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Jay Stevens: Details on Utah Hockey Club’s season tickets and seating arrangements

Jay Stevens, host of Utah Puck Report, joined Jake & Ben to talk about the latest news with Utah’s Hockey Club. Season tickets will go on sale soon, listen in to hear all about it. 

and now it’s 10:00 a.m. let’s just get down to it and it’s time for your sports fix strap yourselves in folks from two guys who have covered the teams you’re passionate about for years we are professionals this is Jake Scott and Ben Anderson on 975 the KSL Sports Zone [Music] want to be in [Music] America don’t want a nation under the New Media Jake and Ben 975 the KSL Sports Zone Jake Scott Ben Anderson what’s going on over there Ben doing well how are you great I did not get banned for Major League Baseball this morning so you’re doing better than some people well you don’t uh I don’t think you bet on Sports to begin with but you also are not in Major League Baseball so not so I can if I want to you knock yourself right out yeah I could um I don’t know what I don’t know if Riders are not supposed to bet on basketball it’s not a worry for me because I don’t bet on basketball I know if you work for the Jazz you’re not supposed to bet on anything right right I I’ve sat in those meetings but I’ve never worked for the Jazz so I don’t know uh yeah I don’t I’m not a sports Gambler to to begin with I’ll I’ll play a couple games if I’m in Vegas or whatever but um no I’m not a not a sports Gambler I do know that yeah you’re not to bet on basketball if you’re a oh well at least NBA basketball if you a be a degenerate on high school basketball yeah I don’t think like even NBA officials can bet on Sports they just can’t bet on basketball yeah because that was a thing back in the 90s well I can’t I don’t even know the guy’s name Padres infielder I just can’t imagine being 25 years old and getting banned from a sport you’ve worked so hard to get to well he’s a yeah you’re a R to your point it is the one rule there is one rule one one you can even do steroids and you get two chances to do steroids before you lose a season right the first one’s like 80 games second one’s a season oh I think he might even get a free positive test in there as a warning that’s fine you can cheat you can’t bet on the game the one rule yeah d Everybody Knows It Dante stalworth ran over a guy yeah killed guy got back into the league yeah yeah but yeah you there’s I don’t care and everybody oh it’s so dumb they’re just playing fantasy football or whatever but it’s like listen if there’s one rule you can’t break then I don’t care Ru I don’t care how dumb you think it is yeah if it was can’t eat hot dogs with ketchup on them that was the rule well then don’t eat hot dogs with ketchup on them don’t I guess the one rule I guess it’s the rule it might seem harmless but the upside of being a major league baseball player and professional athlete making millions of dollars far outweighs the taste of ketchup on your hot dog it does you know I mean it’s a it’s a story that goes back to the uh the OG story right the the Apple yep the forbidden fruit there’s one rule there’s one rule leave leave it alone eats the Apple gets kicked out of the garden it’s like I know hell exists exactly thank you thank you for for being hungry and not able to avoid the Apple thank you thank you for everybody want to say appreciate it uh but yeah there’s only one thing in sports you can’t do it yeah so then when you get punished for it I’m supposed to feel bad for you I’m not no I don’t feel bad for him and they need all even all these little examples like the the NBA absolutely made the right decision by uh suspending Porter Jr’s brother you can’t do that yeah and he is the dumbest ever because he didn’t even really hide it draftking is like look at all this do that’s coming in you wore your JY when you made these B what was that about somebody’s betting $80,000 on J Porter what unders unders biggest that’s our biggest beted of the night crazy yeah I I honestly I I don’t feel bad for it in these Sports the these uh Major League Baseball they they should they should be harsh this is if there if anything is going to end Sports in this country it’s that if there’s a threat to Sports in this country it’s that I also think it’s a lot closer than people think I don’t think it’s going to happen I’m just saying like it’s happened in basketball now in the last month it’s happened in baseball with two players in the last month like it is here it’s happened with a bunch of NFL players that have been caught gambling not on NFL specifically but betting from NFL facilities creeping a little bit too too close well I mean it goes back to the Arizona State Scandal there’s the did you ever watch the 30 for30 talking about Henry Hill and him fixing the Boston College games or whatever like yeah Sports is vulnerable to this that’s why the rule exists in the first place yep yeah all right joining us now and we do have some news to get to we’re excited about this host of the puck report on KSL he’s our buddy Jay Stevens what’s up Jay hello gentlemen excited to have you back it’s been a little while since we talked hockey even though it’s non-stop over there I’m sure yeah like I’m excited I I I’ve always got stuff to say so anytime you guys want to talk about hockey just uh let me know and we’ll we’ll figure it out all right so we’ve got an exciting announcement about tickets today yeah so we finally know we’ve got a better idea of what’s going on with tickets um I found out they had over 34,000 ticket deposits for season tickets wow um 92% of those are not Utah Jazz season ticket holders so those are all unique uh customers to them and uh yeah they’re going to start as soon as June 4th they’re going to have an open house where you can go and start kind of picking out your seat seats are going to start at 44 bucks wow I’m doing the math June 4th is today okay so and I I know they put the they put the ice in last night oh did they yeah oh very cool yesterday today so uh and it’s going to go if you signed up and you put a deposit down you’re going to start getting those emails saying hey come check it out uh June 7th they’re going to start selling the tickets they’re going to have 16,000 seats per game but only 10,000 unobstructed so basically everything on the sides up is unobstructed and then everything behind the Nets will be obstructed they said they’re going to come up with some kind of creative plans to uh give you more access to either the team or to better Mills or to more fun you know they’re just going to create more access if you buy those limited Vision seats um and they’re just going to go straight down the list the first person to put down their deposit gets the first option to buy tickets okay and I don’t I don’t know what the limits are going to be I keep getting ask that too um but yeah 44 bucks for upper bowl and that’s where it’s going to start they’re going to try to come up with some uh single game tickets are going to be available and 10 game ticket packages and half season tickets and stuff like that so uh it’s kind of exciting every has been waiting to find out when it’s going to happen or how it’s going to happen and now we know and you know they said come check out your seat starting today and seat should be on sale as soon as June 7th uh obstructed sounds you know well less than ideal and of course it’s going to be a really big project and though you know obstructed won’t be a thing forever but I got to imagine with those video boards it’s probably not so bad I mean you you probably get an opportunity to to still enjoy the game it’s not going to be like you see those uh I go aren’t there some of these at the Rose Bowl or whatever but these old baseball stadiums that have these giant pillars and the seat is like directly behind the pillar might as well not it’s on a television commercial now too yeah like it’s not gonna be that no and it it’s it’s still G to be not great and I did just see one the other day that was uh one of the guys was looking at like the worst obstructed view one of the soccer fields in Europe and he’s like literally you can’t see like you could see a quarter of the field like where some people would stand but not play right but people are still buying that seat um you know I’ve sat in most of those seats during the preseason games and they they said they’re going to fit seats everywhere they can every nook and cranny is going to be filled and some seats you know if if it’s back-to-back hockey and they don’t have to break everything down for a jazz game there will be more seats available than on other games so it just depends on the schedule but uh yeah some of those seats like looking straight down it’s just too high and you can’t see the net that you’re closest to you almost lose the entire offensive zone huh so that that’s pretty frustrating but man I’ve gone to games even just recently in Vegas where I’ve sat in the best seats possible uh Braden ship from Chipman Roofing that’s my sponsor he gave me tickets to go check this out and I still like the play would go down and I could easily just look down I’m I’m on the glass but the that man that Jumbotron is so awesome are great look we work 41 home Jazz games a year the number of games I find myself watching the game on the Jumbotron or on the big screen versus actually just on the action even though I’m at the top of the lower bowl it’s it’s constant I’m watching the game from from that view I think that’s what a lot of hockey fans are going to end up doing here yeah and I actually really enjoy that even like I said even at glass level or wherever I sit it’s it’s cool to see it the screens are amazing now every NFL game I’ve gone to I’ve watched the entire like I paid tons of money to go with a bunch of firemen to go watch the NFL and I end up watching it all on the jumbo draw I can’t like I can’t see it down there well you can’t see football no football’s hard to watch in person oh God I think it’s the worst po it’s way better on TV I don’t know if you guys have been to an NHL game yet but the atmosphere is amazing playoffs are obviously another monster where it’s just intense the whole time but just any NHL game is a good time and just being in the building is going to be fun I we were all there at the big party the announcement the kickoff that the hockey team was coming oh yeah I mean that was electric I mean that place felt like a powder cake it was it was bursting at the seam so that was pretty exciting and I just think we’re going to get that for 41 home games again and hopefully some playoffs yeah I believe so and I believe we do make the playoffs hey let’s go there because um yeah I heard you talking obviously I was here with with David James this morning your your confidence level on this being a playoff team next year was uh you know I’ve I’ve heard you talk before and how it’s not out of the question of that sort of thing but you you felt pretty confident about that when we’re talking about it this morning man I’ll tell you and it’s so funny because last year I would watch my teams which you know the LA Kings and the Vegas golden knights those were my teams and then I felt some kind of a attachment to Colorado because as a as a Grizzly that was our parent Club so I’m watching these teams and I and that those were the only times I watched Arizona games last year is when they were playing the teams that I was rooting for and Arizona kept beating all my teams because and my these teams are good like Colorado was good Vegas was the defending champs and they’d go into Arizona and Arizona was is just they’re good they’re really like the core of the team we have uh that Clayton Keller is unbelievable to watch him score and then you look at him and you know he’s been in the league like five years now he still looks like he’s 18 years old and he’s and like you’ll see the video I interviewed him last week so that video should drop on Monday um he’s just he’s just awesome to watch and then you got like Logan we’ve got solid goal tending uh we’re gonna make some big changes right now we know we are our the GM has said we’re going after like core defenseman we have two really solid D right now and I think we get two more solid D that make our one and two our three and four and I just imagine that much improvement on the back end and then they go out I think they’re going to grab another Center I think Mara show comes over from I was just reading another I’m not the only guy seeing it right now there’s another reporter saying out that he thinks we’re gonna offer uh Marsh show 7 million to come here and maybe even go after a guy like Joe pavelski which 7 million is on the very high end of of yeah hockey salaries yeah and that guy’s an unreal player in Vegas right now making 5 million milon a year uh top player in the NHL is making 13 million your your best player usually on a team is 8 to 10 million so it’s a significant investment and that’s kind of the view hey can I ask you a little bit because there are now two Armstrongs working in the front office there’s Bill who comes up from Arizona and then the uh addition that’s been added is Chris Armstrong who is from what the waserman group right he was kind of an agent or he’s a lawyer okay yeah what’s his background and his I I hate to sound phys is here but like is he qualified to make hockey decisions like what’s his background that allow he’s got NHL history he does he uh with Pittsburgh and he’s he spent time with the Penguins and I believe he had another NHL Club on his resume because I I thought the same thing I’m like who’s this golf agent coming in hockey and then I looked into him I’m like oh he’s actually helped litigate a bunch of stuff for NHL teams in the past actually was on NHL payrolls and working through you know a lot of their legal issues well you know I just came out of a meeting an hour ago where we’re still having issues trying to figure out all the nuts and bolts on how to get everything put together for our new NHL Club so that’s probably the perfect guy to bring in and navigate everybody through that and then yeah Bill Armstrong have you guys had the chance to interview him I thought uh I was at the media thing when when they all got announced and talked to him a little bit like he’s a mountain of a man he’s huge yeah he’s intimidating and you know I was looking at his stats he’s on my show tomorrow I was looking at his stats I mean he would have like 10 points and 251 penalty minutes a year so we know at rooll he filled at 65 two 225 when he was playing probably just intimidating but such a great dude like when you sit down and talk with him he’s just amazing and he’s he’s been so creative with what he’s done so far with this team I just can’t wait to see what he does right now Ben and I we’re talking out the air and we’ve talk to you about uh what a what a Monumental task it will be to have the franchise up and running by next season and have everything where it needs to be do we know how it’s and obviously tickets are a big part of that and that’s a big thing coming today but do we know how else it’s going as as they continue to put this thing together uh I know they’ve kind of figured out where they’re going to practice this year I know that part’s been figured out the tough part is you can’t do anything till the draft right so as far as we can sign our guys we can sign our restricted free agents we can sign guys we’ve drafted but until the draft we can’t move any players like that’s when you start being able to make big trades and stuff like that I mean we could make a big trade right now that’s not out louded but free agents true free agency is not open true free agency is July 1 yeah after the draft and that’s where you’re going to see some some creative movement I expect to see us I can’t imagine we use all our draft picks my guess is some of them if not all of them get traded for some of these guys we want right now that we can afford to pay right now and we bring them in on just two or three year contra contracts don’t expect us to go get a guy like um well like even pavi or Marsh show if even if we brought in Marsh so I think we bring them in for two or three years and just long enough to help kind of stabilize everything else same with two solid D like we don’t want to signed guys for five and six years I think we’re just going to make some really creative moves starting June 28th see see some trades and then see some creative signing on July 1st uh we’ve seen on social media I saw on Instagram today I think law and Krauss has moved uh you talked to Nick buad he was talking about how excited he is to be moving up here where are those guys in this process of like actually making Salt Lake City home because again some of them they don’t know exactly what their future holds yeah the guys that are under uh that have a few years left they’re buying their houses okay so uh and yeah most of them have purchased houses I know a couple of them are still looking around in Park City and uh but yeah it’s it’s exciting the guys are starting to come in and they’re going to start training and they’re going to start figuring out which guys are going to be here they’re going to start rainning ice and start working out here I believe our training Camp’s still going to be in Arizona okay CU we still have all that stuff set up there with you know between the ice and all the workout facilities so I wouldn’t be surprised if all I I know as of 10 days ago that was the plan but you’ve seen you’ve seen how fast this stuff changes but yeah my my guess is that uh Camp is still going to be in Arizona but a lot of those guys are going to come here and take advantage of that Park City ice rink and train at 7,000 feet or 8 th000 F feet or whatever that is well Jay it’s always a pleasure thank you for coming in and keeping us uh up to date man are you guys on the list you buying tickets uh we I’m hoping to get a media credential if me too I’m not on the list I don’t think I’m gonna be able to get my kids in with that so I’ll have to find a way to get them to a game as well well you smuggle them in Briton Johnson Style that’s do yeah trench coat exactly oh nice uh thanks Jay we appreciate you thanks guys appreciate it all right we’ll have top three stories coming up next stay tuned 975 the KSL Sport Zone

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