Golf Players

Our New Headquarters and 9 Hole Putting Green | Home Course w/ PGA Memes

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Home Course is an original series produced by PGA Memes that takes you inside the homes of top professional golfers, athletes and celebrities. On this episode, we give you an inside peak at our new headquarters in Dallas and show you our 4,000 sq foot golf complex!

[Music] what’s up everybody this is Travis with PJ memes normally my crew and I we travel around visiting other people’s homes but today you’re going to come check out my pad after John ROM unfortunately withdrew but we got some cool stuff to show you so come check it out let’s go to the backyard [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I’m not on the course hacking it up making double triple bogeys or roasting professional golfers on the internet I like to relax put my feet in the sand enjoy the Sun and throw down an ice cold Corona Premiere but unfortunately for me even when I’m on the course my feet tend to still be in the sand in the bunker [Music] my golf game might not be Premier but my light beer [Music] is one of the things that I love the most about this place is the backyard my boy G fisky here is already uh getting warmed up dialed in but we got synthetic grass about 2,000 ft and we put in a nine-hole putting green here to compliment the backyard so get a lot of short game practice in a lot of putting so it’s it’s really dream come true but my good buddy Preston moon at envyscapes used to work for Arnold Palmer for years he does a lot of the Collegiate facilities around the country he came out here and put in this green for me he’s one of the best in the world and this place is absolutely [Music] incredible so George and I come out here all the time and practice uh it’s funny having a nine-hole putting green it’s almost 2,000 square ft but we find ourselves out here chipping more than we are putting this is a great way to practice the short game try to get dialed in got a proam coming up in Nashville with live golf so got to get it dialed in soft hands baby you know one thing that I’m happy to report is that we have yet to hit a house so I’ve come really close to hitting the window here um which my heart sank I was just terrified honestly it’s like every guy’s dream to have an outdoor putting green in their house and you know developing the relationship that I have with Preston and N Scapes you know I kind of put this in front of him as a plan and he came out here and made it happen I had no idea really what that process looked like but they tore this thing down to the ground to build it back up you know I was thinking originally like three four holes and he threw in nine different holes different locations and this thing rolls like crazy there’s some pen placements that are super tricky and difficult so a lot of fun a lot of ability to get creative out [Music] here there we go just wanted to show you this backyard hit up EnV Scapes if you want to get something set up for your own house we just got a new headquarters just up the road that I’m super proud of we got a lot of cool things going on there so I want to take you over there and check it out [Music] all right welcome to PJ memes HQ we found this spot a couple years ago and it wasn’t available but I love just the Loft style the garage door I needed a place of my own it was a little more quiet with kids that are six and four in the house it got really loud and disruptive to do any type of work believe it or not even the meme guy actually has some work to do so got this spot at the beginning of the year and been putting it together and this is the first tour that we’re actually showing people but start off here just in the entryway uh son of Brent woodworking actually made this custom pie piece for us uh of our logo which is super sick in the entryway just have a ton of collectible items that we’ve gathered over the last couple of years from some of the friends that we’ve met some of the touring Pros that we’ve interviewed or shot with I mean none other here than uh John Daly you know you can get autographs from people all the time whether it’s a a pin flag or a picture but he just finished off a pack of marble Reds when we’re sitting at the table one day at Trump Dalal and I just grabbed it from them I’m like dude you have to sign this for me so this is one of my favorite items he signed a ball for me as well Ricky actually uh threw this ball to my son Nico when we’re at the colonial at the Charles swap challenge which was pretty cool I mean just a few friends I’ve met over the years Keith sioli from golf live bought me a pair of these uh signed Jordans when I opened it up I had no idea what it was and I was like oh sick he got me a pair of Jordans or something and then I saw exactly what it was and freaking started tearing up I mean probably one of the most special gifts that I’ve ever forgotten but just a few things that we’ve collected over the years I mean autographs from some some of my favorite players we got to dine with Jack Nicholas uh one year brought some of my closest friends with me that have been you know day oners and we’ve made a huge pledge to play Yellow in Children’s Health which you kind of talk about a little bit more um inaugural Liv season got to play a few proam got the Taylor gu uh we’ve done a couple videos with Taylor he’s the man got the shark just a bunch of cool stuff here but come follow along check out some other [Music] stuff all right so when we come to work this is where gisy and I get to business you can see the cleanest desks ever because you know we’re not here all the time but we just prop up our laptops and get to work but got this really cool open space we want to bring back the shank happin podcast that coach Rusty and I have been doing over the last couple years took a little height but got this wall built out we’re going to have this be kind of our studio and just put a collection of stuff that I’ve had over the years my good buddy who runs uh good boy Originals put together this piece for me um of just some awesome stuff some of my favorite courses obviously Augusta National got Mammoth and uh in Sand Valley Bandon which we go to all the time Tory Pines it’s one of my favorite courses Whistling Straits Royal County Down is my number one course that I’ve ever played over in Ireland some really cool pie is here I won this in an auction at Mark Lehman uh his charity event the Begin Again foundation and I I mean there was another Arnold Palmer piece that was out there but I saw the one with the cigarette I was like I got to have that thing and then this is really cool I’ve got to film with a lot of awesome people doing this show home course and just put a collection of some of the pictures the very first episode we shot was with Jason day and Ohio got Pat Perez Mark leean at his Brewery Jimmy Walker his bourbon collection Johnny Damon who’s was one of my favorite baseball players growing up he’s become a good friend of mine and you know cam Smith went out and ride on the boat Greg Norman right as the live golf stuff was being announced we got to film with him which is really special John Daly hoisting the uh silver gold medal with Rory sabatini so we’ve had some really cool stuff that we’ve been able to do some good opportunities but this space you know it’s fun to have something that’s our own and use it kind of as a creative outlet for new ideas and new stuff that we want to shoot before we head up stairs there’s a few other things I want to show you while we’re down here one is my favorite art piece that I have a good friend of mine who’s become from a trick shot artist Creator to an actual artist coach Rusty I got one of his prints this guy is absolutely incredible super talented so I purchased one of these they sell out in like a minute um I’m not going to ask him for anything so I went online just like any other customer bought this bad boy and got it framed and then no office is complete or man cave is complete without having a gold te set up so when golden te came out with the golden T go I had to get it so we have our own gaming system here no TV it’s actually built into the the game module and you can just play Golden tea blow off some steam and uh hang out so G fisky and I get a lot of contest in on this thing all the time and no tour is complete without showing you what’s in the fridge so let’s pop open in the fridge and see what we got in there all right so when we’re grinding over our work we need some food we need some drinks really no food we just have our alcohol so Corona Premiere we’re always stocked with Corona Premiere so we have that then we have our cadd cocktails with the transfusions the half and half they just came out with the new Dirty Shirley we’re always stocked up and then I guess we do have some water in case we just need to hydrate a little bit but got to have our Corona Premiere so our fridge is always fully stocked and ready to go a couple weeks ago we had something installed in the office that’s an absolute game changer something that we’ve been looking forward to so let’s head upstairs and check that out you guys are going to love [Music] it so this is what they say where the magic happens right here we got full swing simulator um been working with full swing and indoor golf to get this set up but this was the perfect space as soon as I saw it I knew this is what we had to do so we’ got this Sim set up here we can play multiple courses practice get our game dialed and then just an extra spot to hang out so we’ve got some other memorabilia that we have up here some of my good friends that play professionally got the bag signed from Lehman n Ricky sent this bag that he used in the Open Championship for my birthday got some uh signed Flags our home course episode with Greg Norman was actually featured in the mammoth Film Festival we didn’t take home first place unfortunately but I think we took second and just some other cool items no more than uh this hole-in-one plaque that I got sent to me from Trump International so hosted a PJ memes challenge made a hole in one I think it’s on the par 3 fifth uh hole and into the wind went straight in I didn’t get to see it go in but got the pin flag signed by President Trump and there’s the ball that we got to use so I mean that was an incredible moment and then they sent this to me later on which was awesome to see so we’ve just tried to set this whole area up just to have good times obviously hitting balls you can listen to music we’ve got this little bar area that we’re starting to set up isn’t fully stocked yet so if you want to send some good bottles our way we’re down but got a few of our favorites already fletcha thought it was fitting um had the Entourage cast actually signed this director’s back piece here uh Mark Wahlberg was one of the producers kind of based off of his life and then he signed this football here or Vince papali signed this football here where Mark wallberg played him in that movie so I thought that was pretty cool huge charger guy unfortunately lots of heartbreak over the years but signed delt helmet this is really cool here too so president Trump signs this uh head cover from pens and Aces and then one of his hats and then when we were with him one day after he was done signing some stuff he actually threw me uh this pen with the signature says the White House which was pretty cool so something that I treasure and keep here another thing that we got in in the office that’s really cool is this custom map it’s uh it kind of highlights all the top 100 public courses in the United States and these guys did an incredible job they actually put our logo up on the map but Roa golf is a new company I thought this was a really cool piece to put in the house but when we had this office I was like dude this has got to go right up here you can actually put a golf te in all the courses that you’ve played and as you can see we’ve played some but we still have a lot of work ahead of us um so this this map here is a cool piece that we added but it’s extra motivation to get out there and play some of these other courses but thought it was a good compliment to kind of what we have going on up here and and go from there so with that let’s just hit some balls and have some [Music] fun oh look at this bisy all right man good shot thanks for tagging along for this episode and checking out our putting green and our new headquarters here in Texas hopefully you enjoyed this episode just want to say thank you for everyone who supported us along the way PJ memes really just started out as something that was kind of a joke and turned into something bad quick and just been super grateful for all the things that we’ve been able to do the memories that we’ve made the people who we’ve got to meet and to have something like this based off your support and that just means the world so we’ve got some more episodes that we’re going to be shooting for home course over the next few weeks look forward to those episodes airing and uh see you guys around he [Music]


  1. Shout out to Full Swing Simulators, Indoor Golf and Envyscapes for making our set up next level!

  2. Yep, that chipping green is a dream, hope shanks don't happen there..hA! Daly is a legend, what a great autograph. Can't wait to see the bourbon collection grow on the bar shelf. Hope you get a chance to knock off more courses in Michigan down the road.

  3. Dude Rahm has turned in to a real pansy. Down with LIV, still a PGA Tour fan as well, but bro shouldn't have made this move if he was going to be this miserable. At least he got the money.

  4. Absolutely sick place . To be able to golf year round is priceless. Well done from your Canadian buddies

  5. Preston Moon is a great guy. Grew up by him and his family in Utah. The golf bag I still use was given to me by him. His dad was a great guy!

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