Incredible Arm Position in Golf Swing Nobody Tells You About

The arm position in golf swing. We’re going to discuss the set up and how to transform this position to help you hit the ball better. The Difference Between You and a Tour Pros Golf Swing Starts HERE.

What Nobody tells you about arm position in golf swing. But if you want to hit the ball better, then you need to understand this important element of the game. In this video, we’re going to show you how to set up your arm position and how to hit the ball better with this simple, yet powerful, swing technique.

What should be more dominant in your golf swing — your arms or body? In this video we show you a simple tweak to your arms at set up that improve consistency and makes effortless golf swing power easier.

Golf swing rotation and limitations will affect the outcome, so will too much tension.

Alex Fortey from the Art of Simple Golf gives you a simple golf tip to improve your golf swing Enjoy this golf video to help you get closer to having a perfect golf swing.. YOUR perfect golf swing


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we are outside in a beautiful day but this lesson is something that you’re going to do more at home it’s more homework for you but it’s very effective homework that I’m going to get you to do because what we’re talking about is trying to sort of combine the three dimensions of the go swing two of them that I’m going to talk about is your rotation which is going to be the real generator of consistency and power but also we’re going to talk about the arm movement how the arms are moving during the swing are one a result of how we set up how we pivot the body so we need to get that stuff right first but what happens is and I’m included in this when we’re trying to get the arms moving how we want we often stop using the body as much then we also focus on using the body too much so then the arms don’t do enough and when the arms don’t do enough they often get drug on the inside they’re a bit too low here and we end up sort of picking up like this I’m exaggerating I’m being a bit mean but that’s the gist or we think well I’ve got to yeah okay I got to turn but then I have to use the arms as well so we’ll end up just sort of picking the arms up this way and not rotating enough here we want to try and at least understand what neutral is and a neutral very natural arm movement about what’s actually occurring during the swing let’s just HP be in hypothetical world and presume you’ve got a good rotation with your body you got a good setup you’re pivoting how you naturally need to Pivot depending on your swing type you can learn more about that in another video but your setup is adapting to your limb length and your swing type and then from there you can make a good pivot so we’re winding up the body we’re getting rotation without restriction allowing as much sort of rotation as we feasibly can for our swing type but we want to have a good intention with the arms to make sure that we are in a good placement to be able to say yeah from here or from wherever it may be I can generate power to throw that club down I’m not in my own way I’m not feeling awkward I’m not really worrying about where this club is is it falling behind me is it falling in front of me am I dipping am I doing all this kind of stuff so many thoughts or too many variables going on so let’s really really really simplify this so what you’re going to do to get yourself into I don’t even like the term but a perfect back swing you’re going to do this you’re going to take the club across your shoulders like so it’s going to cradle it cradle it like a wee little baby these are precious golf clubs are precious we love them right sometimes and what you can see is I’m cradling it but I’m I I have freedom of movement this way I can raise it up and down what I’m going to do is combine this with my rotation okay and we’re going to do it in a couple of steps so first of all I’m going to rotate okay I’m going to make a back I’m going to rotate so I’m feeling relatively full as soon as I start feeling restriction that’ll do for me I’m not fully warmed up now I’m going to raise those arms and what I’m going to try and notice is all right where is this club you see this club is pretty much pointing directly at you it’s pretty much level but I if you try this you’ll do something a little bit different because of a tendency most of you have so I want you now to go and grab a club grab a wooden spoon a ruler a alignment stick whatever you can and even if you don’t have something you can still just cross the arms like a little Russian dancer and I want you to raise raise your arms up and I want you to make a rotation because what I want to to notice is are my arms are my shoulders level or are they dipping down too much here I’ll show you from this way I’ll make a rotation if I don’t raise my arms enough see how that club’s pointing down and a lot of you will be thinking well hold on I’ve been told the drill you know to put the club across the shoulders and point it to the ball get that left you know shoulder down really wind down load up into that right side load up that way you can hear my voice I’m strained for some of you that may apply for some of the time but most of you are going to be so much better have so much more freedom in your gol swing when you’re not having that sensation when you’re not trying to do that what you’re actually going to do is try and keep this club level now I’m not doing it by lifting my whole body up see that I’m not really lifting my body so my shoulders are this way I’m allowing my rotation to occur but now I’m cradling the club and very gradually I’m raising that arm because here I’m raising this arm up so that club stays more or less level I can still see the well what would be the ball and I can and now as I make my way back down I can lower those arms those arms come back down and I can now accelerate through deliver that club perfectly and you think well I’ve got to hold the golf club here but what’s happening is you’re not trying to you’re not reacting to the golf club the golf club isn’t swinging you you are swinging the golf club you are thinking about as you’re doing this as you’re trying to have this intention you’re thinking about what muscles what joints what ligaments am I using to rotate and raise what’s occurring here for me to get in this position and when I do that like why is the benefit of this when I do that I have much more freedom I can slam that club back down with so much more velocity without that manipulation if I don’t allow those arms to raise I’m stuck here and I’m trying to generate speed and I will throw it back down that way because it has to because I haven’t created enough elevation but if I try and do too much elevation this way okay I’m going to be too flat here and then I’m going to have to kind of manipulate again so this cradling this action is going to give you super neutrality and width in your swing and it will give you a nice little checkpoint that you can reference to keep feeling it so here’s the thing not that’s not a golf shot but it’s training the muscles is training the the movements the neurological Pathways to feel what has to happen for this arm to create freedom because what’s actually happening in the arms here the arms are literally just they’re raising up this way and I’m hinging the wrist but I’m not just raising it above my head I’m actually internally rotating this shoulder as it goes that way that’s what is actually happening I’m not just doing this it’s actually a slight I mean this is sort of making it perfect really cuz we can just do that and rotate and you’ll be in just a good spot that’ll be fine but we’re just allowing a little tweak to the side as we raise it up and as we rotate and you’ll find that it gives you so much more freedom and you will love this rehearse it very slowly when everyone tries drills they always try and do it full speed or backwards and forwards backwards and forwards that’s not how we play golf we start from a you know a relatively static position we need momentum to start things off yes just rehearse slowly even do it with your eyes closed to start feeling internally what this movement feels like do it 5 10 minutes a day for the next week come back and tell me what you notice in your full swing and when you do take a club you’re not worrying about this you’re just doing the same feeling the same intention with your arms to get you in that position to deliver it back down simples try it let me know how you get on once you fix that about your back swing we can then work on delivering a bit more power into impact and in the through swing with Simplicity with this lesson I appreciate you watching let me know if you have any questions but promise me you’re TR let me know come back and let me know the results cheers

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