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Keegan Bradley honored to be 2025 U.S. Ryder Cup captain (FULL PRESSER) | Golf Today | Golf Channel

Watch Keegan Bradley’s official introductory press conference as the 2025 U.S. Ryder Cup captain, where he discusses how he learned the news as well as his goals for the team. #GolfChannel #RyderCup #KeeganBradley
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Keegan Bradley honored to be 2025 U.S. Ryder Cup captain (FULL PRESSER) | Golf Today | Golf Channel

good afternoon everyone and thank you so very much for joining us today for the 2025 United States riter Cup captain announcement the 45th Edition of one of the world’s most unique and special competitions will take place at Beth Page State Park in approximately 13 months and today we are pleased to officially welcome the person who will leave the 20125 United States Ridder Cup team and for that I’d like to say good morning to the director of golf at the Country Club of Lancing in Michigan the president of the PGA of America Mr John lender thank thank you Julius and good morning to everybody it’s great being here in New York uh you know since 1927 we’ve hosted this event at some very historic uh sites Rome Paris Chicago Boston 2025 we coming here to New York City and Beth Paige black and it is trending to be one of the most spectacular events in the history of the PG of America and I am really looking forward to being here next September John thank you very much speaking of Beth pagee black it’s time to say hello to our 2025 United States rer Cup captain it is so for over a hundred years the role of the writer Cup captain is one of the most prestigious titles in arts boort I’m here to announce our writer Cup captain on behalf of the over 30,000 PGA professionals across the country let me go through a little bit of his history so he has has had eight career worldwide victories including the 2011 PGA Championship at Atlanta Athletic Club he played on the 2012 and 2014 Ryder Cup teams has a 4 and3 record he’s currently ranked 19 in the world he is the son of PG of America professional Mark Bradley Who is the the teaching professional at Jackson hle Golf and Tennis Club in Wyoming he’s also a standout star from St John’s University and he was coached by Frank Derby who is also a PJ of America member so now it’s my honor and my pleasure to announce the 2025 PGA writer Cup captain Keegan Bradley congratulations Keegan on being named the 31st United States Ridder Cup captain you’ve been sitting on this news for a couple of weeks now can you share with us today right now your emotions officially of getting this information well I’m incredibly humbled and honored to to be the Ryder Cup captain for Team USA uh you know being on a Ryder Cup team changes your life forever and being in the room with those guys and feeling the extreme pressure of this tournament will change you and you know the dream of being a Ridder Cup captain is something that a lot of us don’t even think about because it’s so such a prestigious honor and I never knew if I’d get this opportunity I always felt like this is something that I would love to do and be able to handle and I’m so honored to be able to uh be the leader of this team and are going to Beth Page to win the Ryder Cup back for America so Keegan take us a little inside here tell us where you were when you got the call and who you got the call from so I had just finished 3 weeks on the road I drove home from Hartford with a three and a six-year-old three-hour drive so we were back home we finally got them down to bed and I sat in my chair and I finally had a some time to relax I had three week three weeks off and the phone rang and it was Seth W and uh I answered it and he had some pretty incredible news that I had no clue was coming and uh Zack Johnson is the one who who told me uh that I was going to be the Ridder Cup captain in 2025 and I think it just speaks to what kind of man in person Zack Johnson is I have just such respect for him uh he was one of my Idols that I looked up to when I first came out on the tour and um I feel terrible for what he’s had to go through and I’m I’m so uh honored that he was the one who called me and um I’m going to represent this decision to the best of my abilities and I’m really excited let’s go back to 2012 at Madina Country Club just outside of Chicago for your very very first Ridder cup you partnered with Phil Mickelson and you won your first three matches out of the blocks tell us what you remember about that journey I to be honest with you what I remember most is the the the fun that we had on the course and just the getting on the first te and sort of just being giddy to go play and knowing we were going to win um every remember the camaraderie of the team I remember going to our first Ridder cup dinner at the Tour Championship and having just the 12 guys and looking around the table and seeing Tiger Woods and Jim furick and uh Phil Mickelson and being in complete awe that I was in this room and two or three years earlier I was playing the the mini tours and now all of a sudden I’m representing the United States in the ryer cup and I remember thinking to myself you can never miss any more of these ever again this is a you hear so much about the Ryder Cup and then when you experience it it’s it’s so much more and uh I just loved every second of it I loved being in the team room I loved riding to the course with the guys I loved winning our matches and going out and cheering I I loved every second of it very good so through the lens of Netflix the world sort of saw your disappointment when you weren’t selected as a captain’s pick for the 2023 United States rer Cup team yet moments later you and your family are sitting in the comfort of your living room cheering on Team USA um help us understand that moment and who you are as an individual and the makeup of who you are so that moment uh was real I was crushed it took us uh a while to get over that our whole family we were we were devastated um but I’m American I I root for the Americans to win the Ryder Cup I watch whether I’m playing or whether I’m not I know all the guys on the team uh and I bleed red white and blue and I was thrilled to be able to watch these guys and I was pulling for them and I it was a weird feeling knowing that I could have been there and maybe help the team but I know what a tough decision Zach had uh picking the guys that that he picked were great choices I I would have done the same I I have nothing but respect for all those guys and what they do on the course and off the course and now sitting here as the captain I kind of have a different perspective of what he was going through um because I’ve only been the captain for two weeks and I’m finding myself staring at the ceiling at 2 am. thinking about every single situation so I have a different perspective now and have nothing but admiration and respect for for Zack Johnson um John mentioned that your dad Mark is here um and you actually fell in love with the Ryder Cup at age 13 when Dad took you over to the country club in Brookline right talk about that a little bit Yeah so that that moment changed my life forever I I we went on Friday and Sunday uh and I couldn’t believe that I was at a golf tournament that felt like this it felt like going to a Patriot game or a you know a a sporting event that was R loud and rockus and uh so fast forward to Sunday uh I was on my dad’s shoulders on the 18th green and I could see through to the Justin Leonard putt I couldn’t exactly see it but I saw him putt I heard this big Roar and I saw all the red shirts run run after them and everyone in the crowd was trying to figure out what what would happened and then again fast forward to the US winning the Ridder cup uh the fans all ran out at the 18th green and I was 13 years old I wanted to run out in the green and so I said to my dad how how do I we didn’t have no cell phones then and I said uh I really want to run out there and you know he goes all right I’m GNA stand by this Crooked Tree here and you run out there and I’ll meet you right here and I think now for my son I would say you’re not running out there uh and I remember running out I remember seeing David Duval I remember seeing my heroes and you know I’m looking at these guys like you know they’re Giants they’re they’re superheroes and it was a moment that CH literally changed my life forever I I I cherished being there I the energy of the tournament and the passion of watching uh the guys play and seeing Michael Jordan Walk The Walk The Fairways there it just was a moment in my golfing life that altered everything you played golf at St John’s University there’s a a rumor that you would skip classes to go over with your teammates to Beth Page to play true or false well my mom’s here you shouldn’t be telling her that uh yeah we we were lucky enough to to by the way my entire St John’s golf team is here um which means a lot to me um we would get to play Beth Page black on Mondays when it was closed I’ve I’ve promised coach Darby and Craig curer who was superintendent I’d stop telling the story but not tell it one more time for the cameras uh so we would play the inside loop so we’d park at the uh we’d park at the maintenance area and we’d play three three through 14 and we were told explicitly to never cross the road and so my senior year I was playing with George who’s here George the Lotus and we were just like we’re going over screw it so we we you know how imagine you’re in college and you’re looking at 15 through 18 of Beth Pig black and you can’t play it it was brutal so we we did it and and we got in so much trouble they called the police uh and Coach Derby wasn’t happy but we did it and uh it was a a great memory of the place very nice um finally before we go to Q&A I’d like to call your attention to something that you posted a very long time ago uh it reads this is my suitcase from the 2012 writer cup that I haven’t opened since that Sunday I promised myself I wouldn’t open it until I won a r cup that week changed my perspective on golf forever the Ridder cup suddenly became very important to me what moved you to do that make that post and where did the whole idea come from well we the the 2012 Ryder Cup is such a strange feeling for me because for the every day but the last day was my Fondest Memories on a golf course and Sunday was was the worst day on the golf course and one of the worst days of my life and um I got home and I I kept staring at the suitcase and I I couldn’t open it because it was so it was just I was so sad and you know the the stuff inside the suitcase was just going to make it worse so I put it off I put it off and then I kept looking at it and it was just the memories inside there were so extreme on both sides that I decided I’m going to wait I’m not going to open this up and until you know I’ve I’ve won a Ridder cup and you know fast forward a decade it’s still it’s still in my house and hopefully someday I’ll get to open it that was 13 years ago you have any idea what’s inside that bag uh I have some idea there’s a lot of cool stuff in there I I hope to open it someday I the Ridder cup is so important to the game of golf but also to us players especially if you’ve played in it and you realize the the importance of what goes on that week it uh it changes your perspective on what’s important in the game and it changes the way you are as a player because you need you need to be in those rooms after you play in one and losing rder cups is really really tough and you know I I had this thought in my head that I was going to play in rer cups my whole career and you know so you know my my message to the guys is always make sure you treat this like it could be your last one treat this match treat this point as if this is your last point because it’s that important you never know when your next shot is going to be to be in this room try to win this Trophy and you know the magnitude of it is is is heavy very good thank you Keegan uh ladies and gentlemen we will open the floor and our Zoom calls for questions right now if you have a question in the room here uh raise your hand we’ll try to get you a wireless mic so everybody uh on the zoom calls can hear your questions uh and we’ll go right now we’ll get a microphone if we can over to Allan hey Keegan uh congrats on the appointment first of all uh there’s no question about your passion about this event what it means to you you’ve you’ve spoken a lot about that in the past we heard some remarks along those lines just now um I think anybody who might be skeptical of De is going to point to your lack of experience having played only two Rider cups no captaincies what would you say to somebody who’s sort of raising their eyebrows and and wondering whether you’re you’re best suited for this job I would say I’m going to take a a a fresh look at uh my vice captains they’re going to be a lot younger um closer to playing uh I think that I’m going to be out there with the guys I’m going to be playing in the same tournaments they’re going to be playing in I’m going to be playing in Majors with them I’m going to be playing in week to week I’ll be alongside these guys in the locker room practice rounds dinner as opposed to in the past with Ryder Cup they got to fly in you know they’re they got to schedule all these things and I’m going to have a year of being with the guys as a peer and you know one thing that is important to me is I want to play on the team um I feel as though I’m still in the prime of my career and can make this team so I you know I it’s a great great honor that my peers chose me to do this and you know I I don’t have the experience that a lot of the other captains had but I know these guys really well I’m connected to these guys and I I see them week to week follow up Alan just yeah just to follow on and you know we’re we’re a while away from having you having to make decisions on Captain’s picks obviously A lot’s going to happen between now and then including your own form your own game but if you know if it gets to a point where you know you’re on the fence as you were last year uh maybe you could take us through how how you’re going to work through that decision process and also whether what happened last year is that is that going to color or inform form your opinion at all about whether you’ll give yourself a shot next year no I I I I will either make the team on points I don’t see myself picking I’m not going to pick myself the only way that would happen is if the team was insisting on it but I even if they did I I don’t see that happening I I want to make the team on points otherwise I want to be the captain thank you we’ll go over here gab hi Keegan um Tiger Woods was the heavy favorite to receive this captaincy um knowing that what was your reaction to that call from Zach and have you spoken to Tiger I was I don’t think I’ll ever be more surprised with anything in my entire life um I was had no no idea um and it it took it took a a while for it to sink in I I wasn’t fully comfortable with some of the people that were passed over uh I have a lot of respect for the people that came before me and people that deserve to be in this position so that was a heavy thought and moment um I’ve spoken to Tiger a bunch I spoke to him this morning on the phone he’s been very helpful um Tiger has always been really helpful to me and you know he’s he’s a great voice to hear and he’s been nothing but he’s he’s been reaching out to me helping me which has been been amazing um you mentioned some of the the people who were passed over um do you think your selection as Ridder Cup Captain Marks kind of a shift in the United States Ridder cup leadership strategy I mean I I do I I I don’t think that this is something that where the US team needs to like totally reinvent the wheel here I think that the sometimes you go to tournaments and you don’t play well I I think that the guys would say that that’s what happened in Rome um I want to all I am looking to do is put these guys in the best position to their best and I think one of the things that is interesting would be to have some of the vice captains that are still close to the PJ tour and play and know the guys I think that would be super helpful and again I’m the captain doesn’t play so I mean I I I gotta do my best to put these guys in the best spot that they can to play their best speaking of tiger um we have a statement from tiger that we’re very happy to share with you right now um he says with my new responsibilities to the tour and time commitments involved I felt I would not be able to commit the time to Team USA and the players required as a captain that does not mean I wouldn’t want to Captain a team in the future if when I feel it is the right time I will put my hat in the ring for this committee to decide seeing no other question up we have one other question over here Kean uh given your experience with the Ryder Cup um and the way that you followed it uh outside of talent and skill what do you think are some of the intangible qualities that make for a great Ridder Cup team member so I think the the biggest thing is that week all coming together as a team it’s very difficult us golfers are individual and we celebrate wins by ourselves losses by ourselves and you know that week is about coming together as a team doing what’s best for the team uh whether that’s you know partnering up with somebody a young a veteran to a younger guy um that’s what happened to me you know with Phil and that helped me with not only the Ridder cup but the rest of my career and I think that the guys you know need to be willing to put the team first and sometimes that’s difficult and I I think that this group of guys has done does a great job of that they’re one of the things that I love about this group and I’m not ashamed to say that as an older player that’s been out there longer I I look up to these guys they genuinely love each other and they’re friends and when I came out on tour I had a much different Outlook I was I looked at everybody as the enemy and I made everybody out to be against me and I really regret that I love this generation of how they’ve gone about their careers and how their friendships and it makes the life on tour a lot better and that’s what I admire most about this group and I think that’s what will make them great teammates um also related to your familiarity with the course um do you think that Beth Page black lends itself to uh selecting people who have a certain group of strengths in their game I do I do I think that Beth pagee also the fans are going to be our 13th team member and I think that you know I’ve always been I’ve always been under the impression that Beth Page is New York’s home course Wingfoot and shinok are amazing courses but you talk to a real New Yorker they say they talk they brag about Beth Pig and I’ve I’ve always you know in my mind I I’ve always thought of Beth Pig’s New York’s home course which is now America’s Home course and I want the fans to treat it that way they need to defend this course in in the right uh appropriate way but but this is where the fans and the New Yorkers need to come out and support this team and the guys on the team that you know are out there like what you were talking about they’re going to embrace that and they and they’re going to these these New York fans are going to be pulling for us hard and and I love that we’re GNA take a step away from Nasdaq real quick ladies and gentlemen go to some Zoom calls uh first up Alex Meli Alex do you have a question for the captain yeah oh God can you get thank you congratulations uh a couple things one obviously what happened on Netflix has to influence anybody was watching it and had some you know thoughts about you and and how you will be a captain in Rome Netflix wasn’t part of the process in regards to the team room my question would be for you in this case would you want Netflix in the team room so I I had an unbelievable experience with Netflix they they were great to me um it was a big decision to put my family on on TV that’s not a decision that’s for everybody and you know I’ve only been Captain for two weeks I have not approached this subject I I have not even thought about it I don’t know who’s going to be on the team but it’s definitely a decision that’s going to be based on on what’s best for the team and it’s not something that is for everybody um it’s a nerve-wracking process to go through being filmed all the time and that’s something that I’ll have to cross later on the the other thing is is um the selection process is usually something that’s put together with yourself and I’m assuming individuals at PJ of America points how many points there are where they get points so forth and so on how much are you going to take a look at the system that’s in place currently and look at potentially changing that if at all I think the the the point system is is good um I think maybe look into to uh take uh adding a few more automatic spots where we’re just we just started to look into that um I think you know the the majors being most important most points I think that they’ve got this pretty figured out by uh now and you know we we just want the tournaments with the best fields and the biggest events to to have more weight because when you get in the under the gun in this tournament it’s pretty it’s pretty intense so you you need guys that are uh going to be ready for that thank you Alex thank you uh up next Dan Rapaport are you with us yes I am can you hear me loud and clear go ahead okay um you know you said that it was a very emotional uh decision and process for you to to be on Netflix last year and and with the way everything went down do you feel in a way like maybe that helped you get this job I really I you know in my heart I would think that uh it didn’t because you know this is is such a um a huge decision and if for I don’t think it would be ever based on how someone was portrayed on TV I think that you know the writer cup committee has a very serious job especially with the event being at Beth Page in New York in the in America to make a decision that’s best for the team I I I couldn’t imagine that they would decide based on how uh Netflix portrayed me in in filming um but I you know I with the Rider Cup’s decision I was very grateful and I would be very surprised if any of that went into that decision yeah and then just a a quick followup here we were all so surprised when we heard first heard your name um for this what was the first conversation you had with someone about even the possibility and and what was your reaction when they reached out I didn’t have one conversation with anybody about this until I was told I was the captain uh uh okay I got a call from Seth and John and and Zach and I I had trouble I when they called me I I felt funny after the call because I don’t think I reacted in the way that they were expecting me to I was in complete shock and um it was it was heavy like I said earlier I I was you know a little bit uncomfortable with with some of the guys of my you know my Idols that were looked over for this for this position and I needed a second to figure that out and um you know it was again I don’t think I’ll ever have a bigger surprise in my life but something Seth said to me was you know your number was called it’s time for you to step up and when he told me that I sort of it sort of hit me you know that this is a this is a heavy job and you know this is a group of people that trusted me in this and it’s time to to step up to the plate and and be the captain of this team thanks thank you Dan uh still on the zoom calls we’ll go to Martin Davis hello Martin hello Martin wait can you hear you’re coming through not loud and clear but try again very good let’s go Martin congratulations um are you planning on assembling the leading candidates for the team for a few sessions to see who plays together best well I think I would love to bring the boys up for practi on at Beth Page uh not so much to to get to learn the course more more of I just think when for my personal experiences of the Ryder Cup it was really great when the 12 guys were together for the first time you know you there’s so many meetings leading up to it where there’s 20 or even 30 or you know 15 18 guys and you know that this isn’t how the team’s going to look and when the team’s finalized and you do things as a team it’s a different feel and I would really love to to do that with the team I think that that’s an that that could be an important trip thank you thank you Martin Mark kazero good morning good afternoon good morning uh Keegan congrats um I had a question you you referred to Tiger minute ago um is is have you discussed with him or do you plan to discuss with him potentially about being a a Vice Captain obviously that wouldn’t take as much time uh off his plate as as being the captain would have uh and just as a follow Beyond tiger are you thinking about potentially some out of thebox assistant captains that maybe might not even be a directly involved on the PGA tour uh definitely involved in the PGA Tour I I I what’s personally important to me is I would like to to have the the vice captains set up the future of the Ryder Cup to to Captain the USA I think that’s important um as it comes to Tiger I have told him he can be as involved as he wants to be I I haven’t we haven’t talked about Vice captains I haven’t talked to Vice captains with really anybody so you know we we as players we all look up to tiger and his opinion means a l a lot to us and being in team rooms with tiger you the public doesn’t realize how important this is to him it’s it’s everything uh he he lives and breathes this event and I think it shows you how much he cares by not by turning this position down because he didn’t feel like he could put in what he needed to do with all of his responsibilities with what’s going on with the tour and um I’ve been grateful I before I accepted this job I needed to talk to tiger and I wanted to make sure I wanted to hear from him and and we had a great conversation and I certainly need his his input thanks man see you next week thank you uh still on the zoom calls Jack milco please hi Keegan uh first off congratulations uh my question for you is you’re such a fan of the Ridder cup obviously is there a captain in recent history who you admire and who you are going to look to uh possibly strategize next fall well I think the the sort of obvious choices are are I thought Paul ainger really did a great job and Steve Stricker recently with this kind of group of guys he did a he did a great job and you know I think they’d be two really different uh Styles but you know one of the coolest things that’s happened to me over the past 24 hours is I’ve gotten over 300 text messages and and my favorites have been from the old captains that have texted me you know guys like Ben khaw and Tom Kite and Curtis Strange and I I haven’t gotten back to them because I don’t want to respond with just the thank you and uh you know Ben kencho was the captain at uh at Brook line and to think that they’re texting me about being a captain is is pretty is pretty incredible and so these guys are all important and these I I plan to call every us captain and kind of pick their brain on what they they thought they did right and what they thought they did wrong whether they won or lost so you know I was in rooms with Davis Love he was amazing and uh I I I think they all have a lot of insight that even ones that won I think would have some insight on what they would have done differently thank you David Rumsey please next up hean I’m just wondering if how have you thought about how you’re going to manage all the offc course responsibilities that come with being the captain over the next 15 months balanced with your full-time PGA Tour schedule yeah it’s going to be a lot I I I I like I said I still feel like I’m in my Prime I still want to make this team uh but I have John Wood who’s uh the manager of Team USA which this which has never been a position for the US Ridder Cup team and he’s been in a lot of Team rooms he knows all the guys and already has been an amazing help um I’m going to lean on my vice captains uh um and also some of the older players I that I I think you know Davis Love and Fred Couples and all these guys have been in so many team rooms I I hope that they’ll be willing to to help you know me and I I have a lot of people that are around to help me and um part of me thinks this is going to be a great distraction from you know playing on the tour and getting away from worrying about my personal what I’m what’s what’s going on on on week to we tournaments um I look forward to getting to know the younger guys more uh that you know just come out on tour there’s a there’s a great group of young players that I don’t know that well that I’m looking forward to to learning more about and also talking to you know the studs of the American team you know Xander and Klay and Scotty sheffler Jordan and JT all these guys and their enthusiasm for this tournament is is very very high and I look forward to to Leading those guys thank you Jeff shakleford hello hey good morning Dar good afternoon thank you for doing this quick question for Keegan and then a question for John uh Keegan when did you get the phone call how many days ago was it and uh and for John you mind just taking us through what the committee’s thought was on uh naming Keegan and and somebody who you had not interviewed it sounds like yeah I got a I got the call uh two weeks uh two Sundays ago um right at about 7 or 8:00 at night and uh so I I didn’t we didn’t tell anybody for a long time I haven’t told really anybody till the last couple days yeah the and the process and we had we had a couple phone calls and talked about a variety of different attributes that we want in our next Captain and as you start to check off the boxes and you have a PJ Champion you have some body who went to school here is familiar with the New York base the fan base is very familiar with Beth paig black is the son of a PGA member um there are a lot of boxes that that Keegan checked off and his enthusiasm for the Ryder Cup stood out above everything else and we just felt like that was the aha moment when Keegan’s name was mentioned it was all hands went up and we 100% behind it thank you Jeff hi guys Ryan with the AP um Keegan wondering uh what you’ve learned about Captain’s picks how that’ll shape your decisions um on on your picks and um wondering you know you you said that your captains you kind of want close to the two were wondering if that rules out Phil Mickelson somebody that you’ve you know played well with or if maybe he’ll be in the picture of um advice and and such as you go through this yeah I as as it comes to Captain’s picks you know I it you need to First find out who’s going to be on the team uh you know obviously and then a lot of the captain’s picks I think are important that they can be a d a dynamic player to partner with multiple guys um players that fit the course layout of Beth Page black players that can handle the pressure it’s that they’re going to be under the extreme crowds and um you know we’re going to look into analytics and and how and how they stack up in in this uh as it comes to Phil uh I still have a great relationship with Phil um I don’t think he’s interested in in being a Vice Captain um and and to be to be honest with you he’s he’s a he should he’s a captain someday I I think but I haven’t spoken to Phil I don’t want to speak for him at all but I I think he’s pretty busy with what he’s doing and um I have nothing but great things to say about Phil and our memories together and what we did in the cup is is really my Fondest Memories in the game thank you and um John if I can ask one more here um just wondering if if there’s the PGA is looking at maybe a break from uh captains being Vice captains first or um kind of the the process of um believing that uh Keegan you know is able to to do this without first being a vice captain no I don’t think that you know we didn’t really discuss that kind of uh procedure and whether we wanted to move away from um a captain having a vice Captain’s position prior we were really trying to find the best person to lead team Team USA to a victory and it very simply came down to one person and that’s that was Keegan Keegan as I said checked a lot of the boxes and his passion for the game his passion for the Ryder Cup is evident and uh just him being from around this area and how the people around here all the text messages that we’ve received about Keegan has been absolutely outstanding that the amount of support that he’s received from the community and from New York City is is fabulous and I think that’s that all went into the decision and we picked the best person that we knew to pick and put everything else aside on a zoom call real quick Adam shupac Adam are you with us yes guys uh Egan how do you plan to handle the Live players will you be going to events to check those out I’m going to have the best players on the team I don’t care what where they play so we’re we’re we have a we have a mission to win this tournament I’m not worried about the live stuff I uh I want the best players on the team I by the time we get to Beth Page in 2025 we have no clue how the the layout of the golf world’s going to be um as it comes to going to Live Events if if there’s guys that are On The Fringe I I’m willing to do that I I again I’m I’ve only been the captain for two weeks and we haven’t really even gotten the real Point started which start next year so I’ll have to wait and see how everything shakes out and my biggest concern is having the best players on the team you g to wear a Yankees or a Giants hat at all um the one the the the interesting thing about me is you know I did grow up in New England and I I love Boston Sports sports but I also love New York uh everything about New York is special to me um coming to school here was a big undertaking from a kid that grew up in Vermont and uh you know being living in Queens and and being a New Yorker really for four years was some of the best times of my life and I I go around this city and I I telling my wife I just I just love it here I love the energy there’s something in the streets of New York and um so I have very very fond feelings of New York um not so much the sports teams but uh I I have nothing but love for New York and I always have and you know some of my best memories have happened here and to to be honest with you when I’ve played at Beth Page it’s the most support I’ve gotten I get in the entire world so um it’s pretty pretty cool thank you we’re going to come back to NASDAQ and it looks like we got a couple of questions in the back over here congratulations Keegan you you weren’t chosen for Rome can you in how do you envision telling someone who’s on the bubble like yourself that they’re not going to be going to Beth Page and I have a followup I think that I will just be totally up front with them and just say I’m going in another direction and you know I’ve been I’ve been on the end of three of these calls where I figured I was about the last guy out so I I’ve I’ve uh I’ve been on the other end of I I got picked at at Glenn Eagles and that was special and but I’ve also been on the end these multiple times so you know the way I like it is just the facts and I won’t uh it won’t be any fluff in it I think that as a player I I always respected just like we’re going another Direction and I think it’s going to be difficult something that I never thought thought you know you never think that you’re going to have to make those calls but inevitably inevitably that’s coming so I’ll have to again that’s another thing I’ll I’ll have to ask other captains about as well just one other question um on the Beth Page setup the captains always play an instrumental role Europeans have always favored you know basically High rough slower greens maybe not as long Beth Page has been set up for US Open PGA championships how do you envision even though it’s early on the setup for Beth Page in terms of of how you want to see it play out for something like a rder Cup match yeah so we’re going out to Beth Page tomorrow to check out the course um I haven’t put much thought into you know how we’re going to go about that I think that you know at the end of the day we’re still playing golf and no matter what the setup is there’s going to be teams playing against each other and I’m not too concerned about uh how the course is set up I think that we got 24 worldclass players and you could go play a you know a perfectly manicured course and something that’s not is still playing the Ryder Cup so I’m not completely concerned about that but something that we’ll look into is another question back here Greg seeing no off we do have a question over yes Alan go ahead one for John uh could you take us specifically through the the timeline from when tiger told you he was not going to take the job and you had presumably just a matter of a couple of weeks like what was that decision-making process like from the moment that you knew it wasn’t going to be tiger to figuring out to to sort of getting where we are today well I mean we had we didn’t have a timeline on it per se we we knew we wanted to announce a a r Cup captain before the one year to go event and we just wanted to get together with the writer cup committee you have to balance the schedules of the players and of the the PGA of America representatives to try to get on a call together to try to discuss it so we the first opportunity that we had to organize a call we did and we had a a nice conversation about potential captains and without any really timeline set um we came to a pretty quick decision and this this came about very rapidly to get this done in two weeks did did Keegan’s name surface in that first conversation and if so who was sort of lobbing hardest for him uh there was no lobbying when Keegan’s name was mentioned it was a slam dunk but do you recall who mentioned Keegan’s name first uh I don’t recall it was we had we had a list and we’re kind of bouncing through the list and we were all looking down the list and Keegan’s name kind of jumped out and it was as soon as it was mentioned Keegan Bradley it was yeah absolutely 100% And this would have been like three or four weeks ago something it was about two and a half weeks ago we we didn’t sit on it very long after we made the decision we we decided that we needed to let Keegan know and so we got on a on a call with Keegan that Sunday the conversation I believe was on a Wednesday Alan we’ll invite you to join the next PGA of America wrer cup commune call when we pick a captain sounds you’re really interested in this right now um ladies and gentlemen I think that’s going to do it for our news conference today we would ask that you swiftly all move back to the reception area so we can knock out some live interviews up here media in the room if you can also meet us back there we’re going to bring King back there for a quick media scrum and we’re going to bring a back here to knock off some interview so one more time for Kean Bradley


  1. I am of the opinion that Keegan Bradley was given the spot because of how badly he was disrespected and left off the team that Zack was the captain of I think this is a make up. It is horrible to treat any individuals with such disrespect and then try to cover it up with gifts, Paul McGinley I saw his comments earlier today about the lack of experience. You can have a Coke and a smile, sir.

  2. Zach Johnson deserves all the negative press he gets. He did a horrible job as captain. Not a big fan of Keegan Bradley but he should have been on the team last year. Naming him captain. Don't get it.

  3. Love Keegan! but can we just put him up for president of the united states instead of ryder cup captain? he's a true leader!

  4. Not that surprised about all the skepticism but thinking about this I believe it’s an excellent choice..

    He respects and understands the assignment to a degree that I really believe he will work hard to do as well as he possibly can.

    Time will tell but after that RC I have a feeling that he will be seen in a very different light.

  5. Gosh how glum he is LMAO
    This will be an easy victory for the Euros LMAO
    Lets hope the US gets their rain gear choices all wrong again LMAO

  6. I like Keegan's vibe. I'm sure the boys club won't be too thrilled but Keegan wants to win. Hopefully he'll find that with Bryson and others who have thst dog in them

  7. Keegan is quiet. I like that about him. He just keeps his head down and grinds away to be a great provider for his family. Who can not like that?

  8. Keegan will choose the best golfers available. ZJ picked his boys and favored friends over competition

  9. Keegan brings patriotic passion and intensity that is for sure. Time will tell if he has the necessary leadership qualities to bring this highly talented team together.

  10. You have to be kidding! Keegan Bradley!!?! What a joke. The PGA of America and the PGA Tour are now controlled by the left. They both can go to hell. Wow a 4 and 3 Ryder Cup record. Well golly. Joke joke joke!

  11. It’s about damn time that the US had the guts to go outside the box with this pick to be Captain. I really believe he is our Luke Donald.

  12. My dad met him flying commercial on United. Nobody recognized him on the plane and he was happy to take a selfie. A quiet class act that gets the job done.

  13. I feel for Keegan regarding the way he got shafted. It feels like he’s being set up again. If the boys club didn’t want him in their Ryder Cup club how are they gonna all of a sudden want and play for him as a captain? Chemistry and closeness is everything in team events but it seems there will always be that elephant in the room if things start to go bad. I hope they win for Keegan’s sake and the boys feel the same way.

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