Get Instant Improvements With This 1 Simple Backswing Change

Have you ever known whats wrong in your golf swing but didn’t know how to fix it? That was the case for Jake a recent student, he knew he was steep and cutting across the golf ball but just didn’t know where to look in order to fix it.

Having taken a look at Jake’s swing we made 1 change which he implemented almost immediately and the results were incredible.

The key to improving your golf is not necessarily to figure out whats wrong, but to know what needs to change in order to get everything to fall into place. With Jake we only changed the backswing, but because this was so important in his golf swing he also got a better position at the top, a completely different backswing, and much more consistent impact and these all gave him much straighter shots and we event picked him up a few yards as a bonus.

The change we made is something that I think could help so many of you so I really hope you enjoy this lesson and drop me a comment down below if you have any questions, i try to get back to everyone.


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00:00 Introduction
00:25 Jake’s Golf Swing
02:21 Perfect Backswing Leg Action
03:38 Hip Turn Drill
06:03 Golf Bag Drill
08:54 Jake’s New Swing

really excited to share this lesson with you today because Jake was struggling with one of the most common swing FS that I see in the Amer game he had an out to win Club pack and that was causing him to be inconsistent with his strike but also struggling to control the direction of the shots too so in this lesson you can see how I pretty simply made some massive changes to his goal straightened out that ball flight and as a bonus at the end he even picked up some distance so yeah when you they’re left or right okay um and anytime you hitting shots left or right they’re really gonna start left and stay left they’re goingon to start left and fade back or they’re goingon to start left and play too much in terms of steep because you mentioned you thought you were steep you’ve almost got two different types of steep so you can look at how the club is attacking the ball so we know that a driver would be a lot more shallow and we know that a wedge would be a lot steeper so that would basically be you know we call it attack angle so is the club traveling a lot more down which would be class of steeper or is it traveling more up which would be much shallower so you’ve got steep in there but then you’ve also got Steep and shallow when you’re looking at the go s from where you are you know someone who is much shorter would have a much shallower swing than someone who’s much taller would have a steeper swing so when we look at impact in terms of the attack angle you’re not steep okay so the club isn’t sort of traveling too much down towards the ground but when we look at the swing shape looking at it from where you are it is steep right and we would would call that the kind of vertical swing plane so if I stood here and did something like this you would say that’s definitely not steep no if I did something like this you’d say that’s really steep yeah so you’re steep in here but you’re not steep down here but it is that that’s creating the Conta when you’ve got your target which will class as zero at the point of contact your Club is traveling significantly left of that the worst one you had was like 11° left when your Club travels left of that that’s when you’re going to get pulls Fades and then slices yeah okay now the reason that it travels 11 degrees left is because of the the swing shape okay so the thing that we need to do for you is look at how your body works how your arms work and how the club work in the back swing and that starts on the ground up at the moment your knee doesn’t move as well as I’d like it to okay if I was to show you a little extreme but if I was to show you what I would like my need to do in a back swing this will depend a little bit on how flexible you are I’m not the most flexible so if I wanted to make a pretty decent sort of back swing turn if you look at my knees they’re going to do something okay this one increases in Flex this one decreases in Flex yeah because my hips have turned now if I’m less flexible I may need that to happen even more we’ll show you in a minute on camera what happens in your back swing is as you start away from the ball your knees do this which looks great but then your right knee actually increases in Flex which basically means that as it increases in Flex it blocks off rotation which means that your arms get forced too much up right yeah okay yeah and if we were to take you from the top and just say turn your knees more you’d probably end up in a in a really good place so when you get to the top of the Go sing this hasn’t moved correctly which means this hasn’t move correctly which means you can’t then get the upper body into the right position and you can’t then get the arms into the right position so you could look at your goal thinging and say well my knee’s out of position my hips out of position my shoulders haven’t turned my arms out of position but it’s all really stemming from from this ground so if you want to take your setup just as you as you would normally okay wi base yeah and then take that left foot yeah keep keep the heel in place and just slightly more foot flare perfect okay so your heels are a little further apart yeah and then your left foot’s a little bit more flared y okay that’s the only set of change I want to make okay so from there if you just want to make your takeaway until the club reach is kind of my hand here okay perfect and what we should start to see that there should be a little bit of moving in that stick okay the stick is obviously representing your hips okay so if you look at where the stick is it’s not easy to see but you can see how it’s twisted a little bit which means youve got some movement in the hips okay the key for you is if these hips are turning which they will do there’s got to be a reaction in the legs my hips are turning this way my knees are going to react okay and the key thing would be that these are reacting to this okay it’s not really my knees are doing something and my hips are doing something it’s the fact that my hips are turning my knees are reacting okay so if you just that takeway again for me perfect good and then I want you to as I move you up to the top I want you to basically keep that stick moving which would be basically you turning your your hips yeah so as we go up turn turn turn turn turn perfect okay now you look at what your legs have done there yeah you should feel more weight on the yeah okay and this right leg is a little bit straighter now you can relax now whether that leg gets to straight it it depends on the flexibility depends on how much you turn if you made half a back swing it would never get straight yeah if you made a fullback swing it might get closer to straight so we can never say it needs to be in this position but as these are turning that should be kind of reacting so just out of interest you can do it as a as a um pause if you want but just do me that backwing so feel free to you know pause in that first part good so what was your thought here on the golf club at the top of your swing is there any thought about the golf club at the top of Swing no no no look what the legs do look where the club is I mean it’s a lot further that way the club face you know as it was before correct but now I didn’t even think about exactly it just sort of happened and that’s the key everything’s connected so as long as you as long as you can get to that first little piece change that knowing that that’s going to change this this this this in a positive way you get to something which looks phenomenal at the top yeah but it’s all because of what your focus was in here so I just want to explain that movement that Jake was sort of demonstrating is showing you here so it’s a little bit clearer you see I’ve got an alignment stick through my belt loops here now if I was to stand to this golf ball and just stand up nice and straight As I turn these alignment sticks or the two ends of the alignment sticks are going to just rotate fairly level but this isn’t how we play golf we play golf and your hips are going to be tilted and Jakes were tilted so what that means is that when we rotate those hips are now turning on on an angle okay so this alignment stick is going to move back and up this one is going to move down and forwards so if we think about this alignment stick here and my foot and that distance between the two this foot is not going to move so as my hips turn on an angle this alignment stick is going to move further away from that foot so if this is moving further away from that foot any Flex in my leg will have to reduce it’s physics it’s the way it works so watch what happens as I make this movement you’re going to see as I turn this alignment stick moves back and up and you can see how the flex in my knees is changing what we saw with Jake is as he started was pretty good and then he kind of reflexed his pelvis sunk down and he moved away from an imaginary line that was behind him so first up I just want you to make this little rehearsal and just understand that as you turn the hips on an angle the legs are going to have a reaction I wasn’t wanting him to straighten the leg consciously it’s just the legs reacting to what the hips do so here’s a little drill that you can do to help feel that in the swing I’ve got my golf bag you could use a wall a fence a golf boogy your own golf bag get a little creative and I’ve positioned it in a place where as I take a set up to this ball I can pretty much just about feel that golf bag now I want to be thinking about this pocket on my trail side and I want to be pushing that pocket onto my golf bag and I want to feel like I’m actually pushing my golf bag over now you can see see that I’m not actually doing that but what this is really doing is it’s teaching me how to make this really good turn Jake from this position would have clearly been moving away from that golf B so this little exercise would have really really helped him you can do the say with a wall and what you’re trying to feel is right hip or Trail hip is moving back and up pushing the golf bag and look what that does to my lower body action it gets me into a perfect position which is going to influence where my hands are and it’s going to influence the shape of my downwing as we seeing in this so you’re going to basically go set up you can do your takeaway as normal you know stop here if you want you focus from here is can you keep the stick moving and have the knees react which will get you here pause and then literally just let the club drop on the ball up good and just let the club drop on the ball so you Club PA there 1.1 into out now we say into out but it’s effectively straight yeah 1 one is straight it just shows you that if you change this you change this you change this you change this then your ding is is going to be different it’s almost impossible to have the same downwing if it’s starting from a different place so I that was perfect good turning react legs react perfect at this stage it’s easy to get you know a little bit obsessed with the ball but effectiv your your focus should be what I call very internal so you your focus shouldn’t really be anywhere other than what you’re doing shouldn’t be about I’m hit to that flag or I’m trying to hit a draw it should be just about kind of make the right movement and then once you get better at the movement your focus can then shift to okay well what I’m actually trying to make the ball do but at this stage it’s just a case of you know can you make the right yeah movement good just leave you doing that yeah I just hit shots like that on the golf okay but actually that’s you see your path there is 2.5 left which is actually a really good place for you to be yeah initially it was 8. 8.7 with your worst one being 11 here I mean that club could not be in more in more perfect position because now it disappears behind your hands and then on the way down I’ll show you the old one in a moment but look at where that club is behind me night and day so that and that’s going to give you obviously a different delivery yeah and then much better much more control this as you scale up you introduce more speed your golfing takes less time there’s more forces you’re more likely to revert back so what I’m going to do is I’m just going to give you a visual around the golf ball for your path because what we’ve just produced there is a club which is now traveling pretty much straight at your target it was traveling much more out to in your focus now as you build up speed is still going to be on this but I just want to create a visual if you did the swing that you’ve just done for the last five or six shots that bag will not influence you at all you won’t hit it it won’t touch you if you revert back a little bit you’ll hit it but it’s that’s what it’s for okay so just do me a back so can hold it so one movement feel like the right knee basically straightens hit to top all the way to the top right knee straightens his hips turn more perfect okay so you’re going to make that as one movement Y and then you’re just going to go through as one movement okay so I still want you to pause at the top pause at the top but I don’t need to pause in the safe way there you go just do that there we go so I need that on the course and Alignment stick yeah crazy okay so I mean not that you’d be thinking this on the course but how do you hit a straight shot path at zero yeah face at zero okay good okay give me three or four more yeah and then we’re going to take the final step which is basically to take out the the pause at the top okay so what I want to try and do now is basically just hit some shots at full speed this is still not your focus I’m hoping it’s there in the back of your mind that you’re subconsciously aware of it but your focus is okay can I take my setup position can I turn my hips allow my leg to straighten that will put the club somewhere different and then we’re using that different position to deliver the club hell of a goal shot that is yeah hell of a goal shot no complaints about that hell of a goal shot there you go that’s perfect and you see how much that drifted I mean it is literally like a drift you know and that’s basically what you want and that’s absolutely perfect that was really really good and again I mean that was that was the longest one you’ve hit jeez M it’s really good yeah your backing if you can get your backing sorted the ding should I I would just something thought this is good cuz you’re not thinking about it but it’s there just to give you a little nudge when you yeah I mean sometimes do put alignments s down but having something there a physical just I me he would work yeah just he work yeah no definitely no


  1. Thanks for the nice details on the critical method to move your hips…these swing thoughts were great! Being a senior player I tend to have a too flat shaft plane when I do this. Any way I can get my arms moving correctly with the hip turn? Thanks for your help…Tom

  2. It would appear that at the top of the backswing the weight is still on the back foot. Most instruction I see on line suggests you want an early weight shift onto the lead foot before you get to the top of the backswing? What am I missing here?

  3. It’s like you read my mind when you post these student instructional videos. My hip turn needs work and this helps tremendously is reminding me what to work on. Thanks.

  4. Great lesson – something we all need to do – I was told "right pocket back" as a swing thought – the left leg straightens a bit and it all feels very natural.

  5. Tried to play golf again after 10+ yrs off- & play Bill Murray ground hog dig or thin..– can't get clean square ball strikes.. I'm 67 now & still good shape..but frustrated- no fun if can't hit ball right & not banana slice;

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