Sam Snead REVEALS The Secret to The Forward Press | How to Start The Golf Swing

Sam Snead REVEALS The Secret to The Forward Press | How to Start The Golf Swing

I see players they’ll walk up to the ball and they’ll set the club they have no mannerisms at all they just sat there as the screw gets a little tighter and things begin to get tighter he stays there longer and longer the best thing to do is to learn the waggle for Ford press with every Club every shot you watch some of the guys they’ll do that even a little Chip Shot he’ll go up there and he’ll like that and he gets a little waggle and that gets him started now with a long shot you walk up you set the club to the ball you look down for your alignment the left foot goes in position right foot and you’ll watch they’ll get that little wagon you set the club to the ball you look down for your alignment the left foot goes in position right foot and you’ll watch they’ll get that little wagon that forward press and then they go I will do this uh exaggerate uh the for it press uh just a little bit so you see what I mean after sending Club to the ball and then placing my left foot in position uh for my intended alignment now the wagle starts this is the started to the motor to the back swing watch I push down and then I go everything together push down the weight sort shifts to the left side down and then all to go together you don’t get your forward press and then just let it sit there once you have your for press everything goes away by doing that you’ll be surprised how much easier the game will be

I see players they’ll walk up to the ball and they’ll set the club they have no mannerisms at all they just sat there as the screw gets a little tighter and things begin to get tighter he stays there longer and longer the best thing to do is to learn the waggle for Ford press with every Club every shot you watch some of the guys they’ll do that even a little Chip Shot he’ll go up there and he’ll like that and he gets a little waggle and that gets him started now with a long shot you walk up you set the club to the ball you look down for your alignment the left foot goes in position right foot and you’ll watch they’ll get that little wagon you set the club to the ball you look down for your alignment the left foot goes in position right foot and you’ll watch they’ll get that little wagon that forward press and then they go I will do this uh exaggerate uh the for it press uh just a little bit so you see what I mean after sending Club to the ball and then placing my left foot in position uh for my intended alignment now the wagle starts this is the started to the motor to the back swing watch I push down and then I go everything together push down the weight sort shifts to the left side down and then all to go together you don’t get your forward press and then just let it sit there once you have your for press everything goes away by doing that you’ll be surprised how much easier the game will be


  1. The comment "once you start the forward press, everything goes away" is not an accident. If players would do this, they'd get better without swing changes.

  2. My first driver was a Sam Snead persimmon headed beauty with white inlay and brass screws. God it was heavy…

  3. Always made it look so easy. I could take cuts at the ball there the rest of my life and not one would look as smooth as that demonstration.

  4. I have used this method (waggle and forward press) for 45 years and has served me very well. Single digit handicapper to this day.

  5. If Sam said eating dirt would make me swing like him, I would be in the garden every day for my three squares.

  6. The waggle and forward press are based on the principle that it is easier to pull a rope than push it. If the club head was connected the grip with a rope or chain you would have not feel or control over what the club face is doing until momentum creates enough kinetic energy in the club head mass to pull the rope taut.

    There was a trick shot artist named Harry Frankenberg (stage name Count Yogi) who hit dead straight golf shots with a club head attached to a bull whip. The hinged swing practice clubs are base on the same principle. Once the club gains enough momentum and energy in the first foot of the backswing the force pull outward and keeps the club from hinging. At the top of the backswing it teaches the timing of pulling back down with arms while the club force is still pulling up and forward.

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