Golf Players

Casey’s Home Run Derby Prediction. Brandon Nimmo’s Swing. NL Central Chaos

We handicap the 2024 Home Run Derby rosters and Sean gives his pick to click.
Plus, will Jose Ramirez hit lefty or righty… or both!

Brandon Nimmo is having arguably his best season ever. We dive into his swing and find the secret to his success.

And the NL Central is utter chaos. Should the likes of the Cubs, Reds, and Pirates be buyers and go all in or sell???

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Brandon nmo doesn’t get get the pub probably that he should yeah this guy’s a pretty good player man and at times during the season he’s he’s put the Mets on his back he’s been a few games he’s I feel like he’s won by himself can’t give it up make it to the top keep climing don’t want to live it up want a good life I’m coming up I’m coming up good life good life oh good life good [Music] life in [Music] hot boom never goes over well it’s not a not a it’s a it’s a safe word around here it’s not a safe word no yeah you don’t want to be saying that too loud over there as as we established hey last night you went to the uh you went to the Shark Tank in there uh in Mandalay didn’t you I told you it was pretty legit for being in a casino dude everything at Vegas is like next level yeah it was incredible I was like the only reason I went because you told me to go and you told me Jess got attacked by the shark so um yeah we Sarah and I went it was pretty cool yeah it was pretty cool and the one you see the one fish the swordfish oh yeah like a freaking samurai sword on the front end of the of the fish so yeah it was cool man it was cool Vegas was cool it was a great trip uh Jill staying one more day with her mom they’re they’re leaving they’re leaving tomorrow so nice SAR and I F back today and back home but Vegas dude what an interesting place Vegas is it’s so weird we had a six o’clock flight this morning and we were coming down like 4 you know 4:15 and you’re in the you’re coming out of the you know elevators and you’re like the lighting in that place makes it feel like it’s daylight so it’s like what time is it you know that’s how they get you you know that’s ab and dude one other thing that I I told you that when I was sitting at the Willie McInnis walked in the Miguel Cabrera was my right dude another buddy of mine my roommate in with the with the Reds in 1998 was a guy named Mike Frank yeah great dude raed I believe he went to Santa Barbara if I’m think think right one of the funniest guys ever D dude he I mean talk about talk about not having great nutrition we used to there was a place uh place called United Dairy Farmers which our owner of the Reds Carl lner owned Mike Frank and I used to get a gallon of peanut butter chip ice cream after every game and made milkshakes our in our apartment but dude the other day chin he text me yesterday after we got off he’s like Hey rumor has it that you’re here in Vegas I go and I was like are you here in Vegas like yeah his daughter he lives in Sacramento so his daughter was playing on a on a um team too and and so was I so me and him went met I do go meet I go meet me in the lobby right now go downstairs meet right I haven’t seen him in 17 years dude somebody needs to do a feature on this tournament that you were at because every like professional athletes daughter has been playing in this tournament this week it was incredible it was it was incredible there was so many people there but it was uh but hanging out with Mike Frank dude for like an I hung out with him for like an hour we played a little bit of blackjack but we got a chance to really catch up so it was uh it was really cool man it was really cool very cool very cool um we got a lot going on in major league baseball right now case uh let’s see where can we start why don’t we start with the rosters completed for the Home Run Derby this year which is very ex okay I’m gonna rip through the guys maybe pop in with some thoughts on each obviously the one major change this year is they’ve kind of tweaked the rules a little bit so guys won’t get as tired like Peter Alonzo got tired last year couldn’t win you only get so many pitches right yeah yeah so you’re not really like R you’re not like it’s not as much of a Sprint but you got to have more impact you have to hit the ball when you hit them they got to go out I think that’s kind of how that’s it’s going to play but it’s it’s a good move I think because guys you know you hate when that that last round you’re so excited it amps up and then somebody wins with like eight homers because they’re just gay so I think they’ve alleviated that as they they’ve been doing great is isn’t there something too with like you have to hit a ball 440 feet to get a bonus ball or something yeah I mean it’s a head it’s it’s not the head-to-head bracket like it was uh in in uh in that first round top four first round scores will advance to the semi-final bracket and hitters will see a maximum of 40 pitches in each timed round that’s what I’m talking about placing more emphasis on efficiency as opposed to speed right okay I like that all right so got uh gunar Henderson 24 bomb and wait wait the other thing is too it’s not head-to-head right until the last four guys exactly yes so that that also eliminates a problem of a guy hits 17 in a first round but he loses to a guy who had 18 and then guy was six it’s it’s all it all makes sense they do a good job man Chris Marin organize that stuff at the leag um so we got gunar Henderson 27 home runs at the moment his longest home run so far 430 it’s very cool sophomore to be in this game in this yeah Alec B who we’ve talked about can hit doubles with the best of them he’s only got 11 bmbs but he’s humongous he’s hits the ball 427 ft is his biggest so far Pete Alonzo is back 18 bombs 446 feet is his furthest I I feel like if pet Alonzo is not in this he has to be in it it’s like I don’t feel like I feel like right now in this generation it’s pet Alonzo’s event yeah I I agree it’s his it’s his whether he wins the year before or not he’s the guy to beat in this now I agree here comes some more pop dude some more young pop Bobby wit Jr he’s got 15 bombs he’s hit a ball 468 feet so far he could crush I can’t wait to D he he might be the guy that I’m most excited to see in this Derby yeah that’s good Michelle Marcel ozuno who’s having probably the year of his life 23 bombs 446 is his furthest I like Jose MZ 23 bombs he’s hit a ball 436 feet so far I think this kind of setup it helps him a little bit more because he can just lock in on hitting those line drive home runs doesn’t have to worry about hitting pops he actually was in it in 2022 and did pretty well you don’t look at him physically like he’s got big po dude Ramirez has got big pop yeah now these next two guys I love these two guys are what like the Home Run Derby is made for Garcia of the Rangers and teoscar of the Dodgers uh Garcia’s got 17 he’s hit a ball 428 feet so far this year uh T Oscar’s got 19 and he he’s hit a ball 431 but those two guys those are the kind of like BP guys you like seeing in this thing like it’s gonna be high they’re gonna be far not the line drive guys I’m surprised those guys haven’t hit Paul fur sometimes I think that stat cast you watch some these balls land you’re like no way it’s that 4:30 looks like 48 no I agree I 100% agree um so we say it’s Alonzo to lose every year I would say but if you have another guy if you were gonna pick somebody Bobby Whit Bobby Wht Jr bro Bob like that’s the guy I’m picking this year I just dude he’s got Bobby wht’s got big time Pop I mean I I I think because he plays in Kansas City we don’t all know about him but man you got to watch this guy play this guy is something special man he really is something special so what did he have 30 bombs last year and 409 stolen bases and he got thrown out he got thrown out on the uh on the last last day of the year Austin Wells fre got him second base he went but you know I I just I just this guy is is impressive and I think and I love his smile I love his I love his Um passion for baseball it’s contagious obviously his Bobby wit senior played all those years um who they’re just a great family I got a chance to coach him in the Under Armour All-American Game years ago and I was just so impressed with a human being and just to watch what he’s doing how good of a player he is at the All-Star game uh you know it’s just so fun to watch so I’m excit I’m picking Bobby Whit Jr in the derby man I’m just excited to watch it I’m excited him to crush the balls CH yeah dude you know what would be really fun Bobby Whit junor gunar Henderson final like yeah because those guys are going to be battling for the best in the bigs for years to come it’s like it’s almost like you know like uh when it was magic and bird those two guys are that kind of elite player so that that’ll be fun that’s it’s a good year it’s good good good group this year you don’t have any it’s a great group dude I don’t know the answer to this but I wonder I’d be interested to see Jose Ramirez because he’s a switch hater what’s his what his best side is power-wise because dude Lance berkeman I remember when I was in the 04 All-Star Game Lance Berkman put on a show obviously for the crowd in Houston but berky obviously takes most of his swings left he’s one of the best hit Lefty but he said he had more power righty so he did the Derby righty that’s I always thought I always thought that was interesting yeah you know what’s funny about that Legend he Jose Ramirez one of the most legendary things about him is that his splits righty Lefty are about as similar as they could possibly be for a switch hitter over the course of his career how about this what if he alternates what if he what if he gets through the first round and he’s I’m not feeling as much do you switch back to the other side of the plate I mean you do it in BP every day probably right well dude yeah and what an advantage too because you’re using different parts of your body you’re not getting as gassed so it would be an advantage to Jose Ramirez if he besides you know what going righty going Lefty would he have to get a different BP pitcher though would he want to bring in the Lefty BP pitcher when he righty righty you know and there can’t they can’t possibly have a rule right now to say he can’t he could switch every pitch if he really wanted to I’m sure he could yeah um all right let’s get between the lines dude because uh I was listening to Dro this morning on uh Central 2 we were talk they were talking about this but the the um uh National League central is the most dynamic crazy thing going on right now the Reds and the Cubs are both 44 49 identical uh identical there both three and a half games out of the wild card and in case the Pirates are just a half game ahead of them so they were kind of talking about like contending versus pretending of these teams but like between the Pirates the Cubs and the Reds and the trade deadline minute you know 20 days away tops uh what is our take on these teams and what are you doing if you’re the GM of either any of them I mean you’re in a pickle a little bit I mean CU well listen I I look at the Reds and the Pirates a little different because they smaller Market teams you obviously have to you know you’re you’re leaning into your young players you know you’re leaning into O’Neal Cruz Dela Cruz you need leaning into skin and hunter green and you know all these young guys that you have on your team so you’re hoping you know you can fill in any piece that you need to take you to another level uh um so I think out of that group with those records the CBS are the one I think they have to make the most decisions because I think they’re the they’re the team that has the money to do whatever they want to do really and if you’re sitting at 44 and 49 is that what they’re at you know you’d have to think do you trade Bellinger you know I mean are you are is there any guys on those teams that you’re moving to maybe look forward to next year or are you do you think you have a good enough club which I think they do to make a run I mean this is the problem this is the thing we talked about baseball it’s 162 there’s so much season left dude yeah there’s 70 games to go so I think the biggest thing is like you know what do you willing to do what are you willing to get back you know are you willing to unload Bellinger’s deal because he’s just having a pretty good year is he worth what is it three years 80 million is he worth 30 some million a year are are you going to get stuck with him for two years if he doesn’t give you the uh production he gave you last year so I don’t know there’s just some interesting questions you got to ask if you’re the Cubs if you wanna you know do you want to sell or or do you wanna do you want to you want to keep it going I think the Pirates just obviously I think the Pirates can make a run with that pitching um I think they need a couple more bats in that lineup so I think that’s a that’s a big thing that Ben shington and those guys are going to have to look at um and I think the Reds too you know I think the Reds you know they get right to 500 then they lose some games so yeah I think with d Cruz and that rotation of you know green and Abbot and montos and the guys that they have uh I think they’re better than they better than they’ played too so yeah I think the Reds and the Reds and the buckos stay put the Cubs have to ask themselves do they unload some contracts I like that point because cubs really are World Series a bus type team right and the Reds both have guys at the top of their rotations that could sneak you down and scare the crap out of you in a in a short Series Hunter Green boom uh Pirates we know who they have I see you looking over there you gotta get on oh yeah just I’m just seeing if we’re boarding oh we’re not we’re not Bor we’re not boarding yet we’re not Bor we got time okay good because I got another guy I want to talk to you about who interestingly enough is having the best season of his career and he’s had a pretty great career statistically even though he’s not one of the guys that’s on most people’s Radars and it’s Brandon nmo of the New York metropolitans dude he’s snubbed he should be an All-Star this year 16 bombs biggest thing about him what they’ve been saying is that through the years his metrics have been amazing they’ve been great hard hit rate he’s up there towards the top wins above replacement here and there his defense is great all this kind of stuff but he was a hitting too many ground balls Sean and I know over the last however many years everybody’s like hit the ball in the air hit the ball in the air he’s one guy who now has become a little bit more Elite because of the power he has 16 bombs got Homer in three straight games lefties righties doesn’t matter what’s your take on how he’s doing and how do you teach a guy to hit the ball in the air without overdoing it yeah yeah well also too you know also dude I think of judgy mean judgy talks about when he first got to the bigs he was so Steep and he was getting frustrated heit these 115 M hour grounders you know and then you know then he started to really you know work back and you know through the ball and get the ball in the air he was like I just don’t want to hit those grounders all the time so that’s where the game’s at too chin I mean get the ball in the air hit the ball at the Ballpark that’s how you win ball games that’s how you get paid so yeah it looks like Brandon nmo is just you know his his Bat PL bat pth looks a little flatter it looks like it’s maybe not so Steep and he’s starting to get the ball in the air especially the left Center he’s driving the ball all over the ballpark but really going you know into those gaps left center right center so I mean uh yeah you got to give Brandon nmo doesn’t get get the pub probably that he should yeah this guy’s a pretty good player man and at times during the season he’s he’s put the Mets on his back and there’s been a few games he’s I feel like he’s won by himself yeah there was one he he was facing imaga uh about a week ago fast ball dotted first pitch outside corner and he crushed it over the Ivy the other way and it’s just kind of like this gu so hopefully he can sneak you know what’s crazy I saw something too you know speaking of the match is like as soon as josea glaci came up 20 and 18 or something 19 and N or whatever it is so so ridiculous he’s over I think he’s hitting over 500 with runners in scoring position since he became a met it’s like the greatest start to a a career with the Mets ever and he’s got his song going that dude is Riding High right now it just goes to show you what Bojo can do one guy coming in with some flares yeah you know little little Moxy could change things up get get get things going there you go there you go all right you got to get going man you gotta get you on that plan no I got one more guy I want to talk about that’s right one more guy from the twins man you know the twins are getting loaded dude I mean Royce Lewis obviously is banged up a little bit again but hopefully he gets back soon but a guy that they draft in the first round who I really really liked when the draft was happening was it was the eighth pick overall in 2020 dra two draft Rook Le dude this guy could break and I thought it was great the other day I don’t know if you saw yesterday he went Deep Off Drew Thorp with the white socks and I guess they were roommates at Cal ply together in in in college so it’s kind of like a you know they’re they’re best of buddies but watch this kid man this kid flat out ranks I thought he was gonna break camp with him at spring training he had a great spring he was hitting really well thought he was gonna break camp but but he didn’t uh but he’s here now and dude he’s here to stay too so they uh yeah dude the twins have some good young players man they really do they really really do so it’s it’s a fun team you you watch you watch the twins you know box scores on the twins they bang they do bang another big Prospect for them yeah that and give the twins credit they know they’re they’re they’re drafting these hitters and they’re nailing so that’s not easy to do either just because you got first round picks doesn’t mean you got good players yeah his career minor league stats and small sample size 746 of bats 292 average 27 bombs and 125 rbi’s nine bags not bad yeah he can hit dude this kid can hit man Brooks Lee all right overall pick number eight of the twins 2022 Casey always is on these guys fans he’s always on them and they’re all starting to come and play now we like it all right good I like this guy I told I told one of my buddies this year he was like bro who do I pick up who do I pick up know I needed guy I said pick up Brooks Lee and then you know he’s kind of on me like Dude where’s Brook Lee I’m like dude I’m he’s coming I didn’t know it was gonna be July but I knew he was coming fast so there you go beautiful all right man all right chiny hey man thanks for uh everybody out there listening I’m I’m about to board this flight and get out of here and uh what do you got the rest of the day brother anything obviously I have to charge my uh batteries here because one died and the other one’s juic went off I saw it went off he’s in the dark yeah now I’m All Bright uh doing that and just uh working man it’s about it hanging in there brother all right man have a great rest of the day brother I love you everyone out there thanks for listening we’ll catch you guys tomorrow see you l

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