Grant Horvat Shares How To Strike Your Irons Pure Like A Tour Pro

Want to strike your irons pure and solid?

Of COURSE you do — EVERY golfer does.

Well… in this video you’re in for a treat as one of Youtube’s greatest golfers (and the 3rd most watched golfer on the planet behind Tiger and Rory)…

The one and only GRANT HORVAT…

Reveals his keys to consistent, solid, ball-first contact for amateurs.

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all right guys we’re out here at the beautiful Osprey Point Golf Course today with Mr Grant Horvat Grant appreciate you being out here man thanks for having me thanks for coming out here we’re going to hit some shots and I’m going to show Grant my favorite weight shift drill in today’s video I’m excited for this one I love this one it’s super simple and easy for you to use if you’re somewhat looking to improve your solid contact the consistency day-to-day with the golf swing the weight shift is so important and it’s the finer details that we’re going to talk about in today’s video you may have heard before that could make all the difference in the world next on the 10th P Grand Horan Grant if you could take a setup to that golf ball for us here now Grant does a lot of this weight shifting really well he’s going to serve as a great visual model for us but I want to show you this simple drill I’ve got a alignment Rod right in line with the golf ball it’s setup so with a neutral ball position Grant’s got what a seven iron there got a seven iron yep so that’s going to be just slightly forward of the middle of your stance of the positioning and we want to use that as a reference point for where our Trail hip goes during the back swing and where both hips go during the follow through okay but before we get to that Grant why don’t you hit us one out there and we’re going to see um kind of grand swing and then we’ll talk through some of the details and some of the D drills notice where Grant starts notice his movement during the back swing and how he gets into his finish position here then we’ll work through some of the details for us yeah awesome so that’s that’s pretty much what we’re all looking for throughout the entire golf sway okay but the key is if we’re not able to do that on repeat what do we need to focus on to do it now Grant before we get to the drill when you take your setup let’s let’s take your setup position where you feel comfortable with something like a seven iron where do you feel at your setup are you 50/50 do you feel more on either foot yeah I like to be uh probably 70% on my left 30% on my right so I like to start with a lot of weight on my left because that’s where I want to return to with my weight so I think from there if I start with more weight here I can shift into my right side and then get back to that original feeling of setup yeah and so like that’s going to make some people nervous are you telling me you got to have some weight forward at the center position but it’s totally okay guys to feel that 60 or 70 even if it’s just a feel like you’ve got a little bit more pressure on that front leg and Grant do you find that that helps with like solidness of strike consistency of contact for sure I mean you’re it’s going to be really difficult to strike a golf ball with your weight back it just is you’re going to have to offset that with a lot of shaftline so I feel like for a lot of golfers out there the way you can almost guarantee a really consistent strike is by really trying to move into your left side and post up because that’s going to probably make your bottoming out Point happen in front of the ball you can get away with it even if your golf swing is not the greatest you can still get away with it if you’re moving left into your left side here and posting up and we’re going to show Grant throughout the video hitting and if you watch the best players in the world you’ll see a lot of their body moving towards the target specifically the lower body throughout the down swing and you think about it this way where your weight is in a golf swing is where the club wants to hit the ground right where your weight is where the club is hit the ground so if we want to be able to hit ball first ground second just like Grant’s divot there it serves the reason right we want to get those hips moving forward now Grant if you take your setup again we feel a little bit more forward at the start Y what do you feel during the back swing so I like to feel a shift into my right side and I talk about this a lot and this can get a little bit confusing for people CU they think you know when you when you shift you go this way but this move that I just showed here is the death move I feel like when the weight gets outside this right knee I like to feel my weight really inside this right knee here on the back swing so when I’m Shifting the hip’s actually going to if anything move backwards like you’re talking about yeah my upper body could be moving a little more off the ball but the hip can still be moving backward to offset that so yeah I I really do like to feel the weight just inside my knee here while I’m shifting so it’s it’s not this way this is the death move this is what when I see somebody do this I’m like oh boy cuz like you’re you’re going to have to get your HP back in place and then go and it’s like oh boy it golf’s hard enough um yeah I like to feel it really just inside there while shifting so I can still load while keeping that structure there yeah yeah so it’s like the the weight or pressure in your feet might be moving to the right like the mass of Grant’s body isn’t moving way to the right we’re going to touch on that in finer detail in a moment but from there Grant let’s say you get up to the top you feel pretty loaded and centered is it from there for you just okay right to a full finish yeah for sure I from there I don’t I kind of just let it unleash I feel like if you set yourself up in the golf swing for Success it’s like winding up a spring or winding up something if you load the muscles properly and you’re in this position from there I’m kind of just trying to feel that balanced position and the club and the arms and all that that people talk about that’s going to follow your body I feel like so it’s just a it’s kind of like a reaction from there love it let’s hit one more before Grant hits here um and then we’ll go through the drill Grant take your set up or you feel comfortable one thing I want to notice and maybe we’ll draw a line on the screen here if you imagine a line or wall up outside of Grant’s hip here outside of his right hip notice when he swings his hip is not going to move to the right of that line and really any shifting he’s going to have or weight shift it happens early like really from like the setup through kind of the takeaway or first half of the Swing the best players shift their weight the earliest the worst ball Strikers do it the latest that’s a great point I didn’t even realize that yeah I guess I I would say yeah right about to here my weight’s already shifted exactly that quick so you’re not shifting it once you’re up here you know yes and and the same thing we’ll apply on the down swing we’ll get to that but Grant why don’t you hit one more and let’s either draw a line up his leg or let’s imagine that line up his leg and you’re going to notice him staying inside of that on the back swing and how far forward of that he moves during the down swing perfect and that again is going to help solid contact low Point consistency yeah really good dude really really nice so if we actually shift Grant why don’t we have you face this way kind of set up like this here where this in the middle of your feet and then we’re going to look from this camera here so you can tell this line that’s in the middle of his feet you can take a setup there where you feel comfy what he’s actually going to do from this angle from about the takeaway to the top and why this stick is in here for the back swing you’re going to notice his right hip and really his tailbone from the takeaway to the top is actually going to be working towards the tar okay where your hips go your weight goes and you notice as he goes back and it’s just a little bit right we’re looking like an inch or a golf ball but when he finishes his back swing let’s take the setup again so during the takeaway do a takeaway Grant he pretty much just stays right on it there’s not a lot of action but to start the weight shift on the down swing before he actually finishes the back swing the hips are actually going to ever so slightly start moving forward let’s flip back a spots here so when you guys put this alignment rod down you can actually IM imagine that your right hip during the back swing is going to actually start moving towards that line moving towards that line before we’re finishing the back swing Grant let’s hit one more with just that yeah and then we’ll talk through the uh the down swing piece perfect so a couple of key movements here as Grant hits here and we’ll take a look at it it’s okay to start a little bit more forward especially with the irons okay any shifting is going to happen early but really from the takeaway to the top that hip working towards the target is really the thing that initiates the downswing weight shift yeah really good there and I like that I felt that a little bit more to exagerate for the visual just to feel that what we can’t have what we can’t have and what you’re going to struggle with Grant let’s show them the bad has a big hip sway away from the T time so if we start even if you start pretty good but as soon as the hips go too far away from the Target too far behind that stick at the setup position you’re really going to be making up for it the whole time it’s even hard to do huh yeah no do I’m going to I’ll try and hit one like this feel like there’s a lot of recovery involved lot of recovery very moving this way oh it’s hard yeah and I feel like I lost what I lost there was the stretch and the power it felt like I just went this way and there was nothing coiling yeah the best the you want to do the weight shifting early right you want to do it early now that same stick applies if Grant hits one more here that same stick is going to apply for a visual okay I’m at the top of my back swing what do I do from there through let’s watch Grant hit one and gra if you just hold your finish for us for a second when you’re done so same thing starting a little bit more forward good load on the back swing really good hold that for a second so notice when Grant comes through that all of his hips have gone forward of that stick on the ground all of his his hips have gone forward so when he hits here if we were to look at or draw a line up from the golf ball this is a really good reference point if you’re someone who hangs back on your back foot yeah or you get stuck or you need a feel to finish your golf swing you want to get all of your hips forward of the golf ball or forward of that stick on the ground and just like Grant a lot of the weight shift on the back swing happened early right a lot of this is going to happen early and throughout the whole down swing okay so hips all the way forward of the golf ball into the Finish yeah beautiful and again I mean Grant does that really really well and if you look at any really consist ball Striker their hips are going to move Way Forward and they’re going to get this this is what we’re looking for there’s a beautiful dollar bill divot here right past the golf ball so the hips going forward gets the weight forward enables us to strike that golf ball first and ground second yeah for sure yeah that feels really good like I said when I when I’m playing some of my worst golf it’s when I’m hanging back and actually my spine angle if anything arches too much this way and that usually happens when I’m in this position way back here it’s because I’m I’m stuck and underneath and then from there I’m trying to square it up so yeah when I’m moving left in the clubs right here that’s when I’m playing my best golf now some of that hang back with the driver a different ball game we’re going to talk about that in our next video that can be good but when a golf Ball’s on the ground start neutral slightly forward feel like that right hip starts working towards the Target in the second half of the swing and keep pushing the hips forward all the way into the finish position then hopefully you can swing a little bit like Grant little bit so much hey um Grant appreciate you coming out here OS apprciate you guys having us out here um on the golf course hopefully this weight shifting helps you get you more consistent in your golf swing if you haven’t seen Grant stuff before or even if you have and want to continue to we’re going to put that link down below for Grant’s main Channel play some awesome golf courses as some of the best golfers in the world with some matches some cool upcoming videos too right yeah we got some good stuff want to spoil any of that stuff good videos coming and his teaching Channel that’ll be down below thank you guys for watching


  1. The weight shift is the one thing holding me back from completely transforming my game.. I’ve been golfing for 9 months and I shoot low 90s and have broken 90 twice, this video is something I’ll take to the range and work on

  2. What a GREAT follow up to your previous video with the weight shift forward along the toe line. You and Grant do a terrific job together in these sessions. I learn more from you Eric than you can imagine and has got me back to being the ball striker I used to be. Many, many thanks. Stay safe-Russ

  3. The weight shift is tough. Some people say to shift weight. Some say pressure. And some say just leave weight on front foot the whole time. Its tough if u do shift to do it on time and not late. The swing happens so fast i know im late.

  4. Love this series so far! When people say to "compress the ball", it almost seems like rotating your hips past the ball placement is key. That rotation is what I struggle with the most and it seems like I thin a lot of shots. This is a great drill, thank you.

  5. Grant is a 21 handicap hack.
    Jk. That dude is smooth as peanut butter. I’m jealous. Good info and will try to work on this.

  6. Something I’m doing much better now is controlling the shift more…I was thinking power would come from much more movement laterally instead of taking it easy and letting the club do the work. Don’t need to kill the golf ball

  7. Great video! Is it just me, or is that ball getting teed up like a fairway wood? Maybe my eyes are playing tricks, but I've always viewed teeing up an iron as just trying to give yourself a preferred lie, vs. floating it. Thanks again for the great content.

  8. I swear with yesterday's videos and todays, it's as if you've been watching my swing! These are 2 things I struggle with. When I do get a good weight shift & keep my arms relaxed, I get WAY better compression & distance. Would love some drills to go with this, but this is a great swing thought. Keep up the great content!!

  9. 3:55 is the feel that I wish someone told me about 15 years ago. Low single digit that has to always concentrate so hard on rotating vs. a slide. I had it drilled in me to 'shift weight' to back foot, then would get stuck and a bunch of terrible stuff would happen. Putting this in action stat!

  10. I understand the right hip goes back on the takeaway. My problem is on the downswing when my left hip ‘slides’ to towards the target, leaving the face open to target. When I stand over the ball at address, I try to think of imaginary sticks coming out of the ground outside both my right and left foot and I am turning within the sticks on takeaway and downswing. I guess that’s wrong based on this video? Thanks.

  11. I always worry about watching instruction films because they can really set you back if you're not careful. This video was simple and helpful. Thx

  12. Wish I had grants swing, he makes it look so smooth and easy. I’m a pretty decent ball striker with my irons, but I definitely know I’m not consistent with my transfer. So even though I rarely have issues with my irons, I do know that I’m not always getting my full distance potential. So then I end up 10-15 yards short and rather than being pin high, I’m chipping from 10-15, unless it’s a huge green obviously

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