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Judge Shuts Down Entitled Yankees Fans

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Y how the hell are we it’s a beautiful gorgeous Monday afternoon in the United States of America welcome back EV I’m back baby this morning I was in England I couldn’t tell if that was a yo or a yawn it was a combo of both here’s how screwed up it is when you’re in England for a few days and then you come back to New York this morning you know what I did hey ask me Evan what’ you do this morning what did you do this morning I watched the Yankees play the Los Angeles Dodgers live and it was in the morning it was a 1:00 a.m. game and I was locked in now we got a lot to get to on this beautiful Monday I will share some of the beauties of London England and the experience of watching baseball there as the show rolls on it is breaking news but Dan Hurley is staying at Yukon he has turned out a monster offer from the Los Angeles Lakers and it was a very very wise decision and more on Darren Waller making the inevitable announcement so we got a lot to get to on this busy Monday but this was a very entertaining baseball weekend with the LA Dodger fans invading Yankee Stadium with the great atmosphere we saw over the last three games with the Dodgers winning on Friday winning on Saturday and the Yankees coming back on Sunday and to me look it’s three games it was a great test CU you’re playing the Dodgers at the end of the day it’s only three games in the standings but nevertheless you can learn a lot from this and I learned a lot from these three games against the Dodgers but can I start with number one thing that I learned go ahead you people Yankee fans I don’t understand you like I I’m all for a chant like I’m a big chanting kind of guy I like chants I think chants are fun especially when they’re not dirty especially when you’re not chanting F this guy or F that guy and I appreciate that the Yankees cleaned it up this weekend there were no F mooki chants or fotani chance or F Yamamoto chance they did bow him though they did B and that’s great like for that but what I cannot get over and maybe it’s because I was watching the game at 1:00 a.m. maybe it’s because I haven’t slept in 36 hours maybe it’s because I just got off a plane from London England but I cannot wrap my head around we want sto I don’t understand it like guys he was hurt it’s not as if Aaron Boone said you know what I’m gonna do I got this great strategy I’m going to keep Juan sto from competing against the LA Dodgers I Got This brilliant strategy me and Scott Boris were concocting it like they weren’t keeping Juan SoDo from the Yankees Juan SoDo was hurt so when I’m watching this game Tiki like I’m racking my brain like why are we chanting we want stto you know why he’s not playing like I didn’t get that one bro interestingly your emotion is the exact same emotion as Aaron judge who said he was not happy with that chant from Yankee fans but I think you’re misreading it from from a Yankee you’re not even looking at it from a Yankee fan perspective you’re just looking at it as an an an IBO perspect doesn’t make any sense he’s not playing so then tell me from Yankee fan perspective what that means so to me and I only know this because I have a I have cheer daughters and we go to cheer competitions all year long and right before one of the teams comes out it’s we want Crossfire we want bomb squad we want bomb shells and it’s you know the requisite right so I it’s more of a of like a it’s it’s uplifting it’s like we we want someone who’s going to come give us a show right and Juan sto who in the Yankee fans Minds was available it wasn’t like he was you know hidden or at the hospital or didn’t come to the ballpark he’s sitting on the top step and he looks healthy and he probably warmed up before the game and said hello and signed autographs and so he looks available if the team should need him and in that moment they needed him now luckily for the Yankees Tren Grisham was like sit down so I got this and he goes yard and then the next time up they’re chanting we want Gish so it’s different now let me say so to me it’s about the show right and I only know this because this is what my I do this every weekend with my kids like we want to see the show entertain us like tell us why we’re here or show us why we’re here rooting for you it had nothing to do with diminishing Grisham even though ju Aaron judge thought that I it was just more about give me the show and right now Juan stto is a show especially after two straight losses and potentially getting swept by the Dodgers we all know how important one stto is like obviously he’s an incredibly important player but I also think the Yankees handled this brilliantly it’s three games in the middle of June yes I mean let’s can we be honest about these three games yes it was a lot of fun yes it was sold out yes Dodger fans paid a lot of money to fly East and go but it’s three games in the middle of June and if Juan stto is dealing with an injury which he is even if it’s minor even if there was no structural damage the Yankees were being smart in all my years sitting here watching met games Yankee games Nick games Ranger games I’ve never heard that before like the only time I’ve ever heard a we want chant was when Nick fans would do it to Dereck Rose cuz he was their Victory human cigar so they would be like we want Derek they and then they stuck him in the starting lineup and it all with the pot no no I mean after that I mean it was when they would bring him in like in the final minute of the game I got you I got you I got you and like I understood that I didn’t understand that last night like he’s not playing but he was Yanke aren keeping him from you he was available that’s the reality you don’t know look Aaron Boon said he may be available he didn’t declare that he definitely was and look in the sixth inning I know it was odd to see Trent Grisham batting fifth maybe Aaron Boon just watched the best of three Padres Mets Wild Card series from two years ago and was inspired cuz we met fans know how good Trent chrisam could be this year he’s had a God awful season so I can’t explain why he’s batting he said 50 play to pair 50 at bats well that’s a part of the problem like a part of the problem and it’s a good thing is that the Yankees we talked about this last week the Yankees have this new strategy of just playing their guys like they don’t mess around Aaron judge plays every day until Juan stto got hurt he played every day until a few days ago even Anthony Rizzo played every day and so when you play guys every day your bench players rarely play yes so jamai Jones did anybody remember he’s still on the team no he barely plays Trent Grisham barely plays I just thought it was like the oddest chant ever like I’m looking around I wanted to wake up my wife and say what we want like I get a we want when something’s being kept from you like did you think Shawn woto was being kept from you well it felt like that he’s hurt dude Evan we went over this at the end of last week while you were in London too there is distrust still with Yankee fans and Yankee management about the handling of injuries and what’s going to happen we now got to Sunday that’s how you’re reading it still because this is part of it we got to Sunday on what was by the way after another bomb last night uh why is he slipping my mind the guy who killed us whole weekend uhar Herz after he had set out it was becoming the most lost weekend of weekends that this yankee team few and far between it had and if you hear before the game Soto again not I bound potentially available those are Yankee fans many of which that ponied up before the year to get to a Dodger game that was an expensive ticket that frankly sitting there going we wanton stto is he available or not that’s the way I read it because I would have been chanting the same thing you keep telling me potentially could come he can’t swing the bat for one at bat let’s go here okay here here’s my if the Yankees were playing like they’re about to play the Kansas City Royals and the Kansas City Royals have off to a a really good start this year they’re 12 games above five more on them a little bit later on if this series was against Kansas City same record Yankee Stadium would you guys have been chanting that probably not so you’re chanting it because the Dodgers are in look like it or not and whether it doesn’t really matter on the standings or not because it’s a national league team there was no denying from anybody that was in the ballpark or around the ballpark this weekend this weekend felt like a playoff type atmosphere and I can’t blame fans in those seats for then treating it as no no but all I’m saying to that is I get that it was different I get that the resale was different I get that the in tell was different it felt big I could feel it from London watching it on TV but in the whole grand scheme of things it’s not that much bigger and so the Yankees had to handle onean soda with care and not just say well screw it we’re down a run in the six use them the fan in real time is not thinking that the fan in real time is saying I want to be entertained now Aaron judge he is my source of entertainment he’s fantastic I mean every single night he is fantastic his Ops in June and I know it’s only 10 days in it’s it’s almost 2,000 it’s crazy it’s unreal makes no damn sense he’s walking he’s hitting home runs he’s hitting extra base hits got doubles and triples and everything else going on right now so the show is already there but the show with the show so Soo with judge that’s exciting that like tells you we can win any and every game in fact they came into the series what eight or nine games they were on a winning streak I forget what it was eight games eight games winning winning streak and it’s Soto doing his thing and the judge doing his thing and so facing a three- game sweep to the Dodgers felt like oh we can’t have this give us SoDo like I understand it like to me it’s not it’s no disrespect to anybody and I know Aaron judge took it as disrespect to Trent Grisham to me it’s not that it’s I’m here to see the show I I bought tickets for this specific game on this beautiful weekend to see the Yankees beat the Dodgers I know it means nothing but for right now in this little Silo this isolated moment I want to see Juan stto coming and be the hero that he’s paid to be so despite the guy clearly being banged off to stick him in the game in the I don’t I don’t even think it was a reality I don’t think it was something was even considering right I think he’s slow playing this you know partly to Shawn’s point he’s like all right he’s available we don’t really need him right now so we’re not going to rush him back he wasn’t ever really available him being on the lineup card unless they get down to literally their last man he wasn’t playing I never thought he’d be available and I know I wasn’t here to say it but my ra my reasoning is kind of similar to what I’m saying right now if you have an injury scare with someone as valuable as Juan stto and you’re in the midst of having a hell of a season and you got great news that the MRI came back clean the last thing you’re going to do is Rush him back into the lineup it’d be foolish so why not 10day I then because he doesn’t necessarily need 10 days he needs three or four days but you’re not putting him back in the lineup the next day the day after we already went through two days without him and Evan if he’s in the lineup tonight then he wasn’t available for an bat last night that’s the point you’re going to run this like fine line of when that’s actually possible to me as a fan who if you’re not going to rush him back then what’s the difference between pin shating him or playing him tomorrow night you might as well put him on a 10day i retroactively I think you want to be careful and I think the Yankees are being careful with them as they should because here’s one of the other things I learned from this weekend besides the fact that we shouldn’t get nuts about the results it’s only three games whether they won all three lost all three I don’t want to call it an exhibition because they all count the standings but whole grand scheme of things what did it mean but here’s the other thing we all learned and we probably knew already when the Yankees are without woto they remind you a lot of 2022 they remind you a lot of hey Aaron judge is our hero Aaron judge is our God we need Aaron judge to carry us and if he does we go in a baseball game like we saw on Sunday night yes but they are so riing on Aaron judge and I think what happens too is about two weeks ago I came on the ear to you and said you know there’s a growing concern and that growing concern is Anthony Rizzo and I almost felt like I needed to whisper it because the Yankees are playing great baseball everybody’s really happy but once you start to lose a game here or there or you lose Juan stto for a few days and he’s not in the lineup it starts to make things that you already noticed even more noticeable so Anthony Rizzo has been a mess to the point where Aaron Boon benched him the other day he’s going to probably be bench tonight but I think what also happens when Juan isn’t in the lineup is it Expos es to you the other questions that the Yankees have Gaber Torres has had a terrible contract year and I’m not just talking about his Bat we know about his defense Anthony Rizzo as I mentioned is at a terrible season to the point where he’s being benched and so what happens I think when Juan’s out of the lineup is it just reminds you kind of puts a magnifying glass on some of the holes that you already knew that they had that become even bigger because you don’t have that second beast in the lineup which is another reason why the fan is chanting we want stto cuz they probably even if they’re not thinking of it in the rhetorical way that you just said it they are thinking about this this offense feels different without Juan stto so give us wano we know he’s available because he’s sitting right there I can see him with my eyes right there he’s not hiding in the back of the Dugout or in the clubhouse he’s sitting right there give me so do you know what ruins me on this I think there’s one thing that really ruins me I’m a big professional wrestling fan uh and every time the bloodline is out there these days we get we want Roman and that makes sense here’s a professional wrestler who he’s saying he should go hide well no he’s a professional wrestler who on his own accord is a away he’s vacationing Roman Reigns you me Roman Reigns he made a decision rightfully so you know what I’m going to stay away for a while they’re going to want me to come back when I come back I’m gonna be a super baby face so I’m hearing the same Chan for Juan sto and all that can go through my mind is guys the guy’s hurt the guy is injured he’s marginally hurt I can’t call it hurt well look he’s hurt enough to where he’s hurting he’s not injured let’s put it that way are you hurt or are you injured can I defend Juan for a second of course this is not Juan I’m sure if if he was given his brothers he would probably want to play exactly you’s taking he’s taking the advice and sitting out and and handling it I think pretty well you know why I trust woto though why because his track record is of one who plays of course of course he doesn’t want to sit out he doesn’t want to sit there and be collect the paycheck and and be available whenever probably killed him to not face the LA Dodgers to not face a team that by the way he has a history against whether it’s his time in Washington or his time in San Diego and certainly the energy that filed Yankees Stadium so for him not to be in the lineup Friday and not to be in the lineup Saturday and not to be used shows you he’s hurt you play be a man excuse me Susan wait a second I didn’t see that one coming oh Susan but I defend Juan sto because I I think what we do sometimes and I love baseball man I just went to London England I love baseball there are games and there are series that feel so big they feel so special this weekend was special I admit that sold out crowd dirty Dodger fans showing up at Yankee Stadium the hottest secondary of the season games that felt like it had electricity games that were on national TV every day like dude I get the enormity of how it felt but in the whole grand scheme of things what was it yeah it was just a couple of games in the early part of June that it’s a long way from being meaningful no doubt that’s what it was and look it’s easy to say wouldn’t this be a great World Series let me give you a spoiler alert it won’t be the World Series you want to know why you know why because the LA Dodgers are going to choke to some crappy team in the first week of October and Cousin Dave is going to make big mistakes at least you went to the National League uh part of that that equation not making it to the World Series oh no no I’m not Ripp otherwise it would have been haish no no no I’m otherwise you would have got the ey of the YY fan I have more confidence in the Yankees making the World Series than the Dodgers making the World Series I believe in their track record of coming up small against some 85 win team that’s why I hope the Mets win 85 games so maybe we’ll be the team that knocks them off but I tell you the other thing I learned about this weekend what’s that Dodger fans are the worst they are so freaking obnoxious for any Yankee fan that was in the building any of these three days you know what I’m saying you sat next to them you had your arms rubbing against them you heard the words coming out of their mouth let me tell you something from firsthand experience in Los Angeles California to firsthand experience at City Field there is no more underratedly horri disgusting fan base than the Los Angeles Dodgers they don’t get that rap though that’s why I said underrated yeah I I wouldn’t even thought that Yankee fans if you were in the building Friday Saturday or Sunday testify 88888 1019 CU you know I’m right 888 88119 the Dodger fans showed up they even needed that fugazi police escort you saw that video they are the most vile sports fans this side of Philadelphia actually what I’ve cooled off on Philadelphia I made some friends while I was in London England oh the Philly fans yeah they’re nice right the Dodger fan is like the most and trust me Yankee fan you know this they invaded your building and they showed no respect I’m telling you man they’re the worst you don’t want a Yankee Dodger World Series you don’t want to deal with those people for a best of seven series they won’t be in the building come come World Series you think we’ll block them out absolutely prices will get too high no not even the prices cuz they can afford it I mean it’s high flute in Hollywood land over there they can afford it I think Yanke fans going to come correct if it’s Yankees do so Yankee fans did not come correct this weekend ah it’s the beginning of the summer I’m going out to The Hamptons going to Iceland going to London going wherever I just read something about puffins like you do something you go somewhere all of a sudden you notice everything about the place you just went puffins are in Iceland there’s a podcast that I just happened to listen to they were talking about puffins and how cute they are yet they serve them on the menu over there it’s it was like disturbing it really was is it puffing an animal it’s a bird it’s a little bird little puffing bird you go fried or grilled on that probably tastes like chicken we’ll have a lot of food talk a little bit later on as well because Steve Cohen said something that’s a bullace lie about the food in London we’ll get to that a little bit later on tollfree numberers 888 88119 [Music]


  1. Ironically…
    Yamamoto, pitched with Soto on the bench.
    Judge, couldn’t do it single handedly with the rest of the lineup, until two losses later.

  2. I'll give Evan a pass because he was 6,000 miles away but Yankee Fans kept hearing the manager say Soto could be an option off the bench until last night when the possibility of him playing against KC was being bandied about so naturally people thought he could pinch hit and who better to PH for than Grisham who was batting under .100. Credit Grisham for saying STFU with the 3 run Homer which was huge. He was not the hole in the lineup he has been most of the season so far. Evan doesn't know the story behind the chants so I give him a break.

  3. I think it had alot to do with soto saying the discomfort doesnt come from baseball activities nor hinder his play

  4. Yankees handled this brilliantly? They lost 2 out of 3 at Yankee stadium 😂😂😂wtf are you talking about? I can't wait to see the Yankees fall in the playoffs 😂😂

  5. My thing is let the dodgers think they can beat us.. look how cocky they are now that they beat us without Soto and cole … come playoff time everyone should be healthy that’s the goal.. and they aren’t gonna be ready for us at full strength

  6. I mean he was on the top step with a bat ,his shin guard on and his helmet next to em…of course they were cha ting we want Soto

  7. No it legit was because Yankees fans wanted the star who is “possibly available to pinch hit” and is hitting over 300 ba rather than the defensive replacement who is hitting under 100 ba. You’re kidding yourself that it was an uplift kind of chant. It was questioning Boone or beseeching him, no offense Grisham. But, of course the perfect thing happened to make the chanters and all Yankee fans by extension look spoiled selfish and awful. But boy am I glad to be made look stupid! Nice job Grisham. A game winner that!

  8. Judge haters can F themselves. He’s everything good about baseball. Great player, classy, and humble. Some fools just hate life.

  9. I wanted soto to pinch hit for stanton when the bases was loaded in the first game against the dodgers

  10. Shut the F up. Who cares what judge thinks. He doesn't pay the fans entrance fee does he? Don't tell fans how to fan simple as that. Boo hooo judge and tiki

  11. As a Dodgers fan myself, I have to agree that we got some fans that are wrong among us sometimes. I got a homegirl that I grew up with that plays for the Marine band and performed music at a game recently on Military Appreciation Day. Some of our fans taunted them, while in military uniform, because one of them was wearing a Padres hat. Not a good look at all. I love the Dodgers, but we gotta do better as fans.

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