Get The Right Grip EVERYTIME- The Hammer Analogy

I love a tip that is quick easy to understand applies some laws of anatomy and can be transferred to help us play better golf. If you do as well then, this tip is a must-watch.

BUT.. Don’t watch this unless you…
– Have 7 minutes to focus
– Are prepared to practice this at home with a golf club in your hand.

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do you ever feel like you’re struggling to get your grip Right Grips we know sometimes for some people when they try and change their grip can feel really awkward really difficult and it’s almost as if you have no control sometimes you have that experience when you set up to the golf ball you think right let me go through it carefully I’ve got my grip meticulously in the right place you set up to the golf ball you’re about to swing and your hands change position they just it’s as if somebody else has got hold of them your hands have become possessed and they just suddenly do their own thing to ever feel that way it can be very frustrating I know I’ve had that and I think just about every go for has so I’ve had to work really hard to try and keep my grip in a good place and when I’m working on it to make sure I know I’m doing it properly I’d like to share an analogy with you here a way of doing which I think you’ll find very very useful so let’s first of all just take it to something a little bit more uh everyday if like everyday life that we can do so let me just bring this up here a fraction more you can see the top of this head cover here I’m going to use that as an object and I’m going to for the moment cuz then you do this at home imagine I’m going to turn the golf club this way and imagine it’s a hammer and a nail that I’m going to hit here now my left hand for me is my top hand my golf swing if I was to put that in fact I’m going to use the actual golf grip here if I was to put that very much underneath to the side what we would traditionally call a weak gripping gol if I was to do that and then Hammer here it wouldn’t feel very nice on my wrist okay it would feel like it’s straining my wrist the natural place for me to hold the hammer would be to actually turn turn and put my fleshy heel pad here on top of the handle in that position there that would feel a lot easier to control the hammer and to go up and down okay in that position there because now my wrist is much stronger the wrist joint is more under control and can work in a much more effective way so just using that simple analogy can be very effective now let’s take that a step further because actually if I go hold the golf club some of you may have seen in Ben Hogan’s modern fundamentals he shows a great image of the four finger acting as a hook no other fingers involved and just that fleshy pad underneath the the thumb the heel pad there supporting the club and the club can stay balanced in that position in a very Square position there the key part is that it’s going under let’s get in here closely and see it’s going under I’m going to come see even get a better view under that heel pad there that’s the bit we want to get it under not the thumb pad be careful not the thumb pad underneath the heel pad there if we get it under there that’s the key bit now why is that the key thereit we’ll go back to my analogy of hitting the nail and using the hammer when it’s under there now close my fingers if I now let that club drop down slowly what will happen is the wrist will start to close and as it closes it controls the club so that club’s now under control you can see that club will only drop down so far okay cuz it’s now beginning to pull but in a nice way on the top of my wrist there on top of my hand if I was to go to the weak position here that I showed before and now let the club drop down actually that’s now going to pour my wrist in an awkward way and it keeps going in fact the club will want to eventually slide out of my hand if I go the other way here and put the hand too strong and drop it down again it’s actually you can see what it’s doing to the wrist it’s turning the wrist in this way and the club actually goes on an arc over here so the only place where the club will fall down in a controlled Manner and fall down straight is when it’s actually under that heel pad correctly you can see now the club wants to go down dead straight it’s beginning to control it’s locking up at that point it’s under control the wrist joint is closing down is keeping that Golf Club under control so if you and and what I would say to you is that the Top Hand of the club tends to be the one that has the greatest infant so whether you’re right- handed or left-handed whatever your top hand is if you can get that into a good neutral place you tend to find that the bottom hand will fit in much better anyway so I give a lot of uh time to getting that right hand the right hand the top hand sorry in a correct place I give a lot of time to making sure that that Top Hand is in the best place and that is a simple way of doing it so remember the hammer analogy you wouldn’t hammer it with your hand off the side or too far turned over you would probably just put it right underneath that heel pad there again from there you would feel like yeah actually I’ve got nice control over that hammer and I can just let that hammer come up and down onto my nail my object let’s take the same thing with a go swing we can use the Ben Hogan Andy the hook underneath that heel pad there close the fingers and if it’s under that heel pad nicely as you drop it down it will stay straight and it will just control if you got it too it will drop down and it will start to fall out and it will hurt the wrist most probably go too far the other way and drop it down again it will bend the wrist too much and the club will come off at a different angle so it’s a really simple way take just take your time with it it’s a very simple way to get the hand in the right position once you got that Top Hand in the right place I said the lower hand tends to fit in better then go ahead and hit some shots now one final thing when you’re making a grip change I would suggest start off with very very short shots to begin with okay don’t try and hit too far get get used to it just build up very very gradually okay once you you start off with chip shots pit shots and then eventually go into a full swing that will give you a chance to get used to that new hand position because we know that when we alter our hand position it doesn’t end there it starts to change how the club face feels in the swing it may have other inferences you may start to notice other changes well you want to get get used to that so again just start off very very small little shots and then gradually build up from there one final thing do take your hands off after each shot and reapply them okay if you leave them on and drag another ball and drag another ball and keep they will be moving and you won’t notice it because they will move very fractionally between shots and before you know you’ll be practicing with your old grip again and of course that’s just a waste of time we want to make sure that we practice mindfully to make sure that the practice is quality and we actually get a change so I hope that’s useful for you grip if you’ve had experienc like me in the past where your hands seem to be possessed and doing their own thing this I can assure you going through this will help get your hands in a great position and that is one basic that can then lead to many other powerful changes in your go swing good luck

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