Golf Players

Friday Night Q&A

It’s Friday…we need a drink.





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Tom gry’s in the building I do hate the Vikings yeah the Detroit Lions got Brian bran Packers could have have Brian Branch Mahomes just fires it and intercepted P for the D going deep for it going for it all C and nobody’s there run what happened Bears what happened who would have thought I know look at us quick [Music] throw let’s make some noise we got to go finish the story oh my God wait he caught that this game is on drugs Sor it Wild Flower just must to inhale too much wi right again why would you do this script writer how a freaking fracking million people we raised a freaking fracking million for charity the NFL fan of the year is Green Bay Packers Fan Tom grai it’s freaking fracking time it’s freaking fracking time [Music] py [Music] [Laughter] [Music] P Nation welcome to episode of podcast podcast where you don’t how Pakistan but it sure does help I’m your host Tom it’s freaking frack and Friday night we survived okay we deserve a drink gry how we freaking fracking doing let’s go let’s go J two our thoughts on Batman cape Crusader teaser trailer it looks pretty darn solid you know listen not it’s not my animated Batman but it’s close it’s close Goku with fire you know what that means oh I know hey Dominator can see a mafia con yeah I’m excited I’m super duper excited for that that’ll be super that be super cool casual of fire Tom thanks for being inspiration to start live streaming on switch hey let’s go baby let’s go right for this SmackDown come on now come on hey nice shirt let’s go come on come on [Music] Pastor in the building my Budd Pastor one year ago today we went to the final NFL stadium on our 30 and3 tour it’s been a year it’s been a while look at that look at that yeah July 1 will be uh when the last video came out but yep uh a year ago a freaking fracking year ago it’s just crazy ambition did 1330 I don’t know I don’t know why I’m taking credit for it it’s true it’s true oh yeah Den BR just the screaming Street the screaming street is where you just go you just where you go that’s it Go when they F question po turn 21 2 months and they don’t sell Al gash where I live care to help a girl out also High past store all right so what’s there I’ve heard rumors I’ve heard I’ve heard rumors that if you look like they have been expanding a little bit more so like I would look up like a store locator and see if that could potentially do it Al almost also almost happy birthday let’s go let’s go going to fiver how you think of the commander offseason hoping you make one of your fan uh parody vids of it well we’ll do a a full reaction I mean I think a lot of it is going to depend on Jaden Daniels I mean I’m very curious about that offensive is going to look like they were one of the worst uh last year and I think just getting a little bit better there is going to make a big difference but they have weapons I love Scary Terry the defense definitely needs to get rebuilt a little bit um but yeah I think they’re kind of a rebuilding team but the number one priority this year is to figure out if your QB is your guy you know you know make what up say hey Tom me and you London was a blast worth the trip from Denmark let’s go what’ you rather do again the Buffalo Jump or take a chop in Mexico Oh I would rather take five chops I I would honestly take 10 chops um in Mexico than do the Buffalo Jump again I was hurting for months after that Buffalo Jump I was like I had red handprints for like a few days so yeah definitely that definitely that rks tour I saw them I saw them before I left I saw them they played a small show in New York City and I went and saw them so I’m super duper happy about that super stoked Nate the hockey video I got we’re it’s it’s being worked on it’s being worked on we’re it’s a little bit different I’m hoping for tomorrow also tomorrow I’m going to stream the South Saga as well yes the Cardinals are one of my sleeper teams uh the South Saga is going to be streamed tomorrow that’s like five and a half hours just of content so I’ll probably go live at some point in the uh in the afternoon like the early afternoon like maybe around like 2:00 3:00 something like that and uh yeah we’ll stream it for like probably around 6 7even hours just so you can then have your evening and stuff so yeah we’ll do the South Saga Sunday I can’t stream but then Monday I’ll stream coach season 5 and then Tuesday will be the North and then we’re all done and then we’re all done then uh reaction videos will start flowing again these streams have just been they just take so much time so uh the reaction video is going to be coming back to I might actually try to get a reaction video out tomorrow um and then yeah I’ll start working on Coach then I’ll start working on coach so Ken which Tom Kelly wants me to give you an awful gift at Mafia con I want to say that I have nothing to do with it because I give good presents Fair also makes sense for Kay come on now two shout out to Dell for also doing that chaotic good can I say that yes and three vitamin time let’s go come on now come on yeah I’m a super so Dell basically called me up before this was a thing and was like Hey like this is what I’m thinking of doing would you be able to and I was like just tell me when and we’ll try to work it out and uh yeah it was before the summer got crazy so I’m I’m looking forward to it I still need to figure out how I’m going to get there but we’ll do it usually I drive to Buffalo but maybe I’ll take a flight maybe I’ll take a flight this to Fire political div in this country can be easily fixed if we join hands and hate the Cowboys it’s how we start healing it’s how we start healing as a nation that’s it yeah right right around like two or three probably oh no 16 great months with this amazing group I’m also the big 33 tomorrow can’t think of a better way to spend it all hey hey let’s go baby happy almost freaking frack and birthday and welcome to the almost 33 Club I I am 33 so I don’t know why I’m saying almost there but welcome to the 33 Club it’s a Time Jason saying I have to watch your vid what are your true feelings about last night’s debate you could have put the Titans in the vid why would I put the Titans in the video what of my true feelings about last night’s debate um so I told the story before cuz I’ve taught during elections I’ve taught twice now I’ve taught during elections and the 2021 when I taught during that I was teaching Civic so I was teaching Civic Slover um to a whole bunch of seniors in a very politically charged classroom slash District SL area and there was complete opposite sides of the spectrum and as I the number one thing is a teacher I’m you’re never going to know who I voted for like when I was a teacher cuz that’s not my business I’m not trying to influence you any other way to vote that I that’s that’s not me but I am going to teach you how to critically think and back up your opinions with evidence right because that’s what you’re supposed to do uh so I assigned them to watch the debate um back in 2020 and I came in the next day and I literally apologized to my students I’m like I am so sorry because that was legitimately embarrassing uh and I had a similar feeling last night so not great not great not not great M welcome to the posy let’s go Jonathan fire buy the Panthers Trump the Browns through the cow boys whoever you want them to be whoever you want them to be Rio tour officially jobless at playing Elder ring DLC hey make sure you get those uh the seeds the SE I keep hearing about them I have not been able to play it yet I’ve been playing a little bit of ghost but I hope the job works out soon but also get good praise the sun kill thanks for the membership pizzle three freaking fracking yes give me that Crown baby pizzle pizzle got the Wildflower Crown let’s go let’s freaking frack and go come on now come on come on Laura thanks for membership I appreciate you appreciate you be with t did you see AJ Dylan’s mini golf video I did not I did not where did he post that I did not see it Sam thanks for membership thank you thank you at Pi with a fivr to I think my golf swing is horrendous but what do you think would it be a handicap in golf I didn’t get to watch this bro when they started to cuz I was streaming last night so I had to go back and I had to watch the debates and I caught like the tail end of it when I got off the stream and then I went back and I watched the whole thing and when they started talking about golf I was like I can’t I I am I am unable I am unable R would if I sent you a sort of time sensitive message on X my Fe inbox may be full for the last 24 hours want to make sure you knew it was there I appreciate that I’ll find it after the stream I got you I got you Eli Tom trying a calm night at the cabin my 14-year-old dog took an L versus skunk I haven’t seen his old bones move so quick c a few years oh you got to get that tomato juice baby you got to get that Tomatoes oh yeah got to got to get that bath got to get that tomato sauce bath going for that perer yeah that’s no fun that’s no fun Jason T I don’t care you vote for as long as you vote yeah I mean the way that I’ve always handled this again I I have no there’s it’s full transparency here I have my reasons for voting for the person that I’m going to vote for no worries and everybody’s welcome here just don’t be an a-hole unless un you truly hate other people we’re going to have like we’re going to have no problems but if you do then you can go take a hike then I have no interest Mason with a fire rank these Packers returners one to five Desmond Howard Rand cob will Blackman Kean Nixon let’s throw Antonio Chapman in there o Howard number one well Blackman was really good maybe two Cobb three Nixon I want to see more of four and then jav probably yeah yeah j five by this presidential debate was bad but it was better than 2020 debates you’re not wrong you are not wrong Thomas fire Tom grats on a million for charity chotic good baby Wildflower Wars on Wednesday turning after the GCU rewatch concludes early next week um I’m hoping that it comes back at some point I’ll be very honest with you it’s just not the priority right this second um I want to get these rewatches done then I have to get these reactions done while also working on the new season of Coach so it’s currently not in the cards for like the next month or so but I got to see how the summer plays out Logan 18 months the greatest community on YouTube also we run the north go pack go AJ Dylan’s mini golf Vlog is on his YouTube channel hey appreciate appreciate appreciate you let’s go ghost with week 15 Buccaneers 34 Packers 28 game went to overtime Packers went three and out the baker Mayfield scored the Game ending rushing touchdown great so you know gets perfect passer rating in real life and then a rushing T great gu with the cheer Laura my birthday tomorrow let’s go happy almost freaking fracking birthday come on come on we got some June babies in here GPS is my birthday Mike I see you June 18th all right all right we’ll see what happens yeah we’ll we’ll we’ll see what happen but yeah we’ll see we’ll see It’ll be uh good it’ll be good have PlayStation Plus uh NHL 24 is one of the free games for July really I appreciate you letting me that know all right I’m going have to remember that remember that Mt pacifier okay serious question you think either of these New England QBs be any good or back on the carousel I mean it depends on just how they develop him um I’m not like I’ve seen bits and pieces of Drake May and I think he could be good but it’s going to depend on how they play him I think if they take like a very patient uh approach I’m gonna be very honest with you their entire offense is not going to get fixed just by a rookie QB um could definitely make it better and elevate it but they need to basically redo that entire offense so I mean they need to get more weapons they need to get a better offensive line I know they extended Stevenson but yeah they they need a lot like a lot of lot let show with a tour will Josh Jacobs be a top five running back I wouldn’t commit to that right this second again offensive line I think is better than what the Raiders were working with um hopefully he’s healthy but I would expect a top 10 Kevin thanks for the membership I appreciate you boss H query true or false violence perpetuate uh perpetuated by the state must eventually met with violence against the state direct action your thoughts [Music] oo oh we’re getting into it okay so you’re saying the state commits an act of violence right or violence is being done against the people and so at some point there is going to be a response that is going to be violent in of itself um I think it’s possible to avoid it I think it’s completely dependent and subjective on like what has occurred um I think you’ve seen examples of this but yeah I think it it depends it depends on the severity of it it depends on what the event is it depends on how many people it’s going to impact um because you have to think about this way is it a response where it’s one group is it you know one party is it both parties you know that kind of thing the more people would impact then you have a better shot of it but I mean it it then just goes down a a road that’s not great it’s it’s just not a good road dealing with a Fiverr a in the club 32 33 November be able check out Spirit Box and your busy schedule cool metal ban and Courtney is the goat I have not yet unfortunately uh almost joined the 33 Club um yeah no I I was able to play a little bit of ghost today which was nice I was like o I finished this video kind of early like let me play for a little bit so I’m actually just enjoying the game it’s just been really really fun um but that that would took me how many years to play it wasn’t a PS4 game so yeah we’ll get there we’ll get there we’ll get there but with a ten Tom listen to you uh this evening while playing for the first time of Early Access of final fantasy’s new expansion Dawn trial I hav a to take it all in cuz there’s a lot to see oh hell yeah I saw a little uh preview for the guy uh preview for that it was the guy from um oh my God what’s that HBO show is it um our our flag means death I saw the first season of that but I recognized the uh the actor from it and I was like oh there you go enjoy ghost with a Fiverr week 16 will be in Charlotte against the Panthers on Christmas Eve hope the Packers could win against one team in the NFC South please God no please please we have to win please J thoughts on the season 4 uh it’s good like I’m still enjoying it I think it’s just spinning its Wheels I was concerned when they were like oh the boys might run for a lot like longer and it might be like past season five and I was like I don’t cuz the plot points that they’ve initiated I think it’s it’s kind of used up all the story that it needs to and I just feel like there hasn’t been a ton of progression like the characters are still great I’m still enjoying it but yeah it just seems like this last episode I ably like graned at the end when I was like okay so like nothing like really came out of this so it’s okay it’s all right um like I know Season 5 is going to be end and I think it’s going to be a strong finish but yeah I think it’s just spinning its Wheels a little bit just a little bit G you out to fire hate football offseason cuz then I follow politics too closely in the ABS of the sport ideas for a new hobby I’m trying boxing now literally anything else you know be informed not saying don’t be informed but listen it you I think it is very very easy to go down a oh God everything is like awful everything is going to end and yeah I’m screwed uh yeah and that’s that’s just it’s not good it’s not healthy and it’s not a good time um so yeah anything preferably something outside good be and fire which play most excited to see in half’s new system and why is the seven Quay Walker man I’m just so excited to see him like he was the best middle linebacker that we had I’m really excited for Cooper the question mark I have is of course Eric Stokes um curious what that secondary is going to look like mcken I think is going to be an absolute staple of it but yeah Quay Walker man like he was the guy I was asked that like the beginning of uh the offseason and I was like that’s the guy he was again he was the best middle linebacker we had last year and I’m just excited to see what he could do you know so with the fire been enjoying your offseason content going back through your back catalog as a stream was a great idea hey that’s that’s the community they’ve been asking for a while I told them we’d do it so come on oh Frank to make or break question Drake or Kendrick is that even a question it’s K dot come on now what we doing what are we doing out here what is that even a question like and I want to be very clear like when Drake first came out like he had some bangers but there in terms of just like ability Kendrick Lamar has always been in my opinion Head and Shoulders above if you want like some like poppy like oh like especially in the good stuff like in the early days like oh like this is just a good song yeah and then B what’s the game of your childhood oo video game I played a golden eye for N64 was pretty great you know Mario Kart’s always great too I played a lot of Madden 99 uh MLB 99 with Tino Martinez yep that was a lot of fun you hit Square for power I remember that um when I was like got into teenager Smackdown vers raw 2006 I put so uh I put so much time into that game oh man I put so much time into that game Gears of War I I put a ton of time in that game too SL do to fire R dos my favorite wide receiver why isn’t he seen as wide receiver one Jordan’s connection with DOs it seems so strong um I think because you had the Cowboys game where like he went off and there’s been times where Romeo DB’s gone off especially in the Red Zone but there was also times where he kind of disappeared and I think we as a fan base need to get out of this wide receiver one model because I mean Jordan has said this laflor has said this that’s just not the way the offense is operating right now last year they were kind of like okay let’s just see what we got with our wide receivers I think they drafted Christian Watson to be the wide receiver one um and obviously just would he can’t be that guy it’s just Health right this second and hopefully he’s good for this season but yeah I mean if you just have a variety of Playmakers who could make a play on the ball it doesn’t really matter where they are in the dep chart in my opinion Jas tur better animation movie TV uh better animation movie TV Marvel or DC D DC has better animation yeah 100% 100 they have a better animation Department see my history teacher explain why more people don’t get elected as the candidate for their parties cuz of money and the best candidates don’t run cuz they know they can’t win I literally um talked about this I tweeted about this last night and I I’ve talked about it on this stream before too and this is one of the major lessons I taught when I was teaching government Civics during the election year and I was like all right so let’s just say because there was a lot of like politically charged of ideas and opinions of course and so I was like okay like let’s let’s talk about this let’s just say you love your ideas so much right like let’s just say for me right I am a teacher for six years and I was like you know what I really think I can make a difference I’m going to run for Congress and let’s just say I’m going to take it small I’m going to run for a house seat right first of all when it comes to the house there’s Jerry mandering that’s going on right so that could be difficult just to get in the race like just to run a competitive race and this was back in 2020 so the number has only gone up since then it cost a minimum of $250,000 just to run so you need a quarter of a million dollar just to B basically run a competitive race now a lot of people I know don’t got a quarter of a million dollars right million doll so already there is you can’t really get in right you can’t even buy a ticket to get in and so then you go okay well if I don’t have that money I need to fund raise okay how am I going to fund raise well if I don’t have a following it’s going to be really difficult to crowdfund but you have seen some successful you’ve seen some successful campaign that have been Grassroots and running with that and I applaud those because that is really difficult to do especially if you don’t have a following especially in today’s day and age I think it’s only gotten more difficult one but then two okay if I don’t have that then I need to start taking money from donors and that gets down a slippery slope and you introduce money into politics so yeah I think one of the major reasons why you have what we have today I mean there are a Litany of issues and a ly of causes but I I think you could trace a lot of it back to just money and politics because if you want to run because you want to change things well you pretty much have to be a millionaire to do so or you have to take donations from some potential donors that are now going to have some leverage even though that’s totally not a thing not at all uh or you’re going to have to be really really good at fundraising in Grassroots on top of everything else so one uh two then you have lobbying which is already a nightmare uh three you have these big donors who are buying everything four you also have the fact that it’s even set up that we’ set it up like a a Super Bowl now and we’ve set it up as a team thing and it’s just there’s tribalism and then there’s paid there you get money out of it for companies who go hey you know we could just make this worse and so but we can make a whole lot of money and so again it’s just money and money it’s just a nightmare man it’s a nightmare uh it’s not fun uh it’s not enjoyable I don’t mean to be gloom and doom I it’s and there’s still ways to change the system and this is not like oh man we’re done for but at the same time like that is also why I really try hard within my Lane to support the causes and people that I care about you know and try to promote like a positive Community like tribalism should exist like in sports and a healthy way right that’s when you get to throw on a jersey and go ra and yell and screw like you suck right and have a nice day when it gets too much it’s whatever that’s that’s not appropriate but like that’s to me like that should not exist in this Arena it should not exist in politics it’s it doesn’t make anything better um but again there are a lot of companies and people who make a lot of money off of us screaming at each other so g a tour going to forbidden door yes I am I I decided anyway I’m going can’t wait I can’t wait it’s gonna be a great it’s a great card ghost with tener by the way here’s Baker Mayfield’s QB results in week 15 2239 266 two touchdowns one interception can’t have perfect pass rating if you throw a pick to Darnell Savage hey good for Darnell Savage C for him out there for him J at 20 finished in my online online Sociology class one step closer to my associates degree hell yeah I to make your skin crawl as a former teacher my professor made me write a three to five page single space paper for my final I don’t make my skin crawl no don’t bother me I I told you some of the hardest classes I took there was one um history class on the Crusades that I took in college and it was one of the toughest classes I had to write for because like I I this is the one p on the back I I’m I’m good at writing I love like writing I enjoy writing um yeah I enjoy it so when it came to essays I usually could just easy peasy lemon squeezy when I got to college and you take different professors who have different writing standards and expectations and stuff one of my professors was like you can’t write more than two pages and that’s double spaced and I was like what I was three it might have been three pages three pages double space I was like oh okay that’s going to be easy then bam and the amount of people that like bomb that first paper or did not do well and he’s like n NE n that does mean you just like write whatever it means literally like every single sentence has to mean something there’s no flowery language you’re not you know expounding on like this like going off on these tangents like every single sentence needs to mean something so short papers could be a good thing short papers could definitely be a good thing would you rather have telekinesis or tele teleportation telek would be awesome but teleportation would be more practical it would help a lot like a lot Jo tour T thoughts on the Sunday Ticket lawsuit yeah so the NFL is going to have to pay a crap ton of money um not only to I think it was like was it commercial stuff but it was also to people as well so if you ordered Sunday Ticket I think you’re going to be getting a few bucks uh from that all I want all I’ve ever wanted is accessibility to watch the game I think you should have an alak cart option if you’re like hey I’m a Packers fan and I don’t live in state hi I should be able to just boop boop I get to buy this I buy my team’s package for the entire season and I can rock I just want it to be more accessible for fans that’s it I think when this stuff goes behind uh streaming services goes behind more pay walls it’s only doing your fans a disservice so that’s me that’s that’s where I’m at that’s where I’m at python uh brand almost want a seat in Texas he’s just a random YouTuber and he lost by less than 1% story is cool if you wish to look at it o I appreciate that I appreciate that yeah I mean I think that’s what you’re going to see um and I don’t necessarily think this might be a good thing but I would not be surprised if you see like more influencers YouTubers all that stuff like running because as money gets more and more difficult to come by for like the everyday normal person which is like now um you’re going to have people who already have that following we talked about fundraising we talked about you know getting the votes that’s going to make a big difference now I will say it makes it a little bit I’ve thought about this for a long time not running no I thought about like this idea for a while the thing in the United States which makes it difficult is let’s just say you are just say you’re a political Creator right so like let’s just say you talk about politics if you’re running for the house it is so specific where you’re constituents are that the odds of them being part of your YouTube audience are not very high or you know whatever platform you use if it’s for the Senate then it’s only going to be localized to the state so again yeah some people within your state might vote for you but everybody from everywhere else is not necessarily going to do it and then president that’s just going to be more difficult in of itself but yeah it’s uh I would not be surpressed C of fire uh canvas for cause I care about it’s interesting talking to people what is important to them it’s eye opening to see how it works yeah I mean like I I highly recommend for people to get involved like in politics in some way shape or form you know whether it is canvasing because it’s stuff that you believe in and I I’ve always had this view that if like as long as you can back it up right again just be very clear here if you hate people like if you’re just like racist or homophobic or just a garbage human being and that like you legit hate people then we’re not going to there is no good faith conversation that we’re going to have right I’m not interested in that conversation I don’t I do think that’s the minority I do think that those voices are very very loud and I think that 100% they are a problem however I think just like talking to so many people and meeting so many people like there is a lot of amazing people out there there’s a lot of good people there’s a lot of people who are just trying to get by and live their life and just trying to like pay their bills and all and it’s you know you to meet those people and I’ve always said like if you believe in something and you then you should be able to put that to the test and what I mean by that is like go through an experience learn more information talk to somebody who opposes you because with an open mind because that is either going to one reinforce your beliefs and it’s going to force you to back them up cuz once you start getting into personal stuff or when you start going at a left field or what about it all that crap it doesn’t matter be able to back up your opinions with facts with evidence regardless of what side you’re on I do not care be able to back it up and refor or maybe your mind gets changed that’s cool too people grow and develop throughout their entire lives right you could be 50 years old and have a different opinion when you’re 70 right you don’t have to get entrenched within your belief so yeah just having all those experience it’s is good callif fire top T making the greatest comedy film get to choose any Five actors living or dead to be in the movie who do you pick oh my God oh my God oh you can’t do that to me oh that’s tough that’s tough all right hold on oh I got all right hold I’m G I really want to put some thought into this okay all right so let’s let’s start Leslie neiel by far by far number one throwing Leslie neelon in there Robin Williams to I just want to also see those two in a room and just magic will happen right Robin Williams Leslie neiel I’m going to throw Jim Carrey in there personally I love Jim Carrey and I think that that would just be an offthe walls Bonkers thing as well so we got Leslie Nielson we got Rob Williams we got Jim Carrey I think you throw Eddie Murphy in there I think you throw Eddie Murphy in there after that God oh that’s tough Jean Wilder oh Jean Wilder be great see that’s the thing now I’m already thinking about like I’m thinking Jean Wilder I’m thinking Chris Farley I’m thinking oh Rick Moranis I mean there’s oh my God yeah but Morgan Freeman’s great in com like Bruce Almighty and stuff but I wouldn’t consider him a comedic actor he would be great to like be that guy who’s there that he could definitely lend his comedic voice there but I think he’d be more of the guy who’s going to ground them I wouldn’t put will I like Will Farrell but I wouldn’t put Will Farrell in there all right you know what throw Chris Farley in there I think you will have so much insane energy it’s going to be a disaster so it’s going to be amazing be amazing Yankees with turn uh Perfection NFL metaphor for the election time would have been uh one of teams with Tom Brady fans be like what you’re not supposed to be here how’d you beat everyone else kind of like the Panthers J T single space APA format oh that’s gross that’s gross samel with ter what’s the worst experience you ever had with stingy insects once got stung 18 to 20 times by a bunch of yellow jackets while at work that was the start of my day oh no no no uh when I was uh very young we were leaving the public pool I was like really young but I remember this vividly and there was like the regular pool and then there was like the kids pool which was super duper shallow and I remember seeing a bee that was drowning in the water and I was like really little and I remember scooping it with my hand cuz I wanted to save the bee and that so [ __ ] stung me so bad and then dropped dead so that was that was just insulting I think I think that one that was just insulting was not a bumble it was not a bumble bill with a ten was pleas surprised by Brandon herreras AKA uh AKA guy on YouTube primary challenge for the house d23 SE Texas this year also huge following lost by less than 400 votes in the r that’s nuts that’s crazy Hunter when’s the 3030 coming about you going to all 30 stadiums oh oh I don’t know about I mean I’m I am actually meeting with someone in two weeks I think it is to actually talk about that being made not with like like I would pay for it it’s like it’s going to be something that I’d release for free so and works Mike stream’s already more informative than debate congrats Tom got with a tour of the Yankees frauds I have not paid paying attention to baseball so I’m so sorry I haven’t heard a lot in the streets of New York so maybe not rich JD McCarthy worth a dynasty pick either way it’s going to be entertaining it might not be successful but red fire D while St on the highway for over two and a half hours oh no oh no no no J you Wolverine is going to wear the Cal yes I do I do Yan you T gry Perna 2028 no thank you that’s nothing against Perna I just no I think I think I could do more good here Mich T I believe in Joe Hendry welcome with a tour did you get your uh rainow kitten surprise tickets I saw them before I left I saw them a few weeks before I left and it was they were great they were awesome DC you think it’s more likely quarterback to hit 5,000 yards this season I think Tua could do it if Joe burrow is healthy maybe but I think Tua could do it maybe stad R fire Mel Brooks Eddie Murphy Ron Williams Le neon and John Candy that’s go John C see like that’s the thing you pick five it’s like impossible it’s like impossible H Alec I think Cody rhods has had a yeah there’s no like overarching story but once you get closer to SummerSlam they’re going to do it I think it’s been solid I think it’s been solid Ghost Fire excited I’m interviewing djck Wednesday I’m sure he has a few things say are you really hell yeah congrat freaking frul Co that’s effing awesome that’s that’s a big get hell yeah enjoy that yeah I hope he lands on his feet somewhere it’s GNA be awesome it’s going to be there’s so many good Canadian comedians so many good ones what do you like better Italian food or Mexican food this is going to get my Italian card revoked but since I’m allergic to Dairy including cheese I haven’t been able to experience like I love Italian food but I never was able to experience like the full Italian food Mexican food I have you know I just can’t eat cheese so like there’s definitely limited like quadas and stuff but yeah Mexican food is also a lot safer for me because I don’t have to worry about having allergic reaction so that’s kind of nice so that’s kind of nice so but Italian food’s amazing dude I I had pasta today cuz why not this come on babe we got some pasta and some pesto that’s it but yeah I just unfortunately I was born against the cheese I did not get mail I did not get a chance to get mail today I did not that’s on me that’s on me I next week will be a lot less busy so I’m try h d would be the worst idea be the worst idea some we did 3030 Sure retr Fire New York Ci’s been getting a lot of hate as of late what’s your been your experience uh I’ll put it this way so I’ve lived outside of New York City for basically my life um it’s the city it’s great for food and for shows it’s big it’s smelly it’s loud it’s dirty but it’s a city and like I’m also a New Yorker so like don’t be talking crap about my city Only I could do that and New Jersey forever but no that’s also why exp going to these places as well like for example during 30 and 30 the amount of people who said like I’m going to go to Detroit I’m going to get shot I’m going to go to Chicago I’m going to get shot I’m going to go to Baltimore I’m going to get shot and it’s not being it’s not being ignorant and it’s not being like oh nothing’s going to happen to me like everywhere is safe no cuz I grew up outside New York City like I legit have very fond memories of being outside Harlem 125th at 3:00 in the morning just shooting the crap with standup Comics after doing a free spot at some random restaurant right and like that’s it that’s you there’s things you do and there’s things you don’t do there’s places you go and there’s places that you avoid and that’s it you just be smart about it and have a nice day so you’re going to have those who are not going to have a conversation in good faith who are going to villainize and do all the crap that they do and like oh you can’t even walk there anymore you can I’m going into the city well going Long Island that’s different Long Island is just Long Island but I’m going into the city literally next week and yeah it’s fine it’s fine you just like just be aware that’s it Mike with fire drawing a blank on his name but he always says no respect to tell you no respect oh Rodney Dangerfield love see him in a who line show yeah Rodney Dangerfield yeah I’ve performed a danger Field tonight too not tonight but I’ve done that Carol fire personally I’m Progressive that’s seen last night’s de bait really showed the importance of donating to Grassroots campaigns yeah yeah but that’s that in of itself is difficult right because think about it from this perspective so this this ties into the charity aspect when I recommend a charity that we fundraise for here I bust my ass to make sure that first of all I touch zero doar I touch that’s why during 130 carrying that cash R I was like this is just giving me anxiety and literally going into the hotel and being like okay counting out every dollar and donating it to make sure that like this is where the money is going because that’s really important to me because if people are spending their hard-earned money donating to charity the very least that you can do is make sure that it’s a good organization it’s vetted and it’s going to the right place I have read spending report after spending report at that’s what you’re supposed to do right when you donate to politicians you don’t always see a return on that if you lose you’re definitely not going to and that could make you upset and you already have a limited budget on what you can donate right and so it becomes really difficult because then sometimes yeah those grassroot candidates get in and back to money in politics again you get a very nice six-figure salary and all of a sudden you have some money in your pocket and all of a sudden you could pass some bills that is going to keep some money in your pocket I’m not saying this is everybody but I’m saying that there’s a lot of wealthy people in our government and they weren’t like that when they got in and all of a sudden so uh yeah money in uh politics is rough and again to put the onus on like everyday working people to be like oh I have to fund this too cool like I got to go up against like this Corporation I have to go up against this billionaire this millionaire here’s my $5 I hope this helps and again it can it can be very frustrating but I completely agree with you yeah like that’s why you know you find those Grassroots candidates that you like really support and maybe that’s not donating money maybe that’s donating time maybe it’s calling people right maybe it’s going out and talking to people so yeah doesn’t have to just be money could be time too Zachary to question about 408 first where’d you get that deer skull mask that anger wears and second all the animals that could have been ask why a deer I assume it means something yes it does uh I got it from I don’t know if that was Etsy that might have been Etsy or Amazon I don’t remember off the top of my head to be honest I I also then got a second one and then here you go here’s the scoop of the night there’s going to be a third one too um but it’s not because it’s a deer I don’t want to spoil that part yet because that’s like a plot point but it’s not cuz it’s a deer also look at what he’s wearing so Jason with a h Fiverr crazy how you Jackman has played Wolverine for 24 years and I wasn’t even born yet so we get see him another movie dude I’m so excited for Deadpool I’m so excited for it I’m so excited for it like I I really hope it because Logan was like the perfect sendoff for that character it was perfect send off for you Jackman like Logan is a phenomenal movie in my opinion and when I heard he was coming back I was like like uh but then like seeing him I was like dude like he’s having fun it’s great R big loud noisy smelly sounds like Perna to be honest you’re not wrong not wrong smell Mike ter go to Baltimore multiple times a year and I wear Browns gear in Baltimore never had a bad experience with people going to Philly end of July for baseball game how was Stadium area when you went uh basically in Philly it’s like right outside the city all the stadiums are literally like right there so there’s not like much over there cuz it’s just like the stadiums and parking and stuff so it was it was fine enjoy Philly enjoy enjoy Philly Rand with a fire Tom did you get that package I sent you last week Brandon with a fire was it no that was that one oh if you sent it last week then no because I have not gone to the mailbox yet no I have not gotten a chance to go yet so hoping to go next week hoping to go next week Rich With Fire personally rather donate to True Charities and political organizations which are no guarantees yeah completely agree completely and totally agree I get that I totally get that Gale uh found ja found this channel uh great content so much uh so much good done such a great Community can’t wait for season six coach PS Buffalo all the way this time let’s go let’s go uh Clifford as a backup QB yeah that’s true John C Adam uh Taylor Thompson uh been buying you Jackman glov is comedy gold yes yes is fantastic fantastic uh when I hit a million I should do a collab with Mr Beast I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t know what we would collaborate on but sure I don’t I don’t think I’m anywhere near that level but that’s it that’s it when did you lose it when did you lose it where’s the glass I want to know oh I meant to go grab a glass all right real quick going to grab some water super duper quick gra uh can I point yes Ethan I will be pointing that stuff out let me grab some water to grab a glass we’re going have some fancy beer tonight cuz why not why not right back we’ll see Hy fantastic really is great all right so I actually tried this for the first time last weekend and I enjoyed it it’s good it’s pretty good artisanal Belgian golden L hell yeah hell oh man hold on I didn’t read the back of this uh bottle here hold on here we got here the Gnomes of Fairyland are particularly fond of this golden beer lashu with its slight hoppy taste combining notes of fresh coriander and fruity tones is the drink which gives them their zest for life at least that’s what these imps say when they are thirsty their secret used to be jealousy guarded from one generation to the next until the day they shared the recipe with the humans to seal their friendship of all the legends from the wonderful region of the Belgian Hardin the tale of lashu is the one which most merits retelling wow I just learned lashu lore tonight I guess this is a lore stream it is it is the lore stream all right that’s it we’re talking about gnomes okay I mean it’s got It’s got a little gnome on it there you go that’s looks like he’s on a unicycle Jif fire what chance would you legitimately give the Chiefs to make a third straight QBE Super Bowl win it if they do the greatest team ever no they’re not the greatest team ever if that’s the case plus there’s already been a team that has won three championships I know it’s not Super Bowls three championships in a row and that is the Green Bay mother loving Packers one so I don’t think they’d be the greatest team two I think the odds are pretty solid that they make it back to the Super Bowl I’d put their odds if everyone stays healthy of course and you don’t know The Season’s going to go um cuz they’re making the playoffs unless like something catastrophic happens they’re making the playoffs and then yeah I think there’s a good chance that it’s going to run through Arrowhead or at least one game is and or I’m sorry yeah at least one game is and if they don’t have a buy um yeah I think there’s a good shot they make it back I probably say like 60% they make it back at this point uh winning that’s a different story but yeah I I really think they could do it it’s just they’re going to be better than they were last year so yeah it’s it’s not it’s bro it’s an election year and the Chiefs could win the Super Bowl for the third year in a row we’re going to need a lot more luu we are going to need a lot more a lot a lot a lot a lot oh could be a long season exactly call lot of stuff can happen lot of stuff can happen but they’re in a division where I think that there’s going to be teams that are not going to be the most competitive with them I think they’re going to make it back to the postseason and then there hasn’t been a team besides Like the Kitty goes meow and the Patriots with Tom Brady that can stop them from in the AFC like legitimately it’s experience at this point so H got borrow the Blood Demon just for a minute just want to borrow the Blood Demon one second just second Friday night Q&A time that’s why I’m also going to forbidden door on uh Sunday so really excited really really excited so maybe real maybe the rest of the league needs to get good it’s true what’s say after coach season six I don’t know yet I’m worried about Coach season six right now so think the Ravens can stop the cheese yeah I think there’s teams that can do it they just got to do it I thought the bills could do it they didn’t I really thought the Ravens could do it they didn’t so that’s it uh supposed to get some bad thunderstorms on Sunday uh well I I just got drive in it that’s fine thoughts on Jordan love getting engaged very happy for them very very happy for them oh the yeah the the Ravens just that was that was very disappointing that was very disappointing I saw that Sam that Randle cop and his family thankfully they’re okay but yeah like they’re Tesla charger caught on fire and like we thank God they’re okay it was a few hours J few hours beer rating I had this for the first time uh this weekend it was good I really liked it let’s see let’s do it again cheers folks Cheers Cheers Cheers smells delicious yeah it’s delicious it’s a delicious beer it’s fantastic I also love Belgian beer it’s it’s F like there I went to this was years and years and years ago uh back in many moons it was about like seven years ago something like that um I went to Brugge because uh Jay and I were going we went to Amsterdam and uh we didn’t really have a ton planned it was just going to be like a City vacation and that was like there once a year so joose Amsterdam went there and then went to reram for like a day and then went to Brugge for like 2 days brge was like effing awesome man just like it was you just walked everywhere there was I just drank really good beer I would love to go back there I would love to do a beercation just like go to Germany stop in Belgium why not why not just do a beer tour beer and Hiking tour oh now that’s the life now that that’s dude you give me beer and you give me outdoor hiking I’m good I am good you know what I did in Iceland I went hiking and I drank beer and it was amazing and it was amazing every NFL season that’s just the beer part I want the hiking part two want the hiking part two is yeah belgi German be great they great there you go 30 and 30 Rouse the yeast Edition 30 breweries 30 days bro I would do that in a heartbeat oh my god i’ do that in a heartbe we ended Allagash H that’s the one that’s the one hey Case appreciate you appreciate appreciate you jets are undefeated the postseason with Aaron Rogers they can beat the Chiefs there you go let’s go D let’s go we’ll have the the Rouse tour Rous tour I think the Irish drinks as much as people say they do yeah they do but I also go to Wisconsin every year and I’m looking to move there wow like I’m surrounded by alcohol it’s it’s come on it’s the culture it’s the culture we 15 three days Justin Torrance hey there you go there you go there you go do new glaris of course of course of course Scots are even worse yeah I mean I will say the bavarians in Germany during that Munich one oh but first of all because I have never done like a the DNA that I’ve just been told that I’m Italian Irish German and Scandinavian but we ignore the Scandinavian park because that reminds me of the Vikings and that reminds me of the Minnesota Vikings so we just ignore that so I was like okay what’s this gonna be and I went there and good God those people could drink and it was so much fun it was legit that was such a fun fan event they were great they were just all of them were great but man like that one and just drinking that boot and people were like yeah like we’re going to drink it with you and they were like can we help the amount of people are like can we help you drink the boot and I was like no this is like my cross that I have to bear I got to do this and they okay we’re just going to drink six pites then like in solidarity with you and like there was a lot of people who did that so yeah it was uh it was crazy so toight your heritage to true I’m the Italian Germanic Irish stallion that’s what I was told though I never did one of those uh DNA test things so I don’t know Germans start drinking at 16 but have to be 18 a drive it’s cultural bro I was sitting in the Munich Airport I was sitting in the Munich Airport and I was like exhausted I was I I got like no sleep I drank the boot the night before I was it no it wasn’t Munich it was Frankfurt I’m so sorry it was Frankfurt I was still exhausted I got maybe 2 hours of sleep whatever we were leaving Frankfurt and I’m sitting in the airport and across for me is like a hot dog stand and literally and it’s 8 n o’clock in the morning and this like little old lady walks over to the hot dog stand like get in yeah I was like all right cool like that’s pretty dope and then also gets a pint of beer and just Downs that thing and I was like that that is respectful that is that is respect respect respect G with a fire your price to stay in Green Bay are getting really crazy in preparation for the draft the city itself built to handle the high influx of people well it’s going to be spread all around it’s not going to be just in Green Bay Green Bay itself no they don’t have that right now they’re building a whole bunch of stuff and I think it’ll be fine but like people are going to stay in Appleton I hope that there is a high-speed train that’s going to go from Milwaukee to Green Bay that would make it a lot easier but there’s going to be places that are going to be around that are going to have to accommodate people so yeah of course it’s going to get insane the NFL is already buying up like all the hotels Ste Fire won’t be a country you haven’t been a uh been to would like to go also unrelated I’m taking my master electrician test tomorrow let’s go stepen let’s go crush it crush it let’s go uh New Zealand it’s not even close it Germany was like in my top three it probably was like number two for a bit um and then I went for a hot second so I’m like it’s pushed down to four now like I I got to go back CU I actually had to experience it but it’s it’s New Zealand it’s New Zealand I want to go I been trying to go to New Zealand for years and then the problem is is like the time for me to go the window is so tight and like with the season and everything um I want like I want to go there for two weeks cuz just to get there is insanely expensive the flight alone is like a kajillion hours like I want to spend a two full weeks in New Zealand I want to hike every effing day I just want to be outside every day I want to go to all the Lord of the Ring spots I legit want to go so badly New Zealand is like my dream place it was Iceland like seven years ago I went to Iceland it was the most beautiful place I’d ever been to it’s one of the reasons I went back this last time and New Zealand like as soon as it went to Iceland I was like yeah New Zealand Japan is up there Japan is top five 1 million per but right this second it’s New Zealand like I would I would just uh I have actually Flo this before and I thought about this the other day because New Zealand for me would probably have to be a solo trip because I think that there is there’s a difference um when you travel with people obviously and then you go by yourself and I think just having that experience I don’t know I find it very healing but yeah like it’s just like no like you got to figure it out like it’s just you um and just combine that there man like I just I really want to go I I too baggin yeah like I want to go so bad I want to go so effing badly so one day I’ll go to New Zealand um Japan is another place I would absolutely love to go um that would be really cool yeah Germany is still up there I got to make it back there I go to Ireland again and do that as a solo trip I think I would really really enjoy that um yeah there’s a few places there’s a few places so G I’ve never been to Italy I’ve literally never but yeah but anyway I want to go to Italy too that’s there m go for Formula 1 well that’s actually great that you say that Dan because um in a few years we’re going to as a community as a group we’re going to invade Monaco and we’re going to take it over so like then you could go there and you can visit so not gonna be a problem not g to be a problem so this is insanely expensive it’s insanely expensive but yeah we have to get a Blood Demon and listen cost is uh usually High usually High yeah never been to France that I Ian I actually do want to go up to dor County uh maybe I’ll try for when I’m up there for training camp for a day but yeah I’ve not been up there yet I know how are you how you doing Casino no that’s it Jon theour who do you got at for bidden door I think uh swerve is going to hold on to it there’s probably going to be some uh buffoonery that is going to occur some Shenanigans if you will um man I just can’t wait like a Danielson match orange Cassidy back saer junr is going to be amazing Moxley oh God they’re going to kill each other the lad match is going to be nuts I’m really excited for the Mercedes Monae match like that’s going to be really really good dude like it’s not even like I just I’m very excited for Sunday to like just sit there for way too many hours because that card is packed and just watch really good wrestling and just like really really good wrestling so yeah uh Tom any ideas why ospray ver swerve isn’t title for title I don’t know why they’re doing it now it does not make sense I think they’re going to wind up doing probably mjf I know he said that he was going to go against Garcia but I think they’re going to do mjf versus Osprey for if you watch the rest of that promo uh at Wembley which makes sense that’s like one of the biggest matches you could have but yeah I don’t know even why you’re doing it at this point it’s just Al like I usually do it at my house but it’s in Long Island so actually going to go to forbidden door very excited very very excited mhm mhm you’re going to do a Wisconsin city tour what do you mean a city tour which city like when I eventually move I don’t know maybe walking I blood for president it yeah swerve Osprey Allin would have made all the sense in the world but then I don’t think you could have Osprey lose there like Osprey would have to win um yeah I mean again I think swerve is going to hold on to it for a bit yeah it’s again I don’t get like aw is not perfect but man like they have really good wrestling they have really good wrestling like I really hope that company succeeds because more wrestling is is great man like I I just really hope that they’re able to uh continue cuz like they’re they’re wrestling is legitimately top-notch it’s so good it’s so so good it’s different it’s an alternative like I love WWE I also like love aw wrestling like it’s really good the story lines are not as good like the production is definitely not as good but the wrestling like that style of wrestling I really like and I know like for some for Osprey like that’s kind of been the new debate saying like oh you know some people don’t like that kind of wrestling that he does cuz it kind of is just like very athletic choreography which you could argue is wrestling it’s not more like story driven but man like no that does it for me like that’s cool cuz I just enjoy wrestling I love story driven wrestling like I Love Rock versus Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania and I love technical wrestling like I bro I I love wrestling so Mason fire you fa Ryan Grant moment might probably be his 200 yard game against Seattle mine’s literally the same thing yeah Ryan Grant was a monster in that game it was so much fun and of course favorite moment when we did Grant and gry true story true story story do I smell the Rock is cooking tribalism wrestling is dumb it makes no sense if you like really don’t like aw cool don’t watch it don’t like WWE don’t watch it and like that’s why I think it’s good that there’s Alternatives because then you have options that’s it that’s it so yeah I I just hope they stay in business like and I hope they continue to do well bought the tickets for the pay-per-view I’m excited to go rock and roll and like I I also will say me show you something let me talk to you talk to you so this is also why I’m a fan of aew sticking around let’s see where are you okay okay so obviously I want to be very clear this is not a like one: one comparison but this is aw forbidden door right so right now you could get a nose bed seat for 30 bucks which is pretty dope there’s still seats available down here what are these going for that’s 182 bucks your four rows behind be a little difficult to see 139 bucks like bro like you’re getting floor tickets for like three rows back it’s $139 right there’s resale of course these people probably jacked it up what’s this price 506 you’re a joke I actually I actually almost bought these tickets here so they were selling uh for like a $1,000 and I was like that’s it’s a little too high for me cuz they were resale somebody bought them and the next they re listed them for $5,300 I hope this person is just stuck with their tickets I’ve been thinking about it all week anyway it’s it’s affordable right like if you want to go and just watch wrestling with like a decent seat you could pay you know a hundred bucks or you could pay like nose bleed to go pay 30 bucks and you’re rocking right it’s under 200 bucks Nikki exactly this is currently SummerSlam now again SummerSlam is a big pay-per-view it’s like their second largest they got a lot of tickets left right the same floor seats so this is three rows back this is the difference plus fees it’s over $4,800 let’s go back here these are floor seats hello hello hello $600 right like these are the same the same ones that are available for aw like these are $33,000 and again even nose bed I’m like this is not crapping on WWE at all but like because like they’re the hottest show in town right now like nose bleed tickets for them are double the price of what you would see for aw so again like bro like 270 bucks for like up this come on man like 630 bucks for like decent seats that’s that’s a lot of money that’s a that’s a lot of money so I think it’s important important to have that competition and also have those Alternatives because if you are a fan of wrestling and a show comes into town and of course again that is a a pay-per-view right like that’s a that’s a big pay-per-view but if you’re living in Cleveland like and you want to actually go to a show that’s like going to be televised like that’s a lot of money it’s a lot of money so that’s why why it’s good too angoy the 20 now you don’t follow college sports or baseball my Tennessee Volunteers won the College World Series Monday for the first time in school history voice back late Tuesday was amazing gos hey hell yeah Angel let’s go let’s go it don’t matter if I watch it or not that’s awesome get to watch a team you support win hell yeah he freaking excited let’s go that’s dope that’s really really cool favorite alltime non Packer Lynch oh Daman I just saw yours just give me two seconds um D I got you I got you uh favorite alltime non packer [Music] uh if I’m going like favorite favorite cuz like there’s been re like I know he’s hurt me so much but I loved Larry Fitzgerald Larry Fitzgerald was dope um um JJ Watt was crazy he just more recent Kurt Warner and the Rams are really fun to watch yeah one of those guys probably one of those guys most likely most likely Stephanie thanks for the five memberships I appreciate you thank you thank you thank you all right Damian with fire you were to start your own wrestling company would be your first five draft picks that’s a good question okay right this second so like I’m going 2024 everybody who I have to pick like they’re alive they’re in their Prime etc etc all right Osprey Rollins gther Danielson [Music] Omega yeah yeah I love Kenny I love Kenny Roman’s right there with his character work [Music] alone but I mean yeah okata is really difficult to leave off ok oh my God he’s been so funny too okata is so difficult to leave off ah you know what screw it give me MOX instead of someone of I I want to reunite The Shield I just I just want to do that personally Mark and fire watch coach season 5 again in preparation for the watch log stream surprising how much trauma I suppressed after my first watch through yeah I’m curious to see how coach season 5 like measures up CU again this I know that’s the most recent one I did for Coach but I haven’t gone back and watched it so I’m curious Mark where were you like in ranking wise like is it still measure up to like some of the other Seasons like three or four mat turet H seeing the new Vince willfor fork and Jason Kelsey at I have not I have not Jack with 20 not sure if you covered it but if the NFL’s 10 billion lawsuit settles wouldn’t that mean the salary cap would drop by over May million all 32 teams salary cap hell which guaranteed uh contracts on the books there was one thing that yeah there something that does impact them I don’t think it would be that significant the NFL wouldn’t let it be that significant to be honest with you um but I have not looked into it enough to be honest with you so I know that people are get money but I don’t know how it would impact the salary cap uh let’s see I’m salary cap okay let’s see could der rail blah blah blah okay but I want this from how NFL Sunday Ticket could impact Jordan Love’s tension okay Brock py yeah okay yeah it doesn’t seem i’ I’d hold up I don’t have enough info right now and like not that these other sites are not trustworthy but I I’d want a little bit of better Source I miss minut 69 damn it and yeah they’ probably do it installments or something G 6 warning also government history lesson when I thought about doing it tonight but probably in the coming weeks at some point at some point when you going to do a face reveal I can’t show you my lizard skin sorry I can only reveal that on The Dan catrick show okay I cannot show my true face it’s not time yet it’s not time yet thought on Bo Melton Bo Melton’s a god Bo Melton’s a God I really wanted Max Melton and it makes me really sad we didn’t get him really upsetting we didn’t get him really upsetting really really upsetting so hey JW enjoy enjoy see a concert tomorrow nice there you go that’s birthday tomorrow hey Leia let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go Li by the same success I don’t about the same success but I think they will be successful I think it’s be tough to get back to the NFC Championship Game this year it’s be tough t d what uh finally go back and watch your whole coach division reaction what order do I watch them just literally if you want to do it with my commentary in the background you can um just follow the stream order but like that I’ve literally been doing for the past couple weeks but nice coach season 1 coach season 2 East Saga coach season 3 West Saga coach season 4 South Saga which we’re going to be watching tomorrow coach season 5 North Saga and then we’ll eventually be coach season six which will be the final one andp welcome to the passy Welcome to the passy Mark T my coach ranking order oh season 4 season five Love It season 3 Season Two Season one you know what I’m pretty proud of that because besides season 4 and season five you basically say it just got better as it went along I’m very happy about that I am very very happy about that cards they are a potential wild card team if everything goes right everything goes right so there you go Kelsey there you go season 4 is good re I’m actually I’m not happy that yeah season one’s by far the worst yeah I’ll I’ll straight up tell you season one is by far the worst it’s just audio and just video they get upgrade if you make it through season 1 and I’ve said this if you get through the interview in season 2 and you don’t like it that’s probably not going to be your show I think it gets better as it continues to go but yeah love season 5 can watch first three episodes over and over again yeah season 4 watching back last night like I again I’m not happy the power went out but I’m glad we got we because we streamed for over three hours last night just watching like those few episodes and it’s just man because I think that that fifth episode is I think the fourth episode the one I just can’t get is season episode three it it didn’t really it hit with me a little bit but H I hate my acting in that one I hate it I wanted it to hit harder and I it just for me it didn’t mark to season four or season five is a flavor thing not a quality thing that’s fair that’s fair but yeah like there’s the first episode’s great the second episode’s really good fourth one is great for the lore and like tying in the west Saga five is like a great like jumping off point and then six is incredible Seven’s incredible Eight’s incredible like bro those last few episodes are just so good so so so so good spent a lot of time dissecting the horror episode I did I did I did I did yeah there’s a lot in there lot in there no I don’t want 40 teams no I don’t I don’t there’s barely enough talent for the 32 so yeah hot Tak season one isn’t as bad as you think oh I agree I think it’s still the worst though you know what I mean i l power had a bed storm B storm so NBA draft I saw some things I mean I saw obviously LeBron James kid going to play with him so that’s the big news have you ever explained why the Saga ever happen in Tom’s head why no that has not been explained there just there they’re there so far what’s my favorite episode it’s either season 3 finale or season 4 finale I think think it could be the nightmare also could be interview that’s tough watching it back no I don’t want to redo season one I want to leave it as it is um watching it back the season 4 finale is really good of course you believe in Joe Hendry it’s really good there’s a it’s a lot like there’s a lot that h i remember writing that and I was like wow this it’s going to be significantly longer and it was only a few minutes longer than the season 4 finale but it’s just cuz there’s so much dialogue between Blood Demon and Tom but there’s just so much that happens in that episode like it’s just like Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam episode in Saga is the murder mystery there’s two murder mystery both are great episodes uh it’s week 16 in the East Saga and it’s was it 15 for the north I think maybe maybe I remember that one that’s the most recent one I remember that one me it’s a love hands down the best acting in the GCU you know what I will say I will yeah the north that North there I’m very excited to watch the north back it’s long it’s long but yeah I cuz I remember like locking in for that and was like I need this to be good like this is my last Saga like we got to go out with a bang so F I’m going to try um I’m glad I I was really happy that I was able to go um I just don’t know if I’m going to have the time to but we’ll see okay going to Grand Slam not out the second but going forbidden door on Sunday the north was good I was really happy with how the north came out too I was really really happy with it it was good Fair what if scenario if the Eagles Cowboys win the East Lenny’s original character Arc what if is the uh my favorite one my favorite one would have been killing off Bruce and Springsteen in the East yeah if the Cowboys won yeah that would have been nuts I also would have liked Diego’s character to do more but I think I said this I think it might have been everything theorist who said this in the chat but watching the west back like Diego’s character is not bad he just really didn’t do anything of consequence which is not a bad character it’s kind of just like okay all right call season one the worst Saga season calling Gran Turismo one the worst Gran Turismo every season’s been good someone has come last true true true there’s no spoilers no I would I would have killed off Bruce and Springsteen yeah that was what was gonna happen Diego really reflected the Chargers it’s it’s like Eddie like Eddie was tough because just like that was such a weird season and his losing streak would have played better in different sagas but just like the whole dynamic of the house it just didn’t work work it just it didn’t fit the dynamic so what you were the Vikings win the Super Bowl hopefully after I’m dead so like a 100 years or something he was CA of bre getting desperate and striking Mac that’s true very true very very very true Tom need to throw the first pitch out your favorite baseball team I did that for the minor leagues during uh 1330 which was really fun the jumbo shrimp the freaking jumbo shrimp amazing amazing amazing amazing Iron says my ranking of all the sagas excluding coach all right all right this always good one always good one see I a wrestling rider having changed plot lines based on what went wrong the previous week it’s true is [Music] true okay do this sorry I check that I check that real quick we’re rocking we’re rocking five least favorite uh Vikings number one Seahawks number two 49ers number three bears number four Bears could jump up though they can always jump up maybe if they actually win a game uh and then five probably Cowboys there yeah oh that sounds good Jay mcarthy going to win five chips with the Vikings I completely agree he will probably win five potato chips with the Vikings because that’s what he’ll probably get as his second contract so yeah I agree I completely totally agree that’s it that’s it uh Tom just graduated got a job as a high school senior government politics teacher any advice to get started Tony congratulations it’s amazing um yeah uh I did current events every Friday I think current events are going to save your life um one it keeps the students informed which is good I had them write uh they like so throughout the month I had them sign up it depends on how big your classroom is like I had over 30 kids so sometimes it went a month and a half but I basically had slots on Friday where Friday was current event day where basically a student had to pick a current event um that fell within the parameters had to write a a brief uh summary slash little paper on it and then present it to the class and everybody had to do it and so we had like four or five people go and that would lead to a grander class discussion I think it’s a really good way to keep students informed um it also gives them the opportunity to pursue something that they’re interested in and if it’s something that falls outside the criteria like let’s just say it’s uh I don’t know maybe it’s like leans like really into science and it’s like really really um Technical and I’d be like oh you know maybe like that’s not what this is for but if they can back it up as to why it’s important and they can present that to the class like that just teach them good presenting skills too so yeah I’m a I’m a big believer in that Gods with a fire my league baseball has some of the all-time best team nicknames you are not wrong you are not wrong Sam what’s the most sugar pack food you’ve ever had basically what food made you go wow that’s too much sugar one taste a cadburry egg would be my choice oo there’s probably some C I mean fun dip but I as a child I was like just give me more fun dip cuz fun dip was amazing it was just pure sugar um I would say cuz like I don’t eat candy anymore like I’ll have like cookies and stuff or like chips but like besides like some random off times I’ll have like vegan chocolate um I’ve never really eat candy as an adult so I would say it probably be in like some random ass dessert that I had and I was like oh that’s a lot of sugar I think I’ve had I think I’ve had some drinks yeah it’s probably that I’ve had some drinks where I was like this is way too much sugar in it like a cocktail or something yeah I know it’s not a food but it’d be some random dessert that I’ve had in my adulthood because I don’t eat really candy but yeah Mark with ter the only that didn’t happen in coach that I would have wanted is Bruce and spring scene doing the one of us uh only tells the truth you other one only tell us live bit but totally screwing it up yeah they would completely screw it up and it’d be amazing it would be 10 out of 10 fun dip bro that was back in the day come on you know it was amazing back back in mad you know what was really good nerd’s Rope nerd’s Rope was so good I thoroughly enjoyed Nerds Rope because I could eat it one but two I loved nerds those are really good Nerds Rope was a was a time it was a time it was good and then they started like skimping a little bit on how many like nerds would be on and I was like I know about this I don’t know about that they sell Edibles like that now what yo pixie sticks pixie sticks let’s go dude pixie sticks were that was just hey sugar just pure Smarties Smarties were a thing for me well I I have a smarty story this is legitimately one of the reasons that I am not a fan of this was the last cruise I went on okay I’ve been on two cruises in my life both were with my father and my then stepmother and Christian was super young um and basically it was I think it was the second cruise we went on and it I don’t know if it was just a 7day it felt like a 10day it felt like a 10day Manana with they tour am I Jewish that’s a very weird question no I I don’t I don’t I’m not really a religious person so my best friends are though anyway more importantly so when we uh we went on this cruise I can’t eat a lot of stuff especially as like a kid teenager a lot of the vegan stuff like wasn’t there uh Warheads were amazing angel I know he said lemon heads but Warheads oh my God i’ love sour stuff anyway so we were going on this cruise and I had this uh this Pepsi bag that I think I got from my my aunt or my uncle and I packed a bunch of my clothes in it but at the bottom I packed a whole bunch of Smarties because like that was the one of the few candies like I could eat I had had like a bunch of them and was like okay you know like on this uh I think I brought literally like one for each day I was like okay like let me plan this and I’m like 12 or 13 or something and I was like all right that’ll be like my one thing I have a day cuz like I know I’m not going to be able to eat a lot on the cruise you know like there’s definitely going be like no dessert that I can eat and all that stuff so I put him in the bottom of my bag and I walk into the room and I see my brother who is a a younger child at the time there’s an eight-year difference so like maybe he was like eight and he’s sitting on the bed and he’s eating my Smarties bro I saw red I saw red I was furious and I mean fous and I was like are you kidding me so his mom came in my stepmom at the time and I was pissed like I remember being really upset as a kid like I was really upset and I was like this is like the one thing I could have like this kid could eat everything like I literally like that’s like my dessert I literally brought enough and so I was like you didn’t even ask like and that was a problem and her response was well if he asked would you have said yes and I said no and he said well that’s why he took them and I like that was a an a life experience for me and I was like you’re an adult and I know even as like a teenager that’s not that’s that’s not right that’s uh that’s a bunch of [ __ ] and so yeah that was a turning point and I was like okay okay I carried those Smarties around my pocket the rest of the damn trip gods of fire this based on earlier question Year’s 1985 you’re starting your own wrestling company you have to pick the talent which five will you take Ricky The Dragon of course of course Macho Man definitely Jake The Snake is Sean is HBK more 90s or 80s I was I I was born in 90s so I just don’t remember the overlap there I I think he’s later right um You got to take Hogan if he’s still what he’s going to be I mean like he’s literally like the biggest star and then Chic probably she baby Pap divorced her oh I don’t know when it was uh I don’t know I was in high school I think I was in high school wasn’t very long so Y is that why Christian travels world one of the reasons Cheers Cheers so yeah I think the Titans will be good this year depends on will Lis they believe in him so if he’s actually good like they think he’s going to be they be they’ll be solid solid so yeah it’s all your candy bro I was pissed I was so so pissed I was so upset let go mad bro like because again like I just couldn’t eat a lot of desserts like I couldn’t so like that was my thing and I was like okay oh oh that’s why middle schoolers deserve to get Drop Kicked it’s true it is true I don’t think he I don’t even know if he was a middle schooler at that point but drop kicking was deserved true D to Wisconsin I’m going for training camp yeah yeah I go over here for training camp too so better ask for forgiveness than permission Trope yeah which is like great when it’s like go for it you know that stuff bro like not taking my candy man maybe that’s it turning back I me now back let’s go Matt let’s go let’s go 18 more years right right that’s when anger was pushed out of Tom’s head that that’s when it that’s when it snapped it was like H yeah no that’s uh don’t worry you’re gonna get a lot more on the character of anger you are going to get a lot more loster since you like sour stuff would you eat lemon like an apple no that’s weird no I wouldn’t do that I’d have warheads like I have sour Skittles and stuff like that’s that’s what I I would have so yeah but hey DC that should be dope that should be dope you don’t steal Smarties from a bro Sour Patch Kids they weren’t sour enough for me they were solid they weren’t sour enough Gods with fire Michael’s debut was in 84 so he wasn’t in WF until 88 I’d count him oh then hpk yeah hp’s gota be in there gota be in there got to be in there you know come on man that’s it that’s it you wouldn’t eat it like an apple and orange though yeah but slice by slice I still wouldn’t do that that yeah no I like it as like a garnish throw on there I ask how close you are to your family depends on the family that’s it yeah just depends on the family um like I have some extended family cousin stuff that I stay close with um then there’s others that like you know grow up and kind of do their own thing and then yeah I would say like during the season like I I work a lot too but I like the work and and I’m okay with missing some things so yeah that’s good I’m I’m very I’m very comfortable and happy with like how things currently stand I think it’s the most healthy I’ve been definitely mentally and stuff so yeah we’re rocking Philip I think everybody need that I think everybody need that why does fin no se that’s in the South Saga come on now come on now where get there who’s the most frustrating character write why was it Diego wasn’t really Diego Diego was frustrating just because the outcomes weren’t there I set him up for good writing and then it just didn’t go well you know you know um Eddie was tough to write for Eddie was tough to write for cuz like that house felt like a house of characters and Eddie just wasn’t the like fully again Eddie I think would be much better in a different Saga but yeah you know you know oh n 49ers are so much fun his grandpa Cardinal that was great that was great it on boy it’s not his fault to charge I’m not blaming them I’m blaming the Chargers I’m blaming the Chargers not him this is the chargers chargers that’s it let’s pop another du also there we go wasn’t even there you go there you go yeah just see just again because think the issue was too it was it was the circumstance it was the story that was being told like the South Saga for me I had a story that I wanted to tell within it but that was The Saga that I literally just like let the characters develop because I knew both divisions were going to suck and they both sucked they both weren’t good so I knew that from the beginning I knew that the Sal Saga was going to be the most difficult one I knew it was going to be the least watched and I knew that it was going to be probably like the most like uh so instead of being like let me force all these story lines or let me do all this like I’m just going to put a lot of effort into the characters themselves and have them be a bit out there and that’s why like JB and FL I love their pairing and I I’m I’m upset that for Coach season 5 I couldn’t include some of the South characters that I wanted to because it would have enhanced it and kind of grew their story so they kind of got shafted a bit there but yeah I there’s inter like Oliver I think is an awesome character I think Oliver might be one of the kindest characters I’ve ever made uh in the GCU I think uh while not fully fully developed right what what fully developed like there’s that there’s so many characters that like Seb Seb is a great character like and he had his storyline like even I love Greg Craig like uh it’s great Elijah yeah Elijah like I’m really excited to finish his story in uh season six Elijah was a fun character to play as yeah I just had more fun with the characters there and uh yeah I like the South Saga I like it a lot and again that intervention episode is is one of the best things I’ve ever written like I remember writing that script and I was like this is just damn like this is a a compact script like this is just good the way it like unfolds Raymond day go come on now what of Raymond day cult 10 out of 10 10 out of 10 come on Raymond day cult DC so you’re slowly building your top 10 GCU characters regen not a ton a little bit but yeah no not a ton I was just going to let them develop throughout the season so Cher with a Fiverr my conclusion rewatching the West Saga was that 21 was the craziest NFL season this decade so far 21 was pretty nuts 21 was pretty nuts I agree the Gatos little babies uh like even the Gatos like that was good I’m drinking duil yeah I bought fancy beer for last weekend and I still had some so it’s fancy beer night looking forward to this coming season oo I don’t know see here’s the here’s the problem here’s the legitimate issue during the off seon I say yes to a lot of things because like that’s my time to go on like smaller shows or go on like podcasts or like go on things cuz like I want to make sure they like okay just worked for the season all this great stuff like want to like try to help out other people and creators and all that great stuff um with an emphasis on like smaller creat creators and that’s also the time like I have for like interviews and stuff like that so my August I think I have three days right now that are not booked so that’s a problem um yeah it’s it’s good but it’s just it’s been a crazy off season and I really thought I’d have more downtime because it wasn’t 30 and 30 it was just the international tour but that has not in the case so yeah it’s been it’s been a summer it’s been crazy so I’m really excited to see what comes out of the lack of sagas if that makes sense because scripted literally came out week two there was no week one when it could have been even better like with all that Roger stuff whatever but week two having that and I literally called John he was like I have an idea to do scripting he’s like I don’t know if the joke is like overdone and stuff I was like no no no like I have an idea of how I’m going to do this and I wrote the first scripted script and I recorded it and I was like I think this is really good and then that became like the most popular thing I did so I’m excited because there’s always going to be that like scratch for creativity sh Scratch sorry Moy um so like something’s going to fill that I just don’t know what it is yet and I’m kind of excited for that uh excited for the season as a whole obviously but the point that I was trying to make before is there is a thing that I really wanted to do for this upcoming season um but I just don’t know if I can so I am very curious to see after that first week I can see where I have time where I’m not working in the schedule so then I could fill that with work and make something creative out of that so yeah I guess the possibilities Nathan F uh say Seahawks fan my buddy’s 49ers fan relationship between Jerry and Gavin was perfect from the West Saga reminds me the two of us hell yeah Nathan let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go Cheers Cheers oh yeah no I don’t do uh downtime downtime I don’t do just to politics sucks for your NFL meets debate love it yeah and like that’s that’s what I’m that’s what I’m talking about too like folks if I can te Teach teenagers like in an insanely political world where there is complete opposite sides of the spectrum politically both from parents students admin and we can navigate through that like we could talk about it on here and like my number one rule don’t be an a-hole that’s it that’s it unless you are a truly hateful human being and then I don’t have no interest in you but like you could come in there’s so much diversity in this community I saw that during 30 and 30 which was insane and amazing like and I what I mean by that is just like people from all walks of life and that was really cool to see and so yeah like you could be kind to people like there’s things you’re not going to agree upon and like policies all that great stuff we could talk about that whenever but again the line that you draw is once it becomes like you are a hateful person then then it’s not a good faith conversation cuz I’m not going to be able to relate to you we can have conversation about pretty much anything but yeah like so when I’m making a debate video like I’m not attacking people and being like no like if you step back nobody’s happy no one last night is sitting there and going this is good this is this is great and I mean that whoever’s like if you take a giant step back and go this is not ideal right cool that’s what it is it’s what it is right this second it’s not fun nobody likes it nobody but this is what it is I hope things change I hope things are different and then at the same time you control what you can control you do good in your life you try to be a good person and hopefully it works out that’s it that’s it you to fire when you’re in Green Bay gonna shoot super secret foood for the final season God I don’t know if I’m gonna have time to no I don’t think so I don’t that’s not a current plan that was just more last year uh Jan with a fire we’re going to look for the OG footage from The Nightmare Thomas yeah I couldn’t find that one scene I don’t know maybe it was a picture I don’t know down no Jason what NFL game made you stream Prime Time games uh oh that’s easy actually it was the the game I didn’t stream I didn’t stream the Chiefs and Rams when they played in Mexico City it was like the one Monday night game I missed and I didn’t get to watch it and I didn’t stream it and I said are you serious like I could have streamed this I’m never missing a game again here we are here we are I played in LA that’s right that’s right that’s right they were supposed to play in Mexico City and they moved to LA correct correct correct correct yeah so that was a time man that was I I felt so much guilt for not streaming that game and I was like oh don’t want to feel that again don’t want to feel that so I’ll stream all the terrible Prime Time games because then they’re great in the streams I’ll stream all the terrible Prime Time games just so maybe we can catch one of those again just so maybe and I don’t even know know if there’s been a Prime Time game that’s not non playoffs or whatever that has really gotten up to that caliber there’s been some that have been really good but like that game was nuts that almost nuts Connor hell yeah hell yeah magic wand like used to fill a Packer’s knees what position would you fill and with who the who is a little bit tough good ban though um one second I would say I think it’s to happen but like I would like some security at Center I just don’t know about Josh Myers yet I again I really hope I I trust the oine crew like I I trust them um I trust them to get developed so they’re going to put the best five out there but right this second I yeah kicker is up there if it’s not kicker because I feel like that’s a throwaway it’s it’s probably dline I mean like I’m really excited to see like guys like Devonte Wyatt like I’m really excited to see what they can do but like they’ve been trying to draft a guy next to Kenny for so long for so long so I’d probably say that one linebacker again there’s question marks but they addressed it or at least you hope they do and I want to see those guys play out but yeah dline we’ll see Jason SS graduated his master degree and history focus on British history any advice for his next step as he look to continue on to his PhD hey congrats to you Jason congrats to son that’s awesome um yeah it depends on what he wants to use it for though right so I my Ma I’m sorry my undergrad was secondary education with a concentration in history I was literally like three credits away from also doing a double major but they just they make you do that in new PS and then if you want to take it you could um and then my my master’s degree is in educational technology olog so it’s does he want to go into teaching like does he want to teach um like higher education because then I would look for something like just staying current with like the technology within the classroom the different teaching methods and that kind of stuff if it’s not that then that’s a totally different ball game and that one I don’t know but yeah it just depends on what he wants to do college education okay so college education um yeah I would start volunte in I know he’s not going to have any time but like I would start volunteering and networking the hell out of yourself at that point because when you get your PhD you have a PhD you have zero experience so to get in with some colleges that they’re already looking at and like maybe need a position I’m just speaking from just experience with like news for a while new’s like would they they would have professors stay there for 30 years cuz they they’re going to stay in colleges that are really really good so because of that there are going to be few and far like there’s not going to be a lot of openings right so you can start somewhere and then work your way up potentially and get that experience but I would say if there’s someone they’re interested in and they’re could be an opening within the next X amount of years that that’s how I would handle that I have not done karaoke it’s one of the few things I have not done I have not done what I think about the debate it’s why we’re drinking mhm yeah har absolutely absolutely cuz it’s dumb otherwise again I have never hated a person just for like oh this is this really stupid it hate is such a draining horrible thing like it it takes a lot it takes a lot and like I said this is an accepting place for everybody it’s like if people go like oh Tom you’re leaning a little bit more this way or oh cool like don’t watch it’s all good like I don’t have SP I’m not trying to sell you anything I don’t have sponsors I have no sponsors to lose I make the content that I want I work my ass off and we’ raise money for charity that’s it that’s it I do want to do karaoke though I do are they Texans new UN great great new great great great great we only hate the Vikings that is 100% accurate Vikings they are the purple incarnation of Satan they should be removed from the NF fell they should be removed from the country they should I know the International Space Station being decommissioned right 2030 I think I think you send the franchise up there I think you send them there there’s some more work to be done you know what when it comes to Mars you know what no no take that back let’s go let’s let’s send the Minnesota Vikings just the the the concept the franchise of them to Pluto let’s like really get in there see like should it be a it s them there just to double Che we’re fine and then we’re fine and middle schoolers absolutely that’s it Conor is it someone ask me a question I I don’t care you also send the Saints maybe we we see we see not Jamal Williams never Jamal Williams never never Pluto has already been downgraded why I heard it more just to see though just to see just just to see maybe it maybe it’ll be upgrade maybe the Vikings will be heroes know they’re not going to be but so maybe they could they could be Pioneers so Samuel what your ear comment about sugary drinks remind me of soda I had in Ohio that was so sugar packed I swear my pancreas went are you trying to kill me bro I mean again I drink ginger ale twice a year maybe like if I’m mixing it with like some J or something but yeah I know people drink soda every day and I’m like man I don’t dig it’s just so it’s so sweet Rick with a h say reason I love watching your streams maybe a Packers fan for some strange region because we’re the best obviously you are an awesome person you know for the house fun hey I appreciate you Rick that’s it just be people you get you get older God this is turning into Perna but you do like there’s there’s a point I think and I and I hope that it’s definitely therapy definitely helped it there’s a point where you realize and feel like how exhausting it is to constantly like dislike to hate people or how exhausting it is to get like held up on on things that you have no control over so I’ll give you an example I’m a pretty empathetic person I’m so empathetic that because I love my dogs and my cats so much and I could not justify the fact that I would never eat them that I don’t eat animals literally that point I don’t push it on anyone I don’t care what you eat do what you got to do literally went cold turkey never turned back and it was that easy for me cuz I was like nope I’m not following what I’m preaching right and going like through experiences that I’ve gone through going through therapy which was needed and a lot of the work again was like on my own doing that stuff you kind of like start letting go of things that don’t do do you well I really try to like except during work and stuff like seek out peace and I know this sounds like very hippie dippy and I know I went to newal so it kind of tracks but still it’s legitimately of this is not going to bring me peace like this is going to upset me this is going to like get me irritated on something that I shouldn’t exhaust those emotions are there are plenty of things I’m upset about there’s plenty of things I’m angry about there’s plent things of just like oh this is wrong what have you and there’s also things I look at and go okay like I’m going to do the very best I possibly can to help what I can help and I looked at we raised a million dollars in three years for charity that’s really really cool I’m now going okay I did it in three years I’m going to try to do it in a year now and just going to see how quick we can get that because that’s just the work that I do I’m so fortunate and grateful to do this and and I know I say this a lot but there’s a reason I say it a lot it’s not just to dissuade people from quitting their jobs and doing YouTube it took me 3 years to make $200 doing this and what that means for me is I have done this job for years of my life for free so the last three years and how crazy those have been and how much of the growth has been the same amount of time I made $200 doing this and I loved it so the fact that I can do something that I love every single day and I truly love this I do things that do not make me money I do things that go against making money and lose money but I do it because I love it and 30 and 30 showed Oh I could take some big swings and at the bare minimum we are going to raise a ton for charity the international stadium tour my friends I didn’t even get a th000 subscribers I I I told you I was upset I was like oh man like nobody’s really watching this like this is really upsetting we raised over $186,000 for charity that’s amazing that is a success so that’s where I’m at in terms of how I view this channel how I view my work I am so grateful to talk about something that I have loved since I was a child I will work myself to the Bone to do the best by you to make the stuff that I want to make I will go above and beyond to make sure that I don’t have to sell you crappy products I don’t take sponsors and instead I will just put out a volume of work that will make sure that I can pay my bills and again it’s something that I love to do there I’ve worked since I was 14 years old the first day my father drove me around to get working papers I am at this point in my life where I’m now 33 I have I’ve worked a lot I’ve worked multiple jobs for many many years and I’ve loved it and I’ve loved the jobs that I do and I’m grateful for the jobs that I do and this is a thing to me that is so important and I love it I am in love with my job I love the fact that I get to do this I love the fact that we can help people I love the fact that there is an awesome Community here even if it’s 300 people that we can hang out on a Friday night and enjoy this I like that for any can raise money for charity like it’s the greatest job I could ever do so I look at this as a privilege and I look at it the same way if my channel for whatever reason got demonetized tomorrow please don’t demonetize my channel YouTube that’s not an invitation I would still do this I would go get another job it would suck don’t get me wrong I would go get another job like I had for over 30 years of my life well that’s not true I was working since I was 3 minus the 14 you know what I meant doing that and I would still do this for free because I love doing this so yeah there’s a lot of uh there’s a lot of gratitude here there’s a lot of appreciation here and there was a point in my life where I was like this is the stuff that matters it’s not working every day I will say like the past year and a half has been good and eye opening because I was like man as soon as I quit I been working my ass off on this and teaching as soon as I quit my job I doubled it I worked harder than I’ve ever worked in my life to make sure that this would work and during this off season numbers are low like revenues low all this stuff is low and I’m like every summer oh I hope they come back I hope this does well like because I don’t have guaranteed money I don’t have guaranteed View ERS ship so I got to earn it every day and I love having to earn it every day that gives me purpose that makes me happy and so I’m going to do things and surround myself with people that make me happy that’s it so yeah I I think 303 fundamentally changed me as a person um and as I said it it was such a good positive thing that I looked at that and went that that’s what I want like that that’s what I want to do so work up to that level like put in the amount of work take the amount of risk you see all these channels closing down like I I was just reading an article about all these uh automo like these car channels that were were shutting down and it’s because you have to please outside investors you have to make enough money you can’t take any risk and we live in a world right now where I would say risk taking is not very uh it’s not profitable so because of that it’s kind of like this is not really a thing you do the amount of money that I lost on 30 and 30 and for the international stadium tour it’s significant but I worked for years to acrew that and I’m like okay I’m I’m okay with spending this because it’s something that you should do it helps people it brought together some I met some incredible people I’m officiating somebody’s wedding in August that I met during 30 and 30 that’s going to be amazing like this is the kind of stuff that it’s like yeah that’s what I should be doing that’s a purpose so yeah I know that was a really really long- winded answer but yeah and we’re going to do it for all different types of Charities I can’t wait for this season I have insane fundraising idea for this season it’s going to be wild and I’m going to take a charity that has like pretty little name recognition that does great work and we’re going to make them have more name recognition because again I have the privilege of having this I worked my ass off for this and this community and you’re all so supportive when it comes to charitable Endeavors and yeah like that’s that’s what we’re going to do and there’s no failing in that even if they if we raised $5,000 that’s $5,000 more dollars they had we’re rocking Rose of fire any specific uh video shots during the international tour that you made sure to get uh because the planner hope to use it in season 6 no but I did record footage before the international stadium tour Jason oh I got you got you got you for sorry S I scroll too far up up what ter Tom congrats on raising a million for charity inspir me so much that I’m now chased in my dream to be a pro wrestler let’s go keep up the work and the Colts may see you week too let’s go this be a great game great game guy I met down in Mexico at estadio esta he is uh going to the Colts game so that should be really really fun really really fun let’s go rock and roll away hey Jay love opens uh donations to his charity already on it already on it mhm Chuck what a kidding s Vegas 1330 and again a Lambo for a game deserve all the acolytes and occasional donation keep being awesome hey I appreciate you Chuck thank you thank you thank you yeah you guys what a kitty I’ll be starting my new nursing job next week I just want to say thank you long Perna tree 5 and even scoot help me get through a darkest period of my life for the past few years I miss Mama Kitty goes meow kitty goes meow baby let’s go B I know I appreciate you buddy I appreciate you good luck on the new job crush it let’s rock let’s rock Jason which horror character is scare you the most BBC happy birthday um so I would say there’s two they’re very random hold on okay so I was I don’t think I actually ever saw this movie except maybe later we might have rented it once there was a movie that I would see when I went to Captain Video and I was picking out like a movie to rent and there was this movie called Wishmaster I don’t think it’s this one I think that’s like a sequel oh this it was this it was literally this so this face was like oh that kind of scared me a bit and because I hadn’t seen the movie I thought about a lot and I was like oo that’s kind of scary then this is very random there is a character in an Amityville Horror remake with Ryan Reynolds and there’s a character that kind of dresses up like The Undertaker which I’m not afraid of The Undertaker but just the like it’s the Jeepers Creepers look of like the long gray hair it’s the the black hat and the black trench coat that all together did it for and I was like don’t like that don’t like that the first Conjuring that was she was pretty creepy yeah she’s pretty creepy but yeah I didn’t watch on of slasher stuff stuff growing up I I watched it later in my life so mhm is a it’s a cheaper version of Blockbuster it was so yeah yep yep yep yep but yeah i’ say those and again then just like growing up and just seeing different types of horror it’s not necessarily characters it’s just like scenes and how they set it up are really good it’s really really good H there’s some great horror movies out I’m excited for like long legs for example that looks like that’s getting hyped a lot and I’ve seen a lot of uh trailers for it I was like that seems pretty cool angel you’re chance to raise money for epilepsy research that’ be amazing still mostly misunderstood disease and there’s not much medicine that even can even do do even today Caesars don’t play y’all yeah so that has actually been on the list for a bit um because that’s a thing too there’s fundra I do fundraise throughout the year and a lot of them the vast majority of them for smaller Charities um epilepsy is on there I think it’s probably going to be next year or the year prior um just because there’s already some causes Charities that I’ve already looked at so yeah we’re it’s on there it’s on there I think uh yeah the Discord has told me about that a bunch of time epilepsy um so I need to just do research and find a good one yeah Carri yeah that was that was a big one oh JT it was uh it was a gift from Jim B uh actually so he sent me a trinsky jersey because my father papagi used to call him trinsky instead of Tris so Alex ter Tom recently purchased an autograph hard cover copy of Michael McDonald’s Memoir What a Fool Believes which I really wanted so it got me thinking do you have any autograph books um I think maybe like one or two but it hasn’t been something that I have sought out that’s cool yeah I know but I I have not yeah I haven’t I haven’t really that hasn’t been part of my collection there’s one thing that I’m trying to collect right now and it’s driving me insane it’s a very specific thing and there’s like one copy of it and I just can’t justify the money spending on it and I can’t find a a cheaper one so I I think I said this on a member’s Q&A I’ve been collecting because I couldn’t get them all couldn’t catch them all as a kid I’ve been collecting base set Pokemon cards and West hot quits sh West hot quits West hot quits also a purveyor Pokemon cards right I do like camping do haven’t been in a while it’s been a while but I do like it um so I found a person on eBay that that was selling every single common from the base set and they were all PSA 9 or higher and it was like a stupidly stupidly cheap price and I was like so I got it so I have collected so many that now prediction video is probably uh July July um I am missing one card one freaking fracking card and it’s a very specific grade that I’m looking for in this card and because of that it’s expensive and I can’t justify it I’m looking for a PSA 9 first edition Gyarados yeah the ones I bought all first edition too a PSA 9 first edition Gyarados there were some on eBay and they were selling for like $1,400 I was like I no we can’t do that we we can’t we can’t do that we can’t do that so that I went actually after the international stadium tour I was like I wonder if those are still there and they both sold so there’s only one out there right now that is like a stupid price that I would never pay and so I’m trying to always save money by doing it and doing it too so yeah I’m trying we’ll get there there Alex soire should we consider a crime against humanity D Marino never won a Super Bowl most iconic QB from the 90s ASA yes Dam Maro I wish you won a Super Bowl I do I do I did get those gold cards from Burger King I did I did R found on Martin mold oh that’s sad that’s not good May the original 150 I yeah it’s Gyarados we’ll find it find it this F it’s fine it’s fine yeah it’s super specific is PSA 9 first edition Bas at Gyarados please like let me be very very clear I need to buy it if you find it on the internet please tell it’s a I need it’s a collecting thing I need to buy it so please please please please not to assume that please please don’t even think about getting that I want to buy it so yes want to get that cuz then got to catch them all gota catch them all so but yeah that’s the one thing right now that I’m uh looking for I haven’t got anything else uh there was something during the international stadium tour that I was really upset about I wanted to get the I think I showed this on one of the members Q&A streams um there was an OG literally the first merchandise ever created for Star Wars as a poster for a New Hope and it was dope and I wanted to get it but I missed the auction just because I was at The Fan event during the international stadium tour so that sucked but that’s it uh Jake is just timing I’m going to do two in July we’re g do that way so yeah they’ll be two in July I’ve been for it’s just June got so hectic I’m streaming tomorrow too I’m G to stream to South Saga so yeah we’ll see we’ll see so stinks but you have the cool one for your casket exactly exactly American or Japanese it’s American right now no it’s expensive it’s like it’s like over 60 it’s has to be PSA 9 has be again it’s super specific but yeah it’s like stupid expensive it it usually retails for like $1,300 which I’m not paying so yeah we’re trying we’re trying Gods on fire it’s in my early 20s when Pokemon became a thing at least in the US I thought it was stupid fat that i’ be gone a year I was wrong oh yeah I remember losing my Charizard my Char excuse my my Charmander did not have a Charizard when I was a kid Charmander my first uh uncommon card it was rare excuse me it was like the evil Professor Oak um I that was the first ever pack I pulled I was in the Jefferson Valley Mall and I was walking through and Pokemon was starting to become a thing and I bought one with a Charizard on the front of of it and I bought it from a little stand that was selling them and uh I did not pull a rare and I was like oh that sucks so yep yep Al Tom you want one give you a Magikarp and with love it should evolve by the way for chil hopefully it would evolve Max F Tom what’s in the picture frame directly behind you the Super Bowl so I actually this was one of the this is one of the things that this is before patcast obviously this is the New York Times uh newspaper from when the Packers won Super Bowl 45 because my first Super Bowl as a Packers fan they lost Super Bowl 32 against the Broncos so I had not seen my team win a Super Bowl I was in college when they won the Super Bowl and uh I don’t know if they do this now but in the lounge they had free newspapers and so the next day after the Packers won I went downstairs and I saw this and I saved this for years so I could eventually frame it and have it and it’s literally been staple of the set the entire time RS currently going through a bit of a Lego set from 97 to 2006 I got a States Dale today for 100 bucks they are set are worth more alone yeah dude it’s crazy it’s crazy poon gold or silver I had gold I had gold I did so yeah I literally got that when they won and uh I think Jade actually wind up framing that because she got the green frame so yeah it’s dope I actually did that um I did when I was in Milwaukee when I saw the Bucks win the championship the next day in the airport I bought a newspaper it’s still in a bag with confetti that I got from that game and eventually I’m going to frame it and have the confetti lining around so yep yeah y yep direct act State violence you agree that peaceful protest eventually becomes insufficient to enact change when the normal system of government also fails again uh I can see you’re going to have acts of violence and you’re going to have that uh again depending on how severe it is but it depends on how long the action has or SL violence from the government’s been going on um and yeah I mean I think you have all right if we want to like you want to not bus you’re good if we want to like really get into that conversation I don’t think it has to necessarily resort to violence I think instead and this is just from experience and history and all that great stuff there needs to be if there is a movement where you are trying to protest the most effective are things like strikes the most effective are things like forming unions the things that are most effective are things that are going to potentially cause money to be lost because in the country world that we live in money’s everything we talk about money in politics before so a bunch of people protesting while I think there it is effective because I think at the bare minimum you are going to be spreading awareness potentially of your cause I think that when you have a movement that is going to cause work or money to be lost that’s when you’re going to start to have people pay more attention because it’s going to directly impact them um that’s why unions are really really important true story um and why you have had years and years of lobbying and lobbying and lobbying to try and make it more difficult that’s why you have corporations constantly go after unions because like once you have a un like there people get fired for it because there’s there’s that individualist there’s a great I’m like go all over the place there’s a great documentary that I actually showed my students when they were taking econ um it’s on Netflix I think it’s still on there I think it was called American Factory and it was basically you had a Chinese investor come in oh was it Cleveland I think it was like it was Ohio I think excuse if I’m wrong I think it was Ohio and basically in like buy up a factory that was making windshields and glass and you had like the cultural element of that you had the autom like the bringing Machinery in and caught up kind of like saying hey we’re going to going to bring machines and replace people like there there’s a bunch of that it’s a good documentary but I think it’s legit at a point where they they fought against a union and they uh the factory won because the corporation was like we do not want a factory like we’ll close down if there’s a union and yeah like Union talk at places I’ve been would get you fired um yeah that that’s what it takes I think and I think that’s the next l IAL step you know there’s uh Tyler Tyler um who works for an airline there’s been talking about striking and like yeah like that’s sometimes that’s what it takes because when you interrupt the flow of money that’s when more people will pay attention but there are consequences to that and to put that on a single person or single people who are trying to pay their bills just like anybody else it’s challenging God’s fire remember I thinking in 2000 after the whole Florida hanging Chat thing the world was laughing us rightfully so little did I know little did I know little did I know direct action not necessarily like firebomb yeah yeah that’s what I mean then yeah boss sorry when you were saying violence like yeah direct action is that it’s that like that I think is going to be more effective um and again like awareness is very powerful and I think the internet has made it POS possible so that there’s more of it but then it could also be used against your cause too fire here in Dayton yes FY ya yes B the old GM plant that closed was the largest employer in town yes that’s what I’m talking about yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes so it’s a good documentary um because you have these American workers and then you have these Chinese workers come over from China and it’s like the cultural differences and trying to work together but also for this Corporation and there’s like okay then there’s a potential about a union and then there’s the pros and cons against that and then dealing with that and then on top of um the entire story at the end they talk about bringing in machines to do the jobs for them and like after all that people are still going to get replaced you know so yeah maybe ask yeah I mean it’s just but that’s what it is like unions are important and like not every Union is great don’t get me wrong it’s a it’s a broad stroke there but yeah it’s uh because that’s what it is and I I’ve talked about this before like you just get closer to some of this stuff and like companies and corporations it it really just comes down to money and it’s just so it’s deflating I don’t know I’ve done a lot of things on this channel that most of the things that are not for money like coach that’s not for money you straight they’re not for money you know like that’s it’s not what it is and I think there is potential at some point that like yeah depending on how things go like that could backfire on me but the way I’ve looked at it is man like I’ve been so so grateful to do this job for as long as I have so whatever like I If they changed uh you know if viewership goes down or like I don’t I I think the pursuit of having to make more money every single year year year after year and it has to be more I don’t know man like it’s it’s not sustainable it’s just not because then quality gets worse if you’re doing everything for money then you’re just going to start making the same thing for cheaper or you’re going to start putting it behind pay walls or you’re going to start just making it worse and yeah like nobody benefits from that that no one J 52 Tom been 69 minutes in 69 minute warning know you’re extremely busy but uh could I get your thoughts in one word or less nice nice if YouTube shut down tomorrow would you go back to teaching I don’t know I don’t know yet um I don’t think the way I did I don’t think I I don’t think I would teach high school again no I don’t know maybe higher ed if I can get into that um I don’t know I’d still do this though I’d find something I’d find some way to create cuz it it’s been I mean you’ve seen coach it has been one of the most healthy Outlets that I’ve had and at times unhealthy 100% there’s been times where it’s unhealthy that ambition story is an ambition story like legitimately 2021 and on I would say really until like this year there was a a time for like two to three years it was just all gas and it was when uh the first time I felt it was literally in 23 because like I’ve been working really hard on this haven’t missed a a video upload or a stream or a short five days a week since August of 2019 we’re going to hit five years in August and once I made that commitment was like okay I’m going to do this for a long time like I’m going to make sure I don’t miss a day for a video there be some typee of content that comes out Monday through Friday and during the season it’s six to seven days a week and plus multiple videos per day but it was more of yeah after 2021 where this was my only thing I was like I can’t let this fail I can’t let it fail and I just worked the personal life thing and I got divorced and was like okay I am going to syn everything I have into this and I did oh boy I did it was great it was super great but like that was that’s the like that’s the ambition part of the story that’s that’s legit real um yeah in 2023 though I felt it it was after the season I was like okay I just need a week like just give me a week vacation and then when Roger said he was going to go to the Jets I was like okay as soon as he gets traded I’ll go and then he gets traded the week of the draft and then 30 and 30 and it never happens legit going to Iceland for a week it literally was the first vacation in 5 years and uh I needed it and this past weekend like I really needed that because I could not decompress after the international stadium tour and was like okay like I need to chill a little bit and this week has been really good I’ve really enjoyed it streaming a lot of course but like this was like good and this is not complaining by the way like this is legit just yeah I was running on fumes for a bit I was running on fumes so we good now we good and with [Music] a saying if I had you as a teacher I might have learn something that sucks man that sucks that definitely sucks but uh I hope you learn something later in life then should all have good teachers should all have good teachers thank you would have stayed married he was stayed married the channel would have been what it become no no I I have never said a bad word about jayon here and I never will because that’s unfair to her she does not have the platform she does not have she’s not here to speak on that so you will never hear me say a bad word about that um but it it is legitimately factual that I would not have been able to do 30 and 30 which is also why like during that I felt that like during 13:30 that was a that that was a big thing that was a big thing fun what a f Tom great to see you and always uh insufficiently proud of you for all you’ve done uh I got plenty of DD photos you’re willing to share them my stream got try to stay off Twitter after uh last night last night ver I’ll see him Jason fire you be watching an NFL game in person what would it be non Packers and Packers game for you Super Bowl 52 and Chiefs Rams 2018 Ice Bowl for the Packers easy uh and then Rams Titan Super Bowl you go there well Twitter was so much fun man Twitter was great like it was a cesspool but like it was cool it just sucks now it’s still like you know it’s it’s not the worst but it’s not great it’s uh it’s not great I wish it was better I wish it was better it’s fine it’s and that’s like I I will be very honest with you that is something that’s really important to me for this channel I think about it literally every day like there is uh very kind I think someone donated like they donated 1399 or whatever is for YouTube premium um like I fundamentally disagree with charging people for things that were free or charging people to get back to a service that was offered that was originally free I really don’t like that I’m not a fan I have everything is free here the only thing that is behind a pay wall is a monthly Q&A and I only did that because I was like I feel like I have to give the people that are paying every month something out of this insane schedule that is just for free like I and it’s just oh man like there needs to be stuff that’s for free like there needs to be stuff that is cheap like and yeah like there needs to be a risk there like that’s the market right like if we’re going with like what capitalism is supposed to be like that’s the market and the Market’s going to determine like what wins and loses and all that great stuff of course that’s not applicable in our current situation but yeah I don’t know like I looked at it as I worked for six years before I could quit I did this for six years and it was like year five that I was like oh I finally am making enough money where this could be the thing monetizing your audience and just like selling them crappy things and crappy earbuds and crappy services and all that stuff and I understand why people do it and there is no shade I’m not insulting any Creator here because that’s also the Creator economy right now it’s all about building businesses and selling other products and all that stuff man like Rachel makes my merch she does a great job I pay her for that sometimes I get the money back sometimes I don’t support people that do great work that’s it so yeah I mean I’m going to try something this season that I’m really excited for and it might be a big swing in a Miss but like I said like if I can pay my bills I’m good I don’t need to be a billionaire I don’t need to be a millionaire like I’m I’m good I make money off AdSense and donations I can pay my bills I’m happy I’m a happy person I can take care of my pets I can take care of the people I care about have a nice day have a nice day max with a F you got to handcraft a presidential debate between two NFL players uh who would they be for the most entertainment current NFL players I’ll go current Garder mchu Russell Wilson tell me that’s not entertaining let go oh it felt gross we’re at 20 Tom things that makes you great and where I want to be as a content creator is that your show is great for all fans Not Just Packers fans it’s almost like you don’t have to be a Packers fan but it sure does help appreciate you abolutely T Tom 24 we need better options no please don’t do that don’t waste your vote don’t waste your vote don’t do it I also am not old enough do merchandising merchandising where the real money from the channel is made it’s not it’s not merch does not even come close- I could actually on let’s see actually have I haven’t checked on Teespring in a while it’s been a while Rachel knows Rachel has access to all that it’s like it is not making a ton hey let’s see in when’s the last time that I took that I got paid by them I am scrolling back oh that’s also thing too we don’t make the merch expensive too yeah the mar Rachel will tell you it’s it’s very small gods T John Stewart for president he doesn’t want to f t share a DD photo uh folks cat I got you I got you God when it oh my God is it that long ago no there’s no way I that few months 800 bucks take it I take it I’ll take it it makes a few bucks I make a few bucks for uh oops I just canel that out yeah I make a few bucks per shirt I make sure Rachel’s paid beforehand that’s it that’s it it it’s like again Rachel does great work and and should be promoted for that so uh sales have been slow it’s the off SE yeah it’s fine that’s fine that’s fine I don’t I because I don’t live and die by that I’m like oh no okay people didn’t buy a shirt oh no it’s fine totally fine it’s good it’s good the shirt’s good the quality is good that’s all I care about all I care about and most importantly G is got Rachel DM for a shirt design all right yeah Rachel put out the screaming Street one came out really good let’s see oh oh Rachel can I show this to the uh the peeps like this God fire I never bought a shirt cuz uh 3x is the biggest last time I checked and that’s too small for me I’ve worn a 3X since 9th grade shoot them an email and see if they can uh potentially do it them an email show the class okay the tree is your papa so this was mentioned during the stream that’s pretty I I love that this is the only Popa color that’s pretty great [Music] I do like that and that’s William all right people like it we’re rocking there you go rightel thank you thank you thank you thank you crushing it crushing it a there we go just posted a tweet that’s so nice that’s so you an rpt do a man to 5 tell them to hit me up tell them hit me up what’s something you’ll never do again that’s a good question Alec something I’ll never do again no it’s not the table I do the table under right circumstances I won’t do it on gravel again I’ll tell you that much I I would do it again though B grats America B today yep right right um cheers for the Vikings yeah that’s but that’s the thing like maybe it’s like week 18 and it’ll help the Packers get in I’ll like oh I prefer the Vikings win so like there’s a the way I did yeah the table the way I did there’s no way there’s no way cuz it my body would not be able to take that again not on gravel not like that I would like there’s I would literally jump off a ladder through uh of course kayy I would jump off a ladder through a table as long as I’m landing on somewhat of like snow or something that’s fine that’s fine I would say never is a long time I will say never will I hope the V oh that’s again it’s never again snow ain’t soft it’s better than gravel it’s better than gravel um land if I realize DBZ song uh D is perfect football song make be tougher than I ever lose and nothing’s going to stop me come on try true wrong DBZ come on now come on now um that’s a good question all right I think uh I will this is a sorry this is a deep answer for this question but I’ll never let myself get to the point where I was in 21 yeah I’ll never let myself get to that low Point again without you know seeking out what I need to seek out to make sure that happen so yeah 21’s bad folks 21 was bad 21 was bad but yeah I know a natural R for foot blisters I’ve never gotten blisters I ran I ran a m I never got him I’m so sorry that’s not me that’s not me therapy is a good thing therapy is a good thing yeah when it’s good it’s good when it’s good it’s good yeah so yeah like that’s uh that’s a part of the lore stream I guess but yeah I would say the the feelings that we were talking about in the love like with the letter and stuff like that’s not coming out of nowhere like that was that was 21 there was no letter but there was it was dark it was uh it was the lowest of the low which is why I wanted to make sure like that came out and then again it’s the rise after that it’s the rise after that so yeah that’s it life ain’t easy some life ain’t easy a lot of times life ain’t easy every day but you know you rock put out good vids like when I tell people and I I’ve said this on stream I’ve said this in videos I said this at the end of 30 and 30 like legit there was a a heavy lean I leaned heavy on this in 2021 like I leaned heavy if I didn’t have that at this like if I didn’t have this at that point that would have been that would have been real real rough but yeah yeah so I think it’s you know you’re going to go through dark times in your life you’re going to go through really dark times in your life um but I I wish you all the opportunity to be able to look back upon those and go you learned you learned Ty to here some money I appreciate you don’t need to do that but I appreciate you I appreciate you yeah sorry Tracy I’m not a blister guy I had my uh the back of my foot got cut open by my shoe that I was wearing so I haven’t worn those shoes for SP a while yeah I cut back my uh foot but yeah nothing’s easy nothing’s easy baby working Hobbies give you a measure of control in your life when you feel it’s slipping away from you yeah but like there there just needs to be and like that’s what I hate too man like this is such a wildflower quote and I’m going to say it there Ros T Community your insulation 21 H yeah I mean there was a point it wasn’t and it was really really bad but yeah at some point it it was the purpose it literally was the purpose yeah it was the act of doing it it every day and it was the act of just like going of like okay I got to do this and I got to do this and I got to do this purposes purposes is important and I I am very very very fortunate enough that I recognized that this it’s not even that it I never when I started it wasn’t really my purpose it was this was something I enjoyed I did it for years cuz I enjoyed it and when it made money I was like oh this is really cool it’s something I really like enjoy enjoy there you go there you go so and at 22 yeah bro like also we went through like a global national trauma of Co and we’re like all right let’s go back to work guys we’re good we’re fine we’re fine oh yeah Kelsey 100% that was 21 that was I’ve been once before then but it was 21 rightel what uh do you know what has been motivating me through the weight loss Journey spite 2016 I had doctor tell me the odds were against me for losing a bunch of weight never tell me the odds doc let’s go never tell me the odds doc that’s it spite is very powerful Packers Fan out of spite yeah again I remember a comment in 2018 that was like this is why you don’t have a lot of subscribers because of the content you’re making and I was like I think I have I save it hold on hold on hold on I think I saved it yeah like I never said anything I didn’t need to let’s see here it is I found the thread please hold it wasn’t a video J Fire Tom got new records I got rage hell yeah this education of Lauren Hill on vacation in St Louis people hell yeah I’ve heard great things about St Louis that’s awesome that’s dope enjoy it good good records too records too on I gotta find [Music] it let’s see let’s see no no no not [Music] you damn hold on I gotta find this gota find this okay hold on hold on I found it oh on okay here we go so this I saw it because that’s also a thing too I read comments I do I read a lot of comments sometimes for hey I need to ground myself and read some negative comments but there was a comment that was made uh when I was nominated for fan of the Year talk about spite right bet you $20 the winner is someone none of us have ever heard of and has never had a national television appearance it’s the man’s job to be a fan not sure why it’s such a hard concept to grasp that someone whose income comes from the NFL content shouldn’t win these types of things I think the NFL will show that their stupid opinion Al lines with mine because it’s not shaded in delusion I have no ill will towards that person I have none of that but that [ __ ] makes me so happy like that bro please doubt me please you can’t do 30 and 30 bet you can’t do five countries in 10 days bet woo Rachel spes a powerful emotion my friend Carolina fire not sure you say anything about this yet thoughts on Sunday Ticket lawsuit please for love I don’t know how it’ll go but please for love of God uh besides money to people uh please allow people to order just their teams games please Jonathan Fire have you seen the bear because season 3 has got released I’ve seen a good amount of the episodes not a lot like not I haven’t finished it though I have not finished that’s it you tell me you’re broken trophy that’s right that’s right broken broken no spikes a thing ask Aaron Rogers not now but like ask Aaron Rogers bro spites a thing I love people doubting makes me happy gods of fire can’t make the charges win the Super Bowl in the next three years no I can’t sorry Gods no God’s like no that’s not what I want no I can’t I can’t can’t do that can’t do that so that’s it that’s it so but again like it’s not it’s not like oh my God I hate that person I’m so upset they said that all right cool I see it though I see it all right cool we’re rocking we did it and like when I won this this wasn’t a f that no bro the number one thing on my mind was holy crap I won this and it’s just overwhelming gratitude and joy that’s it Jason ter it’s a lost my old job uh it’s been a part of me saying if there’s any hope of living uh because I just don’t know with good people uh helping make my life better and it’s the context you make yeah right that’s exactly it right you could be down and it’s like oh man like that you’re it’s rough every day difficult really really difficult but it’s The Company You Keep it’s the actions you do um I think that like and I know this is ironic coming for me but work isn’t everything it isn’t and it it it took the past year and a half of me not being able to like really get any downtime in 23 that I was like oh no like I need to create a healthier balance here and you could still argue during the season all bets are off TR to see NFL season time was different from the rest of the year like I feel like this week where I’ve just put out streams every day and a video today like I feel like that’s been lazy right but I’ve been trying to be like okay let’s have some some Grace here like let’s have some it’s all right but again like it’s a real thing because when I don’t work just like anybody like I don’t make money so like this June one the worst months I’ve ever had all right July is not going to be great August not going to be great September I hope it’s great does it Jason with turn since I got you got you sorry Jason uh with a fire remember that Sprite is a fuel that burns with more light than heat uh spite excuse me it can make you productive uh but yet to make sure you become better 1 million perc 1 million per so yeah it’s got to make you better because otherwise it’s just it’s just it’s worthless right it’s got to make you better because like we’ve gotten to a point because it was this uh it was 30 and 30 but this past stream that 15h hour stream oh that reinforced some things that reinforced some things so that’s going to be fun because that was I have to make $86,000 all right we’re going to keep streaming till we hit $86,000 do you know how dangerous that was to prove myself right of going I could raise it in less than a day I think I think I could do it do you know what that has reinforced oh yeah oh yeah there you go Judy that’s awesome that’s Finn uh I I’m gonna get a notification I think when it gets there so my goal is it took three years to make a million dollars for charity my goal is that from September to the end of June we’ll raise another million for charity I know we’ll hit that for a fact but yeah in three now we’re going to do it in months and if something goes as well as I think it might go I’m going to do it in even shorter than then yeah the ideas I have for 2025 are gonna be in sa it’s gonna be crazy yeah so that’s a thing too Chris here because we got got 314 people here I’ve said this I think I said this a couple weeks ago right the plan I said I want to take a charity that does really great work that doesn’t have a ton of name recognition they are going to be my charity for the season anytime we do fundraising streams including the one in December for eight hours all the proceeds will go to them and then the Super Bowl even if the Packers go I will not attend the Super Bowl which seems crazy that even that’s an option now but I will not attend the Super Bowl and I will be doing a fundraiser stream for the game stream of the Super Bowl in February if we hit 750,000 subscribers by the Super Bowl which I think we can do I will stream for 12 hours that day on the Super Bowl if we hit a million subscribers by the Super Bowl I will stream 24 hours from Midnight to midnight or until midnight until the game is over so either way it’s a fundraiser either way it’s going to charity either way we’re going to be raising money for a great charity all season and that was [Music] a that was a a crazy [Music] crazy guilt trip for me because I have never tied personal growth with fundraising stuff and I wanted to make it like very clear that like oh I’m not going to fundraise unless we get this many subscribers because that’s BS I was like no no no this literally the biggest game in our sport that’s going to be done for charity regardless of what happens how however many subscribers we get if we had 750 which I think we can we’ll do 12 we hit a million we do 24 so either way it’s happening but then June June I have some insane ideas I really think that I can raise a million dollars in in less than a month for charity I really think if I hit go live and it is going to be planned oh there’s be a lot of things planned which I’m already doing I think we can raise a million dollars for charity within a month if I hit go live and I don’t stop till we hit a million dollars for charity that’s what the 15 hour stream reinforced tell me I can’t tell me I can’t tell me I can’t get go live we’re streaming I go until I hit a million dollars days weeks month you do it what you do so yeah there’s ideas flowing there’s ideas flowing so we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see what happens super excited but I gotta finish these watch throughs first and then I gotta finish coach and then I gota finish the reactions and then I gotta you know finish the all other stuff but yeah we’ll get there oh Cy trust me I have already thought all a whole bunch of this out the plan is like 75% there there go R you sound disappointed it was only for 15 hours for 85k it was 81k but uh no I’m not disappointed um I would have streamed for longer but imagine the last hour of that stream but imagining I was doing it for a week what if it was two weeks what if it took three it took a month this does not make me money but like this is do you understand like how awesome it feels to be able to push a button and just talk for 15 hours and at the end of it we raised $81,000 for kids with cancer like do you understand how like oh so all I have to give up is my time I’m hitting the button every day so don’t you worry don’t you worry what does make me money oh it’s just uh it’s ad revenue from YouTube and donations that’s it but I’ve never asked people for donations unless for charity that’s how it works baby and patreon the YouTube member stuff that helps but that’s it that’s it all right I’m thinking we’re at 254 thinking unomas I’m thinking unas we’re rocking I need rest yeah no I’d prepare for that I would definitely I’d sleep on stream yeah I I have so many ideas I have so many ideas as literally as soon as I hit the 81k and uh 15 hours was like yep okay I can do this I can do this a m all right A M grab one oh yeah no because again there’s that help that needs to come in there too I’ll do crazy things I’ll do unhealthy things going traveling for 30 straight days and it’s not healthy but got to take care of yourself too let’s have un gome beer all right P the real quick too e I also think vitamin oh sorry Moy I didn’t mean to wake you up buddy sorry about that that’s my fault buddy sorry sorry sorry sorry Boy Buddy lay down you good okay to your Mount Rushmore of Superheroes Batman Spider-Man Doctor Strange is pretty cool Dr Strange pretty cool I I think getting some lightning be careful careful Q&A is going down the history books good it could Moose’s doing okay his right leg’s a bit better so I called the vet and uh they basically cuz this was a a recommendation like a referral that I went to them because they had uh like really good surgeons if that was what it came to and they give me all the medicine and all that great stuff and so he’s now exhausted all his medicine except for one supplement and so now uh I called him I was like Hey like should we do it get CU like his left leg is good but his right leg because he leaned on it so much and he overcompensated now his right leg is limping so like his right leg is getting okay so I’m going to have to take him at some point next week and be like okay you know like does he need anything else but he’s doing okay Twister yeah I’m like relatively excited I really like the first one we got cows but but and my poor buddy I mean we’ve been dealing with this since February you know so I just my boy wants to I haven’t taken him for a walk in months like we’ve been going outside and he lays in the grass and like we walk around the yard but like a walk walk we haven’t got him months because he has to be on bed rest so and I can’t risk it because if he hurts himself then like it’s a full tear and he needs to be on rest for even longer so oh I think they are Chris I think so so y Batman could be great Batman great bill I agree bill I agree not my best poor it the whole thing got in there got in got Inn got in you have a compilation of Tom funny clips yeah I think I need to do a better job at promoting myself I barely I barely promote the channel except during live stream like feel free to like And subscribe which I still feel bad about or have a subscribe end card at the end I never wanted to be that Creator was like guys make sure you smash that like button that was never me um so yeah I think I do need to get better at that it’s just not my priority not ring app lore drop yo let’s see what’s going on the Ring app let’s see let me see all right uh internet down again does anyone know what’s been going on for Riz in the internet service been down since Sunday pretty much mine was down since Monday finally came today he asked me what went into the box on side of us I told him Verizon about a month ago he said whoever it was closed the box door on a wire that was cause of my outage two question marks no punctuation they full of crap I’m sick of Verizon exactly they are the worst I have Verizon they’ve been pretty solid pretty Sol I have no issues and I have FiOS yeah same here with the Glitchy Inn out mine has been glitchy since the storms on Sunday when we lost power for a couple minutes it lost for a couple minutes I lost for hours hours we have been losing servers for a few minutes to an hour almost every day for a few months the sent out thus sent out a tech today and he replaced the wire from the pole to the house and said that should take care of it he just left an hour ago so hopefully that will be it okay all right looking for a painter this is what should be on it let’s see does anyone have an affordable painter painter right uh to refer uh yes hey I can give you a price h i do all types of interior work including patching and painting okay I can give you a price someone left their number I use a guy named Tommy he has painted four rooms for me so far right now he is redoing my closet took out old shelves and building me a custom closet I’m very happy with his work here’s his number it’s not me though it’s not here’s a number text me for more info okay all right lot of numbers being given out lot of numbers and there’s just the storms power outage internet outage tree and wires it last storm right here I it may you can paint maybe paint by numbers potentially you’re not wrong not wrong oh that’s a great beer Thor update I saw him for a hot second I didn’t get a chance to go over that literally I was walking the puppers in the front yard and was like okay I got to uh I I got to walk him real quick before this and I saw him he’s getting big big he is getting large large so Moy yeah he just hurt his leg uh he just started limping one day and I think it was just an accumulation un fortunately uh CU like he’s he’s a bigger dog and like he has a lot of weight on his legs and uh he’s like falling down the stairs before he gets too excited I love him but fract ATT time curious what you like the most about hockey so far can’t wait to see hockey content hey let’s go actually just got sent uh I thing I had to check it out I haven’t been able to check it out yet but the hockey video got sent to me the first draft for it so I’m very you the Florida Panthers won the Stanley Cup for the first time in their franch [Music] history all right so right now it’s over 15 minutes this looks pretty good so far I got to look through the whole thing I’m excited for it yeah it’s kind of like a video essay thing so what I like the most about it it’s it’s legit just the like the sport of hockey is really effing fun and I mentioned this in this video because it’s a mix of like what I think that some broadcasting groups could have done better um but it’s a lot of like what I’m interested in like the product itself is so good and it’s one of those sports that like with football I’m able to stream football because there is so much downtime there are so many commercials every between every single possession between every kickoff between every single oh they’re walking out now oh okay ha on they called a timeout oh okay it was an incomplete pass we got to walk it all the way back there’s so much free time you could kind of I don’t want to say passively watch it but like for a good chunk of it you could passively watch it with hockey it feels like it is an active experience and you can never really look away and for some people I’d be like I don’t have that investment which I get but when I’m watching hockey I’m like oh I really have to watch there’s been time I like on my phone and watching hockey and I’ve missed goals and I’m like oh man like this is not how I should do it here so I’m really just I love the sport like the sport is really fun it’s really engaging it’s different from the NFL yeah I’ve just I’ve really enjoyed it I’ve really really enjoyed it playoff hockey is great is so much fun Tre is awesome yeah he’s so good the pacing is really really good it’s faster than basketball and basketball is really fast too so yeah it’s combining like what I love about soccer and like making it faster so yeah it’s super fun I really really enjoy it Chris welcome to the posi appreciate you appreciate you thank you thank you and thank you yeah tree Tre is great at it Tre is great at it I visited a neighbor puppy I haven’t in a bit I haven’t seen him in a little bit I saw him literally today for a hot second but I wasn’t able to go over there cuz I had the dogs so have not but maybe this weekend we’ll try we’ll try that’s fair Den again like it also helps me because besides like the Kraken I just like enjoy it so like when I watch it I don’t have the level of investment for one specific team if the Kraken aren’t playing so I’m just enjoying it as a whole I seen I show speeds videos I’ve seen a bunch of clips of him but I don’t man I don’t have time to watch a live streamer like I don’t so yeah Tim it’s it’s so cool it’s so so cool I love it it’s been really fun and like it’s CRA like I know it’s getting more popular but maybe it’s just confirmation bias like I feel like it should be more popular than what it is like it’s really good the product like the sport is just really really good so fa coach character ambition or Chamas probably Tom is up there but junior is great but yeah it’s not done yet not done yet it should be but like I’m actually a little afraid of it getting more popular because if it gets more popular because like they already have like all the flashing ads on the the rink because there’s less commercials during it I just don’t want it to turn into like football Jas tour NBA fan but hockey is better than the playoffs yeah yeah Frac fire teams like Panthers winning helps grow the game too first time winners always good always good so last Community has gotten more into sports like that is also this this thought came about me like a year or two ago and at first I was like oh this is kind of like really cocky of me to think this but I thought about for a while like what if like there was a sport that I got into and actually covered like I did the NFL unfortunately just like timing doesn’t work up really well but I was like what if I did that and was like okay cool here are all these awesome creators get interested in the sport bye like there there was a thought of that for a bit Yeah God I have so many ideas I have there’s so many things I want to do football or hockey it’s football it’s still football no it’s 1 million per football I I’m love football but yeah I did see we lost to Japan kidding me come on now dtim 16 months fun story met a 10-year-old this month as a fan of you they beat cancer birthday is June 2nd National can Survivor day let’s go let’s go let’s go love that get it get it anger and magician so they create a cloning technology for you I would love to prestige my life so badly I’d love it I love it I love it but never going to get a house with these big Ideas I know I know this year I’m not stressed about it I’m not I’ve actually I looked at some houses today just on the internet I was like oh those are nice they’re expensive and I’m like no thanks but I think within three [Music] years things could be very different and what I mean by that is because like again not taking on sponsors the last one I did was Squarespace for like 260 bucks back in like 2018 or something um I wasn’t even 2018 no oh it was like later in that year I think it might in 2019 um and obviously I do sponsors with uh GPS and clickbait because that’s with other people which by way J tour yeah I’m still going by the way um for GPS this season um we’re not going to be doing any gambling stuff I think Underdog is a really cool company um I enjoyed working with them I don’t like it I don’t I have no problem against it gambling I have no problem like with people do with their money that’s not for me to decide but yeah I told per I didn’t want to do it I just I didn’t like it I know Pera handled all that it’s great and again it’s nothing against the company it’s nothing against that I really don’t want to get an 18-year-old kid addicted to gambling I said a lot of stuff of like make sure you don’t get addicted like just do it like and I think like five bucks at a time 10 bucks at a time you’re good but yeah I appreciate Perna for accommodating that because like that’s that’s a loss of Revenue but yeah man like I just don’t I didn’t like the way it sat with me I didn’t like it it it’s not it’s not what I wanted to do it’s not me so yeah it just it wasn’t my thing and like I know a lot of this stuff the you people are like I’ll get the bag what like I get it and again I’m not putting any [ __ ] in any company or any uh Creator it’s just no no BOS tour uh J where is my mind oh where’s my mind where my mind but yeah I just uh I personally didn’t like it so yeah we just talked to a company who seems really really cool who was going to get us some sponsors for GPS which would be great um but yeah it just didn’t sit right it just didn’t sit right so yep we a blond or brunette that’s the thing like for me not GPS not clickbait for me what does a sponsor give me and I mean that that’s not a rhetorical question like what does the sponsor give me Brown thanks this is bullying by the way buling Head and Shoulders exactly this is money it’s money that that that’s what it is it’s money that’s it sponsors give me money I worked for six years to build this without sponsors to make money if I need to make money I’ll work harder I’ll put out another video I’ll do another stream I don’t need to be a billionaire man Money More Problems no it’s just it doesn’t enhance the product it doesn’t enhance the content it doesn’t enhance what I do it puts more money in my pocket which listen I really would like to buy a house like I’d really like that but what is the cost of that I’m going to sell you some crappy product no I’m going to use nine years of Goodwill and trust that I’ve gained with this community be like guys this is crappy product I straight up told you like I turned down a significant amount of money to promote something that was in my field like would have made sense no one would have said a thing I was like ah no the product ain’t there yet nope the day that I take on a sponsor it makes the content better if NFL Sunday Ticket I know they’re going through some stuff right now if they turn to me and go hey you can show the game while you stream cool what do I need to promote because that makes the product better that allows for somebody who can’t afford to watch the game to watch the game I’m good that works for me other than that I gotta wait longer to buy a house okay wait a long time I can wait longer J 279 how do I get my spouse into watching football explain that you’re passionate about it see if they like it um have them participate in it but I think you have to show a love for it and then also be really patient and explaining why you love it and explaining you know the ins and outs of the sports which is really complicated I think you need to do all that and then also be like hey if it’s not their thing it’s not their thing but I think a supportive spouse SL partner will show interest cuz you show interest but I think it it comes from you of being like this is why I’m interested and this is important to me build fire we are sponsors Tom we love being that for you and dir your Charities always be here as long as you are appreciate you I appreciate appreciate you but yeah that’s that’s where I’m at and that’s not good business practices like is that’s anti- bus school it’s just um yeah I can pay my bills I’m happy yeah I don’t have an agent Cameo I thought about it Den I’ve been asked about that for years and as I’ve said on stream I just do it for free for people who reach out to me within reason like please don’t just be like oh it’s my 35th birthday like like again it’s mostly for kids like you know what have you um someone’s going through something yeah I do it for free but yeah I don’t know man I just want to be happy with the stuff that I do I want to be proud of the way that I make money I want to be proud of the stuff that I make um like the reaction videos I do for when breaking news happens like I know it’s not the highest of art I know that but I think like I get some zingers in there there’s creativity in there it’s all improv and it allows me to do the stuff that I I really have a ton of passion for so yeah Jason fire money can uh cause you trouble sometimes also D because how much uh the work effort and dedication you do for all of us just for us I appreciate that yeah I’m just I’m not trying to sell anybody anything like I I told this to people gods and fire skip past the ads anyway except for Jim cornett’s reads and that’s only because it makes some players per is really good at that he’s really good at it if I’m being like really really honest which usually it’s Q&A it’s that time before I leave this house man I really want that gold play button there it it’s not the money it’s nothing I have left that spot empty for years getting this I know that’s a materialistic thing but 100 ,000 like I was crying man like that was a can’t take it away it’s they they reduced it now it’s more of a a piece of plastic but they can’t take it away man I really want the million G fire I think voting still important as today na for local as relates to federal government has lost its impact depends on the state that you live in local is incredibly important uh Congress incredibly important but Federal depends on the state you live in your Nostalgia Critic does Cameo straight to charity but then I would worry about just the time commitment during the season G fire no amount of money is worth being able to not being able to look yourself in the mirror correct correct correct correct mhm oh yeah plastic 3D printed yeah J how many years do you consider uh a million what do you mean I’ve been doing this for nine years it’ll be nine years in August I think that uh if everything goes the way that I would picture it in 2025 it’ll be the 10year anniversary of patcast and the draft is in Green Bay Packer fan Hall of Fame thing we’ll see what happens with that if that could be the million subscriber thing in 20125 and I think a lot of it’s just going to have to be like I have to get uncomfortable and like promote the channel but yeah I’m going try I’m really gonna try like I need announcing a draft pick I’m told you I’m pulling every string possible every string every string Embrace ambition many times um yeah we’re GNA try we’re GNA try try wow ter see Paul hman took a tail bump I didn’t is it Smackdown tonight damn damn rock rock let’s go Jake let’s go let’s go let’s go we’re going to try we’re going to try see what happen what’s the worst that happens I fail oh no I failed a lot in my life we’ll get it yeah Tom draft pick I think you have a few thousand people that will provide the nudge we’ll try yeah there’s two things with this channel there’s three things total that I wanted after 21 d 25 is uh is your considerable million subscriber I like it yeah I think it’s uh there’s three goals I had I wanted to raise a million dollars for charity we did that in three years when I started keeping track of that I want to raise a million dollars for charity in one campaign and I want to hit a million subscribers The announcing the Packers pick at the draft that’s like a life goal Beyond this channel but that’s a life thing I don’t care if it’s a seventh round pick I don’t care if it’s the last pick and the fact that it’s in Green Bay I’m going to work this season I need to like but I need to I’m GNA work this season we G work we going to work work so we’ll see we’ll see what happens see how it goes r t Tom uh where’ you get your ring sized up I don’t think I did I don’t even know my ring sizes anymore I not anymore I don’t wear rings so I swear these which by the way again I still lost the one from Mexico really upset about that upet about that but love these Jas what was your childhood goal before this depends on how far we go back in childhood there was an actor for a while no shocker um comedian for a bit but yeah I think the the thing I’ve always wanted especially in my uh later teenage years and then definitely going through college and definitely after I wanted a job where the amount of work I did I got back and teaching was that for a a a good while but this job was literally perfect because the more I worked the more I got back and I ain’t even talking about money I talked about meeting people talked about about views talked about conversation talked about just expressing opinions about things that I loved about football and I was like okay well the more work I do the more things happen so I’ve done a lot of work and a lot of things have happened to fire go work this season but you know what doesn’t work your Netflix overseas that’s where surfar VPN comes in oh God kill me Tyler I love you Tyler but no never no God do you many vpns I’ve reached out rage Shadow no no this doesn’t make anybody’s life better no let make the content better stop just stop stop but yes tell imagine M like that’s what i’ I’ve told people that too like I’ve told companies that and I was like I want to let you know like it’s going to be super awkward even for me to pitch anything because I don’t do it I literally don’t do it so I’m going to work this season and you can work if you download boss one fire take your next vacation in Seattle visit uh Mount drink all the beers and have vegan ramen the mountains are calling you listen to them they’ve been calling me for a long long time long long time I have not Gabriel I have not yeah last stuff my friends I’d love to go back to Seattle I would love to go back to Seattle I’ll be in Seattle in August Jad with a 5’2 thas 69 minutes and 69 minutes after the 69 minute warning I know you are swamp with work but can we get your thoughts on this nice might be for a day might be just for two days but I’ll be back in Seattle in August more things planed more look when I tell you the amount of planning slor slash schedule it’s been nuts it has been it’s been a summer it’s been a summer 69 69 69 all right we’re 327 in let’s talk all right oh no I wouldn’t go to bed after this anyway I probably try to play Ghost of sushima have I eaten lunch it was big lunch it’s fine okay I got water we’re good we’re rocking I’ve gotten this question a lot I got it a lot yesterday the question was who was filming the nightmare episode you’re getting you’re getting exclusive lore here you’re okay it was not Papa grai it was not Papa grai moosey it was moose it was it was it was not Johnny barks not Johnny barks not Christian MOSI he it’s not Herman it was not Moy with a GoPro uh was that it was not Jade it was not Tyler was not Tyler was not Perna not Perna um oh no Chloe this is not uh drunk time this is It’s Been A vibe it’s been a vibe Q&A so in 2021 let me explain kind of what uh 20121 was for me you could trace back to 2020 um but yeah December 20120 Jay and I had some it it was it was not fun um that went until April and then decision was made we were no longer going to be together uh coach season 3 comes out I do that season of 2021 which is rough we get through it lowest point in my life during that time during the spring/summer by far not even close uh all that great stuff Zachary ter Tom go for work glad I catch some the stream random question what extent do you feel your milk allergy make it easier to adapt more restrictive diets voluntarily so much easier fact that I could ever NE never eat dairy made it a million times easier because I never knew what I didn’t have so easy easy so that was 2021 in 2022 after the season I was seeing somebody who when they started seeing me it was someone I had new before we were friends when they started seeing me they watched all of coached all of coached they watched all of the Saga I mean everything I did not ask them to I did not be like this is a thing I do but they did so that person came over and at 10 p.m. we started feeling filming bad Floridians slipped there we started filming and we filmed until 4:00 in the morning I then edited and I put that video out we were seeing each other for a bit then the 2022 season happened and 22 season was rough um we didn’t really have transportation to see each other and I felt that seeing this person while also committing 99.9% of myself to this was unfair to that person person and it just led to further separation issues ETC so I made the decision to be like hey it’s just it just it’s not fair to you I feel like crap it’s not great and her response to that was I just want to love you and I’ll support you regardless and it was the most mature emotionally accepting at an emotionally devastating time that I’ve ever experienced and so we stayed in contact when the season was over I kind of got to come up for some air and this was in 2023 and I reached out was like hey there’s uh there’s these couple shows that are coming out on HBO would you be interested in like coming over and watching some shows and this person said yes and then 3030 happened and we were not together we were not dating and she came to The Fan event that I had here in New York um and kind of was just waiting in that limbo of what’s going on and it was during 30 and3 that I was talking to this person frequently but rarely during the day because like 30 and 30 was happening and I told her like yeah like things are good things good this is crazy like I don’t even know what’s going on right now this is crazy I’m getting three hours of sleep at night maybe it’s a wild time and I was about halfway through this trip I’m on a plane and the new Hosier uh song dropped it was before he re released his album this is important and I was listening to one of the songs that came out and it made me realize that I was being an idiot because this girl loved me and I’m not talking about the shaky or like oh like I loved and it was during that trip that I was like oh I also really really love this girl and so when I got back from 30 and 30 I put my crap down and I was like nope we’re going to give this a real try like a real real try that was the end of 30 and3 and then by the way for 30 and 30 she lives in New York obviously she attempted to fly out to LA for the final day she went she drove to New Jersey oh New Jersey and she waited her flight was supposed to be I think it was at like 400 p.m. and she waited until midnight as they pushed it and pushed it and delayed it and delayed it until they eventually canel it and I found out they canel it while I was in the airport waiting to go to La so when I got back from 30 and 30 I was like oh yeah yeah coach season 4 came out she came over right like I’m sorry it’s coach season five she helped them with that the north Saga all those shots of Lami looking in the mirror and me walking down the stairs that’s her so it’s nearly the anniversary of when 30 and 30 was over we are still very much together she is really kind and to meet a person that has been nothing but supportive truly loving and legitimately one of the kindest people I have ever met has been so healthy rejuvenating and it literally is one of the reasons why things have been so good for just about every stream that I have done for the lore stream she has either been downstairs on this couch watching or upstairs watching on her laptop when I was streaming one of the things I went upstairs and she had fallen asleep with the stream of the lore on her phone passed out just watching on there so the reason that I have not disclosed that is not because of Any like oh I’m afraid how this is going to look none of that crap it was during 2021 when Jade and I were getting divorced and it was literally the low point of my life there was people who were pointing out I wasn’t wearing a ring there was people who went to the Wiki page and posted that I was divorced and I had not said a word and so when I met this person there was a lot of trepidation there was a ton of fear and there was also a level of I need to protect myself this person Etc Because the Internet is a place but it’s also the last time that I was very vulnerable with a relationship that I had and brought somebody on here who I was married to and very much in love with it did not work out and there were some ugly parts of the internet that was like o I need to avoid this completely and so when season 4 was premiering before the power out I was planning on saying this is who filmed it then last night I was going to do it and we got wrapped up really and there’s a three-hour stream and I was like okay so I knew it was coming at some point that it was going to uh be there and I can honestly say this person makes me feel so much love I’m so happy and again the kindness and I cannot emphasize this enough of I told her one night the reason why I gravitate towards you so much is because you are a genuinely good person she loves the dogs she loves the cats and it legitimately makes my life so much better so at some point there will be an introduction make sure hold make sure this person not watching let’s make sure how’s your night been she has not okay good so she has not she has not so at some point there’ll be an interaction this person has literally sat on this couch with Dash laying on top of her Sinclair laying on top of her and literally sitting there and trying not to make too much noise while a Q&A is going on a game stream is going on anything like that and no Samuel it’s not necessarily Tom’s getting married but this is the first person that and I’ve said this this was in the love this is I’ve said this on stream when I got married I intended for that to be forever and I meant forever and when it wasn’t it was not great not ideal and when that happened I was like I am never ever putting myself through that again that’s literally in the love of I am never putting you in control again but it’s this person that has not only made me reconsider that but am fully expecting at some point for that to completely change so yeah the things I’ve been able to do she watched them during the international State she watched the dogs and the cats and the house for the international stadium tour it has been nothing but support and nothing but love and it legitimately has been such a positive thing in my life in which there was a point I didn’t even know if this was going to be a thing and it’s just been really good so yeah there are very Christian yes there are very very few people that know I mean single digit um because this was something I was very very protective of I was protective of her I was protective of us and I had previous experience where it went really poorly and things blew up in my face and it wasn’t great so yeah I I feel very comfortable and good I’ve also kept it Anonymous still because like this is a process for me because I went Allin before and I brought in my significant other because I wanted her to be close to this and obviously with everything that happened it did not work out but yeah this is good this is real world good so you said the uh Q&A be something tonight there something new installation so folks I appreciate the hell out of you I’ll see you tomorrow because I’m going to stream for like eight hours after all this I’ll see you tomorrow thank you so much for watching I’ll see you for a full work day tomorrow have a great night if you can and if it’s not you who’s doing it himself because you should do it yourself find someone who’s kind and if you can’t find someone who’s kind be kind to yourself thank you so much for watching I’m Tom grai and as always go backo


  1. Best wishes Tom! I never thought I’d be so invested in someone I’ve never been able to meet face to face, but man, you’re such a good guy and 100 percent deserve all the good! I’m so happy for you both! And I wish you guys all the best!

  2. last time i hopped on a q and a was the start of the dirty blonde debate. every time i hop on it's something new i guess. congrats tom (it's thomas, don't let him scam you), you deserve it most of anyone!

  3. Missed the stream last night due to family commitments. Caught up this morning. So happy for you both Tom. You deserve this.

  4. I was busy all night and was finally able to hop on for the last 20 minutes of the stream which was a great decision. Congrats Tom and I hope we get to meet her soon!

  5. Tom. I was in the stream last night but I was just listening, not looking at my phone. Came back this morning to watch you tell us about your girlfriend again. Your face says it all. ❤ We are all so happy for you.

  6. Woah, a surprise to be sure but a welcome one. In all seriousness, I remember how mad I was for you when people were updating the wiki before you had said anything. So glad you’ve found this joy and hapinesss. You’ve helped me through some of the hardest times of my life, you deserve to be happy, and I’m so happy for you!!

  7. This MFer keeps sh!tting on my home state and I keep thinking it's just a bad joke from a bad comedian but no. He legit hates NJ more than he hates the Vikings. Which is sad and pathetic and hypocritical from the same guy who says "don't be an a–hole" in the same video.

  8. All of a sudden, your response to my question on a livestream a couple months back about how that Screaming Street scene was recorded suddenly makes sense.

    Happy to hear that you were able to find someone Tom. 👍

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