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2024 John Deere Classic, Final Round | PGA TOUR EXTENDED HIGHLIGHTS | Golf Channel

Watch the best shots and moments from the final round of the 2024 John Deere Classic at TPC Deere Run, where Davis Thompson earned his first PGA Tour victory. #GolfChannel #PGATour
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2024 John Deere Classic, Final Round | PGA TOUR EXTENDED HIGHLIGHTS | Golf Channel

moments ago the big question coming into the day how would 25-year-old Georgia product Davis Thompson handle the nerves of his first outright 54 ho lead on the PGA tour at the first the answer from 44t out for birdie Thompson now 22 under leading by three going to be a fun one starting three holes a TPC Deon you got a par four a par five and then a third is a par three Carson young just off the graen 197 yds today up the hill cannot see the Green from the te and a nice little pitch in for Carson Bird’s flying early in this final run this is off a severe down slope and tough to judge it’s downhill once he first gets the green then goes up a little bit and then right in front of the hole goes back downhill trust what you’ve been working on it gets up that could be really good yeah starts to go down right here that is fantastic absolutely remember the last five winners here birdied one and two so how is he handling a little bit of stress pretty well right now exactly no problem there his hands are definitely control and he’s in control he now has a four shot lead as they’ll head up to number three let’s see what’s happening at the fourth yeah CT pan second shot that whole location on that right side he’s got it on the left side of the Fairway cannot afford to go too far to the right but he didn’t he went right at it John beautiful shot there for CT all right here and Springer’s got a thick lie over here up the fourth and does a nice job with that this got a chance how about that pretty well done excellent play ball below his feet right hole location that’ll help a little cut whole location on the right Edge gorgeous one from Young Peppers the flag stick he has Gap W from 12 three 104 Front Edge you’re right about choking down to the steel oh that’s just so well judged from that line excellent play absolutely it about 20 ft for birdie now I think the influence more is to go to the right he’s got it lined out about two balls out what time did you get out here this morning well 9:30 oh how about this start how about it absolute dream start there for [Applause] Davis ball 20 on four off the right side trying to use that slope like that okay eron that settle down get back in this game Michael Thor Boron here at the sixth he’s currently at 17 under having a solid solid week beautiful looking golf swing right there oh results in a good result chance to throw a dart here just a gap wedge from 128 both he and Aaron need to get something going quickly and both of them do with quality approach shots right when they needed them much needed just stacked one back there at the fifth expect him to do it here 400 on his round hello hole not a fair fight here six seeing some quality golf played right now uhuh Sheamus power in the ninth Fairway 513 yards today beautiful t- shot right up there on the flat 195 this hole is a beast pinning that back right what a golf shot there for Sheamus location all the way on that back left trying to bring in something from right to left don’t want to miss it left here but plenty of room up there on that left shelf yeah excellent [Applause] shot Thompson for birdie a little careful with the speed on this but boy does this look good another one hot plate Thompson in the zone let check this out again going down the slope not a whole lot of break to it just kind of creeping creeping and Hing speed Luke Clanton on the box 229 today if you go right at it 218 clears that bunker but you can use a little bit of a slope out to the right but he’s pretty aggressive line and just 230 yards and just right at it I think they call him Mister don’t they Luke Clanton young birdie putt bottoms it out two on the card at the seventh all right second shot for Jordan spe at number eight yeah very lucky with the t-shot to find the Fairway 142 there you go there you [Applause] go 92 ft of put up to that let’s just this is a clinic yes it is th oron now out of the rough here at the eighth not a great lie got that whole location on the left side got to be aware of it jumping they’re both staring at it oh my is this any good judged it perfectly watch out jump in the hole so much for jumping Danny McCarthy his third shot I really thought he’d have a big week this week he’s having a decent week but everybody else is going so low he’s due to win his first event it’s going to happen pin on that right side dangerously close to that oh dangerously to go in how about that using some slope and spin that ball was starting to zip on back there so lucky that flag stick gotten the way have a good week that’s two Eagles today that’s where Aaron Ry is playing the seventh same Club is yesterday where he had 140t Apex for those that don’t know what that means that’s really high now that will catch that slope there Colt get a little bit better that’s a gorgeous shot beautiful shot with that little hybrid Ben Griffin got through the divot but it might come down into that little sandfield divot this his third shot caught that pretty clean trying to skip it up there it’s skipped ah useful and using that slope really well done this for birdie following up that Eagle at the last hole Two Eagles and a birdie on his round I’ll say it ain’t so it’s so how about that seen that before from him and this was a moment ago at the challenging par 4 ninth hole alongside Ian Baker Finch I’m Andrew catalon and Ian what a show he is putting on it is an absolute stripe show here for Davis [Applause] Thompson to 27 under what an opening nine for Davis Thompson now at 13 mcari was in trouble off the T Advanced the ball to here he’s Eagle 10 he’s bird 11 one of the favorites for the week and what a run now four under through his first four holes of this back nine Michael thorbjornson making his third start on the PGA tour that is pitching wedge and he is flag hunting promise you that location is not that easy just a perfect angle has a slope long and left he can use to bring it back but he’s taking it right at it oh a little bit of spin that is such a good shot isn’t it set it up in the middle of the poter hit it out of the middle chances are it’s going to go in Ben Griffins second 14 going the high road settle down now just 12 feet beyond the hole that is an excellent effort 13 birdie putt for Michael knocks it in look at that run too six straight birdies he’s got to put it way back in his stance but that’s not bad for this shot got a lot of green to work with well that came out really high 12 ft left downhill for the par oh my two in a row right in the middle just short so his first blemish of Bogi at the par 31 12th for Thompson the lead is down to three we’ll run it out one more roll yes 10 under for the round I think a good tip for the people at home when you got a downhill lie like this set your shoulders to match that angle swing with the slope yeah shoulders and even hips too is that any good fantastic exclamation point yeah Tournament winning shot right there can’t see where he needs to land the ball was well below the putting surface but how about it this is a master class in pitching very high arms hands bit like the Shambo actually yes oh it’s good strike isn’t it co it is just right of it oh right on great shot from Aaron yeah during our ey on the course you saw Jordan spe hit an incredible approach here at 18 another look from the Ruffian and how about this and from 185 yds just another memorable shot for Jordan spe here at the 18th crowd loves it to the final hole and Luke Clanton trying to finish with a birdie how about this how about it what a breath of fresh air this young man has been the last couple of weeks the 18th hole at TPC Deer Run and Davis Thompson after a massive t- shot left with this for his second best t- shot of the day just a wedge left 325 from the te 153 into the center of the green that’s all he needed two putts for the tournament record and what a beautiful walk this must be for Davis Thompson that first Victory on the PGA tour I’m sure he’ll crack a big smile of relief when it finally happens there it is that’s all you’re going to get from him looking good really good lag effort he can mark that with confidence let the other guys putt out and then enjoy the moment and now the stage is set for this man Davis Thompson remember the name his first career PGA Tour win big hug there from Jo and here comes his wife for that congratulatory kiss and hug emotional moment w


  1. Luke Clanton Playing the same cut fade is a player…The Good Good days was fun to watch with Lukester…Great Finish👍👍👍👍👍👍

  2. I have played it, and the course has its challenging holes, like #9. It has a few holes that are pretty short. And the greens are not the most difficult greens you’ll ever play, and it definitely looked like the holes were in pretty flat spots. I think the course could be set up to be more challenging than this.

  3. Anyone else see B. Griffin and think Brian Griffin?? I've probably watched maybe 20 episodes and that was years ago. I think it's the memes

  4. Love these PGA Tour events where some hardworking guys get a chance to change their lives by nothing their first victory and grabbing a bunch of exemptions, including the The Open, next year’s Players, Masters and PGA Championship. That is a lot of opportunity from one win and another reason the PGAT remains the best place to watch golf….

  5. Edge of seat boredom at another pga tour event …maybe let everyone shot sub 60 rounds next year….boring boring boring…who cares.

  6. Anything to get eyes on the new players in the pga! I mean what not 40- on your 4 days. They, the pga truly deserve everything they have on their plate! Make the courses easier for you need to sell your product more then ever

  7. Where was the discussion that JD just laid off thousands of US workers and moved operations to Mexico?

  8. Great! 9million to pro golfers for one weekend Then on Monday fire 600 employees so they can afford another tournament next year. In Mexico?

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