Golf Babe

my husky was angry because I forgot to install carpets. #husky #huskies #dogvideos

reasons my husky got mad at me this week I brought him to his aunt Kendall’s Airstream but failed to have carpets installed for him to walk across prior to his Royal highness’s arrival come on lady you got carpets in there or what obviously I should have had to replace the newly installed flowing for carpets for him and as punishment for my lack of preparation he sentenced me to chase him around the pond for an indefinite number of laps all but one of which still need to be carried out before my charge is withdrawn because of this mishap his majesty demanded to be carried throughout the Airstream to which I obliged and showed him around and gave him a full tour of the kitchen and the bedroom which he enjoyed the most I did try to make it up to him with some snackies and belly scratches but unfortunately I ended up embarrassing him when the millennial woman urged to take a boomerang ended up like this don’t know oh no tell me you I’m not recording think


  1. Looks like he’s having an amazing time even if the rugs were absent lol. And it looks like you’re having a (very well deserved!!) awesome time too! You guy got me laughing myself silly just watching you! I hope you all had the best time ever! 😂❤

  2. Regarding the fear of floors, it might be because he makes a sound while walking on them and he might still associate that sound with trouble, of course I could be wrong and i do think your doing an amazing job taking care of him, but if it is the sound issue, doggy shoes or socks might work, best of luck!

  3. I’m a millenial but what is a boomerang in this context? 😅
    Is it one of those play-reverse short gifs I see occasionally?

  4. Wrong perspective! Think of the many hours and the tremendous effort that your Husky is expending trying to train you to get into better shape by going around the pond a few extra times and thinking more of others more which he does by complaining so much when you don’t think about him properly,. Your Husky is a saint!

  5. Excuse meeeee???? You did NOT have the royal carpets pre-installed for his HIGHNESS?? A travesty. A quick complaint to Husky HR is in order 🤣

  6. I used to wonder why doggie psychologists was a thing before I saw your vids. I like Levi but he could use some couch time… 🙂

  7. Even though the entrance to the camper is two steps, I cannot believe that Levi didn’t get his boost into the camper, just like he does when he is getting into your other vehicles.

  8. Him running around that pond, lol. My older girl used to run like she thought she was the wind (we all humoured her), but he actually does. That majestic coat genius the effect.

    I could feel his happiness through the phone, until the air-plane took him inside. :p

  9. Lmao!! I had to lay Yoga mates around the house becuase my girl started having reouble keeping her footing on the tile…..and yes she made sure…if a gap development she always looked down to make sure she stepped eight and would skip or hop pf the gap to avoided the tile! So uea I get it! Lol

  10. I have been refusing to watch YT short videos because the first few I clicked on annoyed me so much. I accidentally clicked on one of yours and have been binging them for the last several days. Thank Levi for being so entertaining for me! 😁

  11. You awful awful mean lady!! Oh goodness, no carpet is a firing offense, my friend was fired by her husky because their new house lacked any carpet in the hallway …. She was devastated. But I think she had a good attorney with experience in husky wrongful termination. Lmk if you need the number girl 😂 ❤

  12. Aw, Chloe, you’re such an amazing momma to Levi! The universe knew that little Levi needed a caring, loving, and patient human…and the universe found him his perfect human! Brandon is a close second, but you’re definitely Levi’s №1 human! 🥰❤️🐶

  13. She looks like wolf, normally wolf chases anything here you chasing her looks funny because roles are reversed.😊

  14. I have a lab, Henry, with many similarities!😂When he hears me playing Levi videos, he barks along!🥰 My other dog just rolls her eyes, you are an amazing mom!! Levi is so lucky to have you!

  15. A couple weeks ago we took our two young pups for their first RV trip. The first obstacle were the stairs, but our ancient dog showed them how it's done and they eventually learned. Inside the slightly younger of the two found the bed in seconds and that was good enough for him. Where there's a bed he will be happy! The husky was not as easily pleased. He does not care about sitting on furniture, at all. He tried to get under the bed which of course can't be done. After some back and forth it was decided to pile up in front of my seat and let me figure out what to do with my legs. I still haven't really figured it out. The younger and smaller one soon got intrigued by the huge windows and spent half of the driving time half on my lap and the front of him on the dashboard.
    But really, you should always have a couple spare rugs in the car. You never know when Levi needs one. Three extra labs for you.

  16. You didn’t put down carpet? Shame on you. That poor dog. How he suffers. He gave you a free workout and you can’t spring for some carpet?

  17. Lying little puppy. He doesn't hate hardwood, stone and tile. He just wants to be carried by his human mama

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