GET BALL POSITION RIGHT | Angello Collins Golf

Getting proper ball position can make or break your shot, use this to make it a lot easier!

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hi my name is Angelo Collins I’m going to give you a quick tip on where to align yourself in relation to your ball so you’ll hear people call that ball position I’m going to grab my golf ball and I’m going to get all set up okay so my golf ball is on the ground and I’m going to use my handy alignment stick that we used from our gaps video and I’m going to use that to help me get my ball position right so let’s say that I have a wedge in my hand so I’m going to grab my sand wedge what I’m going to do is I’m going to get my feet pretty close other equidistant away from my stick about a club head between each foot and notice what happens to my golf ball it’s right in the middle of my stance okay but I want you to keep note of something very important the alignment stick in relation to my left foot My Lead Foot because I’m right-handed I’ve now grabbed my eight iron and I’m going to do the same thing I’m going to get that head Gap over here but notice what happened my stance is a little bit wider to my right side okay cuz my golf club just got longer so now let me grab my three iron this is a quote unquote long iron okay guess what I’m doing the very same thing only my stance is wider to the right that’s right to the right okay so my stance is getting bigger while my ball position in relation to my left foot is is still the same all right let’s grab the big dog all right this is my handy big dog same thing got that club head notice my stance is even wider to the right the reason why I have a big stance with my driver is I’m going to hit this thing hard so I need balance okay so when it comes to ball position when it when we talk about our lead foot meaning our Target is this way we’re always going to have a head width away from the middle of the stance and the longer the club The Wider my trail side gets okay that way we don’t have too many things to think about who wants the game to get harder not me okay so make it easy one Club head between the middle of your stance where the ball would be and then get wider from your Trail side

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