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Jets’ Leadership Crisis: Rodgers’ Absence Raises Red Flags

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how in the world can you know for months as it was reported that the jets during his rehab while Aaron Rogers was rehabing Aaron clearly communicated to the Jets hey I’m doing this during this period with your equates to mini camp I’m not going to be there now there are subsets to this conversation like well did the Jets push back at all I know they didn’t should the Jets have pushed back a little bit maybe and let’s face it we we’re all waiting for Aaron Rogers to actually do something for the New York Jets I mean let’s face it he brought a resume that’s legendary he’s done nothing for the New York Jets nothing nothing so the equity that he had built up in Green Bay you know I don’t know that it’s quite as transferable as as it is here seemingly transferable but anyway I’m not even going to go nuts on that yet the Jets knew about this and yet Robert Sala who you know s who is off today and back tomorrow s always says he’s without a doubt the worst coach in the NFL I you know I I actually try to find if there’s two or three worse I trust me he’s at the bottom we know that but I I I try to be fair to Robert Sal is he literally the worst well he he might be and that’s one thing that means how kick around but one thing that I think is inarguable at this point inarguable nobody is worse at the podium than Robert Salah Robert Salah is a train wreck when it comes to talking to you the fan he’s awful mixed messages he talks too much I don’t understand this and this really bothers me you know I understand there’s certain things we might overreact to this is not one of them don’t tell me that I’m making too big of a deal out of this I’m not I’m not cu the Jets have one season to get this right it’s mini camp the quarterback who didn’t do anything a year ago and has done nothing for the team that he’s currently getting a check from a massive one by the way is Lord knows where during midi Camp it’s it’s it’s you know it’s kind of a bonding period I I don’t think that that’s overstating it is it imperative that he’s here all right maybe that’s a bit of a stretch would you like him to be here yeah yeah I kind of would I kind of would and I guarantee that the Jets if they were honest with you and us they would say the same thing but all they do is kisses behind so they say nothing no we’re fine with a not being here what team wouldn’t be fine that is coming off a train wreck of a season or would be fine that’s coming off that train wreck of a season where you have multiple jobs on the line what team would be fine with a quarterback we’re not even sure if he can fully run yet would be fine with them not showing up the first two not not not the first day the entire mini camp I don’t know that’s a little too lenient for me Hoff do me a favor Hoff I know you’re on the phone Zoo you’re H to handle you Biz Zoo ask me that because my biggest gripe is the way Salah did not handle the the press conference yesterday this could could have been diffused I do think on some level to be fair to everybody it’s been a little hijacked and even I could admit like it’s spun a little too wildly out of control it’s not week one I I I do get that all right but think about how innocuous and benign ofous story this would have been if he just answered the first questions like this so uh Zoo ask me you know hey uh where is Aaron Rogers hey uh BT where’s Rogers been you know he’s not here at mini camp the first day yeah good to see you again Rich uh this is something that’s been playing for a while uh Aaron clearly communicated to us that he will not be here we are fully aware of it uh we are okay with it uh he has been as engaged as any player the last few months feverishly trying to recover uh from the Achilles injury he’s doing great with his rehab he’s been a great source of leadership and a great source of inspiration we are absolutely okay with the can’t we miss him because we love him but uh he will not be here for these couple of days next that’s it that’s it instead he somehow strangely like wov it into and almost equivocated to the the Hassan reic situation which is something else that Jets butchered I don’t know listen I am I am really excited about the season there is nothing that Robert Salah can say or do that will quell my enthusiasm the Jets are loaded man the Jets are if their offensive line is as good as I think a lot of us think it could be the Jets could hold on to your steering wheel the Jets could win like 13 games the Jets could be one of the absolute Titans in the NFL because they’ve got every aspect of of football covered they do and I think most of you know that their roster is really good and their division I think they’re the most talented team of the division bills are going backwards dolphins are good not not unbeatable and the Pats are a doormat so the prospects to do some serious damage this year are there that’s why I started this show when I said I believe in their talent I don’t believe in their leadership the this was like a gimme putt you’re playing it with with your buddies hey foot and a half whatever inside the leather taping with your big Joe pick it up Mike pick it up Hof pick it up you’re good would you get a four five pick it up it’s good no they couldn’t even tap in the they couldn’t even tap in the Gimme putt it rolled around like a toilet bowl and squirts out oh not in the hole yet they messed up something that I honestly don’t think any other NFL team could mess up to this degree and it bothers me here’s the problem though BT you keep on talking about the leadership I’m not even sure who’s supposed to be the leader on this team because last year we sat there and and Robert Salah basically bowed down to Aaron Rogers who’s the person that’s not showing up for mandatory Camp yeah that’s a problem I got it is a problem I’m because there’s several layers and levels to this I’m almost choosing to just kind of gloss over the fact that Rogers himself didn’t view it as a you know important enough to be here like think about how crazy that is that what’s really important has become secondary it’s it’s all about you know this this this odd presentation why he’s not here this he should be here let me let me be very clear about that he should be here you know I hear a lot of people like on ESPN guys who played the game which I understand and I respect that but you know you you’re you’re trying to create a parallel for Rogers with the Jets like Rogers with the Packers got news for everybody and let let’s be very very straightforward about this Aaron well let me let me take a step back I was going to say something I’m going to go a different round the next good thing that Aaron rers actually does for the Jets will be the first thing that doesn’t mean he’s done anything bad I really like the guy but what has he done he’s done nothing good in play so jeez Robert Salah man oh man can you just listen to us at Floren Park please and I know they do so what I say listen to us when you’re done listening to us transcribe what we said Put it on a piece of paper give it to the coach and please even if he even if he Loosely follows what we say have him follow what we say it will be easier and I know that they listen cuz I got a text from somebody in the building first segment yesterday I told you that I did I got a tip as to where he was I need a second confirmation I’m not comfortable going with it they listen Jets don’t make it tougher than it needs to be coach Salah stop talking you don’t you don’t have to say anything dude part of your likability is that you are affable and that’s that’s a legitimate compliment like I think people really like Robert salid including me I don’t need to like my head coach I need to trust my head coach I need to believe my head coach and every time and we’ll get to these calls coming up now8 808 1019 BT and s s is off every time there is a little something that flares up whether it’s the stupid t-shirts but I always reference that really bothers me you know bothered past tense with Mike White and and Zach Wilson or any other little teeny weeny tiny thing like Wilson being benched and then the Jets telling him reportedly that they’ll trade and then the Jets saying that hey we need you to play and then the mix reports that Wilson didn’t want to play like all these basic checkpoints how the hell is this team supposed to win a Super Bowl if they can’t look Us in the face and tell us like a first grade organization why their quarterbacks not there it’s just a all right let me get to you guys should be interesting Eddie’s in Rockin Eddie BT and S mid s what’s up Eddie hey what’s happening you know listen I’m with you man this thing this is supposed to be the year right there’s you said you heard what the excuse was but you don’t want to say nothing not I I can’t I need got I got to confirm it I got to confirm it I’m not going to run with you is it more important than a jet Super Bowl no but apparently it is more important than day what Min Camp because he’s not there right that’s what I’m saying excuse more important than a jet Super Bowl yeah because it’s supposed to be all about this year and this is the guy who says well you better use the first round draft pick for something I like and here he is he’s not even here well hold on a hold on to be fair let’s not just let’s not throw everything at Aaron rogers’s door step I actually don’t know that he truly said that I mean because think about this if the Jets were really in a and I get I gave Joe Douglas credit here I’m always going to be fair as loud as I get I’m not just going to look to smash you know smash people around I was saying draft the tight end I want a Bowers now to me that’s like a win now move maybe a little shortsighted I also think he’s going to be a Transcendent type of tight end so I was okay with it they went with a with a lineman who’s not even going to play this year unless somebody goes down so that was not plating Rogers that was actually a move to fortify the future which I really respect from Joe Douglas because there’s a good chance well if they don’t win Joe was absolutely gone so you would think that somebody whose job is kind of hanging by a thread would do whatever it takes to make sure he’s got enough bullets and ammo now to avoid being fired he didn’t and that’s a selfless move and I really do respect that but that’s that’s independent of all the other stuff I it’s you know I I know he’s a great leader I know he’s busting his hump you should be there in mini camp I don’t care this is not you know doing a few squats in the weight room in Floren park or doing a couple of you know shuttle runs this is day one of mini cam man you start to install some stuff and he’s not there Tyrod Taylor’s taking the Reps Triple Eight I guess better than Zach Wilson but it ain’t Aaron triple 808 1019 BT and Salon the fan inside of Our Town Fair Tire Studio friends of Town Fair remind you that you always get the guaranteed low price on name brand Tyrus from Connecticut to me nobody beats Town Fair Tire nobody how about Anthony who’s on Staten Island on the fan B te Sal what’s happening hey BT I’m trying to do the same thing for the first time since fresh fall I’m trying to be excited about this team but I just you know I just think Rogers I think in a couple years you could be the former players say how it was so chaotic with the quarterback whole organization yeah and I just think Douglas just handed him this whole team and it’s gonna be I mean I’m hoping this is gonna be something this year but I don’t see it because I had no Bor i’ never liked from day one well but I mean it’s not about liking him I actually I was the opposite you know I loved them I love what he at least in theory represented I mean this guy’s jacked think about seeing him on the Niners Sidelines absolutely yolked so the exact opposite of like Adam gase you know Fierce physical outwardly emotional presence Todd BS who’s a good coach just not here of course uh but I respect that a lot um is a you know strong Stout guy I know he played the game but he didn’t project like at least like what we thought what this coach would project you know balls is very inward just very contemplative doesn’t show you any emotion and that that drove me nuts toward the end at first I’m like okay it’s the anti- Rex you know Rex is loud BS is more measured this will more buttoned up this should work but I I thought that solid was the real deal in terms terms of just the Optics and the presence and the energy and he just he hasn’t hit that’s all there was do it and there’s a lot of coaches who fail early or stumble early who go on to achieve great things but there’s a lot of them I mean Bill parcel is almost got fired after year one with the New York Giants you know that if you’re if you’re an oldtime giant fan long you know long enough to remember that but it’s it’s the other stuff that you should have a better grasp on by now like I you know is is he is he going to be an asset in the fourth quarter with 3 minutes and 12 seconds to go and time ticking and everybody screaming and timeouts and you know do I punt do I go for I don’t know because the Jets have been so bad that they’re rarely in that situation I can’t even tell you if I actually think he’s going to be a good coach like an asset I can tell you thus far he has not been a winning successful coach based on what his record is I don’t know how he’s going to react in the fourth quarter because they’re usually getting blown out most years right I’m not even talking about that basic simple stuff and they tripped all over themselves yesterday let me get Adam and South Ferry uh pardon me South Jersey Adam what’s happening buddy South Ferry minky you moved me I didn’t even know I moved my bad my bad I’m all worked up I’m sorry buddy my bad you heard me yesterday when I called I was I was insane yesterday I’m a little calmer today you know it’s funny I I led with my phone call to you yesterday on my podcast last night my friend talked about go yeah we did we got deep into it I gave you guys all the credit I credited your show I credited Odyssey I credited everybody appreciate well you better otherwise you’re getting sued thank you damn right damn right I’m smarter than that I know well what’s up man I mean so what are you feeling differently today what’s because you were going nuts yesterday what’s happening I’m not feeling differently I’m just calmer about it it’s the lack of accountability Brandon yep there’s no accountability from top to bottom you know you’re right this shouldn’t have been a big deal if it was handled right and that the problem is is that they take the littlest things and they don’t know how to handle it and it looks bad and Salah is just listen man some guys are great coordinators and just not head coaches I’ll cite North turn Turner as the first guy I’m gonna talk about with that Sal seems to fit in that he was a great coordinator I just don’t think he has black re better word the hoodah to be a head coach he doesn’t know how to draw theine when to be a disciplinarian and when to be the friend he doesn’t know when to hold somebody accountable and put their feet to the fire and when to make sure something gets brushed under the rug that shouldn’t be a big deal everything is an issue and this is why I’m scared about him in the season Brandon because with everything you know how it is we’re gonna get to a tight game this team should personnel-wise be good right it should be now we’re going to get in a tight game at the end of the season maybe you know we got 11 wins trying to get the division and I don’t trust him to not choke on it I just don’t well here that Adam think about this Adam think about this that’s one aspect and I don’t disagree and thanks for the call the other thing is there’s probably going to be just because it’s New York and I don’t want say just because it’s the Jets but you know New York Fishbowl guys wanting new contracts eventually before you know Garrett Wilson sauce there’s going to be forget about on the field there’s going to be an an off the- field flare up how’s he handle that I mean you show me a Super Bowl champion that has had zero resistance along the way and and I’ll show you a team that just doesn’t exist I mean there’s going to be a dire circumstance or two that’s at the most optimal level if things go well whether it’s a devastating injury or you know something off the field as I alluded to so if you can’t even deal with this and he just I mean he fumbled immediately as soon as the quarterback gave the ball to start the season he put it on the turf and so did Joe Douglas pertaining to Hassan reik well we have a plan we knew this and this was expected well guess what it’s the exact opposite so I mean I I don’t I don’t understand how that’s possibly good and and I’m telling you spare me the I’m overreacting stuff nonsense Aaron roders it would be like Juan sto before he saw a pitch in the Batters box for the Yankees you know taking things for granted whatever and and Yankee fans saying yeah that’s that’s that’s okay that’s cool yeah yeah he he won the championship for the Nationals not the Yankees and I believe that there is and there are certain things that are transferable from previous teams but certain things that are not you know if Aaron roders doesn’t get hurt last year and he flings 31 touchdowns and nine picks and he elevates a young Jets team and he’s not at mini camp do I love it no I don’t love it maybe I’m old school like that I’m sorry I don’t love it but I can accept it a little bit more he had some something think about this in literal terms the Jets are trying to win for the first time since 1969 okay and their quarterback who did nothing last year I know I keep saying that literally did nothing okay thought it was more important to be somewhere else that is higher at least for today and yesterday and tomorrow on the scale of importance than being the quarterback of the New York Jets now if you’re okay with that that’s fine I’m notle 8 808 1019 be S I’m the fan


  1. ā€œIā€™m not comfortable going with itā€ after he says it absolutely happened and he even knew where the coach was at the time

  2. Listening to Saleh at the mic is brutal. Every other word is ā€œuhā€ or ā€œumā€ and he looks less and less comfortable each day.

  3. This why there is a difference in atom Brady and Rodgers. One clearly wants to win which you saw in his off seasons in his 40ā€™s vs Rodgers. Rodgers turned down the 49ers temp for a trade last season because the QB isnā€™t all in to win or get pushed. Donā€™t see how you Jet fans didnā€™t see those signs even from that. Mahomes gaps his entire career in half of a decade.

  4. Jets suck anyway they will always be second best to the Giants… Aaron Rogers is an Asshole who thinks he can do whatever he wants and he gets away with it because he's Aaron Rogers

  5. Green Bay is pleased with the drama-free presence of Jordan Love. Green Bay understands the challenges that the Jets are currently facing.

  6. I've BEEN saying it for years, Saleh is such a clown. There's a reason why the players have such good rapport with them, it's because he lets them get away with murder.

  7. More than likely Rogers had an appointment with Robert Kennedy and did not want the word to go out. Kennedy was going to pick him for his Vice President candidate and you can
    assume if you choose to that they are very close and running for President may be a bit more important than a day at football practice!

  8. Salah's not the worst because he CAN do defense things. However, I really think he's just sick of this job. The Jets are way too disfunctional, especially compared with the 49ers. If he's got that chewing-lemons look and it's only June, it doesn't bode well for the season. And I didn't want Rodgers in the first place (Wayback Machine past comments and I've been consistent). Then again, I've been a Jets fan since Heidi, so nothing that's going on surprises me. Just another Jets season. (sigh)

  9. A 20 year veteran hall of fame QB comes and goes as he pleases as long as heā€™s there for kickoff on day 1. Spare me the hand ringing

  10. Is the Jets roster good? Sure. But the most important position on a NFL team is coaching which they are terrible in on the offensive side of the ball

  11. Robert Salah has nothing to lose so why is he bowing to Rodgers whoā€™s gone after this year anyway while his job is on the line. Dude doesnā€™t act like heā€™s got nothing left to lose. Just happy to be there and follow coach Rodgersā€™ lead

  12. LMAO the jets are going to be an entertaining train wreck to watch this season, can't wait for the season to start lol. Its the only thing I'm looking forward to this year lol.

  13. Even with a 40 nothing super bowl halftime lead, the jets still wouldn't be a shoe in to win a championship

  14. This is ridiculous. This is a 40 year old QB off an Achilles injury and has participated in every thing to date. I hope heā€™s limited more during camp. Now, Saleh could have answered the question better.

  15. Rodgers literally said that if he doesnā€™t play well , then ppls jobs are on the lineā€¦ I agree .. saleh sucks at the podium . Itā€™s either heā€™s nervous or trying not to throw players under the bus ā€¦ by doing that makes him look like a fool time and time again,.. whether itā€™s his coaching decisions or handling player decisionsā€¦ itā€™s baffling

  16. Hey Know it all! SHUT THE F#*k UP! Rogers was at every JETS VOLUNTEER WORKOUT THIS YEAR!! Know your facts before you start flappinā€™ your gums! Truth be told, over the last two years he was here, he had more workouts here then his entire years in Green Bay! Now do your report.

  17. Gotta' say that this story makes no sense. The Jets have a good collection of players, a clueless coach, a childish narcissist for a QB, and a long suffering fan base with no patience.

  18. Pro players have said this 4 day mini camp is nothing big but the media and everyone who never had a football career is making it big. If the players (not on the Jets) are saying this mini camp is nothing big if you miss it is good enough for me. As soon as the season starts and rodgers starts lighting up other teams everyone is going to forget about this. This so called problem doesn't even bother me. Let's go Jets! šŸ’ŖšŸ¼

  19. If Rodgers fails to show up on time for regular training camp and again gives a lame excuse will Jet fans still blame the organization?

  20. Lmao ā€œBills are going backwardsā€ yeah ok. Thatā€™s what everyone said last year when they were 6-6 on the outside looking in, and then won every game until losing to the eventual super champions by a missed fg. As long as 17 is there, the East belongs to Buffalo.

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