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Woke Media Is In PANIC After Trump DESTROYS Biden In Debate | Don’t @ Me with Dan Dakich

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you know usually we start with some sports usually we start with destroying some woke topic but my God after last night’s debate I don’t know how you don’t talk about it that was as sad a performance as you’re ever going to see now you got to remember what America used to be America thought that Richard Nixon was shady because he had a five o’l shadow in a debate with John F Kennedy back in the 60s and Nixon then lost that election because of a 5:00 shadow on TV I mean my God Joe Biden would pay to just simply have a five o’clock shadow but I don’t think Joe Biden knows I honestly don’t think Joe Biden knows where he was or what he did I was stunned I’m not going to lie I thought after a week in some cabin maybe hanging out with Aaron Rodgers doing sple or some ganja I don’t know getting shot in the ass every 10 minutes with Aderall or oxycotton or something I thought maybe Joe Biden would come out looking tan I thought maybe Joe Biden would come out looking young and refreshed instead he looked like a corpse a literal corpse I mean you’re sitting there watching your TV and on my left uh president Trump looked tan and dignified and on my right President Biden looked like a 90y old man who had had hair implants which he had back in the day and those implants were pulled back and the spots the AG spots were all over his head and that didn’t even start my thinking of him well it started my thinking of him but that wasn’t even the worst part of the night Trump dismantled an incoherent President Biden on CNN’s own stage and you got to give the Trump campaign credit I mean hell they went right into the lion’s nest and I got to tell you the two moderators Tapper and Bush were good they were good I have no problem with any of it I thought they were fine I thought they showed themselves to be simply there and I liked the turn off the mic I did no bickering other than whose golf handicap was what which was so perfect uh at least for a guy like me just to go Jesus these guys are breaking it down to what guys actually are right I mean think about it your husband or you and your buddies will argue about damn near everything but it always comes down to whose dick is bigger it and it’s not literal it’s figurative I hit a ball farther than you I could beat you oneon-one let’s box I get it all the time I get it from PE hey let’s box docit I don’t like you I’m like dude I’m 62 years old just don’t hit me we can box but don’t hit me you know what I’m saying it’s always who’s got the biggest one among men and that’s what it came down to and Hell Biden couldn’t even tell the truth on that I’m a six no I’m an eight I’m je that just gave me a headache at some point the Democrats they got to bring in Big Mike you got to bring in Gavin Newsome or you got to bring in Michelle Obama you got to go to the pen bring in the right-hander it can’t be spun you know what’s her face heals up Harris she tried to spin it started slow got better Jill Biden went to all over Joe Biden after in a thing where she’s yelling and screaming AOC like but at some point it’s time to wheel in the big old righty get that muscular back going loosen up those big old shoulders and bring in Big Mike the hell the convention is in Chicago she could Lumber across the street damn near if she can get out of the way of the dead bodies but it might be time to bring in Big Mike or somebody Gavin Nome looks too fake to me but he’s perfect for California I’m guessing he would win but let’s go through some of the highlights or low lights this first one is my favorite and I thought Joe Biden actually had a lot of these type moments and I thought I did I thought that President Trump would use this line more let’s hear Joe Biden saying something and Trump saying what on the the the total initiative relative to what we can do with more border patrol and more Asylum officers president Trump I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence I don’t think he knows what he said either look we had the safest Border in the history of our country the B all he had to do is leave it all he had to do is leave it here’s how you know I I want to play that again and here’s how you know that Biden is absolutely not there see Biden always turned either to him or away from and if you looked at the last debate Biden always had a comeback a smirk something nasty watch how Biden can’t even react to What Trump said about him not knowing what he said let’s play that again don’t watch Trump watch Biden when Trump says I don’t know what he said and neither does he on the the the total initiative relative to what we can do with more border patrol and more Asylum officers president Trump I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence I don’t think he knows what he said either look we had the safest Border in the history of our country the B all he had to do is leave it all he had to do is leave it did you see Biden he has no idea where he is none he’s got a script but he can’t think he’s literally brain dead and I hate that for us we have a brain dead dementia ridden old man in the presid president’s office and no matter how you want to spin it you can tell by that clip right there it’s not only what he said it’s the look on his face with the no Chin he did not have any fight he didn’t have any recognition none he didn’t even make a comment like he normally would he’s one of the great fake tough guys ever with words and he couldn’t do it all right Biden was talking then about that was very good by the way fellas uh Biden was talking then about Medicare here it is all those things we need to do Child Care Elder Care making sure that we continue to strengthen our health care System making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the uh with with the co excuse me with um dealing with everything we have to do with uh look if we finally beat Medicare thank you president uh Biden president Trump well he’s right he did beat Medicare he beat it to death and he’s destroying Medicare because that’s easy that was on a te this is a te there’s the ball whack Look I’m not smart enough to know I know this I don’t need social security and Medicare taken away but I didn’t hear anything from our president that gave me any comfort about anything but he put it right on a te right on a damn te and look if you listen if you transcribe what was said right there it’s gibberish and it’s sad look I’m not condescending here I want our president whoever it is to be at least Co remember yesterday we said he has to be at least coherent here’s the bar he failed miserably and went under that bar the Border union now we’ve had border patrol people on our show we’ve had celebrities that have gone down to the border and everybody tells the same story chaos and unbelievably dangerous we actually uh had the former head of the Southern Border in Arizona on here and he told us it’s probably the most dangerous spot in the world and we all can see for ourselves we don’t need that uh press secretary lady telling us anything we could all see for ourselves people rushing in we can all see for ourselves murders every single state is a border state now and the Border Union did not they put a tweet out last night saying we do not support Joe Biden here’s Joe Biden lying we significantly increased the number of Asylum officers significantly by the way the border patrol endorsed me endorsed my position in addition to that we find ourselves in a situation where when he was president he was taking separate there it is I mean there it is right there I mean a guy just looking right into see they’re trying to spin this as the old man against the con man all right that’s fine you can do it but can you put that up again I mean if you missed it Biden is saying that the Border Patrol was and has endorsed him the border patrol in fact I retweeted this last night came out and said no we didn’t so who’s the comment now just remember this nobody is a bigger liar than Biden whether he was raised in the Catholic Church the Puerto Rican Church the black church the Serbian Church the Church of What’s Happening Now he used to go to three churches before 8:00 School I mean he told you that Hunter Biden and his laptop was a fraud well it wasn’t Russian disinformation the lying the lying the lying but that’s not even the worst part the worst part is the man is not capable of making a sandwich much less running our country let’s play that again and let’s show America exactly exactly how this man cannot open his freaking mouth without lying we significantly increase the number of Asylum officer significantly by the way the border patrol endorsed me endorsed my position in addition to that we find ourselves in a situation where when he was president he was taking separate see where where do you come up with that like what evil is in your mind that all of a sudden it Springs to an insane lie that is so easy so easy to negate by a simple tweet honest to God that’s the brain of Joe Biden I’m going to lie I’ll figure it out I’ll say something and the American people will bite and I’ll get the job that I want and we’ll figure it all out later I know what he’s doing look I’m an accomplished liar oh man I need to get out of stuff I can look you right in the eye used to not so much anymore I know exactly what he’s doing we all know exactly what he’s doing all right how about this response to abortion that but here’s the deal there’s a lot of young women are being raped by their by their in-laws by their by by their spouses brothers and sisters by their sisters huh wow all right I mean I guess somebody could make the argument but I thought Trump handled that very well Trump said exceptions look they’re trying to pin everything in abortion on Trump isn’t it amazing that in this country you’re I guess on the right side of abortion if you’re for killing babies now I want you to think about that just for a second you’re on the right side here in the United States if you are for killing babies my God what a country we’ve become we need an enema we need something stuck up our you know what water turned down and clear the whole thing out is what we need but it’s amazing your brothers and I me Brothers maybe but sisters he also said there’s like a 100 trillionaires what I honest to God and then of course the golf game the golf game heard around the world Joe Biden wants to show by carrying his own bag Donald Trump wants to show that he’s a better golfer hit the ball longer this is where men take it out and they start measuring as we always do here’s this exchange just take a look at what he says he is and take a look at what he is look I’d be happy to have a driving contest with him the reason I got my handicap which when I was vice president down to a six and but by the way I told you before I’m happy to play golf with you if you carry your own bag think you can do it that’s the biggest lie that he’s a six handicap of all I was an eight handicap yeah eight but I have you know how many I’ve seen you swing I know you swing let’s not act like children president Trump we’re going to let’s not act like children a specific concern that voters have about you will you pledge tonight that man see at least now later on in the debate you know you are a child see that’s what I was talking about that’s remember earlier in this discussion I was telling you how Biden wasn’t even there enough to make a stupid comment that’s exactly what I’m talking about you are a child all right can you imagine Joe Biden trying to walk 18 holes it would take two days 6 hours and 38 minutes for him to shuffle along and you got to hope that there is nobody there in the way because I’m guessing he can’t go that way Joe get out of the sand trap Joe Jill will you come get Joe out of the sand Jill Jill stop having sex with the servant over here and get your husband out of the sand trap hawu get him out he’s stuck in the sand trap could you imagine a golf game between these two idiots can you imagine getting in a sand trap Joe Biden trying to get [Music] out now the whole thing was a disaster last night for Joe Biden but let me give you the butt but you still got to figure out how to win the election and you know what I’m talking about they tell me not to go certain places on here relative to elction so I won’t but you still got to figure out the election the ballots and if Republicans don’t do that they could put a bag of sand the Democrats can and guess what they could still win the election this man is unfit to tie his own shoes and it’s sad it’s sad that 84 million of you allegedly voted for him it’s sad that 33% of you think he actually won the debate last night the polling goes 67 to 33 what’s not sad is it has done exactly what the American people said whether you’re for Biden or you’re against Biden it has gotten rid of all of the Karen Jean Pierre whatever the hell lesbian name is [ __ ] about Trump or excuse me about deep fakes it’s got rid of all of the incredibly left-leaning media having anything to say about how behind closed doors he’s really cognitive even all of his most Ardent Defenders they can’t defend it they can’t and frankly it’s sad that this is the situation we are in in our country look I know Donald Trump’s a pig I didn’t vote for him I’m voting for him now because I have learned I don’t get my morality from politicians I will never get my morality from politicians JFK was stopping everything that walked Ronald Reagan married the woman who went through Hollywood uh better than Camella Harris the older bush had an alleged 35y year Affair the younger Bush was a crackhead I lived literally right next to Clinton’s and when the air Arkansas clintons come for the Indianapolis 500 they tell stories of Uncle Bill not even being allowed in room with young cousins when they had family get togethers Trump is a pig but I don’t get my morality from politicians and if you think somehow some way you’re among the 33% that thinks Biden won that you’re out of your freaking mind uh I got up kind of early and a lot of memes out there and all that kind of stuff and I was trying I heard the word balanced like I think it was the morning Joe guy said balanced you know we’re trying to be balanced here we’re always balanced and in talking to Mary Katherine Hammond and talking to you earlier the only thing that I can come up with that was a negative in my opinion for Trump was the whole golf measuring thing I can drive it farther than you can you carry the bag it’s like two guys out there measuring you know and that’s about it there’s not much else that I can come up with I mean people I did see this I did see you know a couple of democrat or kind of you know Democrat media guys tried to say Hey you know Trump was nasty I didn’t think Trump was nasty I tell you if I thought Trump was nasty in fact I would argue that Trump was not nasty enough I would argue that Trump kind of let Biden off the hook when he was speaking gippers the only thing that I could come up with negative of trump is when they got into that idiotic golf which was idiotic beneath stupid childish but it’s two guys that we have to do this we have to take out the pp and do some measuring it’s what we do speaking of this look at Cowboy Joe over here look at big slim got his what is that hat what are you wearing why are you wearing it what’s going on here Nickelodeon what’s going on well you know how I went on the bachelor party last week to Columbia right yeah so I went to this little Lake town called guatape guatape I don’t know what it’s called and my my buddy needed a new bag because his old one ripped and I walked into this little shop look what I found I found me a little cowboy Joe right here and I saw it I put it on St less what is that is that leather what is that hat made of it’s leather can’t tell prob fake that’s got to be a hot mother wear that in the winter but it looks good on you you look like an Italian Cowboy that’s the that’s the goal right fact I would argue I would argue it looks better than your hair should I just keep this on every single time I’m on air now is this GNA be my thing yeah yeah I think so um all right I got to move along here but I saw you in the Hat and it it looks awesome it looks fantastic congratulations very nice uh ESPN is going to avoid an a disaster it appears like looks like McAfee and game day uh are likely going to once again be reunited Burke Magnus telling a reporter he doesn’t have concerns over McAfee not signing a deal Burke Magnus is chicken [ __ ] Burke Magnus is one of the most scared guys ever he has let ESPN go to Dei hell both internally and externally on the air but the one thing he has done that has been smart is he has aligned himself to Pat McAfee he has and in aligning himself to Pat macae Uh he’s kind of saved his gig and he got the other guy Norby Williamson out you got to understand among the white guys at ESPN they’re all sweat cuz they all know the edict coming down from Disney and others is hey man Dei this thing up so Burke Magnus speaking to a reporter yeah I presume he will with Anu Maran reporting is technically true relative to Ink on a piece of paper but as you know in our world it’s a fairly common situation to have reached an agreement without an executed contractor piece of paper that is true now that is very true hell I had a job at ESPN doing Tuesday night basketball games I had the job wouldn’t the guy call me in November uh for the next year I think from time to time pat likes to just Muse on what he may or not want to do we’re not in the business of handcuffing anyone to a table this is not unique to Pat of course you’re in the business of handcuffing someone to the table Stephen A Smith talked about politics on Twitter Fran forella can’t Stephen A Smith doesn’t know his ass from third base about politics Fran forella is a student of it one can speak on it the others handcuffed to a table I’ll just stop with the stupid just say we only handcuff mid- AG white dudes to the table I mean let’s just be honest here Stephen A Smith and chinny chimmy changa and all the other idiots that walk around ESPN are free to say whatever they want a guy like Fran fella or when I was there me or Seth Greenberg we were tweeting during a debate a few years ago and oh we got shut down now Stephen A Smith openly talking about replace Joe Biden Fran fella openly talking about the draft just stop it with that [ __ ] this is not unique to Pat if someone comes to us and says hey I’d rather do this or that instead of that we’ll listen and have those conversation but I expect Pat to be on game day that’s right that’s right uh the lesbians are at it again they are lesbians in sports are aox on the sport I’ll say it I don’t give a damn if you don’t like it us Women’s National Team a former player Samantha mwis pleads for Corbin Albert an open Christian who was selected to the US Women’s team to bow down to the lgbtq listen to this I also just have to add here Corbin Albert’s selection to this roster is upsetting to a lot of people especially within our women’s soccer Community earlier this year Corbin had shared some homophobic and transphobic content on her social media while the team has expressed that they’re handling it all internally and Corbin did Issue an apology on her social media fans and supporters of the team haven’t been privy to any work or ongoing conversations regarding the situation some players and even head coach Emma Hayes have addressed this issue maybe even suggesting an opportunity for us all to accept and move on and well I believe that people should be given an opportunity to change and grow there are endless opportuni to demonstrate this growth to the community that has been hurt the actions that were a problem were out in the open and so to some extent the growth should be out in the open as well and I think that that is what’s missing from this equation right now how arrogant and stupid because you disagree with her stance she has to grow to become as enlightened as you I’m telling you man I could bring my wife down here show her this and she will laugh her ass off as you know she’s coached for 30 years in women’s sports I growth is a is what being like you because you have some kind of oh my God Zen likee Buddha likee Enlightenment kiss my ass with that got 350 million people in the United States we’re going to have different ideal the least accepting Among Us is you lady the least accepting among us we all know is people like Samantha me Ms or whatever the hell cuz if you disagree with my sex who I scissor with who I spoon with who I [ __ ] then I am a bad person kiss my ass with that everything when you disagree is not transphobic or ick or whatever the hell it is and nobody should have to bow down to you nobody knows who you are nobody gives a [ __ ] who you are and it’s exhausting you know you people that are lesbians think everybody is not nearly as enlightened as you and it’s time to grow get with us we put our flag out we have parades where grown ass men ride bicycles naked where women scream and yell naked in bondage because we’re enlightened my ass just shut up with all that earlier this year Albert the woman reposted a video on her Tik Tock of a message telling about how being gay and feeling transgender is wrong so what that’s her opinion according to the athletic the 22 year olds also created a since deleted video of Fourth of July weekend in 2222 in which she and her family said her pronouns are USA hey lady how about you Samantha Willis you grow the hell up and understand nobody really gives a [ __ ] about your pronouns and it is okay you close-minded fool to make fun of things my pronouns I don’t even know what the hell they are I don’t even care could care less but I’ll take USA and if that offends you then how close-minded are you you need to be enlightened you need to open your mind and don’t give me that crap about well it’s bullying people are dying no they’re not no they’re not no stop it what’s going on in our country is embarrassing I don’t give a damn who you sleep with I don’t give a damn if you’re transgender give a damn if you’re LGT QB I don’t give a damn about any of it but don’t act like you’re sitting there so [ __ ] enlightened and all of us need to come to your level of zent her moves on Tik Tock resurface at the end of March which led Megan rapino who is gay to criticize Albert on social media with Perino calling on the mob to get her Albert apologized a few hours after the queen be which is what people inside US Women’s National Team soccer have told me the queen be the head Les who dominates everything and gets her little crew together that’s what lesbian women do in sports I mean you can argue it all you want but I Got a Woman Upstairs who coached for years and she knows exactly I’m very educated on this they gather and they intimidate or they recruit just stop reality is that people yelling at Albert about being part of the US Women’s National team already had an issue with her for simp being a proud Christian before she went and re-shared something on Tik Tok there is nothing zero Albert can do to appease the mob that preaches about inclusivity every waking moment of every single day that simultaneously simultaneously cast hate towards anyone who might not fully align with their Outlook boy is that true boy is that true you don’t agree with us we’re going to figure out how to hurt you most mostly you’re causing death you’re trans phob no we’re not you’re just standing up to dumb asses that are closed-minded that think everybody should think like them and if they don’t they get on their little TV and they whine like hell and I’m kind of tired of it just because somebody says look I’m Christian I think different my pronouns are USA that shouldn’t offend your sorry little ass Sam uh Samantha miwis but it does it always does because that’s how you roll inclusivity only if you think the way we think that’s it if you don’t we’re going to get you we’re going to get you because a Christian straight girl dared share her views I would say this Samantha wois grow the [ __ ] up how about you grow up how about you grow the hell up open your mind and accept ideas that are different than yours but that’s impossible because you’re a victim you’ll always be a victim and I can’t believe somebody doesn’t think like me they need to grow they need to expand no no no no no it’s totally the other way you are the most closed-minded people on this country in this country you are the most narrow-minded you are the most full of [ __ ] if you want to know the truth uh I got no problem with bronny James being drafted I got none I know we’re supposed to I know we’re supposed to jump up and down stand in our head and [ __ ] snowballs because Brony James got drafted by the Lakers and it’s nepotism who cares what do I care look the Greek freaks two brothers got drafted and they couldn’t play dead so why shouldn’t LeBron james’ son get drafted I mean w says I don’t want to hear about nepotism I don’t give a damn what Adrien WJ narowski wants to hear about or doesn’t want to hear about I just sit behind with two idiots Adrien wowski and Michael EES waiting to go on a set Michael EES is so stupid I’m not sure he can tie his shoes and wowski must have said me I I me I I I to the point where I’m like Jesus can I get out of here and get on the set so I don’t really have respect even though WJ was a big supporter of mine because I was damn good at ESPN but I don’t want to hear from W I don’t want to hear nepotism Oh shot up what you want to hear of course it’s nepotism and I got no problem with it none zero zip why would I if we’re going to draft all of the antopo brothers so what I mean damn Larry kids are scouts for the Pacers I mean go up and down the line I think Steve Kur is Scout for his kids is Scout just stop nepotism is in every area and I got no problem with it here’s bronnie Jan or excuse me uh here’s woge on bronny James I don’t want to hear these charges people talking about nepotism no theba is full of nepotism the ownership level front offices Abol I don’t want to hear it all of a sudden because of bronnie James’s father plays for the Lakers it is rampant in this league all these idiots can’t shut up when somebody’s making a point shut up yeah I don’t care what WJ wants to hear or WJ doesn’t want to hear he’s a ass kicking player La ass kissing player lacking that has to smooch the backside so I get what he’s saying though I do I get what he’s saying he’s saying look the NBA is full of nepotism and it is but I don’t want to hear oh shut up Jesus let’s hear from Brony James honestly I feel like this is a this is a serious business um and I don’t feel like there would be like a thought of I’m just drafting this kid just because of I’m going to get his dad like I don’t I don’t think I don’t think uh a GM would would really allow that so yeah I I’ve never really thought about like yeah no I think I think I’ve put in the work and and I’ll get drafted because of the the the person not only the player but the person that I am that’s a good answer I mean what’s he supposed to say yeah they want my dad see I thought the Pacers should have drafted him and then held the Lakers hostage look Bri come on over you play with your kid or we’ll trade him back to you but you got to give us Austin Reeves something like that I’m all for holding hostage but anyway good for bronie James I got no problem I hope he does well seems like a nice kid he does seems like a nice kid and I always go back to LeBron James you know you can dislike his politics he’s full of crap we all know that the whole fake race thing ah what are you going to do but when he was in high school and everybody was after him he was driving a Hummer to school I went to the high school recruited his teammates and everybody loved him I got no problem nothing uh Rich Paul reveals Rich Paul’s apparently an agent reveals what he said to Draymond Green after the warrior star appeared to be in Jeopardy after a string of OnCourse incidents I said you’re a champion right he said yeah I said I need you to do something for me I need you to be the champion of change cuz we’re all supposed to change yeah because Chris Paul needs us to change can you do that can you do that son it’s very important because for me just taking my representation hat off just me and you talking you work too hard Bro you’ve already defied the odds really I mean a dude was born like 69 240 yes you defied the odds by making the NBA shut up anyway you have a post career which most guys don’t we can’t mess that up this ain’t about you it’s about D J cash Olive your mom wife get what I’m saying it ain’t about you and for what shut up I mean I just get a kick out of the oh I just get a kick out of the whole thing I do I get a kick out of the philosophers change everybody’s got to change we got to change hey this woman should go to jail uh another woman that should go to jail judge in Texas dismissed a sexual assault lawsuit against Cowboys quarterback deck Prescott after he accuser tried to BU him out of a hundred million now I look I believe this I believe these women teren Shannon Jr the woman that assault they should go to jail I mean you’re ruining people’s lives or you’re trying to ruin people’s lives a Texas judge dismissed a sexual assault lawsuit against Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott on Wednesday ending a months long legal battle over an alleged 2017 incident Colin County Judge Angela Tucker dismissed the lawsuit officially Wednesday and scheduled a hearing for later this year to determine if any action there you go should be taken against Prescott’s accuser hell yeah the original Lies by the accuser her team and their recent failed attempt to sue him civil are just are all just a continuation of their EXT abortion plot against Dak these ployes distract from the trauma of legitimate sexual assault survivors and undermine the progress that our society’s made in supporting them boy is that true look I just got a text from my sister I told just literally and I’ve told you my sister is a 25-year domestic violence prosecutor she’ll tell you the first thing don’t believe the victim don’t believe the plaintiff believe the evidence period that’s it that’s all you believe simple that’s it police briefly investigated Prescott over the incident which reportedly took place in a parking lot of a Dallas area strip club after his rookie season with the Cowboys they dropped the investigation last month due to lack of evidence Prescott’s team made the accusation public first after he filed a civil lawsuit against the woman in question Prescott claimed that the woman was trying to extort him with fake accusations of sexual assault and she demanded 100 million to keep quiet the woman and her attorney according to Prescott’s lawsuit sent a letter about the alleged sexual assault to his Alma M Mississippi State in January that was sent to Prescott’s attorneys all right I’m gonna I’m gonna tell your school really all right okay seriously I’m GNA tell your school that you are a sexual assault oh really no don’t do that I mean my goodness is my school not my alma oh my gosh what are we going to do uh the popular South by Southwest Music Festival ended his partnership this ridiculous with the US Army because of its support of Israel against Hamas terrorists have you not seen the video have you not seen the slaughter huh after careful consideration we’re revisiting our sponsorship model as a result the US Army and companies who engage in weapons manufacturing will will not be part of the South by Southwest Music Festival the festival said in a revised statement on his website in addition to the Army Aerospace defense contractor RTX corporation which what used to be known as rayon technology the decision comes after over 80 artists withdrew from the downtown Austin Annual Festival this past spring because of its US Army and arms manufacturing partnership now let me explain something to you if we get attacked they going to want the Army involved but I digress both groups were scheduled to sponsor at least nine upcoming music events and showcases it’s unclear what the artists would do if they were ever involved in a situation where they needed the US Army their help or even assistance from the US National Guard in the event of a national emergency but sure for now these bands and musicians aren’t having anything to do with the military I I love Greg Abbott Greg’s been I think he’s been on our show I know Ken Paxton the the attorney general has uh here’s Greg adbert talking about the decision the mayor I don’t look so good today uh band pull out of sxsw over US Army sponsorship by don’t come back right don’t come back Austin remains a headquarter for Army Futures command San Antonio is military City USA we are proud of the US military in Texas if you don’t like it don’t come here that should be the answer to everything that ladies and gentlemen should be where we head with all of these dumbass things whether it is the LGT ABCD women’s soccer team or this hey you don’t like it get the hell out of here period it ain’t that hard hey Nick you’re a hip young guy the hell is this thing what is the South by Southwest music music F and put your damn hat on that thing was stylish according to our friend Jennifer she was digging that look yeah you look like a sarthy cowboy what is the South by Southwest you don’t know you’re a New Jersey guy you don’t know nothing going on down in Texas so I went to I went to Austin Texas back in March and it was during the South by Southwest festival and it’s literally just a gaggle of Blu haired uh lesbian gay people who just want to frolic around and wear really funky clothes and act like they’re Arty that’s really all it is it’s literally a whole lot of something for a whole lot of nothing it’s poorly planned and it sucks so I asked the right guy wow is it like the F Festival I watch documentary on the fry Festival I literally had a an Airbnb right next to the f Festival so every time we would walk out of the house and we’d go down the street we’d see all these freak Show characters walking out trying to go to their oh I’m gonna go to this local band spot I’m gonna go see these people perform really shitty reg game I don’t it was so brutal it was like a walking cring Fest of just Freaks and I’m glad I asked I’m really glad I asked really pissed me off I was going to have a great weekend and I just got bombarded with a bunch of Bay Area people who wanted to volunteer the festival why were you there to get drink and get hammered to drink and get hammered but I mean did you go for the festival no we just went to Austin because we heard that it’s such a upand coming place it was like comparable to Nashville in a sense and went at the wrong time well Nick live and you learn pal you live and you learn yeah I mean so it doesn’t surprise you that they would be anti-military right you doesn’t surprise you that group would be anti- me at all because Austin apparently is like notoriously like liberal it’s a very liberal City and I didn’t know that until I went there and then the it just happened to be South by Southwest I’m thinking when I get there it’s like oh it’s gonna be fun it’s gonna be like you know it’s gonna be a party it’s GNA be a party scene and it it really just wasn’t yeah Keep Austin Weird that’s the uh that’s the slogan of Austin Texas Keep Austin Weird baby


  1. I have a friend who has dealt with a father who has dementia and he told me he recognized Biden’s stare very well!

  2. Trump didn’t destroy Biden. Biden destroyed Biden. A competent democratic candidate would’ve destroyed Trump.

  3. Democrats do not want Joe Biden.
    Democrats do not want Kamala Harris.
    Democrats do not want Gavin Newsom.
    Democrats do not want Nancy Pelosi.
    Democrats are screwed.

  4. Watching the debate was like i was driving really slow and couldn't look away at the cops busting someone!!! Trump2024

    Greg Abbott rocks!!!

  5. Honestly the only thing that makes sense to me is the shadow said yall been complaining about white privilege, so here it is. 😜☠️🫨

  6. Remember we still have our VP who explained "Russia is a big country and Ukraine is a small country and that is not nice"

  7. Mainstream media hasn't been covering O'Briben. They've been COVERING UP for him. Now they've been exposed!

  8. biden has NEVER been very bright. He has been on the wrong side of history for his whole 50 year "career". A leech feeding off the American system his whole pathetic life.

  9. Instead of a golf match. Let’s keep the bar low and request Biden send a tweet out, by himself, without any help. I predict FAIL! Who is running this country ??? Will grandpa be coherent if heaven forbid we are attacked in the middle of the night ? Yikes. But like you said, die hard libs would vote for a bag of sand instead of Trump. The election will still be close and most likely be stolen again. Could we all take 4 more years of this bumbling fool ??

  10. He’s reading obamba script and can’t read either 😱🤪the 3ers grader kids reading 📖 much better than 🤯biden 😱😝😜🤪

  11. Main stream media is a JOKE — they will not tell the American people the TRUTH. Trump and Biden ARE NOT presidential material. WHO IS RUNNING THIS COUNTRY — CRACK HEADS? We look Weak, we act WEAK, The United States is WEAK!

  12. Trump did not destroy Biden, Biden managed it all on his own and it was very sad to see, Trump on the other hand was his usual lying, deplorable self and if you support this despicable human being you have no moral compass whatsoever.

  13. reality has spoken no? How is it the many did not see that Biden has lost his mind? with all those videos of the sick man shaking hands with a invisible man???? come on how can no one see democrats have been backing such a old sick man to debate in a presidential debate in 2024? SOMETHING IS TERRIBLY WRONG mainstream medias are politisized mind manipulators.
    Time humanity woke up and understand who are the deep state controlling the political puppets and the mass medias????? while they rob the tax payers of there hard earn tax money wasted financing Ukraine war or any war?

  14. the question : '' why would the democrats back a old sick minded man to debate in a presidential debate? that question needs to be investigated seriously.? do they think all the people cannot see something is wrong since many many years?

  15. "Women can become pregnant if they're r*ped by their inlaws, brothers and sisters"
    Well, they don't even know what a woman is, so… perfectly in line with their logic

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