Golf Players


Episode 15 of this series!
It’s all about a strong clubface and extreme position of the shaft at the top, and how it snowballs into problems that the student experiences later. Enjoy ✌️


Hello, My name is Shauheen Nakhjavani, Co-founder of Nakhjavani Golf. I have been a golf coach for 10+ years, I’ve given over 25,000 lessons in-person & online, and I have worked with many professional players; including Kevin Chappell, Stephen Ames, Darren Clarke, Calum Hill, Yannik Paul, Eddie Pepperell, Jeremy Paul & many others!

If you want to learn more about my style of coaching, you can find more instruction here:

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so first thing that stands out to me I don’t necessarily mind the posture too much you know obviously round it out back which is totally fine pelvis is sitting in a good spot you’re not sitting too far back behind you I actually quite like the general uh positioning hands are maybe a little bit on the low side at setup which obviously you know often times is going to create a scenario where the handle of the club gets very low heel is going to want to dig into the ground the toe is going to want to get picked up off the floor so just pay attention to that if anything maybe longterm try to get a little upright with the chest your chest although you’re standing uh in a pretty good position there is a little bit of like you your upper torso kind of slouching over which tends to get the hands too down not a drastic issue longterm can certainly influence some problems in my opinion all of your issues actually stem from the grip being way too strong um if I’m being honest you know it’s really easy to try to you know strengthen the grip often times I’ll deal with players that do this just because they come from like a slice position way back in the day and obviously strengthening the grip makes it easy to keep the club face under control the problem is and I see this more often with better players they tend to overdo clubface strength so what does that mean it basically means they actually tend to get the club face too strong in their golf swing so when you’re taking the club back here you know you actually have a little bit of some forearm rotation in the takeaway and yet despite that the club face is still very very strong so the toe of the cpet is still very tilted down towards the ground that’s usually a pretty common theme of golfers who have a very strong grip and then when the grip gets very strong as you are starting to take this club back you know you load really well around your body with the hip turn and stuff but the club just sets so far across the line and again very very common with very strong grip players is Club face gets a little too shut when the grip gets very strong you’ll see a lot of cupping to the lead wrist that basically means like the knuckles of the hand are hinging above the forearm um in fact I haven’t even looked at your your face on video yet but just through this we can see how strong the grip actually is which when it stands out that much usually tells me it’s pretty strong and so what happens is from the stronger grip the club face gets very shut the lead wrist tends to get very very cued and then from there because of how you hinge the club up the club is going to want to set much more across the line it’s a lot easier in fact to keep the club across the line when the grip is stronger versus when it isn’t and so when you start to come down here first of all from being across the line there’s a lot of work that’s required to get the club back into a shallow position that work usually takes a lot of time it’s not like something that can be easily done in two seconds right meaning your Club early into the downswing will likely carry some steep Tendencies as we see here and then that usually means you’re going to shallow the club very late in the downswing and when we shallow it very late usually the club gets stuck under the plane so a big reason why you actually end up here here which basically means the shaft is like really really far inside and behind the hands is actually more indicative of the grip being too strong and how that snowballs so the grip gets very strong that leads to a lot of early forearm rotation despite that the face angle is very shut and takeaway from there when the grip gets very strong as you’re going up obviously the club face is going to be shut but the lead wrist is going to get very cued and then because of the nature of the early forarm rotation and then how the forarms react at the top of the back swing from that really strong grip the shaft wants to tip way across the line and so from here there’s just a lot of work required to get this club rerouting into a functional enough position for you to turn what does that mean it means that early in the down swing the shaft is going to retain too much steepness combine that with the club face being very shut and then your body has to essentially react from here to shall the club out very late and that’s where the club drops way behind the hands so this here your path getting too far right which usually leads to either pushes or big hooks depending how fast your hands are at the bottom that’s indicative of the chain reaction from being too across the line which really stems from the grip being too strong and then despite all this obviously because the grip’s very strong the club face is going to be very shut and so then your chest has to kind of hang back or tilt back on it with a lot of side Bend not only to shallow the club but also to get some Loft on the club face right these are things that I’ll show you visually as well as we go through this process but um all of these things are reactions to the grip strength believe it or not and then obviously once you’re hanging back on it because the club gets stuck behind you it’s really easy to block it so in order to avoid a block your hands just have to really flip it at an impact and when you see this like very jammed up look at the bottom where that left shoulder gets very like closed off and points out to the right and the chest is not opening up very level or around you that’s usually indicative of the club the the golfer hanging back and then obviously just a lot of toe rolling over in order to avoid just a huge block there so when you’re time it I’m sure it’s like a nice little draw and it’s really good when you don’t the path can get really really far to the right and obviously you can struggle from there

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