Golf Players

Robert MacIntyre wins the RBC Canadian Open!

Robert MacIntyre picked up his first career PGA Tour victory at the RBC Canadian Open! So what were some of the keys to his success at Hamilton Golf & Country Club! How special was it to have his Dad caddying for him? Mark Zecchino, Bob Weeks and Adam Scully discuss!

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for much more on McIntyre’s win let’s bring the boys into the conversation Mark sko and Bob weeks Mark starting with you what impress you the most about McIntyre’s performance I think really he spoke about it in the postr about all week at him it was about his emotions um did he have a little chat with his swing coach back home yes it was mainly a temple uh conversation he thought he was getting quick and when he was getting quick that’s when the misses were popping up but more than that he was talking about what he’s been working on for several months now and something he really wanted to concentrate on coming into this past week which controlling his emotions not getting too high not getting too low and it’s funny because on Sunday you know I had the pleasure of calling every shot he hit for the last 36 holes for PJ tour Radio and on the Sunday when he made the big putt at 11 in my call I referenced the emotion showed I said for the first time this week we see a fist pump more reminiscent of Tiger Woods than Bob McIntyre because he had the full fist pump when that down it’s the first time we kind ofh saw that that huge emotion and then he goes on and make sloppy poogies and he referenced it in the post round interview with me saying you know I think I let my emotion get to me he doesn’t want to be too high he doesn’t want to be too low he went through all the roller coasters of emotions from a four shot lead that could have been five with one made putt on nine or 10 to the lead squeezing down to one and having to make par on the one of the hardest final holes I think we’re going to see all year on the PGA tour so it’s a great performance that on the bag makes it even more special I think we gota we got to convince dad guys to give up the greens keeping the grass cutting and full-time caddy again I I love that you mentioned his father and Bob I want to follow up with you on that this is just a really good Feelgood story for Bob MRE getting it done with his dad cading for him wasn’t it yeah and his dad was basically a last resort I mean he had gone through a couple of caddies and he couldn’t find a caddy who would sign on for just one week which is what he wanted so it was an emergency call to his dad back in Scotland and he says I’ll fly you over and uh they had a few issues getting him getting him here but they got got here in time um and and now to kind of go through and win a championship your first championship a national championship and to do it with your dad on the back I mean Hollywood couldn’t write a story like this it’s it’s absolutely amazing and I think perhaps the best part afterwards was you know Bob mcre is he going to is he going to give the 10% that normally goes to the winning caddy of his prize money we’ll see his when I mentioned it in the closing ceremonies his dad was standing by the side going like this so we’ll see what happens but I think he’ll get looked after even though this is going to be a one off by the way he will not be cading in the future for Robert McIntyre he says he’ll he’ll get him himself self a a top ranked professional CAD here and let his dad go back to enjoying his time back in Scotland well with that his dad has a 100% success rate cading and Robert McIntyre’s pre termin odds on fanuel were plus 8,000 or 80 to one and another reason I know you guys were both big fans of this Victory he was a lefty too so Robert McIntyre gets it done winning the RBC Canadian open

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