I REALLY Wanted These Irons To BE BETTER!?

These SEXY Irons Just Didn’t Do It For ME, Until…

nothing feels like a Mizuno at least that’s what they say today I have the brand new 2024 Mizuno Pro blade irons and these things are not jam-pack full of Technology you will not find much Tech here to help your game or my game but what a beautiful place we are to test these we are in Whitby we fishing chips later we are fishing chips later and we’re here on a special Mission but more about that later because I’ve been putting off testing these for no real reason other than they haven’t really lit my fire they haven’t really got me as excited as Muno irons in the past and I’ll get to that as well but we’re going to test the short ends to start with we’re going to work through the bag here guys how good do these look and I always think with Muno it’s a difficult task because they have to sort of reinvent them a little bit without totally going full ball and Reinventing the wheel so I think they’ve done a good job there personally I think the cleaner the better when it comes to bladed irons so we’ve got 140 yards here we’ve got a 9 iron let’s see I mean straight away looking down at this Chris bring this in and look at this blade length they’ve actually made these look a little bit more traditional if that was possible and that’s very reminiscent of the Muno MP 32s which for me were the best ever Muno isons I still have a set in the garage and I bring them out quite often just to have a game with them funny story my dad once had them it was nowhere near good enough to have them but I had them my brother had them and he went and got himself a set and he enjoyed them and I think there’s something to be said there cuz so many people should maybe have a set of Blade irons in there that they bring out a couple of times a year both to let you know where your game is but also just for a bit of fun somewhere here like Whitby so workability is what these clubs are all about see what we can do now that felt delightful that felt very very good and we can go with all the cliches of nothing feels like a Muno time after time but realistic Al are these the best feeling iron in golf does that make a difference to you if they do feel good and how do they have to perform let’s hit a couple more a gorgeous par three coming up as well here at Whitby you know what I feel like I should have tested these sooner just based on the looks it’s another one that’s all over you have to give it a club twirl as well when you have clubs like this I feel like that’s two greens in a row little bit more fade on that than maybe what I wanted try let’s try and play a little drawer in here and the big thing realistically with these I put myself off there so I feel like I have to talk to you about it is the price £1,100 when you can get a set of tacos for less than half that you can get a set of CES there’s clubs out there now Tes that we reviewed the other week can you justify spending that much money on a set of irons which let’s face it may look beautiful but under the the hood certainly aren’t helping your game at All Turf interaction I wouldn’t expect anything less than perfect let’s try and play a bit of a draw to that flag the workability really is absolutely delightful that’s all over it they feel fantastic so guys I must admit my day is looking up we’ve been here since quite early this morning actually filming a load of videos huge thanks to the guys at Whitby golf club for hosting us a gorgeous place to test golf clubs especially a set of bladed irons but it stopped raining finally we’ve just got absolutely soaked and um yeah very very happy now it stopped raining the winds up which I quite like on a a nice link style Golf Course a nice Coastal golf course and just a nice day to take it all in and realistically when it comes to it though I’m quite happy with those three shots the latter one was the better one the draw going a little bit further than the two Fades that we played but hit the greens three times in a row from 135 proba 140 yards into a little bit of wind going take it all day long if we start thinking about tour averages and things like that all of a sudden you do start to realize that we’re not potentially as good as we think we are but some nice stoppage there on them as well you can see a bit of backspin from that one and a nice bit of stoppage from that final shot as well which is what you would expect really from a bladed iron with uh traditional lofs we call could say okay guys I challenge you to find a nicer tea box than this for a gorgeous looking Par 3 coming up as you can see front flag front flag trying and get your words out there James front flag Central so a nice attacking one let’s try and hit some full board iron shots here it’s only 140 yards so again we’re going to go with that 99 but full shots now it’s playing 155 yards so we’re going to play a couple of nice chippy seven irons again I don’t feel like these are the irons you wouldn’t be necessarily buying if you wanted power irons and them to go a long way these are the it that you buy when you want to play Shots work shots manufacture shots into the wind and the conditions like this again with the 7 iron just a beautiful looking club and again to take the wrapper off these is my favorite thing to do in the world guys would you have these in the bag based on the looks and that looks so much like a 32 it really does right wind off left a nice low flighted one that could work to be absolutely wonderful go on go on front edge nice strike we can play these low which is everything you do want from these clubs really you want to be able to pick your trajectory can we play a draw into that wind oh that is all over it that could go in that was so close that was so close and it was everything we wanted from the ball flight as well it’s released out a little bit more but let’s go full nine iron now and see just how close we can get with a full blooded one can we get distance out of these clubs if we want to be the club be the club these are really good by the way and I probably Muno a bit of an apology because these have been my garage for a long time and now I want them in the bag yes please and the funny thing is when it comes to distance with these irons I’m not going to say they’re going to be overly forgiving because like we said there’s not a lot of technology in there whatever Tech is in there is just a little bit of waiting Spradley around the face to maybe help you a touch Turf interaction as we’ve seen out in the wet and windy wet and windy wet and windy whby golf club is phenomenal so we’ve got the 7 iron here and a 7 iron for me is usually around 65 yard so realistically I would anticipate that here on the two Vision system with around a 6,000 spin I’m quite a low spin player anyway so that’s what we see and that immediately felt really nice taking off where we left off 6,700 spin so a really nice number and that’s pitched at 161 168 total quite nice it’s launching at 20° and it was a tiny bit towy actually so I’m surprised we’ve managed to gain that that Back Spin we’ve lost a couple of yards maybe oh my that felt unbelievable that felt phenomenal that it’s exactly the same 162 169 total 7,000 backspin have Mizuno unlocked something here where we’re actually starting to get even more control and consistency I’ve hit that heavy that really wasn’t good how far is that going to go 158 three yard Miss three yard Miss still spinning at 6,000 heavy and the thing the thing is here guys if you want a golf club that’s overly forgiving if you’re a mid to C golfer you’re working on getting your game down these probably aren’t going to be the I for you if you play golf for the fun of it you’re a bit of a traditionalist like I am you like having something that just looks absolutely sexy in the bag then these might be the irons for you there might be an iron that where you just think you know what I’m going to treat myself similar to my dad did when he got the MP 32s back in the day and just enjoy them that’s not the best 79 I can actually hit that’s gone a long way that’s gone like 170 something must have done 167 so that front to Gap dispersion isn’t that big still spinning at 6’4 and if I anticipated a shot like that that went a little bit further I think oh the spin must have dropped to like 4 a half thousand but it’s not done it’s still really really consistent and I’m really happy with these numbers we’re getting with these new Muno blades I’ve just thought I haven’t said the actual name of them once in this video it’s the Muno Pro 241 so nobody can complain now because I’ve said the actual name on them guys let’s get back out on the golf course back into the rain unfortunately and let’s see what we really think to these clubs I’ve H that as hard as I physically could that’s got to be like 180 I’ve pulled it a bit as well 173 left and so guys yes these are the bladed versions of the new mauno Pro and we do have the hollow boded version to come we have the cavity back version to test as well and I’m actually really looking forward to those because realistically now the drivers are all done the driver reviews are in the bank and everyone’s seen them the Fairway Woods are pretty much there as well I’ve got a couple of fa Woods to test as well today irons then are the next logical step and for me I always look forward to the Mizuno irons because you get that feedback you get that sense of achievement when you strike one well now let’s test the long ions and see just how forgiving they could maybe be cuz we’ve got some stunning holes coming up to test them on and although these aren’t full of Technology there’s a little bit in there that could maybe help us should we have them in the bag probably not will we have them in the bag okay a gorgeous hole here to test the long iron in these blades and how many people would necessarily go right up to five iron with these clubs would you be tempted to potentially go CBS in the mid irons Hollow boded in the long irons or even just a nice Blended set of the 241s 243s in low and mid irons you see I like how they’ve put the 241 there as well to keep it a nice clean blade look for me that’s a master Stroke by mauno let’s take that off cuz again look at that there’s nothing more enjoyable than that three shots with the fire rine how close together can we get them where Reon to aim like at the shed okay that fell nice nice little fade off that left side not sure how far that will have gone be really interested to test that against some more the exact line I wanted to be fair another similar one that was a bit more Healy so that might have a touch of drop off but it’s on the fair way again so we’ve got the Fairway twice there what about that draw that we always speak about on the channel ow okay the draw didn’t quite materialize and that might be one gone that really hurt as well you in the fairy tale almost comes to an abrupt end I think that was it so you see the interesting thing is I hit the first one really good the second one was okay a little bit Healy I would have thought I would lose quite a lot distance there the third one the third one is just a bad golf swing whether or not a more forgiving club would maybe have a little bit more launch I mean that Ball’s lost it’s down it’s down on the beach there but the other two bang next to each other in this Fairway and realistically that’s where I almost think there’s something in these clubs unless you put this golf swing on it CU if you put this golf swing on it you’re really going to struggle but I one I’ve really enjoyed testing these I might I might do like a comparison video if that’s what you guys want to see but I’m going to leave you on another lovely little short cuz the short are the ones where a lot of people might think you know what just for the sake of having them in I’ll put those in the bag maybe wedge 9 and eight and I certainly wouldn’t blame you the one thing putting me off would maybe be the price guys thanks for watching and I’ll see you all at the same time tomorrow that feels so nice so nice


  1. We constantly get gains with the massive technology impact from cavity/muscle backs and perimeter weighting. How much have blades Advanced with their either minimal/no technology equivalent. Are the gains over the last 20 years as significant as their cavity/muscle/perimeter cousins.

  2. Mizuno needs better marketing. They're products are top quality but they don't build much excitement around their brand, IMO.

  3. Have mizuno blades really changed at all? I currently game mp67's I can't really say there's any difference from my old mp14's

  4. I just can’t get use to the mizuno pro logo in the mbs. I play the 223 in 4-6, and mp20 mbs 7-9. The 221 and 241 just don’t do it for me. I would love the new lineup if it were just the mizuno logo on the back and mb or cb on the hosel or something.

  5. For me…the fear behind blades is completely over-rated.
    As long as your clubs are built properly (swing weights, etc), you're essentially swinging the Center Of Gravity, does that really matter if it's a blade of a chunky forgiving club? No. Your skill as a golfer is matching up the COG with the ball.
    I will take the consistency first but also the looks & feel, every single day.

  6. Great video today James and great to hear you reminiscing about your late father keep up the great work on the channel. When is off course coming back you not posted on there for ages

  7. Must be a great feeling to have the skills to get the best out of these beautiful clubs. I used MP60s for a couple of years until I understood that I really did not have the skills to use such fine instruments.

  8. I grew up playing blades. I am 65. I went away from blades as newer game improvement clubs came along. I will never go back. I am not a pro. I am a duffer. I like the clubs to help as much as they can.

  9. The Mp32 is clearly one of the best blades ever. I'm not good enough to play blades, but I do because nothing is as fun.

    I like the looks of these, but I couldn't justify it myself.

  10. Mizuno makes a beautiful iron. But I’m a Ben hogan fanatic. I feel like hogans are just as pure as Mizuno irons. I bought a new set of hogan icons and have to say they are the softest irons I’ve ever hit. Unless you hit them off the toe or too thin.

  11. I will say these irons look awesome but the limited Azalea Edition of these Irons (released around Masters time) look AMAZING! I will say, my friend did buy a set of 301MB Takomo's and I gave them a go for a few shots…. I think I lost about a 1/2 club in distance using the 301MB compared to my PING i59s and the Takomo's for some reason felt cheap because the weighting of the clubhead and shaft felt a lot lighter compared to my i59's. HOWEVER his irons weren't fit for me AND the Iron Shaft was probably not suited for my swing (it was the correct flex but just felt so light).

    My friend loves his 301MBs and I love what Takomo is doing by making golf more affordable…. In terms of price, I was fortunate enough to buy my i59s used from 2nd Swing in the U.S. (with the exact specs I needed) and they ended up being about $50-100 more than brand new Takomo's but a brand new set of i59s would cost around $1,100-1,200 I believe.

  12. Another top notch video. I had a set of Mizuno MX25 irons, so sorry I sold them, feel and consistency was great. Now playing Callaway steelhead, just not the same.

  13. Love the irons, but their customer service isn't great TBH. Waiting 2 months now for my set to arrive… and hear that others are waiting 3-4 months. Yikes.

  14. Having owned several Mizuno sets and tried others off and on (TM, Cally, Ping) hands down for me in feel is Mizuno. They look amazing. Play incredible. Plenty of options for all games. 923 Forged for mt set now. Sure price is higher but so are many other great items.

  15. There is something simply other worldly about Mizunos, I am on my second set in 3 years, but! If your surname rhymes with Smackelboy, then blades like these are great. Meanwhile, in the real world… I am playing JPX 921 hot metal pro’s and they are simply gorgeous. Great distance, amazing feel and the sound like nothing else. Why kill your game other than to pander to your ego? Blades? Beautiful but not for me, or most of us. Great review though, as ever.

  16. I could probably never have any consistency with a blade because I need all the help I can get but holy cats those are sexy. I would love to try the 7 through pw.

  17. I have a set of MP64's I take out occasionally just for fun and when you hit them in the center, they are fun!

  18. Mizuno, love them or hate them, no how to make a sharp looking club better than anyone. They are always so sleek looking!! The way you hit these and talked about these…well James, I think they gotta go in the bag.

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