Stop Swaying and START Turning In Your Golf Swing

The pivot or turn in the golf swing is where the power is generated. You can not sway, you must turn to provide weight shift. This video will show you how to turn properly in your golf swing as well as a great drill. I hope this helps improve your golf swing.

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hello everybody and welcome to the video today I want to talk about the weight shift or the weight transfer in the golf swing and I want to teach y’all to quit swaying and start turning so first of all we have to describe the differences in the two and then I’m going to give you a really really great drill that you can do out on the driving range or at home to get the feel for a proper turn so let’s jump into this and let’s get going so I’m assuming since you’ve clicked on this video that you’re trying to improve your golf swing that you’re trying to improve your golf game well that’s what I do here on my channel I help you improve your game and I help you fix your swing so if that’s what you want do me a favor and hit that subscribe button down there and keep watching my videos because everything here is very simple easy to understand and all all I do is I just follow the fundamentals of golf all right so let’s talk about the weight shift the weight transfer swaying and turning we all know that we have to get our weight moving from one foot to the next foot to the other foot in the golf swing so for us right-handed golfers we have to get the weight moving into our right foot and then moving into our left foot on the follow throw okay and the biggest problem that I see with most golfers my students when they come is they’re trying to move their weight incorrectly okay woo there’s we are about to have the the typical mobile afternoon weather here I got a storm brewing up I got to get this video over quick so what I see them doing is I see them trying to use their hips and they let their hips slide laterally in the back swing now the big problem with that is this you got to look at the spine and at at the two ends you got to look at the bottom of the spine and the top of the spine so they are taking the bottom of the spine and moving it over to the right okay now our bodies we always want to stay in Balance so if I let the bottom of my spine move to the right what’s my body going to do it’s going to make the top of my spine move back to the left that’s a reverse pivot that’s no good that gets your weight onto your left foot think about this right here let’s just me turn sideways you get my good profile and if I took the top of my spine tried to keep the bottom of my spine stationary and let the top of my spine go forward I’m going to fall over so my body doesn’t want to do that so if I make the top of my spine go forward the bottom of my spine goes backwards in order for me to stay in Balance well it works side to side as well so if I take the lower part of my spine and I move it to the right which would be a sway the upper part of my spine stays back to the left then on the down swing I’m going to have my spine lower part sway back to the left my upper spine stays to the right my weight’s moving incorrectly we have to learn to turn our weight from one foot to the next I have to get my spine first of all set with a little tilt okay that’s just proper posture and then I have to learn to rotate my body around that spine and get my weight over my back foot if my spine were to be vertical and I rotated my weight around my spine my weight is is going to stay centered in my feet we don’t want that either so we have to start with a tilted spine rotate around my spine getting my weight over my back foot so now look at what my shoulders are doing so I start off with my shoulders parallel to the Target line okay I have my tilt now I’m now making my shoulders rotate 90° and now they’re perpendicular to the to the Target line and my back is facing the target let me turn around the other way and show you what it looks like okay so here I am set up at a dress my shoulders are parallel to the Target line I have a little tilt in my spine and now I’m just rotating them perpendicular to the Target line or rotating them 90° now my upper part of my chest is facing backwards my back is facing the Target now I want you to think about one other thing here as I am winding myself up I am winding myself up from the top down I am taking my shoulders and rotating them 90° but my hips have stayed probably at 45° the less I can move my hips the more I turn my shoulders against my hips the tighter I’m winding myself up the faster I’ll be able to go forward which is going to make me hit the ball farther but we have to find that proper rotation that works for you so here again winding up from the top down feet have held the ground which is important now when I start to go forward into my forward swing I’m going to reverse that process I want to unwind from the bottom up so as I have turned in the back swing now I start the downswing with my hips there is a slight little bump forward a little bit of change of pressure in my feet but as soon as that happens I need my hips to start to clear the left hip is going to go away from the golf ball rotationally once that hip starts to clear then my chest and my shoulders are going to follow suit and when I finish the golf swing I will then have my body facing the Target or realistically if you are are flexible enough get your body turned that way more the more again the more I can rotate forward the harder I’m going to hit the golf ball so let me show you a great little drill that you can do that’ll help with this okay so I have taken two golf clubs and put them on the ground just outside my feet okay and they are perpendicular to our Target line okay so they are this direction now here’s the drill I’m going to get set up in my posture with a club across my shoulders make sure that that shaft is right up on the points of your shoulders don’t hold it down in your arms get it up on your shoulders because we want to know what your shoulders are doing I want that little tilt to my spine and now I want to take the club that’s on my shoulders and turn it so that it’s on top of the club that’s on the ground if you feel like your head is moving that way a little bit don’t be concerned okay again we’re we’re really really trying to get you to get the feel for this rotation in the body rotate my shoulders so that that golf club is over the club on the ground now going forward I start with my lower body my upper body follows suit I want to get the club that’s across my shoulders over the club that’s on the ground so this drill can be done at home it can be done inside it can be done outside it can be done if you’ve got a home practice area it can be done on the driving range okay great great drill for getting you to feel the pivot so one more time I’ve got my tilt rotate my shoulders so the club is over top of the club that’s on the ground start with my lower body hips start to unwind chest and shoulders follow suit finish with this golf club on top of the one on the ground by my Left Foot Right Foot up on the up on this toe all right let me see if I can hit one and see and show you how it’s done all right so I’ve added one little element here to me hitting a golf shot and I’ve just got a little short alignment stick stuck in the ground and it will just outside my right hip and this way if I sway I’m going to run into that stick and I’ll be able to feel it I don’t want to hit that stick with my lower body I want my upper body to turn so here we go see if I can hit a shot okay just nice turn out of the shoulders rotate to the Finish hold that follow through so there you have a great little drill and a very good explanation of the difference between a sway and a turn and if you people are swayers you need to become Turners because swaying on a golf ball just doesn’t work I want to thank you so much for coming in and watching this video and again what my channel does I just provide simple sound fundamental golf instruction that’s easy for you to follow that’s designed to help you improve your game so again if you’re looking to to improve your golf game hit that subscribe button hey click that notification bell too so you know when I put up a video right now I’m doing them every Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays and for any of you Jimmy Buffett fans out there that was a live album that he had live on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays cuz that’s when he performed his concerts so just a little trivia there well listen have a great day I’ll see y’all next time


  1. Looks to me like your shoulders are too flat. I was taught that there is some left side bend/ tilt with rotation, and if you hold a club along your shoulder line and the club going back will point at the ball,or just a little outside of the ball.

  2. Very curious what your thoughts are on the Moe Norman One-Plane Swing. Also he had a shorter backswing which makes me think past a certain point in your backswing you can only generate a marginal-improvement in force/powers. Of course there are outliers who seem to utilize the full radius of a swing plane, but how effective is it for the average player?

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