Why Golfers Do Better in Practice Than Tournamnet Rounds

In this sports psychology video, golf psychology expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn, answers your sports psychology and mental training questions. Visit and click on contact us to submit your mental game question for Dr. Cohn to answer in his mental game videocast or podcast.

Here’s the mental game question from Cary that Dr. Patrick Cohn answers this week:

“I’m looking for help with my son… He’s a very good golfer but he doesn’t do well in tournaments. He hits the ball beautifully in practice and he plays all the time. In casual rounds he plays great, but when he plays in the junior tournaments, he’s shooting in the high 80’s. What can you do to help him?”

Dr. Patrick Cohn is a Mental Game Coach to tour professional golfers, collegiate golfers, and junior golfers. He’s also the author of the books, The Mental Game of Golf, Peak Performance Golf, The Mental Art of Putting, and Going Low.

Improve your preshot routine by downloading Dr. Cohn’s free golf confidence report, “Six ‘Costly’ Mistakes Golfers Make with Their Preshot Routine” at:

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