Never Worry About Wrist Hinge In Your Golf Swing Again

If you struggle with wrist hinge in your golf swing, this video is for you! Learn how to improve your golf swing and never worry about wrist hinge again.

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so when we watch the best golf swings we see the golfers set up in a very neutral position and they make that swing that’s powerful repeatable and most importantly gives that nice consistent shot and one part of the body that gets discussed a lot with golfers and what they should be doing is the wrists and I think for me it becomes something that it’s almost like down the rabbit hole for a lot of golfers so at the end of say’s video you’re going to know that you never ever need to be thinking about how you’re hinging and setting those wrists during the back swing in the down swing through impact and we’re just going to make it incredibly easy to hit golf shots just like that so what are we talking about about how the wrists work in the GOL swing first of all so there’s two ways that the wrists are working they either putting some rotation in and a lot of golfers don’t talk about wrist talk about forearms with here but about rotation and how up and down the wrists hinge so what I would say is if there’s lots and lots of this going on in the golf swing can be incredibly difficult to get that timing correct in the bottom so most golfers it’s about how they’re setting the wrists and positions at the top you know we hear a lot nowadays about how more modern it’s nicer to be into that position and not have be cut and leaving that into a very open and weak position but I think most of the problems with how golfers use their wrist actually comes from a dress and if you’re working through this video with me comment below and let me know which one of these you tend to do so what you tend to see with a lot of golfers irrelevant of how they hold the club is they either tend to get the hands kind of too much in line with the ball or even slightly behind or even sometimes too far forward and the reason that’s important is what it does to that wrist angle so when the hands get in line or behind you see there’s quite a lot of shape in that wrist so golfers almost end up having to manufacture something in the back swing or trying to take that angle out or if the hands are way too far forward they’re already in that kind of bow and Arch position so the club is going to be closed on the way back so I think a great way of getting that feel is when you’re here pop the butt end of the club so it’s just opposite the inside of your left thigh so with a seven Lon there balls in the middle Club on the inside and then put that left hand on and what you’ll see is there’ll be a tiny bit of shape but then it’s much easier as you swing away you don’t feel like you have to do anything you can just kind of get the body stting the club away and let the wrists be nice and neutral so kind of said like I said however you are to begin with I want to get that set pop that left hand on right hand on as normal and then literally I just want you to just move the club back and through even just kind of waist height to waist height to begin with and just should get that feel that the hands aren’t really that involved and even if you were to hit a little half shot like that straight away there you’ll start to see a good strike the low Point moves ahead of the golf ball actually still generates some decent Club Ed speed and actually gets some very good carry and that’s with such a small swing and I would probably save for a lot of go goers they could get out there and actually play some good golf just doing that now definitely for me growing up I was told a lot about trying to set those wrists in the back swing so the butt end of the club points down towards the ball by the time that arms are kind of parallel to the ground I think the problem for a lot of golfers with that is so quickly they’re trying to set the wrists that for a lot of golfers straight away that club face is wide open so then they have to to change it or they work really hard on almost trying to get that club face looking more down to the ball that right hand gets too much on top that right arm’s too straight and it’s very difficult for them to make that length back swing so like I said all you’re looking to do initially is get that club set pop that in that will get you the correct amount of shape in that lead hand just a little half swing again and it’s not a case of having to hit perfect shots like that but almost for me that feels like the hands are very kind of passive and not really doing too much work at the bottom so once you’ve hit a few of those and you start feeling comfortable you then just start putting some length into the swing so you just say right from there get the body turning away and a lots of golfers talk about try to swing around themselves so what they’ll do is they’ll get here decently and then they keep going round the shoulders flatten off but I want you to remember the Gul swing yes the club travels around your body but because you stand to the side of the golf ball the circle that’s created is actually on an angle so even though the club’s moving back and around you it then continues up to the top of the Swing then we shift towards the Target and we just let the club fall and continue round to the end so I know that sounds amazingly simple but honestly you can make the go swing as simple or as complicated as you want and as a general rule the more simple the movement the easier it is to repeat and you will start to see a consistent shot even if it’s not the exact shot you want for now you’ll start seeing some consistency so we’re going to set up there really feel passive hands is something I like to describe it as but as you hit a shot you might have a different way of describing that but going to set up just get the club moving and then up and round my body so straight away there felt good maybe a little bit of my hands involved was a tiny bit thin but take that as one that wasn’t Perfect all day long and even there you know doesn’t feel like I’m putting any real speed into the go swing even though that was 87 mph for me so again I’m going to get that feel just moving the club letting the bigger muscles in the body initiate the back swing and then as I’m getting towards the top shifting towards the Target and then just letting gravity kind of help me out there so again set definitely you can see my tendency is to get those hands a little too far back so even for me there it’s important to make that setup correct getting a little bit thin but again I can take that good speed low Point ahead and decent carry and I think a lot of golfers where they get confused sometimes with how they should be using those hands is because they’re quite poor like we said at address and then manipulation comes in they’re still manipulating the club on the way down so again and this is something I have to work hard on so I get myself set get that feel as to what I’m trying to achieve and again solid strike nice cled speed decent ball speed low Point ahead clubs traveled down that one’s really got out there so wrist hinge is something that will happen naturally if you were to swing back and you get there you can’t go any further back but the momentum that that club generates as the weight of the club head’s moving up it’s pushing the handle down that’s getting the club going up now we’ll see different points here with everybody cuz remember there’s no one size fits all with the GOL swing but if you can set up there like that last one some great speed great strike and that’s the problem for a lot of golfers they say well I can’t get any speed if I don’t use my hands but if I just try and use my arms there we can see this some decent cled speed but speed start kind of from the ground particularly in the down string pushing into the ground then the legs move then the hips unwind then the Torso then the hands and arms so they’re last thing in the chain and we’ve got to make sure that coming into impact the handle and the hands lead the club head into the ball so that’s going to create that ball and then ground contact if you’re somebody that’s having to use your wrists and think a lot about using your wrist we’re going to see lots of those Scoopy and flippy actions through the ball I said earlier on comment below is that something you might do so again we get get set almost taking that little bit of shape out that lead wrist just get the club moving up and Round And even though that one just leaking out to the right again great strike good speed it might just miss the edge of the green but it’s going to be right out where it should be and then once you’ve worked through that and hopefully that feels like there’s almost no effort into that swing if you want to create that little bit more speed we’re just going to be a little bit more aggressive with the body move a bit earlier move a bit harder towards the Target and get yourself set and just see what you’re capable of and even though that one a little bit thin straight at the Target little bit more Club head speed even though the strike wasn’t quite there for the ball speed still a very good bad one isn’t it and remember go never about how good your best shot is is it everyone’s best shots great it’s about having more good ones but most importantly improving the quality of the bad one so if that’s the bad one I’m at Target most of my distance never in trouble with that so let’s go one last one get that feel really feel like it’s the body driving the golf swing that’s probably the best one of the day to finish and we see there good club head speed great strike ball speed right where it should be low. 3 and 1 half Ines ahead clubs travel down nearly 4° and 173 carry so like I said it’s not that the wrists AR important in the golf swing they create some fantastic benefits to the go swing but we shouldn’t be having to think lots and lots about them in the GOL swing and if you’re getting set up and you’re back here there’s lots and lots of shape you’re either then going to hinge too quickly or try and flatten it off and that’s where golfers tend to get that club going behind them too early equally and maybe not as much see golfer is way too far forward all that shape’s gone and they’ve really got no Loft on the golf pool at impact so we’re going to get with every ball position might change but the handle opposite the inside the left thigh lead hand goes on right hand underneath then we’re in a position ready to go practice some little half swings get a feel for just getting the body moving the club and you’ll feel the hands aren’t really involved in that bottom bit and then as you get longer we’re just going to let the club travel up and round move towards the Target and if you can keep those thoughts of the wrists out your level of awareness will improve the ball striking will be the best ever and you really will start hitting some fantastic golf shots

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