Golf Players

The Keys To Hitting POWERFUL Straight Drives

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Unlock the secrets to hitting longer and straighter drivers with this must-watch golf lesson! Discover key techniques to maximize your distance and accuracy off the tee, including proper setup, swing mechanics, and timing. Learn how to generate more power while maintaining control for consistent, powerful drives. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced golfer, these expert tips will help you take your driving game to the next level. Watch now and start hitting longer, straighter drives today

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hang your hands down see if the Palms are actually in line like this that’ll show you that your shoulders are square used to put like a 2×4 behind the golf ball so I’d put the club down and I’d have to push that 2×4 away and it really helped me understand like where that back swing was coming from that’s good yeah ball position this is where insides of feet need to be aligned with the outsides of your shoulders so it’s going to be a significant wider now here’s the thing that that those feet you know your ball should be well off the lead shoulder there so yeah exactly right there my advice when you have a driver in hand you always want your sternum to address the middle of your stance right here and then move the club up to it so like yeah like right there cuz it’s very easy to get this look open you know we talk about this a lot because think about it okay ball position way up well if I’m reaching for it there I am my right hand’s already reaching lower on the golf club yeah and then I’m reaching for it it’s very easy to face the ball this way but with a driver I recommend everybody does this you know you bump your hip forward hang your hands down see if the Palms are actually in line like this that’ll show you that your shoulders are square and then just simply go like this without changing that reach up for the golf club there and that’s a great way to address the driver so that ball should be a little more forward in your stand still yep it’s good setup just pounded just got to the inside of that ball a little more right yeah so go ahead and set up in there again here’s the center of your body it’s like right here right yeah like set up to the center and then just move the club forward so it’s a great way of not opening up too much like this and being facing this way so it’s like here’s my Center where that club is I’m here I’m square and I’m just going to reach up and bring the club forward right there it’s a great way of addressing it awesome and Chris the reason why nothing wor nothing is worse than open shoulders in the setup with a driver and it’s so common if you go down a range almost 99 players out of a 100 are open with their shoulders relative to their feet you know what you’re doing when you do that you’re negating your turn before it even starts mhm you’re literally cutting your turn short however many degrees you are open yeah and that ends up being an arms of your swing that the arms get then caught behind you it’s the reason why many many many people hit big slices with their driver or a quick hard pull MH that’s because of open shoulders okay yeah that makes sense the number one thing with the driver is just making sure you stay centered and you have a good sequence okay what I mean by that is this staying centered throughout is incredibly important mhm but making sure that the connection’s there and then in transition the arms and hands are moving with the body cuz the golf club is longer so it takes a little bit longer you know to catch up a little bit harder to do that so the hands in the club need to get moving yeah bud you go yeah God I wish that was a righty Club right now I want to hit that thing so badly that’s let’s see it Lefty try Lefty see yeah but let you know what let’s watch this thing let me see this I’ll te it low enough to make sure I don’t pop it up this thing Kevin teach you what to do yeah right yeah oh my goodness gracious hey that wasn’t too bad huh that was pretty good yeah get going be like the uh the 75y old ladies learning her swing hey come on that was my first driver I think I ever hit Lefty right there well there we go it was awesome I think you have potential thanks bud on behalf of Mike and I both at poor Zack go we are so excited to announce that both of our complete Game clinics at the end of July have sold out on the East Coast with requests still coming in we had to open up one more July 29th and July 30th accommodations at Foxwood Resort and Casino golf at Lake of Isles in beautiful Stonington Connecticut you guys our clinics are awesome we have a blast doing them get in on the action and sign up today woo I really do like where the swing is going though I think the setup changes um the ability to turn and kind of you know if you can if you can feel Chris that that tension in the lower body mhm you know and feel that connection from the ground up that’s very important you know I think the biggest thing when I watched you earlier your upper body was just way too far out in front of the ball there was no buildup it was very what I call very spinny mhm it wasn’t that big coil and load and then the explode part of it that wasn’t there but you know I like like now is I think that you’re going to feel that tension build more if you’re patient and slow with it just don’t get fast that’s the big key right you know be be lead shoulder dominant feel the lead arm lead shoulder all moving at the exact same Pace feel like when that lead shoulder’s done turning your arms and hands are done swinging and and if we have that paired up you’re going to have that connection you’re going to have that connection from the ground up really because it’s that turn as we talked about that transfers that pressure right into that back foot well if that arrives simultaneously as we’re done turning and the arms and hands are done moving we’re now in a position to explode yeah yeah right it’s easier with yeah coming dude loading explode yeah load explode I mean I’m telling you it’s funny when there’s a buildup right that back swing is and it’s so funny it’s the best analogy ever that bow and arrow back to maximum tension like when you feel the turn the right way and that necessary tension as I call it or the pressure build from the ground up that literally feels it’s like it’s like a bow and arrow just going ready just go on the way through yeah so if you ever try to really like hit one hard I go slower going back you just you feel like you’re going slower it’s funny I I want I want you to see like pitching wedge in a driver right and like watch watch the Rhythm in my pitching wedge back swing the driver like I it comes out and I’m consciously so aware of being smooth in that back swing CU I just know better you know Tendencies to get hit hard well everybody wants to hit it hard with their back swing you know the pitching wedge this is just a normal speed for me I don’t even I’m not even going to think about it here we go okay now hit that good now here we go for the driver going to go to the left side there like watch I’m consciously slower going back that was a good example there almost pounded right there yeah did you break your face I literally like like that ball Mark is like just dead in the middle of the face there that was a good one but that was honestly you know what’s funny it’s first driver of the day mhm so connected so together because of that buildup in the back swing but I’m really consciously aware of slowing it down you know what my coach used to do to me he used to put like a 2×4 behind the golf ball so I put the club down and I’d have to push that 2×4 away and it really helped me understand like where that back swing was coming from cuz think think about it like this if you have some weight back there imagine pushing the weight away your body’s like this at first at first they’re like this wait and then you tighten up here and you go wait that’s got to be from the shoulders it can’t just be from my hands it’s a good one at poures that gol we take a lot of pride in having developed some of the best and most consistent golf swings on the planet we do this through Simplicity our full swing master class will take you on a stepbystep easy to understand process on how to get your golf swing better than ever join the manyi before you who’ve utilized our full swing Master Class to take their games to the next level and Beyond [Music]


  1. Struggling with my driver lately. Zero issues with my irons.

    This made me realize that I’m certainly opening up my body to the target too early in the downswing, causing the slice. I’ve been attempting to counter the issue placing the ball further up in my stance. I imagine that is nothing but a temporary bandaid with huge margin for continued errors.

  2. I have seen other golf instruction channels that coordinate their clothing as well. None of them have a process of teaching that is as consistent and so well executed as yours. Thank you for bringing these videos to golfers all around the world 🇦🇺

  3. Surprise that you did not comment his front arm not as straight than it should be? No so relevant? I look the same on my own videos!

  4. Nobody has helped my swing more than Adam. He’s the real deal. This video reemphasizes what I need to work on with the driver. Thank you guys!!!

  5. Watching you swing leftie made me smile. 🙂
    I'm an authentic leftie …… My backing is slower and deliberate as described.

  6. Would you use the 2×4 drill with the 3 wood also? slower backswing for fairway woods? Thanks! Love the detailed instruction.

  7. This makes sense to me, my slice problem isn’t that I have a crazy over the top swing, its that I think my shoulders are to open at setup, and I place the ball super far in front, with a little open club head, so I have a massive slice. However, when I move the ball back to say, just inside my lead foot, it feels like I don’t have enough room to get behind the ball and hit upward on it, so by default it feels like I’m then over the top. Thus why I play it so far in front.

    I swear if I could stop slicing, I could consistently shoot in the 90s! *relax guys, my goal is to just get in the mid 80s every now and again, and I’m be a happy man.😅

    Might have to make the trek down from LA for an in person lesson soon!😊

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