are just slightly off I’ve been so sick of the I mean really that would have been like Gap Stone Miguel looking for an ace or a king to surv a specific card and say that card middle yeah yeah yeah I I said oh I marked all the cards that one’s the nine ofs turn card coming Turbo Turbo the three of Spades still safe for Siver couple additional outs here yeah still with the wheel draw now river is the five of Spades and we’ll say goodbye to Martin Miguel who’s had a rough day the first to get eliminated from both final tables she made Scott Siver back up to over a million chips as she departs the set with her head down back to what I started with the hard way Martin Miguel collects $41,000 for her eighth place finish down to the final all guaranteed 53k it’s the best when you like a guy you pointed out the POI implications earlier lad there for sver not only gives him the additional prize money that he locked up but few more points as well as he tries to chase down that player of the year of course there are still events left too King tenant clubs oh my God believe the 25k horse got under under way today which As Long As registration is still open I would imagineer Dives right into ,000 actually yeah can I just get two of those yeah can I get two waters too if the clock’s going we should be dealing by the way I got I feel very strongly about this I would like us to either deal or have them stop the CL tournament director if the poker stuff goes south we got deal what are they stopping hold up we want to get like tr’s right I’m not going to sit here and not play while the clock he is but like not by a lot and he’s right here don’t kill his hand he’s literally right here oh that’s mine yeah yeah and that’s his yeah gotcha and he’s right here oh appreciate that thank you here you go thank you you got like one point uh yeah we’re so deep are we though who do you need to tell were before I need to tell my okay hey Zach tell him what Zach can you tell him it’s okay what we’re ask is it okay for us to get some drinks I’m very thirsty here he’s just trying to help me out thank you Zach yeah yeah exactly he was like oh we can’t give the real drinks were not allowed to yeah no I don’t want anything he wants to get for his people do you guys want He he’ll literally go to the bar me I think they’re going to bring I think it’s okay we have reached the point of the wp the bar is operational in the room it is 50 ft or so from this table once you get down to this point in the main they know the rail is going to swell up they put that popup bar in there and you can get some drinks he just slip the bartender a couple hundo and you get full service on the rail here it’s not a big deal they’re charging $20 a drink because they w’t be able to buy it they set up a little bar like a cash bar here yeah yeah yeah 20 20 for like good liquor and 16 for well liquor 55 but good looker still isn’t good like 15 15 for a beer yeah it’s like going to a legion in a casino to pay 15 also it’s very fun I want to show you cuz Kev math took a photo of it something like and 15 the call but I saw it it’s like the funniest thing I’ve ever seen yo what’s up Chong again with the check more checks behind little pot control here tennis spades on the river I I told Ben we should get our banned and Ben was like let’s wait to see how she does does but then cause a stink if she does better Jong here now leading on the river for 175 giving more quite the spot here to consider got a bad hand to call you kind of look at this wi20 so they’re not letting you bring your own drinks so they can sell a domestic beer bucks juice $11 how strong is that it’s 175 that’s up oh yeah absolutely 100 100% what about the Ws tournament when you register you get one Mulligan trip and at any time during the tournament you lost action so if you’re all in on the turn and the river doesn’t help you you get a so you canle in on the river if they call you already announced that he doesn’t like his hands to call with here on the river but he does seem to be considering the river they call you like just kidding pull him back anything they can do to make it like be of Jack here probably from CH don’t think he’s too concerned about trying to get some value from those hands signal maybe everyone has the same maybe have to play the hand more does block a hand like an 8 n but he also blocks hands like 78 108 does give it up there so Chong rakes in some more chips now up to 1.2 million and still as I said Fair even battle here at this Final Table baby the baby strikes I some 25 P fromt niame who gave you the nickname uh very high energy tonight I feel like he’s feeling pumped up playing it’s kind of the the end of the series he’s already got three bracelets locked up seems very much like he’s going to win player of the year I know it’s still close but he’s got these points that are going to be coming in so he’s kind of th away on uptil I gave him 20 bucks for considering it of course he’s yeah he’s hustling I’m like I don’t think any of us done anything close to wrong you know what I meaning in hand I’m just repeating words not giving my opinion on the words that are being said 80,000 comes in for the race to 8 they made a cash bar of [ __ ] all right what card was it Hearts eight of Hearts eight of Hearts is on the floor I’ll go get it I don’t mind 80 right Myer’s going to come along here I mean that’s how you do it on a car on the floor you got to give him the little King 46 all hearts on the Flop here okay okay thank you neither player with the heart might not be a fun one for Harmon to continue on does go check check three on the turn pairs up May bet here is putting pressure on Harmon but he does come along with a call King on the river pairing the board everyone very cautious so far at this final table it’s kind of that feeling out period yeah it really feels like they’re feeling it out armor with some Showdown value and he decides to check back it’s not what I wanted to hear right after I open he looked a little bit and then right afterwards the eight the eight fell on the floor and so I was like he said he said for some technical reason they can’t put it on the computer but they made a print out and to just leave it here yeah yeah they said we can just keep this but it can’t there’s like a technical issue but like so that’s yeah he said it can stay on the drink table but just not on the main table yeah he said they on the computer but that it’s printed out here if we ever want put it on some poster board I’m doing what I can doing people’s person getting us drinks and getting us to know the actual payout look it up it’s funny how you make an Final Table online event and you don’t have to payout Sav on your phone or something little screenshot you know keep it in the pocket yeah I mean I I don’t know the the function of the online stuff you know if the lobby closes if you can re access it you know all that sort of stuff but but I I agree you know however many days you have between when you reach it and playing it I feel like I would be looking at stuff every day you know absolutely 1.2 Joey 1.2 little more he’s got like 1.4 there you go my second chip are 30 big what’s up and we’re going to go up any moment he slowly yeah l a shot clock here table 100% I guess it’s not that hasn’t been that big a deal I guess both players clubs here four Spades out there who’s the best winner for the main this year for poker Chrissy probably Chrissy for poker you mean or what more catches a to on the river but it’s no gooder makes it straight overdue get like third best players get third place not worried about the Spades out there comes with it yeah makes sense on the river probably expecting more to lead any Spades he might have yeah I mean as the pre- Flop Razer receiver was he he could have a spade in his hand too I know it was checked down to the river last had a very St but I don’t know he lost you said he was in recently I don’t know he W he’s too rich I think he’s like a 10th Place Brian Kim 10th Chrissy first Chris B is seriously considering calling him with the pair of T what you said she’s out out she was chiped like an hour he probably feels like this is just kind of air or nothing or sorry air or the nuts my fault um the year when they came be a little surprised to see straight like this so [ __ ] with that King’s hand yeah I was like she killed her action and then she got nothing out of it yeah as a you know when no rooting interest and anything that was like one of the most brutal like Main Event hands what happened she opened Kings and then the button this Russian guy shoved not realizing she opened and the both blinds folded because he didn’t see her like he mocked after yeah he jammed and mucked not seeing hers and she had Kings and like very likely CU you see the cards like she would have like got an action from the big blind or him what the big blind have I can’t remember but it was something that was like absolutely PL she got absolutely [ __ ] there yeah she got like super [ __ ] that’s an extremely unfortunate situation yeah it was insane what is it 20 40 and 40 right for me harman’s going to look down find two kings 100% agree Gil B shitty it’s miserable it’s brutal and now we have Kings I mean this is everyone pay attention to your cards ladies and gentlemen that’s what I think the most they just didn’t want to be like you’re out of the main event in 12th Place because he went all in and then mck think he won the hand yeah they didn’t want to just be like you’re out of the main event CU you have no cards and all that but they were on a table like they knew his cards you know what I mean and she and then he cost her like you know technically that’s on an hour delay so they don’t know in that moment it cost her like six H in equity correct completely insane one of the craziest hands in Main Event history sounds like sounds like more yeah it was genuinely one of the craziest hands he’s forced to go in and lose how there was two tables speaking of I didn’t think he should be forced to go lose but I did think they should like figure out his cards they clearly have a way of doing it and then he should be all in against her hand and then he’s all in against her hand I thought that was like so unbelievably clear but you know yeah or I mean he can just I don’t that hand they’re talking about being on a stre table I remember she was on an outer table really playing not as deep in the tournament yeah it wasn’t like with 12 players left I think it was like with 45 left what I don’t watch the main event but I heard that ruling I was like that’s just that’s why don’t you like watching the main event boring a because not everyone can get A7 every hand sounds like Ben lamb loves watching the7 Big shout out to the hand that honestly the most annoying part for like history looking back on Joe is that he genuinely played the hand well in my honest opinion straight jump between second and first ABS absolutely and like it’s it’s just one of those things that gets results oriented being like this is whatever the way John was playing and things I don’t know I just genuinely think he played the hand well I remember thinking I I generally I was like I’m might had an ace either way yeah yeah that’s the crazy part end of my career Harmon vers on the king seven dece to Spade board I’ll tell you this you’re definitely having better the razor har defended out of the big blind 10 suit oh I know I’ll tell I’ll tell you later continuation bet there you’re you’re you’re doing better I actually I was like is he just GG the only part I like about that whole hand is uh even now people are like oh like we must have 87 sorry for bringing that up I’m like I don’t yeah I don’t care I’m a not sorry for bringing it up and also B I know you don’t care them the same way the roast beef sandwich follows Donnie around got to Ste anyone A7 follows Joseph Chung around sometimes you just got to go for it man I mean Danel my raising with Ace Queen looking for some action could get a defend here from lamb he’s got 93 suited it’s it’s close to the bottom if not the bottom given the stack size he might also like to give it up he does yeah don’t give m one if you do give her only one that’s looking real yeah she’s not feeling too good though but she will just start drinking always being a boss yeah did that that cancer guy win that flip that wasn’t I I was drawn dead so I left I’m genuinely asking that out of myself he’s here he’s here he’s here everyone is here at all times no I I just kept getting D [ __ ] King High and calling Ben’s jams [Laughter] [Laughter] yeah yeah I feel like this final table is more fun to watch if we just don’t talk and just let Siver evolve into crazier and crazier stories as the night goes on we’re doing he’s talkinging I trying he was looking trying to see cross it’s really hard with these chips too cuz we don’t know them the more chips he gets Yeah the more he’s going to be talking oh for sure give this man one beer and we’ll be Off to the Races uh sver makes it adk Ben lamb Ace Queen off in the small blind there it goes there it goes Ben lamb all in theologis with king queen in the big blind 575 575 announced quick toss from the Greek chip leader action back on Siver oh dude see with threes here Don taking some time here is this a real consideration yeah I I think probably fives and sixes call definitely like sixes I mean you get the the ace5 suited the ace4 suited you know ace3 suited ace2 suited that can possibly be in there threes I mean it’s pretty much a guaranteed flip if not your beat so it’s just a tough spot let’s [ __ ] go I mean c Lam are high five and after they I was being genuine with my cheering if I called he was [ __ ] out of here so [Laughter] maybe it’s funny sometimes the b gets larger and the atmosphere gets more casual it’s kind of wild how that goes you made two you made two illegal folds now must had a very you have threes I had exactly threes a screen for my R like twos you don’t brag about folding and fours you’re like a little more upset I get it be or I what just there we go yeah hold another on the money here as theologist finds kings in the small blind thank you so much fireworks pending yeah same thing as4 better emotionally which one would you rather if you see you’re up against threes the ace Queen because it’s like I don’t want to lose the 94 this is what I’m saying right like you would just be like how did this happen what’s going on still Joseph Chong to act behind Theo just comes with 440,000 or sorry 240,000 excuse me a queen like all theologist makes it 240 to go action back on my or justify it theia Siz this pretty well to give myor some thought that he could have it well sized for him to Four B Jam here there it is he’s going to get hit with the call quickly shove from mayor and the snap call from thees and we’re going to have an all in here Kings versus Ace Queen no matter where you go this will what kind of at risk with the inferior holding here yeah I mean surely kings are holding here I have arean Jamie on the rail I I agree with way Amer whole like cowboy history America is burdened with but they’re great atmosphere Brewing here will feel a whole lot better if he finds an a someh they don’t have the trauma of here’s the Flop Jack Jack eight kings are great I like that kings are great in the European no waste out there just yet 133% for mayor to double up here turn card the ace of diamonds and he drills itoy [Laughter] relives Cowboy related problems theod is now down to one of the two remaining Kings to send myor to the rail clubs chop River card is the seven of hearts and Daniel mayor is going to find himself a double up evening this field out even more the loia is going to dip down to just above a million so he still got5 plenty of chips right in the middle of the pack there but of course he would loved to have secured that knockout and four king going down in a blaze of glory you’re dead to me 785 said you’re dead to me oh it’s other one oh you got to watch that for people on heaters maybe it’s peel pre was that the first hand oh that was okay up thank you thanks a lot all right we’re all even I mean I think he has a bit more than us yeah even is I I had a feeling to be one of those annoying final tables no pay jumps yeah grind it out I mean it makes sense like internet poker rigged so this should feel like an internet type final of all especially with stream going on dinner break’s not over yet we have our own stream on YouTube they show everything yeah for sure I’m going to find what to raise me with I shouldn’t say for I would have done like 25 so but yeah when will you find out better have been po sixes when we shorter hand we can just to just oh saver comes in with the raise the 8K quickly picks up these blinds and anties and look at how these Stacks are drawing closer and closer together idea what I’m doing I think that’s a lie yeah that’s absolutely right I think s knows exactly what he’s doing yeah Ben lambar short stag with 18 bigs mayor after that hand the big stag with 39 bigs so good C why would you give that back 8 got see what I would have had do you know the order do you keep them in the correct order cuz I do cuz I’m really sick with that I did I did keep in order so painful I love it Joseph Chong limping on the button here Donnie a little bit of trickery perhaps yeah you know just might want to play it in position for sure you know not have to face a jam possibly or no sorry this was raised by Siver and called from I missed that race completely yeah so he’s just electing to play in position here y favorable hands sver also came in from under the gun so Jack 64 as we still await receivers cards you see three different pots 19 I’m off there’s no ICM implication so everybody everybody action checked five of hearts on the turn Seer betting 150 on the turn here Chong does have that ace of hearts in his hand you know he’s going to give it up though I would had aces really yeah Scott had aces would have cracked it not yet but I’m live there are rivers I could hit that would have me beat Aces out I not drawing that t that’s actually a lot of info pretty hard for me to be bluffing and that to be true know see feels like quickly back up awward to play with the other 1.3 million King of Clubs what could I do your hands were tied what yeah I’m in let’s go it’s just one of those magic combination hands that plays itself [ __ ] the BL 2550 yeah premium for lamb here finds pocket Jacks he is still our short stack just comes in for the men look for a customer 650 behind is that right 625 be 635 be the big line only has to call 50k more and Ace 96 rolls off disaster for lamb as Siver takes the lead now you know lamb can still get away from this but when you’re on the short stack you’re looking for ways to gain chips this ised I mean lamb could still get away from it yet on the other side of things I mean lamb could maybe push SE off it I mean it is just a deuce I mean uh 70 I think lamb 70k Seer of course happy to come along and make the call Donnie this is one of those spots where you’re just going to let your opponent do the betting yeah it’s also some some control for Siver you know you have an ace yes obviously top pair but your kicker is the worst all right so lamb just elects to check back here Queen on the river back door clubs do come in looks like it’s going to go check check here that does frustrating for lamb here who found that hand he needed but instead of going from 18 bigs to maybe 30 he is now down to 11 unfortunate run out what are you going to do if you’re catching us on the YouTube stream please don’t forget to like this video subscribe to our WSOP Channel my name is REM Kinka happy to provide this coverage with my good friend Donny Peters 850 or something we’re here until the end of this Final Table no I have uh one oh okay okay more drinks being delivered to the rail excuse me to the players at the table of course you got lucky yeah we need the middleman it comes to the players at the table they then distribute it out it’s how things work may be true I’m serious 110 Chris Moore with ace4 making it 110 Harmon in the big blind doesn’t want to just give this one up and he makes the call no I already lost A7 for a million Ace Queen nine two diamonds more continues to improve his hands 80,000 more continues for adk Harmon despite the back door diamonds did you guys TP or no it’s going to quickly toss it yeah har not going to want to chase some flush draw or some draws there some back door draws just he is still ahead of Lamb on the lead Le board you know he’s the second shortest yes but that Gap is worth something and it’s worth keeping you have like 550 is that right I guess I have 515 total including thater shoves the button applying pressure on the two smaller Stacks in the small in the blinds and Harmon finds Ace jack off in the small blind he’s got 14 bigs coming into this hand Quick Glance back at the cards about a $155,000 pay jump to consider and there it is he going to make the call lamb King 10 gets out of the way and we have an all in Showdown yet again 7 good news sa’s face yeah Jack I’m feeling it this one’s like legit easy when he didn’t have a it was done I think it’s your see thinks he’s BL even my a crack knows that it all starts with confidence in your cards free pre flop free pre flop yeah yeah AC got crack pre pre that’s actually pretty crazy nice all right there goes the flop Ace n jacken for Harmon but Siver picks up the gut shot straight draw does have back door clubs as well said he felt like it was already over let’s see nine of clubs on the turn draw flush and straight draw right now red Deuce red Deuce Siver looking to send Harmon to the rail what we about but the all in play has a big Advantage here going to the River card there it is the seven of diamonds on the river and Wayne Harmon finds himself a double up again through Scott Siver maybe a little overconfidence from Mr SI there’s up Budd feeling like he already had it one before it was one yeah SC how much do you have left now rly 775 or 770 770 big difference though you know I like to say the right number Siver has been on quite the roller coaster so far at this final table but started off down ran it back up now he’s kind of Knocked back down again we’ll see if he can run it back up again they made a song about that started from the bottom now here no I get knocked down oh yeah but I get up again was that loud mouth you I mean you tell me probably a one hit wonder right um did they have a few more I think they had a couple huh smash mou sorry a Smash Mouth of course loud mouth I was like that’s as soon as I said it I was like that’s not right you were thinking of Phil helm I was thinking of Scott sver right yeah exactly oh imagine being stuck in an elevator with Scott Siver and Phil hel beat your I mean it might be some how long I saw that four hours I I think I could do four hours you do four hours yeah it’ be a great show I mean come on you got to get the phone out and record it oh for sure as long as my battery would last oh that’s live stream it broadcasted to the world oh Chad is saying it’s a truma WBA [ __ ] go yeah whatever a theologist moves all in here with Ace Queen after M came in for the raise to to 100,000 with King jack off the shove is going to get it done here they were a onead Wonder see there we go chat’s on my side for once I don’t know why I thought it was smash Allstar one of my all-time favorite songs I have to say definitely one my favorites a little break in the action on our secondary table uh sadly we don’t have whole cards for that one but we are trying to keep you guys updated like N I think that this means that sha deep in the one seat and Rampage poker in the seven are still in so hopefully in a minute we’ll be able to get back to that one 97580 um 9111 one two if you’re optimistic Chris Moore 100 be optimistic Ace Queen off comes in for the race you’re playing like 1 three yeah about that maybe a little 14 maybe yeah about 14 Action quickly folds around to Joseph Chong he lets it Go and Chris Moore gets to pick these chips notice how the chatter from Scott saver has been put to bed for right now it’s been over an hour what was the hand secret just go and ask was your hand you got to offer first yeah yeah you can’t ask without providing something defitely a [Laughter] secret 100 ra 100 okay had Queen n nice Queen really nice looking couple of tens here for more as he comes in with the raise under the gun I mean we’ve had no shortage of playable hands no there’s been been a lot of stuff my hour just going to give that one up could could have seen him defending but given where Ben lamb is over there takes the conservative route just understandable no Hearts here yeah yeah a bucket for grade Insanity you know got to be sometimes the best hand you got put money in that is true action quickly folds to Chong on the big blind button sorry on the button of course what I was trying to say is attacking the big blind like n at like 9 to 950 starting ma with the real hand here eights in the small BL BL now given chip Dynamics here at this table Donnie how do we how do we play a hand like eights you know Chong of course going to have a wider range but still with lamb and Siver being a fair bit shorter we might not want to be overly committal here yeah I think he would confidently raise jamming is is interesting because you have more behind you with the covering stack and you know you don’t ultimately want to run into something there so maybe three bet and then you know fold out more be willing to get it in with Chong I don’t think he’s three betting eights there from the small blind against Chong’s open with where Chong is in chips looking to fold Chong so kind of like a conservative aggressive approach if if that makes sense 440 Ben lamb announcing 440 that is exactly how much he has left here we go former Main Event finalist risking it all here hoping to add a few to his stack he does just that easy for let’s not forget these guys are all playing for a world champion poker bracelet and a hefty top prize of $330,000 there were 134 players in this online 10K event Scott Siver chasing bracelet number four of the summer like 700 uh 650 sorry 675 live from Siver check from Harmon heads up to a flop we go check check on the jack 86 to the nine on the the turn three Spades out there receiver open-ended Harmon has a straight he also has the only Spade look at this yeah saer coming along here see making the call wanted to see a river card it is the nine of clubs now do we call here with a game plan of sorts or do we simply try to hit our hand here seems like a shallow stack depth to get creative yeah I I think it was a try and hit my hand blind vers blind you know after it does check through on the Flop and you’re faced with a small bed on the turn you know think you just have enough equity that you can continue 225 now is the ask from Harmon [Music] not the River card seever was hoping for armor with this straight despite the three Spades out there extremely comfortable there it iser’s hand going into the muck Harmon good guys very excited for the good guys Donnie way it was like you’re bluffing you proud of yourself that’s what I go through bad Read Bad read I wouldn’t have loved to call but I would have had to I mean if you jamm yeah I wanted to call 25 add your hand what’s my hand or blind versus BL I had a big hand I’ve already heard what it is a big [ __ ] hand yeah made a straight huh an accident ra 100 Chris Moore back to his raising ways and Scott Siver finds nines on the button he is now our short stack yeah expect this to go in here all in there it is sier announces all in Harmon quick with the fold so does lamb how much is it I think it’s 550 this is 350 oh so 540 priced in here for more Donnie yeah I I lean that way I mean you’re not like fist pumping but you just have to call it all n King Jack ised he’s not going to hate what he sees you know flip here yeah play Underdog turn life on the line versus Chris Moore nines versus King Jack of Spades you can through one king down all in with nus King yeah at risk here can he find a way to survive Jack nine six and he Binks a set on the Flop not I tell you no back door Spades for more either looking for a back door straight turn is the seven of diamonds and that’ll do it Scott Siver again with the up the song keeps applying theer roller coaster is absurd he’s been up he’s been down he’s been all around what was it chba Joey ofal uping to get up again and uh I guess it is Ben lamb double up now seems like your next usually mean something bad but here it’s good it’s like you’re next to double up I’ll take it having fun not really I feel like I Wasa torching right there hand I mean I thank like really did you actually have three that’s what yeah I know that’s insane hold then let us get it in had king queen a see 26.7 million in career tournament earnings added quite a bit to the resume here this summer won the 10K Omaha it better for 426,000 the 1500 Raz for 141 and then the 10K No Limit de to seven single draw for 411,000 three bracelets already this summer and now very much alive for number four as he again comes in for the Rays making H 100k with Queen jack off suit the amount of caches seever has this summer is insane like said I think he’s got 15 yeah I feel like every other day he’s in the money somewhere yeah it’s usually like a deep in the money run it’s not just like you know squeaking in with the mint cash type of thing I mean of course the three bracelets as well theologist defended from the big blind with 73 of Spades Seer gets a nice flop for his hands Jack hards for had to make sure that Jack wasn’t a spade yeah yeah yeah I’m always happy to say it’s really hard especially some of the seats you get a bad glare from the lights it’s why I started wearing a hat because like the glare is really bad like it’s really bad only have worn a hat every day this series this is one day not yeah 710 back one one one one I don’t think anyone wants to bust Onnie I think they’re all just in a bit of a staring contest here I think they’re just here for the Vibes they’re just they’re here to chill hang out they’re here for their rail to get the free drinks to get the drinks hey guys we’re just going to go sit around a poker table for a couple hours so you guys can drink so Scott sier can game the system in order a whole tray of beers for the rail I like it well Siver raises now with a ston theologist who was Archer to start the proceedings here tonight finds Ace Queen off in the small blind and he moves all in for about 20 big blinds like a million exact right one million yeah see lets it Go and theologis takes this one down is so big yeah it’s really hard to operate anything I I really feel there should be like a big cutout here for the dealer where the dealer could be like here you know what I mean you should be like 2 feet closer yeah like got to be so hard for you just like the arms would love to like yeah exactly like why do you need that yeah a cut out exactly to that red line I feel weird for the guys well not perfect but you know way better like Jo was like in another tournament we’re playing 30 minute levels tonight so the pressure will continue to build here for these players and I have great eyesight and it’s hard for me to see like up cards across I don’t remember it being this big but no this is bigger than I used to this this one I the ones up there the same I think this one is bigger or or longer actually longer seems got to be but you’re saying all the final tables you’ve been in this this year has the same it is funny when you go to 710 starting seeing a full table at this table versus a full table at any other table it feels like the regular tables are so cramped I mean even the where the other online table is that’s a that’s a smaller table you know so everyone’s a little bit closer together blind battle here Jack Jack Deuce comes off NE player with anything I hope we come one two three Queen of Clubs on the turn gives Chong a lock on this hand not much incentive for more ma to continue check mark here to Chong after this was checked through see if he goes for any value here 125 there it is quick fold from myor yeah oh you won I did now have 810 perfect those World waiting for him up I’m holding I’m holding Aces defend not winning yeah I mean we know it’s already PR well that worked out well Eric hold Aces to me like kings for sure bases you just have to Kings definitely yeah Harmon with Ace 10 raises it up and more in the big blind with Ace five off looks like we might going to see him defend here eight two three guty here for more Harmon the pre- Flop Razer whiffs on this one but we might still see him continue tosses in the small one of 60,000 out of position here Donnie ace high just a gut shot not the most exciting spot I can imagine no but yes I I mean these spots are tricky right you have Ben lamb over there who’s short so you don’t want to ultimately commit chips if you’re not confident you can be in a sticky situation that said you might feel like you got decent Equity here 30 levels I guess so you canbe or just come along think you got some you have kind of one of those combination hands where you feel you have outs right one more the four likely unless your has of course only then you also might just have some Showdown value with an ace high you know if your opponent decides to raise and then C with King Jack something like that obviously that now got there but talking about on the Flop pretty quick check check on the turn fine to turn it off right for the break uh sure yep yeah you want to do that for you yeah oh sure I’ll just get you when come back in check for more more once again Harmon can probably just check back here take The Showdown value but he’s not going to do that Harmon going 275 more lets it Go and Harmon shows off the ace1 to his rail as he’s had an insane level going from almost out the door to now being our chip leader Wayne Harmon on top with 1.9 million at an absolutely act Final Table still seven players in the hunt here as night has fallen in Las Vegas the final seven guaranteed $53,000 you can see the payouts there on your screen there were 134 players that enter this event and ultimately the winner tonight will take home $330,000 my name is R BR out Donnie Peters alongside me happy to call the action for you here as Siver chases number four and we have multiple other players In Contention who have already won bracelets as well here’s a look at our updated chip count presented by GTO wizard Ben lamb on seven bigs he’s our short stack Joseph Chong Chris Moore would all appreciate a double up but with the stack sizes the way they are right really really anyone’s game tonight here and then 48 488 players had a little break we did not take a break if we keep doubling each other up though yeah just going to be a effective you know s was kind of fun 30k 60k play yeah me yeah I got like eight oh eight okay sure SC do you have any blues oh sorry yeah I have one I have 1 point two okay thank you 440,000 all right lamb all in for 440 do I dare do no I can’t do it no you dare you dare we love living dangerous three ways will be different then I have to work then you’d be forced to theis of course you can see has lamb dominated but not in a spot to make that call yeah a little too early with too many people to act behind him big pick up here for lamb too smart know when you can’t win an all in good lamb 16.5 million in career tournament earnings number one on the Oklahoma alltime money list beers not yet lamb winner of the 10K PLO back in 2011 winner of the 10K 8 in 2023 also has two second place finish of the WSOP and he has sevens right now and he’s all in again that’s five no more Chong’s got eights wow Joseph Chong with a chance to send lamb to the rail but he doesn’t make the call because of course finds Queens Chong with the laser eyes yeah spidey sense over there SP senses hello or finds queens and now now lamb will surely be at risk going up 1.2 59 yeah of course ma is going to make the call here and we’re going to have Ben lamb at risk and seeing Harmon fold seven here is going to make Ben Lamb’s comeback Journey here A whole lot more complicated seven seven s queens or sevens I have Queens all eight L at risk trust me no one knows seven or some kind of straight have you had a this free free crack sevens vers Queens uh Bena we all know the outcome if there’s no yeah we don’t even run it yeah you can buy out for like 70% the buy out offer strong yeah oh here comes the Flop Ace Jack six very very tough spot here for Ben first though lamb looking for the seven of Hearts turn is the nine of Hearts close with no cigar here for him Ben lamb one card away from being out the door in seventh place River Card incoming it’s the Ace of Spades and Ben lamb will be our seventh place finisher he cashes for $53,000 as we are down to the final six Daniel Mo up to over 2 million he is now our new chip leader at the table right cuz we’re withered RS I need to post B BL right away from it godamn it final six guaranteed 68,000 weides I would have skipped him I would not be the big blind he’d be the small blind it would be small blind and like no big blind like oh the big blind doesn’t exist anymore no big blind all right Donnie as far as pay jumps maybe not the most exciting but but as far as pay jumps for points is Siver getting any significant traction here or is sort of top to uh the only real place where the money’s at for him well let me look it up I can go I think I can go over to the POI calculator well while you do that let me just say that Harmon with a little bit of trickery here in the blinds finds pocket aces and theologist in the big line finds n now 65 I think 58 no no no 68 68 yay I can’t do it on well theologist picked up Nines in the big blind he makes it 180 now if you’re harming here Donnie and you have the scenario that you were looking for do you fight back immediately or do you give away the initiative the theologist and you just make the call I think given theologist his stack size you can probably just try and get this money in Pre this is twice now that Haron opposite of what I said so I’m about to just give up on trying to predict what he’s going to do a very very good hand all right so Harmon plays his Aces my terribly that Ace like [ __ ] with me King seven deuce rbow on the Flop somehow I didn’t bet the Flop or three bet I was waiting for you on the flop you’ll say field player oh so the aces you got saved maybe maybe thees is going to fire at it betting 105 put money would you want to have Aces versus Queens did you actually no oh my God nine hits on the turn and theologis hits a set with Harmon thinking that he has the Greek Pro right where he wants him yeah Harmon just totally trapping here and slapped with it that’s why I said it’s all perspective you know what I mean down at the stack one out you’re trying to think how he can effectively get all of the money in weird they mle different wires and things like that it’s not like Full Tilt wires where it was from like you know flower shop but um but you can also request to just pick it up at a cage see 15 is the BET action on Harmon Donnie if for Harmon here is this the time the check race it’s going to take 4 yeah I mean I think at this point you can I mean you could also just keep all the Bluffs in you know but I mean this looks very strong from theologist so of course theologist snaps it off and Harmon has only one out here as the Ace of Hearts has already been folded 2.3 million in the middle yeah I have 95 yeah yeah I have six lodes about to be back in the chip lead what a huge turn card here and what a swing in the tournament no I was Delton yeah he was I don’t have a hand yeah yeah River Card 10 of hearts and the set of nines will hold up here as theologist doubles to 2.3 million more than me back up into the lead for him he lost the lead of course when his Kings went down to Daniel mayor’s Ace Queen Harmon now the short stack Chris Moore on 800k also not looking too good same going to be said for Chong Scott saver all of a sudden Donnie while being short for quite a while now third and chips comfortably also the roller coaster of Scott Siver and speaking speaking of Scott Siver shout out Kevin Mathers because he sent me the POI data oh good so there are six players left so Siver is guaranteed 368 points that sounds like a lot His Highest online score before this cuz remember only one online score can count and you take your best one I believe was 193 points so he’s bettering this by about 135 125 something like that um you know so he’ll he’ll increase the gap between him and Jeremy osmus of course you know up top winning that’s that’s the big Point earner 1,50 points up top and if he does that I mean I feel like you can just lock it up right yeah all right well I’m the shorter stack so theist moves all in to apply pressure on Joseph Chong but then this is a little too much nothing out there for Chong 800 800 I mean does he have bit more5 what’s that and he has 675 schan L among the interested players on the rail holding a beverage Sunday night in Las Vegas oh you didn’t take the I didn’t out here to have a good time sorry guys I like my hand so much was that good huh I saw the three of clubs as you just SL it so can’t can’t like it that much the three of clubs whose hand did you see just for some context here 68k guaranteed for the final six fifth place pays out 83,000 and4th 129 so significant pay jumps on the line here as more Harmon and Chong are very very close together and theologis finds Aces on the button perfect spot for him his position of course slightly disguising the strength of his hand what’s it like it’s it’s very nice first you crack Aces then you get Aces I’ll tell you what it’s like it’s phenomenal it’s the best feeling in the world this is exactly what I was thinking of Joseph Chong perhaps crafty but he stays disciplined doesn’t matter no action though of might need two of them actually 12 12 finish gab was like second place finisher what happened what did we yeah I was like wow it went fast seven way all in how many are left up there 11 now is still in no she’s out said she busted she busted haven’t watching I heard she busted is Bri in Kim I he he was with 16 left but I haven’t looked at anything since 16 down Harman finds Ace 10 he’s one of our shorter Stacks moves just a about all in here doesn’t [Applause] matter FL do want eight of diamonds guys no eights again 1.1 on the dog for me including this I got like 675 I think or maybe count on that maybe more makes it 120k sorry Ma and Moore you have like 680 has sevens in the small blind he moves all in 660 see quick with the fold here my back in action not much short 690 69 [Laughter] and Ma lets it go so Chris Moore picks up not only some chips but also some additional F Equity here goes from 690 to 930 yeah I mean get getting those shoves through even getting shoves through that are just blinds plus anti can be nice boost to your stack when you’re on the shorter side of things 7:30 there is the jam on Harmon I was going to say action FS receiver and he finds exactly the type of hand that he needs to move all in with arm with jacket of Hearts Don not much he can do here right like still got 11 bigs to fight with yeah I mean I think given where Chong is in chips and you are slightly ahead of him put that into the into the fold category but you know worth thinking about I mean plus if he thinks Scott’s shoving pretty wide you know I mean earlier Scott was talking when he had that 10 Deuce he called on the turn with the straight draw and Harmon had the straight Scott was saying afterwards that he almost just YOLO it in on on the check race Jam you know so I mean maybe that’s kind of got Harmon thinking like you know Scott’s just gonna once this folds to him in the small blind he’s going to be putting in a lot speaking of folding to the small blind Harmon couple of tens so last time he had a big pair in the small blind he got tricky and came up and bit him and here he’s just going to jam in he’s not going to get called GRE sorry greens sure luest ones I don’t have any of those no no use them up in the nines yeah yep I did that was a very Lu turn have Ace King one time yeah just very unfortunate for you up you we could have back toback final tables where a Greek Pro runs over the table with theologist I started to think of that sitting in the exact same seat as maor finds Aces here Aces everywhere huh Aces you get Aces you get Aces everyone gets Aces is this the fourth time I believe it is Mo Harmon theologis and now mayor I believe have have all had aces today not finding customers and there’s Kings and the two biggest Stacks have Aces and kings are you kidding me I was just about to say Remco this is technically an online tournament so people might say it’s rigged with all the aces this is definitely rigged right look at this oh D I know you’re kidding but this is an absolute disaster for theologists and then turn I mean it’s hard to feel bad for him after cracking Aces with a set of NES but boy oh boy does this have the potential to really really blow up here 420 420 remember he the last time he had Kings it was up against mayor and he beat him with the ace Queen and here he’s just going to run straight into it mayor might be inclined to just Jam here Donnie he could yeah I mean you almost really have to think that theologist is just getting out of line as the chip leader against you being second in chips to want to like flat this in position but if if you if you do think that’s a possibility maybe you just opt to flat but if you’re if you’re thinking this is more strength than it is any sort of weakness I mean you got to you got to come with it and we know the money’s going to get in we’ve hardly seen any three bets at this Final Table he moved moves all in I the snap call Will Follow W really [ __ ] czy vers I cover him King cover King covers Kings covers Kings covers it’s time for the Cowboys huh know they betrayed me before surely I can’t be losing with Kings every time got to feel for theologist who [ __ ] in High Spirit from the of course here sweating the page up a little bit sets you up to do so much I mean why can’t you do of course but the cooler of coolers Aces versus Kings at the final table here comes the Flop queen queen five wow double paint but no queen or no King excuse me let some face cards theologist looking for the last king in the deck as one of them has already been folded turn card oh oh my God the Jack of space more pain how much more paint they going to put out there a picture and I’m like cuz he he pulled it this way and I saw paint right away I was like well there’s no queens left any paint just for fun God yeah yeah Joe’s right any pain for fun the loges looking for King of Hearts I’ll take any pain or the Ace of clubs almost Milli it’s a our way of thinking right it gives you more outs wow when they take so long it’s cuz they know it’s coming it’s a TV thing I don’t know I’m not feeling it massive Rivard incoming they got a deal one out left River card okay the four of hearts and Aces will hold upil do I 4 million chips in the middle Daniel maor has a massive chip lead at this final table not too long after I claimed that maybe we’d see more Greek dominance theologists now short as well n and Daniel ma Donnie has 50% of the chips in play with six players remaining just an absolutely wild turn of events Theo just tumbles all the way down to just over 10 big blinds he’s only ahead of Joseph Chong now and not by much so n 15 of course he’s not out of it yet but man there you go sorry Alex bral was going great but I okay so four five Aces versus Kings and not only that the two chip leaders I mean what for the now this damic shift we’re to so many stacks between 10 and now yeah and I I I mean I I’ve known of Daniel myor I’ve never actually like done commentary on a live stream with him or really reported on him at all so I’m going to be curious to see how he approaches having a chip lead like this very large where everyone else is I wish I had 11 somewhat condensed and certainly much shorter so let’s see if he uh just starts applying the pressure at will to his opponents NOP big one what was it Ace Queen Ace Queen a jack I made a big [ __ ] save myself 15,000 we’re obviously getting Sixth and fifth can you go first that’s very polite the dech has chosen us and I know I’m happy I didn’t get eighth always optimistic I like that Alex I like that Harman finds nines his turn to shove let’s T Harman picks it up let’s e too though he’s he’s there with this yeah you’re short you’re shorting the pot that’s how he gets the chips age old Secrets it really is it’s a really good [ __ ] secret like Wayne and Ben just gets like 20 shoves through and then one of us shoves and like yeah it’s going to be like f we’re going to have like a good hand to like T or something Ace Queen Ace King yeah something like of course absurd thing isn’t it always how it goes Donnie the guy who’s all in every hand continues to do so you get your one chance to shove and you’re gone yeah that’s how it is those people can never die and and then you just do one little thing and boom you’re out or you know it just goes terribly wrong for you as it did there with Alex theolog I mean you can’t blame mayor here just chip leader jamming with a couple of fours from the button into the blinds and nothing there for more or SE want to as long is if I can also buy insurance if I can buy insurance I’ll gamble okay this sound crazy Dian maybe you can call me crazy but these are some of my favorite like tournaments to cover when there’s a lot of short stack Dynamics a lot of tiptoeing a lot of you know figuring out how do we advance pay jumps POI points and then there’s one big wrinkle which is the player in the one seat who has 4 million chips yeah I mean it’s great you know you really get that that game within the game you know it’s everyone’s trying to basically survive in advance in a way like that’s all they’re really trying to do and then if you’re Daniel myor I mean you’re just trying to apply as much pressure as you can so that you can just continue to increase your chips my hour here just comes in with the race 109 off understandable Min Ray and look at this Wayne Haron finds Queens in the big blind well his money’s going in yeah the name of the game is chipping up in whichever way possible and we can obviously see that it’ll get through here but I mean as long yeah it’ll get through here so I thought it might have been this small one Harman taking his time no don’t need to act though trying to maybe show some weakness here make it think like he’s got a real the close decision of course that was always going in Y moves all in gets it done Ma with the quick fold feels like Wayne Harmon is the most involved player at this table talking to his rail celebrating a few fist pumps also actively sweating other players Allin you just got to love it when someone you know cares this much bring him back bring him back sorry got a Miss steal here um 1 2 3 4 4 80 53535 80 now right yes 160 do this sure ma now the one to pick up queens comes in for the ray we’re playing 40K 80k with the 80k big anti and look at this Donnie how are you back here the same two players with the monster hands this time theologist the short stack with Ace King in the big blind starting to feel bad starting to feel bad he had his Kings cracked by mayor he runs his Kings into my’s Aces now he could potentially lose a flip and be out here I mean just all in in a snap call we got the most classic of Point flips here how is this real I mean the players understand can just laugh about this is exactly what it said yeah exactly Ace king queen the ace is coming okay short stack wins every time supposed to have like Ace three off or something ween four off even que it’s fine it is yeah all right I’ll take I’ll take fifth place four five buddy yeah I can see that but I think I love the previous one obvious that like you were getting first or sex and like you’re not getting first I’m I’m optimistic I’m optimistic okay let’s deal I mean you got like we’re playing a hyper turbo here it’s crazy this is insane we can’t take five minutes every yeah we can’t we just is there a way that you can like to production about all right here comes the Flop Ace Jack dece and the short stack yeah looks like he will survive I’m trying to find ways let’s go we’re using four minutes every all you know finally some change of luck here for theologist que’s now drawing very slim theologist can you like yeah turn card of clubs this is not a huge tournament yeah I understand this s but when it’s so quick of course of course yeah yeah like we got to talk to production we can’t have this they’re acting like it’s the main event yeah all right River Card coming in guys and Ace King finds a way to double up Queen’s in the muck this thing is far from over 11 now yeah if not 12 I don’t know something wild it’s getting a little Annoying 535 535 yeah 2 three four 5 35 is correct yeah has everyone been a short stack now it seems like some point yeah just sorry that’s in the middle you’re not really sorry how much million I’m so [ __ ] happy you’re going to get fif 0 is right after I can’t imagine me with aist di just losing our continues to pick up hands 160 Ace jack off is next for him Nick in the chat says poor Chong hasn’t played a hand in 20 minutes it it feels like it’s been an hour almost Chong is just sitting there in the corner waiting for a spot by the way thank you all so much for tuning in if you’re having a good time please hit that like button some late night poker action here from Las Vegas happy you guys all hanging out with us here that’s what’s up saying CH in the face of adversity Chong again with nothing this where likees can get to suited in the big BL he had Kings this time and was praying everyone folded he know what’s up I did have a premium I believe that saying didn’t want if you were hoping to get action you were wrong the chip leader will not be winning an all in at this day this one other one other one there you go what’s up which one action here on Mor first he’s out of the way followed by sver Ace for suited for Harmon this is actually also a fold all right’s I hope I hope I can shove this and I hope you with garbage yeah I would have hoped to win but you know too late you’ve used you’ve used your hopes I don’t care about range I would just hope to win all in here from Joseph Chong 107 off from the small blind my or’s got the bottom three too soft so that’s into the muck Chong’s hanging around you’re so sharp the was either have Aces again or I thought I thought it was Aces the laugh was definitely maybe like sorry yeah sorry I haved again it was very polar yeah absolutely oh you’re [ __ ] I’m sorry deal while he’s gone kill his hand they got to run of solutions over there yeah get some change want to give him change yeah same as last one good whatever you think what is it 80 all right Chad give me your best prediction how many hands until we lose a player three Joseph Chong premium hand for him considering how bad his hands have been ma finds Ace Jack in the small blind goes for the shove let’s see if Chris Moore can find something that’s a head shake it’s going to take him a lot to find something just given where Chong is he does not so my or chips up there yep you’re up thank you thank you dealer change perhaps the next dealer can send someone home as the short stacks have been winning I know I know it’s not on you trust me I got that little glance over here to our outer table look at this Rampage poker still in the mix four players remaining in our other hybrid event excited to see Rampage doing well here little quick look over at the payouts of this event final four are guaranteed $100,000 so Rampage with the summer saver here $278,000 of top for the winner hopefully we’ll catch the end of this event during our live stream otherwise you’ll be able to find the results on later tonight forehanded here in event number 14 5K High Roller we’re just staying here to see if we can catch some action before going back on over to our feature table these players also playing for massive pay jumps looks like we picked the oh there it is we got to of what do we got I think that’s Jad Hoffman there AKA jch online well longtime grinder on always puts in a high volume in tournament small blind takes it down and there it is four-handed play Shawn deep no longer in the equation here I think it was C2 at the back to us Minnesota poker Legend qua Vang wow you got to jump through twice nothing matters yeah I don’t did I’m one of those guys now that’s crazy but you got your shove through zero times with doubl that’s even better I just now was ahead of Scott didn’t call you were closeing two spots I think I mean I’m going to try we have to double three times got to be hard yeah yeah yeah I respect that how much do you have now uh one5 than these are marked by the way y put them to the side l z we have bad cards we can get a new deck after this wa what after this we could get a new deck we have multiple bad cards thank you who’s running the show here Donnie Scott saer clearly what you what do you mean oh man action FS to Chris Moore on the button moves all in with King 7 offit and a oh and there it is Harmon with the snap call from the big blind Ace King versus King s Chris Moore in a world of trouble here yeah very much dominated here he knew it right away said Oh no just if he made a little bit of a blunder here jamming more all for 580 backpack’s on though yeah backpack’s on all the tricks standing up putting the backpack on Chris Moore all in for seven big blinds I was like Wayne Harman sweating this one hard as well because losing would be a disaster for him as Jack 4 10 rolls off the deck Chris Moore looking for a seven and a seven only is not going to change things more down to his final three outs we about to be down to the final five he doesn’t even need to it River Card what’s it going to be it’s a nine of hearts and Wayne Harman celebrates with his rail as Chris Moore departs from this Final Table Chris Moore collects $68,000 for his efforts and his six Place finish the final five are now guaranteed $833,000 I don’t even know what’s going on let’s use the other boost there forver and Chong who were similar to more in bad wa I folded pocket pocket also gets that P points bum oh yeah yeah yeah I mean M another points or so that’s wild they were both marked another 30 points he’s he’s now getting 394 how many bigs do you have don’t worry about it we don’t talk about that it’s in the past now yeah yeah we only look forward pocket fours because they’re marked and he felt bad about it in the four hit uh I I think this guys need here over there how do you think I got here yeah I mean that that’s just a sick story to have regardless that’s real you’re not trolling no he [ __ ] showed him and they replaced them that’s so sick that’s so sick you hear it Jong had pocket fours but the cards were marked so he like had felt bad juju about it so he mucks and a for hit than you’re welcome to be fair at least someone BST but to be fair Joe you said you were happy getting fifth you were just wrong on who got sixth but you were happy getting fifth Joe so well only if he got six though uh did he say that part I feel I don’t remember him saying it was implied it was implied oh imp I’m very bad at implications yeah I asked for him oh 160 can you come yeah yeah he wants and I’m going to want to mostly just Beer’s good or what and just you can play on your hand power with Ace queen off suit is going to raise to 160 action folds over to theologist and the big blind who lets it go with eight Deuce of diamonds you guys want how much I going to give you three you were going to give me about seven four five 550 630 okay I can afford that yeah than I no he’s opening be a minimum Jack be like yeah perfect I say now we know so we’re not even happy about it it’s like a God damn it it’s been a very chatty table all around you know it’s it’s not just sver it’s it’s been pretty much everyone yeah but sver is also instigating it you know that really help he’s the he’s the driver right when you have a big talker who talks to everyone it sort of loosens up the rest of the table and all of a sudden the atmosphere becomes a whole lot whole bunch more relaxed as ma finds a duu of clubs and he’s going to keep on raising of course that’s what you do when you’re the chip leader not is there any Waters left I’m actually thirsty mayor happy to slowly chip way at his opponents sitting on four is impossible to read I can’t even see how many players are left on the board I know there five but SC can you tell me what the St is if you can see uh they have the wrong number of players left so it’s not going to show the right average started with I can push the if I fold this I’ll just push the button and do it myself I care I’m telling you Scott s is running the show tonight talking to production changing the clock minus all right I hope I can shove and I hope you have garbage again 1.375 I said I hope I can show you know sometimes you sometimes you got to overow the number sometimes you got to get the prize pool sometimes you get the drinks [ __ ] full surface in my final tables how good I haven’t worked take a look over for oh that’s that’s good enough good don’t ever look at the second look look what I got some walk there for the chip leader 8080 right yep I would have snap called that bluff I always have just enough with my stack where I’m like I could shove let me get four greens for you yes appreciate it thank you what’s up for the player of the year yeah Joey asked yeah yeah fck chance exactly but how much are you playing uh I don’t know5 605 700 exactly including what are you at now n uh nine and 950 all in 510 there it is Chong Allin for 510 with King jack off bad time to get this keep attacking the weak big blind I like it still clear the year ATT that bit blind who doesn’t know how much he has I know he want I know he wants the points really badly so just got to go out for it honestly it was [ __ ] sweet I the points don’t matter at all are you locked up unless not locked up but how I do here doesn’t change what Jeremy needs unless I get first so if anything I’m Tech technically playing Just for first it’s Jeremy he’ll final t a 777 somehow I don’t know if what place he’ll get basically basically no matter how many points I get here Jeremy will need like third or fourth in another tournament I would like two bracelets I have a chance yeah I’m saying like 50th yeah I’m going to cry if this is a queen I’m going to start just Shuffle it so you don’t know don’t make the same mistake I did yeah yeah I’m keeping it to the side and seeing it was it yeah that’s true actually no point just I was like what are the chances you know what are the chance of Scot Queens zero I lied to you what you actually have you can tell me now I can’t tell you now I’ll tell you later God okay okay okay okay cool okay great mayor mayor comes with the raise kingt off suit and Harmon is going to defend this big blind Jack five does two hearts you what is this thing you know some cables inside I don’t know Harmon flops of flush draw aor is going to continue here apply that pressure now Harmon of course being second in chips I don’t want has to be a little more careful I might want this actually my music thing take that 110 and Harmon made the call Ace hits on the turn perhaps a decent card for Mo to continue firing on grinding May reaching a second time here Joe in your opinion what’s the best Korean restaurant in Vegas none none right yeah they’re terrible the only one that I thought was even close to was like was like soyo and even that I thought like was not that good but I haven’t had anything 8 for barbecue but like pretty low bar in yeah that’s also a 340 actually now back on Harmon I’ve never heard of T it’s open till 2 a.m. it’s next to in Chinatown next to and look at this Harmon again with the call 13 million in the middle the river is the six Spades mayor is going to get the check Mark with King High this is an interesting po here more chips in the middle here than the other three players have in front of them those two places did it for me until I spent six in career recently and then then ruined it for you yeah and look at this Harmon checks to give up here will mayor check behind out of perhaps a little bit of fear this chip is broken wow never seen that before and he moves all in no fear at all for Daniel mayor and Wayne Harmon misses the flush draw and is forced into folding and look at these chip counts even Cho guys holy moly no it wouldn’t be fair two players on 11 bigs one with eight one with seven dodged a lot S 8 9 9 60 50 950 is what 50 I have four five big yeah really six yeah I just paed I’m 710 no I had just took long oh yeah yeah okay I have way less than thank you okay but uh it’s Ace King okay thank you so much over there can I get all those water I can hit an ace I believe appreciate you five six seven thank you so much 160 what did you say we can give drinks to the rail my or continue continues to can we take aggressive and then let them taste it also I mean I’m not going to say bad things but like they said we can’t order for the rail anymore but again stand know what I mean my bad other only one rolls away every time they’re probably like oh this is an online event we didn’t get that much rate yeah exactly what do you want scan your cards before you pull okay sure I thought I yeah he’ll do secrets from us new new stuff for you yeah I just didn’t anyone to know how tight I was of course of course okay so three four five it’s 710 before okay I can do the month gotcha I I want order 900 now yeah you want that’s where you can get $15 $5 beer so crazy it’s like the actual cheapest thing I’ve ever heard I could get it like if it’s just like a regular ter players watching the stream from the rail they’re just being insane trying to pick up on some information mayor makes it 160 again continues to apply the pressure you have four bat Joe I had 6:30 starting I what J makes the call 109 three two diamonds Chong flops the pair of nines mayor with the flush draw 140 my 140 Chong has a pair of nines and moves all in mayor makes the call we have a flush draw with an overcard versus a pair of nines mayor looking for a queen or a diamond me Stephen I’m short all fine you want Steen even rooting for you that’s a [ __ ] Kiss of Death right there he’s like one guy 5 Milli one 5 he’s like who do we root for yeah yeah yeah I I wouldn’t want him to root for me after saying that you know what I mean got turn that [ __ ] down who do we root for the guy who wex the stack of the other I don’t know is the five of diamonds and that will do it for Joseph chong good job Steve it was your route that made it happen after tons of short stack double UPS Joseph Chong the next to depart here busting in fth place thank you thank you Chong was not able to catch some fire here at this final table and he’ll take home $883,000 back I was going to say like no still not bad here I I think we’re about we get second and third to collect eight buy and the final now guaranteed 129 think he’s going to win and you think he’s getting for it is Daniel mayor versus the rest here Donnie that’s rough that’s that’s a tough one that’s a it’s also worth noting that Scott more poy points oh my God yes down to four he’s now guaranteed 420 but strangers things have happened so if you’re if you’re looking on most notably if you’re Jeremy osmus you’re seeing it get further and further away as Siver pushes on bottom 20% 20 straight hands big pay jumps on the line right now especially with these shallow Stacks you got like seven big the three shorties got looking to get at least second the difference between fourth and second is $115,000 and look at this the Logics all in with fours May makes the call with ace3 okay B I only I could only see one a he a vers fours we need Ace to hit winning hands a wheel feels like I’m in a casino watching a blackjack 49 K and it’s over 7 like back it’s fun it’s entertaining we have some good gambling going on right now Daniel looking to get down to the final three here theologist the favorite here and an ace on the Flop immediately and our big stack keeps on crushing like was there even a doubt I mean let’s be honest I mean come on man it’s been his day theologist now looking for a four and a four only King of Diamonds on the turn not going to make a difference also he’s just had theologist his number the whole Final Table theologist four or else he’ll be gone on the little board they put up like 16 outs River eight of spades and we are down to three as theologis collects four fourth place money which is $129,000 the final three are guaranteed 182 these pay jumps these stack sizes it is absolutely wild and Daniel for them [ __ ] 81% of the chips in play oh my God now none of you guys be looking this way you know what I mean it’s anyone could be the next one to be all in yeah that’s mine I just tossed it anyone could be the next one of us all in what do you have 350 4 350 420 back so 500 exact that meanss are off at least dancing that tight rope into three-handed play yeah I mean taking an advance perhaps on the POI Banner here let’s check what he’s up to now we got three left 473 points it’s just super it’s super flat until you get second to First is like double I accept I don’t think you get to decline yeah yeah I don’t think I like no try again don’t think they care yeah I’ll tell you this I’m certain they don’t care one man who knows the drill Tony here on the rail former Main Event runner up I think my orces might just stick it in here to apply that pressure all in and there it is moves all in Seer tosses him 620 34 five well 570 now cuz I fed 50 570 here receiver out of the way Harmon does the same thing and my mayor gets richer and richer great summer by the way very nice pretty [ __ ] Wild by the way by the way it’s a great summer Scott sier King seven off on five bigs moves all in nothing there for Harmon mayor has 87 off that also goes into the Muk and this will be an important hand Donnie because Siver now second in chips Harmon now the short stack these Dynamics between second and third are very very intriguing to follow right now 720 thank you mayor all he has to do is keep on shoving and he does Queen Jack versus queen Scott Siver now with a Chance Queen to double up here we need a four I would resp neutral seems fair my or says we need a four as if he hasn’t won enough hands at the this Final Table probably going to lose cuz he hasn’t lost yet but now he’s [ __ ] because he’s luckier than him so you’ve like added unlucky energy rookie mistake has Jack queen other guys people that have like won Main Event would know not to do that you know six [ __ ] it’s the Scott saver Show Ladies and Gentlemen we’re just happy to have a front row seat here as Ace 95 comes off the deck Scott saw the two Sider and looking for I’ve always thought that or like an yeah that’s what I just said obviously not turn five to F the river turn is a four and Daniel cannot lose tonight slide me the river I can’t say I’m surprised with the way it’s been going for him I have to peel it with you yeah yeah absolutely Himel it burn down SL Meer well that no that’s the burn right oh yeah you got to burn first oh yeah you got to burn first oh he gets to sweat it gets to sweat it oh my God it’s a line it’s a paint I mean it really a sver tournament where he can do whatever he wants [ __ ] that that would have been sick oh Scott Siver sweats the River card I’ve never seen that before amazing at the WSOP but it was the Scott sier show tonight here and sadly it has ended for the man who will likely be crowned player of Def when it’s all said and done we are heads up here between Daniel mayor and Wayne Harmon on 6 and A2 big blinds is Daniel May going to add a bracelet to his already very epic summer we’re about to find out as heads up play is about to get started what a wild roller coaster of a final table this has been Scott saver takes home $182,000 the final to guaranteed 235 and they’re playing heads up for basically $100,000 which is absolutely insane Daniel mayor fresh off of winning the B MGM Poker championship for $600,000 can he add a bracelet to his resume that is the question Wayne Harmon Has Come Close before but never this close good good three points something bigs four and a half bigs Donnie time for a comeback that doesn’t seem fair to you it must feel like a win if you’re harming just to make it to this point you know and there he is right away all in Jack eight three 3.7 total I still can’t believe we got a bakar out squeeze at a WSOP final table with a bracelet on the line I mean normally they wouldn’t let that happen I’m pretty sure I know other people have asked but it really did feel like Scott saver was just in charge of the tournament so is he is he dealing right now is Scott sa running drinks I mean the dealer was probably like this is my boss yes here’s the card have fun like do whatever you want oh man by the way thank you all so much for being with us here tonight it’s been a really fun Final Table Daniel mayor Wayne Harmon fighting it out here all in here from mayor Harmon lets it Go Harmon by the way his largest cash today 93,000 WBT deep Stacks event here in Las Vegas in 2021 so he’s going to Eclipse that number by quite a margin this is also his first World Series of Poker Final Table getting all sorts of new personal bests as Daniel mayor made an online final table before this summer got third now in the driver’s seat to take down his first bracelet here we go the call has been made turn him up boys what have we got 106 84 84 Diamond W great premiums two premium hands here facing off have black cards he has diamonds mayor has sh the 10 Harmon 84 diamonds fair fight 6040 mayor can stomach a few of these losses but he probably rather close it out right now 10 high in the lead here dece du seven Rolls off the deck and 10 high is in the lead Harmon looking for an eight or a four or back door diamonds and the King of Diamonds h it’s on the turn it’s never easy Daniel mayor we got a sweat one card away from winning his first bracelet Harmon can’t watch Haron can’t stomach this he needs a diamond at eight or a four or else this thing will be done the river is a three of hearts and it is all over Daniel mayor wins his first career WSOP gold bracelet as Wayne Haron rides an epic roller coaster into second place to collect $235,000 while Daniel mayor claims a million Summer by adding $330,000 to his poker resume what a phenomenal showing by him brought to you by Aces versus Kings as he rode that hand to a big win here at this final this guy has no clue he’s in a different [ __ ] Universe cap to Daniel mayor what a fantastic run for him and he is now a bracelet winner wow let that sink in there for a second here’s a look at our final table payouts presented to you by GTO wizard Mar m Mel was our first player to get eliminated Ben LM Chris Moore Joseph Chong it was a who’s who of big names in the world of Poker my name is REM K Donnie Peters alongside me thank you all so much for watching the show tonight tomorrow we will have one more hybrid Final Table live stream here on the WSOP Channel thank you all so much for watching don’t forget tomorrow we have another one for you see you tomorrow [Music] [Music] night e e e


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