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Weege Show: RedBud Preview | Who Does Jett’s Absence Impact?

Jason Weigandt walks and talks around RedBud for the Bob Coolers RedBud National, the middle of the AMA Pro Motocross Championship. With Jett Lawrence now out with a thumb injury and not able to defend his championship, what would a potential Hunter Lawrence and Chase Sexton title fight look like? Also, Dean Wilson stops by to talk collecting sponsors to make it to RedBud, and the owner of his team, Yarrive Konsky, talks about his Australian Motocross title contender Kyle Webster taking another crack at U.S. racing.

Brought to you by the Honda and the dominant CRF250R and CRF450R. Jett’s out, but Hunter, Jo Shimoda and Chance Hymas are in. Winning looks easy on a CRF, from Honda.

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[Music] red bud and weed show brought to be the Honda CRF250R and CRF 450R wait a minute am I allowed to see this I’m a customer is this like BTS this is a is this behind the scenes or we not allowed to see this no totally science is super oh we can talk about this all right we can talk about when you watch science Super Motocross this is part of the production team it looks like is the production team it looks like it takes about a dozen people to make that happen yeah two two something like that but I didn’t want to sell you short because it’s so okay four four but it’s so slick it looks like it’s a true like a team like a a company it’s two and then two others yeah wow so you’re doing stuff here doing stuff here yeah can we say what the topic is or you just have to stay tuned we’re going to pull some tear offs tear offs literally yeah okay so when you watch that in a few weeks note where the footage came from right here at Red Bud this Dean Wilson who’s going to ride today to score points for uh SMX where’s the helmet I just want to see the sponsor rooll so who’s helping you out I like this this is good good I’m helping you out yes so very sweet they’re big strawberry farm in Australia okay yeah and then I actually have a clothing company that I’m going to meet today little uh from Michigan they’re going to help me out so got two good people we just limit it at two okay and that’s it so wow so one from Australia and one local how doing it right and Firepower Honda back in business or it’s Mobile X today helmet on I guess we’re riding dude so I’m just trying to help you get on the motorcycle my gosh uh yeah so dean’s out of practice every time I see Dean in a motocross track it makes my knees hurt for him so this could not worked out better yeah now we got beautiful weather track’s been moistened a bit and now the boys are ready to go couple of stories here Brock tickle is returning to racing that’s him on the CWI in the [Music] middle 938 [Applause] [Music] This Is Not a Home racer Brock tickle by the way he’s from the Research Triangle region as we like to call it in North Carolina carry North Carolina uh Raleigh dorm area where like UNC and those big famous college basketball powerhouses that’s actually where tickles actually from uh but either way awesome to have him back I think everyone considers this a home race to a degree because everyone loves Red Bud whether you’re French like Tom the L or you’re from Illinois like this guy shout out to you Red Bull KTM actually getting in in the spirit they’ve got better and better lately KTM was this brand when we had retro days or uh American flag Motif or military appreciation you did not see a lot of cooperation from them I felt on the graphics but they’ve gotten better the last couple of years now they got full red white blue here [Music] what’s up I’ll tell you what’s gnarly when you watch that start right there this is the cool thing when you get to see this stuff up close oh there’s J there’s Jason Anderson did you see that start from second did you see how perfect that was that’s a guy whose starts have not been on point that’s how good the level is here and now they we talking sex and now they were analyzing the starts and speaking of those Honda CRF 450R and CRF 250R machines now we have to get into the breaking news massive news a huge shake up on Wednesday when we left Southwick jet Lawrence had dropped the bombshell and everyone saying my shoulder’s not getting better as quickly as I thought it would I might have to get an MRI and that was a bit of a bombshell because I think everyone was wondering why did he not get that check as soon as he heard it at Hangtown I think the reason was they put a lot of trust in the people that have been around him to work on these nagging injuries through the years that includes doc G who might be the most trusted hands in the pit as far as helping Riders get through their aches and pains the same group that had helped the lawrences take hits preserve titles win championships before uh I don’t think there was enough Panic or alarm at that point to think we have to actually go and actually get an MRI it seemed like the kind of thing I guess that would heal quickly apparently that wasn’t healing quickly enough but that was like a minor thing right he was still winning the races now we got real news now we got real news which is Jed Lawrence is out he’s got a broken thumb as well or the torn ligament in the thumb like Cooper Webb had believe Tomac broke the thumb as they say had a benit fracture a fracture in the thumb web and Jet Lawrence had the ligament problem either way we already know the timeline it goes a web who is like 6 to 8 weeks in a thumb splint or brace web now getting on a turn track I think he’s actually riding real laps now that’s the same timeline for jet Lawrence should be back for the SMX playoffs and World Championship in September you probably already know this news so right on Q There Goes Chase ston suddenly we’re looking at a completely different dynamic in this Championship which is essentially a chase St versus Hunter Lawrence battle now I don’t out like Justin Cooper who can jump right into it like that Pierce Brown who literally leaped onto the track there Justin Cooper is ranked fourth in points or third of the active riders with jet out but really if you just do the maap there’s more than a Moto lead over CER it’s going to be down to 100 versus sex what’s interesting so far is that there’s been probably equal amount of motos where one has been better than the other Chase has a wall uping amazing spectacular performance and he beats Hunter then Chase has one of his weirdo rides and Hunter beats him Hunter has been like this the whole time SE has been like that that’s intriguing enough on its own but I don’t think what we have seen yet is the dynamic that is going to change I don’t care what these guys say jet put a bit of a call over the entire thing we used to call Eli Tomac the shark in the water which meant even if uh you didn’t see him on screen or if a rider was out front and Tomac wasn’t right behind him he still had to think about where is Tomac well I think jet with the perfect season last year he did that at an even higher level uh when he did get the start which most of the time it was a panic at everyone else to try to Sprint and stay with him the rare moments in Motocross where he didn’t get the start uh it was a panic of where is he where is he I got to stay in front that’s gone now Mr Ure thank you for coming back we just talked to Dean Wilson uh that’s cool uh but more importantly Kyle Webster that’s seventh I feel like you guys are really happy with what you saw there last week or the potential at least of what could be I think there’s a lot of anxiety that he was dealing with is there really just racing in America just overwhelming like his first time here yeah you’re dealing with people you see on the internet every day and as much as K’s CR it’s big for him lining up against those guys I think the first race when he lined up on the inside of both the lawrences yeah was a an Awakening for him that’s wild over here um I think the second Moto was better the intensity in the first five laps again him being anxious I don’t think he breathed properly okay and he got tired quite quickly we had a good couple of rides during the week and I think he’s a lot more comfortable I think this track is a little more traditional South Wick unique yes that’s true he uh he openly said that it’s not what it looks like on TV like it gets narrow no the straights are slightly short lot of different Camas but here it’s a little bit more normal so look I don’t know a couple of top 10 finishes would be great but more so being competitive in his lap times and I think he’ll take a lot of these experiences home with him and be so much better for it so what we’re getting at is even the 7th in Moto 2 last week there were reasons where you’re like no it will be even better maybe not even the result but the riding 100% yeah I think it’ll be a lot more comfortable um he’s got used to the time that time zone difference is M oh yeah and um he’s uh he’s a creature of habit like he’s got routine like all of these top Riders they’re all about routine and he was completely outside of his routine so I think he’s a lot more comfortable going into this weekend that’s exciting I’m glad you’re doing it you don’t have to that’s for sure just wants to yeah Kyle Webster who rides for your re’s team over in Australia coming over to race Southwick and here a lot of the Riders you saw as guest at Southwick will race red butt as well why wouldn’t you hey Christina Denny uh but the real focus is going to be on this Hunter and seon battle and like I said we can look at the data we already have this season but I don’t think that’s the whole story how much will jet not being here either one of them now what you would think is what you would think on the outside is that uh oh hold on did you race yet when when are you race it’s J Adams combine when is it happening we raced at uh 2:05 and 5:00 I thought you were racing at 1 no never were so I was off you were right okay I’m like I’m panicking to get down here by 1:00 okay try to stay this clean like it looks good but I don’t know if that’s going to going to work all right good job that’s the true Adams we do The Scouting Moto combine today as well I got my time’s way off he would know about the Lawrence brothers he rides with them you would think that jet being out would have a bigger impact mentally on Hunter Lawrence right now he’s got the pressure now he’s the only Factory 450 Honda guy under that 10 now it’s up to him to try to get this done as a rookie in the 450 class but I don’t think Hunter Lawrence is built that way I don’t think it affects him in the way you would think if you just put it on paper and said pay their two brothers and their teammates and the one brother who dominated last year is out yes that would seem like a whole lot more pressure and a different situation but if we’ve learned anything about Hunter Lawrence as an individual he doesn’t March to the standard beat of the drum like a lot of other Riders he’s so incredibly non-emotional about his racing now how much of that is real and how much of that is practice I don’t know but the one thing we’ve learned about all Racers is if they believe it it counts uh even if they’re convincing themselves it counts we’ve heard it in a Million way um you know if a biker is better or worse if they believe it’s better or worse that’s all that really matters it doesn’t matter what the dno shows or the shot Dino or the suspension guy put in The Shins of the forks if they believe it it’s real so I believe hter Lawrence has spent years saying I uh take these races from an analytical approach he’s been asked a thousand times this year have you exceeded your expectations on a 450 what were your expectations on a 450 and he keeps saying I don’t have expectations I focus on the process and by that I focus on what can I do during the week to be better and how did I ride in the race and whatever the actual number is in the results column I’m not basing My Success on that did I do I feel like I rode well do I feel like I gave it my best do I feel like I left something out there in the racetrack for example he L at Southwick and might have gotten his first ever overall win as a 450 racer he didn’t get it on the stretch he was tired got him Jet got him but I don’t think he was super bummed about that because I think he felt like look that was the best I could do and if my best is a third I’m not going to get mad and say no I must win or I must get this position or I must score these points or I must have the red plate all those things he has done phenomenal with that there were highs and lows in the Supercross and Motocross championships he won last year he never let that get to him including when he had a dnf here at last year and lost the point lead and you had Hayden Degan lurking Hayden Dean trying to play mind game Hayden de trying to put the pressure on Hunter it affected him not a one and even when he bounced back at milville when he really needed to last year he kept saying no I didn’t bounce back bville was no different than any other race I won the opener what’s the difference between winning the opener around seven he takes all the emotion out of it and I’ve asked him about this in I just want to get to the Rock way he said yes some riders need things to motivate themselves some some feed off the emotion I ride better the other way this is not pressure this is what I choose to do for a living I have an awesome lifestyle there’s no reason for me to have to do anything to motivate myself he’s not riding the parade lap saying I need to show people something or I need to do anything he’s just going to do what he does and whatever he finishes is what he gets so the question can he maintain that now that they’re a little bit more of a dangling carrot here he’s Honda’s only hope the more uh the only hope out there for the family to get this done and this is a golden opportunity you just never know the way these championships go they don’t stare you 450 championships in the face like this you never know so can he keep that mental no pressure picture that is when he performs he keep that and now we go to Chase nexton who does ride in EM motion and that is why you see these ups and downs so I think the question is this he’s taking he’s taking my picture so I think the question is this ton does jet not being here take person off of him I think the Spectre of this jet Lawrence guy has affected sex in at times in my proof is what is the best race we’ve seen ston have since jet moved into the 450 class it was Hangtown the race either out or essentially not a factor does this unlock that chase ston now maybe we’ll find out right here is nailing this press station that’s for do so I think that’s the question SE he’s an overly competitive guy he rides on emotion he get ups and downs because of emotion Hunter Lawrence is like I’m the exact opposite I do not ride an emotion he’s more like a analytical computer he tries to strip emotion out how will this new scenario The Man Who Went 22 and0 being out how will that affect either one of them if they say exactly the same as where they are that’s going a hard Championship to decide I mean there’s literally three points between through the first half of the year so if stay exactly the same that’s going to be close if they don’t how is that going to change losing jet Lawrence in this Championship is going to have an impact how big of an impact and one last PCH race keep and then we’ll just go to watching dudes jump Rock sleep Lawrence is going to come back J the playoffs we have not seen a maybe not a fully 100% ready prepared jent Lawrence really race ever in America he doesn’t come in the series generally beat up what level will he be in because that level he’s established even if he goes out and doesn’t do well at the opener it’s a thing that is awesome bonus coverage bonus coverage uh Lars was joking with us all week that they had a special Livery that they he could not reveal to us would not reveal to us until we got to the track the Retro Red Bud American flag Livery is that is brilliant it’s almost like the old Woody Woodpecker but it’s actually a bald eagle with an American flag instead of Woody Woodpecker with a checker flag that is [Music] brilliant shout out to our buddies at throttle jockey who make those Graphics enjoy your July 4th weekend everybody bonus bonus bonus bonus coverage the Davis boys the throttle jockey have showed they have this they actually replicated 2001 yep that old Universal Studio sponsorship Honda would occasionally be sponsored by an upcoming movie this is an Ezra replica bike from 01 with Jurassic Park on it but what’s even cooler is you have the original shroud from that day yeah from that day 23 years ago sad sadly that’s 23 years ago and signed by Ezra and he’s here today I believe helping with the comb I would think now hold this up to that and see how well you replicated yourself that’s pretty darn that’s pretty darn good it’s the original artwork now this original one would have been screen printed okay so Chang this was like four collor process cmk fluorescent red metallic silver this is all digital but exact same artwork that is wild yeah I could say the colors is a tiny bit different but yes you can tell it’s the exact same artwork look at that good on you Ezra here’s the poster and oh we got a poster today now is this new or old this is original this is oh did they run the whole weekend was Jurassic Park for both an Ezra Lusk Nikki Hayden weekend that is awesome we have the I didn’t even I didn’t even know the road race bikes did that and we even have the uh movie kiosk we they let us have it from that day yeah I was at off-site storage a few years back and this bike was sitting on a shelf on plastic also the CRF 450 flat track Nikki version he raced flat track with with with the Jurassic Park yeah so it was just it was like just like this really but on the four stroke but flat track yes I remember flat track photos of Nikki on the Honda 450 but I didn’t know there’s a Jurassic Park one and finally I just want to show everybody this cuz this is the Ezra Lusk look that everyone knows dude 98 yeah that was good so those giant frame rails were good for something and that was for putting bigger stickers on the side of the bike that was good good job all right thanks for the boys with throttle jockey that’s cool they the teams always bust out cool stuff for the weekend uh do you see how uh American flagged up the Kawasakis were oh this is sad here’s the jet bike right [Music] here to be continued on that one anyway good job by the co guys uh with their American flag Motif we mentioned seon’s bike always neat that people bust out some changes here for red bud but the bigger change could come in the results well Chase X and get better well Hunter low and stay the same I would think for the two of them that’s the goal if Hunter can keep doing what he’s doing good job Dean Wilson I heard Dean actually cased that’s Dean’s mechanic I heard Dean actually cased a leap and broke Spokes and they got a new wheel back in the bike and he went back out uh I think the goal for Hunter Lawrence would to be I’m going to be exactly the same as I’ve been all year which is really rock solid good uh jet being here or not is not going to make me ride worse or add pressure or change anything and I think if you’re sexon you’re like my goal is to be better uh and be that guy like second Moto late Southwick or Hangtown every weekend which way is it going to go and finally I bured enough time to get to the Kawasaki rake so you can see their look we want to see the American flag we want to see the look here we go beautiful get it we got it welcome back Brock tickle to the racing


  1. Just goes to show that anything can happen eh… be cool to see JC32 do well and maybe take a win before years end!
    Thanks again Weege, great show and insight like usual!

  2. Chase might get another gift! Dont get me wrong hes a great rider and im a fan but when Reed won his championships RC was injured and Stew was injured and i feel chase is that guy when the top guys out he will dominate just like chad did.. both amazing but they need the help!

  3. Awesome incite on Webster from Yarive. I think he may be a bit alarmed by the speed and intensity in the first few laps at Redbud compared to Southwick but if he puts in consistent laps, he should make the top 12.

  4. Chance Hymas was standing right next to Drew Adams and Weege snubed him. Proof weege's mouth talks faster than he can think.

  5. One of my buddies' nephew Mason Brahm he's Dean Wilson's mechanic standing there🔥🔥🔥!

  6. Science of supercross …. Mechanics wear different types of gloves…can’t imagine that production meeting

  7. I know you can only race who shows up but here is a stat-line that I never hear.

    Every championship Sexton has won his main rival who was leading the championship had to drop out due to injury. If he wins this championship it will be the same.

  8. Yeah WEEGE!!! And yeah Yarrive!! 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺👊

    In April I had a knee reconstruction… you talking about Deano's knees… now my knee is ACHING! Especially two huge screws in there! 😂

    Go Kyle Webster!!!!

  9. Thanks Weege. Great show. Great graphics. And awesome track. Those flags at the starting area are amazing. Red Budddd

  10. Jett is not out because of a thumb injury, he's out because he didn't take time out after Hangtown to heal up properly. Everything else is a ripple effect from that crash.

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