Golf Players

CRUCIAL Eyewitness reveals what police officer ‘yelled’ at Scottie Scheffler before arresting him!

This is a TWIST on the arrest of world NO.1 Scottie Scheffler’s as well as the court date being pushed back we also have a new twist with a CRUCIAL Eyewitness has come forward to revealed exactly what the police officer ‘yelled’ at Scottie Scheffler before arresting him! This is surprising to see that Scottie Scheffler’s Louisville court has been PUSHEd back….but for what reason after his arrest on Friday and all the images that came with this it has sparked many questions of what actually one on with Scottie Scheffler and the police before the second round of the PGA CHAMPIONSHIP!

CRUCIAL Eyewitness reveals what police officer ‘yelled’ at Scottie Scheffler before arresting him!

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we now have an eyewitness account that was revealed what the police were yelling at Scotty Sheffer during the incident last Friday now just to refresh your memory the 27-year-old was taken by police in Huffs before being released in time to return for his second round Sheffer is facing charges of second deegree assault of a police officer third degree criminal mischief reckless driving and disregarding traffic signals from an officer directing traffic now the police report said that Sheffer failed to comply with any instructions and then drove away from officer Brian Gillis causing him to be dragged alongside by a two-time Masters champions winners car so I’m sort of imagining like he was sort of grappling onto the side and being tracked well this is getting a little bit interesting so Louisville’s Metro Police Department said Sheffer was booked in for four charges as we just discussed but they’ve also revealed today the internal investigation is going on any police violations that be revealed through the course of an investigation will appropriately be addressed according to lmpd’s disciplinary protocol and we also heard from Louisville mayor Craig Greenberg saying I think it’s critically important that we do that and not just in high profile events that took place last Friday but on a regular basis and if any policies are not being followed there will be transparency about that and action will be taken so what I’m saying to you here is there’s an investigation to what went on last Friday now bear that in mind as we go through this eyewitness report so this eyewitness report comes from gcom and this comes from ESPN’s Bob Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin I’m probably absolutely butchering that so I do apologize we’ll call him Bob now he does play-by-play commentary for the New York Jets during the NFL season high-profile person himself now Bob we’re going to call him uh claims gills was pretty you know enthusiastic as he walked up to sheffer’s vehicle and beamed his flashlight into the golfer’s face okay Bob claims gills the police officer screamed at Sheffer saying words to the effect whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who are you where are you going get back in line you’re not allowed to come through here now gills the police officer was scolding sheffler for passing the vehicle Bob ESPN’s play-by-play commentator for the New York Jets that the queue the ESPN Q were in it was unclear whether he was a police officer or tournament security because of their yellow reflective jackets so every single week you have tournament security because these are in fact now not just golfers they’re high-profile celebrities now before we go into this ey witness report a little further what we’re sort of hearing here is that the police officer walked up to him enthusiastically torching face and then Sheffer passed him going down the queue which essentially at a tournament you’ll always have a secondary Lane for the players to get in because amount of traffic around the tournament is scary now we know there was a separate incident which potentially had closed that lane so it’s probably difficult for Sheffer to know whether it’s tournament security whether it’s just a police officer who actually this person was now I’m going to add to that when shuffler was taken away it did seem like he was taken away I’m going to say very seriously quite harshly almost like he was the worst criminal ever which we don’t know the actual report that may be the case but it does seem quite out of character can you not agree anyway let’s get back to this report so after Sheffer drove forward the situation then escalated as gills got very angry pursuing the car Bob claims the officer was kind of running alongside chasing the car and then maybe tripped and fell now bear in mind the police report says that he was being dragged by the car so an eyewitness is saying something that is potentially a little bit different here maybe this is why we have sparked an investigation he furthermore said this I mean there was kind of an outcropping of medium you know by the front gate and keep that in mind it was raining it was 6:00 in the morning and it was dark now asked about gills the claims of gills attaching himself to the car Bob said I could see him stumble but I did not have a very clear view of exactly how how and what you categorize as his contact with the car now as I just said the internal investigation is taking place and is set to take place potentially all the way up until June the 3D when the court hearing has been pushed back to and for me this is the only reason we’re seen the court hearing be pushed back an eyewitness report that is potentially showing a little bit of discrepancy between a police report and what is going on and you know what I’m sure more of these eyewitnesses will come forward so we can get to the bottom of this but if you want to keep up to date with the whole golf news in the golf industry be sure to subscribe and turn on the Bell


  1. "Causing him to be dragged", proves the officer is unfit for duty. The sheriff needs to review this officer's previous cases as well as the office atmosphere is creating fear and anger toward the public, you are to Sever.

  2. The fact that this overzealous jackass cop didn’t see that Scottie was in a clearly marked courtesy car and could have been told to go ahead and proceed to the course, but instead chose to show his authority tells me everything I need to know. Regardless of the outcome the PGA of America should publicly announce that they will no longer have their tournament at Valhalla ever again.

  3. You basically need a high school diploma to be a cop. Walmart has higher standards. What do we expect?

  4. Cops like to never admit any wrong doing and press as many charges possible in cases like this

  5. Cops LIE, LIE, LIE every single day ! It has become part of their MO. They see the politicians doing it, and get away with it, so they figure they should too. IT"S ONE EVIL COUNTRY WE LIVE IN FOLKS !

  6. Prosecutor and mayor thinking they need to show there was no special treatment for a celebrity. Instead, what they have is a lying, ego-filled tyrant. Apologize and drop the charges.

  7. I do not believe the police report of the incident. I do believe the truth will come out. In my belief a cop will lie, cheat and steal to inflate his ego. Also, a cop will tolerate these same traits from fellow cops to protect their thin blue line of corruption. Present day law enforcement in America is a disgrace.


  9. 15 years ago i was an out of towner ticketed for going 70 in a 55 …….the speed sign i saw had a tree limb over it ….all i could see was the five ……it was 65 the next sign i saw ……this was on North 71 …..180 dollars ….F Louisville 😮

  10. Police are here to serve the public, they are paid by the public. It is not their duty to trump up charges or be power players. We do not pay them to be Gestapos.

  11. The Louisville cops will never be held accountable. That guy ripped his own pants leg. Yeah problems all the time look at the Brianna Taylor case.

  12. When my wife and I travel north to Illinois every couple of years, we always go through Louisville and I've always been tempted to get off the interstate as the visible late 19th century architecture is quite appealing. But, if there's any danger of an encounter with the LMPD, I think I'll keep going and avoid the possibility of any negative experience.

    the Prosecutor is as corrupt as the Police…
    the "Officer" committed false arrest, false imprisonment, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, mis-malfeasance, falsifying charges, falsifying government documents, deprivation of rights; the "Officer" is also the sole cause if 95% of his injuries latching onto a moving automobile when he could have (being an accident scene recreation expert) instead pounded on the hood or trunk to get the driver's attention…
    the Prosecutor is also REQUIRED to disclose exculpatory evidence, AND prosecute the "Officer" if there is evidence of the "Officers" wrong doing…
    If there is any true Justice the "Officer" should not be being treated as thought everything he did was lawful, and everything Scottie did was unlawful…🤔

  14. No Major PGA Golf Tournament or any Major Sporting Event should ever be held in Louisville again after the treatment of Scottie Scheffler by the authorities there.

  15. Simple misunderstanding but it’s interesting to look back at people’s initial reactions. I think we all should do reflect on how we react or act.
    Not that you’re video is all that wild but c’mon…taken off in handcuffs like he was the worst criminal ever? I’m not trying to be politically correct but he was walked to a police car in cuffs while it was raining a little.
    I wonder if there has been any worse treatment towards a person being arrested? 🤔

  16. Problem is that police departments refuse to take out their trash. What is with this desire to keep garbage officers on,payroll?

  17. How this out of control egotist got promoted to detective with all the infractions in his background shows the PD has no clue.

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