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I think we’ve heard a lot in the last 3 four years about Ground Force pattern and I think the new term in golf instruction is going to be grip pressure pattern it’s just going to be absolutely huge because if you just try to maintain the same pressure it’s just not what good players are doing it’s dynamically moving quite a bit and what I’m learning is that it it really has to work with how you use your body ooh that was pretty nice made a difference huge all kill has the golf club set up so it’s a it’s a golf club oh it’s actually thinner than I thought it would be it’s totally normal size totally standard we can we we can do any size there Mike you can see he’s got all he’s got the software going so if I squeeze it can we see anything yet yeah we can oh okay yeah I see it’s over there kill you were you were telling me uh during the break you were telling me that lots of different patterns that different people do but one bad pattern that you have seen sometimes is that some poor players will do what to grip pressure all the way from the top and yeah they they most probably going to on on the down who you talking about people making mistakes yeah M so you start your down swing and you gradually increasing your lead hand squeeze Force applied M so like you go from and you applying it harder harder harder harder harder harder through the impact and now even once the ball’s gone they’re still squeezing more they still go and that’s not what you see a lot of the great players oh no no way what what would be something similar to what because the problem is with your yeah and you don’t want re to be locked at the moment when you hit in the ball so it’s it’s getting you want to be flexible okay so for for the really good players they they squeeze it a certain amount however they do but then they have to have some period to of suppleness to let It crack through exactly oh gota and again you you you solving a simple problem you accelerating a club MH bringing it Square to the ball at the right time with correct uh Force produced by your body against the ground etc etc millions of things but you sending that Force into the ball at the end so in general good players they grip it however they grip it then in transition it starts to squeeze quite a lot yeah to accelerate the bird would be killed it would actually be liquefied almost and then and then it would be taken to about here then there’d be a moment of they’ve fully accelerated the club and then it’s now we’re talking about variations it’s a lot of different variations and Tiny details uh which would depend on what exactly you’re doing what kind of uh shot you trying to make what uh is your sequencing for your body how you interacting with the ground millions of tiny factors would lead you to a different situation in terms of grip uh pressure pattern and these are things that you wouldn’t be able to see unless you had this oh yeah absolutely so what do you want what do you want want to see me do just uh uh you do your first of all should the G as I said yeah we need to calibrate the grip it’s a very simple procedure uh we’re going to hold Club vertically in a way how you’re going to hold it during the real swings yeah and then you’re going to show me how you hold the grip with your hands so computer will kind of see where exactly you’re squeezing it with both hands first then with lead hand and then with stail hand I going to commend you to squeeze it as hard as you can with both hands in a way like you have interlocking grip so you kind of squeezing it up to that Tammer Max y so sh I need to see your threshold okay then you release you hold for about like half a second second and then you release but you are not removing hands from the club stay there okay two hands squeeze it as hard as you can release lead hand only release Trail only release Give me the give me the cup how hard did I squeeze it okay I would say you are about 35 kilos per hand 35 kilos per hand yeah great maybe maybe even more but again it’s to me it is really hard to squeeze uh standard size grip it’s really narrow like a baseball grip is easier much easier much easier and different uh muscles would be activated right and then you’re also in this G position suitcase okay uh show should I hit a shot so then yeah everything works automatically I don’t need to touch it it records everything by itself and uh you good to make a shot and and we’ll see what we get okay that was a good shot okay uh you dropped your weight at P6 you want to see yeah yeah can you come on in Mike as much as you can let’s go I know it’s very we need some Shadow okay you see first line is the start of your down swing okay uh second line is P5 phase so that’s when my left arm is parallel to the ground but Club is still up yep club’s vertical still P6 is in between this yellow and red red is the moment of impact okay so then yeah I dropped in grip pressure very late yeah you see yeah yeah uhhuh so what where is that right there that’s just after P6 yeah that is P6 oh P6 okay good uh can you try yep to drop it over here at P5 okay yeah so release so uh have so I start my down swing but then almost immediately once I start my by Time by that time you should already have Club accelerated enough and then you releaseing your lead hand cuz your your Trail hand is kind of nice I I would call so I want to make a transition and then right about here that’s when I’m going to soften the grip rather than being tight all the way there and then softening it and I’m okay if you kind of let the club fly yep it’s okay that was a different feeling all right all right so kill noticed something in in my grip he said uh remember when he said bad players were squeezing it all the way down and through he said I’m releasing it and stopping my squeeze about there and you want me to do what I I’m I’m I’m trying to check if you could control your your muscles mhm it’s how your brain works if you can control your muscles potentially like uh I would say 50 milliseconds before that okay like you you you would try to so he wants me to squeeze in in transition but then almost immediately right here then start to release it rather than squeezing it all the way down there and then releasing it okay go okay let’s go okay here we go uh I tell that’s a different feeling that’s that feels cool though it’s almost Mike like you have to you have to be in a better position here if you’re going to totally release it there rather than I could be anywhere and death grip it and then bring it back and then yeah so it forces you to so I’m going to take it here it’s going to have some squeeze there but then almost immediately it’s going to be like really soft earlier what do you see interesting that’s what happened so this is P5 uhhuh and then you was horiz Al with your pressure through the impact you see so I didn’t dip anymore you didn’t drop the pressure you was flat so I did the opposite of what I should have done yeah huh so I I squeezed it more no you was kind of you you you’ve been steady you’ve been steady so like you reached certain uh number over here and then you not dropped but you stay the same pressure throughout the whole thing kept it so you really want me to let it go yeah but I I’m I’m I’m trying to say why why I’m asking to do that and why I’m sh feeling real I’m I’m showing you that Your Mind is Playing Tricks yes until you found a way how to control your muscles it’s it’s interesting how people’s minds work so was his Peak as high as his other yeah was my Peak squeeze H that is easy to say okay yeah smaller it looked like I was squeezing it less so you used 60% of your Force uh-huh uh but the other one picked at P6 at 70 so I squeezed less yeah okay but we’re talking about 10% that he notices something that’s a little different from what maybe would be normal for for other players Mike you can come over here while he’s getting set up is what he wants me to try when felt really interesting is that he said I was giving it the Kung Fu Grip squeeze here all the way to about there and then letting it go he was saying well what would happen if I gave it that same squeeze but then right about here like Let It Go much earlier you think maybe trying to use sliding down like a rail you like if you had the that big circle explain R yeah to feel that so I get here I squeeze it and then I let it go and just like let it rip through the through with the body yeah yeah and that’s not that yeah that’s way better ball flight because normally I’m a little left going left but I like if I can give it a little squeeze here and then trust that’s enough hands really don’t have to do much more instant results Carill we like it see that’s the that’s the thing with this with the swing Catalyst too is that it’s only as good as is the operator you know what I mean like I’ve I’ve had swing Catalyst lessons from people who don’t really know how to use it and you don’t get anything out of it really yeah so this would take a little some time to figure out understand what to do yes yeah what are you what are you looking for I know and that is the biggest problem I would say cuz the education curve yeah mhm plus dude like a lot of these Pros they like to have the newest coolest stuff oh yeah but then they never pull it out it just collects dust it’s like they want to add it to their Studio but then they never use it you know I’m okay with that since they buying it sure yeah yeah right but in reality I I definitely want it to be useful and to be used yes because otherwise why we making it it’s like so this would be the more normal way before this is still the before so I’m going to be here I’m squeezing it all the way here and then I’m letting it go and you can kind of see how it affects the body huh mic like the body doesn’t really move when you do it that yeah and then now this time I like the analogy the mic made back there which is I’m here I squeeze it and then it’s just like the body slings it through the explain R hoop here all right this is we’re going to do the squeeze test again now with the seven iron okay you ready yep 1 two three here’s both hands release okay lead only release okay th only release mhm still try that same thing right yeah soften the grip I would first do like a normal shot to to create kind of a benchmark yep that was awesome that felt good okay let’s do one more okay I recorded perfectly okay good okay look at that red line red line is is lead hand is lead hand yes okay so first thing that I can see first of all is that the lead hand does seem to be working a whole lot more than the trail hand is that normal yeah always always I mean unless we see something strange and people person with a deformity or something like that yeah sometimes uh injury on the hand would lead to a different com but with a healthy normal good golfer the lead hand is doing more work than the TR yeah like twice higher Force being applied during the swing compared to Trail okay what else do you see in there the look interesting so the moment of impact is that dip seems much greater than it was before exactly yeah I’m so that dip we’re seeing there guys that’s me softening my grip yeah and you did it almost at P5 good I was able to make a change then let’s let’s do several more okay cuz sometimes you naturally get into to this kind of situation just because of changing the diameter of the GP right and this one is jumber uh didn’t pick up sorry you’re killing me that was good I don’t have a lot of those pressure was extremely high for the lead hand was extremely high yeah pressure was extremely high yeah that’s all you saw okay it’s better no we okay but I like it better shot but so look at the look at the PN for the red line yes so you see you started from low yeah went up up up up P for p P impact and then you keep going up is that the bad one that’s the bad pattern that is him trying to get control that’s because I thinned one and then I’m trying to get control so I’m okay stop thinkinking right just let it go all right so I’m going to be here and just let it go much earlier mhm I’m not sure if that was the situation but well that was any that was not any different or I mean you trying to catch the club at fall loser you feel like uncomfortable if it is it too heavy on a club head no not really okay it’s okay but okay you you you see it but uh in reality you getting at P5 then pretty much horizontal line till P6 then you drop at the moment of impact but then you picking up up to 93% of your Force afterwards I’m squeezing after you’re squeezing like crazy Yes again it’s afterwards it doesn’t affect the ball Y flying but uh so I okay so I want to go back squeeze and then let it go through in still you squeezing too much you go same road all the time you you very very consistent with what you’re doing and what is that you dropping it at P6 uh you start you start dropping it at P6 then at p7 you at the lowest at 60 something and then you’re going up to 105 in this case so after impact I’m squeezing again and okay you’re trying to catch the the the all so let me try let me try that where I just let it go there is a wire yep same not that high but same that is much lower okay let me try to see if I but still P6 the moment when you droing it down so I need to release it sooner and then just let off of it uhhuh should be better yeah is that any better yes okay let’s look at this one Mike yeah I would say it’s definitely lower than your Peak at P6 so you’re gradually Rising it yeah going to this is P5 yeah this is uh 63% of your Force then you peeking at P6 at 75 and dropping at the moment of impact to 66 okay okay and then it goes down this is we talking just about your lead hand so Trail hand to me looks good I don’t see any questions over there but again it’s then if if we’re talking about um let’s say me pretending being coach sure yeah then you I would need to look what’s happening with your ground reaction forces I need to see how you rotating how you creating torque how you sequencing your body during the swing and then the similar thing when I’ve been on swing Catalyst before it shows that I hit the ball and there’s like a spike and pressure after and where they always want that major spike and pressure like here yeah and EXA mine my so I always have to work on swing clad to get my Spike and pressure earlier and then just you know similar to what I’m doing but again it’s interesting to see how things are correlated so if if if you have that connection in between more full of a finish spike it earlier and then Fuller finish more rotation you picked at 103 after the impact oh at impact you’ve been at 67 what would you like to see me be in Impact like 20 35 okay okay can you yeah let’s that’s you want me to show you some Pro Data yeah hold hold no you can just tell me about it I don’t need to see it but um all right so 35 in back I wasn’t ready you weren ready let me know okay let me know are you ready now yes okay I’m going to try to have very soft hands that impact here okay it’s a little impatient we need to see what was the speed of the bow okay you said it’s going it was soft I tried to yeah at impact 57 okay so it’s lower right just a bit just a bit okay let me try again okay okay it’s interesting uh so at moment of impact it was 62 but about 20 something milliseconds after the impact you dropped it to 47 oh okay okay so your bottom was beyond on the impact but not that far okay so putting it all together what what K is saying is that I need to I’m I’m doing pretty well with my trail hand but specifically with the lead hand is squeezing too hard here it’s squeezing a good amount especially it’s fine here but then it keeps squeezing for too long then it lets go a little bit but still has quite a bit of squeeze at the bottom so basically what I’m understanding to line up with what be most of the good players he’s measured is I want to squeeze it in transition I would kill the baby bird but then almost immediately let it go all the way to the Finish feeling right if your if your body is designed to to to act like that right cuz again it’s a combination of factors so what I’m going to try to do is I’ll have some squeeze and then I’ll really feel pretty soft with the trail hand all the way from like armpit to armpit both sides we should see a difference there I think that was pretty good okay P P6 uh 73 okay and then an impact what was it 59 and then follow through Peak 98 so I Rec squeezed again all right let me try again ah no why I squeeze it how was that uh I think the squeeze should have been okay there oh that was pretty nice made a difference huge okay so you picked at P6 again 68 but then suddenly so the moment of impact is was was 65 but right after less than 20 milliseconds 33 Okay then you never went up that high okay so your next closest Peak was 49 so it’s it’s normal situation to hold the club okay so some homework for me to do something that I definitely noticed is that when I squeeze it for longer that’s kind of seems correlated to my my normal MTH my pull so I think if I can get softer ear I actually think two things see if you agree with this that I’m going to work on maybe even squeeze it a little more up at the top but then start being softer earlier and then I think there is some kind of strange like uh it’s almost like a nervous tick or something in my system that I hit the ball and then like I try to squeeze it again afterwards yeah it could be mental could be like uh a behavioral sin like you’ve been taught this way long time ago and then you accepted that kind of pattern I mean it’s interesting to see how it is different for kids MH CU they tend sometimes to to do it in a strange way and it’s really hard to communicate to kids or to hear them uh to get uh objective information so this device definitely helps a lot and then you can um it’s like Playdoh you work with like easy to see this kind of mistake that kind of mistake so they naturally accept whatever visual you provide to them right cuz if you explain them those P5 P6 things no no way I think we’ve heard a lot in the last 3 four years about Ground Force pattern and I think the new term in golf instruction is going to be grip pressure pattern is just going to be absolutely huge because if you if you just try to like maintain the same pressure it’s just not what good players are doing it’s dynamic moving quite a bit and what I’m learning is that it it really has to work with how you use your body so if you’re a real Active Body kind of person you’re going to be totally different than a more like a more stable arm swinger so it all but you start to see like some of those C what what I really liked about using the device was that I started to see that some of those shots were good shots that were on the opposite side of my Miss I was like that’s what I would want and then I could see in the pattern of the grip okay that’s when I’m sque using it a not quite for as long it’s like letting go of it a little earlier and you can start to put that so you start feeling that yeah that feeling real together that is great story believe me it’s like it it takes time it’s it’s never immediately from my understanding and what I’ve seen with Pro players they accept certain Concepts over time so like it takes a week or two or three to to work on it and then they coming back with like you know what I have an idea I feel this way that way and yeah then yeah you got to kind of do it and then stew on it and then kind of work it out but it’s stuff that you would not you can’t see it really so stuff that you would not be intuitive just from uh just from looking at video or whatever you got get you see how you you can’t judge on what you did unless you see the numbers right you kind of feel one way but in reality it’s different cuz the the the events are extremely fast okay if you guys are interested in more about sensor Edge he’s going to be traveling all over the place but I think you have a website people can check which is uh sensor sensor uh yeah thanks for watching everybody and also put his email in the description if anybody’s interested in chatting about it see you later bye


  1. Pretty excited to see these guys. I was a test subject a few years back during a Mike Adams lesson at Fiddlers Elbow Golf Club

  2. This really seems to demonstrate that pros are literally throwing or letting go of the club as much as possible. However this doesn’t line up with all of the past data claiming that you have to have really strong hands to hold onto the club at impact because it’s creating 100lbs or more of force pulling the club away from you.

  3. When he asked if you wanted to see some pros data and you said no, if the goal of video is teaching us viewers, you absolutely needed to say yes and share that data, since that’s all I was waiting to see

  4. This is a good analysis, Brendon. Mike Malaska and a few others always talk about grip pressure being light so that the (loose) wrists can let go of the club much quicker at impact.

    If I recall correctly, I believe it was either Faldo or Nicklaus who claimed that grip pressure should "feel" the same all throughout the swing. Maybe their "feel" was not real, as is usually the case. Keeping the same grip pressure works for me only during putts, chips, pitches, and half swings. Never on full swings.

  5. My son took up indoor golf during Covid lockdown. I have a launch monitor in garage. He was 19. Had never hit a ball with driver in his life. After only a few months, his ballspeed was 180. It was insane. The crazy thing is that on occasion, he would let the club go and the club would go flying behind him and hit the garage door behind him. Maybe his light grip pressure was his secret

  6. These are interesting lessons with all the gadgets. However, unless you’re a really good golfer to start out you’d probably want to be working on other things to develop a good swing. In fact I could write a book on people and their attitudes towards golf as a sport. The “perfect swing” can be learned, but I don’t think most people are willing to learn the movements of the “perfect swing.” It takes some considerable thinking and work to learn the movements — the positions and sequencing, and to practice enough and well to “groove” what is correct, vs practicing and grooving bad moves. But looking at this video there’s certainly a pattern of changing forces. But I would guess that maybe this grip pressure measurement pattern is a a “symptom” or “effect” as opposed to a “cause.” Good to see your grip pressure pattern and to know where you are at, then use that information to understand if you are swinging wrong, or right. Ground force pattern is surely also good information. But is any of this necessary? I’d say for some athletic people, no, but for other athletic people and “not very athletic people,” yes. But I would see this as “way advanced stuff.” Most of people learning golf have terrible body positions and bad footwork and use their shoulders poorly and just poke at the ball with their hands and arms — and most of those just won’t ever take a lesson, as they are content to be hackers. Some think it is absurd to practice and work on a swing. Some tried lessons but got no benefit — either because their instructor just wasn’t too good or they just refused to take input (they knew better than their instructor).

  7. This grip pattern is for swingers. John Erickson’s pattern would be different being a hitter. Put John on the device and see, also Milo Lines would be interesting 🤔

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