Fix a Sway in your Golf Swing – Part II

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In this video, Adam shares valuable tips and techniques on correcting a sway in your downswing. He provides clear, step-by-step instructions to help you maintain better balance and improve your overall swing mechanics. Implementing this strategies can lead to a more consistent and better swing.

✅ 4-Time SW Florida PGA teacher of the year winner!
✅ 27-year Class A PGA Member
✅ Former director at David Leadbetter Golf Academy for 13 years
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✅ Regular Golf Channel appearances
✅ Coached players on PGA, LPGA, PGA Champions Tour, and Canadian Tour






hello there Adam Basel jet here founder of scratch Golf Academy I’m at the beautiful Club at mediteran Naples Florida today fixing a sway can you even Define this way in part one I’d like you to check that out if you haven’t we looked at the back swing issues of swing in this one we’ll look at the downswing issues pretty easy stuff but there is some what a lot of people Define as sway in a good golf swing we’ll get into that we’ll give you drills I hope you’ll find this helpful well you hear people talk about turn the hips in a barrel coming down get those things rotating this way is this true a little bit but generally speaking no that is bad advice for the everyday golfer let’s flesh this out it’s super important if you’re going to be a good ball strike let’s have a look at the pros first then we’ll get into our drills and our ideas Tiger Woods on the left Jack Nicholas on the right kind of hard to beat that combination look at this Gap here between Tiger’s lead hip and that spectator there just focus on that Gap stays pretty similar in the back swing there maybe slightly increases watch in the downswing though again you can see where it started watch in the downswing how there’s a significant shift now he’s well up into the pant legs of that other guy and generally speaking what we’re seeing is that the lead hip would be about over the lead ankle give or take not all players do it the same way and once he’s over there then you’ll really start to see the hips rotate out and we’ll we’ll talk about the rest of it in a bit let’s have a look at Mr Jack again very centered with his hips and here you’ll see that significant shift of his lower body so and that is very common different players again will do it slightly differently now as long as your head look at the tree behind Jack’s head is pretty still it moves a tiny bit but it’s pretty still this is okay it’s not okay if your head’s moving all over the place look at Tiger with a tree trunk just above his head pretty still there so that’s what we’re looking for so why would we want this shift towards the target again top of body staying nice and steady well it supplies power you can create a lot more power that way and it’s also much more of a Target oriented move we’ll get into this not so much hit the ball oriented move I want to ask you yourself grab four clubs if you can I’ve got yeah four clubs grab them it’s not a proper golf grip heavy if I had approximating a golf swing no ball to get $50 if I could throw these 15 yards down the Fairway do you think I’m doing it that way or do you think I’m doing it that way like that well obviously the second one would be much more applicable so let’s again have a quick look at the pros and let’s get into this thing if you can master that it’s not that difficult it’s going to really help you at the end of the video a couple of thoughts to customize this so it’s not just information but you can really hit the ball better doing it okay we’re sticking with tiger and Jack hard to beat that combination there now again we’re assuming the head’s fairly still coming down if your neck and shoulders start moving all over the place laterally you’re going to have a very hard time being consistent here’s two features you’ll always see to one degree or another with great players number one and they’re relate to each other let’s get tiger let’s say left arm just about horizontal he’s just slightly beyond that uh that stick there that’s probably holding up the t- sign now watch how his swing will get narrower as he comes down like so see how much more narrow that is now certainly the weight shift is the other part of that we’ll look at that here if you watch his hips more than the arms watch how they’re starting to move forward before the club comes down that’s the key there and although the hips are somewhat responsible for the narrowing of the arc there’s no question if you look at his right upper arm it gets closer to him right there so narrowing of the Ark let’s look at Jack he’s got a little bit less RIS in his case and now let’s watch his hips the hips lead he doesn’t thrust his arms down and the arc Narrows those are always two features you’ll see to one degree or another of a great player it is possible by the way if you’re assuming your head’s pretty still if you overshift your hips to hit some blocks or hooks depending on how the club face is but that’s rarely the case with the average [Music] player so conceptually two common things I see why people don’t do what we’re talking about Shifting the hips a little bit in the downswing number one they just haven’t really been told that they’ve just been told turn they don’t know to athletically create motion out there and number two as I said earlier in the video relates that I think people subconsciously just play too much at the golf ball that’s what they’re aiming at hoping when it’s all said and done of course that the ball’s going to end up well they’re not really swinging in a fashion that generates energy that way that the golf ball gets in the way of now the most common thing I see technically let’s say that prevents them from doing this and this isn’t just anecdotal I’ve studied this looked at Force plate data Cavs data watched amors a great friend of mine Andrew rice you may know from the Golf Digest lists done some stuff with Andrew rice over the years he and I did a study with this with Force plates golfers thrust their arms down down too much they get up there and the arms fire down like that you’ve seen that that’s not what the pros are doing and all the force of that going that way makes it extremely difficult to move your weight towards the target if you doubt that let your arms hang go ahead and try that in front of the video and we’re just a partial back swing see how easy it is to shift some weight towards the target couldn’t be any simpler so something’s interfering with it so there’s mental barriers there’s excessive thrust of the arms and Club towards the golf ball finally one more point when you get there once you’ve gotten that lead hip more or less up over that lead ankle and you’ve gotten some movement forward again assuming your head’s pretty stable at that point and it’s at about this point in the swing your hips should really be turning they have already turned somewhat and extending extending is that you’ll see quite a Thrust of the glutes and the belt buckle lift a little bit again if you picture that image I gave you with the several clubs that provides energy and propels the arms towards the top Target and as those glutes push up it helps you stabilize and thrust energy out to the golf club like that one more quick look at the pros we’ll detail that just a bit and then I’ll conclude advice I think generally will really help you take some of this information and without 5 years in front of a mirror start to distill it into better ball striking for you so we’ve bumped tiger we’ve kept Jack and we’ve put Ben Hogan in there so it’s Legends only in this video for sure be excluded of course let’s have a look you can see Jack’s arms are really passive as he starts down that’s why they load there’s no thrusting there okay here comes the shift of hips and there is some turn there to now watch his belt buckle as he goes through watch it through impact begin to extend upwards and push this way as his glutes move underneath him even more dramatically Ben Hogan really let’s bracket his hips for just a second give or take there’s that weight shift and as he comes through you watch here how powerfully he pushes up and through with those hips and that as I say that thrusts energy out to the Target the arms snap away from his body it’s just great stuff there all right let’s try a shot here so question is if different Pros do it differently Justin Thomas doesn’t shift his hips nearly as much to the Target as Fred Couples Dustin Johnson is far more open with his hips as he hits it than say Tom Watson then what’s the deal how can what what’s the right answer and the answer is this the ball doesn’t respond to your hips it responds to the golf club so you’re only using your hips or your shift if you like in order to help you deliver the club well that’s the key human beings are pretty genius with tools and objects we tend to abandon that when we get a golf club in our hand just think of Swing thoughts and hope everything works out right remember remember the four clubs I tossed if you really for $1,000 you’ve got to throw these fairly straight and fairly far your body would your mind would pretty much figure out to do with your body so do what works for you as long as it’s creating power as long as it’s creating a Target oriented swinging motion it’s moving the bottom of the Swing ahead of the golf ball for me if I had my hips as open as Dustin Johnson I’d hit the ball over there I’m not that flexible so work it through get the principles get in front of a mirror or just get on the Range and make some practice swings and see what you can match up in your own head that you feel like accom you feel like accomplishes the things you need power Target oriented swing I think if you do this and as long as you’re keeping your head pretty steady in the downswing you will Thrive I hope this helps you [Applause] [Music]


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