Golf Players

MLW Players’ Discuss Playing in MLB Stadium

Episode 202

MLW is back on the road the Summer of Stadiums Campaign! On todays’ guest-filled hotel pod, the boys discuss playing at an MLB Stadium and some behind the scenes notables from the trip. Then, Tom and Jack wrap-up the podcast talking about the recent Cobras vs. Magic series!

Brooklyn Series Tickets –

0:00 – Intro
0:47 – Hotel Pod
30:29 – Cobras / Magic Recap
50:13 – Comment of the Week
51:46 – Fuzzy Numbers presented by ShedBall
56:38 – Waffle House Bet Update

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[Music] all right time travel pod on the horizon I have Jack virtually with me for part two and we were in Miami for part one in the hotel room classic hotel room podcast with a a pretty large cast of mlw guys including myself kamish robless Bennett Brendan Schultz even stepped in t flood uh a lot of guys played a part in it it was a lot of fun you guys love these hotel room pods so Jack you sit back and enjoy part one and then I will be with you on part too sound good we do sounds great all right thanks for joining me again jack and thanks all mlw guys this is the PIP up Podcast and Q the [Applause] intro ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the PIP IT up Podcast the official podcast of mlw Wiffle ball we are live coming from Miami Florida today interesting cast of characters here to my left side here we got Brendan Schultz time mlw veteran and uh assistant and employee whatever you need brenon jensson the newest Midwest Mard couple Brendan couple of Brendan here with me today to start we might have some people filtering in and out but uh we are in Miami post game from the Miami series at Lone Depot Park and we don’t really have much of an agenda to start Jack and I are going to get into the series uh later which we’ll talk about I’m sure cobras versus magic we’ll get Jack’s take on on his team’s efforts and the cobras as well but uh for now we’re just kind of catching up with the fellas haven’t done a hotel room pod in a while and uh felt like it was it was overdue whenever get the opportunity I always try to capitalize because you guys seem to like these kind of kind of PODS so I guess uh I’ll kick it to you jorgie first um this your first time in Miami uh no I’ve been like in this area the fort lale Miami area and then I also left uh from a cruise out of Miami so like third is time oh here comes some more some more faces for the Pod here recognize these clowns walking into the hotel room Bennett and Trey flood that we’ll hear from them shortly but I never been to Miami first impression um it’s hot of course and I’ll say true that it was like flying by the New York City skyine is always like mind-blowing to me because just you don’t realize how big the buildings are and when you’re in the air and you see it it’s wild but just seeing Miami the skyline flying into that was in my opinion cooler think so I think so just cuz it’s like dude this there’s skyscrapers like on the water on the water and it’s just ocean it’s very tropical looking uh so I thought that was pretty cool initially and flying in I was able to see Hard Rock stadium which is home of the Dolphins and a lot of big football games and I also saw lone Depot from the a so that was pretty cool but you had a pretty crazy travel experience right Brandon yeah no I worked night shift for a project uh Thursday nights and then I drove straight from that to the airport slept on the plane then got here and we started doing stuff right away so yep last two days have been a little busy had a semi late night too probably didn’t get a we didn’t get a ton of sleep last night we kind of just got back from like dinner late and then we had to get up at 6:15 6:00 the problem with traveling with a group of this size with not a lot of vehicles you know we’re Bing on a budget a little bit these trips and it’s just things are just kind of lethargic there a lot of people like when you go out to eat with 15 people like it’s going to take you two hours minimum yeah and like the people that are serving you are probably aren’t pleased they have a group that size so things move slow like for example today’s series was from 9:00 to noon we went we cleaned up and went straight from the series to a restaurant which we probably got there like 1:30 yeah called Old Tom there’s a voice crack from Old Tom and we weren’t out of there till 3:30 3:45 took forever it’s not like the yeah I mean it didn’t seem like the food took a while but what Tom and Davenport were at the bar and they said they were done eating like an hour SE cuz the table well dude just just ordering with that size group takes 15 minutes by itself like it just takes so long get drinks in and then get food in and then get the Bills take forever we’re all Separate Checks like it just takes forever so even though it seems like we have so much free time on these trips like the day just gets eaten up like we had we had a break from noon to 5:30 and that quickly turned into like 3:30 to 5:30 and I was like we got to do a pod boys I brought all the stuff down like an hour to get this done basically so yeah but it was a it was a fun Series this morning not going to spoil too much but I guess um jorgie you can give your opinion on like the field and the setup and then you two can can walk in as well but I uh go ahead J you go first yeah yeah so it it was it was definitely interesting I’d say it was more pitcher friendly than hitter friendly the the walls were pretty far back um the field almost it almost had a weird angle like it was just pretty much the same thing but it just felt like it was a little skinnier and there was just some differences um second base was on the uh the warning track so I I slid into second and got all cut up so it was hard to get traction there you know base run was a little different so it was it was a very different vibe I feel like our series could have went a whole bunch of different ways if we were back at The Meadows that it that St like when we walked into that Stadium the first time it she like whoa It’s like can fit like 50 50k somewhere there it looks bigger like it it’s huge yeah and I mean even our like Wiffle ball F he said like it’s pitcher friendly day it just it seemed like huge it was I can’t spoil anything but like stepping up it’s like this isn’t going to be the meadows where you just touch a ball sometimes you can send it out no you had to get a hold of it yeah let’s get Trey in here right here just yeah we can we can squeeze we can squeeze okay never mind we’re not squeezing all right so first thing I’ll say first thing I’ll say is that like I’ve been to Kam Park before and it was definitely way different and that that’s one that is that so much bigger than that is one thing that I noticed for sure like I don’t know I feel like I’ve been toer like three or or four times it’s way different I liked it a lot more personally but I don’t know that’s just the first thing I noticed I love the fans that were there I was up in the stands doing like a lot of filming up there and uh there was some fans giving their own commentating in the stands recording stuff bunch of families that were there with their kids so I thought it was a super good group of folks that came today too yeah we didn’t get to interact with the fans too too much we will hear uh when we head back over there and do our batting challenge but there was kind of like a the wall Bullpen and then they were kind of up high so it was probably really good view for them up there but you know they were kind of shouting down at us a little bit but it was kind of hard to M like I was miked up and I couldn’t really like get the fans much involved like I know people were yelling at me to hit a homer to them I was like I don’t know that’s an absolute bomb if I hit a homer to you but how was how was your flight Brian cuz I know we we went out a Delta flight and I heard you guys lost uh yeah we lost screens yeah we didn’t have I I came in you know usually if I’m on like a Spirit flight where they don’t give you the uh the video I usually just download a movie and then those were down the whole time so me Joe and Jimmy were like just we were just like messing with each other like we didn’t really know what to do with ourselves like we were playing some games and sometimes Jim would just like like hit me and stuff like we were just so bored in the back of the plane and we didn’t they even give us like free Wi-Fi or anything get in there take my show back here so I I steep away from the microphone for two seconds and then you just looking at me I’m like guys I can’t I can’t weigh in here I got no mic I’m not used to this well there’s no on these Hotel pods there is no plan you just go you just go awesome uh I got a embarrassing plane story here so it was a cold plane a good sleeping plan I’ll say cuz yeah the video screens were all off so you had no like bright movies in your face lot of closed windows middle of the day so it was a good sleeper great one for a nap and I dozed off early had had my airpods in dozed off woke up read a book for maybe I’ve been on this weird kick where I where I fly I take like very short naps like 25 minutes and I’m like Wide Awake again so i a 25in woke up and then read for probably 30 minutes and then started to kind of feel tired so then I put my book down went back to a little nap and then I had my tray was open and they had handed me granola bars and a cup of water I had pretty much finished the water luckily but then I was dozing off and my seat and then like you know you’re falling asleep and you kind of jolt so I jolted and the girl next to me was she I think she was asleep thankfully but I jolted and knocked my water over I got you did that I didn’t even know that it was mostly just ice cubes but yeah I joled fell over and got ice I didn’t know this happened you were just by yourself too right I traded with you yeah I gave TR my seat I’m such a gentleman oh yeah you are good such a good guy how was it in the back of the plane when I miss it’s a little rough I mean it was a bumpy take off the take off I like you could literally feel it like the wind dragging it back and forth in the B it was kind of sketchy and I got I’m I don’t love planes I think we went over this on the Houston pod like me Jim and crash next to each other Jim Jim definitely doesn’t like it I was giving him looks and I was like there’s a lot of drag we just kept looking at each other in the back I wish I could have like communicated with Jimmy cuz I know Jimmy was sweating I left to make him nervous about that kind of stuff but um you gave your SE gave my seat away so yeah I was totally out of the loop I did say I was like guys at 2 p.m. everyone tried to join a Bluetooth Flappy Golf Lobby and I was in there hosting and no one joined me see well can you do that without even like uh you don’t need Wi-Fi just see I literally didn’t I turned my phone to airplane mode before I even got your text but I think Kyle and Daniel said they were trying but they were just too far like I was in row 27 like row 15 so it just didn’t reach okay I don’t know if you be would what we were 32 we might have you were 32 yeah I was 27 but I did have a empty middle seat next to me which is very clutch nobody was next to me me and then a blank and then there was a girl but she was sleeping the whole plane so she didn’t see me embarrassed myself you you would have had to really get it out there to hit her with that water yeah I didn’t hit anybody else with the water that’s good Tom this is a little bit of a backtrack here but you mentioned you reading a book what sort of books are you into can you shake that Mouse around or hit the enter key H I’m not a book guy but let’s hear um you tell us about that Boom book you read in high school oh God Kite Runner if you ever read Kite Runner I read that in high school but uh currently I’m reading two books one I’ve been dragging on for many years I bought like two years ago now and then I hadn’t started until like March and now I’m like almost done but I’ve just been slowly you know chapter every other day or something but that one is a very classic like cheesy self-help book uh by Napoleon Hill it’s called Think and Grow Rich and the other book that I got this week cuz I pre-ordered it a long time ago forgot about it on Amazon and then it came out so I got it um this artist I like artist I like rapper named Russ he has two books out the second one just came out I got that on like Wednesday or Thursday I almost finished that one already because it’s very short but I brought the other one on the plane the Think and Grow Rich one oh okay that’s read on the plane just like a little try to boost your ego try to Mak some money not even about money it’s just like mindset I guess I I like reading that kind of stuff for whatever reason I don’t like reading anything I read a book since high school that’s I hadn’t either and then I like bought a book that I actually wanted to read that thought sounded interest to me and then I really liked it I think you’d be surprised if you choose a book you’ll like it I need more brain stimulation I haven’t read like a novel though in since high school like a a fiction book I’m supposed to read novels but you know spark there’s ways to get around it there’s ways to get around do your homework though yourk not good audio book guy Bennett I’m an audiobook guy I’m an audio book guy you read audio books or you listen to audio book I listen to audio books I’ve never tried that before I’ve never tried you enoy because there’s podcast okay I don’t I don’t love it what I usually do is I’ll listen to the audiobook kind of and then I’ll look at the spark notes so I know like exactly what happened in like specific like if I have a quiz the next day a good way to go about it Spark Notes there’s a lot of great tools we’ve already talked about this in the Pod many times there is various tools out there that you can abuse but not cheat but not cheat like Che is a cheating tool but like I used it to just like learn how to do stuff and then I would know how to do it on exams yeah it explains so it is a useful tool well spent what was it like10 $10 a month like I mean I would like split it with people too oh you dog I wouldn’t I also found out that my mom was paying for my sister’s check account even though I had to pay for my own and I I threw a fit about that well you’re she’s the younger child right well technically you’re middle child right I’m mil Ben Benny get in here you’re a college student you probably know a little bit about the che Benny I’m not there yet for your own this is an older group of mlw guys we kind of already went over this Trey’s kind of the only guy that’s Tre so young yeah Benny’s I guess a little young but he’s like about to turn 21 Trey’s 16 the rest of us are all like up at like 24 25 you know Gyer robless is over here at like 30 so yeah so we got Brendan’s where are you 30 yet oh not even close is really old if I can set the scene for you guys right now it’s a little bit awkward but we’re on this couch in this hotel room and then out this way is the two beds in the room yeah looks like our c eth going to get a shot but we got robas on a bed over here he’s saying what’s up and then Matt and Dav put our snuggling over there C post we even got like a kitchen kind a little tiny kitchen in here but I got a tangent Tom you’re in my spot I don’t like people sitting on my bed both sweating he was sweating earlier and he’s in my pillow sit in my bed too that’s one of my biggest pet peeves like when I get even at home if I like sit on my bed or get into a hotel bed it’s always clean clothes no matter what I’m fresh I cannot that’s a crime getting in another man’s bed getting in another man’s bed after you were soaked in sweat a couple hours ago and then he housed the whole thing a loaded nachos and a burger and is now in my bed is an absolute crime that’s such a crime get over here get off the bed get off the bed we want to the people want to hear from Bon Davenport yeah get yes they do come on your elevator story DAV Port DAV Port he’s not moving elevator story oh the elevator story that’s almost mean I don’t want to tell that story it’s not mean because it’s just it just happened not but it was so forunate yeah it is come on come tell the story about the elevator yes we got him we got him Round of Applause uh who wants to get up how about you get up JY take yeah go ahead oh welcome Brandon Davenport to the Pod first time appearance the appearance that everybody’s been waiting for that’s watch that TV you almost just hit the camera caller long time listener first time caller long time listener I think he really is yeah yeah I I tune in periodically you were really sweaty earlier and now you’re just still in the same outfit bold bold Choice oh well I’m dry now yeah that’s that sweat went somewhere probably on my bed or or on the bar stool probably one of the two that was the right move sitting there uh so what happened on the elevator yesterday well we had what like 25 people on this elevator and Luggage uh would not shut the doors yeah multiple bags of uh luggage uh we were just sitting there for like 30 seconds just beeping would not shut and uh so three guys got off still beeping everybody just quiet looking around I take I just take the step off no more beeping the door is shut and everybody goes up which just how it went well but you forgot to mention like one by one we were also getting off the elevator though I thought they all got off of the yeah I thought they went together and then nobody got off and then it was still beeping and then you were just like okay I’ll go and then and then it just stopped it dead Sil even the people that we didn’t know in the elevator started to laugh that’s how funny that was that was up there that was an all-tim I must say that hurt of moments it was funny objectively funny but there was another funny moment in this series you guys will see I don’t want to spoil too much but I don’t know if K you think KY will include that funny moment you he 100% including he he wouldn’t have done what he did if that’s not been included oh man that was they’re talking about something else uh I don’t know what you’re talking about but okay what’s what’s going through your what’s what’s what’s going through your head over there don’t spoil anything what are you talking about well no I was thinking about something else during the series you can’t you can’t do this you can’t tease the fans too much my bad you can’t tease the fans too much but I I did want to say uh we’re talking about plane stories and we have two geezers in the room apparently Jordan Brendan so me if if you know my good friend Matt carlington he likes to fool around a little bit and tease people and maybe not tell the whole truth all the time Matt’s always playing jokes he’s always playing jokes he’s always trick stretching the truth or like he’s a trickster that guy so we were sitting on the plane together I was originally in front I was originally in front of him but I traded seats with someone and so me and Matt are sitting by this lady who’s got the window seat and this lady sees Matt’s wearing a Schoolcraft baseball shirt and this lady’s like are you guys part of a baseball team and Matt like looks at me he’s like yeah we’re part of a baseball team and like the whole the whole time there the whole like plane ride like every chance he got he was just just adding to the story about how we’re going to Miami for like a baseball tournament and then near the end of the flight she asks or Matt says how old do you think we are Matt at the ripe age of 23 she said uh you’re about 32 wow guys let me tell you something Pat Balman pop up a picture right now of Matt carlington this guy would be the best mall cop Paul Blart for Halloween of anybody I’ve ever seen you could be the best Paul Blart it would be unbelievable how good it would be that mustache you got Matt on a segue a pul I would pay $1,000 to see that it would be so funny we need to dye your hair jet black I’ll pay for the hair dye Jack Black I paid for Drew’s mustache die die for the first time I did that was just for men we’re g to get you Just For Men jet black die the mustache too shave everything else clean Halloween 2024 how do we get a segue though how do we get our hands on a segue Trey flood’s got a segue all right consider it done consider it done if we can we bring you we bring can we bring you to a mall oh my God so funny back that’s nickname is ma Paul Blart or wait Paul Blart ma cop that was pretty good that was pretty good that was pretty good put put her there for that one put her there for that one good job good job a w um Matt or Jordan do you want to get on the microphone say a few words you guys chilling Jordan Water you want to come on put someone on here that the fans actually want to see they heard about your embarrassing story now you can get out of here Davenport they want to see me what’s going on brother oh you know I’m doing good in Miami it’s really here though I will say it is very hot and this is your first time here right first time yeah a lot of family here but um yeah I didn’t know your mom was coming yeah been to Orlando she fly out with you or no she came 3 days early she’s with uh Uncle she’s got a sister here so many family so so they actually live out here yeah yeah they live out here they were the series today no my mom’s the only one that came it’s hard to get my family anywhere as as you can tell I like I reached out hey I’m playing Miami St they’re like okay yeah that’s fair you know um yeah it was cool what you think of the field and everything amazing like Wier behind the camera me and him have played in so many not so many places that were not like in MLB stadium so to like see things come full circle it’s pretty well pretty yeah that is true you guys have known each other for how many years we’ll let we’ll let Wier come in in a second I don’t even know oh when did you win that Boston was it 2015 sure Bennett you can give up your seat welcome we’ll go to the wide chat you’re fine this is I’ll introduce you in a second you can say how you know Jordan I I I won Nationals in uh 2015 I was 13 years old it was it was one of the draft years sick so uh 2014 was the first time I showed up at Golden Stick just just to watch this to be fan so I’ve known you since 2014 I think 10 years now so I mean yeah I can’t believe this is my so this would be my 10th season playing then or 11th whatever if you want to count 2014 yeah I definitely count 2015 cuz I one um that’s sweet so uh I’ve known Jordan a while and we’ve played a lot of tournaments together I’ve known everybody for a while now it’s kind of weird even even huh I’m old I am old even like Jordan cuz like when me and Kyle first started like getting into YouTube and like we found whiffle ball and started doing that ourselves like we knew Palisades like we knew who you were like when we were 10 years old 201 15 years ago we knew who you were cuz you were like one of the more popular guys oh there’s Kyle he’s walking in I like forget about Palace but when you guys went to Morenci the NWA tournament I remember it was my first time going there too like you were one of the first people I saw and like I couldn’t wait be like I know you guys being from Palisades we’re very aware of mlw and how you were growing and like at the time we had a little popularity so we were just like someone’s doing it like it’s stting to spread it’s it’s catching on yeah and the story of Ethan so yeah we met you probably there for the first time in Morenci no I was not in Morenci probably met me at uh you probably met me at that Boston tournament in that I had a my camera was broken I had a rental camera and it was huge I don’t know if you guys remember that I I remember H what they’ll remember is if you go back last year like pay attention to it now but go back and like watch watch uh Bennett’s moving the camera now careful Bennett don’t break anything he’s fine he’s he’s got watch Wild Cats versus magic or you watch the World Series from last year all those videos in Atlanta or now if you watch this video in Miami you’ll notice there’s some like elevated shots some elevated footage nicer quality then you might normally see a lot like tighter zooms and stuff and that’s always been Ethan yeah so I appreciate your we appreciate your help I think it was uffs really that we we uh connected talked again and I I think I was I was talking to Jordan about you know you know ml could probably benefit for me being there and uh I decided to come out to a series and now coming out the more serieses so series now you’re on the Pod now you’re on the Pod now I’m on the podcast that’s that’s pretty sick we appreciate you now you’re filming the podcast too yeah we appreciate going to screw up your stuff hey you want you want to take Ethan spot and say what’s up this pod’s been wrote this been the most guests in history a lot of collabs it’s just been carousing Bennett doesn’t know what actually Bennett doesn’t know how to film I shouldn’t say anything bad cuz Bennett does that first this is why the people love the travel pods no script we even got agenda we even got Dey on the Pod it was awesome oh that’s big that’s a big he he told the elevator story first timer for the how that go how’ the Davenport combo go uh I don’t know it seemed like he had a lot of Shame that’s noral dav’s kind of he’s kind of becoming like cheatum like the self deprecating type of vibe but I don’t think anybody has it as bad as Chris Chris is the Chris has got that place on lock but uh what you what would you think of uh the venue today awesome um yeah shout out to the Marlins once again I Lov that left field Corner the look of it we had like the they call them ribbon banners but they’re like ribbon like uh skinny LED screens they had those going the both the scoreboards were on um that was sweet had big board on in terms of the playing service like everybody that’s pitched and played so far has just been talking about like how how there’s no bad Hops and like there it’s such like the balls too I feel like in in previous stadiums too they get like worn out whatever pellets are used within the turf yeah like we didn’t have any of that like the pitchers really love the ball um and some some great whff ball came of it and the venue the backdrop looks insane mhm I know I haven’t really seen that main camera shot so I’m curious how how it looks no wind was cool too first time Stadium they dud we’ve been practicing the last couple weeks for this series and it’s been so windy at our practices like it’s been hard to hard to throw strikes it’s been that windy yeah it makes it makes a drastic difference yeah so that was cool today but it was it reminded me a lot of minute Ma just like probably because the dome but I almost think minute ma like felt like minute ma felt so crammed in there was so much in that Z huge like this was more just like not minimalistic but it was just cleaner I like the blue seats was clean all their banners really nice um I love their scoreboard the placement of their scoreboard is sick yeah better franchise too I I want to mention it probably won’t make the video but we were this close to getting Jazz Chism to our Series so he I dm’d him I was like uh we’re going to be here like pretty much just saying like it’s a pro W Ball series I think you’d find it entertaining and he DMS us back this is like a couple days ago being he likes the message he goes bet with an exclamation mark and he sends a voice memo so I’m like oh God this would be good he goes yo I’ve been watching you guys since like high school so that’s kind of lit so I’m like no way we’re going to get Jazz here but um I don’t know if he just like his routine changed or like whatever like they’re pro athletes you never know they got a game today they got places to be they literally have a game today so I wasn’t like that that’s cool that he said that and like it’s since I can’t even believe he like watched us or maybe still does but like he was on he was unable to make it today but still yesterday yeah he was just like celebrating after like go ahead RBI the night before I’m guessing well you you got all these bums over here on the bed right now they’re like he’s probably sleeping in I’m like I don’t think he’s sleeping right now he’s watching fil probably doing something productive athlete but they do but like they do play every single day so I’m guessing that like they probably do take time to like play Xbox or do whatever but I I bet he was up I don’t think he was sleeping at at noon you know I I’d like to think higher of of the maybe the fact that he knows about us is awesome should I play message I mean you told him you told him word for word they they know what he said no but it’s funny the way he said it yeah passion be a cool clip right here actually yeah all right let me get it full full blast I thought voice almost disappeared I don’t know why not this one on imess they do I used to watch you guys all the time when I was in high school so that’s kind of lit there it is there it is but yeah shout out to Jazz yeah but it was it was awesome and again it was nice like it wasn’t like the AC wasn’t pumping in there but it wasn’t 95 either so that was oh yeah it was nice relative I mean I’m sure pitchers were still sweating but yeah I mean thaty was not like I wouldn’t if I was outside normally normal summer day like matter what you’re going to sweat when you pitch so um it was great to keep the humidity up when we left the stadium oh my gosh nothing will ever compare to that St Louis series that was on another level of we’re down the street it’s going be it’s going to be that hot in Brooklyn next week oh really oh speaking of been here and Drew complain about it already in my text being like it’s going to reach maybe 9 oh man no but St Louis was like 102 that’s that’s crazy it was 100 it was Triple digits it was Triple digits fine but once camera’s overheat that’s where I draw the line that’s where I become mad we have never had that 90 any of those Canon cameras overheat in 10 years and in the second inning of St Louis that mine was done helpless what are we going to do film with an iPhone no I had to shut it down but then it it came back after an inning in the we we need to have a plan in place for Brooklyn yeah yeah we just need shade like I we need some sort of like tent or cover for a main cam cooling system should design that yeah that that like canopy type deal I think he had people about that I mean I’m trying to remember did he have a canopy over his iPhone that he used to Twitch stream all of his games built in shade yeah oh that’s pretty funny yeah that’s what I thought it was yeah just enough to keep it cool enough it’s shade makes a difference I think Brooklyn next weekend is going to be oh turnout yeah absolutely I like I’m like an hour from Brooklyn I’ve never been to the Brooklyn Cyclone Stadium but whiffle ball in the Northeast is is huge so yeah and and nothing in stone yet we may have two guests oh not announcing who that is yet but I think they probably put pieces together New York City is a lot of big names over there wants this is uh Brooklyn Brooklyn should be cool cuz yeah that’s the backdrop there looks insane yes yes that backdrop looks really cool I cannot wait that they have like an amusement park it’s con Island and I was going to say the Wonder Wheel yeah I I want to film like a sand lotes like Montage where they’re just like going on all those rides and then like I think ham just starts throwing up that’s going to be one of us yeah I think yeah we should make Drew throw up we we Haze here at em I I kid um okay before we wrap up from this hotel segment every we have one two three four five malards in here I could hand this off to anybody has anybody I want everyone Kyle You can conclude this segment I want every player to walk over here and give their the series description in one word summarize the series today I will start you can’t use repeat word I’m going to say it was a grind it was a grind what do you oh thrilling thrilling I’ll just I’ll just hold the mic you guys can just walk up and and say your word I’d say it was unique unique okay I like that Mr trayon flood what do you got for me Sensational Sensational Bennett you going to get on the action here Here Comes Matt carlington for his one word what has Matt got for us exhilarating exhilarating says Matty c number three Casey Bennett strutting slowly nope he’s got nothing here comes Brendan Davenport for one final comment he says oh we’ll bleep that one we B that one Kyle what do you got I’m going to go with heroics heroics I like that okay well you guys definitely have to tune in what’s the what’s the official upload date Friday June 20 all right guys gritty this series is going to be a hefty edit it will be and I want to put out a great product for you guys so there is a part of me that might want to take 2 weeks to edit this video we’ll see we will see so there’s no uh upload dat no conrete date it’s that good and like I think this video will do really well over time so I want to put a good product out there one that’s not rushed so as it like originally it was supposed to be I think a June 21st upload but we’ll see it might be it might be the week after we’ll see It’ll come out you guys will enjoy it but all right well let’s bounce it back now let’s travel forward in time to Monday evening Jack and I will catch up uh back in the mid about his matchup against the cobras so shoot us over there PB all right here we go back in the Mitten for part two of this episode I got Jack here virtually on the line with me Jack you got me loud and clear loud and clear fellas virtually um happy to be a part of this time travel pod the first part was tremendous so hopefully the second part lives up to that it’s hard to match the energy of a hotel room pod but we’ll we’ll do our best here um but I wanted to talk to you talk about Cobra’s magic it didn’t seem fair to uh go through an episode here considering that uh your team played had a match up against the cobras kind of a big one for you guys considering you’re coming off of that sweep in slate one so uh tell me all about it Jack how’d it go for you yeah I mean definitely I wouldn’t say uh backs against the wall type series just yet but being being swept in that first series certainly certainly um you know made this one feel like it meant a lot more um getting getting the win game one was huge I would say that RJ still probably didn’t and he would probably say the same thing you know wasn’t pitching um to what we even know his full potential is um in that in that game three I mean that I don’t know if this was super obvious to you guys in the video I I think it it probably was but Baron was just to give you guys some inside scoop Baron was coming off a 300 plus pitch uh fast pitch uh outing the night before and his arm was completely shot so to give you guys like a frame of reference you obviously know our speed limit is 72 mil an hour I don’t know if Chris threw or sorry um I don’t know if Brendan threw a pitch over 65 M an hour like that that whole game I mean he might have topped out at like 64 65 and I felt really bad for him like he couldn’t he couldn’t you know a lot of the pitches he couldn’t even get around the zone and you could just tell his arm was shot I was really surprised like to me if there was a time where Drew should pitch it’s when his other pitch is it’s when his other you know his other pitchers are literally uh injured basically at that I mean he wasn’t hurt obviously but his arm was just so fried that he couldn’t pitch so you know I I think credit to our guys for staying disciplined enough to just like take the walks take the runs it’s not always easy to do that I know it sounds easy but you get up there I mean you want to hit and it sometimes it takes a lot of uh you know discipline to to not swing at those pitches that might look a little bit meaty but you know probably aren’t going to hit the zone so we we kind of did our job um did what we needed to do the game one was huge game two um you know Trevor Trevor is kind of an unfamiliar territory here I mean he’s he’s not gotten off to the start that you would expect uh with the season that he had last year um I’m not necessarily sure I can pinpoint exactly what that is yet um I’m not you know I’m not thrown in the towel on Trevor by any means I think some people some fans might be ready to do that but I know what he’s capable of um I think he’s just kind of had two shaky games and they happened to H you know they happened back to back um I think that you know depending on depending on the the way that the ball gets beat up or doesn’t get beat up in game one affects a lot of his movement and his pitches can tend to flatten out depending on that and I think when I think the flatter they get the more runs we see go up mhm um because guys are just good enough in this league where even even when Trevor’s locating it really well if it’s a flat pitch they’re going to they’re going to hit it um so I think we kind of saw that and credit to the the Cobras for coming out and being ready and tying up the series there in game two and then game one you know or uh excuse me game three I would say you saw I mean you could even see it in the video like the ball was just coming off RJ’s hand different like it looked so much faster like you saw some of the Cobra guys like checking the like they would they I saw drew that a few times Drew’s head SN out of the gun and and there were many other times where you know it wasn’t the final pitch so it didn’t make it into the video but they their other hitters were doing the same thing and I was thinking the same thing too like on the sideline just like man that looks fast and and and it it I again I don’t know if that’s a you know something to do with the ball um but he he looked like you know his former self we he looked like the RJ we saw last year um minus that Justin HH yeah and [ __ ] out of nowhere bomb which um it was just such a it’s such a it’s such a cobra’s way to like end the series I feel like they’re he’s going to Drew is going to pinch hit his rookie and he just goes was one for one with a bomb um so credit credit to Justin for like sticking it out all day and then coming up ready to go I think that is a you know huge plus if you’re a cobra fan you’re you’re happy with you’re happy with what seems like a guy that could bring some potential to this lineup um you saw zurag the guy that you went out and traded for he had a grand slam um which is I mean unbelievable for him uh so you got you got to be happy with that I think Chris barosi showed some promise for sure um struggled at times to locate you know that that that third game that third game um I told them we’re going to look back no matter what what result happens at the end of the season we’re going to look back and we’re going to remember that this game right here this game three mattered a lot to get us where whatever the result was you know win or lose um we knew that this one meant a lot to get back to two and four with the cobras two and four having the head-to-head against them um versus being one and five is just it’s only one game but it’s a it’s a totally different scenario so we we kind of went back to that you know really trying to lock in and stay disciplined at our approach and I mean Chris just walked a few guys G Millie you know gets another one out of the yard happy to see him get some production going oh yeah um it was only a matter of time yeah it was a fun series it was a little bit it was a little bit odd with the the cobras you know we haven’t seen a ton of Chris obviously we saw him a little bit in St Louis but um you know we were kind of expecting like the full Baron treatment Brendan that is and you know he really couldn’t go yeah um we were expecting Kaden he wasn’t there so it it was it was sort of like one of those Series where you show up and kind of throw out your game plan right away based on what happened yeah there’s a lot of different ways I can like analyze this series and digest what happened and like different perspectives I guess to to view it from because on one hand for you guys I don’t feel like you played your best withle ball given that Trevor didn’t have his best outing offensively yeah the pieces came together at times like that very first inning off of Baron but overall I think still you saw more out of Grant last year yourself last year of course you had AJ contributing who didn’t make it out to The Meadows that day so I felt like it was sort of a down day for you guys but really you needed those two wins and you got them so I don’t know how you can may be upset with the result on the other hand and kind of a total opposite way to look at the the the outcome of the series is the cobras who lost the Series I think that’s a kind of a gutsy one and two outing for them given that they The Underdogs going into it um there was a lot of criticism on Drew from managing the squad the first time around and I’m that’s going to continue inevitably um given Drew style and you lose Kaden the day of due to uh sinus infection he goes to Urgent Care can’t make it and that is totally Amplified by the fact that Baron’s arm is shot from the evening before in his other with football leagues outing Clen so like the the the the Cobra’s backs were against the wall going into that series and and you could say they also kind of did what they needed to do they avoided The Sweep despite having no Caden despite not having the best from Baron uh they go out there and and offensively played like as good as you really could have you got like four or five home runs in the day Andy somehow is raking after not playing for a year you get a home run from your rookies or like hits a grand slam too like offensively the vibe tribe is vibing but on the mound they got to figure it out because they’re going to continue I think to lose series if they don’t get more consistent on the mound whether it’s one of the two Barons Kaden um someone’s definitely got to step up in a big way and like yeah Baron’s arm hurt on this given day because he played the following day after his I think it was kwl I’m assuming but like Baron’s a guy that loves whiffle ball loves to play it and loves to play it a lot so that’s going to be like an ongoing thing for them you know what I mean so it’s uh I wouldn’t consider that to be like an anomaly for this day only I think that happened one once or twice last year too and given that another year has passed he’s another year older like it maybe it’s going to start to wear and tear on him more over time so like the cobras Lost the series but I see a lot of positives there you guys won the series I’m seeing from like my perspective I see more negatives for you just because my expectations for you guys are so high because you did so well last year you know what I mean so it’s just a weird a weird one for me to look at I guess the way like I kind of felt driving away from the series on my on my ride home I thought was my thought was we should have swept him because of the scenario that they were in with their number one pitch they both of their number two you know their number one and number two pitcher were essentially not there I mean Baron Baron was literally not there he only let up six runs which was kind of incredible for how shot his arm was um and they didn’t win that game but you know they were able to win game two and so part of me was like part of me was like dang you know we we really missed an opportunity here to like put them away and sweep them the other part of me was thinking and definitely after rewatching the video I had the same thought again was we I feel like the magic have not even really played like a B+ game yet for the magic so far this year and ultimately everything that we want to accomplish this year is still possible to accomplish we can still win our division um we can still win the World Series and we we we in this spot after two slates and we really haven’t even it’s it seems like we haven’t even woke up yet to be honest and we’re we’re still in this position so it was kind of uh not like Bittersweet but it was kind of you know seeing both sides of the coin where like part of it I was a little bit bummed where I felt like we missed an opportunity and the other part of me was I guess The Optimist in me was thinking you know we’re just getting started here like we we haven’t even really put together an a game for the magic yet yeah I would agree with you 100% and the good news for you is yeah now you have that head-to-head against the cobras in the standing so if it comes down to youw near the bottom there’s a lot ofb to be played still but looking ahead that far you do have that head to-head match up against a team that is likely going to be near the bottom of the standings in the cobras also in the American League you have the PRS and the cats scoring off this coming week now like if the wild cats were to sweep the PRS or if the PRS were to sweep the cats like you’re going to have three teams they’re kind of in the same range in the standings being a little bit more like bottom heavy on the American League side so definitely everything you need is like right in front of you still you still have two Al matchups you can really separate yourself so like you could still even win this division pretty easily yeah it’s just it’s just uh putting it together I think RJ is starting to find it he looked pretty solid overall um if you can get AJ out there to contribute that’d be huge too Jack I think we both could agree that you’re bat you’re not like you know uh a stud I don’t think in the lineup at at your ceiling but at your ceiling you are like you’re a pretty solid power bat you know usually hit a home run or to a series so like well right right now I’m at my floor let’s let’s call it SP a spade here exactly so this is this is kind of part of what I was talking about where we haven’t even we haven’t even sniffed like an aame for the magic I mean I haven’t even registered a hit yet through two series um and and we’re two and four so when you have a guy and you’re lineup that’s done that um and you’re two and four like we’ve done what we needed to do to this point um I’m not saying that’s a great sign that I don’t have a hit by the way don’t don’t take that don’t take that as if I’m happy with that by any means um but I do want I know stat Sean is listening to this and I need him because if you guys look on the website because I don’t have a hit I literally don’t even show up in the in the I have no stats it’s like I it’s like I don’t even play in the league um so I know Sean’s keeping the stats and I need him to Sean I need you to compare my uh what is it the Ops like you’re on is that is that your what’s your like on base basically what I’m trying to get at is I don’t know what the stats are but what I’m trying to say is I’m walking a lot more this year at least through two series than I’m striking out compar in in years prior so I don’t have a hit yet but I feel like I probably got on base more at this point in the year than I did last year so yeah you almost spelled it out for yourself there Jack your your on base percentage is your OBP so what you want from stat is your you want your OBP through the first six games this year compared to last year and you don’t think it’s that far off no in fact I think it might be better this year even though I don’t have a hit well I mean there’s definitely positives to take away from that but like I said I think my my point mean is that you’re a guy who can put one over the fence once a series um and you have not yet done that so no a lot of room to improve for the magic luckily you have recorded two wins at this point through six games so it’s still all right in front of you and I think I think this could be a big one for you guys momentum wise before the All-Star break you’re playing my mards that’s your next series on the schedule something changes we’ we’ve had this one circled in red since last year of course we do over here at the PIP podcast CED in this one’s been on the calendar for a while and we’re excited about it but that’s uh from a third party perspective that’s a big one for you guys just for momentum sake you know oh definitely I mean this one’s huge uh kind of feel like it’s it’s a breakout breakout series coming for us but it’s against a really really strong team obviously in the Mard so um it’s one of those it’s one of those Series where like I could see it I could see it if if if the magic play Magic Ball and have a breakout series series like you know I could see the magic winning all three and then I could also see it the other way around where if we’ve if we play kind of like we’ve been playing a team like the malards won’t let us get away with you know one or two wins in the series like they they could sweep us as well so um a lot of Firepower I think it’s just who’s going to who’s going to be able to uncork it I love that love that love that little term there um but overall a couple notables I wanted to mention from the series uh Andy Durant like I said another Grand Slam for him he’s now hitting 333 with an Ops over one so that’s as good of a start if not better than I think we could have imagined for Andy re-entering into mlw after a year Hiatus um and then right along with that the cobras team batting average is now sitting at 270 which last year they hit under 200 I think it was 190 in 2023 so a tremendous start with the Cobra’s offense the pitching staff just got to figure it out I think Kaden’s guy you look at to really step up here he has an opportunity to make a big difference given that he um was kind of trade away from the Mard Preston got the number two role there he has an opportunity here he wasn’t there for this series and you saw the effects of that giving given that Baron was hurting and then his brother Chris had to try to go too and I don’t know if Chris was quite ready for that on that day but shout out to Chris like going one and one I think that’s you you should be happy with that like he got a win and uh what were you going to say no 100% I I was just going to say the uh the cobras like they remind me of kind of how we were talking about the Gators being just a dangerous team they’re just the opposite like the Gators are dangerous because of their Bullpen and the cobras I think are dangerous because of their offense and if they can figure out their Bullpen they become really really dangerous yeah so I’m curious to see what Drew does next series I would like to think it’ll be Baron game one still and then Kaden going game two assuming they’re both there but I I did exchange some texts with Drew and it sounds like he he’s like definitely considering like Kaden a real shot to like be the Ace of the squad so so I think it I think a lot of it depends on yeah like Baron’s um whiffle ball schedule Kaden’s dedication his ability to get better because we’ve never really seen Kaden take on an ace role in this league so we’ll see what what Drew does here and he has a lot of guys to manage so then you put Ash out there for an that bat just as like uh you know here you go we’re down by a lot good luck and he homers what do you do with that information now it’s like he has potential to hit so um sometimes more players more problems a lot to manage but um off offensively they seem to be in in okay shape it’s just now figuring out the bullpen for sure and fine tuning that I also wanted to mention botam Jack you mentioned his struggles a little bit last year his his whip for those who don’t know that’s year walks and hits per inning allowed uh he was about 1.5 last year walks and hits per Inning on the mound this year he’s at over five right now so definitely not anywhere near where he was in 2023 so it’ be good to see bonam bounce back against his former team uh the mards here in slate three but that’s what I got for today from a statistics standpoint Point Jack anything you wanted to add anything notable you saw no I think he hit the nail on the head um I think we saw again in the video why I shouldn’t play defense first two first two balls thrown to First just hit me right in the hands I don’t think I don’t think even if I caught either of those that the that the runner would have been out for the record but uh still got to catch it I mean no excuses so um tough tough scene for us old guys out there tough scene man tough scene I was like you know this is the time like AJ’s not here someone’s got to step up I’ll get some reps I’ll get a little active um and then immediately remembered why I vowed not to put myself in the field again yeah hopefully hopefully AJ can make it for the match up against the mards but let’s get into this week’s comment of the week it comes from Sully and he said walgate legitimately looks like Waluigi at the plate Jack are you famili familiar with Waluigi I am I saw that comment and uh I couldn’t agree more that was hilarious comparison I mean it’s just the more so like the body type RJ’s just a long lengthy guy and so is uh Waluigi and yeah pop up a picture PB a comparison back and forth i’ say it’s pretty close as someone who play a lot of Mario Baseball growing up it’s pretty darn close I must say so I’m I’m loving that someone else said that in the comments because or I don’t know if it’s been said before but like us in mlw have said that before as well about him that would be such a funny thumbnail if Kyle clipped it with with RJ it would just look so he just looks so uncomfortable like in the box like he’s just so big but he can’t he’s actually a good hit can’t hit yeah he can hit he can hit he he he can hit and he and you know what um on that note I mean who knows we might see him in the lineup if if if old Captain here can’t turn around2 can’t swing the bat if uh if old 92 you know if he if he can’t figure it out uh his name’s going to be on The Chopping Block in terms of the lineup so that might be a chance for RJ interesting story developing there in the Metro magic organization we will stay tuned to it for sure but you’re going to have some tough pitches to face against the maler Jack it’s not going to be easy so you better start doing some homework and some film work yeah I will I that starts right now that starts now all right good good we looking forward to that match up for sure against you jack but let’s now bounce into fuzzy numbers brought to you by our friends over at shed ball a competitive Mini Hoop basketball league seasons 1 and two will be hitting YouTube this summer but it’s time for you to get off the bench and into the shed if you got a fire in your belly and a dream in your heart head over to shed where you can register to become eligible for season 3 of the draft or register as a fan for a chance to pick a perfect slate and win $11,000 in the season 3 pick them challenge subscribe on YouTube then head over to shed where your One Shining Moment is about to begin that’s s h d b Jack you enter a win yet nope not yet better do it $1,000 in the line I’m doing it though but let’s head over now to commissioner uh Tim whan for this week’s fuzzy numbers thanks again jack and Tom quick note before the prediction I did have an mlw fan reach out and ask me when the videos are going to resume and we are working on it we thank you for your patience we’ll make sure that you get all the games all the action all the stats all the info before you’ve got to predict your slate for season 3 for the chance at winning the, now back to mlw some Frank feedback for you ever since we started doing these AI predictions fuzzy Frank has been dominating in fact if he was in the waffle maker standings if he was in the the the waffle challenge with Tom and Jack he’d be winning right now he’s picked every series correctly which is not something you could say for Tom or Jack now this one’s going to be a tough one wild cats PRS Tom’s going one way Jack’s going another fuzzy Frank he’s got the Wildcats 2-1 four homers across both teams in the series very close series two games coming down being decided by one run and the Series MVP Nick sailor anyway back to the pipe it up Pros the magic giraffe and the top duck jack the magic giraffe I love that that’s good that is good I kind of like the nickname top duck I’m not going to lie no the top duck is great the top duck is great I just need to start playing like the top duck to be the top duck I think I gotta earn that a little bit you yeah you’re you’re the incumbent you’re just naturally the top duck so fuzzy Frank doing his job well I must say but uh last week as well I wanted to mention yeah magic 21 nailed that Grant predicted a homer um Grant got two of those so good job fuzzy Frank there the agar RBI however I tailed it probably should have faded it Jack you didn’t uh you didn’t help us out there yeah sorry about that wait for that one for Frank if I all right I’ll come clean here I’ll come clean um we can’t really let Frank take over we can’t let him be right too often so yes I threw this I threw the RBI I didn’t want to get an RBI cuz then Frank would be right so that’s why I didn’t get one um so I told you sa the RBI for the series against the you try to fight Frank it’s going to end in war we don’t want war we want peace but well maybe I’ll just throw some magic at him oh well said well said my friend well said um all right well this week Frank’s got cats 2-1 uh I’m fading it I’m sticking PRS 21 like I said in the predictions Jack I’m assuming you’re tailing Frank here hard yeah yeah I mean Frank hasn’t missed right Frank hasn’t missed that doesn’t that doesn’t uh bode well for me who already predicted the Predators but yeah I’m going to go with Frank I’m going to ride with him we’ll see we’ll see if the bot can stay undefeated I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what happens uh he’s also got a four home run day across the series um I think there will be I’m going to say a lot of home runs I agree and I think they’re going to come more so from the PRS because I just seem to see the cats so well so with my prediction there you can imagine I assume the PRS are going to score some runs so I’m going to tail the uh the big Homer day as well yeah I don’t know if four is going to be the number exactly I think it’ll like you said I think it might even be more um just a lot of power in both of these lineups uh the wild cats probably won’t take my advice they’ll probably just throw a Crouch he’ll probably hit he’ll probably hit two or three of maybe they heard the podcast though Jack before the series uh we’ll see we’ll see time will tell time will tell I’m gon to I’ll tail that though I think there will be at least four okay and then last but not least I wanted to mention how it has sailor as the player of the day uh and it’s tough to say he’s going to be the player of the day going against going up against G cratch and they’ve done well against the cats in the past but I do foresee a big day from Sailor I really liked what I saw of him in slate one I think he’s a guy who really feeds off of his own confidence I think he is confident again he’s found it so I think sailor’s going to have himself a day as well I need clarification on this but I think I have to tail this because I’m pretty sure I picked Nick sailor as my player of the sleep I think you did too yeah and I’m going to stick with that um you know Frank knows what he’s doing I know I’m doing I’m tailing it big day from Sailor BL 101 player of the day all right love that we stay tuned thanks again to our friends over at shed ball and Tim for sponsoring fuzzy numbers update you to update you all on the Waffle House bet to conclude today’s episode um the score is now 10 to7 in favor of Jack Jack you picked up three or I picked up three last week you picked up two we both had 21 in favor of you guys however I had the pitching number of pitchers correct you did so I gained a point on you still down by three so what that means jack is if the if Frank is wrong and the PRS do win this series by a two to1 series score we would be tied up at 10 and i’ be right back in this thing yeah the turntables have turned a little bit well they could turn they could turn they could turn I mean you’re there you’re you’re I mean you’re right in it let’s be honest you’re right in it it’s it’s anyone’s game I think um I think I don’t know why I felt like I had breathing room cuz literally one series changed and now now now I feel like it’s evaporated I’m going to be honest little update sorry little update um I made pancakes over the weekend for breakfast one day um and it made me so scared to lose this Waffle House bet uh because I’m going to whatever I said the amount that I felt was comfortable getting down in like an hour I think I’m going to retract that um I think think both of us are screwed no I’m still feeling good Jack I’m still feeling good I don’t feel I don’t feel good at all I don’t feel good at all I had I had maybe I think I had four like three or four like not large pancakes not fullsize pancakes and I was I was stuffed I was full very full well I was in Miami and you know I overdo it on those trips and we went up to eat I think before actually part one of this podcast we had a meal and Brendan Davenport and I shared loaded nachos no joke Jack there and then I had a burger and F loaded nachos and then I had oh then I had wings as well and I ate a good portion of those nachos I ate all my wings and I was just I just I just go I just shovel and I just keep going I don’t stop the food is gone in front of me so I’m just I’m conditioned for it I don’t know if that’s healthy or not but um I do feel like 8 to 4 I was like God I’m so out of this and now 10 to 7 it’s like I realized how early in the season it is and this is still anyone’s anyone’s bet to lose here oh yeah no doubt no doubt so hope you guys are playing along at home if you are playing along at home I want to see how many points you have maybe we should make like a shared some kind of shared document so we can know like Who’s got what or just like keep us up to date DM us on Instagram at pip upml or comment on the video where you’re at cuz I want to see like I want to know who the ultimate loser is in this thing and like you should have to eat some waffles too that’s right it’s not me or Jack it’d be funny if you if you are around the waffle house that we will be going to you should show up yeah we should allow fans to show up and support anyone I was thinking about that I don’t think like given the pipe it up audience is pretty small and I don’t think anyone’s going to travel too far to come to Waffle House like it probably wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to disclose where we are I don’t think it’d be too much of a public disturbance so I think we we will do that but uh I talked to Jonah Heath about it he’s been following along many of the mlw players have been and he’s already offered support he’s like Tom if you’re there he’s like you let me know when you’re doing it I’ll come eat some waffles for you I said thanks Jo I appreciate that my man so we’re I hope he’d do that if it was me too so yeah we’re think he would we’re going to stick with h we we’ll see what the turnout’s going to look like but it’ll probably be around 15 minutes per waffle if you’re if you’re not me or Jack and you’re going to help us out and eat and then you guys can donate at home as well to shed some time off into so we can tip the staff so that’s still the plan um this is It’s i’ I’ve Loved this introd I’ve Loved introducing this challenge to the podj it’s a lot of fun and it gives us something to kind of look look forward to not look forward to but like to talk about every week and it just creates an anticipation and builds up the the stakes of the Season later in the year even if like a team’s already out of the playoffs or whatever it is you know for sure no I’m liking it I’m getting some good feedback on it too from some guys in the league so yeah I heard g mil’s into it yeah yes G Milly was very uh complimentary of the Pod as of late and he he he’s looking forward to to seeing how this waffle waffle house bet goes down looking forward to seeing how this whole waffle thing shakes out I think a lot of people are fully tuned into this thing but uh that’s right anyways guys appreciate you all tuning in thank you to all the mlw players as well who were with us on part one in the hotel room that was a lot of fun and I hope you guys got some more inside scoop and sight as to what it’s like you know behind the scenes and just how we are a group of friends like many of you are that uh plays with of ball in your own leagues and your own hometowns and stuff like that we’re we’re not much different so if you want to make content and do this trust me you can do it too and just uh have fun with it like we do so thank you all for tuning in so much Jack I give you my salute for for joining me virtually tonight for part two of this podcast and Jimmy norp enjoys eating overpriced gelato we’ll see you all next week [Applause]


  1. Wait so Baron absolutely obliterated his arm for a different wiffle ball league? At some point I have to feel like there's a conflict of interest here. I initially assumed it was a baseball thing but that's absolutely wild to me that this happened.

  2. After that 1 word thing from all the players in the Miami series seems like it was a really close series and seems like a dbacks win

  3. Hey MLW, It is really cool that the league is expanding and your playing at minor and MLB stadiums, I think there's a chance you guys can maybe do what you did with the Marlins but with the Rockies, coors field is such a nice stadium and I would fs go to the collab if you guys did, also the Rockies owner actually responds to fan emails so I think there's a chance you guys can go play there!

  4. Petition to put Fuzzy Frank in the Waffle House challenge and if he wins both Tommy and Jack have to do the forfeit

  5. Here you go, Jack:

    2024 (6 games): .500 OBP | 50% walk rate | 44.4% strikeout rate | .500 OPS (most important basic stat)

    2023 (14 regular season games): .327 OBP | 21.8% walk rate | 56.4% strikeout rate | .676 OPS

    2022 (6 games): .292 OBP | 16.7% walk rate | 62.5% strikeout rate | .442 OPS

    2021 (12 regular season games) .479 OBP | 35.4% walk rate | 50% strikeout rate | .963 OPS

    2020 (15 regular season games) .321 OBP | 22.6% walk rate | 54.8% strikeout rate | .537 OPS

  6. Great info about why Baron didn't pitch game 3. I just figured Drew was betting on the Cobras to be under 1.5 wins per series and was just collecting cash.

  7. My predictions so far

    Eagles Magic- Eagles 2-1 (Result Eagles 3-0)
    Gators Mallards- Mallards 3-0 (Result Mallards 2-1)
    Dback's Wildcats- Dbacks 2-1 (Result Dbacks 2-1)
    Preds Cobras- Preds 3-0 (Result Preds 2-1)
    Eagles Gators- Eagles 3-0 (Result Eagles 2-1)
    Magic Cobras- Magic 3-0 (Result Magic 2-1)

    Upcoming Series prediciton- Preds 2-1. Win both of Kracht's games (1 and 3) and Preds lose game 2. MVP – Kracht

  8. Bonham being rocked on the mound is suprrising to me. Bonham had a ERA of 1.5 and WHIP of 1.57 in the 2023 season. In 2022 he had a era of 3.22 and whip of 1.85. In 2021 he had an era of 1.34 (2nd best in league that year) and whip of 1.41. So he has a proven track record of being steady.

  9. For travel eating, you guys should set up an MLW eating fund so that the checks don’t take forever. Even if everyone later actually pays the commish for what they ordered so that you still only have 1 bill at the restaurant. That would save a lot of time and probably save the waiter/waitress a lot of stress lol.

  10. Would love an episode with davenport since he had a little bit if an interesting path to the league and an even more interesting role now!

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