Just Swing it!!! The Mistake Golfers Keep Making

This video is all about the golf swing. I hope you find it useful.

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let’s talk about one of the most common mistakes that I tend to see with golfers and a lot of this comes from I think how golfers practice and you do need to be careful because in golf what we tend to see is golf pros will often talk about different positions and you’ll quite often talk about let’s say like a a takeaway to a back swing to a sort of you know pre-impact and a PO impact position and all this stuff is very useful because it gives you a chance to get a real feeling For What It’s Like into these different positions but equally and I’m always very careful with a lot of students that I work with on this fr you’ve got to be careful with how you’re practicing and you don’t lose sight of the simple fact that the golf is a swing it’s a golf swing and what that means is that there is a back swing and there is a through swing and the Collision of the ball happens halfway let me the best way I can simulate it is with this because the reason why I like a rope trainer and I think a rope swing is really good for you guys is one you can just focus on this lifting Motion in the back swing but more important in the down swing because what should happen in the down swing is I’m going to move to the left as I turn and as I finish this swing the reason why this finish position is really important is because my left shoulder goes back and behind my head and if I can couple that with my arms being pulled down like so so I swing it back and I pull my arms down what you’ll start to hear is a really strong swishing sound like this okay now what’s interesting is when I generally put this in the hands of most people initially I’ll do it two-handed as well right cuz this is exactly like so initially it’s kind of this and this is because of the fact that people just get so slow um getting so accustomed to putting the club and manipulating the club into positions that they lose sight of what you’re really supposed to do so how I want you to to have a go practicing if you feel this video is really related to you is I really want you to make sure that in this back swing you’re going to feel like you’re taking that club nice and straight back as you turn okay and then what I want you to do is I want you to really concentrate on letting your arms come down as you swing up like so okay and make sure that you finish see where around everything is pointing towards the direction where I want the ball to go and what you’ll notice is that when you if I do this in slow motion if I move progressively to my left as I turn look at my shoulder goes back in behind me as my shoulder goes back and behind me I can bring my arm down that’s what gets me into this great looking impact position and then as I swing through similar to what I’m doing with that rope trainer I’ll get that idea of that swishing sound so don’t lose sight of the fact that the through swing position and pulling your arms down and the fact that this is very much a swing is an integral part of what we’re trying to do CU like I said a lot of people that start working on positions I think lose sight of the idea that we’re supposed to go straight back turn and through and that’s how you get that swinging action and reintroduce that natural athleticism well it I’ll see you guys again really soon

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