Gaining distance should not be hard please do not overthink the golf swing!

Hey guys in today’s lesson video we will talk about how to properly use the weight of the golf club to our advantage to gain distance effortlessly! If you follow this video you will create an effortless golf swing and gain distance along the way. So many amateur golfers try so hard to gain speed and distance but at the end of the day if you use the weight of the clubhead properly gaining distance should be easy not hard!

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okay so I just have a seven iron here just a golf club at the studio and I’m still warming up so let’s see what kind of distance that I could hit with this seven iron I’m not going to hit the golf ball very hard because I’m still warming up let’s just see how far I could hit the seven iron with a relatively smooth golf swing so didn’t try to kill this one 186 yards Club speed around 88 mph so still warming up I normally hit my 7 iron Club speed wise in the low 90s so let me hit one more just dropped the weight of the golf club down towards the ground and as you can see here Club at speed still not where I would be if I warmed up fully 100% but I still hit the golf ball 196 yards that’s because I’m utilizing the weight of the golf club correctly so what we have to realize is that since we have this weight at the end of the golf club and the golf ball is also a very very hard object if this big piece of weight touches and collides with this hard object at the bottom the golf ball is all obviously going to fly towards the target it’s not rocket science it’s just as if we have a hammer and we’re just hitting a nail the heavy Hammer as soon as it touches the nail the nail is going to go into the wall or into the piece of wood but every single golfer instead of getting the the weight of the golf club to just fall towards the golf on this man right here and just utilize the weight of the club head what most amateur golfers do is is they try to muscle it through with their whole body so where that comes from is that even when I first started playing I had the same problem if we try to muscle it through with our whole body it feels like we’re giving out a lot of effort and we’re actually giving out a lot of power but in reality it’s just the feel and feel always goes away and it always changes so what we have to realize is that the hardest part in an amateur golfer trying to create that effortless speed and power is is that if we just throw the weight of the golf club towards the golf ball it feels like we’re not going to hit the golf ball far aways because if I just dro the weight of the golf club towards the golf ball with that same super Ned release that we talked about in the previous video so if you didn’t watch the previous video please go watch that video first because it talks about having that effortless golf swing with that correct release so if you haven’t seen that video please go watch that video first so if you have that supern release what we have to now do is is that you have to trust that the weight of the club head is going to drop towards the golf ball with that supern release and if we just drop the club at towards the golf ball with that super native release with the logo of the golf club pointing more towards the ground we’re going to create that distance no matter what because the club head has a significant amount of weight and and the golf ball like I said is also very hard if a big weighted weighted piece of object hits another hard object we’re going to have a big Collision it’s not rocket science so if I go to the top of my back swing if I just drop the weight of the club head towards the golf ball and at that supern release I just hit my seven iron once again 188 yards and the way you know that I’m not trying to kill this golf ball is because my club speed actually went that down and my club speed is at around 83 mph roughly when I’m 100% warmed up I normally swing my 7even iron anywhere from like 92 to 93 mph so what we want to do is we have to drop the weight of the club head towards the golf ball in this manner right here we’re throwing the weight towards the golf ball and what we have to realize is is that we once we get that supernat release and we throw the weight of the club towards the golf ball all we have to feel is the weight of the club head being thrown towards the golf ball while adding a little bit of release we just have to throw the club into this post impact position right here we don’t have to throw the club all the way to our finish position we just have to throw the weight of the club head to this position right here and naturally because of the weight at the end of the golf club the club is naturally going to come up all the way to our finish position naturally so what we have to feel just feel wise is that we’re going to drop the weight of the club towards the golf ball we’re going to add that super native release and we’re just going to throw all the way to this position and naturally since the weight of the golf club has weight and the golf ball is also a very hard object if we just throw the weight of the golf club towards the golf ball we’re going to create that effortless speed and power so once again 1884 around 185 yards by just dropping by seven iron just towards the golf ball you just have to trust that the weight of the club head is going to send the golf ball out towards the target instead of trying to muscle it through so once again if you guys like the lesson video please like And subscribe to help my channel grow and for inpersonal online lessons I’ll leave all the information in the description below thanks guys


  1. Are you just letting your arms drop from the top? At what point do you start to throw the clubhead out?

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