Wilson Triad Golf Ball Review | 2024

It has been almost two years since I reviewed the Wilson Triad. I didn’t have very much luck the first time around. However, I love that all of you provided such wonderful feedback, even if it was disagreeing with me. You all have asked for a re-test. So here we are, was I wrong about the Wilson Triad?


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00:00 Intro
3:23 Design
4:48 Chipping and Putting
8:52 50 Yard Pitch
10:38 9 Iron
11:20 7 Iron
13:43 5 Hybrid
14:45 Driver
15:40 Durability
16:21 Conclusion

what is up my fellow golf ball addicts welcome back to the channel we are doing a retest today we are doing a retest of the Wilson Triad something I’ve had a ton of requests to do for over two years now so let’s Dive Right In All right so as I said I’m super excited to retest this golfball you know long story short two years ago I picked up this golf ball there was a lot of hype around it uh Wilson came out with this you know $39.99 value Tour ball and a lot of big name Publications were really raving about it talking about how great it was how consistent it was how well-designed it was and you know I’m a big Wilson fan I think they’re extremely underrated especially in the golf ball department for sure and I just had to get my hands on one so I went out found one immediately came home and you know just didn’t have that that good luck with it the numbers weren’t that good I wasn’t a big fan of the feel um you know and and like I tell you guys all the time on the channel the numbers are the numbers you know there’s lot there’s very little opinion on this channel it’s it’s I test the golf ball here’s the numbers based on these numbers here’s who I think it’s for It’s that kind of stuff but didn’t have a lot of success with it and immediately I had tons of people telling me hey I think you made a mistake like this golfball is really awesome I use it and that has continued for two years I still get comments to this day on that video of hey I don’t I disagree with this review I I thought it was amazing golf ball I think you need to retest it and every comment that I’ve had like that I’ve said hey I’m going to retest it and that’s why we’re here cuz we’re going to retest it so let’s go ahead and dive in let’s talk about the golf ball a little bit so first of all it is a threepiece urethane golf ball of course um it has around an 85 86 compression which is on the firmer side for sure my my my worries is that it’s going to be a little too firm for me I don’t prefer my golf balls that firm usually I like them softer but hey you never know golf ball compression isn’t quite what it used to be it doesn’t mean the same thing so it it could just be nothing all right so pricewise this golf ball retails at $39.99 a dozen uh which actually is already a really great value especially when you consider you’re getting you know a more traditional high-end AAA ball maker um that’s a good price you know a lot of them are going to $ 42.99 a dozen or 45 a dozen the $39.99 is already a good deal but right now across the board everywhere and for a while you’ve been able to get them for $34.99 a dozen and that’s a really great deal I mean honestly that’s a great value that’s what a lot of these you know Vice golf balls are and stuff so if this golf ball can hang it’s a real Contender and it’s not you know it’s not a just direct to Consumer model this can be purchased almost anywhere one thing I really love is Wilson kind of advertised um if you go and read the page on the tri it on their website they talk about this this patented balancing technology they’ve now found where the golf ball balances itself out and basically you know long story short you get past all the science Mumbo gumbo it’s supposed to mean that the quality of the golf ball as far as being balanced having any defects um it’s not supposed to happen it’s not really supposed to be possible which sounds like a pipe dream but I actually did some research I went on I went to the my golf spy review and they actually had 0% golf balls deformed 0% not round I mean they they said that every golf ball across the board was perfect so maybe Wilson’s on to something here I mean like I said it wouldn’t surprise me I think Wilson’s very underrated when it comes to that department so uh let’s go ahead and dive into the design of the golf ball something that Wilson is really really good at I mean really good at looking at the logo there on the front I it’s it’s so classy it’s sophisticated I love what Wilson does I love the font they use I love the crest they have up top the black and white I love the number font Wilson just I I never get tired of looking at a Wilson golf ball I I just don’t I love their logo I love how they do all that um it just it really gives me a lot of confidence personally when I’m standing over it I think it’s a really premium designed golf ball it’s definitely that if you come around on the side here for the alignment tool I love the the font for the Triad I mean that looks that looks ba I’m not going to lie and then if you uh look at the actual alignment tool itself now this is interesting because I am usually not a fan of a couple things I’m not usually a fan of arrows and I’m not usually a fan of ones that get smaller as they go on it usually just kind of throws off my my depth perception of where I’m aiming not the case here though if there was anything I had to say about it is I wish the Triad in the middle was maybe blacked out so it was a little easier to see but alignment tool wise you can actually see that pretty good I mean for being what it is I I wouldn’t have anticipated it actually helping my alignment when I first saw it but when you get out there it actually does so I give Wilson a lot of credit it feels really good on the outside the coating feels really good it feels like it would really stick it would really grip um it’s just a well-designed golf ball like I said Wilson’s really underrated in that department so let’s get out to the chipping and putting green and let’s see how it does out there all right wilon try out here start with a nice little get the wrist okay so good reaction I hit it way too hard that’s way too hard for the first one beautiful really low really spinny that that’s a Tor like response that’s exactly what I would expect wow really great stopping power I mean the the reaction I just got’s incredible wow man I it’s hard to get to much better than that okay so so far you know phenomenal sound phenomenal feel I mean chipping with this golf ball is a pleasure so far it really is low and spinny ball checks up incredible beautiful absolutely beautiful I mean I I I can’t imagine getting too much more checkup than that there’s very few balls that have that level of feel balance responsiveness checkup I mean you name it I’m just so impressed all right so starting off with the Mallet putter here you know I’m interested to see how this feels it had such a great feel with the wedges very nice little dead dead sounding but it is a thick Mallet putter so I expect that really good roll I love the roll you know that that technology Wilson’s using whatever their balance technology is you can tell we’re going to go ahead and validate the parking here with the Mallet but I just you know again really phenomenal 10 out of 10 true roll oh just beautiful yeah really good roll I mean really good feel it is kind of dead there’s not a loud click I’m I’m actually impr that’s that’s incredible that’s so far past the hole that’s 5T past the hole all right so now let’s try the uh the blade here the blade putter I expect the feel to be a little louder a little clicker nope not at all actually that is very consistent it feels exactly like the Mallet sounds exactly like the Mallet wow wow if you’re someone who likes a more traditional like little click when you have the feedback you’re not going to like this it’s more dead muted but boy it’s it’s so consistent it’s so true to the role hard not to be impressed all right it’s really hard not to be impressed it really is the feel really good wedges 10 out of 10 feel you know putter might not be for everybody but 10 out of 10 you know as far as feel really consistent really true roll amazing am in checkup with the wedges I mean I’m trying to even split hairs and find something wrong with it and I just can’t you know if I had to come up with something I would say that you know if you Mish hit it there isn’t much forgiveness around uh you know the green as far as with your chips and stuff but here’s the other thing most Tour golf balls have very little if any forgiveness this actually has some so even that’s better than most tour balls out there so I I just don’t have any negatives I don’t have anything I can really say negative around the green with this ball consistency is key in a lot of this a lot of these tour players are looking for you know a lot of you on the channel have been talking about you know hey balance the golf ball see if they’re balanced see if they’re consistent see if they’re this is probably the the best example I’ve seen of something that is just really really welld designed really well made and I mean gosh if you’re someone who really values a lot of checkup a lot of feel a lot of consistency around the green my goodness I mean this in the prov1 that’s probably the two standards right now I can think of now I haven’t really done that test with like the Wilson model which is their you know higher up end of their golf ball that’s their most expensive Tour line golf ball but I’m definitely going to be when I retest it because I want to see that but for the golf ball that is in this price range right now $34.99 a dozen on sale I just can’t imagine finding something with this level of accuracy and consistency for that price Bravo Wilson Bravo all right so I do want to talk about the feel of this golf ball across to all clubs um you know like I said at the beginning of the video 85 86 compression it’s definitely firm um it’s not loud it’s not a thwack it doesn’t have that traditional sound and traditional feedback it’s not that type of golf ball it’s more of a muted you know more I call it dead usually but maybe Dead’s a bad word it’s more of a muted type feel um but you hit it in the center yeah you know it it’ll come off it does have a little spring to it but it’s not it’s not a lot you know it’s not a lot of these you know uh more value golf balls I’ve tested where it feels like a rocket coming off not the case here it does feel a little dead more kind of like a Titus ball in a way Titus has their own specific feel but if I had to kind of give it a comp to anything that’s what it’s like it’s kind of this dead feeling that’s really trying to put consistency over wow factor if you know what I mean so let’s go ahead and get into these numbers now starting with the 50 yard pitch we have 7,592 RPM spin that is just slightly below average um I was hoping for a little bit more there but you know it is what it is and I will say that it wasn’t a matter sometimes I come up here and when I talk about the 50- yard pitch I’ll say it’s a forgiveness issue where if you really hit it pure in the wedge you’ll get 8,000 9,000 RPM but if you m hit it you’re at 5,000 not the case here everything just hovered around 7,000 to 7500 that’s just what it was it was actually pretty decently consistent it just didn’t get a ton of spin off the 50 yard pitch and who knows that could be the wedge I’m using it’s a tailor made mil gr 4 I mean that’s a really good wedge but it’s not the most spinning wedge on the market so um it’s okay I wish it had been a little a little bit more but it’s not a deal breaker 7500 7600 is still going to stop on the green pretty much right where it lands so no big deal at all let’s go ahead and go into the smash factor of the nineiron 1.26 which is really really good one of the best I’ve tested so I love to see that 131.0 is awesome nineiron distance 132.0 total awesome love to see that 101.5 amazing ball speed that’s awesome and 7,000 95 RPM which is awesome for a uh a nineiron full swing that that’s that’s definitely above average so really good numbers there off to a really great start and what I noticed is is I I actually struck the nine iron really well there wasn’t a lot of M hits in there and if they were they were very minor so off to a great start let’s go ahead and go into the seven iron now let’s see if this continues 1.32 on your smash factor which is um you know it’s it’s okay it’s not great but uh as you can see there the numbers took a little dip 153.7 155.5 111.2 all those are average across the board and 5620 which is slightly below average on Spin and then it launched again low like the nineiron did 17.2 so it launched pretty low so okay so those numbers took a hit uh those numbers were more average and this was kind of my fear and it happens all the time with these firmer golf balls like the Tour golf balls prov1 tp5 uh Wilson Triad things like that what happens is is that when you get into this Tour line I preach it all the time forgiveness on golf balls and I know I’m getting a lot of comments right now because the Channel’s been doing well of that doesn’t exist you know you’re out of your mind golf ball forgiven it that’s crazy if you hit it good you do if you don’t you’re not going to get good results it’s just not the case you know I have four years of data it’s not the case there are golf balls i m hit and I lose five yards awesome there’s some golf balls i m hit I lose 10 yards awesome there was a seven iron strike where I hit it a little off the toe with this one just a little I I felt it in the hands pretty good it was just a little off center um I lost 41 yards it was not a Duff it was not a top it was it was it was as far as angle of attack and everything it was a good strike it was just off the toe and that was very consistent I had to delete a lot of shots four or five off this because the Miss hits were so egregious that they affected the scores and my fear is that when I tested it the first time I probably didn’t delete all those I probably deleted some of them and that’s why the numbers ended up not so good now that we’re two years here in the future I I know a little bit more I do my channel a little bit differently as far as how I delete those M hits but long story short this golf ball doesn’t have very much forgiveness it is going to be for an advanced player it’s going to be for someone who strikes irons really really well and really consistently five handicap or lower you know I haven’t even continued yet but that’s that’s why why I push this so hard you know we’ll see what what the five hybrid is we’ll see what the driver is we’ll go from there let’s see how these numbers are now that I’m actually getting to clubs where I compress the golf ball a lot better Woods in particular let’s see if it does you know let’s see if it really comes off the club well now 1.41 on your smash factor that is the best smash Factor I’ve ever had with the hybrid so as you can see golf Ball’s compressing really well now that I’m swinging 90 mph with a wood 179.2 181.50 124 really good numbers there across the board I love the spin 5151 that’s average actually all those numbers are light right in line with what my averages are which is really good and that smash Factor being really high up is is helping too my swing speed is actually a little lower than it’s been in the past so I I had to slow my hybrid down a little bit so actually these numbers would be in the good to very good range if you if you do it relative 16 with a mid launch um yeah that’s that’s really good I mean like I said you know it’s two three mph difference compared to what I was used to Swinging with my hybrid I brought it down because I was hitting my hybrid too far so if you put that into perspective the fact that I’m getting average numbers with less of a swing speed awesome and that smash Factor tells you everything you need to know so really good stats there let’s go ahead and dive into the driver let’s see how that is now my driver swing speed is still the same it’s around that 98 Mark we are looking at a 1.46 smash factor which is really really good 229.3 I gained seven yards on my carry for my average I gained six yards on the distance 143.5 that is an excellent excellent ball speed 2372 amazing spin number right there and it launched mid 14.5 excellent numbers and you know I I thought that would be the case you know once we get to the hybrid once we get to the driver I figured that they would be really good numbers just because like I said firmer golf balls that’s how it works usually with firmer golf balls the short irons don’t do so good the mid irons usually do okay and then when you get to the long you know hybrids Woods all that stuff they they really perform phenomenally now I will say I don’t know why the the nine iron did so great that’s awesome you know I don’t know why it just blew my socks off maybe I had an amazing day striking it um but here’s what I will say let’s let’s get into the durability and then after that I’ll I’ll give you my closing thoughts so durability wise hard not to be impressed 80 to 90 shots still feels 100% there’s no scuffing you know there’s a couple marks from maybe where it hit the net or whatever but I absolutely trust this sclf ball I it can continue to go I’d give it a 9 out of 10 probably durability it’s I I mean it’s really really good it might even be a 9 and a half a 10 you know I don’t know it’s really good no scrapes no Cuts really just some dirt marks that can be cleaned up but I’m really impressed with that especially after 152 wed shots in wet conditions you know that’s that’s a big deal yeah so final thoughts um you know we retested this did it do better did the Wilson Triad do better than it did two years ago absolutely my opinion now has changed on it a lot we’ve grown a lot since then I’ve tested probably 60 golf balls since then I mean we’ve we’ve grown as a channel um but here is the thing this golf ball is for advanced players 110% no ifs no ANS no butts about it it is an extremely accurate extremely consistent golf ball that has no forgiveness they are intending this golf ball to be for guys who are going you strike the iron pure nine out of 10 times and that one Mish hit you have is a slight Mish hit like a little bit off um guys like me who I’m around you know High digigit single handicap I strike the iron okay you know six out of 10 times probably but there’s no way I’d feel comfortable using this I just couldn’t because those four M hits I have are going to cost me Strokes 110% I also do believe the golf ball you know with that compression number being firm I do believe it’s going to be for the 100 mph crowd you know 100 plus mph crowd you know if you’re 100 mph with the driver 105 110 I think you’ll absolutely get some really good results out of this but again it just dives into that really good scratch golfer mentality you need to be able to strike the ball really really well you need to be able to swing 100 plus mph that’s going to be an advanced player 100% so I’ve seen a lot of people in the channel be like yeah you know I’m a 20 handicap and I’m 80 years old and I play the Wilson Triad you know I’m not saying the driver wouldn’t do you any good but I will say that your irons your you’re missing out you’re missing out on some spin you’re missing out on some distance you’re missing out on some forgiveness It’s really hurting your game a lot so I I do I’m going to stick to my ground here and I am going to say if you’re looking for a you know tour like golf ball that has you know amazing consistency amazing stats um really good balancing you know this technology Wilson has really good consistency like that this is a great value $34.99 right now $39.99 you was their normal price I don’t know how long they’ll be on sale for maybe they’re getting ready to come out with another one but it’s hard not to be impressed with that I mean there’s a lot of guys I know that are you know prov1 loyalist and guys who like really want actually a lot of you have commented that you don’t care about price recently there’s been a lot of newcomers to the channel who have said hey I don’t care as much about price I really want something consistent and that balances and there’s no defects and blah blah well here you go you can’t beat that for $34.99 and having 0% wrong 0% not round um my goodness I mean that’s really really good so even though it’s not for me it does have a crowd it does have a market and when it is played by that market I think it’s probably one of the best there is out there guys as always keep watching and keep saving and keep learning until next time


  1. I took a sleeve out for twilight and played 2 balls. Triad.. and a vice pro soft. I was unimpressed with the triad. Wilson’s tour ball is great but the triad for $40 isnt the best option at that price.

  2. I play Bridgestone tour b xs balls .. picked up a sleeve to try from the pro shop .. played them along side of my ball for 4 holes … that was all .. I lost all 3. Was even par with my balls .. idk but I don’t hit them well at all 😂
    Also the Bridgestone balls are 39.99 a dozen at Walmart

  3. Not made for us average golfers. Obviously Wilson make very good golf balls, they also make some really bad golf balls. This is made for the above average player.

  4. Bought a couple dozen of the Wilson Zip based on your videos. Looking forward to trying them on the course later this week.

  5. At least you Triad-it again 😂
    I bought a dozen as my buddy got a Wilson discount and I was still meh. It did seem when I hit it flush it was a champ, but an off hit I could tell I was losing distance at an unexpected amount. And now your video confirmed it.
    PS – I liked the screenshots from your session. Provided great context between the differing shots.

  6. I did the online ping golfball fitting. This ball was recommended. I played with them for about a month then stopped. The balls just fell out of the wait. I feel vindicated after watching this.
    Still waiting for the RZN review!

  7. Wilson markets this ball to the golfer in the low 80's wanting to get into the 70's. They say the perimeter weight helps with a straighter flight. I'm a 8 hcp with a 95 driver speed. I am the target player for this ball and I think it really delivers. I can attest this is a very straight ball and that is a big reason why it is one of my top three balls. I saw a study run by another testing company that did robot testing on many balls and this ball was number 1 in tight dispersion. A few other things I have notices about this ball is I don't get a lot of height with my shots as some other balls. This is defiantly my go to ball in windy conditions. It must be that parameter weighting, but this is my favorite ball to put with, it roles so consistently. My only complaint is I had a ball in my last dozen where the paint started to peal after a few rounds. As far as forgiveness, I really haven't noticed any issues with irons especially 40 years with a 7 iron. But I will pay mor attention going forward.

  8. Interesting. Im a pretty decent striker (5 handicap) but making secind guess trying these out for sure…

  9. Whats with the barbwire fence? Are you in a work-release program?? Jk…good review. I may try the Triad after this review.

  10. Low single digit handicap here, I use the Triad ball and love it. General rule to go by: If you can't hit close to 120 mph ball speed with your 7 iron on a consistent basis (or 120+ if you use stronger lofted irons), then you should not be going near any ball that is 80+ compression rating. With my 31 degree lofted 7 iron my poor strikes on the Triad are still 118-120 ball speed, for context.

  11. Wow! What timing. I found two Triads today. Had no idea about the ball. I did the thumbnail test it felt like I could spin it very well so I took it to the pitching green along with my pro v1. I could not believe how much better it stopped than the pro v. I’m going to play by myself Wednesday morning and I’ll play two balls: the triad and the pro v.

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