Golf Players

Round 1, MPO | 2024 Preserve Championship

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[Music] [Applause] the bad news is if you throw your t- shot long at the 13th hole here at the preserved championship connected by Microsoft teams you lose that disc in the Mississippi River the good news is if it’s a disc that floats you’ve got about 90 days to catch up with it before it floats out into the Gulf of Mexico now while you’re factchecking me I’m welcoming you to this edition of Tournament Central from Clearwater Minnesota Grant zoner alongside Nate Perkins Nate it’s been an action-packed morning especially given our early fears that weather would slow us down down nothing of the stort in fact a rocket fast start from one of the very first cards on the course this morning in the FP field Missy Ganon pacing the way with a blistering 10 underpar you were out there Nate watching the action what are your thoughts about that pace to start things off well rain woke us up this morning about 7:00 I’m camped right over by Missy Ganon and she was up early and you know it was tough to warm up because the rain was still coming down but as soon as her round started just after 8: a.m. I believe no rain rest of the day and it still hasn’t rained all week all everyone could talk about was the condition so Missy certainly took advantage of it she got hole one pared the second got hole three and then she only got one birdie out of the next six holes so it’s not like she started hot fire Grand it wasn’t until that Birdie on number 10 and then she backs it up on number 11 right here goes on to get number 12 for the first turkey of the day scoring here at the black bear course most of it was found on the back nine but even with that fact seven down is a scorching back for Ganon and she’s doing it with those again flat Thrasher shots here she goes she’s just going to tone back on this Thrasher right here she’s 315 out and she’s just so good at controlling the speed with the same disc there she is connecting on a nice putt on the 16th she ended up closing with the turkey Grant so she gets 16 then check this out she’s even going to go Thrasher here I mean we’re talking sub 300 foot and just look at the amount of speed control that Missy has she kind of gets her body out out of the way on those little an heisers and then she closes it out with a 45-footer on the 18th for her second turkey of the day and the thing is Grant she shot that 10 under par and the first and second feature card they’re just halfway through the round actually might have even been whole eight that we started here in Holland cap merch and Paige Pierce talk about what Missy Ganon had done to get herself to 10 par submission accomplished for Missy if her goal was to put a little pressure on even in the very early going of this three round tournament let’s hear in her own words what it was like getting off to that Hoff start early this morning all right Miss again and joining us in the clubhouse today Missy you shot 10 down tell us about the round out there yeah I was on the first tea timeout um which hasn’t happened for a little while but I you know for anybody that knows me I I practice between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. almost every practice round so um mentally and physically I was really prepared for that uh to happen and I love it because I get to play with people that I haven’t played with before and you know we had such good vibes and I got to meet new people and it was just a nice little walk in the park talk about how those early morning practice rounds might prepare you for especially a day like today where your first card out where is that giving you an advantage you think over the field yeah I think uh one it It prepares me for the possibility of having the randomly drawn 8: a.m. tea time first tea time out um but also honestly it kind of played into today where we didn’t have to wait on any hole so we were you know getting to the teapad taking score and right away we’re off off and running so that’s again what it’s like when I practice that early so uh yeah no waiting around no getting cold it was uh something that I really prefer and I really like but um you know I I can manage the backups that it was nice to not have to deal with them today yeah talk about how maybe that might help keep you in rhym is that an important part of your game oh yeah absolutely um it’s it’s so important to not just kind of sit on a teapad for maybe five minutes um it is part of the game so it is what it is but uh it definitely helps to to keep moving and and cruise along all right that’s Missy Ganon shot 10 down today we’ll see you tomorrow thank you so Nate Missy Ganon setting that pace so early on that by the time we were following those final few cards it looked like they were well behind the pace that they needed to be that but you know they had a chance to close out strong as well and several of them did led by Holland Handley also a really strong closing stretch of holes went seven down starting at hole number eight I believe it was with no Bogies coming in that’s the way it looks like you’re going to have to do it over the course of the weekend here what did you like in what you saw in Hollands follow follow up to her excellent weekend uh last week yeah it took Holland a little bit to find the putter she was kind of leaking things left out early this was a beautiful kind of nose up stall shot on the third but that was her first birdie of the day and she didn’t get her second one until this approach right here this is the new par 4 on number eight throws this Heiser into the circle there and Holland just has such a big advantage on some of the longer you know Par Four is out here she was the only player in the field to get number 15 but what I noted from today’s round was just how much Missy was kind of living in the mind of Holland she was she’s not one to check the scores but after she heard Pierce uh talking about what Missy was doing you could actually hear Holland was trash talking Missy knowing that Miss’s uh back at her trailer watching on dgn so they were having a lot of fun out there and each time Holland would make a birdie she would kind of mouth off like hey I’m coming for you missy this is a beautiful putt back up the hill on number 14 the rest of her card two and three puted the hole and then here’s Holland for the only Birdie on number 15 it was playing as the second hardest hole on the course she said it was her best drive out of all the practice round she threw it well past 400t and then she just had that 300t heer in there she was on on the same path as Missy Ganon she just had a birdie 17 and 18 she went on to par both of those so I think Holland’s feeling exceptionally well about her eight under par today well let’s hear about it in her own words Holland Hanley right after the round Holland Hanley eight under par talk about how it felt um it felt a little slow to start honestly I I missed a couple of early birdie putts um just took a little bit to get settled but it was really clean um when I did make mistakes they didn’t cost me any bogeys and uh the putting picked up there towards the end so was able to get get some birdies anyway yeah where do you think most of the scoring lies on this course I don’t know I probably the the shorter holes are kind of more early CU I mean like two and three if you get through there clean are very getable so it’s five um but I mean there’s a there’s a couple like six can can really like wreck your front nine and then I feel like 14 and 15 can really wreck your pack n so I think it’s it’s pretty spread throughout the scoring opportunity and Missy Ganon kind of set the bar early like I I think I heard you talking about it you guys were making some jokes Midway through the round you were aware of her score correct yeah I never check but um Paige said something on eight that she was like nine down through 17 she’s been talking a little smack to me yesterday so uh uh hearing that you know and then I got a turkey right after I was like okays we’re just trash talking this week well so you were on Pace to tie her and talk about the way you finished on 17 and 18 yeah 17 um I liked the angle speed height everything out of the hands just pulled a little bit to the right so grabbed that tree and then I ended up in the bunker um throwing my third across the water on 18 um which I stuck with what I’d been doing when I land on the flat and I think with the sand kind of robbing me of having a good brace I think um if I land there tomorrow I’ll go Fairway driver and try to aim it maybe 20 feet out to the right um to get a little extra distance cool thanks Holland we’ll see you tomorrow on that lead card C thank you more of those that’ll be playing from the lead card tomorrow Maria Oliva and on Scoggin they’ve created a little bit of a gap over the rest of the field Nate some quick thoughts on the two of them and the rounds that they put together and what you expect out of Maria and own heading into Saturday well own said she could only do as good of as one to three underpar maybe per day and I just I got to stop listening to her on these pre-tournament interviews because that’s all she ever says is that everyone else is going to do better than her and she’s still the highest rated FPL player in the field this weekend she said that she needed to putt well to to shoot as good as the rest of the ladies in her Division and she did just that today she made a couple from C2 late in the round and she finds herself at six so I think when she looks at the scorecard sees that she’s on the lead card she might change her attitude and then Maria Oliva she’s had a tough season by this time last year she had already been inside the top 10 several times she finished with over a handful of top 10 last year she’s only finished inside the top 10 once this season with a fourth at Jonesboro so she’s Miss cash at over half the events she’s played this year and it leaves a lot of fans at home kind of scratching their heads because when you watch her play her her technique is there the the putting stroke is certainly there probably one of the you know more confident looking putt deliveries in the foo division taking a look at it there she’s added a little bit of a pitch nature to it out there at the edge of C1 but she was blistering hot today eight down through 12 and lackluster finish but she still finds herself on the lead card and this is a big moment for Maria to turn her season around after the break Tournament Central previews the mo action which we will enjoy all afternoon right here on the disc golf Network stay [Music] tuned if disc golf is your game make got to go got to throw your Disc Golf Warehouse with a huge selection of discs bags baskets carts shirts and more got has all the tools to take your game to the next level shop online or our Golden Valley Minnesota store free shipping with all online orders over $75 online or in store get what you need for the game you love got to go got to your Disc Golf Warehouse in the game since [Music] [Applause] 1993 I’m David Wiggins and in 2016 I set the disc golf world distance record with a throw of 118 ft with I’m out in the field measuring a max distance throw or on the course checking the elevation change for an upshot I rely on the eagle Seeker 360 to give me accurate distances it’s the only Rangefinder on the market that measures in feet yards and meters it’s USBC rechargeable and features a lithium ion battery visit Eagle Seer to get yours today Microsoft teams is presenting the 2024 preserved championship and offering a new community platform for disc golf fans scan the QR code on your screen to join the disolf tour talk teams community members will have until Monday to ask last year’s Champs Katrina Allen and Ricky Yaki a question for a chance to win a disc and a free year of dgn Kat and Ricky will be answering questions in that Community next week and if that sounds great but you just can’t wait another second to hear from Ricky Waki don’t worry we’re going to hear from him right now on Tournament Central along with the hottest player in the world Ganon Burr 13 years in a row now you’ve at least had one win Elite Series or national tour and you’ve yet to do it this year what would it mean to you to continue that streak yeah I mean it’s something obviously I’m I’m striving for week in and week out I’ve been very close you know a lot of times this year and so that you that alone gives me confidence obviously I haven’t got across that line to get the win but uh it’s something where I know where my game’s at right now and I feel really good with where it’s at it’s it’s like I said I’ve gotten a lot of top fives and way too many second places this year but once again like I said it’s it’s right there I’m I’m I’m I’m in position a lot of weeks and you know that’s what it takes you know you know this day and age of the game there’s a lot of good players and it’s all about you know keeping yourself and contention week in and week out and if you do that you’re going to you’re going to get yourself into position where you take advantage of that and so I know I’m the type of player where you know I I uh I feed off confidence and so I’m pretty confident right now and that’s you know that’s going to lead to a win I think I have a good case for being the best player in the world um I think I you know if I get another win or play Sol a couple more tournaments I think that’ll kind of cement it at least for like this part of the tour obviously you know when you look at the entire year we still have half the year left so a lot of tournaments left but like this part of the Season I’m I’m feeling like I’m I’m definitely up there well perk let’s start with Ganon Burr here he swept the events in Oregon uh with a victory this weekend he would become the first player I think dating back to MC Beth back in 2019 to take three in a row that are at the Elite Series level or you could throw a major in there perhaps but still three in a row is really something in this day and age on the disc golf pro tour with the talent level of the field at large what are you seeing in ganon’s game what are you expecting from ganon’s game this weekend at The Preserve well Ian Anderson has really said it best over the past month that he he makes greatness look repeatable I just really don’t see any holes in in ganon’s disc off game right now I think that to repeat to to go three in a row is really difficult to do and right now Grant with the conditions being what they are the the rain is holding off and the wind was down you have to go extremely low last year Ricky shot 15 to open the tournament ends up shooting 37 that’s 37 under under on 54 holes so I I don’t necessarily think if it’s a question of can can Ganon like Play Good disc off this weekend it’s just a matter of is someone else going to play better cuz that’s what it is right now it it’s an open 100 meter race and you know it doesn’t matter if you’re the fastest guy if you don’t get out of the Blocks Early you still might loose lose the race in Eugene you still might not be going to the Paris Olympics so Ganon has to get out of those blocks early and he has to lay down uh honestly a 12 to 14 underpar if if you want to stay in this weekend’s race Grant well let’s go now to Ricky Yaki a player that’s been trending upward we know how great Ricky is in terms of consistency both the way he puts together consistent finishes over the course of a year and just consistency in terms of his career to your point though you got to be great and you got to be great often in order to take down victories he’s trending in the right direction took third at the Portland open took second at the beaver State fing what’s in store for Ricky if he wants to go out and take down his first win of 2024 yeah same situation I mean the putter is really falling for Ricky right now and it’s just a matter of being clean off the tea and and giving himself looks and clearly he shown us he can do that before these highlights are just unbelievable from Ricky’s final round last year I mean if if he’s putting like that it it’s it’s no surprise that he can shoot a around like 15 under par Grant at a at a dgpt course that’s unheard of one of his highest rated rounds on the pro tour at 1081 and people are scoring out there I mean Solan tipped in 11 under Isaac Robinson nearly blanking out the front right now so same as genon Ricky is going to have to get out of those blocks early taking a look look at this leaderboard right now 12 through 16 kle Klein just takes the the solo lead but we’ve got a number of guys that are pushing the double digit Mark and we have half the the noo still out there Grant all there Isaac Robinson pushing double digits under par and he’s barely halfway through his round so that absolutely illustrates the point you’re making Nate about Pace being a concern for the players even in the very early going of this championship and after they make that turn they’ll hit hole number 11 we want to take a look at hole number 11 because not only is it a great spot for the crowd it’s a great opportunity for the players check this out from last season yeah starting off with Conrad going deep on that one that leaves him quite a bit of a death putt girthy likes it here’s Garrett he’s going to slow it down with the rock and just kind of stall this one onto the and Flash it oh it hits the top I remember that oh I forgot I thought he flashed it but it hits the flag he can’t believe it and then we had Luke Taylor who’s having a really good weekend and here he is up next little late core action on that mid-range and look at the pace on that one just in front of the basket on the bullseye and if you guys remember this is where Ricky threw it so wide everyone thought he was out of bounds he ends up safe right here and then he dunks it and fern can’t believe it RI Ricky is doing his Raptor legs all the way around in front of the crowd that’s quite the moment on one of the signature holes out here at the black bear course and Ricky’s reaction there also proving the importance of pace knowing that he needed to match his card mates he was a part of the lead card there about halfway through the tournament last year and he knew that was maybe not a must make but a very important putt from length looking overhead here at the full course uh and I believe we’ve got kale Laisa walking us through some of the changes that we’re going to see over the course of these 18 holes at The Preserve let’s check that out hey y’all I’m kale Leisa the course designer and founder here at The Preserve uh we’re standing on the tea of hole 8 this is one of the two holes that have changed this year a little bit for the Blackbeard layout so uh we thought we’d walk you through them let’s go check them out if you want to shorten your distance then you got to cut it close to The Waters Edge but the safe play is obviously to throw as far away from the water as possible but that puts to further away from the basket so I think this is a perfect placement there’s a couple different motivations uh first um I love the old green up there but we’re so close to the Pavilion hole which is one of like the most popular viewing spots on the property but it’s tucked up in the trees up there so you would you couldn’t see it from any of the the bleachers or any place by the Pavilion so that was the main motivation was to kind of make it more visible for all the spectators that are at the Pavilion and all across the lake here it it’s obviously possible if we get the perfect win some of these guys are capable of it on their biggest throws will it happen I really doubt it I don’t know if the risk is totally worth the reward but as you can see the tea is in direct line of the basket and all you got to do is clear this pond so it might tempt you know it might tempt AB or some of these guys I guess I guess we’ll see playing the entire hole right along this Pond is obviously very picturesque it views great it plays tough um so think it’s a great change here we are on ho 10’s te this is another one of the changes for 2024 uh the tea is exactly the same we have a huge open Fairway this is the the shot that people can just throw it as far as they possibly want off the tea but then it really gets technical on the second shot because we have a new basket location so uh we’ll go check that out before again the big arms after they threw a big Drive could just kind of blast their second shot and just try to get over the creek um there wasn’t a lot of accuracy required for them but now what we did is we we brought the basket over to the to the same side of Victoria’s Creek as we as the tea is so it really pinches up here um we got the creek line and the sidewalk that kind of create a pinch point and then you actually have essentially an island greened up here um where you got to hit a line in between these Oaks to get to the basket no way are you kidding me like you said the only time you see Simon smiling is if he does something really bad or really good you know I just I can’t even explain how happy it makes me it’s more just about seeing all of my peers here like every year that’s what gets me most excited it’s like when we built this place we had the dream of creating this disc golf Sanctuary but then to have the pro tour here to have you know all my friends that I’ve been playing with on tour having the best players in the world here enjoying it camping out swimming fishing enjoying the disc golf it just it uh it really just makes all that work that we did getting this place open a few years ago it just makes it all worth it I mean this is this is magical one more look at the scores as we sit right now heading into coverage of the afternoon round the question not that this scoreboard will get more it at the top the question who will be there at the end of day number one Kyle Klein setting the pace now 13 under with one hole to play we’ll be back to wrap things up after this afternoon’s round here from The Preserve [Music] [Applause] good afternoon everyone and welcome to the Midwest the tour has arrived at a dis golfers Paradise located just off the banks of the Mississippi River this is the preserved Championship connected by Microsoft [Music] teams trying to etch their name on the trophy the Big Bear there and well it feels like Ganon Burr has done everything but put his name on that bear thus far as Ganon gets ready to kick off his round welcome in everyone Terry Miller joined alongside three-time World Champ Nate dos also Beaver State fling participant Nate back in the booth and you saw it firsthand you were there to play and of course which I it was a whole another story and and so many accolades and congrats for being out there and coming back but you also had conversations with the likes of Ganon Burr recently face to face what what are we seeing you know absolutely I got to see Ganon in Portland as well as out at Milo mcgyver and you know he’s a he’s a really special young person and uh in fact I even told him I said man this year I think you really have a chance to become world champion and I was saying that with all sincerity this kid he has figured out the winning recipe and he’s really proving it on the course I mean to go back to back and to have a chance to go three three in a row on the disc golf pro tour with all the talent that’s out there is really a very special moment and we’ll see if he can put it together this week but so far this kid has already etched his name in the history books of disc golf yeah and you’re seeing here in the 2024 season number one in dgpt points the stat Mando Power Rankings and Stat Mando official rankings so he doing plenty of work out there one of the few things like I was mentioning he hasn’t put his name on the trophy yet on the bear and hoping his initials could get carved in there by the end of this weekend and many players would be happy if their season had as many accolades as what he’s already done just in the first few months we look back at Waco where he was crowned Champion a great battle that came all the way down to the very end with Luke humph where he came out Victorious and then the performance he put together at Texas States including an 11 00 rated final round making it look easy out there yeah 2024 has just been impressive from Ganon Burr and it’s really it goes along with what he did in 2023 this really is not a surprise but what we’re seeing is now a development of a young player a putt like this just to go in your backyard and try to execute that putt without falling forward and to make it under the pressure of winning any one in dominant fashion in Portland but but it’s he can win in a dominant way and he can also win in a very close way at the beaver State fling coming down to the stretch there winning and so this kid like I said he has the winning recipe and he knows how to win and he’s young and he’s not looking back and we’ll do a check in on the statistics or should I say the standings the stats that give him these standings we’ll call it uh way out in front 90 points ahead of nichlas antila Ricky y saki at 730 Kelvin heberg not in attendance this weekend sitting at 714 points and an early front runner was AB who’s sitting in fifth and right now we’ll look at our can current conditions where the temperature is very mild 70° 70 humidity at 83% wind the same as this morning coming out of the North and and East at just 6 mph it shifted from the East over to the Northeast here morning but overall very scorable conditions and speaking of scoring to try and get nine birdies in a row Klein on the 16th it’s off the top band of course an impressive round nonetheless he’s going to come back on the 17th shortest hole on the course just 243 ft the forehand down the tunnel and I guarantee he makes that one inside 10 ft as Kyle Klein is just destroying the course here this morning early afternoon the efforts have been nothing short of impressive as Klein is heading over to the 18th and we’ll keep an eye on that but currently sitting 13 under hottest round we’ve ever seen out on the course was 15 under so we’ll see what Kyle can do just like that we’ve got him live on the T of 18 yeah 18a par five and it’s actually a pretty short par five I think Klein can get to it though with this t-shot he playing very safe he said I will give myself no decision interesting to hear that from his group because that’s exactly what’s going to happen I mean he’s pretty much going to have to lay up from there so Klein def playing for birdie over there on 18 looks like our second feature card of the day ready to go on the ti1 all right now thr all right everybody Virginia Cory Ellis thank you from Hill Oregon PA R want to take a second say thanks to my brother who just completed the Marine Corps boot camp so [Applause] from Shirley Massachusetts let’s hear it for Casey White monery Illinois give it up for Gavin rasman [Applause] as that card kicks off moves down the Fairway let’s take a look at Nate’s Keys brought To Us by blackink the premium disc golf store well it’s a shotmakers paradise out here at The Preserve not a lot of bad luck really in store for these players you got to execute put yourself in position you need Precision off the te you need to be in position proper side of these Fairways on these par fours and Par fivs and then of course the par five scoring I mean we have two par FS out there one of them on 18 very Eagle B so I think that’s a good opportunity to get to underpar on uh on 18 and when you’re trying to shoot double digits uh taking advantage of the par fives is a huge opportunity Kyle as I mentioned earlier definitely playing ho 18 for par with that t- shot great second shot put himself in really nice position you can see Kyle the leader of the tournament Sullivan Tipton doing some work out there as well he came in much earlier at the 11 under Dawson Snelling at 10 under I think we’re going to see quite a bit of moving and shifting around on this lead card and and it was talked about yesterday in good scoring conditions every player is thinking double digits and then some and that’s uh certainly been the case over the last few years of this tournament yeah it really double digits is is kind of the minimum required in all three rounds if you want to go on and win this tournament so that’s definitely where the mind of the players is uh as they team off here on whole one Gavin will be just inside the circle all four players in this group here on one played it relatively safe on the right side of the Fairway it does make for a longer second shot from a distance perspective but it’s really not out of the range of anybody sort of just an overstable mid-range that’ll work out okay for Cole look like Casey’s going to go to more of the spike Heiser approach here I think with not a lot of wind this is a favorable play a bit more speed on the disc and favorable it is as Casey White checks up just a few feet past the PIN and Ellis who was closest to the pin now maybe uh farthest from the pin after the approaches kleene throwing his third this really with these conditions Terry this is a 10 out of 10 shot for Klein within the bullseye basically and so Klein will set himself up for the birdie with that perfect wait on that and uh you know you got to hand it to Klein played it for birdie and he’s going to go on and get that birdie I can guarantee it Klein to get to 14 under and he’s done it what a performance by Kyle Klein as he opens up his 2024 preserve campaign here and we saw one of the few pars that he had was from inside the circle back there on 16 and check the other couple of pars that he had they were all on the front nine otherwise holes three three five and seven are where he collected pars along with 16 certainly setting the bar at that 14 under that I’ll go ahead and uh say I think we’re going to see him on lead card tomorrow might be a couple other uh 14s or 15s with him but look if he’s on Chase then then we’re really in for a for an afternoon right yeah don’t put uh don’t put anything down because we’re gonna be hurting almost every hole basically and not a good bit at all by Cory Ellis kind of surprising to see that from that distance yeah Cory’s one of the best Putters and that was definitely a disappointing effort [Applause] wrath bun in for [Applause] birdie Cole follow suit in for the birdie Casey white just outside of the bullseye has the birdy [Applause] look three of the four convert for the birdie we’ve got plenty of action on the other side of the break we’ll be right back e and Kevin Jones announcing the new sponsorship now a birdie look on hole one well first birdie as an Innova Disc player quite a shakeup here in the last week seeing that big announcement of both the departure as well as the new sponsorship but Kevin Jones off to a good start today getting his first two and he is two under through four holes [Music] good it’s interesting here Terry at The Preserve you know of course it’s 10,743 total and there’s three holes under 300 ft you know it’s it’s not often that you see that many short holes on a course of that length white going to the standstill for the 315 ft t-shot and uh during my keys I I said there was two par fives there’s actually three and so that’s why the critical par five scoring is uh so important and they’re all in the back nine as well sub [Applause] [Music] boy I mean a win this week for Ganon Burr would really just you guys any another Stratosphere you know there’s only been a couple of people to win three in a row uh at all on tour let alone here in this This Modern Age of the disc golf pro tour all the great players week in and week out not the five the back have to try to take down Ricky Yaki Ricky is one here twice Bradley Williams also a champion the last three titles here a preserve have gone to those two men Ricky we Saki and Williams one of my favorite memories is Bradley Williams claiming his title on the six year anniversary of also claiming the first ever disc golf pro tour title that was held over at Maple Hill but we’re going to take a look again at Ganon Burr you know you called it just having that type of control from that range and that distance OB obviously he’s got both backhand and forehand capabilities his putting can be deadly see him getting a little crafty here going with a roller just knowing how to manipulate disc in any way he needs to clearly a smart player in addition to having all the physical s skill sets so impressive all right folks the time is here for us to send out our 350 feature card first up on the box from Scottdale Arizona please welcome Ricky [Applause] [Music] [Music] Waki next up the Minnesota Zone give it up for kin lanquin [Applause] [Applause] [Music] from Austin T please welcome Bradley Williams [Applause] and from Urbandale Iowa Make some noise for Canon bird [Applause] [Applause] big drives there coming from our card and speaking of playing cards I think we’ve got Nate Perkins out there and he’s catching up with Ricky we take it away perks Rick this is great this is your pace like throughout the round too no wonder you’re never holding the course up man but they just said that you went the World Series of Poker what was that like that was awesome yeah I played a a tournament on the off week and went to Vegas got to got to see the poker goats like Phil Huth and play poker tournament with them I actually yeah so it was it was it was a lot of fun I got to play a $1,500 Buy in and I got 600 plays out of 8,000 people so that was a fun off week wait is that in the cash yeah oh yeah yeah I think like 1,500 people cash something like that and of course I I made day two of the tournament and uh yeah a lot of disc golfers supporting rooting me on on social media so it was it was a good time oh you think it’s harder Rick to win a disc golf tournament or a World Series a poker event I got to say poker there’s 8,000 people in this thing so it’s it’s hard to win I mean you got to got to get lucky you got to play good and it’s uh yeah 8,000 you got to beat 8,000 people that’s a lot of people but uh It’s a Grind just like this golf there’s a lot of similarities that cross over and got to be patient pick your spots kind of like disc golf so I think that that’s why there’s a lot of poker players that also play disc golf and vice versa cool thanks for the Insight Rick good luck man couple of pictures coming in from Ricky waki’s social media accounts so what we’re trying to say is that he kept his cash streak alive because while he didn’t play a disc golf tournament last week and he did play in a poker tournament and uh that’s a huge accomplishment man uh that that’s really cool and uh you know sounds like a lot of fun I think we could go all the way back to around 2017 we saw him competing in some satellite tournaments and uh taking it in so this is not necessarily anything new for Rick but I I love the idea no matter what it is I love the idea of some of our players finding other things to do that they enjoy during an off week uh some are a little more dangerous and adventurous than others uh but the excitement level and skill level still right up there as Ricky was talking about here’s Burr throwing his second and yeah mission accomplished bur will be birding ho [Applause] one for [Applause] and Waki in the really fortunate position being able to see the pin it’s so easy because of those bushes and the trees that kind of guard the green and uh hang out in that OB area it’s can be somewhat tough you’re kind of playing to a spot or or relying on your practice as opposed to being able to actually see the basket you’re throwing to so positioning can uh can you know give you that little extra boost of confidence here even on the first hole Yeah huge Advantage you know you could see the difference between where Ganon Burr was way over on the left side of your screen to where lanquist and Ricky were and and uh yeah they’re just looking right at the pin it’s it’s a pretty easy shot Bist went with the more stable approach which is going to leave him short and left H we saw Ricky go with that dead straight throw and able to put it right under the tent after a par on ho number two we’ve got ralin teeing on the third 400 feet dead straight pretty much dead flat great shot there from Cole very nice control and we’ll check in with Nate Perkins again Nate it feels like Minnesota always turns out for the action what are you seeing oh yeah they’re here in full force today and I think the tournament was a little worried about what what it was going to be like with all the rain to get Spectators kind of in and out and what their experience would be like but it still has not rain to drop on me all day long so got a lot of smiling faces around here a lot of cold beer a lot of food people are loving this over on three Gavin for birdie never a doubt online the whole way from Circle two very nice putt back up the hill it’s a common collection Point here on three a lot of the D t-shots fading out to the left Williams from shallow Circle to for birdie oh yeah oh just off the mark there for long Quest if disc golf is your game make got to go got to throw your Disc Golf Warehouse with a huge selection of discs bags baskets carts shirts and more got has all the tools to take your game to the next level shop online or our Golden Valley Minnesota store free shipping with all online orders over $75 online or in store get what you need for the game you love got to go Gotta your Disc Golf Warehouse in the game since 1993 [Music] get [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the preserved Championship is connected by Microsoft teams connect with anyone anytime for free with Microsoft teams why saki now on the TF2 very nice from Ricky beautiful just soft Bend and a little refreshing I was getting worried we saw that entire second feature card all struggle mightily with the t-shot and why saki gets up there and absolutely peers the gap yeah Ganon going with an overstable disc there trying to really play a sharp angle out of his hand trying to flex it back late what we saw from Ricky is just ideal just kind of letting it release flat let the disc just turn a slight amount finish straight oh boy that’s going to be a Mis Mando it’s a pretty nervous moment for Calvin lanquist I would think playing in front of the big crowd the big stage have to control those nerves he wants to perform well today after a birdie that you saw on the 14th we’re going to see Isaac Robinson t on the 15th that’s a perfect shot there from Isaac just missing the mandatory or not missing it just pling just around it and the Drop Zone here on two is for lanquist to T from the fpo pad and that one is not on the mark either no the last three shots from long Quist going back to the previous hole have all come out early and left saw the roller of Wrath buun in the picture and picture long of the fairways not out of bounds but way out of position here sounds like he’s caught up on the short left side now scrambling for par is going to be very difficult coming in hot so so Burr will be left with a circle Edge putt to save the bar oh what a recovery shot from Cole Rolan nearly perfect incredible [Applause] a double bogey coming up for Kelvin lanquist and you just heard him talking about nerves understandably so playing in front of your home state crowd here we heard the eruption in ter terms of how the crowd greeted him on the tea of hole number one and then although you never want a double bogey that might be just what kind of settles him down and says okay some of that pressure is off and now I can just reset and start to battle back yeah I’ve it obviously you know nerves is a huge factor in how you play but just got to settle yourself down maybe crack a joke to your caddy just laugh this is a fun supposed to be fun right now bur to avoid bogey he’s going to have some length coming back the other direction P putt here for Ganon early I would have lost the double bogey bat on ho two if there was one unbelievable what we’re seeing here and Ricky steps up and cans the bird just like that he’s going to pick up three Strokes on Ganon just on this one hole not exactly confident but nonetheless Bradley Williams on the board Gavin trying to scramble himself into a par save that’s inside the circle so he’ll have a chance wow hit the P Koozie perfect shot this is an overview shot of hole number three as I mentioned and we saw from wrath buun earlier it slopes away on the left side of the green and a lot of players if they don’t get enough flip on the drive they will start to funnel that direction and if you miss it too big there is an out of- bounds line over there as well Ricky guarding against going left over plays that one to the right does it have time to flex back it does and inside the circle for [Music] [Applause] Williams there’s kind of a lot of different ways to attack here on hole number three you can play that kind of faster disc that we just saw Bradley throw with that little Flex on it or for some of the bigger throws they can actually throw really slow discs at full speed right it’s 408 ft so it’s going to be a full blast with you know a mid and I think that’s what we’re seeing here from Ganon something a little bit slower avoids the big flare skip all the similar put to W them you just think about the way Williams played it he’s actually playing for that skip he wants that big flare at the end hence using a faster disc see if Kelvin can reset himself on the short right side but clear of any danger yeah if you’re looking at the uh last half full it wasn’t an early release so kudos to Calvin we don’t have these stats but that’s going to be one of the very few birdies from that side of the Fairway for Cole Rolan and speaking of birdies Isaac Robinson picks one up on 15 I believe that’ll move him to double [Music] digits and there he is yes he is now tied for third at 10 under going to improve on that as he closes out 16 through 18 right quite the eruption as Calvin buries it on the third what a great feeling Circle two a nice step putt there from Calvin and that I think you were spot on there Terry maybe that double bogey relaxed lanquist just a little bit I’m thinking ganon’s feeling less nervous than what we’d see out of a Kelvin however his battle’s just the same he has to come back after that double bogey and the putter well off Williams is now two for three [Applause] and with authority we see Ganon put that one [Applause] in casy white trying to find a line here on whole five this is his second oh and off the top we’re going to roll the zuka replay and take another look somewhere up there he had a window and it comes crashing in hits the top of the basket and then checks up right there just at the edge of the bullseye Robinson looking for skip a skip and a roll so he’ll be putting back up at the basket certainly a birdie look just three to play for him and after for the par by white ralin in for birdie n let’s take a look at the birdie Zone here and what they’re trying to accomplish well yeah you can see it’s this big long turnover earlier we saw Cole ralin out too long too straight and that’s why that kind of that second shot was so difficult if you can get it more inside there’s a group of trees right where that yellow bubble is right there if you can get just inside that it makes the second shot much easier though it’s not easy Terry whatsoever but if you can get into that spot right there then you can see this basket here on hole number four might be easier to birdie with the Birdie Pro board game which is brought To Us by Birdie Pro the bestselling disc golf board game in the world get yours at your favorite disc golf shop or Boer I don’t know I I find it difficult to uh pick up birdies in that game too just got to get in the birdie Zone that’s what we need man you need like the Ricky bonus where you make everything from 60 can Williams find the birdie Zone yeah pretty good this a great view here Terry you can see how tight it is as you head back to the basket but if you’re at that grouping of trees or just inside it and from the players perspective it would be to the right of those trees you’re going to have a great View at the PIN I just think it goes to show you how good that shot from rolent earlier was with how small the window is to the pin deep of the ideal Landing Zone we saw the drive by Robinson now for birdie Robinson will move to 11 under with two holes left to play he goes birdie eagle he’s got a chance to have a share of the lead wasaki Perkins why why aren’t we seeing Forest hands is that just too far to push off of this [Applause] t-shot I’ll answer that one for you Terry I am a Nate by the way oh okay yeah that works uh yeah it’s it’s a really tough angle you kind of just on four you want to get it High Let It drift to the right the sidearm just does not fly that way so that’s one of the reasons we don’t see the players attacking with sidearm there on four beautiful shot there from ralin very well controlled right in the middle of the Fairway after Ricky’s t-shot there’s there’s zero chance of Birdie here on four he’s just going to have to try to get it either into that tunnel or just beyond it and that would be very good shot basically right at the mouth as you were just calling for so Ricky from there should be able to get up and down and save the par I know [Applause] got to love his chances from there Robinson no problem getting down the corridor one of the things most commonly talked about about with this property is just the accessibility to kind of wander around and find Gulf wherever you go there’s only a few holes that are inaccessible from our spectator’s point of view otherwise there’s plenty of viewing areas and opportunities in fact kale making an adjustment to whole Eight’s green for that exact reason because the spectator collection Zone around 8 n 10 in that general area is uh is such a great place to be kind of a Midway point I know they’ve got food trucks and other activities going on out there uh just an an amazing atmosphere out here at The Preserve so you can see lanquist has a a great view of the tunnel but he’s going to have to work a lot of stability so right to left as he gets through that tunnel play a little ground play here as well wow wow he took the highest possible line and didn’t even need the ground play he’s going to leave himself with a circle one putt long just inside the circle for [Applause] burrle check check the footage there Ganon I know you like to do that during the round sometimes you’re inside the circle from what I could see going to flash back to Bradley Williams back in 2022 uh one of the greatest shots I think of the Year actually is is Bradley Williams going all the way up the tunnel and then throwing it in wondering me did I do that did mine go in was that me uh I definitely top five shots of 22 and one of the best shots ever on tour caught on camera his his reaction was fantastic cuz he’s like there’s no chance I was just trying to get it close fast forward to redon live on this very same hole oh it looks good Terry everybody carrying around their insurance so to speak out there right that’s what they always say is you carry the umbrella and it won’t rain on you yep the more umbrellas that are out there the less likely it’ll rain so far very blessed that we haven’t seen any rain or precipitation so far it was forecasted for all of today as we’re watching Robinson tea off on the 18th an eagle would give him a share of the lead you got to like that opening drive yeah I like it I just I mean Isaac does have power but not that kind of power I would I would fully expect a a layup there similar to what we saw from Kyle Klein left side in for birdie to chip away at the disaster he had on hole number two lanquist there we go Burr has this one on lock down big scramble from Yaki walk away with the par and calan off to an incredible start trying to go five for the first six and he’s done just that he’ll take a brief walk over to the next one and we’re going to take a break on the network we’ll be right back hello race fans for decades my brother and I dreamed of starting a board game company with the help of the Disc Golf Community we did thank you so much we are proud to Ann anounced that The Preserve is coming to Birdie Pro pre-order today boder [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Kelvin on the tf5 another early release is exactly what he said a shot here on five again just 275 ft it’s all about disc selection it’s just a disc you want to put on an angle and it’s going to just kind of drift nicely that’s a perfect shot from gonur kind of that late tree that’s just in line with the chains right now that’s the one the players have to just come inside late and if they do that they should be inside the circle or near it at least [Applause] just inside the circle for Williams the other spot that can be tricky is if you play it a little too fast through there there is a bunker long left of the basket as well bunker of trees why saki going with the forehand very aggressive there’s that little set of trees I was talking about Ricky’s going to believe have a pretty good look through there Robinson throwing his second on 18 and just playing for the layup so if Robinson can get up and down from there that means he’d finish at a 13 under and would be one back of our leader in Kyle Klein can you throw this in right on line for Cal thank that’s actually like a short shots I got to get under we jump over to seven niika Castro the champion of this event that’ll bring L Castro back to even par through seven light overall Bradley Williams his putts have just come in a little bit light whether it’s on the right side or short of the pin doesn’t feel like there’s just enough Force for him to capitalize on some of the looks that he’s had and then you see a Yaki just jamming them in from any distance yeah of the three birdie pods that we’ve seen from Williams two of them have been what you’re calling light I would call he’s trying to guide him in the basket and the putt that he had on three was very aggressive and he slammed it right in there but uh it’s just kind of that guiding putt where he’s not just popping it in there similar to what we saw from Ricky who you know was trying to knock the basket off the uh off the stand there off the stand ralin on the seventh what a start to his round five down through six chance to make another birdie here that’ll be a look just deep at the pin Robinson trying to find the green and close out with a birdie pretty good chance to capitalize from there Robinson and more on the other side of the [Music] break by Mojo number 37 to get better at up shots pretend like you’re playing catch with a friend unless you’re not very good at playing catch not again not again [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] you play Disc Golf is your passport to teaching and learning the game our mission to teach disc golf and make it accessible to everyone worldwide from Alaska to Africa Guatemala to Canada and Beyond you playay disc golf has spread its wings teaching the Love of the Game across the globe get involved in our movement to make disc golf a universal Joy explore you play dis and join us in helping people find flight [Music] he [Music] [Music] pound’s the best of the best it’s the quality the craftsmanship the vision for what a bag could be I don’t think anyone’s disputing that it’s the best made [Music] bag Co ralin with another birdie look man looking good here Doss yeah the rich keep getting richer what a uh what a start for Rolan and now Isaac and what a finish for Isaac Robinson incredible Isaac with a one bogy 13 underpar incredible finished with six straight birdies to go along with starting five for five Terry good day for Isaac Robinson one of his best this season I would say bur on the T of six filters through and that one’s just off the road so or just on the side of the road so he’ll be just fine there placement is so important here on hole number six we saw it from Rolan he controlled the t-shir out very nicely you have to be in the Short Grass if you want to attack here of course if you’re Bradley Williams you just throw it in from the woods but that is going to be a tough shot for Ricky probably just a chip out I would imagine long Quest fighting through [Applause] and we’ll see what Williams can do and then I think we’ll have to get an assessment from Perkins out there as to what he is seeing from why saki’s lie but first Bradley this is leaking left perks any uh any insight on both Bradley and Ricky shots thank you yeah Ricky found probably the thickest rough on the course no he’s one of the best scramblers in the game but he’s going to have to make a miracle scramble just to get up to the initial Landing Zone and still has to make that last T tight Gap and then Bradley actually might have a look down the lane as well as long Quist genon is just short of prime time there after filtering through just think we are not out of the woods yet so to speak as this one will require a few backto back accurate shots trying to basically take that road all the way to the pin yeah so then that’s yeah we’re going is Bost International or you have to go new y it’s International I flew to Iceland last year and then and went to Finland from there yeah I did it both ways I did the same airport lay over mhm ice Sun probably talking about some of the action coming up in the next month or so you know that we see KOCO along with being over in Finland and Estonia all right in a row we have Swedish open I believe next weekend as well and Yaki with one leged and seems to have an angle yeah I would say Ricky got incredibly fortunate there to be as you said just with one leg in the rough and here is that upcoming event schedule kind of a little back and forth Europe back to the us back to Europe and then of course the European open uh which we all just cannot wait for in about a month out there in Tamp Finland it’s a worldwide game Terry yet I find Bogies wherever I go that’s the problem I don’t know how that happens but uh I I can learn the term for bogey in just about every language so you’re famous for bogeying in every country you’ve been in I don’t know if I’ve done that just yet but give me time I’ve got more travels coming up not quite around the corner for Williams we don’t see him going to a lot of forehands oh and I think it it’s so difficult for the players here on six because you know it’s a difficult C hole you want to try to stay aggressive you want to try to get as far up the second half of this Fairway as possible but it can very quickly turn into a bogey if not even worse if you don’t keep it in the Short Grass uh for lack of a better term Williams is going to still be scrambling from the left side of the Fairway that was a little overplayed little too far right Ganon uh that’s where his disc landed look like he might have a little Lane right there Terry he he’s thinking that’s going to be a par but we’ve also seen make some pretty incredible pots well just in your stance so you can lay down put your arm up in so this a very similar spot to where we saw ralin who put it within just a few feet of the pin that was almost it dude almost it ralin ready to tea off on eight as we said two pin positions have moved holes eight and 10 thank you and waki’s going to put himself just at the whisker there that will be to save his par there’s not too many other people in the world I’d want to have that putt for me Ricky one of the best Putters of all time and I’m just going to go ahead and assume that hole six here has to be playing as one of the more difficult holes on the course and I’d put money on this that that’s the most you you would be right there Nate I am finally getting to it by a long shot in fact averaging 42 overp par the next closest is 0.11 overp par Crazy by Leaps and Bounds the most diff difficult hole on this course another throw in from Williams Kyle Klein the leader of the tournament did Birdie here on hole number six well it’s a good thing we can check in with him because uh I believe we caught up with him right after his round so let’s hear from him now we’re joining the clubhouse Now by Kyle line 14 under today can you just tell us about your round yeah I mean it went pretty smooth out there I had to make a few Circle two puts but everything else was Circle one if not Bullseye and then just I was just throwing really well and just yeah just put it all together today you were telling me as we were walking up about how you drew metal on the other four holes that you quote unquote missed uh talk about just how dialed you felt today yeah I mean my throw has felt better than it ever has my ping is uh it’s been better but it’s still it’s hanging in there my cirle two putting’s been was what was good today I think I made three two or three today and uh that kind of that uh kept me in it uh for a good round go and when I was wasn’t close and talk about uh how success in circle 2 can kind of lead to these big high hot rounds yeah I mean it it does nothing but build confidence really when your throw kind of lacks a little bit uh and then when you have that confidence to to make a Circle T put and save the birdie that just it just skyrockets from there all right Kyle great round today we’ll see you tomorrow thank you appreciate get it Kyle with the blistering 14 under today but drawing metal on the four birdie attempts that he didn’t capitalize on Plenty of lucks yeah and he was three for five from Circle two all in all it’s a good day on the disc golf course thanks oh boy she is the apar attempt doesn’t find metal for Williams Ricky from above about half the distance that we just saw from Williams now has this left for par after that t- shot from Ricky not too many people would have went on to make par nice job there from Rick back with Cole ralin throwing his second on the eighth so they they turned hold number eight from a par five into a par four 8811 ft ralin nearly threw a perfect t-shot just needs to play a big overstable spike Heiser here and uh played on the safe side I think there have a look for birdie I’ll be looking for more action on the other side of the break we’ll be right [Music] back brought back by popular demand zlight plastic from disc craft disc that you already know and love now available in lighter weights Zite more distance with less effort behold the Eagles Crossing disc golf course a sanctuary where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary as each disc takes flight Destiny intertwines with the flight path but beware brave souls for the course Harbors challenges that even the boldest must confront yet fear not for victory and camaraderie are your companions on this Voyage visit Eagles Crossing disg introducing the newly improved titanium plastic line from Discraft experience Superior performance with an enhanced tack your grip for unmatched control in all weather conditions each disc features mesmerizing Swirls and bursts Mak every throw a visual standout maintain the durability you trust with titanium plastic ensuring your discs withstand the test of time elevate your disc golf game with the scra’s newly improved titanium plastic line your rating is one of the most valuable things you get with a membership this gives you accurate numbers to track how well you’ve been doing and your overall Improvement in the game you also get a member number when you’re register with pdj your pdj number is a stamp for when you got involved in the sport it’s a badge of Pride for players and a part of your disc golf identity get your number today visit jooin rhalan has the birdie look just at circle’s Edge can he go seven for eight oh yes he can ralin what a start here in the first eight holes I mean if you’re going to dedicate your round to your brother this is the way to do it and it’s it’s been a little bit of everything I mean think just in the last two holes he’s made some beautiful putts the one on seven that was from Circle 28 that was just from the edge bunch of circle one puts [Music] there fantastic shooting from Cole Ron [Applause] so 390 ft here pretty much dead straight most of the players are going to throw a mid-range disc just kind of put it on the line let the disc do the work this is sort of a mid Fairway driver as well for some of the players oh no lanquist doesn’t love it and you see he kicks out at least but not an ideal t-shot by any means I’m not going to go ahead and call this a gimme but is this or a muskat but you you do feel like this is is right in everyone’s wheelhouse right yeah 100% I mean 390 ft you have a couple of these early branches off these big mature trees to miss but if you put it on a line there’s really almost nothing to hit and so that’s why it becomes a hole that that should be birdied by the field and it this is a great example I mean Bradley right down the middle of the Fairway and he’s going to be inside Circle one and we continue to tell you how Kyle’s out in front and right there almost chasing him down for a share of the lead finishes with six straight birdies that’s Isaac Robinson and after the round we were able to catch up with him here’s what he had to say we’re joining the clubhouse now with Isaac Robinson 13 down today tell us tell us about the round yeah the drives are feeling good uh I was I up my mind that if it was going to rain I was going to do my best and uh thankfully the rain held off so I was able to shoot a pretty hot round to start and uh I think one back of Kyle heading into tomorrow talk about the mental preparedness you had to do for all the rain and how does that change when it doesn’t come or is it just it’s just all bonuses honestly the bag is kind of tight cuz you stuff it full of towels um but other than that you really just kind of revert back to normal um and it’s pretty smooth sailing from there so other than the one boat today you played clean can you tell us what was working for you today to keep you yeah I a lot of the the drives and the approaches uh this year I’ve really bled Strokes on the short game so you know 200 250 and in um so this that was kind of clicking today and the drives felt good so yeah driving driving well makes the puts easy so yeah any changes you need to make for tomorrow or is it just just kind of yeah just I mean if I can do exactly the same thing I’m very happy all right great we’ll see you tomorrow Isaac good shooting today thank you and interesting to see that the only mistake Isaac really made out there was on one of the quote unquote easier holes hole number 11 is where he picked up the bogey as we’re watching Burr put in for birdie long Quist in for the par and Yaki picks up another birdie Ricky four down through seven holes two scramble so far has to be one of the fan favorite holes out here hole number nine ralin needs us to fade toward the pin just fall out of the sky oh caught up on that right side that will be obstructed we’ve got more action coming right up [Music] think you’re the best glitch thrower in the world enter a glitch World Championship qualifier in your area and you can qualify to play against the best one-speed throwers in the world at the glitch World Championships this fall at Maple Hill the players pack includes two exclusive discs a plasma soft glitch and a plasma soft pitch you’ll also be able to purchase for the first time ever streamlines parachute the first hybrid catch disc from streamline sign up for a glitch World Championship qualifier today support your disc golf game with a brand new tritanium sleeve we import these directly from Finland at high and low compression or check out their knee or wrist supports the only place you can get titanium in the United States is right here at powergrip this is the game changer step onto the course with the pure premium disc golf bag adding a touch of glamorous flare to your play use the code dgpt at for the best price upgrade your game upgrade your look bur off the T of eight so with the new configuration here on hole number eight the more aggressive you can get closer to the water the shorter the next shot’s going to be so I think Ganon played that really nice pretty safe pretty conservative but has enough distance and power to get to the pin on the second [Applause] shot it’s effectively two two 405 foot shots will put you one foot away from the PIN [Applause] in the middle for Bradley Williams and we’ve been talking about some of these course changes well no one better to explain them than one kale Lisa let’s check in with him now hey y’all I’m kale Leisa the course designer and founder here at The Preserve uh we’re standing on the T of hole 8 this is one of the two holes that have changed this year a little bit for the Blackbeard layout so uh we thought we’d walk you through them let’s go check them out if you want to shorten your distance then you got to cut it close to the water’s edge but the safe play is obviously to throw as far away from the water as possible but that puts you further away from the basket so I think this is a perfect placement there’s a couple different motivations uh first um I loved the old green up there but we’re so close to the Pavilion hole which is one of like the most popular viewing spots on the property but it’s tucked up in the trees up there so you would you couldn’t see it from any of the the bleachers or any place by the Pavilion so that was the main motivation was to kind to make it more visible for all the spectators that are at the Pavilion and all across the lake here it it’s obviously possible if we get the perfect wind some of these guys are capable of it on their biggest throws will it happen I really doubt it I don’t know if the risk is totally worth the reward but as you can see the te is in direct line of the basket and all you got to do is clear this pond so it might tempt you know it might tempt AB or some of these guys I guess I guess we’ll see playing the entire hole right along this Pond is obviously very picturesque it views great it plays off um so I think it’s a great change great to hear from kale unfortunately made the announcement that he is not competing here this weekend he’s talked about in the past saying how he you know he’s a tournament director or main you know guy in charge and then has to kind of focus on playing and then this year he doesn’t have that role however as you could see by his hand injured it a few weeks ago go uh while he was out doing a course design and then uh didn’t heal up quite as quickly as he had hoped it would as I saw him at the PRS World Championships last week and uh ultimately is sitting out this week so he’s here taking it all in with just a ton of friends and family out on the property and Perkins talk to us about hole 8 in terms of just how you feel like anybody would attack it or play it any differently than what we’ve seen in previous years it puts a little bit more pressure on the t-shot Terry you really need to get well past 400 to be comfortably throwing the Hiser into the green here with a little bit of wind it makes it hard but right now it’s it’s Dead Calm everyone on this lead card was able to get it well over 400 ft Cal’s going to be up first and he’s going to have right at 400 on the nose into this green here and it makes for great spectating most of the spectators are lined up on the other side of the water here thank you Nate as we’ll see what Kelvin can do with his second shot this is is going to be close to the water this is the fear got to sit down and it does wow very close to disaster for long Quist but no that was I I promise you he was a little nervous on that one checking in with Anthony burella who’s got a birdie look on 14 [Applause] and with that he’ll move to seven under see if AB can shred those final few holes and get himself to double digits little more conservative here for Williams should have about a circle Edge putt oh no and a great skip there from Williams awesome just thinking back to a moment ago as we watched AB out we saw that Alex ginger on the card out of Minnesota uh if that’s not the longest throwing card out there I don’t know what is yeah it kind of doesn’t matter who the other two are right Terry exactly Alex Minnesota native as we’re watching Ganon Burr also in position for birdie it’s amazing to watch the difference between Bradley Williams and Ganon Burr Bradley Williams playing this very flat flat shot comes in takes a nice big skip Burr much higher with a lot more Spike Rick’s going to do the same thing they’re trying not to get almost any skip of any kind minus a little check Skip and it’s just very interesting to watch the way the two uh approaches can attack the same green and we saw the drive on hole number nine a little while go by Cole ralin he’s got more of a window than I even expected I bet your paycheck he makes this just seems like he ain’t G to miss today pay up Terry take it out of Ricky’s Bitcoin if you would that’s that’s where I tell you to go find that a gray pot Redan looks to be on fire Drew Gibson join joining the group of double digits Ben Callaway heading that way as well Ben Callaway has only played 13 holes he’s nine [Music] under not surprising at all this is exactly what it takes to win out here at The Preserve you got to go low if you want to take the bear home with you more than that it’ll be on the left side of the Fairway on hole number 10 one of the other two holes that got changed from 2023 is layout compared to this year [Applause] see some right to left wind coming in for Burr after we just watch the connected putt by long Quist [Applause] [Applause] Ricky also in for the birdie really interesting to see Ricky not putting his left hand up on his putter not touching his kind of left side of the putter used to be something he would do frequently and we’re not seeing it it’s like he’s consciously not doing it when he’s putting right now that’s something as of late see he always used to really touch or grab almost and he’s just simply not doing that or even when he would set up for his shot he used to kind of have his left hand resting and it looks like he wants to there you see the the motion is still there but he’s not doing it yeah I wonder if that’s a conscious Thing by Ricky or if it’s just subconscious uh you know the es and flows of the two life but uh it’s interesting observation there Terry Perkins talk to us about the teeing area of hole number nine because it feels like it’d be one of the fan favorites yeah definitely one of the fan favorites they’ve got the bleachers less than 25 ft from the teapad and right now the pond short of the basket is just it’s glass right now so it’s just reflecting the tree line above the pin probably have 3 to 500 Spectators gathering around to watch this featured card tea off right here and yeah there’s just no wind to speak of so Ace alert guys yeah we’ve seen some pretty close attempts throughout the years by both the foo and Mo divisions I know we saw the Airborne Pavilion out there I know that also is a common collection Point people can grab some food and beverages usually and there’s no doubt that some of these weather conditions have kept a few of the normal Spectators away here today not quite as many as what we would expect on a sunny day but nonetheless looks like a great opening round out here at The Preserve Burr on the tea go not an ace but it’s going to be a tap in birdie for J bur kind of saw it from ralin in the previous group but the players are playing an overstable disc right at the pin and they’re just trying to judge the distance perfectly to drift just in front of that long tree line yeah saki inside 20 ft pulled to the right not enough time for it to skip or hook up it’s a little bit surprising honestly to see Bradley go with a disc that was a little bit understable he put a lot of Hiser on that thing and it flipped up to flat so maybe just a missed angle there for for Bradley but uh kind of a surprising play and I think some may think this hole looks relatively easy it’s at least 320 to clear the water they make it look easy because they can throw so far but you’re talking about 320 to get over the water uh and get after this hole that comes in at 406 ft yeah and the and the Big Challenge is that it’s not just a pure Spike Heiser you kind of have to throw it flat and keep it in front of that that tree line and that is the challenge of it and if you’re new to the round one action we’ll get you caught up with some of our highlights that we’ve seen Cole rallin I mean to me nearly shot of the day and I think this really set Cole rolan’s round off right because that was a very challenging shot he went on to make birdie Kyle Klein our leader saying that he wasn’t going to get aggressive and go after the eagle he’d be happy with the birdie that would put him inside 15 ft on the final hole also Isaac Robinson setting himself up for the birdie look on the final hole so he’s one back of our leader in Kyle Klein ralin on the eighth to go seven under through the first eight holes for Williams in there trying to find his line looks like he does have a lane [Applause] you got to love that I mean to take advantage of as you said having the line is a huge bonus there for Williams could have easily had nothing from that side of the green well when you’re powered by NAA you’ve got lifestyle power which is exactly what Bradley Williams was bringing to this green of hole number nine long Quist little shorter a little easier in for birdie [Applause] looks like we’re going to have a star frame yeah I think that’s backto back star frames in fact that right there I know we’re ralin throwing his second on 10 that was a really good t-shot way left he has a great angle just a position play here on the par [Music] five and speaking of the par five toss what are they looking at well you got this big tree right off the T so you got to choose if you’re going to go Hiser big turnover 99% of the players are going to go big turnover you might even see some rollers out of the players the hole is going to continue to bend off to the right we know rolin was way over here to the left it just gives a great angle as you head down the Fairway and uh as you get up to this part of the Fairway this is when the OB starts to come into play have the cart path on the right in those woods obviously everything left out of bounds and then it kind of turns into an island at this point where you got to then get on to the green grass on the right side of the cart path and that’s why Rolan is putting trying to just play position to give himself a good look and this is a tough entry into this green you got to go right of those trees but not go too long because the OB is very close beyond the pin can say playing as the second most difficult hole today averaging just over par which is always surprising when we see our guys playing par fives 1120 ft in total ralin with his third okay so Cole’s going to go with the little sidearm here is that all angle into the green is is he just trying to play the slope that’s right there at the green he is I mean he’s trying to utilize that slope to just stop his disc very close to being out of bounds had that tree not been there he probably would have found the OB because he was so low on the hill he kind of skipped forward the tree saving him at the last second there Nate are they dealing with any humidity issues out there I know the temperatures are cool but how about humidity uh it’s been above 85% humidity all day so you know some players actually like that humidity ganon’s actually been seeming to struggle with it he can’t quite get the chalk to do him as much justice as he would like see if he can open up into the headwind right here just about the same distance as the catch cam who was hoping uh he wouldn’t have to turn all the way around so good drive there by G here’s wrath buun forehand right into the pin yeah and a better shot from wrath buun cuz he got it higher really utilizing that slope versus what we saw from madalin which was just a little bit lower on the hill also as far as our catch cam positioning [Applause] ralin to go nine for 10 it hangs on I’m not betting against Cole today even when it looked like he might not Birdie the basket helps him out Ben Callaway on the T I think that’s it second shot here Terry yes that is his second shot that’s in a really good position clearly I need to take a break so you guys will as well I’ll be right back if disc golf is your game make got to go got to throw your Disc Golf Warehouse with a huge selection of discs back bags baskets carts and more everything you need for the game you love online or at our Minnesota store got your Disc Golf Warehouse [Music] [Music] [Music] help up some weed hey [Music] leave that poor boy alone and who you supposed to be punk I’m you [Music] man huh introducing the birdie Derby a ready to run tournament package from Prodigy disc it’s the perfect three disk tournament to welcome new players and give experienced throwers something new to try learn more and host a Derby today at Disc Off Bradley Williams throwing on 10 this is his second shot that’s pushing left but comes up short of the out of bounds the grass just doesn’t skip the play like long dos well and to that point I think about AE a few of the previous years Ganon talking about the non skip factor out there we one year were playing under a uh some Canadian wildfires that were dealing with the smoke and everything else and in a few of the other years it’s just been a Flatout drought out here so yes different conditions throughout the years for sure ralin on the T of 11 this looks great does it have the distance oh it certainly does does what a day from Cole Rolan obviously the third by callow great view from up above and just truly the definition of a bottleneck right we see uh it as it looks almost like a sideways bottle right now or at an angle and then it just continues to get Tighter and Tighter as it plays uphill and to the pin yeah so basically where that cart path on the Right comes in that’s where the out of bounds starts on the right side so they have to stay to the left of that then as you get up towards the pin that’s where it becomes a quote unquote Island Gavin on 11 that’s going to check up next to the pin just a little bit deep very workable for wrath bun maybe has a chance has a chance to be parked right [Applause] there kind of puts it in perspective to think about the one bogey Isaac had was right there after we just watched four you know near Park jobs so certainly a place where Isaac knows he could clean up a stroke or two tomorrow not that he’s probably complaining about his 13 [Applause] under yeah the thing about it for Isaac too is he was out of bounds so I’m assuming he was probably a few feet from being inbounds which you know that’s a two shot swing uh we’re getting conflicting reports on what Callaway actually got on 14 as of right now that was for par just tell me at one point I might have been right that’s all I need to know I I I I tend to tune that part out Terry as we’re watching Williams with a forehand yeah I mean the way that this part five is playing today um I would I would expect a lot of the players to be throwing this sidearm into the green Bradley with a tip of his cap um but yeah just being on this side of the Fairway having this great angle the sidearm as you uh noted earlier able to come into the hillside check up nicely I just think the fear would be on that low side of the green where you could potentially go long out of bounds [Applause] it’s a is that money though yeah Cole takes an extra moment trying to go 10 under through the first [Applause] 11 TF 15 with Callaway playing the t- shot pretty safely I have a longer second shot upcoming and Waki knew it about 2third of the way there he started to run it in canon in for the birdie so for a hole that was playing pretty difficult to the field the last couple of groups have played whole 10 pretty well I think a lot of it has to do with really getting off a good t- shot you can get it you know upwards of 500 feet out there play the next two shots and a little over 500 feet as well plays it fairly easy birdie take one more look at why Saki bearing the putt from Circle two we’ll be right [Music] back my name is Garett girthy also known as double G and I’m the founder of double G craft jerky double G craft jerky is an awesome snack when you have a hankering on the course you need a little something to pick you up out there so you can really get after a drive finish on a putt and capitalize when you’re playing the disc golf round and you’re hungry and you don’t have a snack on the course you start to lose focus you start thinking about what am I going to eat for dinner with Doug craft jerky that’s not a problem [Music] I’m David Wiggins and in 2016 I set the disc golf world distance record with a throw of 118 ft with I’m out in the field measuring a max distance throw or on the course checking the elevation change for an upshot I rely on the eagle Secret 360 to give me accurate distances it’s the only Rangefinder on the market that measures in feet yards and meters it’s USBC rechargeable and features a lithium ion battery visit Eagle Seer to get yours today everything changes Life Changes seasons change and your personal style changes too luckily your zuka can change with you one frame with a a lifetime warranty can stick with you through thick and thin and if it’s time for something new just swap out your insert to match the new you match your style and let your zuka grow with [Music] you co ralin on the T of 12er he’ll need a great second shot Perkins what’s the wind doing out there here on 11 oh again there’s just not a drop of win here and ganon’s going to take advantage of this just going Putter and just a little nose up and just going to stall it 18 ft long of the bucket Perkins you’re you know it’s 375 ft we’re talking throwing putter here I mean what an advantage to throw a slow disc over the water here yeah it’s so impressive and wow why saki I’m talking a dis length just in front of an ace right there there guys let’s see if Bradley Williams can follow in these Vapor Trails I think Bradley might be going a little faster here doesn’t quite have the liberty of going putter clean footwork it looked like it left his hand a little early it’s starting to fade out guys that’s in trouble and that’s the Fatal mistake right there yeah he’s going overstable mid-range here same when he threw on six that is also a little early but he has it flipped up nicely asking for it to go and it Falls just over the castle wall pin High [Applause] 15-footer thanks to our friends at flight Factory we can take another look at this from our drone yes white saki just short of ringing it up head on over to flightfactor pick up some merch as we’ll take a look back at H 11 from last year we saki oh this was a moment this was an absolute moment unbelievable from Ricky Yaki and Waki of course igniting the crowd understandably [Music] so gosh how many of those do we have of Ricky I remember the one he made at in Emporia yeah from the from the Drop Zone from the drop zone as well that was just amazing Williams heads to the fpo [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Tad so going to be a tricky shot he’s got to try to flip it up through this Gap oh he’s done this nicely Terry can he get over the hill though nope just a little bit too short I think Cole right there had to really try to dial in a very difficult shot and probably just unwilling to go full speed to get up and over that little Ridge as I was saying earlier Callaway with a much longer second shot than than he would like but handles it nicely just barely getting over the rim there up onto the upper shelf lanquist in for birdie clean up for Burr will get him to six under Williams will fall back to four under [Music] Gentlemen let’s for a minute let’s make sure the players impr Callaway trying to get to double digits and that birdie will bring him into the top five Callaway 10 under three holes left to play in his round r does he have another birdie coming up R Doan just low you’ll have to settle for par so Cole rallan sitting at 10 under still a third of the course to play yeah but as you can see Terry most of the rest of the tournament is at 10 under as well I mean that’s just what it takes takes you know 10 12 under per round to win and when guys like Klein and Robinson have already set down 14 and 13 you definitely got to go under par under uh more than just 10 down I should say let’s head back to Ho 12 and well the the scene of where Rolan just took apart why is this so tough Nate I think it’s one of my favorite holes out here hole 12 kind of puts a lot of pressure on this initial t- shot you kind of want to throw a Hiser flip through this Gap so putting on a lot of power on it if you can get past this old golf bunker into this area this is ideal rolin was well back at that then you have these few trees to try to navigate and this little bump in the Fairway is an awesome feature natural feature here on the property if you can get up and over that then you’re going to have a look at birdie elevated basket on the stump it’s a beautiful hole hole number 12 playing as the fourth most difficult hole on the course you I I really do like this hole a lot Terry because I think in a way um you just don’t feel like you’re on a on a golf course on an old golf course some really nice gaps to hit here some great features this teeing area was shifted it used to be in a slightly different position when you were done with 11 you used to kind of walk just straight ahead to the tf12 to play to this pin and then a couple of years ago they moved it into a you know taking it off center so to speak and over on this side of the Fairway and I really love the change yeah great Heiser flip there and beautiful ground play from Burr near perfect right yeah he’s in a perfect position and he just said exactly what I wanted that stops very quickly for Yaki yeah it’s hard to go pure Hiser here cuz if you’re on that short side if you get caught up on the left side it’s really hard to attack the green and for Ricky there just not enough flip to flat and that’s why he stayed short down through Callaway has a birdie look on 16 and he’ll move to 11 under I smell another birdie coming for kallen and verella can really get himself back into the conversation with an eagle here which would bring him to 10 under somewhat of a slow day for him but this is just his third shot on the 942 foot 18th AB for eagle solid finish Barella season average finish of 15th second lowest average season finish of any player with three plus wins Simon lazat was 19th in 2022 so AB who got off to an incredibly hot start we thought he was going to run away with what felt like almost every tournament and as of late has compared to how he started not taking anything away from this season but he is fallen off as of late and hoping to turn things around here this weekend always feels good to put a eagle in your pocket before you head into round number two yeah I mean par five scoring for ab he birdied the first two and eagled the final one I mean four under par for just three holes is uh pretty good so he took advantage of the par FES obviously we would hope he would do that with all of his distance we’re on 16 and syus Schultz got it like that where was it going to the back that’s craziest redirection there’s no way off the tree no one else believes it yeah it actually hit a branch earlier it didn’t hit the trunk of the tree it hit a branch kind of coming off that pine tree either way pretty amazing Williams pretty good spot this is tough footing the sand is very soft and the edge of this right where his disc is is still very soft as well oh oh you can see his feet dud oh I think he did a really nice job for how much his feet gave away yeah the fact that he’s going to have a putt from circle’s Edge is so impressive you saw first his left foot give out then you saw him fall to a knee we’ll take another look and it’s because the sand from the golf bunker is still at the edge there where his disc is look at that back foot how it went three inches down three Ines into the ground the fact that he was able to plant legally with the right foot still and then look how much higher up his right foot is than where his left foot is just that unevenness in coming through really impressive there by Bradley just to give him that much of a look still with the putt that he’ll have what a t- shot from gur one tree to beat here he’s going to go with the super overstable to the left side of the big one right in the middle just swing it back to the right trying to take a lot of the guess work out of it just throw it full speed over stable [Applause] I that gr is so wet Callaway sits at 11 he too if the a birdie eagle finish could have a share of the lead at 14 got to get out the Gap and he does it very nicely great control from Ben away ralin on the 13th and never a [Applause] doubt scoring everywhere is what’s going on out here at The Preserve taking advantage of the low winds the lack of rain Kyle Klein much earlier came into the clubhouse with that 14 under Isaac followed him shortly thereafter with a 13 and Cole ralin seeing those scores in his sights and thinking he could even get past them if he continues on the pace that he started very difficult 14th so critical to put your t- shot in a good position that teapad right there is a great spot not Callaway with the birdie Waki is going to pitch up oh and a terrible kick back only 15 or so feet but still Ricky was just trying to lay it up that’ll teach him when the last time you saw Rick lay up right exactly long Quist awkward Bab yes Calvin from way deep Oh shot of the day nominee right there par putt from Calvin lanquist way deep with awkward footing and he cashes it what a good feeling that [Applause] is smile tells you everything and Williams able to capitalize even after the slip out of the bunker and Rick is in was thinking it that much roll back after hitting the stump birdie for Ganon Ben Callaway sits at 12 under Eagle certainly in range for this guy with with the power that he has we’ll see what decision he makes after this t-shot see if he can set himself up for that eagle yeah if you’re going to go for the eagle you have to bring the pond way more into play at the at the end of the flight and uh he’s gone kind of medium aggressive there I think protecting the 12 under and uh but still getting some good distance on it I think certainly we’ll see him try to go for the Green from over there more that this is trouble yeah that that should be OB it’s going to push to the left side and well out of bounds so ralin OB on the 14th he’ll get most of the distance before going out of bounds but out of bounds nonetheless yeah still good chance to get up and down for par as it is a par five our flight Factory drone actually hanging out over the Mississippi River to give us that angle Nate Perkins hole 13 has to be your favorite hole on the course tell us why oh you’re just head straight for the river and this year the water is up higher than ever so it’s actually looming in the back the minds of these players if they air the hill where the baskets on they could actually end up in the river and you’re going to lose your disc forever Bo saki got caught up and then kicked out into the Fairway you’ll have a decision to make as to how aggressive he wants to be to go after the putt long Quist coming off the big putt on 12 and oh it checks up with a final stump pin High long Quist inside the circle just aim at that tree on the right what a great view of how close the river is just like Nate Perkins was talking about and that’s a steep slope right there too as Perkins was saying the players are definitely thinking about you know coming up 15 feet short versus 15 feet long this is about the only flight path I can take without hitting a tree is somewhere out here problem is I’d be dropping into the water right about now but certainly plenty of players hanging out we talk about uh you know being out in uh in uh inner tubes or canoes paddle boards whatever the case might be lots of players doing that this week that was certainly a theme throughout all of the players answers during our press conference just saying how this is a place where you can relax you can play great golf but it’s all dedicated just to the disc golf and to our dislers having a little bit of a reprieve out on the tour here for this week lots of camping and extracurriculars people having a good time enjoying nature here’s Williams see how aggressive he wants to be here this could get a little bit squirly I mean you you see him take his full time to go for it but in the back of his mind he knows that he can’t because if you’re flying chain high from that distance you’re most certainly going over that cliff and so that’s not a shock to see it come up short big moment for Waki and definitely going for it but Waki hits low and it checks up within 10 or 12 feet in fact this morning one of the best putts I saw of of the entire FBO round was Paige Pierce on this hole from distance with the looming Cliff behind she she canned it and it it’s it it takes a lot of commitment to trying to make a putt in that scenario not a bad angle to be at when you’re talking about this pin yeah I mean it’s kind of Ideal in a way slightly uphill wind off your left just put it at the center of the pole and it should go in WoW gon way overplayed that certainly not the miss you would expect to see from Ganon in this scenario not at all he just kind of he powered through that one yeah normally in a situation like that you’re thinking about water or something you might come in low being tentative and he just launched it off the top lanquist is going to be the lone Birdie on the card we’ll take the honors with [Applause] that yeah I mean and in no way am I judging or questioning what gon did I just think that it was you know just a misfire out of his hand that was a lot of speed and I’ll be at a short comebacker this one still has some danger if something this doesn’t go in you know that that putt that he just executed right there was effectively the one he needed on the previous putt as well here’s where why saki is on the deep side of the PIN [Applause] that’s what it’s going to and Williams is in for the par and speaking of par rolan’s going to need to get up and down to save a par here it’s coming in hot oh no ralin way deep in circle to he need to connect from about 60 ft to save par Callaway with his second on the 18th definitely going for it really good see if he can get over oh yeah huge pull by Callaway what a shot he’ll have that left for a share of the lead at 14 under yeah that’s impressive from Callaway go five under for the final four holes tie Kyle Klein [Applause] you heard Ganon talking about how bad his t-shot was I think he wants to push it a little farther up the Fairway so that he can have a much better angle throwing his second shot uh like we saw from ralin moments ago so the more left you are the more of a kind of a Hiser you can throw on the second shot ver the more right you are you have to kind of play with an angle kind of a flex a lot more difficult with the out of bounds on the left side feel like Yaki and Ganon will have similar angles as you were just talking about as they pushed over to the right side feels like landing on the fpot pad is really the ideal spot to be yes this is for ralin to save the par after way too much power on the previous shot well if there’s a hole that’s going to bite you hole 14 seems to be a like uh a likely one to do just that but ralin had his chance to save par and let’s take a look here at 14 yeah so you can see where coming out the Gap here and as we start to come around the corner we’re going to start to see the rest of the Fairway if you look at the map on the right you can see all that out of bounds on the left side you see how if you’re far right over here how that angle becomes sort of a flex shot if you’re off to the left over by that fpo tead as Terry was talking about now you can throw a Hiser flip and try to get into the Fairway there’s no reason to try to get it way out there you’re not going to get to the pin this is a great landing zone for for the second shot and then you have that third shot heading into the green and we just saw from Cole Rolan it slopes away behind the basket very very quickly and that is a big slope so if you can check it up just about 15 to 20 ft short of the pin you should be able to play that ground play and keep it close to the basket either way it is a good birdie four shots here on hole number 14 Gavin with his third nice shot by Rapa he would go on to convert that for the birdie so great view from up above you see Ganon right here in the middle we’re going to go to Long Quist first [Applause] this is pulled to the right Williams in big trouble if that doesn’t kick back out yeah that’s the common mistake because you’re trying to avoid going out of bounds left I think to make birdie here and and at times to even make par you have to be willing to commit to going potentially out of bounds on that second shot you just have to try to get as much distance as you can I think for Burr here he’s just going to play it nice and safe very nice although he could have put himself a little farther away from that op line You’ll have options of both forehand and backhand I know I know I’m glad that’s F Waki will also drop it right into the center of the [Applause] Fairway I mean it really is a cool hole back there because it does force the players to sort of decide on how aggressive they want to get as well as up here on 18 for Ben Callaway to tie the lead Eagle opportunity here count it then Callaway a share of the lead now at 14 under closes out with an eagle man I remember Ben Callaway back this year at Jonesboro with a great chance to win things raveling at the end can this week be the week for Ben Callaway two weeks Callaway will be competing I’m sure in De Moine of which he’s a native Iowa player but pretty great round from Ben Callaway Ben with a lower PDGA number not that I’m too worried about anyone else kicking them off so to speak that that lead card but Ben will be in pull position most likely in terms of teeing off tomorrow him and Kyle Klein both sitting at 14 under and with that Ben Callaway ties the in of a hot round that we’re seeing here 14 under nice work back with of his own lanquist will push left side there is a ridge on that left side see if that kept him in bounds now ralin up ahead on the 15th don’t see any way that that long Quest dis stayed in bounds but we’ll find out great shot from mdal very committed perfect position all right so Bradley Williams Terry getting a little bit lucky as we’ve seen in years past the right side of this Fairway is so thick and then there’s the Mississippi River running over there as well [Applause] opportunity for Williams to still get up and down for the par and coming off the eagle to get to 14 under and tied for the end of a hot round we’ve got Ben Callaway in the clubhouse let’s hear what he had to say we’re joining the clubhouse Now by Ben Callaway been 14 down today just tell us about it uh yeah things were clicking today throwing the disc very well putting was on point I don’t know if I missed any that were inside the circle today uh I know I had a maybe two outside the circle so I mean when you’re flowing like that the shots just come and I capitalize so it felt really really good to shoot talk about whole 18 and the idea to go for eagle is that always the plan on that hole I mean if you’re in position um from off the tea I feel like yeah it’s it’s a pretty getable par five um unless it’s crazy conditions with a massive headwind then you know maybe you could probably skew from that and maybe play for birdie but yeah for most part it’s just the green light go for the eagle uh is there any consideration of looking at your score going up to the te thinking any any other score but Eagle on that hole um no I did I did check scores uh around I think 15 maybe maybe 14 I think I was nine down that point and I thought to myself you know if I can if I can get a couple birdies here and then maybe Eagle 18 that would I mean tie for the lead that would be fantastic so that was the mindset going in if I could eagle and tie for the lead then I was going to go for it so yeah that was my mindset with it great Ben K we’ll see you on leag card tomorrow sounds good thank you go push P te under and like we said whole 14 puts a a halt to that conversation but still great round going this is another sketchy long look for Bradley Williams this slope behind the pin comes in so quickly oh certainly aggressive with it and a good bit off the top and when we were in the Drone shot I could see the dis of Calvin and he did stay in bounds that’s very fortunate that was drifting very quickly over there see about two paces inside Circle two and just going to lay it up no attempt at making that one you can’t blame him yeah it’s you know look he had a bad t- shot when he’s standing over the t-shot he’s thinking best I can make is par and now he has a tap in par so I think pretty good work there from Calvin on point for Burr he’ll move to eight under [Applause] why saki to remain one ahead of Burr’s Pace he’s now to nine yeah I think it’s just an impressive day from Burr and Ricky but considering Burr double bogey the second hole in that same neighborhood now we see wrath bun in for [Applause] birdie ralin to 11 [Applause] under and when we’re taking a look at where these players May shake out in terms of PDGA numbers uh Sullivan Tipton I believe is a slightly lower number than kodalen just by a couple thousand digits which would give Sullivan Tipton now that’s assuming they were to remain tied that means Sully would have the advantage there but Cole seems to uh still have some momentum going here with a few left to play no way the average of top 20 in the final four holes is about 200 under to put it in perspective as far as Rolan scor is concerned oh that’s a kick from Ricky but it still went forward quite a bit kicky Yaki at it again I thought this was the channel where we didn’t get dad jokes no no that’s the again that’s the added even Premier subscription level that gets paid right to me as we’re watching lanquist go straight through the tree apparently that’s a misfire from Calvin just said be Heering off the t-shot oh another tree hit [Music] [Applause] and thanks to our friends over at Microsoft teams you can participate in our next Q&A giveaway with Ricky Yaki and Katrina Allen subit a question by Monday June 24th for a chance to win a free year of dgn and a disc from got to go got a throw There’s the link there or use the QR code on the bottom right side of your screen and that is that will be dad joke free I’m not part of that so you will not be subject to any of those but Ricky Waki Katrina Allen both on board Perkins I feel like we’ve almost underplayed how Ricky Waki off the course obviously he’s friendly with a lot of players he knows Ganon Burr very well considers him a friend he’s even I think closer with Bradley Williams has there been any additional banter or fun things you’ve picked up out there on the course among these guys honestly today they’ve just kind of been staying in their Lane you know Bradley and Ricky are really good friends but both of them are kind of all business sometimes when it comes to the course and especially at an event that they’ve both won in the past there’s not a ton of light banter going on right now in this opening round appreciate it as we’re watching Burr with a big second shot but not really in birdie range from there no but there also wasn’t a lot of danger there for Burr you know there’s no OB out there he could just try to get as much distance as possible and uh you know maybe have an outside chance to make birdie from a long throw in position now Rolan here on 16 [Applause] we see a lot of that on 16 kind of because the mound a lot of players coming in with the big Hiser kind of that low skip up onto the mound and then kind of check roll down the hill see that happening quite often [Applause] saw the drive by wrath bun who has picked up six birdies in the last seven holes long Quist with his second and he’ll be deep of the PIN downhill look for birdie very short range inside 25 ft lanquist just has that nice compact throw just not a lot of moving Parts there he’s a shorter height person but I mean he gets a ton of power out of that compact throw this is veering off to the left it’s interesting in this group with Calvin in contrast to Ganon Burr who’s super tall real lanky effective either way and a nice putt there by wrath buun it’s going to make seven of his last eight ralin trying to get to 12 under now scores of 12 13 Even 14 under still all possible here for Doan let’s see if he can pick up the birdie on the 16th certainly does withalan will get to 12 a share of the lead still in the sights of ralin two holes left to play wasaki next step for him is get to double digits and he’ll have that left to do just so just that gets a 10 under wrath bun on the T of 17 lets it go early and it kicks off to the right just 243 on the 17th sit down sit down worried about it going deep and out of bounds the few mistakes we’ve seen from Cole today have all been with too much power I think back to that approach few holes back on 14 when he just threw it too hard and went right past the [Applause] PIN for you know if we have good scoring conditions it’s going to be really tough to be a contender if Williams only finishes that six or seven under somewhere in that neighborhood with the scores that have been put up already he would need something miraculous over the next couple of days to be back there fighting for a Podium spot yeah there’s really no question about that I mean it’s that that’s the biggest challenge here at The Preserve it’s you’re kind of under pressure from the very beginning and that’s a beautiful birdie from Calvin lus kind of that all gas no breaks mentality 100% you know if you’re shooting a five or six down you’re you’re feeling dejected right because there’s 30 players between you and the top of the [Applause] lead you know it’s kind of one of those things like yeah today I shot a nine down it’s kind of a so so round you bured half the holes but that’s just what it is here out at The Preserve chance for eagle from Luke Taylor get to 11 under confident not a problem Luke Taylor finishes with eagle Jones also an eagle look Kevin Jones is in and Kevin Jones earlier in the round made the announcement that he is now playing for team Inova I’ve seen a lot of things in my career but one of them is not a guy changing in the dead middle of the season and uh that’s not that bad of a round for Kevin Jones First Day under the new sponsorship nice back nine ultimately one out of bounds and finishes at that seven under including the eagle to close out now the bigger number to me is sort of that 0% from Circle two we know how good Kevin is from jump HT Jones range unable to connect today from Circle two [Music] so the good news about going out of bounds just deep of this pin is it’s actually still very close to the basket this is a putt you would expect Cole rallan to make 9.9 times out of 10 thanks for not making me look dumb Cole appreciate that I know it’s a tall task but uh gets it on the lock down so Cole with a par he’ll move into 18 maybe that much more aggressively looking for an eagle but now with Yaki just a stock shot all day long here for Yaki trying to get to 11 under asking for it not to roll it does a little just as you called it Nate almost every disc does just that yeah it’s just the nature of the mounded green kind the ideal spot is to really check up about 20 ft short of the pin 20 to 15 ft short of the pin and just kind of check into the front side of the Hill a lot of the players try to throw these big wide highers and that’s going to leave you that 20-footer kind of all day that’s a nice job by lunus coming in short of the PIN it fights through the tree which seems to slow it down just the right amount all but parked for Ganon Burr that’ll be the 45 ft range uphill with a headwind and Bradley’s just had so many of those over the last five or six holes everything has been from that distance and it’s going to be hard to score out here at The Preserve if you’re not putting yourself inside Circle one on nearly every hole that being said the two leaders of the tournament one of them in Kyle Klein went three from five and uh Ben Callaway went two of three from Circle two so good good Circle two putting today but you can see most of the work is done from inside the circle and let’s take a look at Nate’s keys for closing brought To Us by blacking the premium disc golf store well I guess I was just talking about it Terry t-shot execution you want to put yourself inside Circle one in regulation that is where the money is made here out at The Preserve and must get birdies I mean it especially in these conditions you look at 15 16 17 and 18 as a player you feel like you should be four underpar playing those four holes and today that is certainly the case if you look at the leaders of the tournament all of them uh birdied almost every single one of those holes only Kyle Klein parred here on 16 otherwise they would have birdied every single hole to finish the round for yeah ruption for long Quist picking up the birdie on 16 looked like maybe he held on to it a little too long as it released out of his hand coming in that high right side chain but Waki gets it to drop and gon will answer with a birdie of his own I mean kind of depending on what Cole does on 18 we can see Ricky on the lead card tomorrow depending on what he does of course oh my oh that’s the best t-shot we’ve seen so far today on our coverage and 100% a green light for Gavin Rathbun same thing here for Cole Rolan that’s huge yeah he loves it big drive for ralin Terry he’s 50 feet behind where Kyle Klein laid up to on his second shot that’s how big of a shot that was from Cole so a chance for Eagle for Rolan if he can put it in close and chance to tie the leaders and looking at everyone on that top 10 or at least everyone in front of Yaki he would have the lower PDGA number coming in at the 38,000 so Yaki would get any tiebreaker if he were to find himself in a position of bumping somebody off of the lead card but first he’s going to need to pick up a couple more birdies that’s a good start circle’s Edge [Music] [Applause] Perkins you talked to so many players yesterday during the presser and you asked almost all of them about what hot scores might be is there anything that surprised you about how this is shaking out today so far now when the rain held off and there was no wind out here today I think everybody in this tournament knew that the numbers could be what they are today and if Cole can get the eagle and if Rick can get this birdie and the eagle we might have four people at 14 and that’s just the way things go out here on the disc off Pro Tour incredible [Applause] Doan lining up his second shot I mean again without win being a factor for Cole it’s really just about picking a point in the sky that you want to hit let that Disc break right towards that pin distance is not a problem not far from skipping it in as they were calling for [Applause] it that was perfect execution from Co rallan he picked that point in the sky perfect [Music] speed as Nate Perkins said this is just how it is on the Disco Pro rdan does have a lower PDGA number than Kyle kleene so when it comes to the 14s he’s going to jump in front of him Rath buun finding the front face of that golf bunker but still within range to make birdie or excuse me to make Eagle as that was his second [Music] shot long Quist in for birdie moments before that getting bird laid up whoa shocking Miss from Ricky just completely unexpected you can see it in his reaction the one thing I was worried about those low hanging branches on that left side then you’re putting to an elevated basket they almost always come into play over there and this time preventing Williams from finding chain so we’re going to watch this final feature card play this hole just one under not exactly what we would expect and that means that Yaki will need an eagle to put himself onto the lead card tomorrow a birdie keeps him on Chase C guard and Eagle will put him on the lead card the 18th is coming up on the other side of the break we’ll be right back [Music] [Music] tone technology by Clash discs [Music] watch [Music] I watch [Music] hello we’re Kenna we’re a Dutch growing company we love plants and we want to tell you some cool things about them just like humans plants can communicate they can sense when another plant is close plants look out for each other too they warn Neighbors about nearby threats by secreting substances and Studies have shown that plants love a good tune we love and understand plants let our passion excite you too back with Ricky Waki again doing the math if Yaki Eagles he’s on lead card is that in position Perkins is that put Waki still in position yeah Ricky didn’t get all of that right there he was looking for some turn at the top of the flight and it just started to fade out but if he throws another like 480 Hiser he can definitely get up and down for an eagle yeah Perkins just a few groups back Ben Callaway put it in a similar position as Ricky and went on to Eagle and well that’s for sure Eagle range Ganon if Ganon Burr Eagles here on 18 he goes to 11 underpar he would be on the Chase card he double Bogi the second hole of the tournament and I think that just goes to show you where Ganon Burr is right now in his game kind of even on an off day he’s going to be near the lead card heading into day two pretty impressive stuff yeah patience resilience all those things come to mind and battling back like you said after the double bogey here’s Gavin and he’s in for EO he’s going to move to 11 under I would say pretty resilient round for Gavin Rathbun I mean threw eight holes he was two under par went on to shoot 11 that’s pretty good ralin secures himself on a lead card [Applause] [Laughter] tomorrow Gotta Love Casey and his energy that he brings yeah Casey also finished with an eagle but Casey White is in at 6 under for the day so solid work out here as we’re watching Cole rallan Kyle Klein and Ben Callaway all at 14 under comes down to Ricky Waki and Isaac Robinson in terms of who will round out this lead card interesting to see nobody at 12 and Yaki is hoping to not be the only guy at 12 on yeah you kind of expect that at the worst Rick is going to be at 12 Ricky only about 40 feet ahead of Bradley Williams Bradley laying it up uh Ricky’s got that big Power Waki going for the green oh my God does not like it he pulled it way right he’s got to get lucky there’s an OB line on the right side wow that is lucky look at that back corner so why saki is still in bounds you have a very long look for the eagle could be just the birdie which will put him on the top of the second card that would get him to 12 under if so lanquist does it have the speed to get over it does wow just off the wood chips for lanquist I I got to say overall I’m very impressed with Calvin Long Quist he’s got that nice compact throw he’s a good putter he also seems very resilient as well I mean he double Bogi the second hole he has that putt to shoot nine under today not that bad [Applause] chalk that up for Ganon Burr I realize that to par that for our fans at home and even for us here in the booth I’ll get back to it Terry well what we can also use right now and realize is 20% off your first full month use the code preserve 20 go ahead and click on that uh QR code and make sure you uh check us out we hope you’ve enjoyed some programming if you’re watching us on YouTube here today invite you to to join us over on the disc golf Network and if you have a touchcreen you can just press the button on your touch screen and that’ll bring you right to it it’s some fancy technology we’re working on here as Bradley Williams after going out of bounds trying to still put it right there Williams is going to check up next to the pin so Williams while trying to lay up through out of bounds that’s a that’s a big mistake there from Bradley yeah and want to throw it out to our uh our well our clubhouse interview it looks like we’ve got Cole ralin lined up let’s see what he has to say joining us in the clubhouse now is Cole D 14 down today Cole how does that feel feels great yeah I mean I’m really sad I couldn’t be at my brother’s military graduation this weekend and I just still decided to play this tournament so feels really good to come out strong and and play for him there’s two other 14 Downs on the card what was so perfect today for the conditions for scoring I really just think it’s the increased difficulty in the field I mean last year I’m not entirely sure what made lead car but I think it was 12 um and so uh yeah this year just you got to start out hot and with the winds down today they’re pretty down today so it was up to you to execute the shot and make your putt leading in today all we heard was about rain and lightning and potential delays how does the mindset shift when the weather doesn’t hit when you may be mentally preparing for it yeah I mean I’m I came prepared and um and thankfully the weather just didn’t come I just came out here looking to play my game and regardless of what the weather was going to do I just had my my focus on what I was going to do during the round and I would have adjusted accordingly according to the weather but thankfully today it stayed off and lastly what’s the goal for tomorrow yeah just stay in the race um you got to get a lot of birdies out here so just keep pacing with the rest of the guys up there and hopefully make a move on Sunday that’s C down we’ll see him on lead card tomorrow great Insight we saw why saki’s bid come up just short as they’re tapping out any last parting shots from you Nate Perkins before we let you go I mean amongst the no and fpo we’re talking hundreds of birdies but Terry I think the mosquito still slightly outnumbered the birds out here at The Preserve today but you all jokes aside it it was a great day for for the game and I I love you know kale Lisa’s Vision out here he really does want the players to play free and when the wind is down that’s exactly what they get to do out here and it’s going to be a shootout all weekend long appreciate you Nate as we can follow along with more insights and thoughts from Nate Perkins over there on Tournament Central make sure you guys stay tuned in for that and there you have it your lead card tomorrow Ben Callaway Cole ralin Kyle kleene and Isaac Robinson Tournament Central people hanging out vendor Village plenty of activity going on out there at The Preserve I think it’s only going to get more rambunctious over the next couple of days hopefully as we take a look back at some of our highlights and favorite shots from round one hours earlier Kyle kleene was doing work so that he could get to 14 under p ralin no problem with the approach shot on four as you said that may have been a catalyst to get him going and on track Isaac Robinson closed out strong with six consecutive birdies including the [Applause] 18th why saki just sprinkling birdies throughout the entire round at one point had a five pole stretch of birdies then Callaway had all birdies and one Eagle on the 18th in route to a 14 [Music] under and Kelvin lanquist from way deep too deep to even run it in he’s just going to stroll that one in welcome back in everyone Nate some really hot scorers anything you can take away from round one so far well I think regardless of whether you’re playing a course that is very difficult and you have to try to avoid Bogies I also like playing a course like this that requires the players to be pinpoint make putts and make birdies and today it was very entertaining and I had a ton of fun watching it I look forward to the rest of the weekend if the weather can hold off I think we have uh something very special in store for us some low winds but High mosquitoes we’ll see how that continues to shake out throughout the rest of the weekend we’re going to take a quick break here on the network and when we come back we’ll have our OTB only the best after show along with the shot of the day we’ll see you in a minute [Music] [Music] get your homing pigeon disc finder today because a disc in the hand is worth two in the bush if disc golf is your game make got to go got to throw your Disc Golf Warehouse with a huge selection of discs bags baskets carts shirts and more got has all the tools to take your game to the next level shop online or our Golden Valley Minnesota store free shipping with all online orders over $75 online or in store get what you need for the game you love got your Disc Golf Warehouse in the game since 1993 introducing the birdie Derby are ready to run tournament package from Prodigy disc it’s the perfect three dis tournament to welcome new players and give experienced throwers something new to try running a birdie Derby is a great way to engage your local community and discover new discs in a ready to go package learn more and host a Derby today at disolf [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] pound’s the best of the best it’s the quality the craftsmanship the vision for what a bag could be let’s start from the beginning I didn’t choose pound I chose Levi I trusted Levi to make the best bag possible he’s always trying to innovate he wants it to be perfect and I think he’s the kind of guy that nothing’s ever perfect I trust the product I trust the people behind the product at this point I don’t think anyone’s disputing that it’s the best made bag [Music] Edge is a nationally recognized 501c3 charitable organization what we do is we empower the teachers with complete programming along with the equipment and a standardized curriculum so you have a One-Stop shot for teachers and youth Educators that’s really what Edge is it makes everything simple for the teacher to get involved with this golf if we want disc golf to be recognized we need to introduce this golf to the youth and if nothing else they’ve got a healthy game that they can enjoy with their families throughout the rest of their lives 1 2 3 4 [Music] [Music] and Tournament Central comes right up after our broadcast here in the booth with Nate and I you can check out Tournament Central if you’re a dgn pro subscriber Ricky Yaki and others along with some additional analysis and breakdown all available over at Tournament Central as a dgn pro subscriber and as always The Preserve provided some excitement here today the winds were down we all say that when the winds pick up out there players have to make some adjustments all of a sudden some of the holes that don’t really feel like they have OBS can come into play and everyone has to kind of pull things back a little bit but tomorrow if we’re dry again and we have low winds we should expect to see more of the same right yeah no question about it when you really look at the top 10 leaderboard two names jump out at me well really maybe three Ben Callaway is number one he’s at the top of the board right now so close to winning in Jonesboro still has not gotten that big win on the disc golf pro tour could this weekend be his I also look at Isaac Robinson who has not had a really great event this year could this be the one that he finally breaks through and plays well for three rounds but also Ganon Burr that’s the other name that jumps out at me there too because ganet is going for that three in a row run which is so you know Elusive and hard to get so lot of great storylines a lot of great players at the top but uh yeah you’re going to have to go low I think even with some wind assuming it’s dry the double digits is still that number to get to yeah and you know even in the press conference they talked about if you don’t come out hot yes you can make up but you can only make up so much I mean even if you shoot a scorching 15 under 16 under somebody else is probably shooting those 10 11 and 12 so you have to come out of the Gates Strong that’s what we saw by a number of these players today that’s not to say anyone’s officially ruled out and we’ll see what the conditions give us tomorrow but you have to be going from the get-go so to speak just right out of the gate uh all systems firing tomorrow and we’ll see who can do that we saw a couple of change UPS today we saw not only someone like Kevin Jones you know came out not only had his announcement but then Bird’s the first two holes and then you compare and contrast that to the struggles lanquist with the double bogy Gavin uh excuse me genon Burr double bogey on two of all places to see double Bogies on this course you wouldn’t think hle 2 is one that would trip them up the way that it did but both of them so impressively battled back slowly throughout the entire round and now you see Ganon right there tied for six obviously a contender yeah no question about it man it’s going to be good stuff ab’s right there just outside uh or just at the bottom of the top 10 leaderboard so you know he could become a factor and there’s a few guys just sitting off our top 10 leaderboard you know Drew Gibson’s in there James Conrad’s in there somebody could pop off a good one tomorrow and find themselves riding that lead card if I’m not mistaken in the early goings of this tournament going back three four years ago James Conrad might have been or might even still be one of those uh course record holders at that 145 Mark again different configuration but if I recall he was one of the hottest rounds out here on this property a few years ago and then you know you already made that comparison think about Callaway at Jonesboro we also have seen what James Conrad did at Jonesboro a few years ago with his hot score so you can never count out a world champion in James Conrad uh what we can count on is our OTB only the best shot of the day I know you love to call out a few of the nominees we saw some incredible shots uh what’s sticking out you at you now that we’ve seen everyone play here today well early on it was definitely that ralin shot on hole number four that was incredible for out of position to be that close to the basket but I think I’m going to give it to Calvin lanquist that big long putt I think was on whole 12 from the little Ridge line that was an awesome looking putt and uh that’s going to be my guess for the today I I’m not sure what it’s going to be though all right we also saw a bunch of Eagle approaches or that set themselves up for eagles on the 18th uh and you got to love when you finish out with an eagle I I like the long Quist uh take that you had there but let’s roll it we’ll take a look at our OTB only the best shot of the day let’s see what was selected oh and there it is exactly as you called it from way deep some awkward footing on the hillside take another look from the other side to the elevated pin I also think Roar of the day from the crowd the crowd definitely on Calvin’s side today and that was a good one let see if he can battle back and have a solid day out here tomorrow in his home state and speaking of tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. Central is when coverage begins that’ll be coming to you with our tournament Central for your pro subscribers and then at 300 PM Central for the m round for Nate Perkins out on the ground along with Nate Doss I’m Terry Miller the disc golf guy we’ll see you tomorrow for day two at The Preserve championship [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music]


  1. Gannon. Here's some advice. Let others tell you you are the best player in the world. When it comes from you no matter how you say it seems pompous. Just sayin'.

  2. What makes you think people aren't gonna get on here to vent for you cowards turning off comments on fpo video. Your channel is a true representation of what cowards simps do for closure. Get real and lose your subs. Stay cowardly my simps!

  3. More insight on the shot required on these holes or what the players might be thinking or aiming for. What discs best here or there And less reacting to their throws. These guys don’t know how to commentate. They don’t provide anything more then what I think of in my own head

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