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Hi. I’m Craig and welcome to World Class Golf. The purpose of this channel is to provide effective and evidence based coaching content for all golfers.

Over my career I have played professionally for over 8 years won 14 tournaments and have given over 40,000+ lessons internationally. I have taught over 100 Tour Professionals.

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[Music] the question you got to ask yourselves is how close are you to this position where all the great ball Strikers are when we’re halfway through and we draw a line down from the ribs here it just lands in front of the foot this is your checkpoint right this is one of the major if not the most important area of the Swing now the great thing is the closer that we get to it right the better we hit the golf ball and you just see it time and time again it makes you wonder doesn’t it when we’re looking at these unbelievable ball strike in the model here every single player is in this position now amer’s just not quite getting it right they don’t know about the position it’s something just to spend little bit of time I’m going to show you in this video how we get closer and closer to this position and the closer you get as you’re getting closer to it you’re hitting the ball better and better so looking at the engine room the swing with all the great players out have a look at this this will blow you away cuz this is unbelievable all these top players are exactly the same everyone thinks they swing differently they don’t right have look at that shoulder plane points one yard outside the golf ball that’s pretty easy to understand but if you look at the number 40 degrees halfway through the halfway through the through swing have a look at the number here 55° points half a yard outside the go now that’s not hard to understand now people what is absolutely really frightening here is how close these great players are to one another this is like the engine room right so this is your checkpoint to your goal swing and you have to look at this right because if every single players within a degree or two and you’re nowhere near these positions even Jim fur this is like the one thing that stays constant in the swing whether your arms are high or low or what this affects your path the plan the whole lot people this is what creates separation in your swing so we’re going to have a look at this first off because you have to look at this right you can’t ignore this the need to more commonality in golf instruction these positions are proven this is evidence-based instruction and we can’t get into positions like this like the Amal players they just don’t know about this let’s firstly have a look at the back swing here I’m going to take you through some awesome drills in this video to get us into this Scotty shelfless Master move this movement through the golf ball and later in the video I’m going to show you how to draw these lines with these angles now let’s get started now we’re going to lay the club this is the first drill and we’re going to get some really build some really good feels here now lay the club between or on your elbow joints here fold your arms you got the grip on this side now from this direction getting this back swing in a great place it’s just makes the down swing really easy it really does now let’s have a look at this when we get ourselves pivoting correctly we’re going to turn back right and we’re going to get the end of this grip to point about a meter outside the golf ball okay now you’re going to get that right leg to extend back it’s good for your back and if you struggle with it get the left heel up off the ground a little bit for the guys over 40 with the senior golfers let that left heel come up and you’ll get some more range of motion okay you can see myself pivoting up here see we we start to get that look where it’s all lined up in a great position now I really like this drill we’re going to start off without a golf club now you wouldn’t have seen this one before this is what I show a lot of my students without a golf club and it really does also help improve your range of motion and creating big clear pictures in your head now you pop the left hand the lead hand on the right thigh now when you get into the swing what we’re going to do is we’re going to slide the lead hand down the thigh until we get to the knee now if you lift the lead heel just slightly you’ll be able to get deeper more depth why should we keep the left heel on the ground I mean we’ve seen just about every Ben Hogan Sam sne we seen so many great players lift this lead here we’ve seen meloy Garcia we’re still seeing 30% of the modern day players doing it you won’t even notice it you know if you’re getting into this position here but you’ll notice that when you let the heel come up off the ground you can get better tilts better turns depth in your pivot now guys have a look at this we got to if you imagine if you had lipstick on you don’t want any lipstick on your shirt right so when you get to the top you can feel like that it’s just touching your chin and it’s not covering your mouth High left shoulder high right hip here coming down we’re in all sorts of trouble so here’s how you practice it all right take your addess position get three swings one two extend that right leg back three all right and then give it a hit SK right how are we looking around the corner getting closer to the 55° PGA average here this is a really great picture I got this off Alex OT in the internet he did a great video and it really stays in my head and what it was was he was talking about opening up a window getting your uper body out the window looking around the corner and reaching to give someone something or reaching out now what it does is it it gives you this High left Peck it’s almost feels like you could have or imagine that you have water dripping out from your ear the reason I like it is it’s transferable straight away to the golf course so you can think that and hit and it doesn’t it’s not disruptive and this is always a great thing when we have a swing throw that helps us because naturally when we turn for a lot of people we turn level and we don’t turn High keeping the right side of your face down left side here up and you can really hit it harder and some of the tests that Dr Neil and I have done in world class golf instruction picking up speed and distance especially for a lot of the senior golfers is turning High the tendency when we hit it hard is to turn level and this really helps us to be able to plow through the ball and it can take left the left side out of the golf course guys let’s have a look at some feels now and some drills and the ways we can get ourselves close to these PGA averages of movement so guys let’s have a look at this drill here this is a basic one that supplies some awesome body awareness so what we’re going to do is we’re going to tilt left turn right tilt right turn left now you can do this without a golf club first you just tilt to the left turn to the right til to the right turn to the left and this is going to get you in a great position one of the things I also like to do with a lot of people I teach is get them to the top and we shift tilt turn okay get up to the top shift tilt turn and this is giving you a bit of a feeling of what the body shift and tilt and turn and then you can sort of get it to blend into the position that you’re after you got to be able to sort of mimic some of the positions if you get in front of a window or mirror filming your Swings with your mobile phone send your swing through to me invest in your golf I get an online lesson it’s just 1530 minutes you’re going to really get some great feedback drills finding that point of failure where not a lot of people are not doing unfortunately voted best swing analysis and best online instruction by several independent surveys worldclass golf instruction is transforming thousands of golfers at every skill level do not miss out this video platform has over 1,400 videos and 85 separate masterclass series the most structured and detailed video platform ever created improving golfers on average between 4 and 11 shots join the chat room and join the community of worldclass golf instruct this is golf instruction that you’ve never seen before the proven PGA corridors factual evidence-based material Unleash Your true potential with The Cutting Edge swing analysis technology experience the thrill of progress with the state-of-the-art practice programs and specialized golf Fitness plans best information available so guys right let’s have a look at how we can move a little bit more efficiently through the golf ball it’s just slightly raining here actually how do you know it’s summer in Germany the rain’s a little warmer it just doesn’t stop it’s unbelievable right we’re going to have a look here a little bit of a test we’re going to go one foot length away from a tour stick here there’s a little bit of a test and to create a little bit of a feel take your stance and get your toes on the line of the tool stick now when you move or swing forwards I want you to see how low down you can reach this tour stick here how low down you can actually get now you can obviously see that what it does to my footwork what it does to the right side of my body and this is getting our bends in a great place the further down you can get the more flexible you are once again a foot width away here toes on the line of the tour stick and reaching down and when you have when you stay in that position just for a second what you can do is come back and then recapture and reconnect to that feel through the golf ball you start to feel like there’s a little bit of a bend in your body you start to feel like you get more separation in your top half so what you can do is you just set the T to stick up set up a station get back here do some moves try and get down as low as you can close up the Gap here of your knee you’re getting your knees together which in turn is going to get your hips to open you’re starting to get the correct bends so we start to move in this fashion and it really frees up your golf swing and you can get in there and just do a couple of reps come back get your a dress position feel that move like you’re reaching down to pick something off the ground there and then give the ball a hit and that’s a great way to go about practicing to get the correct bends we start to move through the Golf Board end closer to this 45 sorry this 55° p GA average when the arms are parallel to the ground here we start to get the correct bends a wonderful way to feel the move through the ball so guys right today I want to talk to you about Live View Golf you can draw your lines with angles I’ve been showing a lot of people on YouTube the 40° shoulder rule the PGA averages of movement 55° through the ball 12° of sharlan and you can get in there and get closer to these proven averages of movement the closer you get the better you hit you know that these days every top player is filming their swings right and video really is the best feedback for your go swing this thing here is absolutely mind-blowing really you can see yourself simultaneously as you’re making movements it works off sound so you hit a shot played back automatically you don’t have to touch the screen hooks up to your iPad and your iPhone and you can look down at it and stay in posture like you can even put the camera or the live view back here draw a line on your belt Buckle to see where that is have a look at your takeaway rather than looking in mirrors and trying to get this this is the best way to train guys it’s an absolute no-brainer and I highly recommend if you’re a dedicated golfer guys is a discount code in the link below absolutely incredible training aid so one of the great moves in the GOL swing that uh really helps us get the correct tilts and turn the lowering of the right side the shortening of the right right side the extension of the left side have a look at this head tilt from mroy and this is something I want you to practice here we’re going to get this right side to low see how that right eye is lower than the left the right ear lower than the left this is the way to create tilt and turn this is people and I want you to try this one of the magic moves in the go swing and yes you can do it with iron shots as well let’s get in there now and have a look how we can create this amazing move that assist this with great tilt and great turn when we get to the top of the swing and we just simply lower the right eye so what it does what it promotes is the lowering of the right shoulder down to the right hip but because the head’s turning it really promotes that the upper body is turning and out of the way now what you can do or what you can feel when you get to the top what you probably feel when you do it is you’ll feel that the club almost lays back a little bit on itself and you’ll feel some pressure on your index finger on this base knuckle now it’s so hard to hit it left from here how good is it how good is it in golf to plow through a shot and not hit a left so people right moving through the golf ball and getting this right hip to move down under and forwards now this right hip right at PJ average you’re looking around about at impact getting this thing s to 8 cm lower but you’re going to be closing up your gap between your thighs between your knees this is going to give you a lateral shift but we’re getting this movement of right hand right knee left hand left hip and we’re getting ourselves under but forwards it’s a little tricky but it’s the way the swing works now I love this drill here to Great some great feels you can do it out the golf course you can do it anywhere because it sort of just gives you that feeling of where we need to be now you take your setup lift up your left hand so that the Palm is so he sort of in your posture you know what I mean you want to be so in your posture lift up the left hand and you just get this feeling of this right hand moving underneath and you’ll get a feeling of it just lifts up the left shoulder the shoulders acts as a wall and you can get a feeling of you know looking at the shoulder a feeling where it is closing up the Gap with your knees here and you’re getting this right side sort of underneath you and it’s sometimes just a great thing to do just couple the practice wings and it helps us move forwards when this is up when this stays up you for advanced players you pull it left you block it out to the right for you know less perhaps skilled players they’re coming well over the top of the golf ball so what a great feel this is of a two in one closing up the Gap getting extension getting ourselves to move laterally one of the best drills basic but one of the best drills it really is to create some fantastic body awareness through the golf ball


  1. Hi Everyone, Craig Hanson here. You can also receive personal phone calls and unlimited messaging with my Online Coaching.

    In addition you get access to 85 separate series on World Class golf masterclass series . 1400 videos that are not on YouTube.

    Let’s start together today on your golf.

  2. Hi Everyone, Craig Hanson here. You can also receive personal phone calls and unlimited messaging with my Online Coaching.

    In addition you get access to 85 separate series on World Class golf masterclass series . 1400 videos that are not on YouTube.

    Let’s start together today on your golf.

  3. Craig, thank you… great stuff and I always enjoy watching your terrific swing and natural move! What does it look like down the target line, i.e. how much of the right shoulder is going downwards and for how long? I appreciate your swing thought that the right shoulder goes to meet the right hip, but at some point, does it rotate past the foot target line, or only in the follow through? Hope my questions make sense and thanks for any input.

  4. What you are trying to describe here is simply an overhand motion. Every good player does it. The clubhead strikes the ball outside or above the shoulder plane. Most amateurs don't do it because they've been told the golf swing is an underhand or sidearm motion.

  5. Very attractive presentation! My question: is the 40/55-degree tilt the same for all clubs or is it less for increasing club lengths?

  6. What I’ve found common to all the golf instructors is that they always focus on what the pros do. And the attempt to correct the student so that they can hopefully repeat the correct moves as the pros do. This is all fine except I can attest that it would be far more advantage to explain how the golf swing works and more importantly demonstrating all the wrong things that amateurs showing it wrong then showing it right

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