Why You Should Never Start With the Club Behind the Ball

This video is all about the golf swing. I hope you find it useful.

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first moveing golf is critical as you get set up to the golf ball or as I watch students or golfers get set up to the golf ball you can pretty much tell as soon as that club started to travel back say about a foot whether that swing is going to be successful or not and the reason for that is because of what I’m going to talk about very much in this video see golfers that good and obviously professional or elst golfers they understand that they want to move the hands and their arms first in the back swing position they understand they want to keep the head still of course you’re going to rotate as you start to move your arms more to the side of your body but this is why we tend to see the pros working on very similar things in this first move they’re try and keep the lead arm connected they’re try and get the feeling of the club head traveling straight back and one of the reasons why this move is so key is because it induces a tilt and if I can get into this position then it’s much easier to sequence the rest of the golf swing which is why like I said we tend to see Pros working on that sort of first move now most amateurs tend to get that first move quite wrong they tend to move the body too much they tend to move the head too much or they tend to overdo it with too much wrist movement and this is why I would strongly suggest right now one of the things that I work with a lot of students and particularly online students is I get them to pause and what I mean by this is I’ll get them to set up to the ball and when they’re trying to recite positions to me I’ll ask them to pause in the first move pause at the top and then just try and hit it coming in towards that down swing position and that’s one of the things that I encourage them to do but what I’d suggest that you guys could work on right is not starting with the club Behind the ball when you next practice and see what the results are like so if I get St to this golf ball here and I’d be holding like a bit of a say a mid iron instead of starting with the club Behind the ball what I want you to do is I want you to start where the club is still in a straight line but my right my club is opposite my right foot like so but consider where the club is still on the ground now the reason why this is important is because if I move my head it lifts the club up if I keep my head still and I just move my arms to the side of my body it creates this tilt and this way you then from this position you’re going to get that feeling you’re keeping your upper body more centralized over the ball which is going to help you strike down on the ball so what you want to do is a couple of things you want to make sure that you start with that club head opposite your Trail foot but what you also want to do when you’re doing this is that you want to try and keep that club face looking square at the golf ball so as you get that club here and you take it back this foot don’t allow the club face to necessarily twist too far open try and feel like that club face is still looking at that golf ball in that first move and then swing from here and it will feel weird and like I said the sensations that you’re looking for is that we want to feel like it’s almost like a long putting stroke so that way I’m just sort of taking it back keeping nice width here so I’m not doing anything with my wrist this way or turning I’m keeping that head still so if I start from here keep that club face looking at the ball my hands the club head’s opposite my right foot from here I just get the feeling of turn lift up and then you can hear the quality of that contact and this is what happens it often surprises a lot of golfers I meet a lot of golfers that say they think the back swing is okay and then lo and behold and you actually ask them to do the correct movement it feels radically different and that’s why this movement is so key and that’s why for people have never met like yourselves I’d strongly suggest that you have a go at doing a drill like this just because you might discover something that you never have before I’ll see you soon so hopefully you enjoyed the video but let me tell you something there’s a much much easier way for you guys to be seriously improving your game and online lessons have never been any easier or any more affordable if you head over to the website you’ll see examples of different programs that I offer but I promise you you’ll be absolutely amazed at a couple of things one how easy it is nowadays to participate in online lessons I work with students that send me videos from the course that send me videos from the range that send me videos from home you’ll be astounded how you’re probably not doing the things that you should be doing and how helpful it will be for me very much personally myself to keep a watchful eye on your progress I’ve also got a video library and some structured content over there as well to help guide you on your way but keep watching the tips subscribe for more of those but like I say there is an easier way to ensure you’re on the right path I’ll see you soon


  1. Excellent, i have been the range today and this drill i feel will be ideal as its something im trying to work on as im the exact description of the amateur golfer 👍

  2. Russell, how about with driver? Steve Johnston did a drill with 12 inches back and 3 inches in….to achieve consistent powerful strike….is this same principle? Keep club face looking at ball? Is the head always over the ball? Would you recommend in actual competition play or just as a practice?

  3. The big realisation for me is that the backswing (point A) is a mirror image of the immediate post impact downswing position of the arms. Your last video also emphasised this.

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