Golf Players

Live from the Kill House: U.S. OPEN (THU)

No Laying Up recap of Day 1 play at the 2024 U.S. Open at Pinehurst No. 2. Presented by High Noon.

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[Music] be the right Club be the right club today I me that’s better than most how about in that is better than most better than [Applause] most expect anything different [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the no laying up live show presented as always by our friends at High Noon Su is here TC is here hello Mr TC hello Su I got the gold tops tonight baby cool yellow tops that is not what we’re advertising for tonight but cheers to that DJ Pi is here hello p man greetings greetings hi hello what a first round at the United States open uh the moment everyone has been waiting for is finally here the high noon pool pack is back grab a case text the group get your friends to the nearest pool uh it’s only here for this summer it is now time to enjoy lime Peach which is what I got tonight I went through all my guavas and Kiwis I just found that out those are my two favorites it makes sense that those would be gone but I might need to restock up before the end of the weekend as always the high noon pool pack made with real vodka real juice has 100 calories is gluten-free has no added sugar and you can visit High NOP to find it near you major weeks I feel like you guys are like Trend Setters man every time you guys are on you’re on the pool pack I’m still catching up to the the tequila you guys are on the iced tea I’m drinking the pool P you know I’m trying to keep up with there’s just too many offerings too many options yeah just like just like at Pinehurst there’s a lot of options on how to attack it how to the shots are on the green a ton of different options um major weeks are always fun we’re going to be highlighting some moments of Joy later in the show brought to you by a partner who knows a little something about Joy that’s foot Joy the official shoe glove and rainwear partner of no laying up so stick around for that towards the end of the day DJ Pi first up what is your highlight of the day first before I get to that I of course got to go through the rundown of what we’re going to be talking about because we always forget to do that we’re gonna talk about what who we’re most proud of who we’re most disappointed in uh we’re going to have course talk Pinehurst setup where are we going from there we’re going to talk some leaderboard some things we wish we would have said prior to the tournament starting and things we wish we didn’t say bunch of little nuggets from the day some questions kbv is going to join us here rather shortly Cody’s going to give us his P history lesson they got bumped from the happy hour uh we got a couple questions we’re gonna do the kbv stick your neck out prediction a lot going on but DJ what’s your highlight of the day you know I I hate to I hate to take this one but it’s got to be just suspending the bit for a second it’s got to be Neil selling on the block party for the first time in a decade and uh me Cody you know a couple other silent investors swooping in uh putr yeah but you know putting a little gasoline on a on a really strong American asset and just you know really turning it into what it should be uh it’s Rory maroy man that was like that’s it that is smart patient uh go that’s just everything we’re hoping for out of him and and he did it today it was a blast to watch him like kind of do a good Scotty impression you know like that’s that’s we’ve been watching out of Scotty over the last however many months here and and Rory you know all the pieces finally clicked and so it was really fun to watch him talking his post round with Damon about like how much he was like fighting himself and trying to stay patient and like don’t get goated in again don’t get go in again and he’s he’s kind of quietly stacked up like a wildly impressive US Open run the last couple years so that that I mean that’s as good as it gets for me TC what’s your highlight highlight of the day uh I got it big big smile on my face when Bryson almost drove 13 green that was like with his Crank that was awesome I mean ju like he’s just four times is plenty a year that’s the perfect amount like you know we got him during PGA Championship now we get him again during Us open and then we get to see him again during British Open but four times a year is great but those four times I’m enjoying it I’m along for the ride I’m embracing Bryson and uh it was it was a momentous shot and to be able to almost drive that green without them pushing the te’s up is wild that’s that red dot if you’re watching this live uh that’s right next to the bunker that’s green side he did convert the birdie thankfully I hate when Bryson cranks a drive you you’re in all of it and you get 50 replies you’re like oh but he made four but he made four did you guys see the drive the the thing I tweeted on eight that he had the longest drive in the fairwell 8 by 52 yards today Max grer had the second longest drive at 327 and Bryson hit it 379 uh and somehow got a ball to stop left of that pin on eight which I did not see coming um D highlight I I gotta say man I have to hearken back to Falling around Rory and Scotty played the first two rounds together uh at the Masters earlier this year and it was just like I I walked almost every hole I think of those 36 holes with them and it was just like couldn’t come up with the words come back to the show to be like yo guys the Gap is even bigger than you imagine right like every shot that’s required of you know getting to the back left pin in on number nine in the wind you know needing to use the slopes Hitting off downhill blah BL like hey Scotty’s got it and Rory does not like was my overwhelming takeaway and in front of Scotty today Rory played the Scotty round like you mentioned and the Highlight being the putty rolled in on 18 which he claimed he wasn’t walking that in i i i i refus to believe that that went in with plenty of oomph said he said he thought he left it short yeah kind of Kevin n situation I don’t believe that uh I think he was totally pimp stepping that all the way in and uh I mean this is the fun part of the ride right this is not the first time we’ve been here out of the last you know 36 uh starts that he’s made in Majors that haven’t turned into wins but this is the fun part and you can believe you can dream uh I I I don’t even know like I don’t know where I net out I’ll probably change my mind three times before the end of the show on what I think is actually gonna happen but I’m thrilled to be sitting here and feeling some things as it comes to Roy sounds like some hope there sounds like some hope there from Su of the of course there’s hope there’s always hope that’s the part kills you part that kills you this is the first time in a long time you’re actually vocalizing and and expressing that public Southern Hills I did I was like oh I think he’s halfway I think he’s gonna win and he broke my heart on Saturday that’s not this is not the first not you know I’ve seen what’s going on at this block party pretty soon black Rock’s gonna be buying your house out from under you I will never sell I will never sell they were you know they will eminent domain your ass all right uh they’re like they were they were checking personal coolers I tried to bring in some High Noon yeah I mean we’re not running a charity out here you don’t want people roofy dog saw you sneaking in all sorts of little baggies and shit1 for a bottled water Cody I was looking in the back I think we got a couple more Platinum ticket packages that we can maybe offload to Chris could be a hot lead if you want to put one of our salespeople on it sounds like a he sounds like an interested buyer I’m not buying it guys I’m not buying the that’s fine I’m not ready to get swept up in this yet I like and and I probably won’t be after tomorrow either you know what just up we will be here tomorrow we’ll be here you know it’s a it’s very much Open Door whenever you guys are ready to come in we’ll be here waiting that’s right it’s not about the destination guys it’s about the friends you make along the way and just profit you’re here to profit off of it not to party right I think that’s kind of where I didn’t like where leadership was taken the block party previously so like I’m happy to see a change over right I you know I I’m still might be just hating from outside the club but how have we gotten this far into the show without talking about the real Project Pat yeah yeah Project Pat Joe the show laaba out in front minus five there were the story of the day s the sustainability models I don’t think they’re looking great uh he didn’t didn’t hit that many greens today a little bit of smoke and mirrors H some really good shots though and uh I I think patience discipline uh matching up against like can’t L hasn’t really won on berm greens other than Eastlake so you know I was kind of doing a deep dive on klay’s Career today and I’m like all right Klay has won what eight times in the last seven and a half Seasons you would think for his stature in the game he would have won more and uh you know he chipped his butt off today he had that chip in uh but otherwise I don’t know I’m just not I’m not seeing him running away with this thing or him you know like we saw Scotty’s what C minus game today I feel like we saw yeah yeah and and you know I think Klay I’m I’m I’m fading Klay but it was good to see him get off the blocks today no pun intended I think it it just man it takes a lot of knocking at the door at these things and maybe he will be you know kind of first second third is time in convention or In Contention maybe he’ll knock down the door but that’s not usually how it goes right usually it’s like you get two and a half three good rounds and you kind of start stacking them up and stacking them up and and like Xander’s a good example of eventually the you know the Dam breaks and you finally get it to go your way I I think can’t is kind of it’s like a very you know interest like Rory’s interesting that’s an interesting thing to see what happens right and KL is interesting as well but I would say maybe lowercase eye it’s just I am I will be keeping an eye on it but I’m kind of with you that I’m like yeah well it’s hard you can’t like you know we there’s no way we can get any kind of insight into what his round was like cuz nobody like sets out when you go to a major championship he like you know what I’m going to go follow Patrick Klay around oh wait a second we have a guy who was on site today and decided I’m gonna follow Patrick kley for some reason I don’t know if anybody approved this by the way but ended up being a pretty decent call Kevin Van venberg calling in from onsite at the Uso but kbv how was your day watching no hat Pat for the record TC approved this I called him last night and I was like I got an idea I want to go follow Klay I want to write about how was this guy deciding the future a golf and you know what TC was like yeah you see a good round from Russell Henley at least uh and he was right about both things you know was was a good guy to follow and Russell Henley played pretty well Klay normally doesn’t play well on courses where the rough keeps the ball like the rough doesn’t keep the ball close to the greens think about it mirfield Village Caves Valley like you know he’s won the BMW twice all a lot of bent grass a lot of you know Pinehurst is kind of the opposite of those things so you interested to see what you you saw out there today with his game I saw so obviously you’re right he chipped his his butt off and he credited that as being like the biggest thing in the differences round but he also hit some some really good iron shots the shot he hit into eight which was kind of a scary pin if you get left of that pin you’re you’re totally boned and he hit just this beautiful high draw that went in there about four feet rolled that Putt in hit a really good shot into nine didn’t quite make that but man like I think I don’t know he said he he he missed the cut of memoral last week 7 6 75 so nobody kind of thought [ __ ] that he was going to do anything and he just said you know what I just kind of figured out something sometimes when you’re seems like you’re far away you just kind of pick one thing and keep working on it and all of a sudden it clicks so he was his usual sort of humorless kind of uh self afterwards but you know I almost respect it because uh I I do respect it because he he sticks to his he’s not trying to please anybody no unlike some other uh Pros out there he is basically just gonna be truly himself and not give one one uh Hoot about what anyone else thinks I’ll defend is he 10 greens TC but he’s fourth in approach Strokes get approach today like that’s why 10 greens isn’t greens and reg and a qued stat especially a place like Piner because not all Miss greens are created equal out there and like he chipped his butt off but you know if you leave yourself in good spots you can gain some shots the green however uh I think that the stat I think The Strokes gain stats can lie a little bit here when it comes to Fairways especially because if you miss Fairways there there some luck involved that luck is being accounted for in the you know in The Strokes gained off the T right no I mean he was only 049 Strokes off the T the gain most of it was basically what I’m saying is how does it account for shitty lies versus good lies in the I think it’s relying on a lot of it just like balancing out right yeah it’s it’s in up in tight it’s very noisy but like over the spectrum of like the the sample size that’s you know whatever it’ll tell which is worth mentioning that we’re looking at one round right and there’s probably some some weirdness in there and it’s not really like every round yeah right but I mean is I’m say you know who second in Strokes gain approach today was Zack Blair like from the spots that he must have playing hell Pro proper iron player man absolutely uh Kev I don’t know if there oh go ahead I was just G say I would say there’s more like noise to the downside in those numbers than the upside right like if you like plug a ball in a bunker and you have you you know can’t chunk it like I don’t I haven’t looked at what hin Strokes getting around the green was today he both chipped it bad and was in some like totally death spots um so like you can you you can really get boned on the downside but if you’re if you’re fourth overall in your approach play like that the sustainabilities are not popping for me on kentle for that reason for other reasons they might be but uh he was 1501 just so you know havin that is see you uh smell you yeah Kev I don’t even know if I have a a question here but maybe just something for you to Riff on thinking about about can’t lay all day it makes no sense to me that he would like doesn’t he just strike all of you guys as like the harder it gets the better I’m G to get I’m gonna stay more patient than everybody I’m going to like stay in my process I’m gonna keep hitting it to 30 feet like can you make any sense of the major like lack of major success yeah it’s really kind of crazy I when was looking through his stats this afternoon as I was writing the story he’s only been literally competitive in one like truly like was in the mix and won major 2019 Masters he he eagled 15 to briefly Take the Lead then immediately bogy the next two he has never truly like contended in another major and has been a top 10 player in the world he’s never fallen out of the top 10 since the last two years and has been in the top 10 for the last five it’s just kind of remarkable I don’t know like it I I’m I would say maybe doesn’t drive it far enough that to sort of be in the mix at some of these he long enough not not enough not not compared to some of the sort of longer long guys to mix you know make up for some of the other stuff but he’s got a great short game he’s no one is like as you know as you just said like psychopathically like patient as him truly does not give single [ __ ] about being told to hurry up or pissing out off his playing Partners I don’t know it’s it doesn’t make a lot of sense like watching Rory’s round today I’m just like man why is this not Klay at every major how is this how does he ever play himself out of these things and it’s it’s yeah it’s just very it’s very strange maybe it’s just he just likes the aerial game right like it’s he tends to play well on a lot of those tour setups and when you you know like it it it doesn’t make sense until you kind of dig in on like if it’s just course fit and just preferences right well he doesn’t he doesn’t wear any emotions on his sleeve and doesn’t give anything out to the media that doesn’t mean he’s not internally freaking out for all we know he’s freaking himself out at Majors like Max wears it very publicly that he hasn’t played well in Majors up until recently and like just you know we associate that because he’s very open about that whereas KL isn’t going to give any of that away but I’m curious we he’s tied at the top with another guy I’m curious if you’ve had any interaction with Rory this past week uh obviously some some some weird times on a lot of different levels uh with Rory have you seen anything different I might know the answer to this but anything you know Rory Rory has clearly decided that his game plan this week is to stay in a total bubble as to not have any kind of side conversations with anybody to not even like make eye contact with people that he’s sort of friendly with for years I I don’t know the reason why I don’t know if it’s like a conscious choice I don’t know if he blames the media for some of the kind of stuff that has been circulating about his life or if he’s just like you know what I’m gonna try a different approach because I want to get back into that killer mode but uh he is once he sort of steps outside the press conference thing like literally both Harry and Shawn have said like Halo to me today and uh not Rory like Rory won’t even like knowledge which is okay like which is rare like is not how Rory has ever done business yeah ever uh which is fine like I’m not you know if it helps him win a major God my God ignore the media a ton like that would be great for you to get back into the Winter Circle we kind of wish he would do [ __ ] like this just focus and play you know but again I think as we sort of looked at uh you know the last 37 Majors or whatever it’s a lot of different he likes to try different things so maybe this is the new thing to try he’s you know he’s trying to sort of Stay Stay Zen and stay at peace and uh be very patient in these us opens and and that certainly today was testing his patience so we’ll see if that holds up he might be giving an exclusive to golf club Atlas true big GCA guy these days he had some comments afterward uh that Paulo tweeted out about you know he he his appreciation for Golf Course architecture has helped him in US opens in the past he they wish they played more they played more golf courses like this which uh on on those lines Kevin I mean Piner presented fantastically on television today it was a treat to watch do you get any sense we’re going to talk some golf course after we let you go here but do you get any sense as to where the line is on this course where they’re at with it how it played in person one and where you think they can go with it how in control do you feel like they are of the golf course I think they’re super in control right now uh now they did benefit a little bit of cloud cover today a little bit of humidity in the air uh I think it could definitely get harder uh the the bitching will definitely come if it does because everybody today was like no no it’s good like it’s uh everything is perfect and I think you know what they probably should have been like is like oh it’s too hard already like d back dou back because for sure if I’m if I’m bimer if I’m onean I’m like all right let’s let’s take it up just a little Notch to what I [ __ ] say almost no wind out there correct me if I’m wrong I mean I know it gusted a little bit at one point little light light Zephyr Breeze you know nothing more 14 rounds under par out of 156 dudes with almost no win like that’s pretty hard to find in professional golf these days I was glad s that I saw your Tweet about how the the rounds the waves were exactly the same because I heard Xander saying like well it’s clearly easier in the morning like those guys you know got the advantage of the cover and and I was like dog like a guy in your group shot five under like how is it here in the morning and Xander got every break out there today uh the data boys loved loved the even splits I know s we’re getting closer and closer to just the only true simulation man I don’t we don’t need to play it just play it in the simulation this NE this round never would have happened for if we could just played in computers that’s what I’ve always said that’s exactly what I’ve always said and not at all what you guys have tried to paint me into that’s that’s I’m really thankful we could finally get this out there and settle although although JT is is you know inflating the scoring average on his side of the draw I was looking for the meme there’s a meme that was just something about like you just made this up you made up this entire scenario here that was you with JT today of like oh JT’s probably G to complain about being on the wrong side of the draw that that’s a just a thing you made up you made that up on your own I was told JT is not a good three-point shooter uh Kev we’re going to send you on your way thanks so much for popping in enjoy uh the rest of the week we’ll be hearing from you a lot more uh and thanks for following Patrick CLE today that was uh a pleasure that was you are a man tied to your duties we greatly appreciate assignment editor TC just knows he knows the pulse of things he knows who where to send me out to go all right enjoy your evening uh listen Pinehurst 2 been great to watch on TV the place looks amazing other places also you can find where it looks amazing in the foresights sports simulator software if you go to their homepage right now they have a great image of it right at the top I pra practically expect to see Ben and Neil walk across the screen at the end of their film room match uh we told you the other day about foursight sports Sim in a box kits they come with everything you need for an incredible simulator experience and it’s a One-Stop shop they have different versions with their amazing launch monitors like gc3 a quadmax or the new foresight Falcon you get a projector a gaming PC the screen scen and enclosure and a hitting mat no need to pece meal everything together from different stores just comes all right in one box it’s fantastic their library of virtual golf courses includes the bucket list ones that everyone wants to play like pebbles St Andrews they got Pinehurst now a fun library of fantasy themed fantasy courses they have to four tea options to enable an experience for golfers of all abilities those courses have two Fink te’s an executive tea a par three tea and a pitch and put T if you want to get some Juniors involved for amazing deals on foresight simulators visit S forit Lup that’s forit layup check out the deals on Sim in a box kits this week s Lord willing man we’re getting close we could just host some majors in there oh got all got all the courses heard the draws are the same you guys are overwhelming me with all want we won’t lose the course DJ you played in an event today I did more on that in our moment of Joy section TC thank you um what was TC who who are you most proud of today I mean I I think we have to eliminate Rory from this conversation maybe not who are you most proud of today yeah a lot of different directions we could go here you know obvious one will be ludvig Justin lower planning his first major um you know love to see him make it to the weekend he’s plus two right now uh but you know what I’m proud of the USGA s hey I thought the setup was great uh I think you know leaving themselves some some flexibility to turn it up a little bit more as we get into Saturday to ease off in certain spots to you know move some T’s around probably on 313 especially move some of those part three T’s around I think uh Mike Juan’s comments about driver heads uh were taken very positively by me earlier this week of just like hey like like we’re we’re still looking at the driver heads right we’re still looking at at kind of reskilling that that element and then they you know they put some guys on the clock early today and I appreciated that now could we do a lot better with it yeah like I think windham’s group was more than a hole hole and a half behind for a large part of their round but zalot torus was a big big reason why uh the cat Fitzpatrick and zalot torus got put on the clock uh I think like three or four holes into the round so uh you know was glad to see them I want to see them enforcing that stroking some guys like there’s it’s a five and a half six hour Pace out there if you fall behind the group in front of you like you should like you deserve to be penalized immediately immediately on the spot don’t even put them on the clock just penalize them just disclaimer here for of course as always for those listening that’s not how the rule uh operates TC would like a change in the rule he doesn’t say that when he brings us up but he wants a change in the rues just to get out there but all things considered there’s there’s some there’s some things we’ll get to you know some things I was disappointed in but uh I just thought coming off of fall Halla like every time I think about Valhalla I get mad as hell S I got so joyful watching Pinehurst and just seeing balls roll off the greens and and well struck shots holding the greens like there was a difference between a good shot and a great shot there was a difference between a a good shot and a poor shot and having good shot was not right at the pin a lot of the times that was that’s it’s if you don’t think that’s good TV I don’t I’m not going to tell you you’re wrong CU I I can totally see the argument against wanting to watch four days of that but I [ __ ] love that I thought I just have great also like that’s the US Open that doesn’t have to be every other major we only get three of these a year that move around and get to see new places Pinehurst is a breath of fresh air the course looked awesome it played awesome and you know I just I couldn’t couldn’t be happier that that this is a an anchor venue moving forward because I think they can they can do a lot with this golf course they don’t have to do a lot to this golf course to get a lot out of it D who are you most proud of today uh you go ahead you go ahead I I don’t want to do that I shouldn’t do this because they will break my heart right and it’s it’s a little faint praise because they set the bar so low don’t do it but today was eminently watchable it I I didn’t I didn’t feel the early the commercial times felt bad but like felt the same way it was just like watchable right it was I don’t want I’m not proud I’m a just a little proud of of NBC just a little bit of like honestly if it this was not a disgrace which is a step up from what their US Open coverage has been when they took over this contract for 30 cents on the dollar uh it’s a PE in the potty situation it totally is but I I it was I I can’t hate it I’m a little proud of kicked us over to the [ __ ] that’s not good they got we got the [ __ ] in the morning but I mean YouTube TV had a multi view thing I had four feeds going at once today so even when they went to commercial like I could watch it all in one place it was awesome I mean granted on my 42in TV that was Tiny in that four you know in the four windows but dude it was it was quite watchable it’s not perfect but I’m I’m I’m somewhat proud of them for that so you know what I I I agree I’m there’s nits to pick but I’m not it’s less like I’m super proud and I have nothing to say and more it’s just like I just want to focus on other stuff the golf was amazing I don’t want to spend any time talking about but but they did the golf Justice right like we got to we got to experience the awesome golf tot is kind of what I’m getting at you guys probably also love the Andre the Giant segment they did I miss that I think NASCAR segment like stuff that’s not even in the sand hills are close to N at all but listen those the the difference is those didn’t ruin my day-to-day yes you know because everything else was fine uh all right cleure group were great I was I was big on feature groups couple directions to go I I will you already mentioned it but I will say Rory is the top of my like proud list that was that was it man that’s that I could not be prouder uh I will say weirdly I’ll say Scotty Scotty sucked today and he’s one over and like not out of the championship a lot of players would like be than you Cody a lot of players would be like totally out of this Championship hitting the ball that the way that he hit it today and getting a haircut that bad and I well second well I guess that’s more disappointed uh was going to talk about his Barber but uh so I’ll say Scotty for keep just keeping himself in the championship he can go play a nice round tomorrow morning and he’s going to be right there I still think he’s you know now he’s only goingon to win by like one or two instead of you know by nine or 10 which I think is good for everybody we mentioned it very briefly we give Max a lot of run on this podcast but the OG guy is kind of Zack Blair you know the fact that Zack Blair is in the year of Our Lord 2024 is T15 at a US Open it just fills me with you know a ton of Joy that’s that shouldn’t be happening in this age of Technology he didn’t even putt that good today uh and he just hung in there and and posted a really great round so I’m very stoked for him um his wedges are back he’s he’s hitting the heck out of his wedges uh almost birdied 16 which is cruly like unfathomable for the the shortest player in the field by far and and the last do you remember uh so we’re on a text thread was ZB I think when he uh kind of petered out a couple weeks ago was like getting a little despondent about his his distance I hope he doesn’t mind me sharing this but he’s like no guys you don’t understand like I’m I’m hitting the ball the same distance as like Elite 13-year-old kids like Elite 13 year olds and me are kind of like hitting the ball the same length and I’m trying like I’m competing on the PJ tour uh so anyways t-15 at the US Open [ __ ] yeah that’s awesome last one I’ll shout out uh Bren and porth wrote a great piece today for the Friday uh it was kind of just like an appreciation for the olds and so I’m gonna I’m going to join him and Shout Out Sergio you know Sergio was not exempt for this tournament went qualified he has nothing left to prove in the game of golf as Brendan said he could have just as easily rode off into the sunshine and he you know went out and got it earned a spot and is T9 like good for him man that’s that’s good stuff he’s not my favorite guy on the planet but like you can’t take anything away from that that’s that’s pretty good stuff clean card too yeah no US Open is just a real golfer just a real golfer now now he needs to apply that that energy to his Fireballs because they’re of course playing like [ __ ] right now also speaking of the olds I’d like to shout out Blandy I heard Blandy was up at the creek last night or this morning and then he played frier head this afternoon so I’m glad yourself up one of those uh the Dale hats or the do hats if it was that Mr worldwide he did he did I was I was pretty pretty disappointed in that y all right we’ll go back around the circle D who are you most disappointed in uh I went long on mine so I’ll just say I mean pretty obviously Victor hin shooting 78 t142 that’s just not what I thought was coming there after unlocking something at uh at Valla yeah we can that’s different golf courses different tests man that’s kind of what that feels like a little bit kind of disappointed in myself also for like yeah I don’t know why I didn’t see that coming that was that was dumb um I I I I wasn’t expecting a lot from him but it was just sad to watch JT today just be dude what completely uncompetitive like completely uncompetitive not even close um and yeah again I I my expectations were low he’ actually been hitting his irons really well coming into the week was the one thing I’m was just like H kind of a little curious here but he was 149 in Strokes G approach uh today his putting has been woeful uh he just had absolutely nothing going and it’s just man it’s it’s it’s a tough scene so that’s my disappointment TC uh couple different directions I could go here sah wildly disappointing that’s tough I get I think we can all let’s no comments we were all on that on that train we all whiffed on that one right three hands up 100% uh but you know what I’m gonna say I’m most disappointed in the USGA uh they they we need to cut those two together you know I’m most proud of the USGA they they’re not broken guys for for slow play um and I think the Tio stuff is out of control right that was a disgrace down the stretch this afternoon what what’s going on there the US Open there shouldn’t be TI Scotty saying that that’s where he was gonna play that shot absurd can you break that one down for me a little bit where I think I I left the room for a second and I think I might have missed this we’ll let Cody pull up the the shot TR ER on that cuz I think that like taking it through there is cuz Bryson had one too that was absolutely egregious but like with Scotty it’s like all right man like are you really gonna play it like that that’s it was it was bad and then what I really disappointed with on the USGA front is social media has turned into like a bad imitation of the PGA Tour so one of my favorite things about the USGA US Open US Women’s opens in account over the last three four years and granted like I’m the one putting this up on our story but I’ve always tried to make an effort to put their Stills like they bring in really talented photographers that take great still photos and it feels very usj feels Timeless classic there’s a sense of place there all that and I think they’ve totally gotten away from that and I get that they need to monetize for certain certain Partnerships with MX or deoy or Cisco or whomever but you can do both and it seems like they’ve gotten totally away from doing any of the quality stuff on there and it’s just turned into like a bad imitation of the PGA tour’s already bad Instagram account so I just wanted to put them on blast for that that really pissed me off thank you TC it’s true so back to Scotty um you know it was it’s let me pull up the Cody can you pull it up or no yeah I I trying to figure out this guess thing but what hole do you want me to pull up for you it is hold on should be 16 well he h it left I mean he had it left on on 16 and had signage in his way from the 18th hole that’s where allegedly allegedly had signage in his way I mean there’s a there’s a whole sign on every T box he was directly in line with the T box and the rules official said yeah that’s in your way and got this one’s top TC I understand your your side of it but this like even watching it on TV is is was directly in line with that with that USGA sign but I don’t think it’s messing with the shot like it’s giving him a get out of jail free card we have somebody that was there Kevin tell us can you tell us about that yeah I was there for the Scotty thing uh this look there was a gap there to the left where he could have hit it quite clearly through and the sign was blocking that and to the right there were all the cameras that sit right behind AT&T I get DC I think it’s a very real issue that I’m glad you’re raising but I just want to testify from someone on the ground around that it did take I was like this is an egregious drop and then I kind of looked around and understand what they were doing it was funny because there was a there was like a guy one of those motorized carts there and he couldn’t get the cart out of the way and they were trying desperately to move the cart too and they had to have people pick up the cart like they lifted that rock when tiger was behind it in Phoenix and like carry the cart out of the way but the there was signage there that was blocking is thank you Kevin very normal sport could be one of those biker gang scenarios out there you know kind of kind of like at the US woman’s open at uh Lancaster but um yeah anyway I I just I don’t think there should be Tio in the US Open okay tell me where to sign your petition I’m in on that obviously um other I mean I guess where where do we think things are going right I mean five under par after round one uh I saw some some bad some some boy math going on out there I mean five to 500 par every round that’s 20 par like we’re heading we’re heading to we’re heading to 20 which guys I just don’t think we’re going to end up there I’m not even replying to those anymore like they’re not even worth responding to there’s like you’re a vegetable if you think that way what where do we think where do you think we are at the end of the day tomorrow like what do you think happens by uh by end of the day tomorrow I think probably seven or eight I don’t even know about that that seems low seems low I like honestly if you told Rory and Klay like would you take six I think they would both take that and be in the lead I I think six would be in the lead and I mean anybody outside of ludvig it’s like Matthew pavon would have to shoot 67 to get to six is like pretty good shooting I I don’t know I’d take six or seven I think it would be the lead what is like seven I think lvic can keep the pedal down well on that note I’ll go first on this one I I have a category in here but it’s like what’s something you wish you’d have said in previews and something you wish you didn’t uh I I wish we had talked a little more lvic I I I don’t I wasn’t necessarily dismissing him but uh you know the knee stuff and just kind of the way he was bending down at Memorial and just you know this never never played in a US Open and I just kind of have forgotten what he’s done in the biggest events that he’s played in so far and was runner up at the Masters and is a freak like that’s that’s something I wish that uh wish I would have said which I wish I would have called out uh in the many hours of preview content that we do that’s really big of you Sally I appreciate that uh I I I do think you had every opportunity as well and did not so I don’t know will apologize for that people are I do think like 72 holes here I do think the knee is going to get worn down I think there’s going to be some some mental errors made of like like part of the reason is because I think this is probably a tournament in a course where you need some experience to draw upon granted he plays really well when it’s when it’s firm and when it’s you know when when the setup is difficult but at the same time I think experience is going to matter here down stretch underrated also has Joe scord on the bag finished second here last time with Ricky Fowler you know speaking of of course knowledge so I’ll go next I’ll I’ll uh I’m talking a lot of Rory for good reason here obviously but I I wish I had uh remembered or gave some respect to the fact that like Rory has been a different golfer at the US Open the last four years like that graphic they put up where I’m just like ah [ __ ] that’s right he has finished top 10 like each of the last five years that’s that’s pretty bananas and and he has showed a little more patience he has been a little different player than he is at the you know at the Canadian open or at the memorial or at some of these other like PJ tour kind of softer tests like he has shown some more patience and I think I I still hadn’t uh hadn’t really given that the respect he probably deserved so it’s a bit of a shame on me today although obviously did invest and and was the only one to to purchase the asset yeah I mean yeah again L too 16 of 18 greens he’s a [ __ ] animal an animal one thing that I wish I would have said I think putter boy stinks I love I love Pinehurst I love pretty much everything about Pinehurst I think putter boy is among the more overrated logos in the game and I don’t get it I don’t understand why he’s important I don’t understand why he’s a central character and a central theme uh it’s kind of like the lone Cypress at Pebble like that [ __ ] tree is not even on the property it’s out true yeah putter boy never even want a US Open there not even a north south and like where’s poter boy’s dad who ister boy’s dad yeah nobody knows so that’s that’s a brave take uh something I wish I didn’t say I I wish I didn’t specifically bring up uh that the Pinehurst is a a competition of keeping uh keeping your ball in control and specifically dismiss Rory on those grounds uh because he certainly look like a guy who’s uh you know not not it it’s that’s different than like not predicting somebody to play good I dismissed him on that I wish I didn’t now listen you ask me tomorrow night I might be I’m disappointed that I fell for it on Thursday and he wasn’t in control of his ball on Friday for all we know but uh sitting here right now I’m disappointed I said that but D you got one uh that was kind of on the Rory the Rory stuff I wish we would have you know given more more Credence to his US Open record T do you have something you said in a preview that you wish you didn’t say uh s I’ll give you yeah I was gonna say sorry I think I missed the Nuance I thought we were I thought you but the Nuance yeah saw I was all in on Harry higs I was all in on uh couple just like bad bad predictions for me it wasn’t a uh wasn’t something I said on the podcast but it was something that I said on Twitter today I wish I wouldn’t have riped the cat and apologized to you on our slack because I think that was premature I think the cat could still make the cut man we might need to dive into the slack because you’ve said a lot of [ __ ] the last couple weeks scrolling through this leaderboard I even said last night I said I said I’m thinking about I’m trying yeah I’m thinking about like I said last night at dinner we’re getting to the point in the week where I’m talking myself into Patrick cellay let’s just get this thing started right but that that gets cheapened by I’m talking myself into Mickelson I’m talking myself into Brooks I’m talking myself I told you so one of your parlays I did I did like that ain’t that’s not great you know it’s a wide net TC and I applaud you on the can’t lay nailing the can’t lay thing today sending kbv out there that’s that’s the one that that really mattered Russ Henley yeah that’s true that B shot Bob T four holes into the round of course TC’s trying to [ __ ] on me for saying tiger couldn’t Putt and tiger proceeded to miss every single couldn’t putt he can’t putt anymore I don’t know what more evidence you guys need to see here it’s tough on too many painkillers so he can walk and feels in his hands I I can’t believe he only shot four over today like credit to him for that honestly cuz I mean he made a ton of putts early on to to keep that afloat but um yeah the cat listen he’s an old he’s an old guy um I I just was I wasn’t buying it man just not buying it I don’t think he’s making the cut he’s four over uh Cuts looking like it’s right gonna be around four over I mean it’s possible but um he’s gonna have to play hell around tomorrow you know what I’ll throw on the on the historical record too as an apology I’m sorry for that Rory bet that was mean-spirited yeah that I bet he was I bet that he was going to Bogey number three today that was that was uncalled for and that was that was not great that was wrong by me so I I apologize for that guys okay uh I want to give a shout out to our friends at Omni Hotels the official Hotel and Resort of the PGA Tour they’re coming off hosting the NCAA championships last month at Omni Lacosta Resort and Spa in carlbad the course now open to Resort play it is your turn to play the new North Course recently renovated by the famed Gil Hance you can uh book your golf getaway at this idilic Southern California retreat at putt by the way losta thank you thank you uh while you’re at it you can check out the inaugural Omni generation cup the first of its kind Nationwide tournament for family members at all levels to have fun and compete together qualifiers are officially underway at 12 Omni Golf Resorts including some especially compelling destinations up and down the East Coast like Omni Bedford Springs Resort outside Pittsburgh Omni Homestead Resort in Virginia or omn Mount Washington Resort in Scenic New Hampshire grandparents and grandchildren and uncles nieces and nephews teams of two can register for the chance to qualify for next Spring’s National Championship at Omni PGA Frisco Resort the future site of the KPMG women’s PGA Championship in 25 and the men’s PGA in 27 don’t miss out on the year-long celebration of golf family and competition find your nearest omn course and register today at generation cup that’s generation cup all that and more only at Omni golf play the possibilities guys we’ve been effusive in Our Praise of Pinehurst number two um I was I was stunned absolutely stunned to receive a text message this week uh from a from a media colleague who is not a fan of pineur number two uh he’s got great golf Acumen he has called a lot of golf uh you guys know him he’s been a frequent guest on this show and uh he doesn’t like Pinehurst and I’m gonna need him to explain himself if we can welcome in Please Mr Scott Van Pelt from ESPN I I just I I would have never tabbed you as a Pinehurst hater I it was out of nowhere I would not see this he hates putter boy he’s with TC I don’t like the greens that’s kind of the deal at pineur you’re right here’s the thing um there’s a there’s some Scar Tissue okay the last one we got to do was 14 and then the USG acted like they found a better TV partner when really they just got more money sure might not be pin it might not be piner’s fault I was there it’s like if your girlfriend breaks up with you in a restaurant do you ever go back to that restaurant you’re like yeah she dumped me I’m scarred also man I hate this song turn this song off I can’t listen to this song all right also ker was just too good and the event was kind of um it some of the drama was taken out of just because he was too good but I was there in 99 it was awesome I was there in five Cambo played great I just don’t like the greens because I think there’s there’s there there needs to be something in between a shots perfect or it gets punished and I think there’s too many situations on the golf course where that happens having said that today was awesome I also said to you in text I I’m psyched for this week it’s GNA be great today was great and pine Earth’s great I just don’t like the greens so all right real quick do you not like the greens from when you’ve played it or just watching these guys play it you feel like it’s love I don’t love the upside down saucer bit where you can hit a shot that’s an inch away from being excellent and then it ends up 40 yards short of The Greener at a bunker and then this is where golf Hardo Twitter guy says well hit a better shot there needs to be some wiggle room between perfect and punished that’s all I’m that’s all I’m saying I’m just owning the fact that I said that in a text I said I don’t like I said it can I explain why I do like that and it’s because like it it is a great test of who is in control of their golf ball in terms of you know where the safe shot is right and your best chance at birie is going to be inching inching inching closer to that pin inching closer and like ultimately knowing that you’ve got to be in control if you inch closer to earn that extra little one two three 5% chance of increasing your birdie uh percentage and over 72 holes it’s just the best like that punishment for a Miss where you know there’s no surprises when your ball rolls down one of those Hills there’s no shock you know yeah every everything you’re saying is reasonable and everyone that loves it that’s excuse me that’s I totally understand why um and and the odds are it’ll be a great champion and I thought what Scotty said on somewhere could have been live from could have been on wherever it was just that he was talking to Ted about where Miss and it’s like well you don’t like there there is nowhere to miss you just better hit the green and it’s like okay well that’s the that’s the chore out here um so you know I think I you’re I think you’re embellishing a little bit I just just having fun come on come on we need some discourse on this show sometimes Mark Calia tweeted uh uh quote I’m ready for some abuse just going to spit it out Pinehurst is such a cool area with Great Courses number two ain’t one of most overrated course in the world let me have it’s true me and C here here’s the thing about Thursday is what we’ve seen through the years and I yesterday I was talking to my guy Stanford Steve he said what do you think someone shoots I said someone will shoot 65 couple of them it’s like when you when I I remember when I’d go to college at Maryland in the fall for my summer job and i’ take whatever cash I had and I’d put it in the bank well this is what you’re put in the bank and you’re going to draw down against it the rest of the week like I don’t think I don’t think this I don’t think five wins in I think it’ll be I think that that the score will go the other way um is my guess uh just because this traditionally Thursday’s As Good As It Gets and tiger alluded to this the other day and I tend to agree um that that you’ll see it maybe somebody goes lower tomorrow but I just think from here you know it’s G to go the other way just because tra traditionally you just what are there 16 guys are under par right now is that is it 15 or 16 it was 14 the last I looked but play has not finished it’s 15 guys you’re exactly right okay and so I mean a couple of fives look if if oberg’s just going to pin hunt all day and hit it inside five feet then I’m way wrong he’s gonna get the double digits and and and we’ll all just laugh but I just don’t history suggests that that’s not the way this will go Scott what do you uh what do you make of the Rory experience you know he looks like a different guy in these in these Majors he looks very patient he looks very calm he’s not hitting the some of the silly shots with edes and you know some of those that we like to kind of roll our eyes and have our hearts ripped out about what did you uh what did you make of today’s round and where do you think uh he’s he’s going after this I think you know I talked to Butch really briefly at at Augusta and Butch’s thing has always been that he’s not trying to build a race car he’s just trying to tune it up remind people you know you’re you’re your game’s great you’re great I guess poppy told him the same thing right when what was the line at August he said he was gonna go get a lesson she’s like you already know how to play golf um I think as you guys know so well for him the issue’s been he’s put himself out of position early um I remember Southern Hills didn’t he start he led at Southern Hills I want to say um played great there but you’d said control your golf ball he was certainly that and we all know that his ability to drive it’s is as good as anyone’s and it’s just been the wedges have been indifferent and you worry a little bit about can you get up and down when you find the in the inevitable green that repels a shot I I don’t know I mean I felt like this is his greatest start if you’re a fan of Rory as you could dream of because you know he’s he’s going to play well at some point in the four days it just typically hasn’t been that first one so I mean this is tremendous start obviously you’ve told this story before I think on the pot it’s been four or five years and you told it again to me at the Masters and it’s just the best story so I’m going to ask you to tell it again but Beth pagee Woods wins the US Open you got you got to tell you got to tell me your story about it after after that US Open all right so well I gotta go back to Augusta because he won that year at Augusta and he came in and he sits down we’re g to do the Sunday conversation I’m like how you doing he’s like I’m so and hungry and I said yeah what do you want he’s like God I want a pizza I said all right what do you want in the pizza he’s like I don’t know sausage and pepperoni what are you talking about I said all right you win at Beth Page we’ll get you Pizza yeah yeah yeah well Sunday Beth Page he’s going to win we’ve called a local pit pizeria up in New York and like hey we need a pizza it’s for Tiger Woods and the guy on the phone’s like I don’t care if it’s for Santa Claus all right like not impressed like well it actually it’s for Tiger Woods can we get a can we get a pie yeah we got it sorted out Beth pagee big place a lot of people people we 50,000 people are leaving at once we’re trying to get a pizza into the joint it literally had like cops on a motorcycle like a police escort to get the pie into the into Beth Page this all this all happened we get the pie I want to say that the order pecking order went like Golf Channel got to sit down somebody Sky BBC whomever we were going to be like wherever we were in the food chain maybe we were first cuz we were right soer I was like no no you guys go cuz we don’t have the pie well miraculously in walks one of our cameramen with a large saucer Ro sausage and pepperoni plops it down on a chair eventually tiger and steiny get to the door tiger looks up he’s like what’s that I’m like what do you mean what’s that very nonchalant naturally cuz the pizza’s here so you said you wanted a pizza he’s like are you [ __ ] me like well that’s we got to pizza for you pal he looks at St he’s like can I eat the pizza he’s like you just want the US Open you can do whatever you want we shut the door and for a half an hour we’re in there just eating slices we’re talking about it was the Nets and the Lakers had played in the finals we’re talking about Kobe eating pizza we’re just you know sophomoric people are ripping farts it’s just just it’s just high high comedy nonsense sophomore whatever there is a very very fine order to the way things are supposed to go they’ve got it calibrated right you get them for two minutes you get them for three maybe you get him for four if it’s ronaldi it could be 15 who knows we’re in there for a long time eating pizza with tiger and the guy from the USGA Craig Smith bless his heart he wanted to murder me and what was I got to do it’s Tiger Woods at the peak of his powers W and at some point at Dawns we probably should bang out an interview so we did and then he went on his way and that night if the PE if if you ask you know Doug Ferguson and people that were waiting like why’d you have to wait so long well Cat’s out of the bag it was us at the US Open with tigerwoods eating a sausage and pepperoni pizza sounds like Scotty needed that pizza guy maybe to get him into uh Valla we we had far better cooperation from the cops at Beth Page to get the pizza into the into the room then uh you know although I guess that’s all sorted out right like right fantastic story I love it well Scott we appreciate I didn’t mean to throw you under the bus with your pineer takes but appreciate you popping on as always and your support as always yeah try to enjoy the rest of the week man try your best it’s a tough relax again again it’s a great course just remember just remember when when you see a guy hit a shot and and something goofy happens you be like Vel had he had at least he had a point some of them are some of them are fractional and I have score tissue usj’s ruined some golf courses but they won’t they won’t wreck this one you were right it’s going to be great today was great happy golf love you guys thank you Scott appreciate you as always thank you oh he’s the man he is the man PE vision is over that was that was the last bit of Popin so thank you for tolerating that he’s a Maryland guy he just doesn’t you know he doesn’t like things down in North Carolina right you know what it’s so funny TC whenever uh kimer or or [ __ ] pop up on on screen in an SVP voice I said he a cleck like like he does with he a Turf like I don’t know why that’s where my brain goes but it does God you know and then they had a big sausage pizza delivery guy uh God you were holstering that for like six minutes like don’t don’t you [ __ ] say it TC don’t say um we had a great aan Lynch tweeted out after the round uh he Brooks Brooks declined media um after the round and aan tweeted out a text exchange that he had with Brooks afterwards which is just a life Bo you should check it out on uh he said he he didn’t want to do it because he didn’t feel like it same questions every week the lack of creativity of the questions is kind of boring I know I’m not a media favorite either so it’s not like anyone will notice lol um and very much aan just keeps egging him on like you sound like you’re pretty mad like you sound like you’re no I’m not mad no I’m not I’m not mad I’m not mad I got enough trying to watch some talk tonight all right H yeah he’s trying to get back and watch a real sport like hockey like you said uh but I would highly recommend checking that out they got such interesting little relationship and uh Aman doesn’t put up with any [ __ ] I I want to see Aman’s outgoing messages as well I want to make sure they were as harsh as they uh as he put in the uh in the actual text I actually have no doubt that they were I know they were I think he would bring the heat um but also I I truly if Brooks would just if to make a serious Point here like if Brooks would give people something like I think he’s incredibly smart and very thoughtful and like has interesting things to say and I very much care what they are but and maybe it is a chicken and egg maybe he does get bad questions but like I think he I think he truly does have a lot of good stuff to say and I would I would love to hear it maybe I’m relying too much on the the full swing season one episode but I think there’s more going on there than people and people uh understand that’s just the block I’m gonna be on yeah I I also think like he’s got to understand what the purpose of like postr media is Right which is like people are just they not every got to see every one of his shots like they’re going to ask you for your your reaction about it you know and they need to write something about it and and want to document something about it and yeah it might be kind of boring but like that’s part of the job right I I don’t think walking off the course Thursday US Open you’re gonna get like a one you’re not in the best mood to like give the give a answer on the state of the world or anything necessarily and you’re not that good at that you don’t I I I you know he was good in season one of full swing that was like the first time we’ve seen that but like I don’t know if you can if you can say like oh the questions aren’t creative enough and then go on like Jake Paul’s podcast that’s that’s that’s like yeah yeah man I don’t know if if that’s necessarily the case I don’t disagree like it is boring and for formulaic but like I don’t put that on the writer back be more creative in your post round questions I know I I yeah I think also if somebody just asked him like what’s the meaning of life like I don’t think he’s gonna I don’t know think noise yeah sorry real sports baseball hockey stuff like that I don’t know he’s not doing himself any favors but I I’m putting my hand up Brooks I care what you have to say I I would love to hear it I cared when he was like not too cool I mean he’s been he he’s off too cool for school right and it’s been a while since we’ve heard an interesting really answer from him on something so um the seats uh do you have a seat update for us TC all the seat yeah I just heard kind of confirmation that they they I guess they replaced 10 the screw on 10,000 different seats 30 guys were doing it you know people were finding screws in the grand stands today too so uh I didn’t hear anything about about any any of them breaking or anything like that today so uh that’s a dub there I guess uh Brian kersner asked the question who’s more likely to win this event at this point Rory or Scotty CA I think it’s Scott I hate going on the record on on Thursdays because it could change very quickly especially if things start going backwards like you know I don’t think they’re gonna go backwards tomorrow but I do think they’ll go backwards on Saturday yeah and I mean the the forecast look hot as [ __ ] like just crazy hot less even less chance of humidity and uh thunderstorms and all that it just looks hot and so yeah yeah who would have thought North Carolina in June man like yeah just kind of goes with it cool off by 2047 uh I think Cody and I might need to speak with our legal team before we we answer this Rory Scotty question your corporate counsil yeah I mean it’s those kinds of things like make comments and you know the market reacts you know I just I wouldn’t want to yeah I just don’t want to do what anything think you guys you guys go first my bet might move the line yeah not even Klay likes what’s happening with with the you know because klay’s in like public you know like Apollo Goldman these are publicly traded firms you guys are working with some some some PE ghouls I should have it’s it’s on me I should have said this but SVP is also a silent partner as well he he did have a minority state Tak in the block party acquisition as well as the only person from the former board that wasn’t relieved and and came over when the new acquisation was was brought we’re happy to have you thank you I’m I’m okay to say and I’m gonna stick my neck out there and say Rory like Wella we’re GNA I’m gonna give Scotty six Strokes here did you guys see how Rory played today I mean I I I don’t think you know I I know there’s a bad round that’s gonna come you see how played and it’s only six Strokes well that’s the thing is that like I don’t know Pinehurst is isn’t one of those places where you just find it you know like it it’s just so many defenses because you’re hit you’re not hitting to pins you’re hitting to sections within sections of greens and you’re you’re forcing herself to punt from there and his leg putting looked okay today but like everything else around that was just completely off and if I’m going off of eye test wise like Rory looked really good and looked in Troll and hell yeah I’m going to ride with Rory okay I I have the worst answer for it I don’t know like I really honestly don’t know that’s where I’m at too like I I you’re not supposed to fence it here but like I there’s so much freaking golf left and obviously I want to get swept up in the emotion of right now the easy answer is Rory like um but we’ve been here we’ve been in this spot we have and there’s Scar Tissue there for me as a fan rooting for it but let this then who who would you rather win what are you rooting for I mean that’d be Rory I’m still despite any accusations that have come the even having the faux Grand Slam still on the line yeah Rory winning another major getting to five like that’s I don’t know that’s there’s a lot more emotion tied up in in Rory I think than there is Scotty I mean I do like rooting for Scotty a lot and I I I am rooting for him but Rory’s we’ve been on the Rory Journey for quite some time man it’s uh he there’s a certain level of excitement brings that only like he in the non- tiger division like only like he and speed still kind of invoke in me um Bryson doesn’t a different way but I was gonna say I’ll tell you who’s gonna be there like I’ll guarantee you he’s there at the end whether he wins or not is Bryson Bryson ain’t going away I think his his floor is probably the highest this week really like impressive know that he hit the ball really good off the te but like all of pineh hur’s trouble off the tea is left and that’s like his go-to Miss like you start we saw this with Ben I’m sorry Ben to bring it up but Dam like you saw this also wearing one of those pear hats that’s what no had to wear for losing PC he didn’t pick that out himself yeah um I Bryson is is a really really he’s like almost like a ma in a lab golfer right now and do I think he should be able to use his like autocorrecting irons I don’t like after listen see him describe that no I definitely don’t think that should be allowed but it is and it’s not his fault uh but yeah he’s incredibly Inc incredibly accurate and very long right now um doesn’t have to putt perfect to win this uh and I I don’t know if I honestly if I was picking between Bryson and Rory right now I think I’m I’m on Bryson honestly I think he’s more likely to sustain it for 72 holes it’s gonna be interesting I mean it’s freakish dude I mean he is you can’t like overpower Pinehurst but the his formula for driving right now seems to be like he’s getting it down there and enough even if it’s into the Sandy areas it’s like wedges on on most of these holes where it’s like it kind of eliminates so much of not eliminates a lot of the problems with the with the short uh with the long grass but it just doesn’t feel like it’s going to be hard to make par from where he’s hitting t- shots even if they’re offline and they’re not really offline right now um I don’t know dude he does not feel wild that’s the thing it feels like extremely in control do you know who is wild today was someone that thank goodness I didn’t publicly vocalize this my gu cam young I was all Riding High because a new driver came out I don’t know what’s going on man he he needs to take a couple weeks off regroup yeah just go chill I guess at the ranch in El Paso it was bad but Bryson does seem to be in like complete control and short game and I thought that might be an issue around here after his comments like no I just use like my 60 for everything or I put it I’m like like well that’s not going to work around here it works uh so I don’t I don’t know it I still will say Rory over Bryson uh but you guys want to like run through the rest of the top 10 right now because there’s down that are here go ahead pavon had it I mean yeah pavon had it to what he was five he was five pretty early on two eag today two Eagles in his first 10 holes there a couple Bogies coming in but uh you he’s he’s looking to be he’s looking to lock up his his his candidacy for for Beth Page uh we talked about Bryson big tone you guys buying or selling I’m buying I was buying after the Memorial TC everyone shouted me down I was too no I was too D calling me a heretic’s back in a big way nobody wanted to get out there with me TC if I buy up any more I’ll have over 5% ownership and I’ve got to file all this [ __ ] with the yeah it’s just not and he has to join the church that’s that’s how de is right now he changes all this tax stuff for me I just I’m not interested then big Tone’s going to sue me probably uh also you guys are in in rough shape because there’s 15 guys inside the top 10 so we got we got a got some room to run did you guys see Hatton today on can’t remember which part three it was uh he made the birdie it was on 17 17 uh he he just like dog cussed his his t- shot and barely cleared clears the bunker and hits it to like closest to the day makes the Putt and it was it was funny guys I’m I’m so overh yeah you said that a couple months ago and I I think I was I scoffed at it I’m I’m with you I’m I’m good no thanks having him have to wear the legion very funny stuff is or Legion 23 or whatever it is is super funny uh OE kind of a home game for OE didn’t have that one in my models good for him I think it kind of makes sense right back I outside of Phil I don’t know anyone else in this field that’s played Pinehurst number two more than OE yeah yeah that’s probably true like a ton of north south Juniors ton of north south like beats it up all the time Carolina’s Junior Tour rolled through there like he knows this place front and back and just a massive shout out to I mean Ox is 22 not even 22 and a half yet and he’s like a full stroke above average on the PGA tour like that dude has carved out a career extremely extremely quickly unconventional path and I just want to shout that out he is a very very very legit golf who who’s older Tom Kim or OE OE OE okay just just throwing that out there should should o a global Superstar you know he shouldn’t be older than him so uh sh Kim’s next I really don’t have a whole lot to add there Cory Connor same deal uh we we talked to Sergio earlier Sam Bennett sh shout out to Jordan that’s that’s her guy I’d love to pre preut him on the clock for tomorrow uh we’ve got Aaron Ry up there Aaron ry’s been playing some good golf Jackson subber or is Spencer LaVine nicknamed him when we played the detective because he just he knows everything about everybody he’s just always asking questions uh Jackson sub is an Old Miss guy good friend of our our guy bony Perkins wanted to shout that out play he played great today he got Paul msia got a couple shout outs if you’ve ever watched our gas Barilla videos he’s a member at a member at Paul msia he he plays one of the holes down uh the wrong Fairway he plays the 11th hole down the 12th Fairway and uh that’s that’s what has been alleged I believe and I think there’s might be a could potentially for a tree being put in in the in the renovation to pre prevent that from continuing to happen after I I told on him to Bobby weed sorry about that I hate that uh yeah I think you know looking at at uh quite a few like this is a good I think it’s a good setup for some of the amateurs and some of the young Pros out there of like quick shout to Stephen jger at even par as well we talked he was on the Pod about a month ago talking about his transformation and about how the next step for him was competing in major championships and now he’s got the the Arsenal to be able to do it like he’s right there t16 after round one so shout for that we’ve got uh Logan mallister at at even now this this is going to turn into a a story because he’s got Joe the show lacava’s son on the bag for him so uh if he can keep that going the opener yeah uh couple more I think we’ve got we’ve got morawa uh morawa had some things to say about the bunkers I guess it wasn’t as pointed as it came off um but you know he was saying how there’s different levels of sand in the bunkers it’s the same thing on the sand Bel dog like bunkers are a hazard they’re not supposed to be optimal playing conditions and I know the USGA is monitoring this this week or whatever but that’s part of the challenge like you got keep it out of the bunkers yeah all we saw was the transcript and it didn’t sound like he was necessarily complaining about it I think he was just acknowledging the fact that that was that was true I don’t think he it I think lost the benefit of the doubt when he started putting shoes on his dog though I had a feeling that was coming yeah but so uh are you guys buying or selling Brooks I don’t know I think Bayan I think Bayan I mean I think again like watching watching Rory play like what felt like a pretty perfect round of golf out here reminded me a lot of how Brooks plays golf you know if he’s in control of his ball I think he he has the patience test he kind of knows knows that gear and knows what to do so I I I like it can I I was gonna fly so when he got to three under I went back through his hole by hole and I was getting ready to like do like a screenshot of like I I guarantee Brooks has just played the fat part of every green and click back through and I was like ah oh he missed there and got away with it oh and he missed there and got away with it oh and he missed there and got away with it and then all of a sudden he made three Bogies coming in so I’m not positive how in control of his golf ball he is uh I was surprised to see that uh when I went and dug into the hole by hole um and wasn’t I guess wasn’t as surprised when I saw him make a couple buggies to go backwards so as it gets harder it could play more in his benefit um but yeah not kind of let the air out of his saes a little bit I think there’s something else with Brooks 2 where he’s he’s won at places with that tend to have big greens with a fat part and there isn’t really a fat part of a lot of these greens you know Beth pagee right those are big pretty flat greens B Reef dog [ __ ] uh you know shinicok a lot of undulation in those greens but there’s some big surfaces there yeah good point um you know Aaron Hills there’s there’s not a lot like you know kind of some pretty proper greens there and then what was the what was the one I’m missing Aaron Hills oill you say oill oill yeah big massive greens at oill you know and plenty plenty of Contours to kind of stop the ball there so he didn’t putt well today either um and I’d be remiss if I did not point out that uh the sustainability models have identified Matthew pavon as a likely candidate to regress at four and a half Strokes gained today so these are it’s not me pointing it out that’s the models that are pointing that out I hate that because the French are you know big into their nuclear power normally very sustainable uh Neil Shipley also really good round from him kind of continuing his his solid play you know he’s no longer spooked from whatever tiger said to him you know and Robert Rock wanted to get he’s he’s been retired for like years yeah uh he’s doing it Isaiah selinda good young player from Stanford Davis Thompson my guy H Paris English absolutely flushing it uh Big Bob McIntyre Sol anything to say there nothing other than I think we’re about we’re about RS here that’s that’s that’s pretty far down the list a couple dogs here still6 yeah Tommy sep straa Martin kimer didn’t see that one coming Captain uh and then Adam Scott too all those so Tim beaing making his his uh his US Open debut as well plus one tied with Cam Smith Ricky Fowler Willie Mack good story there too good to see Willie Mack well there so uh Cody you are going to give us a little bit of is it a history lesson a little Pinehurst Deep dive here what’s what’s the what’s the next segment here well I don’t know it started out to be a lot of different things we’re going to do this early on in the preview show we’re going to do it un happppy hour we’re just rolling it over but I want to say this is that I got really excited obviously I spent a lot of time in Piner spent a lot of time in Village was very lucky to live there for probably a couple too many years and then as soon as we moved away I immediately wanted to get back I got so excited uh when I saw this advert for the Pine Crest in this this week going on so if anybody that’s listening or watching they are also having a block party uh every day this week and go check it out I don’t know if there’s Rory fans there or not but they got live music good Tunes you know go go check them out but this is a good reminder Cody we should cease and desist their ass we technically own this this trademark at this point exactly we do and if people didn’t recognize that from the agenda now they know uh what’s with the train too there I saw there was like a happy hour or a party on the train so new this year they have the train so usually the Carolina Express that runs you know it’s just kind of fake there we use it around the holidays for you know Santa Claus and Polar Express and crap like that but they actually added a new route with Amtrak that’s taking people straight from a pickup drop off location and Raleigh right to the resort so it’s it’s incredible you’re not going through Southern Pines it’s not that route it’s the one that goes up from Pinehurst to Carthage like it’s truly incredible so you don’t just have to like fight your way through parking and everything else like that you can truly come on and ride the train and you can sing that song if you want I get it uh but you can have whatever party uh you want to have going on there guys the reason why I bring up the Pine Crest and do you guys know who uh one of the owners of the Pine Crest in is at one point in time just learned it today cter boy dad Donald Ross well not putter boy’s dad but yeah Donnie Ross one of his buddies um it was not they didn’t found it a lot of people think that he founded uh the actual Pine Crest in it was actually a lady who was the first uh she owned the First Independent Hotel uh in Pinehurst and then later moved over and was like the head uh head of hospitality and housekeeping at the The Manor in and then later moved on to this but Donald Ross owned the Pine Crest in really really cool fact um have you guys seen any of the old pictures of Pinehurst and like when they first started building the golf course and of course it was built on a cow pasture everything else like that kind of looked like this that’s where actual like Pinehurst number one Pinehurst number three sit at now do you know why it looks like that because the cow’s got consumption well that’s why the V that’s why the village was born reason why TC uh do you know anything about turpentine no oh so turpentine is actually harvested from pine trees and that’s why P or North Carolina is called the tarhill state because you would first harvest turpentine from the pine trees then you’d use all that excess sap and you’d boil it down into tar called them Tar Heels during the Civil War and it kind of stuck from there but that’s why all the trees were cut down and when they came down on the train from New England you know everywhere else in the Northeast they came and it was like wow there’s just a ton of empty sand here with you know it looks like trees why don’t we build a golf course here that’s why that’s kind of why it happened W weird weird total accident kind of an accident so you guys know Mr tus he’s the original or he’s the one who established the village of Pinehurst he wanted a southern Health kind of colony uh he was you know not in the best of health coming down from Boston didn’t want to go all the way to Florida on the train uh and decided that North Carolina was kind of the spot for for this new Village that he wanted to establish so in 1895 he establishes the village of Pinehurst um and he originally set it up as a health Colony for people with consumption I still have no clue what really consumption is consumption it did it didn’t really last too long I guess this kind of runs hand inand with tuberculosis but shortly after after uh they realize that tuberculosis is like extremely contagious and so after like one season of inviting everybody down to like hey come check out our place and stay in our hotel and like stay at these cool guest houses are like no please please don’t come back second thought yeah you’re making every or excuse me what did I say it’s actually tuberculosis thank you and then a bunch of people tweeting how that’s [ __ ] and there’s no science that that’s how it spreads exactly you guys uh the original activities around the Pinehurst Resort were not golf it was actually like you know the everybody in England our guy Patty’s gonna hate this but it was like fox hunting shooting everything else like that uh if you spend any time around the Carolina they have a ton of old like cool adverts that they had not just putter boy uh posters things like that but you know they had tennis at this point in time they were all the way up to three golf courses of course Donnie was down by then I think he moved down in like 1902 or something like that to build the first three golf courses no consumptives received at Pinehurst no nobody’s gonna get sick right do you guys know why outside of of the sand and everything the routine maintenance around Pinehurst number one and number two were done like this with a roller so you want to talk about like why the turf is so firm and fast and over time it’s just because for over 130 years they’ve just been like double rolling it every single day uh they’ve planted new grass since then of course I mean we’re talking about layers and layers here hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of feet of indeed I’m just hearing they have planted new grass since uh since the early 1900s who could say uh this is this is what Valhalla like if Valhalla if you guys want to get the roll yeah buy a bunch of sand dump it and then just start rolling it all right in 100 years we’ll get to yeah exactly otherwise [ __ ] off until then okay no this is this is the [ __ ] that’s like makes people like every time they go [ __ ] Tory Pines man like this is this this is real [ __ ] here yeah for sure our national open we should have coer ass places hundreds of years of History around that place I think one of the coolest things about Pinehurst and how it’s evolved over the last you know 15 20 years with the current leadership that they have is how the Cradle came to be it’s originally the first hole of courses one and uh course number three this week it’s actually a a driving range which I think kind of shocks people because any anybody who’s ever come to Pinehurst and tried to get a tea time on the on the Cradle number one is 50 bucks but number two it’s just a driving range this week and it could be outside of probably the practice facility at Augusta National one of the most expensive driving ranges at any uh you know course that holds a professional event what an epic driving range like great targets really really cool I hope they move the pine cone out of there code man well I thought the pine Tak taking shots on the Move shout out to will I think it is actually parked like by the first T somewhere okay anyway they lose the pine cone for a while it was MIA there’s there’s a lot of things that uh Weird Mysteries around there just like the mystery of the secret tunnel who would have thought that there’s just a tunnel now from the members locker room it’s not a secret uh but yeah weird weird [ __ ] going on around there and very haunted if you like I think Cody that was like the 2011 class if you need the Piner 101 class I want to shout out that Shane Ryan Golf Digest video was also was also excellent with some more it’s sweet truly truly is and I think that’s what again we said this but like the history around this place why is Pinehurst and anchor set why did the USGA invest in this and also get major tax breaks like that’s not a secret either uh it’s for a reason it’s because I think Piner shows out and can’t wait for the end of this event and we talk about 2029 and we talked about in 2014 how cool it was for men and women to go back toback that’s happening again the next time they host us which I’m really really psyched about hell yeah that was great makes go to P Nur uh thank you Cody we had a couple questions here and we are gonna get out of here I get to some live from I see Johnson Wagner’s out there I think we’ve already missed the the chipping exhibition Johnson Channel um let’s go to our our FootJoy moment of joy boy uh DJ I’m going to throw it to you first we teased it up at the top these are just moments could be truly anything this is a a true sandbox much like Pinehurst uh of you could bring anything in your life as a as a moment of Joy brought to you by our friends and Foo the official shoe glove and rainwear partner of no lay up D your first well I’ll say I missed uh there very few things that would have had me missing uh today’s golf but I missed a little bit of the morning coverage because I went and played golf had a tea time at Washington County Golf Course uh right down the road from Aaron Hills awesome golf of course first of all but my moment of joy is just is playing in uh one day competitive golf events I played at Wisconsin State Golf Association event today uh it was a net God I don’t even know if I’m gonna get all this right it was a net partner event it was like net Twan stableford but the stableford was weird because like the low man counted twice and but both scores count it was just a very funny weird format I had such a fun time man it was great I would urge implore everybody explore your State Golf Association if you’re here in the United States because very often they run hundreds of championships throughout the years they’re not just like the big state am the big state publinks the big state match play whatever uh where you have to be like a plus four to go play they they play they run a lot of like net events partner events fun things especially during the week there’s just weird stuff going on so uh I had such a fun time hitting cups and playing real Golf and just uh just having a ball out there go it makes me wish I lived in a a state that had really human beings in it it’s just like the Hostile old in Florida some of the fsga one one day events with the olds are also really fun I think you would have truly a great time out there too what uh you were saying you had some sort of ruling you guys got some sort of outrageous ruling uh I outrageous I don’t know if I I don’t remember if I said that or not first of all I respect the ruling so there was no question about it I I there’s no protest there’s no anything let me just tell you goes this so Washington county is it’s a lot like Aaron Hills it’s just a ton of Fescue like big ballpark with a with a ton of Fescue wasn’t really like marked as like red it’s just on the rule sheet like basically play the Fescue as a hazard okay like play it as a as a red Hazard so short par 4 drivable par 4 I hit it like kind of a snap hook left into the Fescue and it was very much like H I don’t know if we’re gonna find that so I was like I think my best place to drop is just going to be ring from here because of the angle and I didn’t cover anything so I declared a provisional and I hit another ball out there and then I ended up finding the first one and then we got like two holes later and I was like ah I don’t know if that’s actually I don’t know if you can declare a provisional when it’s red and so then I asked and they said no it’s not allowed technically kind of a wonky rule because it’s you know but you knew they basically gave me enough rope to hang myself said did you know that the Fescue was playing as a red a red Hazard I said yes I did they said then that’s going to be a penalty and I said that’s that’s that’s totally fine but I had not heard that one before TC what’s your moment of Joy uh a lot of different directions we could go here we could go with ludvig hitting like 16 greens which is crazy um I’ll have to check I don’t I don’t think it’s plural I think it is just moment of Joy yeah and something that didn’t bring me joy today Sally too was I went to Chick-fil-A there also not a and they changed their they changed like the the oral Palmer a Chick-fil-A it’s called a Sunjoy they did not it’s been years and years TC I I I’m this just your moment of Joy TC that’s all we’re looking for here haing uh my moment of Joy sge will you flash it up on the screen for me this this guy walked right in front of our guy Adam fona golf unfilter tweet tweeted this little screen grab of this guy walks right in front of the camera when I think it was Brooks he goes bro really and then our friend Luke quot right retweets it and says this dude lives in my neighborhood he’s the best and that just made me so happy I start I just I watched it like 10 times I started cracking up I’ll retweet it so people can see it but that’s fantastic uh I’m going I’m going full perspective on my moment of Joy uh it’s been a huge travel Year big travel year I would love I would love to be at Pinehurst I really would I I just you know need to be at home a little more frequently and so spending some time at home my daughter said her first word this week uh which I if I was at the US Open this week I would have missed and it’s it was just incredible and was it variance she said data data I thought it was D but it was data and uh it’s first Father’s Day coming up this Sunday and I’ve got to watch some of the golf with her today and it was it was very nice to not have my my uh my feet in two different places it was very much like I’m very happy to be taking in uh this one from home so she she made that very special and uh that’s that’s my that’s my moment very may maybe a little too literal a moment of Joy but that was my moment of joy for this past week that’s phenomenal that’s beautiful you had you had the second the second one on video you know it’s just great it’s great great got it um all right we’re gonna get out here two uh’s let’s just we we’ll say we got a couple questions we can save for another night where we don’t have guests uh in there but we do need the the kvv memorial stick your neck out prediction uh let’s buck them get them out there for what just a prediction for the rest of this week DJ I’m GNA throw to you first are we doing a bit is it supposed to be an obvious prediction or actual predic actual prediction uh I think Rory wins I’ve been thinking about it wins come on te you can that could either be a bit or it could be serious you don’t know but either way you’re gonna buy a ticket Cody do you have one I’m putting you on the spot uh yeah Roy is gonna win this thing wow TC stick your neck out uh I’m I’m taking it day by day I’m gonna say uh Zach Zack Blair and Bryson dambo are paired together on Saturday would be one of the most provocative pairings in it really would in the history of golf fris we bet it’s like Eddie Lowry uh I’m sticking my neck out uh I think Bryson’s gonna win I think I really think he’s gonna win I do W God that’d be sick I think he’s gonna win I think number two for Bryson and a much more proper one too like it’s this is that was a totally different setup and style of play that he was playing and I think I think Bryson’s gonna win it so but also I I still think Scotty’s gonna win as well so that that’s my possibly Rory and maybe more Kawa as well so all right that’s gonna do it for night one Thursday recap thanks everyone for tuning in thanks to High Noon as always uh thanks to TC for putting in our slack they should put a bunch of snakes in the native areas I love that that should have been my moment of Joy actually that was that was the best slack message of the day uh and uh thank you of course to foresight Omni SVP for popping on Cody for the history lesson and for running the ones and twos great great day can’t wait for the rest of the week one of the best weeks of the year uh and Piner is delivering the good so thanks everyone for tuning in during major weeks you guys are what makes it very fun to do these and uh we’ll bring them Friday Saturday and Sunday see you then shout out to the USGA we’re rooting for you guys you’re crushing it keep an eye on them but we’re also keeping an eye on that


  1. I was actually disappointed in brooks the way he finished the round. He looked like the absolute rock solid us open killer then just lost it a little. Not out of the tournament though!

  2. Does everything on the podcast have to involve the guys talking about themselves or some sort of bit? Pod is gone downhill the last couple of years imo.

  3. If you don't want players taking relief from shot link towers. Get rid of shot link. No great loss. If you really need it play golf on a play station.

  4. The course should be perfect considering it costs about 600 to play it. Its such a great course but there are a ton of great courses you dont need a 2nd mortgage to play. I played it when it was 300 and I thought that was too much lol.

  5. the relief scottie and bryson got really pissed me off. they need to adjust the rules. if you hit it a billion miles off the fairway and a wire is in your way, well, tough shit.

  6. You have SVP on your show.. but still the chanel has less than a million subs? The Tourist Sauce series might be the best youtube series ever made, but The Pod is to the moon.

  7. The “block party” but is so tired. Both because of Rory’s play and because it’s unfunny

  8. I'm with SVP, Pinehurst 2 is the opposite of what I enjoy in golf! When I'm down there, I'll take the drive over to Tobacco Road instead, and love life.

  9. Soly you looked at this entire day and you were "most proud" of the broadcast which kicked to an app to watch the 3 top ranked players in the world complete their round? C'mon man. Thank you TC for still speaking for the fan and not praising NBC for doing the bare minimum (if that)

  10. For all the talk about how Pinehurst was going to be a beast and bring the field to its knees, today’s first round scoring was not much different than first round scoring last year at LACC. Pinehurst had ideal conditions for a firm and fast set-up and had two 65’s leading, while LACC had botched USGA set-up compounded by weather issues that resulted in softer greens and two 62’s. On the high score side, there were only three 80’s and one 84 today at Pinehurst, which is a low number for an Open venue.

  11. So TC gets mad at the USGA for not penalizing folks for slow play. Then immediately answers single answer questions with so many points he would have been better served with a PowerPoint. 😂

  12. Patrick "Dahmer"Cantlay. Honestly think the guy is a stealth psychopath. No emotion. Probably practices smiling in the mirror.

  13. It’s so funny how these guys consistently rip on Collin, one of the most likable guys on Tour from an on course demeanor and fan interaction perspective. If Min Woo and Collin are friends you know Collin is a good guy. And the dog with shoes thing, for all we know that’s his wife’s doing

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