Golf Players

You Will NEVER Hit Solid Iron Shots Without This Simple Move

Aza came to see me recently needed a little help with his iron play, he was fading and slicing the majority of his shots with inconsistent contact that was costing him distance.

After watching a few swings I knew that making just a few simple adjustments he would start hitting the ball more accurately, solid and consistently, and thats exactly what happened.

The 1 move that he was missing is often not present in the golfers that I help and as soon as we worked on this, completed a few simple drills and made an essential set up teak Aza was hitting the ball son much better.

In my experience you will never hit solid iron shots with these faults present, so I really hope this helps and id love you to drop me a comment down below, i try to get back to everyone


#golftips #ironshots #golflesson



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00:00 Introduction
00:20 Identifying Areas To Improve
00:44 The Perfect Set Up
03:38 Weight Shift In Downswing
05:25 Improving The Strike
06:31 The Wall Drill
08:43 Developing The Strike

this is how azza started the lesson left to right weak poor strikes no consistency and this is how he left the lesson there we go yeah that was better that one was better what you’ve been saying about your swing the shots that you typically hit the curve that kind of stuff what you feel is happening is all pretty much spot on which is really good what I’m see at the moment is the way you set up and the way that you kind of address the golf ball and a little bit about what you do in the back swing makes the faults that you’ve got in your downwing always going to happen it’s almost like if you tried to change your downwing shape it wouldn’t work currently at the moment you’ve got the golf ball too far forward in stance so it’s almost up where I would be having like long ey and three with driver so way too far forward in the stance with it being that far forward in the stance it’s almost always going to influence how you yeah position your body yeah yeah so we’ve got our Target down there in the distance which we picked out you set up ball forward body in sort of this position I’m looking at that thinking your Club is always going to be traveling like somewhere over here yes kind the left of Target yeah and even if you from this setup position kind of fixed it in the back swing and made a perfect down swing that perfect down swing would cause the club to land around about here so you would just hit everything heavy or you try and miss the ground and youd then start to kind of top it so from this setup the right swing gives you terrible results the quote unquote wrong swings gives you at least something that’s kind of doable so the more that you set up here the more that you’re always going to be making that sort of poorer yes sort of ding shape so what we’ve got to try and do we’ve got to say yeah okay your swing shape needs a bit of work but we’ve got to get that started from yes sure a better address position y your average uh club path is about 4 and a half degrees out to in okay which is what’s giving you the sort of left to right shots your attack angle is about 4 degrees down which is good our main job is to try and tid this club path up yes which will give you a better control over the um curve and it will also give you a lot better quality of strike because your distance he’s averaging 133 okay now it’s into the wind range balls we can get that higher today sure giving you a better quality of strike so job number one is just to get this set up a little bit better so if you just want to get yourself on the mat around the golf ball so you’ve got 7 IR yep yep perfect okay so I want that ball go on you can go even a little bit further in the middle set the clubing behind the ball okay I want you to feel with your knees and your hips that if you try and find a 50/50 balance point yeah try not to move your shoulders but move a little bit more weight onto your lead side with your hips and your perfect good and and then a little bit more tilt through here the more that you go ball back and the more that you go weight forwards hands forwards yes the more you’re building in draw okay the more that you go hands back ball forward okay the more you’re building in fade okay there’s a lot that can happen in the swing but that’s kind of what you’re building in so I would want you to feel a little bit more weight forward with the midsection yes ball is going to feel a little bit further back hands are going to feel a little bit further forward and then you’re going to feel like you just make sure you don’t follow that weight with your body would you say you follow the hips would you follow the hips first in as you transitioning down well one of the things that you do is if you if we said said you’re setting up here at impact I would want your hips around about 6 in further forward okay from where you’re at setup yes one of the things that you do in your back swing is as you swing back you slide the hips that way so suddenly if you go setup again yeah at setup your hips are 6 in away from where there need to be an impact y when you make your back swing you’re sliding that way so see you’ve now got to go 10 12 in so you said to me you felt like you weren’t getting on to your left side you’re actually shifting enough forwards on the way down you’re just giving yourself too far to go okay so I would be shifting on the way down I would be shifting 6 in you’re going slide shift 6 in but that’s only just back to where you started Okay so we’ve got to go get this set up right yeah we’ve got to keep the hips more forward which we’ll do yeah and we got to get the club shall okay okay don’t worry about those literally just hit me some shots from this this setup position how did that feel yeah different felt uh like a very like a very draw bar feel for me okay so think of it this way yeah I said the more the hands are back and the ball is forward yeah I said you’re building in fade yeah yeah yeah yeah your average club path yeah was nearly five degrees out to win then I said ball further back hands further forward weight further forward building draw okay yeah yeah you set up like that yeah you hit one shot your path was two degrees into out just give me another three or four just so you’re getting a bit more sort of comfortable with that yeah best it I mean that was that was on the money as soon as you make some changes whether it be setup grip backing takeaway strikes are always going to go a little bit off because it feels at your comfort zone but we want to look at patterns pattern was tending to just hit it a little heavy yeah yeah yeah now if we think about what’s going to change that ultimately you your Club is hitting the ground yeah which is great the club should hit the ground so many golfers don’t they try to miss the ground so we need to be hitting the ground if it’s happening a little bit too soon we just need to look at why that’s happening and what we can do so what we’ve just said is that in your back swing you have a tendency to move these hips laterally this way yeah yeah which means that you’ve got a lot more work to do to get back if you don’t do that work contact’s going to be coming here so by simply changing that setup and how you position yourself around the ball we’ve already influenced the path yeah in it great you started did it much better the last sh was perfect what we now need to do is say okay let’s take that better delivery and let’s put a better strike on it so now we’re going to kind of go what can we do to keep these hips a little bit more centered yeah which will allow you then to still make your laterals move but actually get more yeah yeah yeah in front of it follow me down this way try to find a trying to find a wall so we’re going to do probably can’t put your Club across your shoulders cuz the Wall’s going to be the way I want you to go left foot against the wall yeah yeah that’s going to go top of thigh yeah and you’re going to set up straight away yeah you drop it I want you to feel from here as if your lead shoulder is going to move over your right thigh but keep that in place so that would look more like this and because I’m rotating my legs you’ll see that ball will actually sort of almost like roll a little bit so just put your left foot against the side of the wall okay and that will have to go probably just there hands across your shoulders okay get yourself into golf posture exactly what you’d be for a seven iron and you’re going to feel like you make a full back swing and get your left shoulder to feel like it hits my finger there we go the key for you if you do that again yeah is because you’re winding this up correctly you’re getting good kind of you’ll see it on camera you’ll see you’re getting good angle through here yeah yeah yeah it’s really easy to think about not shifting actually sort of yeah get too you still want to be kind of winding up into that trail side but you’re feeling like as you’re turning this behind the ball you’re almost pushing your hips yeah sort of forwards okay and this right knee would that just go it’s dead straight feelit would there still be a bit of Bend in that depends how much you turn your hips okay so if you if you did half a back swing it’s going to have some Flex if you tried to go further you’re going to feel it goes a little bit straighter I want you to focus on yeah turning this yeah over this thigh okay as you do that I’m just going to stand behind you and I’m just going to make sure these aren’t sort of sliding too much that way so before you hit one yeah just make me a back swing okay hold that there there you go okay that’s what it’s going to feel like yeah okay now from here yeah still feel like you shift these okay when you hit one in a minute yeah you’re nowhere near me don’t worry about where I am okay you will not hit me so don’t worry so you can go pretty much full speed if you want there you go yeah well that’s me done that’s you done there you go so your path was yeah path was 3° out to the right yeah so we kept that but then we just landed the club in the right place there you go boom we’ve done a fair bit of work on obviously swing shape your tendency just to still land it a little heavy I don’t want you to think anything else because we’ve already got 101 things in there this is more of an external Focus now the fact that it’s around the ball it’s going to have a an effect all I want you to do is basically hit a couple of shots missed that board just clipped it fractionally it wasn’t bad it was just better better not perfect but better so if I’m so when I’m shifting from here mhm then they will go that way more so you don’t you don’t want to get if you if I grab your Club yeah to stand the M yeah okay just put your hands across your shoulders make me a back swing and hold it think of the distance between this shoulder and this hip okay just imagine what that distance is the last thing you want to do is slide your hips forwards and stretch that MH because what you’ve done is you’ve sort of created this poor position so if you go to the back top of the back so you can hold it you want to feel as if you’re shifting your hips forwards yeah this way and then as you pivot now you’re stretching that so what I mean by that is there’s a distance between my left shoulder and my hip the last thing I want to do is get to the top and then have this cuz that pops this up shift shifts me back you almost need to feel as if you’re going forward and down yeah this way then you stretch that there there we go that’s it there we go so you feel that kind of almost like push through the left the ground correct there you go and then you can push up feel off missing if you stretch it too early you end up going and it’s amazing how many golfers you can shift yeah 10 in forward with the hips yeah yeah and have your weight back because if you go that way yeah yeah like stuck here golf shot there we go yeah better that one was better yeah it’s so good now though aren’t they yeah there you go yeah 165 you started at 133 yeah have a look at that path was that right yeah that’s where it landed there dead straight longest one yeah I’ve definitely got it in there it’s just with that swing I had just so inconsistent like I’ve seen them numbers a lot before but on a consistent basis obviously not yeah I mean that one was on money that was literally like you flushed it you missed that yeah you ticked everything yeah really good that was that was really really good


  1. Would you consider the next step in this training to work more on the swing path? Seams like the swing is very much in and out?

  2. There is no real feedback using those nasty mats. Even if you land the club behind the ball, you'll still strike it. Excellent tips, though!

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