Golf Players

What was the most MIND-BOGGLING performance of Round 14? The Monday Means Test – SEN

Gerard Whateley and David King dissect all of the key talking points from Round 14, only on SEN!

0:00 Never change a winner
3:42 Don’t get beaten by what you know
6:47 Unpacking North Melbourne v Collingwood
13:30 Dusty’s 300th game
15:52 Hawthorn’s small forwards
18:22 Where do the Bulldogs sit?
23:24 The state of Fremantle
26:28 Joel Amartey & the Swans
32:03 Pressure on the Crows
36:26 Seedings


hello dear kingy morning G how are you have you got any analytics to run on Rory mroy just as we start Rory mroy Rory’s got to go join live and just be happy with his money we’ve all been there haven’t we oh it’s torturing him anyone who’s played golf with mates or you thought they were your mates until you missed that two footer and they just rag you for 20 minutes has been there Jared we’ve all been there tough day for the the mroy camp tough day all right good day for D though my man the mad scientist mad I just The Nutty Professor yeah take that for data all right the king’s Gambit your opening statement from the round if you would this would be for we got some some uh coaching rules some non-negotiables and and my favorite two and I refer to them a lot don’t get beaten by what you know so that’s your full week of planning how do you negate what the opposition strengths are how do you maximize yours and that that is that is coaching for me that and how you how you how you have the Nuance week on week to to be able to subtly change what you’re doing to to allow for both of those things that’s that’s rule one so don’t get beaten by what you know so the threats coming in don’t allow them to be the reason why you lose the game and rule number two and we’ve done this a couple times this year is never change a winner never change a winner if you’ve got an area that’s on top don’t run the risk often you’ll see coaches move a player from half back back who’s going really well on to on ball to have them fail you say why would you do that look it was going so well there it’s of course it’s about the Nick deos matchup now Will Phillips has been a player that’s meandered in his early days at the kangaroos Y and and he was the last man into the team yesterday after the Sim Cano Mission and they gave him the biggest job in footy the the tagging of Nick Doos now Nick was relatively well kept the two goals that he kicked weren’t will phillips’ fault they were a 50m penalty from a a rundown tackle I think it was um and the other one was was a droing the ball I think but they weren’t will phillips’ issue it wasn’t a tagging fault what he didn’t he didn’t get off the chain he actually ran him down a couple times I haven’t seen anyone do that and I just thought it was the perfect opportunity to let this young F claim the biggest scalp in the game nothing to do with the result nothing to do with trying to foresee what was going to happen in the last quarter let him finish the deal and he may have been physically uh flagging but so to would have his opponent so I just thought that he could have left that matchup as is until it become a problem because until then it really wasn’t an issue if it was they they would have addressed it halfway through the third or halfway through the second term so never change a winner so that’s a risk and then to go to Liam Shields is the wrong is the wrong guy and I think that Claro’s got a little bit of lag he he he’s he’s not the player of 2015 16 17 he’s not so as soon as speed was was was a factor he was gone and at least Phillips had the ability to recover on him now I didn’t I had seen will play to that level uh before but irrespective of all that that should have just been are we comfortable with this yep let’s not change a winner and if you want to get the sub on I understand getting the sub on for that extra boost and they probably only needed a goal or two from Stevenson um make the change with the anyway that that’s the hindsight discussion and and everyone wants to have it but never change a win is not a hindsight discussion that that’s in real time it’s a rule to live by so Clarkson changed to winner who got beaten by what they knew W this the same discussion you know the freem manal football club not not bothering to to put any energy into Marcus ponson Pell given his history against them um I I don’t understand that it cannot be beaten by Wednesday match committee errors that I mean these guys are seriously intelligent they understand the ramifications of the best players playing their best footy what does a a 30 disposal 15 score involvement three-goal game for Marcus Bonton belly doe to our chances of winning this game of footy and logic says well we can’t have that so I can tell you I can tell you that today for next week’s game right if Bonton Pell has this we lose so that’s that’s the that’s the conversation how do we how do we take him from that and and then there’s all sorts of things you can do whether it’s not necessarily just a tag you might go with him at stoppage so you have your best stoppage player go head-to-head with Bond and then from there we’re prepared to roll the dice or you might say well we can’t stop him at stoppage but we’re going to we’re going to make sure he doesn’t get uncontested for so we’re going to run a porn type player with their Marquee piece and at least then they might send him forward and if he goes forward we’re going to have this match up for him so that’s that’s match committee 30 seconds into that game Marcus bonson Pell standing at clearance and contested situations all alone so so let’s be in the mind of Marcus ponon Pell for for one minute he’d be thinking there’s no way they’re going to let me run around given the fact that I got 12 Brown L I’ve got 13 Brown low votes out of a possible 18 the last six times we’ve played four best on grounds and a third best on ground there’s no way they’re going to let me run around and he’s standing there all alone he must be thinking happy days Happy Days let’s go let’s engage and then and then away they go so as soon as you light that fire you’re in trouble so I just I I can’t understand that the rational people sitting around working out how they win this game and not factoring significant influence from Marcus Bonton pelly into that discussion the golden rules of coaching the Kings Gambit for Victoria Police Made for More search police careers all right let’s delve into the big issue so you were there yesterday with your former yeah great day well not former with your Premiership teammates yep yep the coach uh always uh always loves those days as well it was terrific to see the boys few a few not there but the ones that were there great to see star of the show Baron picket had a little chat with Baron on the stage and just just quick little snippet okay so bar coach ever give you the green lights just to go after one or two cuz I know Dennis did a couple of times and Bon said yeah I can remember two I said okay which ones were they he said uh he said chuo Williams said hey today’s the Grand Final everyone’s on the table today he said so I did go for a few that day in his own way and he said uh that Dano guy coaching at Melbourne he said he he told me I could get Ryan Crowley one day and I said oh yeah and he went quiet and I said did did you and he says what do you reckon lit the room up so VM was the star of the show and now cracking day bit of fun all right so the big issue is how did North lose to Collingwood how did Collingwood beat North how did you how did you assess what transpired a it’s it’s a team that knows how to win and what’s required and a team that’s not not there yet but they showed some great evidence that it’s coming and that it’s it’s the it’s the youth it’s the guys that have been selected at the draft over the last four or five uh years that that that are finally um working out what it is and it takes a time to work that out and then when you get get Luke Davis UNC play like that and you get uh Nick ly lead the way he did and you challenge all the other young kids to come with and George WLW has the game that says I am the man so so we’re looking for who the man is and it may be ldu but it may be the bloke just underneath him coming through that might go past him and say this this I’m the one to steer this footy Club sheel is a nice player but is he the absolute man he’s better than nice nice is not right he’s a very very good player but this guy is you sometimes need one to play with the heart and soul that drags the group and you I look at Zack Butters and I see I see I see this kid is the same as Zack buts so that’s what we’re talking about we’re talking about those guys that everyone wants to play with and everyone wants to play for when they speak it means more and when they when they act it drags the group with them so it was great to see from a North Melbourne point of view and to be able to have that sort of quarter in the first quarter and then to be able to have that sort of half okay they didn’t win the game but I think what they did do is say okay that there’s there’s certain benchmarks now that you’ve blown past G to the days where you can’t really compete on offense you can attack now you can score there’s there’s no reason why you can’t score um and I think you get some answers on those 25 pluses and if you and if you’re not there you’re out of the team so this is the reality of footy now you just can’t hang on to players or play play them because of their birth certificates so as Zach Fisher you can’t make those mistakes Luke McDonald you got to be better Liam Shield you got to be better you we’re going to give you this responsibility You’ got to be better um so all those guys so all those names go in I would love them to sit down today just watch that last quarter and say okay what did you actually do where do we go from here what how did you try and shift the game back to the to the north melbour favor and and just step through it it’s not it’s not a bashing session it’s just it’s it’s just understanding what needs to happen when and educate via the older guys the younger players what are you thinking here how does this look to you now how does this look now um because Collingwood have this unbelievable way of being skilled and schooled on what’s required so we now we need to go fast now we need to open the game up now we need Corridor now we need our Runners to just go just explode throw the ball into space and then as soon as they hit the lead boom flip the other way so all those things uh just terrific and then they just have unbelievable performance but there’s guys that just think like winners yes Bobby Hill I keep saying it is morphing into Toby green right before our eyes he’s his ability to Mark the ball is phenomenal he’s he’s really become a significant matchup in the Ford 50 now like I felt for Jackson Archer there was there was him it was a one-on m one-on-one match up with 30 met of space every time so that’s a tough position to be in um but Doos knew with the speed that was required and I just want to give a shout out to Braden mayard because sometimes you just need someone to have those defensive moments and he had about three or four in that second half that you went wow that’s that’s pretty bloody good um so credit to Collingwood for coming back and winning and and what it does do to the table we showed last night like if they they drop that game their seventh they win that game their third like they big shifts on the AFL table um it would have been it would have been an awful result for them and while they’re just hanging in for some troops to come back um but it just it just shows you the P we talked about this last week the ability to to score quickly the powerful the power in those really good sides at the top of the table Sydney do it again on the weekend cing would do it in the second half particularly the last quarter and are able to just go bang we’re back in the game or the game’s gone so that if you can’t score like that we say it’s the profile of a premier being able to do that so that’s that’s what I’m what’s what I’m tracking what you think of the no 50 at the end yeah no 50 again I’m not consumed by the result it’s more um it’s more okay if the kangaroos win that game do they get great reward absolutely they do but I don’t think that North fans hate you saying this the reward for me is their ability to do what they did for the first 70 minutes of that game that that’s the reward and that’s what they’ve got to hand hang on to and I’m sure that today that’ll be reiterated at the kangaroos that this this is awesome and this is against one of the best teams in the comp so it doesn’t have four points attached this week it doesn’t mean it wasn’t a great performance it was it was one of the better games of footy that I’ve seen in a long time yes yeah it was uh and Jamie Elliott’s Mark or Bobby Hills Mark for Mark of the Year oh I think uh I don’t know it’s something about Bobby Hill that that that just amazes me like he should be able to do that Jamie Elliott to me just seems like he does it all the time and then Bobby’s bobb’s uh I think something about the way Bobby Smiles about the game too warm is is a warming sort of feeling is a comfortable uh manner about him uh probably Bobby’s for me I loved him I thought his game was enormous I I’ll share two sentiments with you kingy from the 40 wins temper text 0439 1116 the difference is temper absolutely staggering that you guys aren’t discussing and being critical of the umpiring it’s as if it didn’t happen which is followed by is there anything more boring and pointless than umpire criticism it will never end we’ll leave our conversation there Lorraine from keilor East is text through this is I felt this was the sentiment across the community that I enacted with I’m a bulldog supporter but I don’t think I’ve ever been so upset watching a team lose that I don’t even barck for there was that dynamic as we were all emotionally engaged in it for various reasons or we just hate Callingwood one or the other dud the best bit was clearly Dusty’s 300th which felt like a unique day in the game’s history it had a grip on the town and that it would be 92,000 fans so I can’t ever recall a day quite like that a day built around one person that Drew the crowd because of it we we have farewell games we the games in honor of but this was It was a powerful demonstration of what he’s meant to people the affection that comes back the other way and I feel like it’s a day that in 10 20 30 years will be referred back to and the moment that vintage Dusty goal you know just he go he always gives the fans what they want I’m going to get to a couple other players later but there’s there’s only a handful of players in our comp that when the ball goes in their area the whole crowd just hushes and takes a breath and waits for him to do something they know that they’re probably likely to scream within 3 seconds of him touching the ball so they just the whole crowd just hushes just as it goes near Dusty and for him to knock that through and the boys were right they did come from everywhere it just he he brings you into the game more than any other player but Franklin did that and Dusty seems to do it or has seemed to do it more often than not so well handled by Richmond through the the whole week well handled by Dusty great interview in the postmatch um very rarely do we get this sort of event this right so it went it went swimmingly If Ever I have seen a Thanks for the Memories wave to the crowd it was Dustin Martin on Saturday evening won’t be a press conference as he has had it with Jack on the field body language said it all and there are those who are sharing their thoughts as the sell out of the memorabilia and you couldn’t even get a record by the time everyone had had gathered inside the ground so it it sounded absolutely brilliant um so share your thoughts 043 98116 and what was the I think the best read of the crowd I think was it was the biggest non- Anzac Day Home and Away crowd since 1981 is that right yeah which gives gives it a lovely magnitude can we stay at that game for a second yes please do because we’ve got this in the they got that right they got that right uh small Thorn there small fors Jared uh the reason why they’re going to have such success when they get that ball in the Ford line we know we know about Dylan Mo we know that the caliber of player that he can be and um the guys of champion data through their ratings steered us into this guy probably three years ago to be fair before he become U the Dylan Moore that’s now in in all Australian Squad contention if not higher what what Nick Watson’s been able to do back into this team he just gets opportunity he just lights up a forward line but the pairing of um ginan and Watson are a little bit like oh it’s in there it’s a little bit like Bruce when he was at his best the game s the crowds stop they they they do the same thing that I spok about a moment ago when it’s in their area something’s going to happen here something’s it’s GNA whether they’re going to love it or hate it something’s going to happen they’re uh they must watch and I love what they’re doing forward of the ball I think Charles had I don’t know if they expected Charles to be this player well he he is just uh in really good form he’s so reliable and so consistent at the moment um I know he kicked a lot of goals in one year a couple years ago but I just feel like this is the the best version that we’ve seen of marbor it’s it’s really refreshing and a lot of that I think has to do with the positivity of the coach giving him the role endorsing him that he that he can um do the job um I just I I just love what they’re building I I love their day with the ball um but but these these Smalls when you when you look at the competition there’s not many TOS I know we’ve just had one kick nine so let’s not and Joe’s kicked five and Marvel’s kicked four but the tall forwards this season haven’t had the big years it’s been more the smalls that have done the damage around goal so maybe maybe this is a window into the future and we heard Sam Mitchell talk when he first got the job I want to I want to set this club up in a futuristic sense maybe he’s thinking that that’s more balls the way way to go yep so small thornn might become a thing small Thorn they got that right uh Watson’s got to just figure out he’s just got to tidy up his goal kicking doesn’t he confidence as soon as as soon as he knocks a few through as soon as he kicks the first one of the day and he’s away you’ll see it you’ll see it click and and and he’ll just he’ll just light it up from there the open question I think sits on the Bulldogs that they’ve scrap tooth and nail to square The Ledger and we went on Saturday with a little bit of trepidation as to whether they still had one more performance left in them before they got to the buy and did they what did they what so led by their captain and they’ve been playing with a made it up forward line for a couple of weeks and they made it up to the tune of 24 goals so the open question is is what might this become for the dogs post the buy yeah well this is a very good it’s a very good question um I just wonder if they’ve got the have they they got this onew punch in the middle that teams are really struggling with Adam tror his form because he plays underneath Marx bonson Pell is sort of it gets missed a little bit and now that they’ve got their their returning troops into the middle like Liber in there you got Ed Richards they got the luxury now of playing Marcus bonon Pell forward so of the top 100 targets this year he’s the best at turning a targeted entry into a goal for his team right 50 almost just under 50% of his targets become goals now people say oh yeah but that you know he’s going forward as a Midfield no he’s play he’s going as a as a designated forward now and still getting that defensive matchup so he he’s getting a like for like um Defender which is normally a key Defender so he his his main aim is to get the ball to ground and then he destroys them he turns back into the Midfield of bond at ground level they very rarely at Mark Bond I’ve never seen him out marked so I I look at this forward line and I think well you got Sam Dary to come back in and I know Rory lob’s been in pretty pretty good touch but he that’s like for Lo that that will happen and then you’ve got Norton I don’t know if Norton’s back this week or next or or when their next opportunity is or um I haven’t looked at next week they got a buy next the dogs they got the buy and so when they when we next see the dogs what will that forward line look like will it have Norton in there cuz he’ll be he’ll be ready for selection then a couple of weeks I think so so now do you get absolute flexibility now can you look yeah I’ve campaigned for years to have him at Center halfback that’s failed Jared right but I’ll just look at the their profile at the moment it’s the best profile it’s right up there with the Sydney Swans in terms of weaponry and their ability to do all all facets of the game they’re the best clearance team in the competition they’re they’re last six weeks the their ability to move the ball strong the one thing that’s missing is their ability to win the ball back between the arcs so an intercept marker if you like I just wonder if now you’ve got things working forward of the ball with Riley West and Jamar and all all those components we talked about I just wonder whether you could look at Norton on a wing like him getting behind the ball for assistance and then getting then drifting forward against a wingman so you get you get the Matthew Richardson type effect where you have an undersized matchup every time and his ability to cover the ground is is is terrific let him play with some Freedom he doesn’t really knock you around structurally because you’ve got those players for of the ball and I think that you then trust Ed Richards liba Sanders they’re getting starting to get some work out of Sanders now um and tror as as Bonafide mids to do the job with the luxury of bond being 50% forward 50% mid there’s there’s some real Weaponry coming at the competition now from the Western B’s point of view and I just wonder if Aaron Norton can turn to Matthew richson on a wing so Bonton Pell’s best year around the sticks he kicked 31 goals in the year he ran second in the brown low so he averaged 26.7 disposals he’s averaging 26 disposals he’s up to 22 goals in 14 games so he’s going to have his best Year Jared if he could play freem manal if he could play freem manal every week he’d win the brown L by 40 votes here’s the bonell appreciation threads that have come through on the 40 Wings temper Tech 043 98 11116 get your unique bed match Prof and find the right bed for you 40 Winks serious about sleep I’m a doggy but if the bot hasn’t won a brown Low by the time he retires I think it’ll be very sad he’s such a great footballer and if I had the choice of any player to come to my club he’d be my first choice he’s a champ that’s from uh bont and pelly awesome simply awesome if the dogs get into the finals look out bont will win a final or finals himself an incredible player we’re so lucky that’s from camp and we got we go to sport week in week out and you hope to see that moment that lasts with you for a lifetime the bond moment in the second quarter was one of those my 11-year-old said Dad how did he do that and I said mate that’s what the great ones do awesome the kids uh the kids smiling after a game I had to walk out with a few yesterday the cwood fans and some of them you know eight 10 years of age smiling away laughing away I thought oh at PFI we were going to run PFI a free mle Win Lose or Draw out of this game and they failed PFI badly on Saturday yeah they did they did this is this was a I thought a winnable game for them it was the one that they had to win against the odds on the road it’s hard to win on the road I get that but they got the dogs at the right I felt at the right time planning poor to not to not do anything against against or about Markus bondon p is a significant error um and I just I just look at their backline and I know their backl when they play controlled footy and and can can get their uncontested Mark game going and uh and play their way they can be difficult to beat they’re they’re a good side they’re a very good um list very talented they look vulnerable really vulnerable down back and I and I I look at the the the when you’re under real pressure in a final it’s because the opposition have had 50% of the of the ball and you had 50% no one gets you never get the game played your way the whole time in any game really but when we’re talking we’re talking about finals we’re talking about preliminary final Integrity is what we talk about all the time if it doesn’t stand up in aeim then then what’s the point what’s the point of setting up um a false model so if they take it’s talking about the the defensive half marks if they take under 55 they’re one and four and that’s generally the good teams take that off them if they’re able to play controlled footy and take more than 55 um marks in the defensive half there six wins a draw and a loss but the game the game at speed coming at them is a problem and this is what’s going to happen so you’ve got to Def you got to build this defensive Integrity when the game’s coming at you at speed Pierce has been enormous all year and is and he’s the nominal horse train fullback um Ryan’s been very good when the ball comes in slow he’s unbeatable but when it comes in Fast and we saw West get him a couple of times and had him off the bit um they’re in trouble when the ball hits the deck they’re in trouble so I think that that they have to review this they have to look at how they’re defending fast play because that’s what will happen in a final for a period of time you hope it doesn’t happen but logic says if it’s happened for 20 years it’s probably going to happen this year so I I just I I’m concerned with that they can cope with that um because the rest of their game in pretty good order they got a couple of difficult conversations to have they got to have to have the Nathan five conversation at some stage is it still is it still what we uh want it to be um Michael Walter’s getting injured probably probably just shows that that’s you there’s a new option there for at least in the short term that may go past that option I’m not trying to retire BLS but this is the Gunston Rich discussion of of last season with f and Walters yep it has to be the Curiosity a man who went with a career best of four goals in a game left with nine goals in a game and his coach who was a prodigious goal kicking forward had no sentiment whatsoever to let him get double figures and when Amari looked up towards the bus he just told him sit down oh look it’s uh it’s funny isn’t it we we’re all doing different things aren’t we he’s he’s not concerned with uh with the 10 goals which we all were we’re all concerned with it and Sam Wix didn’t want a part of it either he him dropping in front of that lead I would nearly omit him next week just for that alone Jared uh look that we we touched on this last week the to be to have the power in your game to be able to put five goals on a team in six 10 six to 10 minutes is something that only the very best have they they were in awful trouble uh what was it mid third quarter um there were a couple of moments where the crows just left the door a jar a couple of bad fumbles by a couple of their senior players and the Swan swooped and as soon as they got the first goal they got the second they got the third and gee whiz did they get rolling and Amari was was not not not not just a a a passenger in that he was he out marked a couple in the goal Square he had moments that uh you know took some good contested marks like it wasn’t it wasn’t the normal ripped teir and bass swans that did all the hard work in the middle and someone just strolled into goal at the end he he was a major so that that’s a great sign for them to be able to see that I haven’t seen McDonald do that yet they needed one of their forwards to do that McLean’s not going to do that he’s the second rck that if you get a goal a game out of you’re absolutely wrapped yeah um and they rely heavily on their their Midfield to hit the scoreboard so it was great from a Sydney point of view to see one forward light up like that I didn’t know he had that game in him no I mean if if I said to you two weeks ago what’s the what’s the highest goal tally for any given game that am Mari can have this year what what are you nominated I don’t think I would have had him for any more than five given that his form was four five’s generous isn’t it yeah he’ never gone past four ready he no and he went past four in 20 minutes he got four in a quarter he kicked so he got four in the second quarter and then in the burst you’re talking about the 19th to the 30th minutes he kicked 5 six seven and eight in that patch like that is proper spearhead full forward material isn’t it so if you haven’t got a plan against Sydney with the Sydney with the the center bounce crew during the real Strife because you know we’re going to talk all year about the the key3 golden Warner and Heeney and how do you handle them I think it’s it’s going to take something lateral the the days of just standing next to them at Center bounds and expecting a positive result I I think are gone so what what do you do it’s the same with the Nick Doos discussion in in at Center bounds they are difficult to clamp so do you almost are you almost conceding that if it falls that way we’re in trouble and and trying to minimize the damage so it doesn’t go on the scoreboard so you’re almost you’re almost taking defensive position and holding your sweeper and saying okay we might lose it but we’re not going to lose it with power um and if you happen to win it wow that’s that’s a godsent yeah I I just don’t think the the natural Center bounds game works against Sydney what did you think of the uh hinge into Taylor Adams which results in the second goal yeah I I think they’re the dumbest plays in the game you you know that there is absolutely no benefit that can can come of this sort of contact by giving the opposition a free kick where you choose to bump him and it’s usually 20 M from goal so it’s the dumbest event you can have in the game so I put it back on the player that does it now I understand why they do it they want to show some physicality they want to stand up against the Run of goals or you know make a statement for their team but in the end it’s going to cost you a goal so if you want to do it that’s the price um I felt for the coach in that moment there’s a guy fighting for survival and then a player just puts his selfish needs in front of the teams it’s just a it’s just a dumb play um John longm kicked double figures twice kicked 14 against Melbourne and 12 against Richmond in 1990 Adam posed the question how would have gone if Dennis Pagan had taken him to the bench when he was on nine goals well I wouldn’t put it past Dennis too much ball going towards the horse we got the best player in the country It’s s forward why wouldn’t you kick it to him he twice got stred on nine goals someone’s just sent through I think one of the nine was was it the last game of 990 where he kicked uh no he was not 90 I think he kicked two goals nine um 28 there you go and finished on 98 goals yep that’s he still carries that deep down um someone’s just sent through 956 pretty sure dery talked up am Marty last week he might have to I I I tell you who did F his final siren he talked him up he said he’s ready for a big game this is last week you can’t get better than that from fny he’s back he is back midnight prophecies with FY well don’t even know if it was at midnight I think it was with um was he on with Andy Andy andaz Andy and gazy work that’s the sharpest work that I’ve heard on andyan gazy for years and it wasn’t even andyan gazy that’ll get back it’s on Adela every part of the football club at the moment you only have to have an ear or an eye towards what’s happening across the border to get a sense of that that they had a a good lead late in the third quarter and ended up with a sizable defeat that the pressures come for out Aid played some good footy didn’t they in in the first half played some really good footy but it’s just a difficult situation they in now you don’t envy the coach you don’t envy the the decision makers there they they’re in the the the pressure cooker right now and it is getting hot and this is where you need your Club to be strong and stay strong and stay consistent with your messaging he’s our man he’s our man do not waver do not get a word wrong in this next couple of weeks whilst um it’s sensitive until they can find that next win now I haven’t looked at the draw fix or the fixture going forward but I don’t even know who they play but right now their biggest problem is they can’t move the ball well the crows and Matty Nicks have been famous for being able to move the ball defensive 50 to to down the ground and obviously resulted in an inside 50 but they are the worst in the competition the last six weeks now that’s stinky yeah that that that needs to be fixed so I look at um I look at selection do they actually need to rip pull the rip cord down say to Rory lead mate you are going to halfback it’s not working in the middle getting a lot of ball we’re getting nothing from it you’re looking fumbly you don’t look like you you want contact in the middle of the ground back to halfback and try these kids and find out just get some answers now so what are you trying to achieve out the back half of the year I think you narrow the focus for the players we’re we’re going to be hard to move the ball we’re going to move the ball and we’re going to be hard to move the ball against I watched the Giants yesterday and Adam Kingsley would have said hey I don’t care what happens we’re getting our tsunami back and we’re going to overhand ball to force the fact I want you guys running I want I want support and I want reward so if someone turns up you give them the ball and that created a a false a false tsunami if you like it was a false wave but it just got them going it was enough to get the job done and I think it’s enough to sort of just start the wheel turning again to getting their run and Gun Game back because everyone feels good about themselves when you do that the crows need something like that they need reward for their work they need to they need to find a way to get them running again and get them excited again because it all looks to too hard at the crows at the moment so the next they’ve got the buy yeah and then they’ve got the Giants in Adelaide Brisbane at the gabber silder in Adelaide and essendon at Marvel yeah so that they’d need to be beating the Giants there they’ll need to win their two at home or or get their brand back look just get their mode back because you got to have a way you can win the game but what’s to sell to the players and I think it starts ball in hand but be be difficult to contain uh and then difficult to play against and and the winds will come from there but they’ve got to find something to cling to right now there’s nothing to cling to they’re clinging to the poor performance you’re underperforming you’re out you’re not leading you’re out you got to flip that into into hey if we do this if we can do that uh I think that’s where they’re at right now and I I I still back him I still see enough in in Matty Nixon and that’s that’s again an unpopular opinion because people looking at the lad and the poor performance of this year and I understand that they’re entitled to that view I still think he’s a very very good AFL coach they’re just they’re just an En Norful position yeah their conversation is much bigger than the coach I’ll I’ll hold to that all year he must be the coach in round one next year Adelaide needs to make change it’s not the coach it’s not the Coach position that’s the first to change here they’ve got a lot to own up to I think they they need a whole host of changes Y and a couple of people need to probably put their hand up and say no it’s me before him refresh yep the pressure index on the crows for Bas compression proudly Australian owned elevate your performance with Bas vital Bas today sorry catch off there you didn’t happen to see Riley filor on the socials on the weekend did you no my God has he put on some size right good good size oh yeah looks great okay I can’t wait for him to come back I’m not sure when he’s uh returning to to play but he’s he he’s he looks like the man forward of the ball now uh the buy sort of skew the seatings a little bit if you’re sit in the stable sometimes you can have your position enhanced Al Carlton and sometimes you can have your position usurped by not being right in front of us who have you got it four we putting Sydney in this week or out this we yes in this week oh yeah we can only playay favorite hours we only have three positions available that’s right uh well if you’re going to squeeze my three and four it’s a toss up between the Giants and the dogs I think the dogs will be in the and threatening in in four weeks time I’ll go the dogs yeah yeah oh I’m going hawthor horor well they’re playing the second best footy of the day shees um so ESS and brisings are wild Essen and Brisbane Bulldogs are all you know better Futures prospects but right now Hawthorne are entitled to a place in the seaing he Rod’s got to you I think three uh three the pies cwood sometimes you just have to win those games and and to be able to do that with such power was was a terrific outcome for them two to the blues yep big Friday night coming isn’t it I’m telling you it’s going to be season of the sticks sticks kahan’s going to be handing the cup over Jared he’s a chance to hand the cup over at the end of the a season of the sticks great Friday night against jalong coming up second time around and Sydney are the one seed nothing changes with Sydney I think the biggest question for Sydney is do they rest the key3 in the back half of the year they’ve had their couple of buys they’re as fresh as fresh but now they got their long stint did they rest them at say around 18 to make sure their cherry right for the finals or run run the gauntlet


  1. 'no 50,'? did i heard that correctly David King? I'm a dees fan and that was one of the worst non-calls in 100 years. Literally 2 guys grossly infringing the mark by 10m.

  2. In before a bunch of interstate flogs complain about a Melbourne radio station talking about Melbourne teams.

  3. I love kingy’s philosophy of don’t touch a winner.

    Another example of it is when someone kicks a goal and immediately gets signalled to come to the bench. I hate it. Keep them on. Seems like kicking a goal means you’re more likely to be called to the bench. I don’t get it. Surely a defender breaths a sigh of relief when this happens cause they can’t have another kicked on them by the same player in quick succession. I think you need to keep them on when they’re hot and further try to pile on the pain. Saw it with the crows on the weekend with Amarty. Every additional goal he kicked further psyched out the crows and started making them play different which just exasperated problems. If a player has kicked a goal leave him on!!!!!! Rant over.

  4. If Fisher kicked the goal Kingy would not be on a head hunt to have him removed, Fisher didn't loose them the game Clarkson and the whole team effort or lack of in the second half did !

  5. How do dogs keep getting in the seedings when they haven't been top 8 all year and likely won't finish top 8 either?

  6. Crows season is well and truly over…… some of the unseen younger players and let's see what they have.
    (DEF) Daniel Curtain, Oscar Ryan (Mid) Charlie Edwards, (FWD/RUCK) Toby Murray – as they need to blood a younger possible future Ruck

  7. And can we add for the sake of Port Adelaide that coaching means you as "Coach" are a part of the team. Not as Ken would think and make us believe that's its him and "the playing group" or "the collective" or "the boys" no he is not separate from the team. He can't just cry baby that the playing list is just not good enough and it's not him. If his star players can't kick straight then he should have shown them in the pre season some skill training on how to do it right. Yep it's called coaching. You can't keep blaming the playing group every yr for 12 yrs. If everyone had their dream team then why would anyone need a coach??? But don't worry Port know what they got wrong this week so it will all be gold next week. So the post match has been saying for 12 yrs. Yep that carrot got lost in the post

  8. It’s time for north to take the next step. There is a lot of talent sheezel wardlaw LDU Colby and duursma just need more time, Larkey up foward is elite Simpkin at his best is a great player. Taylor is a game breaker at his best. Bailey Scott is becoming the player we thought he was going to be. Eddie ford comben and Curtis are much improved,Tristan is now becoming one of the top rucks and with more talent to come in this year the days of being uncompetitive has to be over. 10 goal uncompetitive losses can no longer be excepted as learning. Also need to be ruthless with some players, is shield really good enough to be in this team? Jaidyn Stephenson how much longer do we wait for him to turn the corner ? Is Luke McDonald being co captain the main reason he is in the side? Let’s get moving north

  9. Funny how Kingy talks like an expert on coaching and strategy. My man was in the Richmond box when Geelong kicked 35 goals on them in 2007. Would love to hear the moves he pulled that day

  10. NO I want Mathew Nicks, the Selectors, the Board and recruiters sacked. Bring in Nathan Buckley to coach Adelaide.

  11. They all seem to forget the swans have beaten all these contenders and its easy to see the bias attitude by thse Mexicans

  12. Simply the best analysis of the weekend results >>>and thrilled I can watch it on YT every Monday after work thanks K & G

  13. Umpires win Collingwood yet another game. After the umpires won Collingwood a flag last year. Surely the media bring light to this

  14. Im a hawthorn supporter, when dusty kicked that first goal, i have never heard such a cacophonous explosion of celebration, from almost everyone including a lot of Hawthorn supporters.

  15. I’m convinced Justin Longmuir may by a good training coach but doesn’t have the reactions to be a game day “manager”. He started the game with the confidence that the Dockers will take the game on but once it became obvious that the Dogs had the dominance he should have put Young on Bontempelli.

  16. You are right. Clarko messed that up. Just wish he admitted it. Saying, it had no bearing on the result is laughable. If he can't see it then that's a worry.

  17. I think both crows and Port need a bit of pressure relief. And as they say a change is as good as a holiday. I'd like to make the serious proposal that Crows and Port swap coaches for a month. Hinkley to Crows and Nicks to Port. Their both in adel so why not. ?? Not sure bout Crows fans but Port fans would luv it

  18. There are players that drag teams over the line by sheer will, desperation and determination. Their will to win is insurmountable by their opponent. Bontompelli is not one of them. Regardless of whether he plays well or not, he doesn't have the same level of impact as the absolute best in the game. He is not the barometer for the Dogs. That is really telling and it is a fact that is neglected by the media.

  19. Was on the fence, but that pre-Dusty umpiring bit demonstrated that Kingy is as out of touch as Will Brodie has been for Freo (a team he also seemingly detests for no good reason).

  20. Clarko said Phillips was fatiguing, what's the point of keeping an ailing tagger on the best player in the AFL when you can bring on a fresh sub? The reason Phillips is a nobody in the AFL and Dacios is at the top of the pile is because their engines are different (never mind skill and impact)

  21. Dusty's 300th was amazing! He's one of those players as an AFL fan you just love to watch. His ability to do things other players can't do, and in big moments has been just incredible. Kicks the first goal (of course) in front of 93,000 fans, the game was played with a finals like atmosphere. I'm a Hawks fan and was rapt to get the win, the first match in about 5 years that had something riding on it. Saw off the early pressure (Tigers were dialed in) and then we just sliced them and diced them.

  22. 10 games so far this season have ended in the wrong team being awarded the 4 points due to umpire blunders in the dying seconds of the game….why is this not being highlighted by commentators and media people.

    With the ladder positions so close this season this is a major problem that the AFL need to address.

  23. Kingy, you have got absolutely no idea. Will Phillips was absolutely spent trying to tag Nick Daicos. Nobody in the Comp can run with Nick Daicos all game. I mean absolutely no one. Nick Daicos has got the biggest tank in the Comp, and Phillips was done when he got pulled from the Daicos Tag. You of all people should know this, and how much fitter Nick Daicos is compared to ANYONE in the game. No one in the game can run with Daicos for 4 quarters. He's a Super freak who will just wear his opposition down. The biggest mistake from Clarko was putting an Old Liam Shields on the Daicos Tag. What was Clarko thinking? The game changed instantly when Phillips was taken off Daicos,but North had no one else with the gut running ability to go with Daicos who was also sick too by the way. I do think the Kangaroos will be much better next year,but they just need another big preseason and they will just miss the Top 8 next year and keep improving in 2O26 and beyond.💯%

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