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John Shannon on DeBrusk’s fit, #Canucks adding another D, Foote & Gonchar working with Desharnais

John Shannon is back for his weekly visit, and he talks about where a year like this ranks in terms of free-agent frenzy. Plus his review on the NHL Awards show, the draft and the recent class of Hall of Fame inductees.

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joined Now by John Shannon former executive producer of hockey night and Canada the co-host of the Bob mcowan podcast happy belated candidate Day to you good sir you two boys hope it was a nice one yeah were you were you stuck just following on the computer or were you out playing golf no we were here yeah no honestly Canada Day there wasn’t much enthusiasm there Blake no well you see here’s the thing you were Canada to day for the eenth time in a row uh John um anyways uh enough media wine uh what did you make of what the Canucks did in free agency uh well I I’m a I’m a jake debrusk fan uh I have been for a long time I I think that uh you know there was a time in Boston he didn’t get a fair Shake I think he was in a much better position playing for Jim Montgomery than he was Bruce Cassidy um so from that perspective I think that what the Canucks got was somebody that is going to pay the price and going to put the puck in the net and everybody’s going to enjoy having Jake around so it’s a to me it’s a win-win good for Jake and and and good for for Vancouver so that’s a that’s a positive um as as far as some of the other stuff you know I mean I don’t know enough about Sherwood to talk about what Sherwood is but every team needs depth every Army needs soldiers and so I I suspect that that’s where where that fit in and uh you know C couple of the guys including Vinnie de har on the back end I think that de har will uh he’s a good solid worker he’s he’s got a great attitude uh he was you know the the classic case of great in the room um but uh you know he’s he’s still a working progress now the conects needed an elite Winger for Alias Pon Jake debrus not an elite Winger but a good Winger um but can he become more elsh with alas alongside um that’s a good question Blake uh listen the brus can score and is that what you need the elite Winger to do and you know really show off Peterson’s playmaking abilities then Jake debrusk can do that the one thing that uh like like Jake de Brusque is closer in many ways to the style of play that JT Miller plays um not a centerman but uh Miller doesn’t play center all the time either uh and but Jake’s not afraid to be physical not afraid to get in the corners uh he still has a great deal of speed um so I I think that if you if if peton can put the you know the the puck on his stick and I see no reason why de brus can’t be a a 35 goal scorer in the National Hockey League John uh interestes in in your comment about the uh difference for de Brusque from Cassidy to Montgomery uh would love if you explain further on that and then maybe also tell us like this is a kid who scored 16 goals in 70 games as a rookie 27 in 68 the next year and yet seemingly we have heard his name in trade rumors for years here so help us fill in the gaps there and explain those situations well I I I don’t I I can’t explain the trade rumors other than he and Bruce Cassidy were were not the best of friends uh just was a it was an oil and water scenario and I think that it was a it was an opportunity for Jake when uh Jim Montgomery showed up to prove that he’s he can be a proven two-way Winger in the National Hockey League and I I think for the most part he did that uh you know there were lots of times where coming off injury when Bruce was coached that they would throw Jake right back to the wolves and and some I think there were times it wasn’t really fair on on Jake part uh to to to be that extra guy all the time it you know sometimes coaches and players don’t mix and uh this that was just I think the case between cassaday and de Brusque uh and I I you know Jake has been looking for long-term security for a while and you know kept you know the last couple contracts in Boston were just Bridge deals Bridge deals so this to me is an indication that the Canucks have a great deal of confidence in him and and he liked the setup in Vancouver how do you how could you with the way that Jake debrusk plays the game how could you not want to play for Rick talking right the per it’s a perfect mix he also gets to come with a couple of buddies well I I assume buddies from the Boston ruins and Derrik forbert and D Hein and that that also makes a a dressing room swap a little bit easier when you’ve got immediately familiar faces in the room I think that’s fair but if any if anybody knows Jake uh you know he’s got a Perpetual smile on his face yeah he will become a media darling there’s always you know he he loves talking to people he comes by it naturally you know Louis’s got the gift of the gab and so does Jake so I I think that I think it’s a win-win I I really do I think it’s good for Jake uh to get back into a Canadian Market um and I think it’s good for the Canucks to improve their I was going to say depth but that’s not fair when you’re you’re there’s an expectation he has to score goals now and and and he I know he can do it and I and I obviously did that Patrick and Jimmy think he can do it as well uh when you say d de her is a work in progress explain there sir yeah um Listen by the way he’s he’s you know he’s usually the tallest guy on the team now I don’t think he’s the tallest guy on the team um but uh you know this has been a long journey for Vincent dear to get to the National League he worked his tail off um he he still makes a couple of mistakes in his own Zone which is one of the reasons why during the Stanley Cup Playoffs the Oilers elected him to put him in the Press Box a couple times but that said he’s physical uh he’s not afraid to mix it up he does have that great condar likee reach that you know coaches like uh I I think if you if he can spend some time with uh with Adam foot and with Sergey gonar like he did with Paul coffee he will be a better hockey player and so from that perspective it’s a it’s one there where you know is he a 56 for for um for Vancouver yeah probably a 56 for Vancouver but he certainly gives them depth um and he’s another presence on the ice when he’s there and he’s very physical so I I you know but he’s you know his his time in the National Hockey League is relatively short guys and so so from that perspective he’s still needs to learn how to play the NHL game and he’s going to he’s going to need that tutoring from Adam and Sergey to to make it work is he a fight intimidate protect his teammates type of guy he use yeah no question I mean we’re talking you know if anything happens to one of the one of the slider guys there there’s a face wash coming there’s a you know Big Arm groping around you in this grum and um he’s a great teammate and he he’s good for for chemistry uh I have no qualms about that when it comes to what dear can add there were you know Vinnie was one of those guys around the room in Edmonton uh always had a smile on his face always had a positive attitude um and you can’t I think that’s one of the reasons why uh this summer there was a lot more interest in them than I than in previous years we’ve been talking for a while about how the ini just getting big again um because a lot of these big guys can move a lot of them not all of them the cans have a massive Blue Line John it looks like a blue line from the late 90s for heaven’s sakes like um and the presumption is that all of them can move we know Myers and Susi we’ve seen them up close they we got a good baptism of because you of the seven game series sure um but still it’ be interesting to see him over an 82 game Set uh and then there’s forward of course as well 64 the smallest of the four guys there on the blue line is is it too big do you see what Rick toet and Patrick govine have in mind here what do you think I don’t think it’s too big ever you know all you have to do go is go back five years and and look at that defense for the St Louis Blues that won the Stanley Cup and it was it was Kenny Hitchcock who had them before they won the cup that gave them the nickname Condors uh but you know the Edmonson of the world the the the peros Alex petrangelo was one of the smaller guys at 6’4 you know so I when you’re trying to defend in a certain way if you have size and reach you can you can be different and you’re right you know Tyler Meers has been reinvented I mean and and you know he’s a great Puck moving defenseman and now his defensive game seems to be back where everybody expected it to be um same with Carson Susi I mean so I I as long as these guys can maintain their mobility and and by the way for a guy 67 de har is pretty mobile um you know I I I don’t think that I don’t think size should ever be an issue for this defense being too big I don’t think you can ever be too big in the National Hockey League there’s a a sense they might need a puck mover do do you think any nibbling around the Ed they got eight signed defenseman because they’ve got julson and Freeman theoretically as well do you think there’s a chance they’re looking for one more Puck moving defenseman or do you think they’re set well you know beyond Quinn and and ronic who obviously are the number one the one number one pair um it would not surprise me that you know we see a little bit of movement still and I I think this is true for the whole league you know the billion dollars that was spent yesterday yesterday a billion dollars I mean it’s crazy um I think people now are going to take that step back judge where they are uh you know how close did they come to meeting all their goals there are going to be teams that now are over the cap and you can be over the cap by 10% in the summertime so they’re going to have to move some bodies and it would not surprise me that if one of those guys is a pop m to vinan the conects find a way to stick their knows into a conversation or one of the other things we’ve been talking about is you know if you want a puck moving defenseman on both of the top two pairings you split up Hughes and ronic well I’ll tell you what I you know they are so good together I’m not sure you want to compromise that I think you know listen we’re schedule came out today so um you know we’re we’re we’re two and a half months we’re we’ll buy Patrick and and and the team some lead way to try to you know find a way to get another Puck moving defenseman into the line it wouldn’t surprise me though let’s turn our attention to the draft over this past weekend at the sphere in Las Vegas uh John because Blake and I thought it was a marvelous and you don’t always say this about the NHL um the award show but Blake and I thought it was a marvelous live event looked fantastic and uh boy if that’s it for the live in person on the floor uh draft they went out with a bang what did what did your trained die make of it my friend well first of all you know the NHL so in my time at the league we tried to get the time between picks down to three minutes we could never do that teams always wanted five you know the networks always wanted five and we could never get the teams to get up there and just make a pick they always had to say hello to the you know the Carolina Ale House draft party and you know everybody was in you know just I mean just mean all the all the crap that you know drove you nuts and your your three and a half hour draft ended up being five hours well they accomplished a lot of that so a lot of the housekeeping stuff was really well done the teams were told that they were not allowed to do certain things they were only allowed they were only supposed to be allowed two people on the de some fudged it a little bit but it uh it still worked to everyone’s benefit I mean the the I mean sphere is an unbelievable place um I’m not sure uh I’m not sure it transposed to television as well as they thought it would it didn’t for me but I have a bias I you know all that stuff which was magnificent to see is still the background it’s not the foreground it’s the background and you know this you know the real story of the draft for me are the mlin cbris of the world you know the Kaden Lindstrom of the world those are those are the guys that make the show um and so from that perspective I have a bias that it was good it was great I’d love to know the bill you know if if the three of us tried to rent Sphere for a day it’s $450,000 a day so I think that you know you have to look at the accounting and say well I’m not and and I’m sure the league didn’t pay that because Mr Dolan is a shareholder in the National Hockey League um but it was good I mean you know I thought the two Productions I watched both ESPN and and sports not I thought both Productions were were tight they were well done we saw more players so life was pretty good that way I have no issues with what the draft was on Friday night I mean there’s no question the sphere the whole immersive experience is supposed to be for the people sitting in the seats so the Cur screen and stuff like that you know it’s not catered to the TV audience but I don’t know I I saw it as looking bigger and fancier than it ever has before then they accomplish their goal Blake then they accomplish their goal I mean that’s you know there’s a there’s a a pragmatic side and there’s a hey watch us now side and and the watch us now side was was was was good I mean I have no ISS you got to put on the nice uh bracelet you know and necklace and look look fancy I’m just glad that the Rangers were able to make a splash in the house that Dolan owns with the 30th overall EJ emry a defense from the US national team just wait he’s gonna be amazing prove wrong allowed to trade their pick this year now now now don’t get don’t be picking on the New York Rangers you know they you know they’re just one of the one of 32 right one of 32 teams just eeking out a meager living trying to do it finished in the conference final but had that first round pick to make the splash at 30th overall for Mr Dolan at the sphere good deal Straight Out of Compton EJ emry um dra um schedule’s out today John and uh it’s of course a very very tricky um uh Matrix uh first and foremost how many teams are they actually able to satisfy in terms of their preferences and requests uh probably uh in the in the hundredth percentile none um but I I you know I suspect that uh most of the teams who provide dates you know you and these dates had been provided gosh 18 months ago um and the team provides 50 dates and they have to work around that so uh it’s been a it’s been an arduous task and and a a tough one when you consider that probably satisfying the five networks uh that exist between the two countries TVA Rogers and now Amazon in Canada and TNT and Disney in the United States uh it it’s not a uh it’s not a simple thing to do but they’re going to be teams that are going to be upset with road trips and they’re going to be teams upset with back-to-backs uh but lots of teams don’t want to play a lot of games Before Christmas you know you look at the New Jersey schedule I can guarantee you the New Jersey schedule is back dated heavily um whereas most of the Canadian teams are topheavy uh for between now and Christmas day so it’s it’s a tough one to do it really is it’s it’s not a fun deal but in the end it’s uh everybody’s excited about the schedule you can plan your vacations you can plan everything you want to do and we go from there plus less uh you know a 12-day break to play an International Tournament in February it’s just unbelievable when you scroll over and you see that massive block in February you’re just like wow that is a long time off for a large portion of the league fellas the connect last game is April 16th is oh no no listen we’re not we’re listen we’re going to be in that February or sorry that June 20 to 24 end of year again you know 16 million people watch game seven 16 million people watch game seven and so people if people are saying well you know what nobody’s interested in hockey yeah it it’s it it Justified what the schedule will look like at least at least for the till the end of the collective bargaining agreement come on Chan some of that was based on the matchup of the cup final as well right like if that’s Vegas Florida I don’t think you’re getting those sorts of numbers uh but but but that’s the you know listen Rogers Rogers has been waiting 10 years for a match up like I know I know I mean just to get a Canadian team in and you know you poo pooed us on moving the schedule up but le Lebron reported this week the next CBA could be 84 games fewer preseason games and start right at the beginning of October to to get on out by June 10th or so I will believe it when I see it yeah okay I I will I mean this is real estate now in June that I mean everything’s gone off without a hitch game well awards were a hitch a game awards draft free agency and and the next at least for the next year or two there won’t be travel involved for the draft for the teams it’ll all be done remotely so it’s not going to be as rushed I mean Saturday night team’s trying to get out of sphere to go to the airport to get back for free agency some teams actually stayed in Winnipeg or stayed in uh in in Vegas like Winnipeg we mentioned that Winnipeg and Washington both set to hell with it we’ll lose much time hey uh tra draft free agency players signing contracts with new teams while still drunk on champagne from the parade that was a new one this year yeah uh lastly you wanted in on the hall of fame um well you know it’s you know I used to be a real believer in the hall system and I used to respect it Jim Gregory who was a dear friend was the chairman for a long time and uh he convinced me that this was the way to do it and um but I’ve now changed I mean Alexander mcgil who was nominated and did not get enough votes that’s ridiculous absolutely ridiculous and I think it’s time now that we have a lot more transparency and understanding of how the nominations work how the voting works so that we can ensure that those people who deserve to be in the Hall of Fame get to the Hall of Fame and you know the the politics of it have to stop have to stop can you defend the coy Campbell nomination yeah I can yeah I can you know I first of all and is colen Campbell is a friend of mine I make no bones about it but Coen Campbell has had more impact in the last two and a half decades to the success of the game and the speed of the game and the way the game has played than anyone else anyone else Blake and anybody who doubts that he doesn’t deserve to the hall of Bame should be ashamed of themselves because they haven’t done the due diligence to understand his impact and importance to the game you know I know he’s an Executive Vice President and whatever where the title is long as Pittsburgh but colen Campbell has worked his ass off I guess I make this game better I guess I will sit here in my shame then John Shannon because this is a person who abused his power as director of offici or director of hockey operations to intimidate officials in his charge to benefit his son’s club that right there I’m sorry that is that that is absolute alone the Hockey Hall of Fame it’s all there in emails Sean it’s all there in emails I am telling you I am telling you right now I guess Matt we can that day we can agree to disagree colen Campbell deserves to be in the Hockey Hall of Fame I will stand up for that for the rest of my life what do you what do you when you say politics what do you mean that the politics at the hall what do you mean by that well I think personal I think personal uh opinions and vendettas of people uh being kept out of the hall uh exist and they have existed constantly for the last 30 years uh you know I think that when the cycle of Voters changes you get a new editorial philosophy in what the what that 18 person panel votes on there were players that were not allowed in because they were treated poorly in a in a in a postgame event and so the person never forgave them and and and that’s not right you know I mean the Hockey Hall of Fame deserves to be a place where the best players best Builders best female players and officials are honored for their contributions to the game not because they were a prickly personality or because that we didn’t like the way that they got interviewed one day after a game that’s not that’s not right yep that’s not right on that point we can agree Mr Shannon thank you for we can listen we can always agree on disagreeing too so it’s good have a great week John we’ll catch up next week talk to you boys have a great weekend hey everybody if you’re enjoying what you’re seeing here then follow along with Saron price on YouTube I promise more content coming they call it the kids call it subscribe on YouTube well how about liking it do that as well smash it right now


  1. Nice to see the heated debate and also the cooler heads immediately after. Real pro`s right there. Good on ya !

  2. Great segments Gents. John Shannon, who I think does a great job, is totally out of line on Colin Campbell. And Serkeres was right on in poking him about it, and pointing out the facts.

  3. Where does Hoglander fit if you have debrusk on peteys left wing do you move him to millers left wing or move him down? I have also heard debrusk can play right wing wondering what others opinions are

  4. Definitely a conflict of interest when your son is playing and the dad is the head of officiating

  5. Sekeres had no choice but to agree to disagree. Otherwise, they'd have lost their contributor. But, Shannon's refusal to even hear the point, let alone try to rebut it, was a classic case of pig-headed denial, and didn't look good at all.

  6. It really should be all good to agree to disagree but Matt's "See ya" was insulting to Mr. Shannon, his guest, IMO.

  7. That was a spicy episode, Colon Campbell is a turd, but even turds can be useful. You are still relieved when they are gone though. I won't be sad the day he is replaced that is for sure.

  8. Shannon loses his case right after he vehemently tells Matt he disagrees with him on Collin Campbell. Politics runs the club at the HHOF. Alex Mogilny lives on.

  9. Guys, it's not funny to say "its what the kids call subscribe" its literally what its called. Its what everyone does and should call it 😂 change the outro lol

  10. How exactly is Mogilny not a HOFer??? Should have been a first ballot yet passed over year after year and if he ever does get in isn’t it laughable at that point as it took how long and then the question is why now what changed??!! HHOF is a joke tbh guy scored 76 goals in 77 games after leaving Russia in a damn trunk!!!

  11. Thanks for being on the show tonite John. And for our listening audience out there we just want to let you know that will bev the LAST time Mr. Shannon is here.

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