Golf Players

Candice Tupin and Vincent Jouvenal | Sundays in Châtel

Bike park season is back, baby! And what better way to spend our time when we’re not riding than to watch others kill it in the park.

Get your next dose of stoke, replenish that ride inspiration and sink your teeth into this video because ‘Sundays in Châtel’ is back for the summer!

In this video we are the drone following Candice Tupin and Vincent Jouvenal out on some of their favorite trails.

Video by Maxime Rambaud / @cellcompany
Special thanks to @bikeparkchatel2873

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[Music] eyes into theind me of those movies the kind you wished were never never end I rest my head against her hold the plate holding a hand i’m drifting off to sleep but you know I can’t seem to sleep so I’ll be dreaming of you of you let me know your here let me hear your voice let me feel your heart it’s so soothing to me to me I happily be your hry God just promised me you you’d be my inry bman you would be my ingred buman I’d hold you like a candle on know when did say I’d hold you like a camera capture into the H was in the daylight drifting away away let me know you’re here let me hear your voice let me feel your heartbeat it’s so soothing to me to me to me oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] la [Music]


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