Golf Players

Club Champion Media Live Q&A // Monday, July 8th 2024



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

good afternoon on the dot 1:00 it’s great good for us it’s impressive imagine being on time new us new week new us hope you guys are all good out there uh everyone in the golfing world how are you Michael mute those two dummies why are we watching how are you Michael I’m fantastic yourself I’m doing grand happy belated birthday thank you thank you thank you feel good another year wiser nice feel young uhhuh good yep not too bad hanging in 41 you know it’s pretty good biggie for you next biggie no I’m excited how do you think you’ll feel when your age starts with a three who cares it’s just a number it’s not a number it’s a privilege it’s a privilege I have made it to 30 grow old is a privilege all right um let’s do a little debrief we’ve not been here in a while a couple Mondays no live we had holiday last week holiday last week and in the week before we were here just before we went to Cali that’s right yeah so yeah a couple of weeks um debrief on the golfing tournaments last week we had Davis Thompson winning the John Deere glad you did your homework 20 what did you finish 28 under yeah you imagine having a lead for a tournament and you go out in 29 and you go seven under through your first 10 hes that’s what he was yesterday with the lead that’s a joke that’s a joke that’s unbelievable it’s good golf very very cool um I’m over the moon for you Ferguson to have won the BMW out in Germany uh I know I I KN when I was working back in the UK I knew y’s dad really well went up from when I was an assistant Pro um he was a lovely guy used to drive over to cardross where I was an assistant Pro and uh back then when we were literally just we had it was just whatever clubs we had stock of that’s what we would custom fit we we just try whatever we had in the Pro Shop and he used to always come over and get fit so lovely guy and and Y seems like a really nice kid as well so I’m just over the moon to see a little collection of Scottish golfers competing between Connor Sim obviously Bob McIntyre doing it now in the PJ tour you and that’s winning the European tour who was the kid in the um the British am what was his name Scottish lad oh I didn’t watch any BR Year good it’s funny I they put it on like Sky put it on which was good I watched a bit of it it was good but the Scottish kid in there too I think he qualified to play in trun really I think so yeah I have to look it up but fantastic fantastic um Bill brand didn’t realize we were the same age happy birthday birday happy birthday thank you Bill we are yep same age just a couple of Young Bucks that’s all say nothing sui enjoyed the collab with me and my golf as did we yeah it was fun really enjoyed spending the day with the lads yeah we had a nice went for we end in with Piers shocker a nice we ending a few what was the beer of choice was tiger Taj was it Taj yeah good it was good very nice it was good really really are nice Lads yeah how’s the how’s the swing field very confused watch the video you like a change do you once or twice just in Snippets um but yeah no it’s uh from on the Range was like I enjoyed it and like I said to you after I could go to the range and hit balls for three hours which is a rare um so yeah there was a couple range sessions this weekend very nice very very nice El dub is asking can you boys bring us up to speed on your new titless GT drivers I believe they just arrived they just arrived I’ll text your photos later yeah I mean we can’t say any well we we can’t talk about the the changes or the materials or the or the perform well we can talk about the performance um because that’s what they’re talking about on the commercials and stuff like that that we’re allowed to talk about that [Music] um as I think you would expect as has been the trend since TS TSI TSR and and into GT the trend has been faster faster faster um so there’s there’s some significant performance coming out of these new Woods um you know try and say something meaningful without saying something way that you you get into trouble for but um I think your fit took you down a different direction you were down a slightly different Direction with your fit which tells you there’s something a little bit new going on um that was interest I think yeah I think the um the wood yeah the wood line obviously is is very good it’s cool it’s it’s it’s neat um I’m trying to come with words that aren’t going to give it away the uh the the later part of my fitting was very interesting well actually got me it got me excited to you know to put the stuff in the bag right away which we’ve done you I’ve had every driver this year and dabbled and stuff like that shock um and nothing really like wowed me to be like replace it change right so I was waiting at the door Friday FedEx to see if they’d show up if they didn’t D American holdes I know so we’ll be building clubs this evening yeah yeah so we we we we had a great time trying them we got to play with them the next day and we got to play at La Costa with them in the bags uh driver and fairwoods little scramble mhm so you’ll see that video coming out did we scramble okay we scrambled I was actually talking to to Cody with that earlier on we I mean it’s hard that new Lacosta Ren Rena is hard um you can’t miss it left and you can’t miss it to the right well of the green you know it’s the of the T it’s very manageable but I just thought thought those uh those green complexes were were crazy that’s without them being firm yeah so but yeah obviously really impressed obviously with the title stuff guys um can’t wait for you guys to see the the videos in three weeks pretty much exactly three weeks you’ll see uh all of our content on that all right what’s going on to Mac a Sonoma oh I like that David David I can’t pronounce your last name I’m sorry record would love to see a review of the M wedge line thinking about subbing SN subbing my Vogies out to M to match my 2011 301 combo they did release a new wedge yeah look nice don’t they shapes are good shapes are very good um yeah we we’d love to try them uh you know I think in the past we’ve we’ve maybe Ted talked about mural wedges being you know more Jewels than tools um you know there maybe lacking a little bit of some of the tech that that we see in in wedges uh on the face technology and maybe some of the the kind of weight weight placement stuff around the the head these these new wedges look nice yeah that would look very nice there’s lots of new product coming out right now feel we’re talking to a bunch of companies about irons and wed and OB there’s no wood come out from tight list there feels like there’s a lot of a lot yeah we’ve seen some interesting stuff some stuff that really uh took our Breath Away uh aie G says California son really fit you boys I agree aie G Sunkissed by the California coast about surfing like I said to you I’m not built for a surfboard I’m built for a yacht enjoy oh man no it was good it was good all right um what else have we got sh sh everyone wants to know what the GTS what what else can you say about the GT Woods that hasn’t already been said I mean everyone’s standing with their their cards showing how much ball speed they’ve picked up that tells you it’s fast no we picked up a couple miles an hour each we picked up speed yeah we we definitely did um shaping’s beautiful um they’re all black yeah what I mean what else can you say other than there’s a little old and a little new yeah it’s not an evolution though shut up don’t punch your head in I love that scene too much too much JM plays golf goes bladed happy birthday Ian I know you guys did lab putter reviews just wondering what swayed you guys away from it did it sway me away from it just putter preference over the labtech there might be a broom coming this week There’s not um what swear is away from it it’s not that it swear as yeah we we liked it when uh we obviously tested it on the studio it was great when we were with Sam um I we just we’re both I mean I’m still putting with the puts I’ve had for three years I might be in a two ball after today I know I know um yeah like I I don’t I typically don’t really mess with Putters too much I mean I’ve had what have I had that Tri hot 5K good putter putted with that for a little bit it’s exactly the same shape as the one I’ve got when was the last time I put it was something that didn’t look exactly like the one I’ve Bobby Grace was same shape kind of of Champions Choice Circle T 5K Muno the Muno you had a little short SL yeah yeah yeah was a little little bit more to hang um yeah so nothing nothing wrong with the lab putter um you know you’ve probably played around with Putters a little bit this year yeah I have yeah the spider El neck that was a mess you time feel no no no magic or tragic fosta what’s better for improving your game an hour at the range or nine hes I mean it depends what you need like I would say historically talk with you uh historically nine hoges because that’s the type of player you are you’re going to benefit from staying sharp and stuff right now I’d say and I’m in the range totally get to the range work through your drills all that sort of stuff depends kind of who you are and where you’re at and your your golf I I could benefit from n holes right now I could benefit from being more on a course right now I think we should go benefit your game I agree I agree um jeez oh what MC Crawley relax buns and Breakfast tea to celebrate Mick I think Mick’s just get done a super chat for us because we were on time today true 59 that’s a bit that’s more than more than buns and Bre that’s a night out you don’t like me when’s the last time you had a night out 10 years ago oh I’ll never I’m never never no be Dave Fogle Ian blueprint s with axio Moto 5 S probably playing probably at 10 handicap at the moment order it or not yes go go in Def do do it bet you don’t uh yeah no give it give it a run give it a run great heads great shafts love it John Burton have you ever considered carrying two drivers one set draw and one fade I’ve never considered that from two drivers but maybe a video um yeah I think we actually have done that at some point in the old never seen a list the old days um but we did talk about doing a video today on many driver versus short driver so like you know whatever tail made Callaway and then just building a shorter heavier driver with a little bit of Loft on it does callway have a mini driver I wouldn’t know I’ve heard of one news to me I’m really joking joking Steve’s asking any news on Opus of wine nice restaurant none none in my wine seller yours oh why it’s never out it no I don’t think we can say anything on uh have they been released those the pictures I don’t know we sat in the meeting we obviously didn’t listen to the Embargo dates it’s this the couple weeks but is the pictures out I don’t think we can see anything on on the the wedges well wedges exactly Mike Lazaro word is Keegan Bradley is getting the C for the Ridder cup next year no Mike Lazaro did I told you that who are who are his Captain’s picks oh man I’ll be back to start again if that’s the way the team’s stting they started points yet you we going to know the captain’s picks I don’t know no idea really know where to start with that one Michael the battle at Beth pige I don’t think that’s the right fit though I don’t think that’s the right fit you uh no I don’t think so for New York who else who could you have for New York obviously Tigers apparently turn it down Molson doesn’t he’s ruled himself out or by he’s not ruled himself out but he by being on live he won’t get a chance Freddy would have been a good one the boys like Freddy mhm Davis Love was a good Rider Cup captain but he was too many I suppose they do need to breed a new a new sort of a new era of captaincy I just feel like that’s not the right like he’s not there yet he’s still an active player who Keegan yeah yeah it’s it’s weird he’s not like maybe he’s ready for the booth maybe maybe maybe someone said this to me yesterday Richard Brooker says happy Monday the new Mikey bump is the hottest move in Pro go it no no it’s kind of like it’s kind of like twerking but it’s lateral I’m good I’m no stand up chance Brent is say lost is fun and difficult par Theses are death mhm I had a new fairywood in the bag and one of the par threes was aw easy what was that I don’t know but it was I hit a good yeah three would into part three no no five wood oh it was H new wood yeah that was about 13 or 14 or something like that I’ve dreams of that shot yep John Burton when can we expect new jpx irons how’d that conversation go with you and Chris Caldwell good friendly face good friendly face um yeah they’re coming they’re coming they will be I think September new GPX in September um PK y if you were to compare a low lofted high Moi a lower Loft highi driver which delivers equal Loft to a high higher Loft low Moi why would you ever pick low spin forward CG over oh my God I feel like I need to write this one out and problem solve lower Loft High Moi okay got it which delivers EOL to a higher higher Loft low why would you ever pick a low spin forward CG driver over a it it’s not quite that easy um just to negate sort of spin with Loft I’ve tried it like going to like an 8 degree pxg Black Ops is basically like it’s a why wouldn’t you play a 10K 80 degree Black Ops over you know yeah over a a higher lofted low Moi driver um yeah just it just let me put it this way it’s kind of why at the start of this year I think I was very adamant that I didn’t think people should get too fall too much in love withi story I don’t think it’s I don’t think it’s everything in performance that you may think it is um you know it’s good to have stability off center strikes absolutely is 10K what everyone needs no no no absolutely not it really is not hindrance it’s not always going to be a help yeah definitely not so um ultimately it it’s going to be way more impactful to get fit for the right the right driver but you definitely you definitely don’t need to tether yourself to you know 10 those name I that’s for sure clearly Mike Lazaro saw a photo from Friday he’s asking for more bucket hats for corbs I don’t know what bucket hat you’re talking about uh I know I need that bucket hat you need a bucket hat your head was just I know I left my hat in the car and I was didn’t want to Jesus you can’t just drive back to the car there and I really would like a nice bucket I’m not you wouldn’t wear a green and white one obviously correct yeah why you have up at the club you wanted one t didn’t fit himen white his head’s too big I mean just as a testment to how much I like a Starbucks I actually drink it a green white cup I know but that’s nice green that’s like royal royal green TR golf green um inw project one I just great minds think alike have you tried the new Tour AD GC I went into the M Saga store last night at 930 p.m. to try to get it for today it wasn’t there you were telling me the the FedEx was wasn’t working Friday they never shipped anything Friday unfortunately Ryan Lind glad uh we survived the Delmar bushire oh I have see put my life on the line for this company um Ryan was at the driving range right by it while we were filming knew exactly what it was when he saw the I mean that was close I mean if Ryan was right next to it I wouldn’t fancy be right next to it we were close enough we’d literally Ash falling on us I apply workman’s comp I can’t breathe um I thought it was a tornado at first yeah you Lally said that like that a tornado I’m like no not in sou California fire expert well I didn’t say it was a fire I say it was it was a brown spout first you spouting a lot of nonsense is what you spouting um oh here’s a good one a letter is just to read that one out I’m I’m going to go to a different part of the Sandy M hey guys looking at getting a putter fitting by the closest club champ is a long ways away any advice is it crucial currently loving my current putter but want to know if it’s worth it it is one of the most important things to get fit for it is it is but but if you like your putter yeah if and you’re you like you live a long way away like I would say yes go if you hated your Putter and you were struggling with your putting but if you’re just going just to know like yeah it’s it’s good to know but I mean is it worth a three-hour drive if you or I don’t know however long it would be I don’t know you need to decide that for yourself but it doesn’t sound like it’s desperate yeah what can’t breathe Buck can twerk you can’t breathe but you can do the bump bump the Mikey bump bump Shane and can you test tricks on golf balls nothing recently posted great videos nothing recently released from them no and we’ve done we’ve done Zar we’ve done Diamond we’ve done XV that um Freddy m is asking why don’t you putt heads up looking at the hole I would guess uh sometimes if I’m rolling putts on the putting greent I’ll like look at it as a drill yeah it helps but yeah to be honest with you by the time I’m hitting a putt I just want to get takeen out of my misery yeah like I I think I know maybe we’re Freddy’s going with this there was there was some research from Sasha McKenzie that showed that in the test group he had that there was a greater success um with with looking at the hole as you would if you were you know shooting a basketball you you look at The Rim if you’re Lo playing darts you you know you look at the dart board yeah makes sense totally it it it does it logically makes sense um I’ve tried it it didn’t help it didn’t I did not see an improvement in my my putting so yeah I I don’t really feel like personally why do why don’t I do it because I personally feel like I put pretty well with with what I’ve got going on so oh Milan asks what epoxy do you use we use Brampton 24-hour epoxy good strong Golf Works yeah Golf Works good strong apoxy Tigers Mundo I in your swing where do you feel your stability in the head through impact where where do you feel your stability in the head no impact with initial grip Mass location impact or just sequence what Gates of your swing do you check do you get it I’m not there because you told me not to scroll down what was the question en in your swing where do you feel your stability in the head they’ll impact with through impact I gu that’s maybe it’s that typo do you feel your stability in the head to impact initial grip Mass location impact or just sequence what Gates where do I feel the stability in the head Mass location or just sequence I’m not sure what that means I’ll be honest I am not sure what that means there’s I’m thinking a few different things like my swing Mass location impact that are you talking about the club itself or is it with than me I’m not sure what that means may maybe maybe hit me back with something like I word that a little differently I’m not quite understanding that one Freddy M are some utility irons more prone to caving faces than others for very fast players yes there was products back in last year two years ago they were notorious for caving in mhm he also says Keegan will pick himself and get back at Z that’s right T what do I feel where do you feel your stability in the head through impact what do I feel initial like I don’t get that question initial grip Mass location impact or just sequence I don’t understand like that to me is like three completely different things what gates are your swing do you check I i’ honestly have no idea what that question means golf Bros what would you say the best three hybrid rescue you would recommend uh in no particular order ping num know yeah yeah I would uh yeah ping the tailor made one’s nice nonadjustable though which I think is adjustable yeah it’s a hindrance starting to become a bit of a hindrance Y and the third I’m going to give it to I like a mauno St whatever it’s called yeah I I would say I would say I’ve liked tight list hybrids a little less me too yeah over the last few years I I thought bit sluggish yeah do you think F sluggish I just don’t I think the shapes got a little bit too almost extreme like I didn’t love tsr2 shape and I didn’t love tsr3 shape I liked actually like the A8 shapes a little bit more H1 and H2 I thought they were better um yeah there’s a familiar name Chris Roch is that how you pronounce it I love the miky BM pipe down shows it no come on uh I just saw one came in there from John any feedback on the autoflex dream 7 shaft do you have it down your right hand side sorry John Jensen I thought you were talking John Jensen another John he sent in a we’ll get John in a second yeah we literally just tested the autolex dream s Mikey boy just hit it quite nice quite nice like the be uh the cats the cats in there be hidden message what what is the message though the message is you all need to buy one from us not one actually by two John Jansen ordered up the the good weather for us in his hometown of San Diego um looking good H 10 I usually on that board no I a sting right through that guy’s foot you had a fire missing an earthquake for a full California experience any news on the 2024 Apex DCB irons now than I can share you won’t be disappointed if that’s what you’re looking for to come out you won’t be disappointed say that we can say that John maybe a we set for you to peruse very soon fog asking blueprint is bable very very soft very soft no issues okay I’m going to try this one go Quan mhm La k no tuning in from Asia yeah tuning in from Asia velor plus red is worth it for pain alone I agree it’s currently in my bag yeah that that you had a nice might need to send email it’s really nice it looks great I really like it um yeah I found myself in a new new little driver combo um was not what I was expecting to be playing at all um but yeah the uh I really like that vent I liked it when we were testing um and and yeah so far it’s good so far Ryan nap what’s the worst fitting advice you’ve both ever received received I was well take a lesson why do you tell the Lely tell let’s give us your advice first no no no oh I think it’s breaking up what happened I went for a fit how old were you I was young very young like 10 no no how old I don’t know 14 and I went to go see this guy this was more than half of your life ago yes you went to see a guy for a fit yeah could barely understand a word he was saying why did you go and see that guy it was the shortest fitter in North America and he told me to take a lesson he said listen tell the story there’s no chance you’re going to get fit into a club I I I actually still remember on the fitting sheet in 201 probably 13 it was about that wasn’t it 14 yeah 2014 2014 no you’re right 13 um no I that can’t of be was it 10 11 years ago 11 years ago no no it was earlier than that cuz I think I don’t think you were I think you were literally 16 yeah okay so it must have been like he must have been like TW uh 2012 anyway young guy I see this name on the the the booking schedule and I’m like I don’t know how to pronounce that and me and one of the other guys had like a both had you could tell it was a father son combo or you know two people in the family combo and I get stuck I get stuck with him and it’s been true friendship ever since 16year old version of you and you get told to go take a lesson go fix your swing I was using the wrong clubs too that 9913 did me wrong it did uh the worst advice we’ve ever had in the fitting bit I don’t think I mean to be honest I’ve been fitting I’ve been fitting for a long time I don’t think I don’t think I don’t think I’ve had bad advice I’ve heard some bad advice certainly heard other Fitters give some pretty terrible advice um but what’s the worst advice you’ve had you ever heard anyone tell you like you know you need to go super light to get more speed or you need to go super heavy because that’s what tour players play anything yeah I mean I’ve had stuff where it’s like the it’s the shaft spin stuff or you need a lawyer spin yeah I would agree with that Ryan it’s Ryan’s question like yeah I’m going to spend $600 on a shaft because I need more spin yeah yeah that that’s that that one bugs me a lot Michael Campbell can you bend iron loft on CY Paradigm irons if so how much do you recommend I mean I think you have to play Iron by Iron Michael I think you might be lucky to get two two degrees out them don’t know if I would fancy my chances with three you no no no but you can B them y you can Richard Brooker says John Daly for the Ryder Cup captain I saw that one I think the US team are having a hard enough time winning the rider cup with having John Daly he’ll be out there on the first year with no shoes on that’s it Brian’s asking our putter shaft upgrades worth it what do you have do you have a custom shaft in your putter NOP straight steel stepless I really like the diam uh that I’ve been playing in M this year I really do like it I’ve played stability thought that was good tried Acura SN like that too yeah I a sink in that M that’s nice really really good um yeah I I do I do think there are marginal gains to be had by putter shafts I do um I again just it’s like everything else with when it comes to golf equipment there’s there’s a there’s a cost and there’s value and the cost and the value are sometimes further apart than you would like them to be so maybe the cost is higher than the value in this case I think that might be a part of the problem yeah um it might be a smaller percentage but I do think it’s meaningful I do yeah uh boy Alexander Chun Club Champion effect is in full swing got cut to nine handicap this year after getting my clubs from Joe there you go time for a wedge and putter fitting there you go hogman the Intruder it’s a great handle thoughts on shortening a hybrid for better control love it just like what he and I talk about with fairs yeah you know it’s good good idea totally definitely a good idea hold the bus in a second Freddy E can you use Gorilla Tape epoxy for club building in a pinch I wouldn’t recommend if you really need something in P that Gilla glue basally JB Weld if you’re in a pinch and any hardware store has that yeah yeah Home Depot they have it you love it I not bad very good PSI is strong defa has heard the Mikey bump is the dance move of the summer you’re welcome shows it Blue Monkey 88 how do you manage fitting while still learning you need something to fit you need something to fit you but your swings will change so much yeah um I think you just have to either know that you’re ready for a big rebuild that’s not the time to get fit when you’re changing your swing significantly if you’re making changes just subtle changes if you’re just taking a couple lessons to fine tune things Club fitting will will kind of enhance that and it’ll expedite that process it it will really speed up for you so I love it I think it’s uh should be done the only time to avoid it that I would recommend avoiding it is if you’re going to make big changes to your swing um I mean maybe a maybe a perfect example like the the driver I was fit into at tight list is completely different from the driver that I need today and that was only two weeks ago yeah but you had some I made three big changes big changes um so yeah it’s It’s Tricky it is tricky and I wasn’t planning on to be honest making those changes it was just born out wasn’t yeah it wasn’t wasn’t driving it well and we thought okay if you would like to take out this shot this shot and this shot from your game you need to change these things so [Music] um see let’s see Mike Williams is asking do we prefer Flex over weight in our own clubs no no I’m a weight over Flex guy Mike Williams it’s more important to have the right weight than it is to have the right Flex Brandon Goodwin have you ever tested Ping’s ball fitting to thoughts while namic we both done it yeah both used it clients yeah yeah it’s good good good idea to you’ll see brands in there that you would never even thought of and I know people that have gone to them and they’ve had success with it so yeah it’s [Music] good Tigers Windows came back and asked if you know how do you get into your Zone Flow State in the game of golf ASAP he’s asking some deep questions that’s I mean that’s that’s a deep one and it’s a good one because it’s it’s very much what you see top performers you know when a you know Sports Performance analyst or or if you want to even call them these days a golf psychologist sports psychologist when they talk about how to get into flaw State it’s where you aspire to be it’s where golfers aspire to be um that’s more reactionary and you you’re less you’re less cognitive uh you know you’re not thinking about every little thing you’re more autonomous you’re more reactive in terms of you just you stand up there and do it you see it you do it um and you get connected in that way that’s just more of a flow State um I I wouldn’t honestly I wouldn’t tell you I know how to do it I I’ve sort of experienced parts of that where where the game feels very easy um I think there’s lots of techniques that get you closer to that I think me I’ve done some Vision 54 stuff um some p neelson and Lin maritt stuff with with that which I thought was fascinating but I don’t have the answers about that stuff but I’m curious about it as well you don’t think about it that really in that level though do you or not that level but you don’t think about that deeply no never never you’ve never really thought about maybe I should well I mean I think there’s an understanding of Flow State because it is aspirational to be to play in Flow State because that’s when you play your best then if you know what that is then you can through process of like how did you get there what was it was it was it you had a great warm-up session was it that you ate before you played and and your your blood sugar level was stable before you played was it you know yeah whatever whatever interesting yeah there lots lots of interesting parts to that friend France mhm UST 90 odd gam graphite driving iron shaft that feels like the modus 120 what is the weight of the ghost slightly heavier like 105 isn’t it yeah 105 by the time you cut it true that would be probably your best B yeah the nip on ghost graph fight over steel g yep yep um best three wood for a mid- handicap golfer with a steeper swing let’s just go to best three wood of the year for Peter sorry ask the question again Peter is right there best three-wood for a mid- handicap goer with a steeper swing little ping action yeah I mean I when when I hear the question I think about the bottom of the of the the wood some of a flatter bottom some of a more curved bottom and I kind of feel like I kind of feel like steeper you’re probably going to do a little bit better with a little bit more curvature to the bottom Al John Ram you know how much curvature he has to the bottom half of his Fairwood um that’s why I said why don’t we just go generalize on on kind of what three wordss we’ve done well with this year um um I mean I think qi1 has continued on where Sim and Sim 2 and uh stealth and steth two where which is really high performance but I don’t know if they’ve evolved that that crazy far forward I’m really excited for people to see the new titles fairs really excited for that yeah um I think what Ping are doing with with theirs I think this SP sistency model I think g430 Fairwood is is their B best by a million miles so far really really good impressive um for someone with a steep steeper I mean generally something with a little bit of a taller face is good for a steeper player you know you you might want to look at qi1 tour or something like Triple Diamond um from Callaway I mean I know they’ve just made the Forwood available in the QI 10 tour so I think if you can get deep but with a little bit more Loft because if you’re steeper you know you lean the hand a little bit you’re going to squeeze it you’re going to struggle with launch I think it might be nice to have a little bit more Loft in that forward with the bridge that you can play in and out I think that could be pretty good I’m going to answer this one Aiden Hunter got fit for Eric by Eric for wedges and putter was great out of curiosity do you guys over report Bild times to air on the side of caution reported Bill time was longer than OEM reported Bill time Aiden I will say yes we do M because they’re all built in Miss Saga out in Ontario and then we have to once they’re built get them on we try to ship them as fast as we can to Vancouver to the Richmond studio and then you’re obviously notified that your stuff’s there for you guys especially we try to air on caution because stuff happens we’ve we’ve seen stuff arrive that’s wrong we try to get it built once it’s in it’s built within a couple days QC and it’s out the door you’ve got to understand like when an oem makes a mistake or a mistake happens they can go to inventory and pull from the 20 other heads 100 other heads in a box we can’t do that we’re ordering stuff in that takes maybe a week to get to us and then if we come in and it’s the wrong loft or you know it’s Lefty not righty whatever it might be we are then reordering that and it can take some time so yeah we we would we would love to deliver in five days but the reality is we don’t want to set ourselves up or you guys up with you know wrong expectations of that so it’s important for us to kind of manage uh that situation so builds Us in for some time listen we all want things quickly right we’ve just left a fitting you know we we wanted our stuff soon we’re going to get it pretty soon but at the end of the day it’s still been a few weeks it’s going to be it’s going to be a couple weeks yeah 100% right so that’s just the nature of it like in the grand scheme of things will it have mattered that it took two weeks it take two days no no it’s not more important thing you ordered the right thing yeah it got built the right way you saw a professional and you you know you have it built to the exact SP that’s what matters I understand people want to play things you know nice and fast yeah it’s not the most important thing of the the whole Amazon’s ruined that a little bit the expectation of product being delivered I think has been ruined by Amazon well like your $2 birthday gift was there the same day right I mean at the end of the day Amazon is not Custom Custom is custom right you know you you order a car from BMW exactly to your spec it’s going to take weeks maybe months to come in that spec now that’s and that’s from BMW who have the parts who have you know is there there’s an ability to build custom at a speed that’s that’s that’s part of it as well it is we’re dealing in custom golf clubs we would don’t have racks we were just pulling off a rack put in the box and then sent out to you and be there in 3 days yeah it’s different yeah um I don’t know the answer to this question that Greg Williams is asking what is your take on what I was going to read it did you pull it up yeah I was going to read it um yeah take a new level now ownership changed are they generally open Chinese models I I don’t know I’ve seen the new heads I like them I thought uh I thought I like the was called pf1 and pf2 I think remember they were good though they were really good really really good I like them an awful lot I don’t know honestly we we will be testing new level clubs coming up in the next uh somewhere in the next six weeks probably but I’ve always liked their stuff yeah they always me ni stuff yeah uh rubbish rubbish about my golf game says have some Starbucks on me guys thank you sir much appreciated the price of his drink you need 10 of those super chats that be $3 listen the girl in California said whoever you bought that for she’s high maintenance she’s high maintenance that’s what they said robish is asking what setting on a qi1 sleeve will make it more upright every setting other than neutral right so think about the sleeve think about it right so so here we have we have a tilted axis here is 56° here is 60° there’s four degrees of tilt in that axis in that that plane when you rotate that you’re you’re going to move it more towards an upright axis either side of the low point which is neutral so again 56° 60° so as you change it into you know uh higher and lower settings because this is upright this is upright this is neutral every setting around the way towards upright is more upright okay so this is the flattest this is the most upright and the the journey to the most upright takes you incrementally more upright if that makes any sense that’s why we call it a single AIS Loft sleeve if that makes sense I know trying my best Chris wasburn played ldx at 7.5 with teny CK white 70tx need a two three wood for a safety Club want to test some thoughts on combos to start with 200b steel pole with a fairywood on it clearly my God 70t X I couldn’t even bench that it’s true that’s not true actually I technically stronger than you no I never said that let’s let’s not take it too far he said your super power is your upper body strength I said what is he can noodles for legs yeah I do actually right answer the question I don’t know you need Thor’s hammer um 75 you could go rock Chris wasburn uh well rock is not available oh really yeah oh look at you e oh High Society I might be available now might be available I I know they just released a they maybe released a rock at the four and the sixwood I think I think mini driver for Chris and he’s already playing a seven and a half degree I think yeah if he wants a backup I think you could you could definitely go mini I think with a thousand gram as a safety Club off the tea you know go uh go nice and short maybe go ATX and have something that still you know get a nice nice amount of forgiveness with a slightly larger head if you’re looking for safety off the tea I I really like that play I really do could work could work Daniel Diaz gets me great illustration a single access sleeve works thank you actually happy I’m happy one person got it cuz your face was you kep going on and on oh I was ready to hit snooze again go for Ian how was the how has the whoop band informed or changed how you approach your game if at all if it could electrocute him to actually go play golf I’d be good for off gol um I wouldn’t say it has affected too much of how I play the game um it has kept me more accountable um in terms of sleep um it keeps me more accountable in terms of my daily strain so if I find it maybe two days in a row my strain’s been too low I know I’m be lazy um so I’ve got to get that strain up which is you know which is getting to the gym which is taking you know going to walks which is is you know maybe hitting more balls maybe I need to do that maybe I need to hit more balls go for a walk instead I know I’ve only done that recently um remember we said we were going to go for daily walks we summer time should do summer time should go and hold hands walk Richard Brooker you’ve been pulled up quite a bit today Super Chat challenge I challenge The Lads to do a charity fundraiser using the super chat or set up a giving page it’s a major Monday next week $2,000 Target I would love that idea I actually love that idea who shall we give it to the charity I would love that idea I love that the idea that on a Monday super chats would go towards a cause Mike Marty Foundation it’s good car so selfish I love that idea I so definitely will uh look into that I think it’s an excellent idea definitely definitely will right myself or not gra the next one y’all jents watching the Euro Cup or Copa Americas watching the Euros y you yeah I watch a little bit of the euros and work who’s your team I’d like to see England win it I think I’m the only guy that would like to see England win it um and Canada plays Thursday I think against Argentina Argentina which is basically a whole team vers Messi good luck Canada you’ll need it no it’s not that it is not that Argentina are really good all over the pitch um Kevin’s asking is the AI smoke mini driver review coming soon we hope so we hope so I would say we are likely going to film it next week Kevin oh I would say that Brent’s asking Canada or is say Canada and Argentina play tomorrow yep yep yep yep Alexander’s asking how are you getting on with the shoe test and any new discoveries not not kind of in terms of the the data collection but I will say what I’ve done I’ve not been on Force plates with it yet hitting golf balls in in the range of shoes that I did that I have got is way different like from from one extreme to another is way way different like you shocked you had a good pair of high heels you tried I I know I got them for your closet Shin my closet shiny red ones oh sh Nory nor what Sho has you been your favorite or is it a secret no no the shoes I’ve had I’ve loved the most are the you know the the Jordans the black Jordans there’s the old ones yeah no they well they’re not even a year old I got them in November but the Jordans were the do they look like a like a old golf you you and I get the same black Jordans they’re not golf shoe like a the the alligator ones oh I they’re nice they’re the best the toe doesn’t stay mine are broken no I know but that’s Chris washor said Mikey I hope you could at least bench that you’re the one doing push-ups in your photo i p yours um yeah no Alexander it’s I’m going to dive into it more I have six different pairs now to to test from true links where Square sent me some asex sent me some haven’t Nike said they would I haven’t actually got any from Nik yet fut Joy did uh who else G4 G4 who else there might be there might actually be seven or eight different companies I have now how are the squares I mean they look better than they did I know you don’t like them right but they look so much better than they they used to when you put them on I was like well they actually don’t look that that bad they’re just a bit Square you square um all right what we got what we on time wise 55 minutes oh that’s us is Ronnie in BO Ronnie here yet no we have Mr Ron pakowski Jo joining us today uh for some testing of some KBs High La shafts which will be good fun I think something a little bit for maybe the slow swingers out there maybe who are looking for something that’s nice and easy to launch uh in in the kind of woods and hybrids so it’ll be good to see if that’s a good option I know I was talking to Joe at the club champion Glasgow Studio this morning he said they’ve just added it to their matrix it’s nice good price point he likes it mhm yep um best Toronto suburb for public golf Marcus is asking the suburb of kaladan that’s a good point tbz Toronto that’s where I’d be going and you you don’t know you what do you mean I don’t know you don’t know about public golf in I where where don’t I know public golf coures yeah Don Valley’s nice uhhuh uhhuh anywhere else other than the fact your dad started playing there yeah anywhere else Taman no I anonia good right in the sub sorry Marcus apologize for Michael um yeah I mean there there’s there’s the high-end uh P public experiences the Eagles nests the copper Creeks cop toown Woods I think if you if you get into like I think the Hamilton scene Hamilton Burlington Golf Scene is pretty good nearly missed the Super Chat oh oh Michael hi guys you’ve got one job in a Monday well I didn’t miss it did I I got jpx tours 923 six to pitching wedge to six and five to four in jpx 923 forged C taper light S I can’t get five and four forged off the ground no problem on tours any suggestions I mean this exactly you isn’t it this was when so you we l took five and four and out your bag cuz you just couldn’t flight yeah you couldn’t flight yeah even though we had you in something with lower CG mhm I mean there’s hybrids out there for a reason um there’s yeah there’s there’s lots of lots of alternatives to uh to those there’s irons with with you know L CG that are designed to to Really launchable High um I think T200 is something we’ve tried yeah and that we really liked that there are some really good options out there for that but I think if you’re really struggling that much I do think the hybrid route is one that you should look at you know you going Champions Tour LPGA tour at that speed probably a speed that a lot of people who watch this channel are at kind of lpj Champions Tour speed maybe they’re not even that High um so I think little hybrids nice little hybrid would be a good option Bill bran thank you for keeping us honest we did get uh we did get tammer’s Super Chat Tim is asking oh do you have a prov1 x left Dash that you can use with Ronnie for that session Ronnie will probably have one that’s what he plays I he used to I’m think he probably just play standard Pro 1X now I don’t know changing changing what what we got two minutes one minutes grab one more uh Danny Danny V mhm thing about blending I set a zx5 and ZX7 I would start 8r and ZX7 how often do you have to strengthen or weaken the laughs for gapping how often do you have to strengthen okay um yeah I mean every s every I mean I feel every fit yeah you got to blend them yeah you you’ve got to when we’re we’re playing with line in every single fit there’s there’s no uh there’s no fit I can think of where I’m not Bing LOF or lie absolutely not one so all the time it’s important good question it’s important um all right guys great hour we were on time great questions great Vibes great day great day to be good to be back good to be back it’s cloudy out so it’s not like you can play golf today oh yeah you could play golf today today is a day for golf I’d say arguably recently it’s been borderline a bit toasty the weekend was too hot you at toasty anyhoo but we can’t complain about when it’s too cold if we’re going to complain about when it’s too hot oh no I never complain the heat he’s always complaining all right guys have a great week uh week schedule for Content uh PC we’re going to have a a lad scramble TBC Toronto Thursday what do we have tomorrow case what do we have tomorrow kir K Kirkland versus provie okay so we have part two of the Kirkland series um Kirkland golf ball versus prov1 golf ball it was interesting I thought it was interesting the um a lot of comment a lot of comments on they they didn’t like that we did the Kirkland golf Club test with a Kirkland golf ball who did some people in the the comments oh come on well I to be honest I mean we didn’t need to do that that was obviously I think that was just a something we thought if you’re playing a Kirkland golf club and you’re buying your golf clubs from Costco you’re probably going to be looking at the value of of the golf ball as well and you might you might be interested in the golf ball that’s why I thought that that was relevant you literally can’t make anyone happy everyone happy yeah I just I I don’t know why you would spend or like being so budget conscious on your clubs yet Go premium on the golf ball I I I didn’t quite understand that one who’s T James tavanir oh soccer one of our Rangers players um is he staying for the season yes I’m going to say no I think he will I hope yeah I think he will I think he will I think so I think so it’s a great day for everyone to do it Mikey bump we’re not going to let that run we’re gonna just end that right away yeah all right guys have a great week lots of content coming your way we will be back next Monday it will be our last Monday uh in quite some time I’m going to be back in Scotland for three weeks so it might be our last Monday live in a month or so so join us next week if you get a chance I know it’s right in the middle of lot people’s day if you get a chance to join us next Monday we’d love to see you there all right take care guys see you next week


  1. The thing about looking at the hole when you putt is… Once you do it it's hard to go back to not looking… So you have to commit to it 100%.

  2. Just got my first fitting ever! Got fit into a Callaway AI Smoke triple diamond with the Graphite Design AD DI. Can’t say enough about the experience. Felt so comfortable and confident that I got the best club for my game. So glad I went with Club Champion!

  3. Congrats on the birthday I only got you by a couple months if I play a ventus tr black 6-x in my driver would you think a blue 7-x would fit my 3 wood

  4. Had a fitting for the GT lineup. Really didn’t see any difference in driver. The GT2 fairway wood is nice though.

  5. Happy B'day, Ian. Happy days, Mikey. The comments from both of you about age were spot on. As a 65 yr 'old', I wholeheartedly agree. The number is just a number, and growing older is a privilege (and a gift) so, we shouldn't waste it. "Old" is a feeling, not an age. I'll have plenty of time to feel old when I'm dead. Until then, I'm living the privilege 😁.

    Re @ 23:00 – the difference between putting while looking at the hole and the activities it is often compared to (e.g. basketball, bowling, darts, boules, etc.) is that in all those, the 'ball' or object you are releasing toward the target, is already in your hand. Sure, look at the hole to gain a better feel for distance, and even line, but unless your mechanics are perfect and perfectly repeatable for all swing lengths (i.e. you can achieve a perfect strike, every strike, with your eyes closed), not looking at the ball will create other, perhaps bigger, issues.

  6. I am getting fit for fairway woods next week at Club Champion, will the new GTs be available? Or should I push back my fitting a few weeks?

  7. Happy Birthday, Ian!

    Sorry I've been MIA. Too busy at work for fun with you lads!

    Special shutout to Mikey for help with the driver!!

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